Antibiotics during pregnancy What to do. Allowed and prohibited antibiotics during pregnancy. If the patient entered in serious condition

Antibiotics - biological substances that are synthesized by microorganisms and kill bacteria and other microbes. Without their help, it is difficult to cope with many diseases, but their technique is fraught with violations of certain functions of the body. It is especially acute the question is whether antibiotics can take antibiotics during pregnancy, since everything is talking about the harmfulness of such therapy for the infused child and for the future mother.

In fact, the Golden Middle is needed: the full ban of antibiotics in this period is impossible, since in some cases they turn out to be vital. However, the thoughtful and reasonable use of these drugs will help to avoid negative consequences.

Indications for application

The question and reception of antibiotics during pregnancy, only the doctor decides. It is impossible on the recommendations of acquaintances to engage in self-medication. Indications for the reception of such drugs are very limited. Doctors prescribe them only in the most extreme cases when no other treatment can help. These include:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • burns;
  • extensive injuries;
  • purulent wounds;
  • infectious complications (sepsis, for example);
  • brucellosis, mite borrelliosis.

To avoid heavy complications in these cases, the use of antibiotics is justified: the benefit for the mother is obvious to the risk for the fetus. Unfortunately, not all women understand that antibiotics are not neutralized by all microorganisms, and they begin to treat such diseases in themselves, in which they are useless:

  • ORVI;
  • flu;
  • increased temperature;
  • cough;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • fungal lesions (skin, mucous membranes).

It is especially fraught with an uncontrolled, independent technique of antibiotics without appointing a doctor in the early period of pregnancy, when a small body is just beginning to be formed. The destructive effect of powerful drugs can make its own adjustments to the development of the fetus, breaking it and adversely affecting its health.

The effects of taking antibiotics

The main consequences of taking antibiotics during pregnancy are the baby, and not the mother itself. They can penetrate the placenta in the body of the child. There they have a harmful effect on developing, growing bodies, which is subsequently fraught with the most different pathologies and complications:

  • toxic action (especially in 1 trimester of pregnancy) on the hearing nerve and the liver of the baby;
  • circulatory disorder;
  • defeat enamel teeth;
  • the slowdown in the growth of bones and the formation of heavy defects of bone tissue.

The harmful effects of antibiotics on the emerging body of the future child scientists are still studying. But the fact that in the first months of pregnancy they apply the maximum damage has already been proven and no doubt.

Antibiotics, which are used in 2 and in the 3 trimester, when small organs are already formed, do not cause much harm, but they can still cause deviations from the norm in the future. To prevent this, you need to know which drugs are permitted pregnant women and do not pose a hazard to the health and development of the baby, and which strictly-setting is prohibited.

Prohibited and allowed antibiotics during pregnancy

There are prohibited and allowed antibiotics during pregnancy - dangerous and safe. There are between them and an intermediate group that is allowed only in particularly dangerous situations.

  • doxycycline;
  • tetracycline;
  • fluoroquinolones (cyprolet, ciprofloxacin, nolitsin, phloxal, abaltal);
  • clarithromycin (feromylide, clasid, claws);
  • roxitromycin;
  • midekamicin;
  • aminoglycosides (tobramycin, kanamycin, streptomycin);
  • furazidin (Furagin, Furamag);
  • nifuroksazid (Enterofuril, Ersphuril);
  • chloramphenicol (syntomicin, leftomycetin, Olavol);
  • dioxidine;
  • co-trimoxazole (Bactrim, Biseptol, Grosptol).
  • azithromycin (Zitrolide, Sumamed, Chemomycin, ZI factor);
  • nitrofurantoin (Furadonin);
  • metronidazole (Trichopol, Clion, Metrogil, Flagil);
  • gentamicine.
  • penicillin (amoxiclav, amoxicillin, ampicillin);
  • cephalosporins (cefazolin, ceftriaxone, cephalexin, cigacity, cefuroxime, cefoperazone, ceftazidim, cefotaxim, cefepim);
  • erythromycin;
  • spiramycin (rovamicin);
  • josamicin (Viliprafen).

Given these lists, a pregnant woman should take care of any treatment with antibiotics. In 1 trimester, about 5 months, without the urgent need to resort to such therapy, it is possible only to appoint a doctor. During this period, the formation of organs and tissues of the child occurs, and under the influence of powerful drugs may occur irreversible disorders in their functioning. If antibiotics are still prescribed, it is impossible to independently change the scheme, schedule and dosages that the doctor defined. All this is of great importance for the development of the fetus on any gestation period.

Everyone knows that during pregnancy, there are contraindicated use of any drug funds, especially antibiotics, since they have the property to penetrate the fetus through the placenta and affect its growth and development. However, it should be noted that the child's beating period itself provokes an aggravation of diseases in chronic form, and also increases the risk of developing new ones, because the immune defense of the woman in this period is strongly weakened. How to be if a pregnant woman needs treating antibiotics? In this case, the future motley has a lot of questions about the reception of antibacterial drugs, their dosage, side effects, etc.

Antibiotics are considered substances of biological origin, which are synthesized by microorganisms and adversely affect the growth of bacteria and other microbes. Reception of antibiotics may be a threat to the health of the future kid. Some representatives of these substances are generally contraindicated during pregnancy, since they can provoke various anomalies in development, to cause the admission of the deafness and disability of the child.

And, nevertheless, antibiotics are forced to take almost every second pregnant woman to preserve the life of the fetus and health itself. For example, in the future mommy identified pyelonephritis, in this case, the whole pregnancy will be accompanied by the intake of antibiotic drugs, because it is vital treatment.

The feasibility of using antibacterial drugs defines only a specialist. But still, some things should know every woman during the toddler period. In particular:

  • Antibiotic preparations have effectiveness only for bacterial diseases of an infectious nature. In the remaining cases, these drugs are dangerous and harm the body.
  • Sources of ARVI and influenza serve viruses, so treatment with antibiotics of these states is not effective. It is worth noting that such biological substances do not have an anesthetic or antipyretic effect. They are not a means of cough (moreover, the causes of cough can be the most different from viral infection to the increased sensitivity of the bronchi to external stimuli), do not help with intestinal disorders (since the reasons may have a wide variety of "roots"), do not treat fungal lesions (Skin fungal infections, thrush). In the latter case, special preparations that have narrow specifics are used.
  • It is also necessary to remember that the reception of antibacterial drugs before conception still affects spermatozoa and egg cell, provoking the development of embryo pathologies.
  • Unwanted, I would say, contraindicated, the reception of antibiotic drugs in the first three months of pregnancy (especially with the third on the sixth week), because it is during this period that all organs and kid systems occur. Under the urgent need to five weeks of pregnancy, antibiotic therapy is prescribed with extreme caution, and the treatment of the future motley is carried out under strict control by specialists for its condition and the state of the fetus. However, it is worth remembering that at the end of the medication therapy, they will still have a damaging effect on the body of the future kid, but without causing any deformities in the delpreter.

Therefore, if the identity of the infection does not threaten its health or health of the fetus, then the treatment is better to spend after twenty-four weeks of pregnancy. In this situation, if the doctor prescribes you antibiotic therapy, you should clarify all its expediency. The main causes of the use of antibiotics during pregnancy are acute intestinal infections, pyelonephritis (or inflammatory process in renal tissue), sexually transmitted infections, as well as various kinds of serious diseases, for example, purulent-inflammatory, septic diseases (complicated ARVI, bronchitis, sinusitis , Pneumonia) and other diseases associated with the activities of pathogenic bacteria. During the tooling of the child, this disease has a more severe course than in the usual state, so it is necessary to start treatment as quickly as possible.

If during the toddler period, the reception of antibiotics is simply necessary, you need to understand some of the rules for their reception:

  • This or another type of drug can only be prescribed by the attending physician (no self-treatment!), Given the terms of its use, the overall state of the health of women.
  • Before the doctor regards the antibiotic drug, it is necessary to tell a specialist in detail about any health problems that take place before pregnancy, genetic predisposition and is especially important to tell about allergic reactions.
  • During the reception, it is strictly forbidden to change the duration of therapeutic course, change the dosage, etc., otherwise it is possible to reduce its effectiveness.
  • In the event of explicit side effects when taking antibiotics, as well as any uncomfortable sensations from their application, it should be abandoned immediately.

The effect of antibacterial drugs during pregnancy.According to numerous studies, it was found that antibiotics do not affect the genetic or hereditary apparatus, do not provoke the occurrence of congenital malformations. And, nevertheless, some types of antibiotics can cause an embryotoxic effect, expressed in violation of the kidney functions, leaning the teeth, the damage to the auditory nerve, etc.

In the early period of pregnancy, these drugs are strictly limited to use and are prescribed with great care. Penicillin row (ampicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin, amoxycylin, ampicillin, amoxyclove, and the like are most preferred for treatment. They, even with long-term use, do not contribute to the development of anomalies in the development of the fetus. But they also have their drawbacks, among them the stability of some microorganisms to them. In other words, therapy with data with certain diseases may be absolutely not effective.

If necessary, antibiotic therapy at an early stage of pregnancy, the doctor, appreciating everything and against, can assign the antibiotics of the Cephazolinov group (ceftriaxone, cefazolin, etc.). Usually they are prescribed in case of serious diseases, such as pneumonia. With LOR-Diseases, drugs in early pregnancy are prescribed for local applications. For example, the drug bioparox, it can be used without concerns on any time.

In the second half of the babe of the baby options for antibiotics, which can be applied on this period, significantly more, however, and they should be appointed only by the leading specialist.

Antibiotics prohibited during pregnancy.

  • Tetracycline, doxycycline, because there is a toxic effect on the liver of the fetus, and also accumulate in the bones.
  • Ciprofloxacin, Nolysin, Ciprolets - have a damaging effect on the joints of the fetus, and on any gestation.
  • Furagin, Furamag, Erspuril - in general, negatively reflects on the fruit.
  • Levomycetin and drugs, in the composition of which it is present, as the baby acts on the bone marrow, violates the blood formation process.
  • Dioxidine - provokes the occurrence of various mutations and deviations in the development of the child.
    Biseptol - the growth and development of the baby will leaken, significantly increases the risk of congenital anomalies.

Antibiotics and conception.Situations are very often observed when women for ignorance were treated with antibiotics, being in position. How to be in this situation? Can this somehow damage the baby? If the drug used relates to a safe group, then he will have an effect on the fruit or no. If the drug was from the group forbidden during the baby tooling, then in the early deadlines all this could end the miscarriage, or the drug can provoke a frasonal pregnancy.

In the first case, the output is only one: it is necessary to refuse to receive an antibiotic and wait. With the negative effect of the drug, miscarriage will occur if the fruit survives, then, in most cases, it will continue to develop without deviations.

To identify frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to test blood for hCG, and several times. The same results or low indicators will be proof of stopping the development of the fetus. Another criterion is a vaginal ultrasound in terms of less than four weeks.

Hurry up to do an abortion immediately, fear of anomalies in the development of the baby is not worth it. After all, if there has been a negative effect of the medication, the embryo in most cases die. Development defects, usually develop against the background of the impact of harmful in later stages during the growth of organs.

When planning pregnancy, it is necessary to completely refuse to receive any medicines, lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in light sports.

The beginning of pregnancy is the time when a woman has to treat everything that can affect the state. She tries to eat right, a lot to walk, get more positive emotions. But this is not always able to protect against the disease, which means that medication. Is it possible to use antibiotic in the treatment of early after pregnancy and what?

Before delay: Is there a threat?

It is impossible to know about pregnancy before the emergence of the first obvious signs. And if it was not planned, most likely, the symptoms are designated after the delay. And before that a woman leads a familiar lifestyle in which treatment with antibiotics can also be a place. And finding his condition, many are afraid that they irreparably hurt their future child to their reception.

Specialists argue that there are no grounds for concerns. Of course, the embryo at this stage of development is a very fragile substance. Not yet formed fabrics that could protect him. And if the fetal egg has undergone an irreversible negative impact, its body is most likely to turn back. This is the worst thing that may threaten pregnancy. With the normal development of the embryo, this will not happen. But the situation must be controlled with the doctor. Specialist to ensure proper tracking can prescribe different types of surveys, which otherwise would not be carried out so often. But it is not necessary to refuse them not to miss the possible pathology of the development of the fetus.

Diseases in which you can take antibiotics

Reception of antibiotics in the early periods of pregnancy is acceptable if there are serious testimony to it, among which:

  • Gestational pyelonephritis. The disease often pursues women in this state, increases the load on the outline system of the future mother. And it threatens her life, so it should be eliminated. Treatment is carried out in the hospital.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Do not take an antibiotic at the slightest manifestation. There are funds that will help without affecting the fetus, and they are not antibacterial. But no matter how the respiratory body is affected, any of the infections is manifested by a cough. Without the necessary treatment, this symptom will develop to such a level that the spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus may occur. And this is the direct threat of miscarriage. With such a development of events, the doctor may appoint an antibiotic.
  • Intestinal infections. Another chance of interrupt and lack of opportunity to absorb nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. But the diagnosis should be delivered by a specialist, since not any diarrhea is a sign of precisely the infectious origin of the disease.
  • Purulent wounds, injuries occupying a large lesion area.
  • Infections caused by specific pathogens. This is brucellosis, Lyme disease, etc. No other, except antibiotics from them not to get rid of them. These diseases make a threat to the life of the mother and are transmitted to the fetus.
  • Blood poisoning. This is also a life-threatening condition, not removed by any other means;
  • Multi-way. Increased volume of the accumulation fluid can be caused by infection. Then no antibiotics do not do, because otherwise the threat of fetal infection is created.
  • Cystitis. The inflamed bladder becomes such due to infection, which can go to reproductive organs. For fetus and pregnancy, it is dangerous, therefore, it is advisable to treatment with antibiotics.

In each case, its absence can lead to the results more gravily than the use of drugs. They should be appointed only by a specialist, he will also determine the dosage and the duration of the course of therapy.

It is impossible to use antibiotics with conventional colds, the slightest ailment, increasing the temperature, as you used to do many.

What drugs are permissible to take pregnant

Among the many antibacterial agents are those that can be used pregnant. But their appointment is the prerogative of the doctor, independent use is unacceptable. This is in any case the potent means that are shown only when it cannot be replaced with them.

Allowed antibiotics during early pregnancy:

  • Related to the penicillin group. In addition to the drug itself, it is also ampicillin, amoxiclav, amoxicillin. They have the opportunity to leak through the placenta, but the negative impact on the fetus when applying them is not marked. An important advantage of the drugs of this group is that they are rapidly removed by the kidneys, not traumating their cells;
  • Included in the group of cephalosporins. Ceftriaxon, Cefixim, Cephazolin, Cefotaxim, Cefhazidim, Cefoperazazon, Cefepim, Cefuroxime, is permissible to use when antibiotics are needed at an early stage of pregnancy. Their components are introduced through a placenta in modest amounts and are not able to damage its development;
  • Erythromycin, Josamamicin, Spiramycin are also allowed for receiving pregnant in the first trimester. The placental barrier does not interfere with the penetration of their components to the fetus, but they are not able to cause abnormalities;
  • Representing a group of drugs azithromycin, hemomycin, zitrolide, Sumamed, Clarithromycin. Their negative impact on the embryo was not found, but these drugs are prescribed only as a last resort. They can have a strong side effect on the body of the future mother. If you use antibiotics from this list during pregnancy in the early stages, strictest medical control is required.

What antibacterial agents are prohibited in the first months of pregnancy

Given the side reactions and toxicity of the components of some antibiotics, many of them are categorically recommended for receiving early:

  • Medicines belonging to the aminoglycoside group. This is neomycin, gentamicin, amikacin. They easily penetrate the fabrics of the fetus, leaving in them toxic substances than provoke heavy defects;
  • Tetracycline drugs. This is tetracycline and doxycycline. These funds also have a property to settle in fetal cells, causing irreversible changes. Tetracyclines negatively affect the liver of the future mother;
  • Nitrofurans to which are used in diseases of the urinary system of Furazolidon and Furadonin. These antibiotics in the early periods of pregnancy The consequences of a negative nature carry mainly the fetus, becoming the cause of irreversible changes in its tissues;
  • Fluoroquinolones. Antibiotics belonging to this species, that is, Ciprofloxacin, Abacttal, Floxal is also introduced into the fetus fabric, causing developmental anomalies.

Possible threat

The first months of the fetus development is a particularly responsible period. This is the time of formation of all its organs and systems. Already in the second-third weeks there are riders of the nervous, excretory, respiratory, digestive, blood circuit. By the monthly age of the embryo, he has a spine and a muscular system. From the 5th week, the formation of the brain begins, and the placenta, intended for nutrition and protection of the fetus, is formed only from the 6th. Therefore, the influence of antibiotics may be decisive for the health of the future infant. Any of drugs has a bunch of side effects that can bring an unpredictable result for fragile new life. In addition, antibiotics are known for their toxicity in relation to not only bacteria, but also cells. This is their property can prevent the correct development of the liver, kidneys, hearing organs. Negative their impact will be on the immune system of the future kid.

For a woman, the reception also does not pass in vain. In addition to therapeutic effect, antibiotics provoke skin reactions, disruption of digestion, which can interfere with overall well-being and ability to absorb the necessary nutrients. They cause intestinal disorder, strengthen the manifestations of toxicosis.

It is important that antibiotics are able to reduce the effectiveness and many other medicines that pregnant is forced to take constantly. And does not play roles how the drug is embedded in the body: orally, using intravenous or intramuscular injection, rectally or vaginally.

What is the harm

There are hazardous consequences of taking antibiotics in the early periods of pregnancy, which threaten both the situation itself and the embryo. It has already been said that uncontrolled use can cause its interrupt. It is caused not so much the impossibility of a female body to endure a pregnancy, how many anomalies of the fetus. Changes in its tissues that occurred due to drugs make the embryos of non-visual. The toxicity of drugs plays his negative role.

As certain groups of antibiotics affect the cells in the body.

Before using antibiotics on an early pregnancy, than it is dangerous for a child in a particular expression, it is worth knowing every future mommy:

  • Aminoglycosides are able to lead to a congenital deafness of the baby, as well as severe kidney diseases;
  • Tetracyclines prevent the correct mineral exchange, so the child is likely to suffer with teeth all his life. Preparations of this group negatively affect the formation of adventures of these organs. Congenital liver diseases are also "merit" tetracycline;
  • Fluorochinolone antibiotics during pregnancy in the early deadlines will lead to disorders in the formation of bone and cartilage tissues of the future infant;
  • Metronidazole, metrogil, trichopol may further cause the formation of malignant tumors in a child, as well as defects in the development of the brain, limbs and reproductive bodies;
  • Sulfanimamides provoke violations in the formation of a hematopoietic fetal system;
  • The reception of nitrofurans will provide anomalies in the development of the urinary embryo system.

This is not the entire list of possible harm from uncontrolled reception and improper choice of antibiotics during early pregnancy. It is proved that the immunity of a woman for its entire period is reduced, since all its resources are aimed at toach. One of the signs of this is the change in the acidity of the vagina. The reception of antibiotics in the early periods of pregnancy can promote the rope of the fungus, and therefore the appearance of thrush. Itching and burning mucosa, unpleasant separation sections will not add comfort at this condition. Get rid of thrush during pregnancy harder, as many antifungal drugs are also prohibited. In addition, there is a danger of returning infection, and therefore infection with it during childbirth.

How to take preparations for pregnant women to minimize harm

If you drink antibiotics in early pregnancy, you should adhere to several rules:

  • With a bad health, a specialist is examined and entrust the choice of the drug to him, and not to take what one day has already helped;
  • Inform a doctor about all health problems, including previously seen allergic for medicines;
  • Observe the prescribed dosage of the drug;
  • Adhere to the terms of treatment, without canceling the medicine itself and without trying "stocking of the future" longer use;
  • Use original preparations for therapy, and not generic;
  • If a side reaction is seen, to say a doctor about her;
  • Do not give up treatment in the hospital, if a specialist insists on this.

It is no secret that antibiotics during early pregnancy had to take many women. Therefore, if there are serious testimony and prescription, you should not "show heroism" and refuse to use them. This can cause even greater damage to the baby. The reception of the allowed drugs in the optimal dosage will eliminate the infection, it will not prevent further proximity and normal development of the fetus.

Today, the variety of antibiotics is simply amazing, there are drugs of a narrow and wide profile, which helps doctors save the lives to people. But this is one side of the medal. It is impossible to deny the fact that many pharmacies implement these drugs without recipes. At the same time, people save time and money on visiting a doctor, and according to the instructions they choose their medicine and begin to take it. Of course, in some cases, the condition is facilitated, but this does not mean that the reason is eliminated. Perhaps you only fucked the disease, and soon it will return again, and the same drug is likely, most likely, will not bring due effect.

Antibiotics for future mothers

However, today we will not talk about the benefit and drugs in general. Our task is a little already and at the same time. We want to know whether to take antibiotics during pregnancy (2 trimester). This topic will never lose its relevance, since a woman who is carrying a baby is much stronger than the risk of developing a different disease, because the immune system is strongly weakened.

Among the huge list of existing antibiotics currently there are enough funds allowed to use, since their impact on the body is not hazardous to the child. However, there are those reception of which can lead to the saddest consequences. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is impossible to pick up 2 trimester - this is the period when the placenta is already included in the work, which protects the baby from a number of viruses and bacteria, as well as drugs that cannot overcome this barrier. In addition, all vital organs have already been formed, and therefore the probability of congenital anomalies is minimized.

What is the choice?

First of all, it is necessary to assess the state of the mother, time, identify the pathogens of the disease, choose drugs that can help in this case, and finally not to forget about the risk for the child. Only weighing all these factors, you can choose the most secure antibiotics during pregnancy. 2 trimester in this regard is more favorable, as it gives the doctors a greater space for selecting drugs. Up to 12 weeks, almost all drugs were prohibited, therefore, if there is no urgent need, doctors try to reach this time, and then have been accepted for treatment.

Usually, each antibiotic acts on a specific group of microbes. Traditionally, doctors share them into three large groups:

  • Natural - Penicillin and its derivatives.
  • Semi-synthetic ("amoxicillin", "cefazolin").
  • Synthetic (sulfonamides).

In order to choose effective antibiotics during pregnancy (2 trimester), it is extremely important to have a complete picture of the causative agent. After checking its sensitivity to a particular drug, you can offer the optimal treatment regimen. And only if it is impossible either the situation requires immediate intervention, an antibiotic of a wide range of action is prescribed.

Dosage for the future mother

We decided not in vain to stay at this moment. Very often, the reception of antibiotics during pregnancy scares women, and despite the appointments of the attending physician, they reduce the dose to not harm the baby. In fact, the dosage for the future mother is no different from the usual. It is designed to make the reproduction of microbes as efficiently as possible. A decrease in the dose can lead to the fact that they will have time to adapt and the treatment will not give the proper effect. Therefore, do not experiment with your health and proceed strictly on the recommendation of the specialist.

Antibiotics for prevention

Another common belief that antimicrobial preparations of a wide range of action (or appointed to someone from their relatives) can be taken in case of any disassembly in order to prevent deterioration of the situation. In fact, the question is whether it is possible to drink antibiotics during pregnancy, much more difficult. The answer to it is about this: not everything is not always. Such an appointment should be entirely justified and appropriate. Therefore, first surrenders analyzes, and already on the basis of this, the doctor makes a decision.

In what cases antimicrobial therapy is ineffective

As we have already understood, this group of drugs is appointed with one goal, namely, destroy the microbes in the body and prevent further reproduction. Therefore, even young professionals sometimes doubt how to answer the question correctly, is it possible to drink antibiotics during pregnancy. It is possible, but only if you are confident that the symptoms are not caused by viruses.

Pregnant woman in the following cases:

Popular "Metronidazole"

This drug today has many people in the first-aid kits, as relatively cheap and has a wide range of action, that is, it helps with many diseases. However, for a future mother, there should be only two guidelines - this is a possible benefit for yourself and harm to the child. And only comparing these two indicators, you can say for sure, whether the drug is suitable for you.

Let's now say a few words about Metronidazole itself. Instructions for use (price, reviews about the preparation are very attractive) emphasizes that in the first trimester the drug is categorically prohibited. In case a woman accepted it independently, a pregnancy interrupt can be recommended. Despite the fact that the drug is very effective in the fight against bacteria, it penetrates through the placental barrier to the fetus, which may lead to the pathology of development.

In purpose, it is possible, but with great cautiousness. And again, only the doctor must determine what you can take "metronidazole". Instructions for use (price, reviews, of course, stimulate the desire to take advantage of this drug and restore health, it is only 25 rubles)) tells us that a single dosage is able to help cope with a number of diseases, however, the high concentration of the active substance in the blood can lead To his getting into the fruit, which is capable of affecting development. And with ordinary doses, the risk of premature births increases for 7 days.

Treatment with pyelonephritis

The most common pathology during pregnancy. And most often until the 12th week, the state of the urogenital system is relatively normal, but as the kidney load increases. If the results of urine tests show that the situation is already out of control, then urgent measures need to be taken. Treatment most often goes in two directions. Nephrologist tells a woman about drinking regime (sometimes it is a restriction, but in most cases it is costing without it), recommends drinking cranberries and lingonberries, as well as ragners of therapeutic herbs.

However, these are only aid tools that will allow no deterioration in the future. In the meantime, it is extremely important to conduct antimicrobial therapy. Permitted antibiotics during pregnancy (2 trimester) is "ampicillin", "Methicillin", "Canamycin", drugs of the cephalosporin group.

Problem number 2 - cystitis

Also popular ailment among future mothers. And he is also dangerous enough. Inflammation inside the bladder is dangerous than the fact that the process is easily able to go into the uterus. This greatly complicates the course of pregnancy, and can also harm the fetus. As a rule, the choice of doctors in this case is quite narrow. Associate "Amoxiclav" or "Montural". Most often, the choice falls on the second due to the wide range of action and the effectiveness of this fund.


Extremely severe complication that is desirable to prevent. An ordinary cold against the background of reduced immunity causes the exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases. What to do a woman? At the first signs of ailment, you need to immediately consult a doctor. If there are harbingers of the development of angina, then the treatment should be started immediately and necessarily under the control of the doctor. The consequences of negligence in this case may be the most serious. Incitization of the body and high temperature can lead to fetal hypoxia or miscarriage.

What are the recommended during pregnancy (2 trimester)? In most cases, these are local action preparations that are used directly in the focus of inflammation. This is "grammidine", "bioparox" and a number of other sprays that are permitted from the 13th week. In addition, it is recommended to rinse the throat with a solution of "Furatcilina", salt and soda at least once in 60 minutes. And of course, observe the bed regime.

If the patient entered in serious condition

If at the time of appeal to the doctor's doctor already has a high temperature and serious inflammation of the throat, then the rinsings do not do. On the period of 13 weeks and above the list of allowed drugs is already quite large, and the doctor will have from anything to choose. What antibiotics are allowed?

  • Penicillin series - according to the results of studies, these drugs do not affect the quality and development of the child. This group includes "ampicillin", "oxacillin", amoxicillin, etc.
  • Cephalosporins are modern drugs that easily defeat microbes resistant to penicillins. They penetrate through but do not have toxic action on the baby. This should include the funds of "Ceftriakson", "Sukraks", "Cephazolin".
  • Macroll row - "Erythromycin", "Sumamed" and other analogues. Application is permissible at the discretion of the doctor in certain cases.
  • "Gentamicin" - only in the most difficult cases, the doctor can choose this drug. The dosage is selected strictly individually.

Prohibited antibiotics during pregnancy

On the one hand, this information may seem unnecessary. And so it is clear that self-proof is unacceptable, which means, follow the recommendations of the specialist, he knows exactly what you can not use. However, for general familiarization, we give a list of medicines that you need to remove from the first-aid kit if you have at home:

Effect of antibiotics for pregnancy

Of course, it is best, if the future mother does not get sick at all, then do not have to look for a compromise between the benefit for mom and the risk for the baby. However, the diseases come when they are least waiting for them, which means that it can happen that you will need antibiotics during pregnancy. The effects for the fetus can be minimized during the timely handling of a woman and the competent appointment of the doctor.

However, it is impossible to say that antibiotics are good. In addition to the therapeutic effect, they also have a number of unwanted. All medicines have an impact on the liver and intestinal microflora, the immune system as a whole. All this can affect the overall state of the health of the woman.

In general, the influence of antibacterial therapy on the kid strongly depends on the dawn time. Until the 13th week, you need to try to avoid reception any drugs. Of course, if the question concerns life and death, then the choice is obvious. Later, the fruit is protected by a placenta, which means that many drugs will not be able to avoid this barrier.

Instead of imprisonment

As you can see, with competent use, antibiotics during pregnancy (2 trimester) can be faithful. The consequences (reviews have repeatedly emphasize that, having passed a course of treatment, women gave birth to healthy children on time) can be negative, but most often it happens in cases of self-medication. A competent doctor will select the safest remedy and adequate dosage and controls the condition of pregnant. In this case, the treatment will be solely to benefit.

It was not interested earlier, as I naively thought that it would definitely not touched me. This article placed everything in places, which can be taken, and that it is impossible and I calmed me a little :) Maybe someone will also be interested.

Antibiotics are called medicines that destroy bacteria in the human body. They are, for example, penicillin and tetracycline. Analgin, Aspirin, Arbidol, as well as substances intended for the fight against microbes in the external environment, before hitting the volute (iodine, green, chlorhexidine), do not belong to antibiotics.
Antibiotics are valid only on bacteria, against viruses and fungi they are powerless, and with long-term receptions can even provoke fungal diseases such as candidiasis. Often bacteria are resistant to the appointed antibiotic, and then the doctor has to be chosen to treat another drug.
In addition to useful, the destruction of malicious microbes - antibiotics have a lot of side effects. Often these are toxic chemicals that harmfully affect the liver. Many antibiotics, especially gentamicin, have the ability to hit kidney cells and inner ear, as well as other organs.
In addition, most antibiotics act without parsing to harmful and useful microorganisms, killing both those and others. As a result, the body is deprived of protection from useful bacteria living, for example, on the skin or in the intestine - rash appears, dysbacteriosis, liquid stools and other side effects. At the same time, harmful microbes often survive, because over many years of antibiotic use, they developed stability to it.
It is even worse that sometimes harmless bacteria under the influence of antibiotics can acquire harmful properties. Such new strains (microbes varieties) most often live inside the hospitals, and apply to the employees themselves - living them on the skin, in the nose and TP. places. The most dangerous of them (for example, the infamous MRSA - methicillin-resistant golden staphylococcus) are often sustainable even to the latest and most powerful antibiotics.
Antibiotics and pregnancy
During pregnancy, antibiotics can be applied, but only on strict testimony when there is a very good reason. This is exactly the case that is written in the instructions: "If the expected benefits exceeds the risk for mother and fetus." In any case, it is necessary to do this only under the strict control of the doctor and as a rule, in the hospital (separation of pregnancy pathology in the hospital).
In the first trimester, most drugs can harm the developing embryo, so in this period it is better to avoid the use of antibiotics. The second and safe, but for each drug there is a time limit when it cannot be applied. These subtleties should be well known to your doctor.
Since many bacteria are resistant to antibiotics, it is best to test the test for their sensitivity before starting treatment. In the results of the test it will be seen which bacterium caused the disease and which antibiotic is best for it.
If the test for sensitivity to spend for some reason is impossible, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic of a wide range of action, that is, such that is killed by all possible.
When not to do without antibiotics during pregnancy
The most frequent reasons for which antibiotics are pregnant:
Pyelonephritis of pregnant women;
inflammation of the lungs, strong bronchitis, angina;
Heavy intestinal infections;
purulent wounds and extensive injuries, burns;
severe infectious complications such as sepsis, blood infection;
Specific diseases caused by rare bacteria: tick-borne borlellosis, brucellosis, etc.
In all these cases, the use of antibiotics is justified and necessary to avoid even greater complications. That is, the benefit for the mother is significantly higher than the risk for the fetus.
Possible risk
The main risk of antibiotics is not for the mother, but for its developing kid. Many of them penetrate the placenta in the bloodstream of the fetus and may have a harmful effect on the authority, which is currently growing most intensively.
All antibiotics during pregnancy can be divided into three groups:
1) prohibited completely due to the proven toxic effect on the fetus;
2) are allowed, the absence of harmful effects is proved;
3) The fetus action is not studied, therefore, they can only be used in case of extreme need.
Tetracycline, doxycycline - pass through the placenta, accumulate in the bones and dental beginners of the fetus, disturbing their mineralization. Poisonous liver.
Fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Ciprolets, Nolysin, Abaltal, Floxal, etc.) - prohibited, reliable safety studies in pregnant women were not held. Damage the joints of the fetus in animal studies.
Clarithromycin (Clasid, Frozilide, Clabaks) - the safety of use during pregnancy is not known. There is data on toxic action on the fruit in animals.
Midcamicine, Roxitromycin (Macropen, Rulid) is the same as Clarithromycin.
Aminoglycosides (Kanamycin, Tobramycin, Streptomycin) - pass through the placenta, give a high risk of complications on the kidneys and the inner ear of the fetus, may cause deafness in a newborn. Gentamicin refers to the same group, but its application is allowed on life indications in strictly calculated dosages.
Furazidin (Furamag, Furagin), Nifuroxazid (Ersphuril, Enterofuril) - are prohibited due to potentially harmful effects, there are no data on safety in pregnant women.
Chloramphenicol (Levomycetin, syntomicin, Olazol) - is prohibited. Quickly passes through a placenta in high concentrations. Inhibits the bone fruit brain and disrupts the division of blood cells, especially in late pregnancy.
Dioxidine - often applied in surgical practice for disinfection of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is prohibited during pregnancy, as a toxic and mutagenic effect on the fruit in animals was found.
Ko-Trimoxazole (Biseptol, Bactrim, Grosptol) - the well-known "Biseptol". It consists of two substances: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprium, which passes through a placenta in high concentrations. Timetoprix is \u200b\u200ban active folic acid antagonist (antivitamin). Increases the risk of congenital deformations, heart defects, slows down the growth of the fetus.
Azitromycin (Sumamed, Zitrolide, Zi-factor, chemomycin) - applies only in case of extreme necessity, for example, in a chlamydial infection in pregnant women. Negative influence on the fruit was not identified.
Nitrofurantoin (Furadonin) - it is possible to use only in the second trimester, in the first and third is prohibited.
Metronidazole (Clion, Trichopol, Metrogil, Flagil) - is prohibited in the first trimester, may cause brain defects, limbs and genitals of the fetus. In the second and third trimester, the application is permissible in the absence of a safer alternative.
Gentamicin - Application is allowed only on life indications (sepsis, blood infection) in strictly calculated dosages. When the dose is exceeded, there is a risk that the child can be born deaf.
Safe (which antibiotics can be used during pregnancy)
All the following drugs can be used during pregnancy. However, it must be remembered that any antibiotic is a potent medicine and cannot be taken without a prescription. After passing the designated course, you must come to repeat.
Penicillin and its analogs (amuxicillin, amoxiclav, ampicillin) - pass through the placenta, but no harmful effect on the fruit is usually absent. During pregnancy is removed by the kidneys at an accelerated pace.
Cephalosporins - Cefhazoline, Cephalexin, Cefriaxon, Cefuroxime, Cefixim (Suques), Cefoperazazon, Cefotaxim, Cefhazidim, Cefpin - are used during pregnancy without restrictions. Pass through the placenta at low concentrations. Negative influence on the fruit was not identified.
Erythromycin, as well as Josamamicin (Viliprafen) and Spiramizin (Rovamycin) - are permissible for use. Pass through the placenta at low concentrations. Do not cause disorders of the development of the fetus and congenital anomalies.
Antibiotics and conception
It often arises such a situation when a woman, not knowing what is pregnant, took antibiotics. What to do in this case? Will it hurt a child? If the antibiotic was from a secure group, then most likely that does not hurt. The drug forbidden during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.
You can only make one thing in this situation - cancel the antibiotic immediately as soon as you have learned about pregnancy. Next remains to wait. If the medicine has a bad effect on the embryo, a miscarriage may occur. If it did not affect anyhow, the embryo survived, then it will most likely develop further without any deviations.
In order to check whether the development of the embryo was stopped, it is possible to make blood test for hCG, it is better two times three times. Several identical results or too low will indicate a frozen pregnancy. Another criterion serves a vaginal ultrasound, but in terms of previously 4 weeks it is not informative.
To resort to abortion only because of the fear that the child will be born with a deviation in development, it is not worth it. With harmful effects in the early deadlines, the embryo will most likely die than will develop incorrectly. Development defects occur when the harmful factor acts at later stages during the growth of organs.
If the pregnancy is only planned, and it is long-awaited, it is better to abandon this period from using not only antibiotics, but also of any substances harmful to the fetus.

Everyone knows that during pregnancy, there are contraindicated use of any drug funds, especially antibiotics, since they have the property to penetrate the fetus through the placenta and affect its growth and development. However, it should be noted that the child's beating period itself provokes an aggravation of diseases in chronic form, and also increases the risk of developing new ones, because the immune defense of the woman in this period is strongly weakened. How to be if a pregnant woman needs treating antibiotics? In this case, the future motley has a lot of questions about the reception of antibacterial drugs, their dosage, side effects, etc.

Antibiotics are considered substances of biological origin, which are synthesized by microorganisms and adversely affect the growth of bacteria and other microbes. Reception of antibiotics may be a threat to the health of the future kid. Some representatives of these substances are generally contraindicated during pregnancy, since they can provoke various anomalies in development, to cause the admission of the deafness and disability of the child.

And, nevertheless, antibiotics are forced to take almost every second pregnant woman to preserve the life of the fetus and health itself. For example, in the future mommy identified pyelonephritis, in this case, the whole pregnancy will be accompanied by the intake of antibiotic drugs, because it is vital treatment.

The feasibility of using antibacterial drugs defines only a specialist. But still, some things should know every woman during the toddler period. In particular:

  • Antibiotic preparations have effectiveness only for bacterial diseases of an infectious nature. In the remaining cases, these drugs are dangerous and harm the body.
  • Sources of ARVI and influenza serve viruses, so treatment with antibiotics of these states is not effective. It is worth noting that such biological substances do not have an anesthetic or antipyretic effect. They are not a means of cough (moreover, the causes of cough can be the most different from viral infection to the increased sensitivity of the bronchi to external stimuli), do not help with intestinal disorders (since the reasons may have a wide variety of "roots"), do not treat fungal lesions (Skin fungal infections, thrush). In the latter case, special preparations that have narrow specifics are used.
  • It is also necessary to remember that the reception of antibacterial drugs before conception still affects spermatozoa and egg cell, provoking the development of embryo pathologies.
  • Unwanted, I would say, contraindicated, the reception of antibiotic drugs in the first three months of pregnancy (especially with the third on the sixth week), because it is during this period that all organs and kid systems occur. Under the urgent need to five weeks of pregnancy, antibiotic therapy is prescribed with extreme caution, and the treatment of the future motley is carried out under strict control by specialists for its condition and the state of the fetus. However, it is worth remembering that at the end of the medication therapy, they will still have a damaging effect on the body of the future kid, but without causing any deformities in the delpreter.
Therefore, if the identity of the infection does not threaten its health or health of the fetus, then the treatment is better to spend after twenty-four weeks of pregnancy. In this situation, if the doctor prescribes you antibiotic therapy, you should clarify all its expediency. The main causes of the use of antibiotics during pregnancy are acute intestinal infections, pyelonephritis (or inflammatory process in renal tissue), sexually transmitted infections, as well as various kinds of serious diseases, for example, purulent-inflammatory, septic diseases (complicated ARVI, bronchitis, sinusitis , Pneumonia) and other diseases associated with the activities of pathogenic bacteria. During the tooling of the child, this disease has a more severe course than in the usual state, so it is necessary to start treatment as quickly as possible.

If during the toddler period, the reception of antibiotics is simply necessary, you need to understand some of the rules for their reception:

  • This or another type of drug can only be prescribed by the attending physician (no self-treatment!), Given the terms of its use, the overall state of the health of women.
  • Before the doctor regards the antibiotic drug, it is necessary to tell a specialist in detail about any health problems that take place before pregnancy, genetic predisposition and is especially important to tell about allergic reactions.
  • During the reception, it is strictly forbidden to change the duration of therapeutic course, change the dosage, etc., otherwise it is possible to reduce its effectiveness.
  • In the event of explicit side effects when taking antibiotics, as well as any uncomfortable sensations from their application, it should be abandoned immediately.
The effect of antibacterial drugs during pregnancy.
According to numerous studies, it was found that antibiotics do not affect the genetic or hereditary apparatus, do not provoke the occurrence of congenital malformations. And, nevertheless, some types of antibiotics can cause an embryotoxic effect, expressed in violation of the kidney functions, leaning the teeth, the damage to the auditory nerve, etc.

In the early period of pregnancy, these drugs are strictly limited to use and are prescribed with great care. Penicillin row (ampicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin, amoxycylin, ampicillin, amoxyclove, and the like are most preferred for treatment. They, even with long-term use, do not contribute to the development of anomalies in the development of the fetus. But they also have their drawbacks, among them the stability of some microorganisms to them. In other words, therapy with data with certain diseases may be absolutely not effective.

If necessary, antibiotic therapy at an early stage of pregnancy, the doctor, appreciating everything and against, can assign the antibiotics of the Cephazolinov group (ceftriaxone, cefazolin, etc.). Usually they are prescribed in case of serious diseases, such as pneumonia. With LOR-Diseases, drugs in early pregnancy are prescribed for local applications. For example, the drug bioparox, it can be used without concerns on any time.

In the second half of the babe of the baby options for antibiotics, which can be applied on this period, significantly more, however, and they should be appointed only by the leading specialist.

Antibiotics prohibited during pregnancy.

  • Tetracycline, doxycycline, because there is a toxic effect on the liver of the fetus, and also accumulate in the bones.
  • Ciprofloxacin, Nolysin, Ciprolets - have a damaging effect on the joints of the fetus, and on any gestation.
  • Furagin, Furamag, Erspuril - in general, negatively reflects on the fruit.
  • Levomycetin and drugs, in the composition of which it is present, as the baby acts on the bone marrow, violates the blood formation process.
  • Dioxidine - provokes the occurrence of various mutations and deviations in the development of the child.
    Biseptol - the growth and development of the baby will leaken, significantly increases the risk of congenital anomalies.
Antibiotics and conception.
Situations are very often observed when women for ignorance were treated with antibiotics, being in position. How to be in this situation? Can this somehow damage the baby? If the drug used relates to a safe group, then he will have an effect on the fruit or no. If the drug was from the group forbidden during the baby tooling, then in the early deadlines all this could end the miscarriage, or the drug can provoke a frasonal pregnancy.

In the first case, the output is only one: it is necessary to refuse to receive an antibiotic and wait. With the negative effect of the drug, miscarriage will occur if the fruit survives, then, in most cases, it will continue to develop without deviations.

To identify frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to test blood for hCG, and several times. The same results or low indicators will be proof of stopping the development of the fetus. Another criterion is a vaginal ultrasound in terms of less than four weeks.

Hurry up to do an abortion immediately, fear of anomalies in the development of the baby is not worth it. After all, if there has been a negative effect of the medication, the embryo in most cases die. Development defects, usually develop against the background of the impact of harmful in later stages during the growth of organs.

When planning pregnancy, it is necessary to completely refuse to receive any medicines, lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in light sports.

Antibiotics - medicinal substances that kill bacteria and microbes.

Treatment with antibiotics during pregnancy is usually trying to postpone, since many of them penetrate the placenta and can affect the development of the fetus. But if a pregnant woman has an angina or pneumonia, diseases of the urinary tract or bacterial complications against the background of viral infection or influenza, the reception of antibiotics during pregnancy will not be avoided.

The drug for treatment must be chosen by the doctor, given the term of pregnancy, the severity of the disease, which antibiotics can be drunk during pregnancy, and to what drugs will be sensitive in the body of bacteria. Choosing antibiotics during pregnancy, reviews about preparations are better not to read, but to fully trust the doctor.

Sensitivity to antibiotics during pregnancy

Doctors distinguish:

  • wide spectrum antibiotics, overwhelming different groups of microbes;
  • antibiotics, valid only for certain types of bacteria.

Pregnancy - no time to experiment and choose the drug at random. During pregnancy, antibiotics can be taken if the causative agent of the disease was identified using the tests and its sensitivity to specific drugs was determined.

If the study for any reason is not able to spend, and you need to start treatment, the doctor will determine which antibiotic when pregnant is to choose - most likely it will be an antibiotic of a wide range of action.

Some pregnant women think that the effect of antibiotics for pregnancy can be reduced, if you cut the dose of the drug. But the dose of antibiotic for a pregnant and non-death woman is the same. It is calculated in such a way as to suppress the reproduction of bacteria. By independently reducing the dose, you do not defeat the causative agent of the disease, but only "teach" it to the drug. Treatment will have to repeat, and by choosing another antibiotic.

Antibiotics allowed during pregnancy

There are so-called safe antibiotics during pregnancy - drugs, the negative impact of which on the fetus was not revealed:

  • antibiotics of penicillin row (amoxicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin);
  • cephalosporins (cefazoline, cefatoxim);
  • macrolids (erythromycin, azithromycin).

Antibiotics used in pregnancy can continue to be assigned to a woman and in breastfeeding period. They are also suitable for the kids of the first year of life.

The use of antibiotics during pregnancy

It is undesirable to take antibiotics at the beginning of pregnancy, when the bookmark and the formation of internal organs and systems occurs, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester and during breastfeeding, the reception of antibiotics is possible if there is a need for a mother.

It should be remembered that antibiotics during pregnancy is advisable to drink only if the disease is not viral, but bacterial nature, and this is confirmed by the analysis.

How does antibiotics affect pregnancy?

There is an opinion that antibiotics can cause genetic anomalies and cause congenital malformations from the fetus, but modern studies show that it is not. However, some antibiotics at an early stage of pregnancy can indeed have a toxic effect on the embryo and cause impaired hearing and vision or affect the internal organs of the fetus.

Antibiotics and pregnancy planning

If a woman or her partner hurt and took antibiotics and other drugs, doctors advise to postpone pregnancy planning after antibiotics for 3 months. During this time, drugs will be fully removed from the body, the health of partners will restrict, grow up immunity and pregnancy after antibiotics will be easily and fragile.

But if the planning of pregnancy after taking antibiotics failed, it is necessary to consult with genetic: some types of antibiotics can affect the conception and formation of the fetus.

Antibiotics in early pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, antibiotics are undesirable, since during this period the main fetal systems are formed. But many future mothers take antibiotics on the first weeks of pregnancy simply because they still do not know about their position, and then worry, - is it possible to preserve the pregnancy?

In the first two weeks, the embryo is not related to the blood of the mother, so if you drank the course of antibiotics, not knowing about pregnancy, there are no threats for the fetus.

If there is a need to drink antibiotics during pregnancy, 1 trimester is not the best time. If possible - treatment is postponed. For example, urogenital infections found in registration during pregnancy are beginning to be treated after the 20th week. If treatment is urgently, the least toxic drugs are selected.

Antibiotics during pregnancy 2 trimester

During the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the bookmark of internal organs and fetal systems has already occurred, therefore, the list of antibiotics that can be applied is significantly expanding. During this period, it is desirable to treat identified infections so that they do not harm the child.

Is it possible antibiotics during pregnancy?

If a woman took antibiotics during pregnancy, this does not mean that the child will certainly have any health problems. The main thing is that the treatment prescribe a doctor after the necessary analyzes.

Non-acclaimed bacterial infections may be a serious threat to the fetus, while pregnancy after taking antibiotics and even pregnancy during taking antibiotics usually proceeds without complications and with the right approach to the treatment of the future mother there is nothing to fear.