Banana skin mask. What kind of banana anti-wrinkle face masks can you make at home? Useful homemade banana masks for oily skin


Dear readers, the soft, delicate taste of banana has been familiar to us since childhood. We often buy them now for the whole family. But if earlier they were in short supply with us, now bananas can be bought all year round. The nutritional benefits of this fruit are literally priceless. I talked in detail about the benefits and dangers of a banana in the article. The beneficial substances that banana is rich in have an excellent effect on the skin. A homemade banana mask will revolutionize the way you think about natural beauty products.

Banana is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals that our skin needs to always look amazing. Let's talk in more detail, why are banana masks so useful for our skin? Let's pamper ourselves a little and arrange a small SPA-salon at home.

The benefits of banana masks for facial skin.

Banana contains the following "beauty elements":

  • Ascorbic acid and vitamin E, which are natural antioxidants that slow down skin aging and smooth wrinkles;
  • B vitamins, necessary for maintaining youthfulness and healthy shine of the skin, hair, nails;
  • The special fibrous structure of the fruit does not irritate the skin and allows it to be used for the preparation of nourishing, gentle face masks.

Taking this into account, we can conclude that banana face masks perfectly moisturize and intensively nourish dry and aging skin. But what about a girl and women with a different skin type?

Banana masks: when should you apply?

Banana masks can be safely recommended for use in such cases:

  1. aging, aging skin, which will instantly transform under the influence of natural antioxidants contained in the fruit;
  2. pigmentation of the skin, which can be suspended and sometimes corrected with banana masks with the addition of lemon juice;
  3. with the addition of certain auxiliary components, such masks will help remove the unhealthy shine of oily and combination skin, acne and blackheads on the sensitive skin of the face;
  4. After adjusting the composition, the mask can be used as a wonderful moisturizer for aging and dry skin.

Banana face masks: we carry out a sensitivity test

In case of his individual intolerance, it is undesirable to use them: the manifestation of allergic reactions is possible. Therefore, we definitely conduct a sensitivity test, the rules for which I have already described many times on my blog. Since banana allergies are rare, most girls and women with any skin type can enjoy the effectiveness of banana masks: there are simply no restrictions.

Banana Cosmetics: Delightful Skin Care Results

Regularly pampering yourself with such masks, already in the very near future in your reflection you will see the stunning result of their magical action:

  • the complexion will noticeably improve, a healthy glow will appear;
  • fine wrinkles will practically disappear;
  • redness and age spots of any origin will be invisible.

Now you understand how useful a banana mask is, and therefore the only thing left to do is go to the kitchen and cook this miracle.

Use only high quality bananas for masks. It is better to prepare the mask just before use. If milk, sour cream, cream is added to the mask - it is better to choose everything not from long-term storage products.

TOP of the best banana masks for all skin types

Banana masks are great for all skin types, but they are especially useful for sensitive and dry skin. The presence of proteins, fats, vitamins in its composition will make the skin even more delicate and velvety.

Moisturizing banana face mask. Banana and milk.

This mask is literally a panacea for dry skin, and therefore I propose to carefully watch this video recipe. Very simple, accessible to everyone.

Banana Natural Oil Facial Mask Recipe

1 yolk;
1 medium banana;
10 ml of cosmetic oil (your favorite).

Mash the banana with a fork until you get a gruel, add cosmetic oil, yolk. Mix everything well. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

Banana Facial Cleansing Masks:

1. Banana soda mask.

Chop the banana, add a pinch of turmeric and soda. Mix everything well. The product is applied by patting and kept for 20 minutes. This mask should be used no more than 1 time per week. Take turmeric just a little bit on the tip of a knife. Don't overdo it.

2. Coffee and banana mask

The recipe is similar to the previous one, only coffee grounds are taken instead of soda. This mask more gently cleanses dirty pores.

3. Banana-sandalwood mask for oily skin

Half a banana is mixed with 5 g of sandalwood powder, 1/4 tbsp is added. liquid honey. Everything is mixed and applied to the skin for 30 minutes. They wash themselves with cool water.

Banana egg mask, sour cream.

You will need: 1 banana, 1 yolk, 10 g of fat sour cream.

All ingredients are well mixed. The mass is applied to a cleansed face and kept for 15 minutes. You need to take a break of 3 days between masks.

Banana nourishing face masks:

1. Mask of banana with yogurt

Grind the banana with a fork, pour in 40 ml of natural yogurt, add 20 g of oatmeal and honey each. Dilute with mineral water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. The skin of the face and neck must first be cleaned. The mask is applied for 30 minutes, it should be washed off with warm boiled water.

2. Homemade recipe for creamy banana mask

Chop the banana. Pour in 1 tbsp. heavy cream, and then, stirring continuously, slowly add 1 tbsp. potato starch. The mask is applied in 2 stages: as soon as the previous layer dries up, apply the next one. Cover the face with a napkin, wash off the mask after 30 minutes with a damp swab. It is advisable to perform this procedure every other day for 20 days.

3. Recipe for a nourishing mask for tired skin

Mix: pulp of 1 banana, whipped protein, juice of 1 lemon, 2 drops of nut butter (can be replaced with any vegetable oil). Apply to the skin of the face and neck, hold for 15 minutes.

As you can see, although a banana itself is perfectly perceived by any type of skin, adding various auxiliary components to the mask, you can prepare a specialized product aimed at solving specific problems of your particular skin.

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I always want to look beautiful, attractive, standing out among colleagues and in a cozy atmosphere at home. Lack of precious time and energy forces us to abandon complex care procedures. An effective banana face mask is made quickly, acting as well as expensive beauty treatments in salons.

In contact with

The nourishing, rejuvenating composition is used to achieve tightening and healing, skin cleansing. The application provides rejuvenation of the skin, they are given turgor, plasticity. Nutrient components, a complex of microelements found in a ripe fruit, nourish the epidermis. Vitamins of group A, C are involved in the regulation of the sebaceous glands, helping to forget about acne and acne.

The face mask, supplemented with active ingredients, gently smoothes mimic, deep wrinkles. Thanks to vitamin E present in the pulp, the blood supply to the skin is activated. The nutritional value of the home remedy is complemented by versatility, the ability to use on different skin types. The dermis is actively renewing, it looks much younger, cleaner after a light scrubbing.

There are several types of banana face masks

Options for rejuvenating banana face masks

Ripe exotic fruit goes well with active substances that complement and enhance the effect of the finished product. A multi-component banana face mask can include scrubbing, moisturizing, nourishing elements. The combination is selected individually, depending on the desired effect, the characteristics of the skin.

The use of banana pulp is absolutely safe, practically does not cause allergies.

For a preliminary check, apply a drop of fruit puree to the wrist or the crook of the elbow. After 20-30 minutes. the condition of the skin is checked, cleanliness indicates the absence.

With sour cream

Natural sour cream contains a wide range of vitamin components, potassium, magnesium and iodine. Organic acids fight wrinkles well, smoothing and tightening the skin. A simple and sour cream face mask contains part of the mashed fruit pulp and two parts of sour cream. The product is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, then washed off. The procedure is completed by the application of your favorite cream.

With starch and botox effect

Potato starch is suitable for all skin types, makes it soft and velvety. A banana and starch botox mask is prepared by mixing equal proportions of the ingredients. The starch does not need to be diluted with water, the composition must be thoroughly mixed to get rid of lumps. Apply the product to cleansed skin, leave to dry, kept for 15-20 minutes.

The proportions of banana and starch for this mask should be the same

With honey

Flower honey is useful for young, aging skin, for use it is dissolved using a steam bath. A banana face mask at home with the addition of honey consists of:

  • a third of the fetus;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey .;
  • mix everything thoroughly;
  • apply a warm mixture on the face for 30 minutes;
  • then rinse thoroughly with boiled water.

With ginger

For a good lifting, a composition with banana and ginger is used, which perfectly cleans the dermis. Chopped on a fine grater is squeezed through several layers of gauze to obtain juice. A teaspoon of fresh juice must be added to 3 tsp. mashed pulp of a ripe fruit. The resulting composition is applied along the massage lines to the areas of the cheeks, forehead, chin and wings of the nose. When applying, you must avoid the delicate areas of the skin around the eyes, after leaving the mixture for 10-15 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

With oatmeal

Fine oatmeal flour added to various products is characterized by scrubbing properties.

  • Soak oatmeal in boiling water (1 tbsp. l.);
  • banana puree (1 tbsp. l.);
  • mix the ingredients well;
  • Apply to face with light movements;
  • wash off the composition after 15 minutes.

This mask nourishes, refreshes, tightens the contour of the face, rejuvenates it.

With gelatin

The astringent properties of gelatin help to clear the skin of blackheads by closing the cleaned pores.

  1. Dissolve dry gelatin in warm water, in a 1: 1 ratio and let it brew for at least 5-10 minutes.
  2. Banana mask is prepared by compounding 2 tsp. the resulting gelatinous base with 1 tsp. mashed ripe banana.
  3. Before applying the composition, the skin must be steamed over the cooling infusion of chamomile, calendula.

The mask should not come into contact with the areas near the eyes, then carefully remove. Keep the composition on the skin for 20-30 minutes.

With kiwi

The natural fruit acids contained in ripe kiwi soften the dermis by removing impurities. The composition of banana with kiwi juice allows you to achieve an excellent anti-aging effect in just a few applications. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions until smooth; it is applied evenly, avoiding the eyelid area. In 20 minutes. the product can be washed off. The skin is cleansed, toned, the complexion is improved, the pores are narrowed.

Banana peel

Banana peel is excellent for whitening and drying the skin, used alone or mixed with pulp. The banana peel must be washed, dried in the oven until completely darkened, getting rid of moisture. In a coffee grinder, the dried peel is ground to the consistency of fine flour, mixed with an equal volume of banana puree. Such a mixture for the face is suitable for oily skin, and it must be washed off 15 minutes after application.

To prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, irritation and itching, you need to test the ingredients. If unpleasant sensations arise, it is better to refuse to use the composition. A homemade banana face mask made with your own hands cannot contain allergens.

Which formula is best for dry skin?

Dry skin requires nutrition, activation of the sebaceous glands, a banana and sour cream face mask is excellent for this. In order to enrich the composition with fatty components, the yolk, cosmetic extra virgin olive oil is used. An anti-wrinkle face mask may contain heavy cream or whole, fresh milk instead of sour cream. By combining several components, the desired result is achieved, which is quite effective.

For those looking for a banana face mask for dry skin against wrinkles, add oatmeal to the fruit puree. Oatmeal tones up the skin and nourishes them with microelements, giving elasticity and noticeable tone. Good hydration will be provided by a banana face mask for wrinkles after 35 years with the addition of avocado. The lack of nutrition of the skin is compensated by the regular use of useful formulations.

What to apply to the eye area?

Thanks to the addition of yoghurt and oat flour, the banana mask for the face and skin around the eyes is characterized by a delicate effect. Additional components differ in the nutritional value of the composition and increase the tone of the dermis. A multi-ingredient banana anti-wrinkle face mask at home can work wonders. Its regular application (once every 5 days) will be an excellent alternative to beauty salon procedures.

What is effective for aging skin after 50 years?

Aging of the skin is provoked by an imbalance in water balance and insufficient nutrition, as a result of which wrinkles appear. Anti-wrinkle banana face mask consists of banana puree with the addition of 2 teaspoons of cream and yolk. The mixture is gently whipped until fully mixed and applied to the skin, kept for up to 20 minutes. and washed off. This face mask for wrinkles after 50 years is carried out with a course with a frequency of 2-3 days for a month.

Review of reviews on the cosmetic use of the fruit at home

Any banana mask, reviews of which are received after application, will become a real find, characterized by different effects:

  • mask with honey and banana for the face, nourishing, tightening the skin;
  • composition with banana and oatmeal gently scrub, cleanses;
  • gelatin mask removes blackheads.

The group of products with an active effect that can be used for all skin types includes mixtures:

  • mask with banana and starch for the face tightens, giving turgor;
  • the composition of the banana peel whitens, nourishes;
  • banana and kiwi face mask activates metabolic processes.

Banana face mask with the addition of dairy products and sour cream, which eliminates deep wrinkles, is noted with excellent reviews.

The nourishing composition for hair helps to strengthen the follicles by activating metabolic processes at the cellular level. The composition is enriched with natural herbs, olive, or banana pulp. It is good to add ginger juice to such a mask, which helps to strengthen and activate hair growth.

Useful video

Banana anti-wrinkle masks can be called "happiness masks" for the face. Thanks to their regular use, it is possible not only to cope with existing small wrinkles, but also to prevent the appearance of new ones:

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity want to know how to preserve the freshness and beauty of their skin using natural materials at home. Professional cosmetology services do not always give the desired result. It is much easier and more profitable to use a mixture of different products. Banana berries are often added to it. It's safe, cheap and uncomplicated.

What effect does a banana have on facial skin?

The existing methods of improving the structure of the surface of the face do not suit many women due to the high cost of special cosmetics. If a serious intervention is necessary, the problem of negative consequences arises after injections, lifting or surgery. Banana masks do not cause unpleasant symptoms, they are gentle on the skin.

Nutritious banana for the face

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a complex of vitamins and microelements is included. They normalize metabolic reactions at the cellular level. Being biologically active substances, they have a beneficial effect on problematic, dry or aging skin. The following components of the fetus can be especially distinguished:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • pyridoxine;
  • choline.

Ascorbic acid or micronutrient C belongs to the class of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that oxidize the organic structures of cells. Tocopherol, also known as vitamin E, retains moisture in the body, participates in the reproduction of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin surface. Pyridoxine (a B vitamin) has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes rapid recovery of the skin after damage.

Choline was previously referred to as group B vitamins. But modern research has shown the erroneousness of this classification. This vitamin-like compound is a substance with membrane-protective and anti-sclerotic action. In addition, in combination with other components included in the nourishing banana mask, the micronutrient is able to have a soothing effect on the skin.

Important! The trace element structure of a tropical fruit is rich in potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus. The lack of each of them in the cells of the epithelium becomes the cause of its wilting, dryness and the occurrence of pathological processes.

Why do women like banana face masks?

Over the years, the skin begins to gradually lose its beauty, freshness and health. Cosmetologists identify several reasons for the deterioration in appearance:

  • age;
  • pathology;
  • lack of incoming substances into the body;
  • ecology;
  • excessive passion for solarium;
  • bad habits;
  • production activities.

As a result, fibroblasts lose their ability to retain water inside themselves and produce high-quality collagen. Against this background, mimic, gravitational (ptosis) and static (decreased dermis tone) wrinkles appear.

To combat unpleasant changes, experts advise applying anti-aging banana face masks. The substances that make up the material are absorbed into the subcutaneous fat layer. After repeated use, an activation of the processes of blood supply to the inner layers is observed, which leads to an acceleration of the regeneration of elastin and collagen.

The note! The fruit has, first of all, a local effect aimed at preventing signs of wilting and leveling negative causes of an exogenous or endogenous nature.

When applying the mixture, there is a significant improvement in the state of the outer cover, restoration of water and lipid balance. If the skin is oily, then a dosage regimen for the banana mask is needed. Doctors pay attention to the activity of the sebaceous glands, regular cleaning, increasing the skin's resistance to various types of pathogenic microbes. The obligatory principles of using mixtures are cleansing, protection, nutrition, moisturizing and revitalization.

Types of banana masks

When developing methods for rejuvenation, one should take into account the type of skin, the degree of aging, and deformation. Therefore, when using banana pulp, prophylactic and correlative capabilities of the product are provided.

Women often use banana face masks at home. In this case, you should not neglect the instructions of specialists - dermatologists, cosmetologists. The main goal of the procedures is to maintain health and slow down premature aging.

Mask recipes

Banana mask for dry skin

Extreme temperatures, low air humidity, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun, strong winds dry out the skin. Dust has a detrimental effect. It clogs micropores. Therefore, the skin suffers from a lack of oxygen. As a result, the outer layer of the epidermis begins to peel off quickly.

Dryness is aggravated by harmful substances floating in the atmosphere of cities, a large amount of chemical materials in houses, clothes.

Important! Synthetic clothing has a strong electrostatic potential. When it is removed or put on, a discharge occurs, from which the epidermis heats up and dries up even more.

The use of a nourishing banana mask for dry skin helps to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of negative factors of a natural or man-made nature. Walking in the fresh air and physical activity will be a good help to enhance the effect.

The mixture is prepared quite easily and at home. The main ingredients are the berry itself, milk cream and bread crumb. First, take a ripe piece of fruit and soften it with a fork. Cream is added to it. The bread makes the product thicker so that it does not spread over the face.

The mask is applied in two passes. The first layer is applied first. After it dries - the second one. The skin will take in all the necessary nutrients within 30 minutes. It makes no sense to keep the product longer. It is removed with a cotton swab dipped in tea of ​​low concentration. Several such sessions will noticeably improve the condition of the dermis. Will increase its firmness, elasticity. The color of the front surface will become even and fresh. The flaking phenomenon and the feeling of tightness will disappear.

Another recipe for dry skin unclogs pores. In this case, you need to be careful, especially for those with heightened sensitivity. In addition to the banana itself, the mixture contains honey. A few drops of the latter are enough so as not to cause redness and irritation.

The third recipe is suitable for all skin types, since it contains oatmeal along with a banana. They are pre-brewed in hot milk. After cooling down, softened banana gruel is added to them. The cooled, but still warm mass is applied to the face and kept for about 15 minutes. The mask is washed off with water.

Banana masks for aging skin

Mature skin loses its firmness due to the hardening of collagen fibers, which quickly lose most of their moisture. The cells become incapable of regeneration. As a result, there are:

  • rough nasolabial folds;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • crow's feet;
  • drooping of the eyelids.

Fine wrinkles are smoothed out with a banana, honey and egg yolk face mask. After applying it, you need to wait 20 minutes. It is not recommended to walk at this moment. Better to lie down and relax. The pulp of the fruit gives off water to the cells. Honey promotes the healing of microcracks. It removes flaking and reduces pore diameter. Egg yolk gives firmness and elasticity.

The note! To make the lifting effect more expressive, cosmetologists advise making masks in combination with steam herbal baths. After them, the face can be massaged with light circular movements.

Toning mature skin, relieving fatigue from the muscles can be done with a mixture of banana and one orange slice. The product is applied for 15 minutes. After the procedure, puffiness and swelling disappear. The narrowing of the pores noticeably improves the complexion, a slight blush appears, since the substances improve the blood supply to small capillaries. The procedure ends with invigorating the skin with a cool, settled liquid or lightly rubbing it with an ice cube.

Useful homemade banana masks for oily skin

The problem with increased fat production is the deregulation of hydration. At its seemingly high level, in fact, instead of water, cells replace it with an active release of lipids. The sebaceous glands work in an enhanced mode. The skin becomes covered with oil, forming a layer with an unpleasant shine and color.

To restore hydration processes, you can use a mixture of banana and lemon. Additionally, it whitens the upper layer of cells, removing the ugly shade of lipid yellowness. The recipe contains banana puree and a teaspoon of lemon juice. They cover the skin of the face for up to 20 minutes. Then the mixture is removed with a warm solution of herbs based on sage or chamomile. Blackheads and oily shine go away after a few therapy sessions.

Important! Before resorting to a particular recipe, you need to test the effect of each ingredient or consult with a dermatologist in advance. He will identify substances that are not suitable for a particular skin type, which may not heal the skin, but cause irritation, up to allergies.

If the product includes dairy products, then they must be with a minimum shelf life. This means that the heat treatment was carried out once and the maximum amount of nutrients is contained there, and there are no preservatives. The best option is homemade milk or sour milk.

All banana masks are prepared just before they are applied. The fruit should be ripe with no dark spots. They are brought to the desired consistency using a blender or an ordinary fork. The holding time of the mask for different types of dermis:

  • sensitive - 10 minutes;
  • dry -20 minutes;
  • oily - 30 minutes.

The product is applied along the massage lines.

We all dream of staying young and beautiful as long as possible. In pursuit of smooth skin, women and men resort to botulinum toxin injections and plastic surgery. But there are also healthier ways to stay young. If you start making banana-based masks early, you can prevent premature age-related changes.

Banana has the following benefits for the skin:

  1. Protective. Vitamins A and C, which are contained in the fruit, protect the body from bacteria and viruses.
  2. Anti-aging. Regular use of banana in facial skin care helps to slow down the aging process and prevent the formation of wrinkles. The fact is that the fruit contains antioxidants. Banana also contains magnesium and sodium. The last two elements are involved in collagen synthesis.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. The B vitamins in banana help fight pimples.
  4. Calming. The pulp of the fruit relieves redness and brings irritated skin back to its proper shape.
  5. Toning. Vitamin E, which is contained in banana, leaves the skin feeling refreshed and rested.
  6. Emollient. The skin after the banana mask is very pleasant to the touch. The fruit contains iron, thanks to which even the driest epidermis softens.
  7. Regenerating. Thanks to banana masks, the skin is renewed more often and faster, so that the face looks fresher and younger.
  8. Brightening. Banana helps to reduce, and sometimes completely disappear, age spots and freckles.
  9. Vaso-strengthening. Thanks to this property, banana helps to reduce the manifestations of rosacea.

Interestingly, banana does not irritate even overly sensitive skin. Fruit masks can be applied to the lips and eye area.

Banana rejuvenating face mask recipes

There are many recipes for anti-aging sweet fruit masks. It should be borne in mind that the banana for the procedure must be selected as ripe as possible: bright yellow to a brown dot.

With yoghurt


  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 2 tbsp natural yogurt;
  • oat flour.
  1. Banana should be mashed in a way convenient for you: with a blender or a fork.
  2. Stir honey and yogurt into the resulting gruel.
  3. Add enough oatmeal to the mass to obtain the substance of the consistency of a thick porridge.
  4. Apply the product to the face with a sponge, hand or fingers.
  5. The procedure can be performed 1-2 times a week. Take a break for 10 days every two months and resume sessions if necessary.

With orange


  • half a banana;
  • 1 orange slice.

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Grind the fruit in a blender or in any convenient way.
  2. Combine the ingredients.
  3. Gently apply the resulting gruel to your face.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, remove the remaining product with a damp swab.
  5. Perform the procedure 2 times a week for a month. Then take a week off and repeat the sessions if necessary.

With lemon


  • half a banana;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice.

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Add lemon juice to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly.
  2. Apply the product to your face.
  3. After 15 minutes, wash off with cool water.
  4. Apply a moisturizer to your face.
  5. Conduct a session once a week. Be sure to take a 10-day break every two months.

With milk


  • half a banana;
  • 2 tbsp milk.

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Grind the fruit in a blender or grater.
  2. Add milk to the banana gruel and mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply the resulting product to your face for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After the time has elapsed, remove the remnants of the mask with cotton wool dipped in milk.
  5. Perform the procedure once a week on a regular basis.

With egg


  • half a banana;
  • 1 raw egg;
  • 1 tsp unrefined vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Mash the banana with a fork or blender.
  2. Separate the yolk from the protein. Mix the first one with oil in a separate container.
  3. Combine banana gruel and egg butter base.
  4. Using a brush or sponge, apply the product to your face.
  5. After 15 minutes, wash with lukewarm water.
  6. Conduct a session once a week. There is no need to take breaks.

With gelatin


  • 1 tbsp gelatin;
  • 4 tablespoons water;
  • 1 tbsp milk;
  • half a banana.

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Puree the banana with a blender or fork.
  2. Heat the milk without boiling.
  3. Pour gelatin with warm milk and mix thoroughly.
  4. Cover the mixture with a lid.
  5. After 15 minutes, mix the banana gruel with the gelatin base.
  6. Apply the resulting substance to your face.
  7. After half an hour, wash yourself with plain water.
  8. Use a nourishing cream.
  9. Perform the procedure regularly once a week.

Contains collagen, thanks to which the skin's elasticity is restored.

With sour cream


  • half a banana;
  • 2 tbsp sour cream.

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Chop the fruit in a blender or with a fork.
  2. Mix banana mass with fermented milk product.
  3. Apply the resulting substance to your face using a brush or sponge.
  4. After a third of an hour, wash yourself with lukewarm water.
  5. Conduct a session once a week on an ongoing basis.

Choose sour cream for the mask depending on your skin type. The drier the latter, the fatter the product should be.

Banana peel


  • the skin of one banana;
  • 5 ml avocado oil;
  • 5 ml of aloe juice.

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Grind the rind with a blender.
  2. Combine the resulting mass with oil and juice.
  3. Apply the substance to your face using a convenient method.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, wash with cool water.
  5. Do the procedure no more than 1 time a week. Course - 10 sessions. Then stop for 7 days and continue if necessary.

The banana peel contains vitamins of groups A, B and C. Due to its rich chemical composition, the product effectively cleanses the skin and reduces fine wrinkles.

With soda


  • banana;
  • a pinch of turmeric;
  • a pinch of baking soda.

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Pass the banana through a grater or chop the fruit in a blender.
  2. Add turmeric and soda to the mass.
  3. Use patting movements to apply the composition to the skin of the face.
  4. After a third of an hour, wash yourself with warm water.
  5. Use the mask once a week. Course - 10 procedures. Then take a break for 7 days and repeat the sessions.

With yeast


  • half a banana;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1 tsp milk;
  • water.

Preparation and application nuances:

  1. Use a fork or blender to puree the banana.
  2. Combine yeast with a little water.
  3. Add milk and banana puree to the resulting substance.
  4. Apply the resulting product to your face.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, wash with plain water.
  6. Use a moisturizer.
  7. Perform sessions every 10 days. There is no need to take breaks.

A mask based on yeast and banana not only rejuvenates the skin, but also dries out minor inflammations.

Video: banana mask against wrinkles around the eyes

Features of the choice of a mask

There are certain features of choosing a mask depending on the age and type of skin.

By skin type

Of course, some masks are only suitable for certain skin types. For dry, formulations are needed containing fatty components:

  • vegetable oils;
  • sour cream;
  • milk from 2.5%;
  • yogurt.

For oily skin, masks with the following ingredients are suitable:

  • lemon;
  • Orange;
  • soda;
  • yeast.

Banana masks with added egg and gelatin are versatile. This means the formulations are perfect for any skin.

As for the mixed type, an individual approach is needed here. Ideally, you should apply a mask with the addition of lemon, orange, soda or yeast to oily areas. It is recommended to lubricate dry areas with compositions with vegetable oils, sour cream, milk or yogurt. Thus, the color and texture of the skin will be uniform.

According to age

There are no age guidelines for banana masks. The compositions can also be applied to adolescents, but in this case, the tool will have an exceptionally nourishing effect. As for the older age, try to do the procedures regularly so that the effect becomes noticeable. Try several formulations and choose the one that suits you best.


Despite the fact that banana is a natural product, masks based on it still have some contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the fruit;
  • allergy to one of the components of the mask.

To avoid an unpleasant skin reaction, an allergy test must be performed before using the composition. To do this, apply a ready-made mask on the wrist. If after an hour irritation does not appear, feel free to use the product.

The delicate, soft taste of this exotic fruit is familiar from childhood. Its nutritional properties are invaluable to our body. The nutrients in banana can have a delightful effect on skin and hair. Homemade banana face mask will be a real discovery for you in the world of natural cosmetics.

Banana is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. For example:

  • vitamin C - a natural antioxidant that slows down skin aging by smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • B vitamins, which are needed to maintain youthfulness of skin, nails, hair;
  • vitamin E, which prevents cells from aging;
  • the fibrous structure of banana does not irritate the skin and allows you to make nourishing, gentle masks for the face and hair from this fruit.

Considering this, we can conclude that banana face masks intensely nourish and perfectly moisturize dry, aging skin. What about other skin types?

Banana therapy for faces

Banana masks: indications for use

Banana masks can be recommended for use in the following cases:

  • fading, aging skin, which will be transformed by the antioxidants contained in banana;
  • increased pigmentation, which can be stopped and corrected with masks of banana and lemon juice;
  • with the addition of the appropriate auxiliary ingredients, banana masks remove the unhealthy shine of oily skin and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • by changing the components of the mask, you can use them as a moisturizer for dry skin.

Covering the wide spectrum of action of banana face masks, the idea of ​​their versatility arises.

Banana masks: are there any contraindications?

Banana masks cannot be called universal masks, since in case of individual intolerance to this fruit, they cannot be used: allergic reactions are possible. Since such cases are very rare, most women of any age and with any skin type can enjoy the effect of such masks: no.

Banana mask: delicious results

Regularly using such masks, you will soon see the result of their magical action in the mirror:

  • fine wrinkles will become almost invisible;
  • the complexion will improve significantly;
  • age spots and redness of any origin will be almost invisible.

Now you know what the miraculous banana mask is, the only thing left is to go to the kitchen and cook it.

Banana masks: the best recipes

You can find a lot of different recipes for masks that include banana. Choose only those ingredients that will not cause you allergies and will always be at hand.

  • 1.With honey and cream

Mash a medium-sized banana, mix with honey (a tablespoon) and heavy cream (2 tablespoons), beat the mass with a mixer. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, remove with a cotton ball soaked in warm water.

  • 2.With egg yolk

Grind the egg yolk with olive oil (a teaspoon) and mix with the pulp of half a banana. This banana face mask should be washed off after 15 minutes with warm water.

  • 3.With egg white

This mask will be especially useful for oily skin. Mix a small amount of banana pulp (tablespoon) with lemon juice (teaspoon) and egg white. Beat with a mixer, apply on face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to rinse with cool water.

  • 4. With sour cream

Mash half a banana with sour cream (2 tablespoons) and apply on face for 15 minutes. This banana face mask is washed off with cool water. Sour cream can be replaced with yogurt.

  • 5.With milk

Grate half of the banana, mix with milk (2 tablespoons). Apply on face for 15 minutes, you can remove the mass with a cotton ball dipped in warm water.

  • 6.With apples

Mix banana puree (teaspoon) and apple (the same amount) with olive oil or vegetable oil (teaspoon) and egg yolk. To thicken the mass, add wheat flour. Apply the mask for 20 minutes. It is recommended to wash off with warm water.

  • 7.With orange

Mash the pulp of half a banana, mix with mashed orange (1 slice). It is recommended to keep it on the face for 15 minutes, remove the mask with a damp cotton swab and wash with water at room temperature. It is not advised to use a face mask with sensitive skin.

  • 8.With rice oil

Grate half a banana, mix with egg yolk, rice oil (teaspoon). Apply the resulting gruel to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • 9.With lemon juice

Mash half a banana, mix with lemon juice (tablespoon). Apply on face for 15 minutes, wash with cool water.

  • 10.With honey

Shake banana puree (three medium-sized bananas) using a mixer with preheated honey (three tablespoons). Such a banana face mask is applied for 15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

If you've tried the miraculous face mask, you can try how effective is the banana hair mask, which you can easily make at home. You will be able to shine not only with the beauty of your radiant youthful skin, but also with a delightful cascade of hair strengthened with banana.