What to do if lower back hurts during pregnancy. Back pain during pregnancy: when, why and what to do? Causes of pain syndrome

Especially often, these symptoms accompany the second half of pregnancy. This is due to the processes that occur in the body. future mother as the baby grows.

Due to a significant increase in the size of the abdomen, the center of gravity of a pregnant woman shifts. Trying to adapt to this, she is forced to bend her back more and more in the lumbar region. In addition, the rapid increase in weight puts additional stress on the entire musculoskeletal system, in particular on the spine. Due to the production of a special hormone, relaxin, in a woman's body, changes occur in the bone joints (cartilage, ligaments), including the joints of the pelvic bones. As a result of this kind of "softening", the joints of the pelvic bones become more pliable, more extensible, which facilitates the passage of the fetus through the dense pelvic ring during childbirth.

In addition, from the body of the expectant mother is taken a large number of nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby, including vitamins and calcium, which are required for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. If you do not make up for their deficiency in full, then this can cause various diseases, including pain in the back and pelvic bones,

Contribute to the development of pain wearing uncomfortable shoes on high heels, prolonged standing, incorrect posture when performing work while sitting, and just weak muscles that can hardly cope with the increased load. All this provokes the onset of pain in various parts of the back and pelvis.

Sometimes back and pelvic pains are symptoms of musculoskeletal system and other diseases that existed before pregnancy. internal organs... So, for example, pain in any part of the back can be associated with osteochondrosis of the spine, intervertebral hernias, scoliosis and other diseases of the spine. Pain is usually triggered by prolonged work in uncomfortable position and excessive physical activity With a sharp increase in the load in the back area, a sharp pain may appear, which interferes with the normal extension of the spine. In such a situation, the recommendations of a neurologist are necessary.

Prevention of lower back pain in pregnant women

If you suffer from pathology of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, scoliosis (curved spine), flat feet - or you just have weak muscles, then go swimming in preparation for pregnancy, wellness gymnastics... Then, continuing these activities during pregnancy, you will significantly reduce the possibility of developing painful sensations in the muscles and ligaments, as they will become more elastic and strong. In addition, during physical education, the supply of oxygen to the tissues increases significantly, which increases their endurance and speeds up recovery under heavy loads.

At the doctor

In addition to the examination, the doctor may use an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan to diagnose the disease. X-ray examination during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Usually, to relieve a painful attack, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of injections, tablets or ointments, vitamins of group B. During pregnancy, paracetamol-based anti-inflammatory drugs are preferred, since they do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

How can I help myself?

In the second half of pregnancy, in case of back pain caused by pathology of the musculoskeletal system, doctors advise wearing prenatal bandage which supports the abdomen, relieves the stress on the spine. Wearing a bandage is especially indicated when standing for a long time and walking for a long time.

Strictly according to the doctor's prescription, a light massage can be performed, aimed at relaxing the spasmodic muscles. Physical activity during an attack of acute pain is limited. After the cessation of pain and normalization of the mobility of the spine, therapeutic gymnastics is recommended, which serves to strengthen the muscles abdominal, back, increasing the elasticity of ligaments and muscles.

A light stroking massage of the back and feet is very useful. For foot massage, you can use special massage mats and balls. This massage is performed daily for 5-7 minutes. It is necessary that the sensations are comfortable.

It is very important that the expectant mother spends enough time on fresh air since in the skin under the influence sunlight vitamin D is formed, which is necessary for normal calcium metabolism.

To prevent pathology of the musculoskeletal system, it is useful to sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

Good, comfortable footwear is of great importance during pregnancy. steady heel 4-5 cm high.It is very useful, especially for diseases of the spine and joints, wearing a special orthopedic shoes or orthopedic insoles. They can be picked up in specialized orthopedic salons after consulting an orthopedic doctor. When worn uncomfortable, tight shoes the load on the spine and joints is incorrectly distributed, which contributes to the occurrence of pain.

When working in a seated position, you need to take regular breaks in order to change posture, stretch, perform several breathing exercises: while inhaling, raise your arms up, stretch, while exhaling, lower your arms through the sides, relax. Thus, you improve blood circulation in the joints and muscles.

Pregnancy at risk?

Pulling pains in the sacrum area may also indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy. Sometimes they are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, increased urination. Pain can occur after physical or psychological stress. When they appear, it is necessary to postpone all your affairs, it is advisable to lie down, take a sedative drug (VALERIAN, CORVALOL), NO-SHPU, you can use CANDLES WITH PAPAVERIN. If the pain persists or recurs regularly, you should mandatory consult a doctor. The doctor will examine you and refer you for an ultrasound scan. If the study reveals increased tone uterus (local thickening of the uterine wall), antispasmodics (NO-SHPA or PAPAVERIN IN CANDLES), sedative (sedative) drugs (VALERIAN EXTRACT, COR-VALOL), complex drugs (for example MAGNE-B6, which has both antispasmodic and sedative effect). In some cases, it is prescribed hormonal drugs, analogs of natural hormones that support pregnancy - DUFASTON or UTROZHESTAN. In the second half of pregnancy, tocolytics are prescribed - drugs that inhibit the contractile activity of the uterus.

Later in pregnancy, recurrent, recurring pain in the sacral region may be the first signs of onset premature birth... In this case, you can also notice the tension of the uterus: the abdomen becomes dense, "compressed into a lump." If the pains are of a cramping periodic nature, recur at regular intervals, an urgent need to consult a doctor. The doctor will examine the cervix, do an ultrasound scan, CTG (cardiotocography) and, if the gestational age is still small, prescribe inpatient treatment aimed at stopping uterine contractions.

Braxton Hicks contractions (called false contractions) usually occur in the last month of pregnancy and present with moderate pain in the sacrum and / or abdomen. But the main difference between them is labor pains in that they are irregular, and their intensity and duration do not increase over time.

Symphysitis during pregnancy

Quite often during pregnancy, symphysiopathy (symphysitis) develops - a complication in which excessive softening and stretching of the tissues of the symphysis pubis (cartilage connecting pubic bones) under the influence of the hormone relaxin. This is due to a hereditary predisposition, as well as a lack of calcium in the body. With this pathology, pain is localized in the area of ​​the pubic articulation. Characterized by increased pain when changing the position of the body, trying to raise a straightened leg, with palpation of the pubic articulation. Sometimes there is swelling of the tissues in the bosom. A pregnant woman's gait may change, she becomes a duck, waddling.

If the pain is associated with symphysitis, wearing a bandage is recommended. It supports the abdomen and prevents over-stretching of the ligaments and muscles. With severe pain syndrome, experts advise to reduce physical activity. As a rule, calcium preparations are prescribed at a dose of 1000-1500 mg per day. Also, according to the doctor's prescription, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used locally.

Nutrition during pregnancy

During pregnancy, be sure to include in your diet foods "rich in calcium: dairy products (cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, yogurt), fish, meat" greens. Nutrition should be balanced. It is better to avoid foods "that contribute to excess weight gain. It should be remembered that excess weight increases the load on the joints and spine many times over.

Diseases causing back pain in pregnant women

Pain in the lumbar region can be associated with pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis (a kidney stone is mobile and, injuring the mucous membrane urinary tract, causes pain).

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Its development is favored by a violation of the outflow of bile, non-compliance with the diet, in particular, abundant meat and fatty food, alcohol consumption, hereditary predisposition, stress. But right away I must say that during pregnancy, this disease is, fortunately, quite rare. Acute pancreatitis manifested by acute pain in the upper abdomen (epigastric region, right or left hypochondrium), lower back, often of a shingles nature. Vomiting, stool disturbance, and a decrease in blood pressure are often noted. In this case, you need to call " ambulance"Or go to the hospital myself.

To diagnose the disease, are used laboratory research blood and urine, ultrasound, FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy), MRI, etc. Most often, treatment is carried out conservatively, in a hospital. A strict diet is prescribed, drugs to normalize the function of the pancreas, as well as anti-inflammatory and pain relievers. With a severe course of the disease, an operation is not excluded.

Pyelonephritis. With kidney disease, pain is pulling aching - with pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) or sharp, cramping - with renal colic, usually associated with the movement of a stone from the renal pelvis into the ureter. With colic, the pain is so severe that it is almost impossible to find a position in which it could be tolerated.Sometimes the pain spreads along the ureter, towards the groin and urethra It is often possible to loosen it with the help of heat, applying a heating pad to the lumbar region. Another symptom of this disease is a change in urine: it becomes cloudy, in some cases an admixture of blood appears. In addition, with pyelonephritis, an increase in temperature is possible.

To establish the diagnosis, an ultrasound scan is performed, lab tests blood and urine. For the treatment of pyelonephritis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed - it is better if they are selected individually, taking into account the sensitivity of the microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process. Treatment can take place on an outpatient basis, but more often in a hospital. With renal colic, antispasmodics are used to reduce pain, pain relievers, and the prevention of the inflammatory process is carried out. If the stone small size, it is possible that it will come out on its own. But if the stone is large and blocks the lumen of the ureter, then it may need to be removed promptly.

According to statistics, 75% of women experience lower back pain during pregnancy, especially at early dates... In most cases, this is caused by physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother, however, such symptoms can also indicate a serious pathology.

So do not be dismissive of any painful sensations, but you should not panic either. The main thing is to know the causes of back pain and understand what needs to be done during this period and what not. Let's understand this topic.

Low back pain during pregnancy - as indicated by the nature of the pain

You can understand the reason due to which the lower back hurts during pregnancy by the signs described below. You just need to listen more carefully to your body and understand where exactly the pain is localized and how it manifests itself. Based on this, it will be possible to learn how to proceed.

Sharp cutting pain

If the pain syndrome manifests itself in the form of a sharp, acute pain in the lumbar region. This may indicate hidden diseases or disorders in the work of organs.

Main reasons:

  1. Acute pyelonephritis, in which symptoms such as elevated temperature, muscle weakness, reddish tint urine and predominant pain on the right or left.
  2. Urolithiasis disease during exacerbation, it also causes severe back pain. In this case, bouts of vomiting and blood traces in the urine may be present.
  3. Approaching labor characterized by sharp pains, as before menstruation.
  4. Divergence of sutures on the uterus leads to severe pain, in connection with which fainting may even occur. The phenomenon is quite rare and manifests itself only in the event of an occurrence early pregnancy after the previous one, carried out using a cesarean section.

There are many other pathologies in which cutting pain, for example, ectopic pregnancy, problems with gastrointestinal tract, worms and others.

But it is worth remembering that any sharp pain requires immediate treatment to a specialist, at whatever stage of pregnancy it appears.

Pulling back pain

One of the most common symptoms in women during pregnancy. It appears as It's a dull pain when walking or moving, and can give to one or both legs.

More often the lower back hurts during pregnancy in the late stages, since during this period the spine is overloaded. However, if a woman had problems with the spine before pregnancy, for example, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, they will also pulling sensation in back.

When a symptom appears on early stage pregnancy, a routine examination by a gynecologist and surgeon is recommended. To alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, a lumbar massage or physiotherapy is prescribed.

Shooting pain

If the pain is so sharp that it seems to shoot through the lower back, this indicates a neurological disease. In this case, the woman must be examined by a neurologist.

There are several reasons for concern:

  • pinched nerve;
  • hernia of the spine in the lumbar spine;
  • sciatica;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis.

If it shoots in the lumbar region and shoots to one side, this may indicate renal colic. Then you need to pay attention to others accompanying symptoms- Fever, swelling of the legs, high blood pressure.

Why lower back pain can occur - the main reasons

Pain in the lower back during pregnancy different reasons... Most often, in the absence of cutting and stabbing pains, there is no cause for great concern. However, it is necessary to know what can cause this or that pain.

General physiological reasons that do not threaten the health and development of the child include:

  • load causing a shift in the point of gravity of the back;
  • a sharp increase in a woman's weight;
  • decreased muscle tone due to hormonal disruption;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • lack of vitamins in the diet.

It is important to consider at what stage of pregnancy the back hurts in the lumbar region, as well as how the gestation process goes.

Some women may have a period-like discharge during pregnancy. For others, nothing happens every month during this period of the cycle, but discomfort in the lower back may be present, as it was before the delay in menstruation and conception.

In the early stages

If the lower back hurts early in pregnancy, it is more likely due to structural features. hip bone... The body of the future woman in labor is being rebuilt to make it easier for the baby to be born.

That's why pelvic bones under the influence of the hormones progesterone and relaxin, they diverge due to softening of the ligaments. This process can cause discomfort and a bloating sensation in the lower abdomen and back.

In the second trimester, these symptoms may indicate an uneven distribution of the load on the spine. This is due to physiological changes that entail such consequences as an increase in pressure on the intestines and the genitourinary system.

The enlargement of the fetus leads to displacement of organs and deflection of the spine, which causes painful sensations. It is even visually noticeable how a woman's figure changes in position - the abdomen becomes rounded, and the back in the lower back shifts towards the abdomen.

At a later date

If in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, the lower back does not hurt everyone, then on last months gestation, the back aches in almost every future woman in labor. And there are more than enough reasons for this.

In the first place is the rapid increase in the weight of the child. It is in the third trimester that the fetus accumulates adipose and muscle tissue, approaching the body weight required at birth (about 3 kg).

The second factor is hypermobility hip joints due to an increase in hormonal influence. The pelvic bones are diverging more and more, which causes discomfort in the lower back.

Do not forget about the excessive load on the internal organs, which at this time are working to the limit. Pregnancy especially strongly affects the genitourinary system, leading to swelling and weight gain in a woman due to water retention in the body. And this, in turn, further increases the load on the spine.

Are such pains dangerous - the opinions of doctors

Low back pain in early pregnancy signals possible violations ongoing pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist for examination and timely detection of pathologies.

Acute pains are especially dangerous, since they are most often a sign of a woman's health problems. And in order to avoid complications, it is imperative to undergo the course of treatment prescribed by the attending physician.

If the lower back aches and the lower abdomen aches, and at the same time the temperature rises or is observed bloody issues from the vagina, this is also a good reason for going to the doctor.

What not to do for lower back pain

Self-medication is categorically contraindicated, since some signs may indicate a rather serious problems with health. And due to ignorance, you can only harm yourself or your baby even more.

It is dangerous to lift weights during this period so as not to provoke a miscarriage. Maximum weight items lifted during this period should not exceed 3 kg.

If the pain is cutting or shooting, avoid sharp movements.

Do not use pain relievers without a doctor's prescription, as this can lead to misdiagnosis and adversely affect your child's development.

Pain treatment methods

Therapeutic treatment is prescribed only after full examination and identifying the reasons. However, do not underestimate mild aching pains, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, and even more so to self-medicate, since this can harm both the woman and the child.

Standard treatments are used for lower back pain:

  1. With inflammation Bladder, kidney and urinary system treatment is prescribed medication, based on the elimination of the underlying disease.
  2. Problems with the spine are solved by reducing the load on the back and warming up with ointments and a heating pad.
  3. Spasmodic pains are relieved by a special massage for pregnant women.
  4. Various physical exercises help well for pain in the lumbar region, since it strengthens the muscles of the back.
  5. On last dates the doctor may prescribe the wearing of a bandage, which will significantly reduce the load on lumbar, especially in the presence of a hernia or other pathologies of the spine.

Taking calcium supplements can help to strengthen your bones. Often doctors recommend starting taking it at the stage of planning family replenishment. But you shouldn't overdo it with him either.

The lower back can begin to hurt, both in the early stages of pregnancy, and more late dates... Can these manifestations be prevented?

Experts say that if you prepare in advance for such discomfort, then its manifestation will be much less, or even bypass you. To do this, you only need to carry out regular preventive actions aimed at strengthening muscles and improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems.

Tip 1. Use a stabilizing bandage or corset

The wearing of a special support corset is recommended from the second trimester (14 weeks of gestation).

The bandage is made in the form wide belt, which helps to evenly distribute the load throughout the lower abdomen and back. The corset acts as a fixer for the abdomen, and greatly facilitates movement.

Tip 2. Perform daily gymnastics

Passive physical activity not only strengthens the muscles, but can also relieve tension and relieve pain.

This is due to the fact that in the process of carrying a child, some muscles become enslaved or stretched, and gymnastics helps to develop these muscle groups and thereby increase blood flow to the necessary organs. From sports training suitable yoga, fitness, gymnastics for pregnant women.

If the work is sedentary, then it is very important to do some warm-up exercises once an hour or go for a walk and breathe fresh air. Be sure to take care of comfortable furniture in order to properly adjust the height and inclination of the back of the chair. This will reduce stress on the lower back and the entire spine.

Tip 3. Choose the right mattress for sleeping

If the lower back hurts after sleeping, the pregnant woman should take care of changing the mattress. A maternity pillow can also help you relax your back while you sleep.

It is necessary to sleep lying on one side so that the stomach does not press on the internal organs. A properly selected sleeping set will provide complete relaxation of all muscles, so that the body will be rested in the morning.

Do not forget about day rest, which helps to relieve the spine. This is especially true when the back begins to hurt.

An important role not only in the formation and growth of the fetus, but also the health of the mother is played by the correct diet.

Adequate intake of all essential vitamins and nutrients, especially calcium, promotes the synthesis of a sufficient amount of hormones and strengthens bones. And for a good assimilation of all trace elements, walks in the fresh air are useful.

It is worth going to bed on time, because the best time for relaxation from 21:00 to midnight. Observing the regime, the morning rise will not be difficult.

How else to relieve low back pain? Of course, water treatments and swimming. Perfectly strengthens muscles, and at the same time reduces the pressure created by the spine and all internal organs on the lumbar region.

Back pain - doctor's comment:


The process of carrying a child is very difficult, and the expectant mother is obliged to constantly monitor the state of her body in order to provide him with support in time.

Therefore, any symptoms, even the most minor, should be examined by a specialist. Better it will be a false alarm than a missed moment in time to identify a disease that is dangerous for you or your baby.

Quite often, the pacified enjoyment of one's condition while waiting for the baby is overshadowed by unpleasant and painful manifestations in the lower back. On the one hand, this is understandable - the crumb grows, and the load on the spine increases. But sometimes the expectant mother is seriously worried, and since it is undesirable for her to worry, we will try to figure out whether lower back pain during pregnancy is safe and how to get rid of them most effectively.

Why pulls the lower back during pregnancy - harmless reasons

The most frequent and not carrier of threats the cause of painful sensations is a shift in the center of gravity due to an increase in the abdomen. Trying to take the most comfortable position, the woman flexes the lower back, as a result of which the lumbar muscles are constantly in tension. An unusual position of the body causes aching pain, which quickly disappears after even a short rest while lying down. High heels, standing too long, and muscle weakness aggravate the situation.

If the expectant mother had before pregnancy orthopedic problems- scoliosis, intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis - you shouldn't be surprised that you feel lower back pain during pregnancy. Especially if the weight gain future mom going at a rapid pace and exceeding the norm. Hormonal changes and active release of relaxin contribute to significant relaxation of the ligaments and the appearance of mobility of the sacral joints, which also causes trouble.

Lower back hurts during pregnancy - when do you need a doctor's help

Sometimes the reason for the appearance of lower back pain during pregnancy can serve as more dangerous reasons:

- ailments of the genitourinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis. To the pains, which are often localized only on one side, are added fever, cramps with frequent urination, turbidity of urine, nausea;

- the threat of miscarriage - it hurts, and quite strongly, not only the lower back, but also the lower abdomen. The pain is accompanied by a discharge;

- pancreatitis - possible, but not so common during pregnancy. The pain is not limited to the lumbar region, but is also felt in the hypochondrium, epigastric region. It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, flatulence, decreased blood pressure;

- a sharp pain in the lower back is quite capable of arising due to a sharp increase in the load on the back. Sometimes it is so strong that it does not give the opportunity to straighten out, you cannot do without the help of a neurologist.

If such situations arise, an appeal to a doctor is necessary. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose the disease, prescribe necessary treatment and relieve low back pain during pregnancy.

Pulls the lower back during pregnancy - how is it diagnosed and treated?

If the lower back hurts during pregnancy, and you associate this with an exacerbation or occurrence of the listed diseases, you need to contact a specialist - a urologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist. For a correct diagnosis, the doctor conducts ultrasound examination, prescribes urine and blood tests, prescribes, if necessary, antibacterial drugs, pain relievers, recommends a sparing diet. Treatment takes place both in a hospital and on an outpatient basis, the choice depends on the severity of the disease.

Pulls the lower back during pregnancy - how to maintain motherhood

Aching and rather intense pain in the lumbar region can reliably signal the threat of termination of pregnancy or the risk of premature birth. They can appear at any time, against the background of a psychological or physical activity... Sometimes the pain spreads to lower part abdomen and is accompanied by frequent urination. In this case, it is extremely important to lie down, take corvalol or valerian, and the NO-SHPA pill will not hurt. If pain do not pass, or arise again after a short break, you should consult a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Cramping lower back pain during pregnancy at the great forty, recurring regularly, can become unwanted messengers of premature birth. Confirmation is the compaction of the abdomen. If pain returns at regular intervals, it is necessary urgent help doctors and ultrasound examination. In the event of an untimely occurrence of contractions, when it is long enough before the expected date of birth, the mother will be put in a hospital, and the prescribed treatment will be aimed at stopping the uterine contractions. In this situation, especially on last weeks pregnancy, you need to be able to recognize false contractions - they are not regular and their intensity does not increase over time.

Lower back hurts during pregnancy - we help ourselves

Pulls the lower back during pregnancy? Try to use the advice of experts:

1. You should not stay in the same position for more than ten minutes, change your position. Prolonged sitting and standing are equally undesirable.

2. Maintain a straight posture. Pregnancy is not a reason to hunch over. Straightening the entire length of the spine reduces the load on the lower back.

3. While sitting, do not be too lazy to put a pillow under your back, which will help to relax the muscles of the lower back, and place your legs on a low bench. The knees should be just above the level of the lower back.

4. An orthopedic chair is a great helper for both future and mature mothers.

5. Long-term sitting at the computer will not bring any benefit to you or your baby.

6. When forced to stand for a long time, change the supporting leg.

7. Sleep preferably on your side, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy. The use of special pillows for pregnant women allows you to relax and have quality rest. Sleep, or at least lie down, is highly desirable during the day, especially if night insomnia is annoying. Do not jump up too quickly and swiftly from a prone position - slowly turn on your side, sit down and only then get up.

8. Provoke sharp pains in the lower back during pregnancy, improper lifting of objects is possible. You should not bend over in order to pick up something from the floor, it is much better to do this with a slight crouch.

9. If possible, try to avoid taking analgesics, in extreme cases it is permissible to use pain relievers in the form of creams or ointments, but only with the consent of the doctor.

These tips are more likely for prevention, but they help to avoid such unpleasant sensations as lower back pain during pregnancy. In addition, you should remember well - heavy bags are contraindicated while carrying your baby. It is also not recommended to pick up older children, kindly explain to them that this is dangerous for a brother or sister. If possible, use the help of loved ones or a housekeeper.

The closest attention, if the lower back hurts during pregnancy, should be paid proper nutrition... Meat, nuts, herbs, cheese and cottage cheese, yogurt must certainly be present in the menu of the expectant mother. If necessary, the doctor prescribes medications containing calcium. Swimming, special gymnastics, and leisurely walks help to strengthen muscles. From the second half, if the lower back pulls during pregnancy, you can use a special bandage. Its use is especially important if you have to be on your feet for a long time. By the way, from high heels have to refuse. It is better to give preference to comfortable shoes with a small wedge heel, and while resting on the bed, place your feet a little higher than the level of your head.

There are many groups that offer classes for pregnant women - remedial gymnastics, yoga. Swimming is especially good at relaxing muscles and relieving lower back pain during pregnancy. However, before taking a pool pass, consult your doctor. Do not forget to consult with him about visiting a massage therapist. Lightly massaging the back and lower back relieves tension and helps to relax, but it should only be carried out experienced specialist and in the absence of objection from the doctor.

If your lower back pulls during pregnancy, try performing special exercises developed by specialists for expectant mothers and effectively allowing you to get rid of unpleasant pain:

1. Lower yourself onto the gym mat using your hands and knees. The back is straight, the head should be in a straight line with the spine. Take a deep breath, arching your back in an arc and pulling in your stomach, and hold for a few seconds in this position. As you exhale, relax and return your back to a straight position.

2. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Inhale slowly, straining the gluteal and abdominal muscles then exhale, relaxing.

3. Stand on the mat with your arms at your sides. Inhale slowly, raising your arms up and closing them above your head, stretch. Watch your posture! Then exhale, lowering your arms and relaxing all muscles.

Each exercise, or, if desired, one of them, should be performed daily 5-10 times. Choose a time for gymnastics no earlier than an hour after eating, otherwise belching or heartburn may occur. Be sure to drink water to restore the amount of fluid lost during exercise. If during gymnastics you have discomfort or pain, stop - maybe this exercise does not suit you and it is better to replace it with another.

Pregnancy - excellent condition soul and body. Enjoy the feeling of happiness self-worth and waiting for a miracle - birth little man... May you be cozy and comfortable with your baby, and lower back pain during pregnancy, like other troubles, will be bypassed!

Often, girls complain of low back pain that has appeared during early pregnancy. This phenomenon can be both physiological in nature and signal about passing in the body pathological process... When painful sensations appear, it is necessary to tell the attending physician about them.

Physiological causes

Low back pain during early pregnancy is for the most part normal. It is provoked by the beginning of the restructuring of the body, which allows him to bear the baby. In women, after conceiving a child, the composition of the discs and ligaments that support the spine change. They become loose and soft, the level of progesterone increases, the center of gravity of the abdomen moves. This provokes the appearance of discomfort in the lumbar region.

When the first trimester comes to an end, due to the rapid growth, the uterus ceases to fit in the lower abdomen. It rises into the peritoneum, which is why the ligaments that support it become taut and modified. These physiological factors provoke the appearance of discomfort in the lower abdomen and back.

Other reasons

Girls come to specialists to find out why the lower back hurts in the first weeks of pregnancy. The reasons are far from harmless. The ongoing restructuring of the body reduces it protective function... This makes women expecting a baby vulnerable to various diseases, due to which they have back pain in the early stages of pregnancy:

  • osteochondrosis and diseases of the spine at the stage of exacerbation. The pregnant woman will already be familiar with the nature of the sensations. Determining their root cause is not difficult. It is strictly forbidden to eliminate such symptoms with medications that were used before conceiving a child;
  • kidney inflammation. Pregnant women are prone to pyelonephritis caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Often only one kidney becomes inflamed, therefore it gives back to the lower back from the side on which it is located;
  • the likelihood of a miscarriage or early start generic activity;
  • inflammation muscle corset lumbar spine;
  • aggravated diseases of the internal organs, which the girl had before the conception of the baby.

Low back pain in early pregnancy

So that every girl can comfortably bear the baby, the body is trying to rebuild. The spine needs to withstand a heavy load, its lumbar region begins to transform. This leads to the appearance of mild painful sensations that do not cause severe discomfort.

At 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, the sacral spine, under the influence of a hormone-relaxant, begins to relax and become more mobile. If a woman feels mild pain, there is no need to panic. It is necessary to consult a doctor if acute painful sensations appear, accompanied by dizziness, weakness and other symptoms.

7 weeks of pregnancy - the period of the beginning of the expansion of the ligaments giving support to the uterus. This leads to tension in the lower back. Drawing pains that do not cause severe discomfort - normal physiological phenomenon... Concomitant soreness in the lower abdomen, high fever should make you panic. This is how inflammatory or infectious diseases kidneys that can harm the fetus and provoke a miscarriage.

At 8 weeks after conception, susceptibility becomes stronger sciatic nerve ... It has a direct connection with the lumbar spine. On initial stage carrying a child, a woman may not let go of painful sensations. It is required to seek help from a doctor if they are accompanied by frequent urination, the appearance of edema, high temperature body. Such symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the urinary system, which are of an inflammatory nature.

If the lower back hurts a little at the 9th week of pregnancy, without additional symptoms - this is physiology. There is no threat to the unborn baby. You need to experience when acute painful sensations appear in the lumbar spine, profuse discharge from the vagina with blood impurities or brown tint... A similar picture may signal possible miscarriage.

At 10 weeks gestation begins active growth uterus and baby inside the womb... It's getting harder to wear. So that during motor activity keep balance, the expectant mother tries to stretch her neck forward and arch the spine. This provokes the appearance of tension. If the pain appears not intense, there is no reason to worry. When the sensations are regular, it is necessary to tell the doctor about it and find their root cause.

When it comes 11-12 weeks after conception, soreness in the lumbar spine may be more noticeable. The load on the spine becomes uneven, so there is no need to worry. If the pain becomes intense, there is discomfort when urinating - you need to check for genitourinary infections.

Pulling pains

Do not panic right away if your lower back pulls a little in the early stages of pregnancy. Many symptoms are considered physiological.

Painful sensations of a pulling nature, in addition to the body's natural reaction to the ongoing restructuring, can provoke:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • the threat of disruption of pregnancy.


The 1st trimester of pregnancy is different for every woman. Some people tolerate it easily, while others struggle with toxicosis or discomfort.

Severe pain in the back during pregnancy can signal the presence of:
  • inflammation of the kidneys, accompanied by high fever, a deterioration in the condition of the body as a whole, a change in the shade and aroma of urine;
  • urolithiasis when it is difficult for a person to find a position in which it becomes a little easier to endure the pain. The appearance of urine with blood impurities is possible;

Cramping pains

Cramping lower back pain during pregnancy can signal the appearance of:
  • renal colic;
  • threats of miscarriage.

Stitching pains

When a woman is carrying a child, stabbing back pains are provoked:
  • diseases of the spine;
  • neuralgia (the nature of painful sensations changes with physical activity);
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system(with such painful sensations, the heart rate changes and blood pressure);
  • renal colic (gives to the groin, perineum, leg).

Lower back pain radiating to the leg

Low back pain in early pregnancy, radiating to the leg, occurs after being active for a long time, standing, or being in an uncomfortable position. This is a consequence of the increased stress on the spine and abdominal muscles exerted by the growing uterus.

Another provoking factor can be diseases of neuralgic origin (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis). In addition to pain radiating to the leg, there are no other uncomfortable symptoms.

A pregnant woman should definitely inform the gynecologist about the pain that has appeared and additionally consult a neurologist.

Risk of miscarriage

Often, the back hurts very badly during pregnancy and opens uterine bleeding if there is a threat of miscarriage. It starts with a small amount of bloody discharge, the amount of which gradually increases. Cramps appear in the lower abdomen.

The symptomatology of a miscarriage can be different depending on its stage.

There are four of them:

  • threatening miscarriage- worried about aching lower back pain in the first trimester of pregnancy, accompanied by small amount vaginal discharge with blood impurities. There are cases when a similar picture is present in the expectant mother before the onset of labor;
  • started spontaneous miscarriage... Disturbed by lower back pain, cramping sensations in the lower abdomen, profuse bleeding, dizziness and weakness appear. At an early stage, if you go to the doctor in a timely manner, you can undergo treatment and keep the child;
  • miscarriage in progress. Appears sharp pain lower abdomen, lower back aches. The fruit dies and it is impossible to preserve it;
  • miscarriage occurred. The contraction of the uterus and the release of the ovum begin. The bleeding stops, after which the spasm and soreness subside.


Video - exercise for back pain during pregnancy

When not to worry

During pregnancy in the first trimester, back pain is often physiological in nature. The uterine ligaments stretch, swell, and the uterus begins to grow rapidly. Women are advised to register with a gynecologist in order to monitor the course of pregnancy.

If your lower back hurts in early pregnancy and the sensations are similar to soreness during menstruation, you do not need to panic. It is also harmless when the pain is present in the evening and you have to look for a comfortable sleeping position. The sensations are natural, they do not represent any danger to the health and bearing of the unborn baby.

How to relieve lower back pain

When low back pain worries in the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers go to the doctor to figure out what to do to eliminate it.

To do this, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • buy comfortable shoes, without a heel (even a small one). This reduces excessive stress on the spine;
  • control weight (the maximum set rate is twelve kilograms for the entire pregnancy);
  • monitor your posture. When walking, straighten your back, while be sure to take your shoulders back;
  • provide the body with a full night sleep... If the lumbar spine hurts, it is better to lie on your left side with one pillow under your stomach and the other between your knees. If you need to sleep on your back, be sure to put a thick pillow under your lower back. This will help relieve tension on the back muscles. Optimal - buy a specially designed pillow for pregnant women;
  • remember to wear a prenatal bandage;
  • avoid sudden movements, bends, torso twists and heavy lifting. If you need to pick up something from the floor, it is better to squat down;
  • sit on chairs with a hard back, and not on soft sofas and armchairs, putting a pillow under the lower back;
  • stick to healthy way life: take a long and leisurely walk in the fresh air, go in for swimming, do exercises for pregnant women;
  • if there is a doctor's recommendation, you can go for massage and physiotherapy.

Back pains without a physiological nature should not be treated on their own. This is dangerous for the health of the woman and her unborn baby. It is better to go to the doctor in a timely manner and undergo the necessary therapy.

Unconventional ways

Some women are interested in how to reduce back pain during pregnancy using unconventional techniques. They have huge list contraindications during pregnancy. They can be used only with the permission of the attending physician, so as not to harm the unborn baby.