What can a pregnant woman eat with. Iron rich foods. Sweet, flour, refined sugar

Reading time: 7 minutes

There are recommendations from nutritionists what to eat for a pregnant woman: foods should be healthy, contain many nutrients that are involved in the construction and proper functioning of a new body. If a pregnant woman wants to eat some product, she should not deny herself. Refusal of the desired meal will lead the expectant mother to stress, which will cause more harm to the child than a "wrong" product eaten in small quantities.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman

A balanced, proper diet for a pregnant woman should be beneficial. All foods that the expectant mother eats end up in the baby's placenta. Some elements go to the construction of his body, enrichment of cells and tissues with the necessary substances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. Others can harm a small body, so it is necessary to approach the nutrition of a pregnant woman with caution.

How to eat right for a pregnant woman

Food for pregnant women should contain many essential substances. A pregnant woman should not overeat or feel hungry. Key recommendations:

  1. You need to eat fractionally: 5-7 meals. Hard diets are strictly prohibited, and in the first half a pregnant woman can eat up to 5 times a day, and in the second half - up to 7 times.
  2. Food should contain the right amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates.
  3. Be sure to eat foods containing vitamins and minerals.
  4. Heavy food should not be eaten in the afternoon, so meat dishes, fish, eggs are best cooked for breakfast or lunch.
  5. For dinner, it is better to serve vegetable food or dairy products, porridge.
  6. It is important that the last meal falls at a time two hours before bedtime, at which time you can eat yogurt or drink kefir.
  7. A pregnant woman should drink a lot - about 2-2.5 liters per day, but in the very last weeks, the liquid must be reduced to 900 ml in order to prevent edema.
  8. Eat more foods containing plant fiber, which improve bowel function, prevent constipation.

What can you eat

Pregnant women can eat almost all foods, but it is advisable to limit yourself to something, for example, sugar, fast food. However, little by little, rarely, you can try almost everything. Among the main products that a pregnant woman is allowed to eat, there are such as milk, cottage cheese, fish, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, vegetable fats, bread, cheese, kefir and others.

Eating in the first half of pregnancy

The first half of pregnancy is a very crucial time when early toxicosis can occur. For a period of 1-5 months, the baby's body is formed. To build the skeleton, the nervous system, and the proper functioning of the brain, useful substances are needed. It is necessary to introduce liver and other by-products into the diet; it is necessary to eat meat, fish, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables, fresh fruits. An approximate menu of how a pregnant woman should eat in the first half of pregnancy during the day:

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, a third of the protein consumed goes to the fetus. To avoid a deficiency, you need to eat more protein foods. The rest of the diet may not be very different, except that the number of meals is increased by one or two times. The daily diet of a woman in the second half of pregnancy should include the following foods:

Healthy food for pregnant women

If the food includes foods in the required proportions, then it is considered correct. There are certain dishes that meet the requirements of healthy food, among which vinaigrette is one of the main places. Useful products during pregnancy: pollock, milk and dairy dishes. Eat only carefully prepared foods to kill all possible harmful bacteria.

The vinaigrette

A classic vinaigrette can replace many dishes, because it contains all the necessary vegetables: boiled potatoes, carrots, beets; fresh onions; pickles, sauerkraut. It is recommended to season the salad with vegetable oil. You can add other ingredients that a pregnant woman likes, for example: lean meat, beans, mushrooms and others.


A delicious, nutritious dish can be prepared with muesli. Cereals themselves are very important, as they endow the body with a large supply of nutrients and trace elements. They improve digestion, add the right amount of carbohydrates. And in muesli, they are served along with dried fruits, which are rich in vitamins. Regularly eating muesli, you can stock up on the proper amount of natural vitamins, so you don't have to take additional medications. It is not recommended for expectant mothers to eat sweets, and muesli will delight a woman with natural sugar.


Pasta is rich in carbohydrates. They are needed for the proper functioning of internal organs, for the production of large amounts of energy. You can cook many dishes from them. They are served with vegetable stew, prepared meat gravy, minced meat stew, fried liver. Almost all dishes are served with pasta, which will allow the body to consume the maximum amount of necessary substances.


Pollock fish is very popular because it is inexpensive, while tasty and healthy. Its undoubted advantage is its antioxidant effect; it also regulates blood sugar levels. It has a good effect on the body systems: digestive, nervous, thyroid, mucous membranes. It contains:

  • Vitamin A, essential for eye and skin health;
  • vitamin PP - to regulate the nervous and digestive systems;
  • fluoride - formation of tooth enamel, strengthening of bones;
  • chromium is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, it is recommended for diabetes mellitus;
  • potassium promotes the elimination of excess fluid;
  • phosphorus is of great importance in the work of the brain, heart muscles, as well as in the regulation of acid-base balance;
  • sulfur affects the condition of hair, nails, skin.

Milk and dairy products

You need to eat the most popular foods during pregnancy - these are milk and dairy derivatives, for example, kefir, natural yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheese. They contain many trace elements:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the human body;
  • milk fat - a source of energy;
  • required calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • copper, cobalt, iron - in small quantities;
  • contains vitamins in small amounts, almost all possible types;
  • lactose - for the development of a favorable microflora in the intestine.

The healthiest foods for pregnant women

The above are the beneficial properties of some foods. It just won't work to highlight the best one, because each one is rich in a certain set of elements, so a list is simply given of what is better to eat:

  1. Meat - animal protein, iron, B vitamins.
  2. Fish - phosphorus, vitamin D.
  3. Milk - vitamins of group B and D, calcium, fatty acids (Omega-3).
  4. Raw eggs are a source of 12 types of vitamins.
  5. Nuts - Vitamin E, Selenium, Magnesium, Omega-3 Acids, Phytic Acid.
  6. Broccoli - folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamins A, E, C.
  7. Potatoes - Vitamin C, folate, potassium, carbohydrates, and fiber.

What pregnant women should not eat

As there are useful, there are also harmful, prohibited foods during pregnancy. The table shows what you should definitely not eat. It is necessary to exclude:

Product Action
Smoked meats Contains carcinogens, chemicals may be added to create the effect of a smoked product.
Spicy Overloads the liver and gallbladder.
Food products with E-additives This is chemistry, therefore, it harms various systems of the body, especially a fragile fetus.
Canned food Due to the content of preservatives in them.
Margarine Trans fats clog arteries and cardiovascular disease can occur.
Raw fish It is possible to become infected with listeriosis, which negatively affects the development of the child.
Seafood Can provoke allergies.
Alcohol It is forbidden to drink alcohol, because alcohol and the chemicals in its composition have a destructive effect on many tissues and systems of the body, especially on the brain and nervous system.

What is undesirable to eat during pregnancy

There are also foods that can be eaten, but it is necessary to significantly reduce their number. For example, you can eat fried, fatty foods in small quantities. Better to replace them with baked and boiled dishes. Among the foods that are not advisable to eat are the following:

  • coffee or black strong tea, because blood pressure rises, there is a risk of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • chocolate acts as a pathogen on the fragile nervous system of the fetus, causes allergies;
  • sugar and sweets are high in carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain;
  • fast food - due to the high calorie content;
  • exotic fruits - due to the risk of the presence of pesticides;
  • meat, if poorly processed, contains harmful bacteria that can cause dangerous diseases: rabies, bird flu, listeriosis and others.


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

It is clear that after becoming pregnant, a woman tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, saturate her diet with vitamins and microelements. Each of us knows that pregnant women need positive emotions, attention, fresh air, walking, support and understanding, and so on. But relatives and girlfriends are beginning to actively bombard the future mother with various instructions: then don't do this, don't eat this. What are the prohibitions during pregnancy?

What can you do during pregnancy?

  • Clean water should be the main and main drink for a pregnant woman. You can also natural juices, fruit drinks, kvass (especially homemade).
  • Many pregnant women "breaks" on. A little you can, but it is better to choose non-alcoholic.
  • In the last trimester, you can afford a glass of good wine (but not champagne). True, we are all different, and dosages may vary accordingly. There is an opinion that if the expectant mother feels a slight intoxication, the baby is completely unconscious.
  • Hair can be cut, it will not do any harm to the unborn baby, and the mother's hair will not stop growing.
  • Of the drugs, only paracetamol (3 tablets 3 times a day for no more than 3 days) are harmless (for the entire period).
  • You can sleep on your back (if it is convenient for you).
  • There is no better physical fitness for expectant mothers than swimming and water aerobics.
  • You can use cosmetics. But face cream should not contain vitamin A (in large quantities it is very harmful), hydrocortisone (this is a steroid that, when used daily, is dangerous for a child), benzoyl peroxide. Regarding gel and body lotion, it is best to choose those specifically for pregnant women. They are safe and contain ingredients designed to minimize the chances of stretch marks and breast deformities.
  • Have sex if the pregnancy is normal. However, it will not be superfluous to specifically ask the doctor about this.

What is not allowed during pregnancy?

  • , alcohol and drugs - under an iron taboo! There are no safe doses of these poisons. So stay away from them. Also, avoid secondhand smoke.
  • Caffeine can cause miscarriage or underweight at birth. And green tea interferes with the absorption necessary for the normal development of the baby. Therefore, it is better to refuse them. But if you really want to - then you can sometimes a little.
  • It is not recommended to eat such foods: raw meat, unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses, hematogen, sushi, seafood. Fast food and harmful additives are also not for pregnant women. Try not to eat spicy, salty and fatty foods.
  • Carbonated drinks can cause active fermentation in the intestines, which provokes uterine contractions.
  • It is prohibited to wear synthetic underwear, especially thongs. Choose natural cotton panties and specialty maternity bras.
  • It is not advised to dye your hair and do a perm. During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes, this often affects the skin and hair, and chemical agents can further worsen their condition. But if you still decide to paint, then choose gentle paints.
  • Changing cat litter increases the likelihood of contracting toxoplasmosis. The result can be stunted growth of the baby, poorly developing brain, and damage to the eyes of the fetus.
  • Do not overheat. Therefore, saunas and baths will have to be abandoned.
  • Do not start repairs during this period - paints and toxins will disappear no earlier than in a year.
  • Insect sprays are not recommended. The toxins enter your bloodstream and from there to your baby.
  • The following medications are categorically contraindicated: Aminopterin, Methyltestosterone, Progestins, Quinine, Thalidomide, Trimetadine, Retinoids (isotretinoin, roancutane, etretinate, tigazone, acitretin).
  • You shouldn't get any vaccinations.
  • It is better to give up high heels now. First, it is dangerous: the risk of falling increases. Secondly, during this period, the center of gravity shifts, and the load on the spine increases. And the heels enhance it. Therefore, starting from the second half of pregnancy, the risk of all kinds of radiculitis and neuralgia increases, which, of course, is useless for expectant mothers.
  • You cannot raise your hands when the baby has already taken the correct position.
  • You cannot lie on your stomach and sit cross-legged.
  • They say that you can not show a newborn to anyone until he is 40 days old. They can jinx. In fact, doctors do not recommend bringing strangers into your baby's house for about a month. Your home has its own atmosphere and microflora, the guests who come have their own. The child should develop immunity to his environment, so do not gather crowds of people. But on the street, when the baby is asleep - please show him to anyone you want.

Neither yes - nor no

  • A visit to the solarium is not recommended. But many disagree with this. If you cover your tummy with a towel and adhere to the basic rules, there is nothing to fear.
  • If you are a lover of soy, you should not deny yourself the consumption of this product. But if you haven't tried these beans before, it's better not to risk it. And you need to choose natural soy. Although there is no evidence that genetically modified foods adversely affect our health.
  • Antiperspirant deodorants that contain aluminum salts are best avoided. But you can use perfumed alcohol deodorant.
  • It is better to refrain from any trips. Vibration-causing transport is a clockwork mechanism to hyperexcitability of the uterus and can provoke a miscarriage or. But if a woman feels great, then you can go on vacation. But it's better not in the period when the risk of miscarriage increases: 11-12, 26-27 and 31-32 weeks.
  • You can sit at the computer, but only for a short time. Abuse is dangerous from the earliest possible date - it increases the risk of a missed (frozen) pregnancy.
  • Exercise is beneficial, but it includes walking and special exercises for pregnant women. You should not lift a barbell, climb mountains, run marathons, or dive into the water.
  • Doctors do not recommend overusing food allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits). And in general, you need to be careful with such products, that is, if possible, exclude. But opponents of the prohibitions argue that you can eat whatever you want. After all, the body itself feels that it can. In addition, for the duration of breastfeeding, you will have to give up a lot, and you really want to eat up for the future!
  • It is advisable not to take any medications. But if there is such a need, consult your doctor and study this issue further.
  • If you do not drink pills, preferring to be treated with herbs, you need to carefully read the composition of the medicinal fees. Harmful for pregnant women: aloe, barberry, oregano, ergot, tansy, sowing - these herbs can increase the tone of the uterus. Wild strawberries and succession - can predispose a child to allergies. Seaweed, spinach, sorrel - if consumed excessively, can cause fetal development disorders. St. John's wort - increases blood pressure in a pregnant woman. Marsh calamus, blue cornflower, elecampane, juniper, celery - can disrupt kidney function. In addition, plants are poisonous: belladonna (belladonna), yellow egg capsule, glossy euphorbia, male fern, evading peony, common lilac, field horsetail, bird cherry. These plants are sometimes used for treatment in small doses, but this should not be done during pregnancy.
  • The same goes for aromatherapy. If you do not have allergies, you can safely use oils. Among the safe ones are petitgrain, rose, sandalwood and tea tree, neroli, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, lavender, lemon, orange, calendula, wheat germ, jojoba. On the advice of a specialist, you can use the oil of bergamot, chamomile, peppermint, incense. It is categorically impossible during pregnancy to oil of laurel, basil, nutmeg, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, thyme, sage, cloves, oregano, patchouli (in the last weeks), cedar, cypress, Chinese magnolia vine, rosemary, yarrow, fennel. They can have a toxic effect on a child and even provoke a miscarriage of oil of tansy, burdock, wormwood, oregano, and mint.
  • They say that ultrasound can be done no more than 3 times during pregnancy. Doctors themselves disagree on this question. Some say that modern ultrasound machines are almost completely safe for a baby, and you can be examined as often as you like. Others - whatever it may be, but irradiation is irradiation. Do not give up ultrasound if it really needs to be done. But going specifically to find out the gender of the child is perhaps not worth it.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Nutrition during pregnancy is one of the most important conditions for the full development of the fetus, a favorable course of pregnancy and its outcome. Normal conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding are natural physiological processes that often do not require medical intervention. The only thing that expectant mothers should understand is that the life and health of their unborn child will depend on how they eat for all 9 months. Some simply do not realize this, so in the future there are serious problems with the development of the fetus. Moreover, improper and unbalanced nutrition of the expectant mother during gestation will affect the well-being of the baby after many years.

There are too many temptations in the modern world, but sometimes you should forget about your desires and completely focus on the child. To alleviate nutritional problems in the early months of pregnancy, doctors may prescribe special foods, such as protein vitamin and mineral complexes, which are able to supply the body with all the necessary substances.

1 trimester - features and eccentricities of pregnant women

Relatives can help with a pregnant woman's diet. The 1st trimester is one of the most important periods in the formation of the fetus. It is during the first months of pregnancy that you will have to completely abandon all bad habits. In fact, this had to be done a few months before conception, even while planning a pregnancy.

When it comes to food, a sudden change in habits and the transition to completely healthy foods can be stressful for the body, and this is completely unnecessary. For example, do you like to eat fried potatoes and cannot imagine your life without them? Great, eat to your health. Such eccentricities are fully supported. In any case, if a pregnant woman wants something unusual, then she definitely needs to be given it. Small whims in food are permissible, because the body is rebuilt in connection with pregnancy - this concerns the fact that a child needs a huge amount of useful minerals and vitamins. There may not be enough of them, therefore, the woman's body with such "wishes" signals that there is a lack of any substances. As you can see, the diet for pregnant women is quite simple in the first months. Many don't even change their habits.

What are we eating?

A pregnant woman's menu is quite an unpredictable thing. Of course, everything is selected individually, but there are some general patterns for all expectant mothers.

It is very important to listen to even the slightest eccentricities in food, because the desires of pregnant women sometimes speak volumes. For example, if you want seaweed, then there is an acute lack of iodine in the body. An increased interest in dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.) is a sign of insufficient calcium levels. It is necessary for the full development of the fetus, therefore, its deficiency must be eliminated without delay. A lack of vitamin C, for example, is evidenced by cravings for fresh vegetables and fruits, potatoes and pickles. During this period, many people want to eat nuts, fish and green peas - such food preferences are a clear sign of a lack of vitamin B1 in the body. Fruits, as well as orange and red vegetables, are excellent sources of vitamin A (i.e. carotene). The good news for banana lovers is that they are rich in vitamin B6 and essential potassium.

The correct diet for pregnant women should in no way exclude the use of meat. Situations are often observed when such a useful product is refused due to toxicosis. This phenomenon worries women during the first few months of pregnancy. In any case, it will pass quickly enough, and the use of such products will not cause absolutely any trouble.

The first half is the correct ratio of beneficial micro and macro elements

In the first few months of pregnancy, the internal organs of the unborn baby begin to form, which is why it is so important to adhere to the advice of specialists regarding nutrition. Firstly, it is preferable to eat 4 times a day, and this should be done in such a way that about 30% of the total energy value of the daily diet was eaten for breakfast.

Then it is followed by a second breakfast - this is another 15%, lunch takes 40%, dinner is only 10%. But at 9 o'clock in the evening you can drink a glass of kefir - this will be the remaining 5%.

Such proportions should be calculated for a diet with an energy value of 2400 or up to 2700 kcal. In order to avoid possible problems in the future, you need to properly plan your meals during pregnancy.

Doctors are advised to follow a diet, which will definitely include all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, fats, micro- and macroelements, minerals, and vitamins. A pregnant woman's diet per day should include an average of 75 g of fat, up to 110 g of protein, as well as approximately 350 g of carbohydrates. It is these proportions that are able to provide the body of a pregnant woman with everything necessary for the normal physiological development of the fetus.

Contraindications during pregnancy

The diet for pregnant women should completely exclude alcohol and cigarettes - it would seem that everyone knows this, but some young ladies simply cannot give up such harmful habits.

Sometimes it is not enough to know that in the future, bad habits can lead to improper physiological development of the baby, to problems with the cardiovascular system and mental development.

In the first months of pregnancy, drug abuse should be avoided, unless the attending physician sees it as necessary. Avoid any contact with patients, because during pregnancy, a woman's immunity is too weakened, which can lead to sad consequences. You should not eat poor quality foods. The best option would be to eat freshly cooked meals, fresh vegetables and fruits. Food poisoning is not a good prospect.

The most interesting thing is that the spicy lovers are a little unlucky. They will not see such spices as mustard, horseradish, pepper and vinegar soon. It is important that there is absolutely no canned food on the pregnant woman's menu. You can only use those that are marked "Baby food" and "Preservative free guaranteed."

Required doses of minerals

The most common problem that pregnant women face is a lack of iron in their blood. It is this component that is responsible for normal blood circulation and tissue respiration. In order to replenish the required daily dose (up to approximately 20 mg), it is enough to include egg yolk, liver, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge in the diet.

If there is a desire to eat lime, salt, chalk and more, then this is a clear sign of a lack of calcium salts in the body. Therefore, first you need to revise your diet. In this case, pregnant women are prescribed special vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and iron preparations. An approximate diet for a pregnant woman should include 1500 to 2000 mg of calcium per day. This dose is almost double the adult's daily requirement. In order to satisfy this need, you will have to intensively eat dairy products, especially milk. For example, 100 ml of pasteurized milk contains approximately 130 mg of calcium. The most valuable in this regard are cheeses - just 100 g of cheese can contain up to 1000 mg of calcium.

Strict rules must be followed regarding the consumption of table salt. For example, in the first few months it is possible to allow up to 12 g per day, a little later it is already possible only up to 8 g, but in the last two or three months only up to 5 g.

Nutrition during pregnancy - basic rules

It is important to ensure that all food prepared is of the highest quality. Many doctors recommend eliminating sucrose from the diet. For the most part, it is found in confectionery. A good substitute would be glucose, honey, fructose, as well as any confectionery that is made on their basis.

It is very important for a pregnant woman to ensure that the amount of energy that comes with food is in line with the expenditure. That is, it is normal that the expectant mother is gaining pounds, but this recommendation will protect her from excess weight that may remain after childbirth.

The diet of a pregnant woman must be completely balanced: an excess of nutrients can also disrupt the full physical development of the fetus, metabolism and the function of the endocrine glands. As a result, a baby with overweight and inharmonious development of internal organs may be born.

If we look at the problem from the other side, then malnutrition can harm the unborn child even more than overeating. A deficiency of at least one useful element (for example, calcium) in the diet of a pregnant woman can negatively affect the health of the baby. In the absence of the necessary macro- and microelements, vitamins and minerals, miscarriage or premature birth can occur. Prematurity is very dangerous for a baby's life: it can affect mental retardation, the occurrence of various anomalies, deformities, and developmental delays.

Standard in weight gain during pregnancy

An approximate diet for pregnant women should only be calculated based on their individual needs. An interesting fact is that all women gain weight almost the same. For example, the rate of increase in body weight is from 8 to 10 kg. This is approximately 300 or 350 g per week during the second half of pregnancy. Most often, many girls begin to eat uncontrollably, explaining that they need to eat for two. It is not right! You cannot gain too many extra pounds already in the first half of the term. It is important to monitor the health of the foods you eat and not overdo it. If you follow a few simple rules, a diet for pregnant women for weight loss may not be needed in the future.

Second half of pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy at this time is somewhat different - it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day. This is slightly more than in the first half, but one condition remains unchanged - you will have to give up hot spices, seasonings and coffee. There is an approximate list of foods that must be taken in food. For example, you need to eat cottage cheese about 150 g, butter and vegetable oil - from 30 g to 40 g, 1 egg, 500 g of milk and 50 g of sour cream. As for bakery products, the norm of wheat and rye bread is 150-200 g each, buns or cookies can be eaten 100 g, pasta is recommended no more than 60 g. Besides water and juice, you can drink tea and cocoa.
An hour before bedtime, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir. As for the intake of meat and fish, you should schedule the diet for pregnant women in such a way that these two types of products are necessarily for breakfast and lunch. But for dinner, it is worth giving preference to dairy and plant foods, and you should have dinner a few hours before bedtime so that the body does not feel heavy.

Health problems in expectant mothers

One should not dismiss the possibility that a pregnant woman may have a simple intolerance or allergic reactions to staple foods. In this case, you need to fully coordinate your diet with the antenatal clinic doctor, who will further lead the pregnancy. Nutrition during pregnancy (menu) will be calculated in such a way as not to provoke allergies to certain foods, but at the same time to satisfy the needs of the developing fetus as much as possible. For example, if there is no way to refuse something, then such food products will be consumed in small doses, which will gradually increase. Allergenic foods are diluted in boiled water and taken in a teaspoon once a day. Gradually, the dosage and concentration will increase to two and then three spoons. Such training involves a gradual increase in dosage, so that in the future it will be possible to eat even those foods that are allergic.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is monitored by a doctor and in cases where the pregnancy proceeds with any complications, for example, if a girl is obese, chronic diseases or other abnormalities.

What to do with late toxicosis?

The most common problem is the appearance of late toxicosis - in this case, doctors recommend a fasting diet. The diet for pregnant women includes an apple diet - it means that the girl eats about 300 g of baked, ripe or raw apples five times a day. As a result, you get 1.5 kg per day. There is a watermelon diet, built on the same principle, but in the end, 2 kg of watermelon comes out per day. In any case, such diets are chemically and energetically deficient enough, so they are prescribed no more than 1 time per week.

Pregnancy is one of the best periods in a woman's life. This is the expectation of a miracle, this thrill of a baby born under your heart and a pacifying warmth throughout your body. That is why it is so important during this period not to disturb your inner comfort and the comfort of the baby. And that is why you need to be balanced and.

The main rule is to get all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals, although this is not a reason to double the portion.

During pregnancy, eat as soon as you feel like it. It is better to eat often - up to 5-6 times - but little by little. Do not overeat, chew food thoroughly, do not rush, do not overeat at night. Say yes to boiled, baked, steamed. But refuse fried, smoked and canned food.

First of all, both the expectant mother and her baby need protein, because it is the building material of cells, it helps the baby to grow. The daily allowance is 75-100 grams of protein per day. If we translate all this into a “food equivalent”, then this is about three glasses of milk, half a kilo, two eggs and one hundred grams or fish. To get enough protein, cook yourself lean meat, poultry (it is better to take domestic than imported), pamper yourself with fish - shrimps, lobsters, crabs; boil eggs or make yourself an omelet. Consume vegetables, fruits and berries, but preferably from your strip. Click nuts - pine nuts, hazelnuts - and seeds. Don't avoid legumes.

To help the body with energy - consume carbohydrates. But be careful with them - their overabundance can be harmful. There are carbohydrates that instantly relieve hunger, but they do not last long. These are chocolates, sweets, sugar. In the body, such carbohydrates are stored in the form of fatty accumulations. Completely from sweets, of course, do not refuse, but it is better to eat them quite a bit, replace with cereals, pasta, vegetables and potatoes - especially boiled in their uniforms. These carbohydrates are called unrefined. They eliminate, do not lift, and hold. It is better to cook porridge from unpeeled cereals, whole grains and sprouted wheat. And the bread is coarsely ground or with bran.

To support the normal blood flow of the expectant mother and baby, consume carbohydrates. It contains liver, sardines, spinach. This is especially good in combination with vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits - by the way, its greatest content is in grapefruits, moreover, they are hypoallergenic - in sorrel, spinach, bell peppers. Vitamin C heals wounds, and is useful for the baby because it promotes its growth and makes the skeleton and teeth strong.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, the menu should also contain fats, but unsaturated ones. Add creamy, bright yellow and hard butter to porridges, fry in refined, and season salads with unrefined.

Be sure to consume A, E and B. Calcium strengthens the bones - if the baby has enough of it, then it does not harm the mother's teeth and bones, does not take it from them. Calcium is found in milk, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, almonds, and peanuts. Folic acid is found in yellow vegetables, fruits, and greens. It helps the skin, eyes and bones, and has a positive effect on the development of the baby's brain. B vitamins are found in cereals - it is very good if you eat buckwheat and unpolished rice - in black bread and cabbage. By the way, the latter is very useful if you feel that you are gaining excess weight. It prevents the deposition of fat in the body - consume it boiled, stewed, in salads. Pineapple and fats do not allow to "linger".

During pregnancy, focus not only on nutrition, but also on fluid intake. Drink at least two liters a day. Soup, and teas are also considered.

Exclude harmful products from your diet. Hazardous to the health of a pregnant woman can be swordfish, shark, cabezone, king mackerel, canned white tuna. They have a high level of metal that is harmful to the baby's nervous system and brain. A safe dose is 150 grams per week of white tuna or 300 grams of salmon, shrimp. Be wary of fish caught in rivers and lakes. Never eat raw or undercooked meat, even if it is homemade. And, of course, deny fast foods: hod-dogs, ham of a dubious type are not the best food for a pregnant woman. Do not eat unpasteurized dairy products, juices, chilled smoked meats. Tobacco is also categorically contraindicated, and it is harmful even to breathe in their vapors. Do not drink tap water: it can only be consumed purified and filtered. Doctors have not fully studied the effect of herbal supplements and teas on the body of a pregnant woman.

In the first half of pregnancy, the nutrition of the expectant mother is actually no different from what she ate before pregnancy. But nevertheless, it should be diverse and include all the necessary (we have listed them above) substances. Allow yourself salty, if you really want, but do not overuse it so that the salts are not set aside. The daily diet for the first half of pregnancy is 2400 - 2700 kcal.

In the second, the fetus is growing rapidly, the load on all organs and systems of the mother increases, so eat more. But exclude salty, spicy, smoked, semi-finished products. The daily diet for the second half of pregnancy is 2800 - 3000 kcal.

Remember: a properly composed diet will help a baby to be born strong and healthy, and a mother - to bear an heir without harm to health or appearance, with good health throughout pregnancy. Poor nutrition in early pregnancy can affect the survival of the embryo, and later on, the development of the baby.

Specially for- Maria Dulina

Happiness, anxious expectation, anticipation and even fear - all these feelings inevitably accompany pregnant women. And it is very important during this period not to surrender to emotions, but to remember that responsibility, which is also an integral part of it. It is at this time that the observance of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle is most important. Almost all of them apply to pregnancy, although some require minor adjustments.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is most important, since it depends on what a woman eats, how her child will develop. For example, whether a pregnant woman gets enough protein depends on whether the child will have enough building material. Protein nutrition for pregnant women is very, very important.

In addition, many products have the most detrimental effect on the condition and development of the child, and on the well-being of the mother. Naturally, such products must be discarded. It makes sense to take into account one important feature: proper nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy will differ slightly from the diet of a pregnant woman in the last weeks.

Not everyone understands where such differences come from, but understanding the topic will be quite simple. Judge for yourself, in the early stages important systems of the body are laid, but the size of the fetus increases slightly. That's why in the early stages a healthy diet for pregnant women is based on an adequate intake of minerals, vitamins, and the like.

In the second trimester pregnancy, nutrition should be guided by an increased intake of protein, since it is now that the active growth of the child and his internal organs begins. All this requires a building material, that is, protein.

Nutrition in the third trimester pregnancy - these are, first of all, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the development of the internal systems of the child's body, in particular calcium for the growth of bones and the development of the nervous system.

When planning a pregnancy, proper nutrition is also very important. The healthier, more enduring, strong the woman's body is at the moment of conception, the more chances of successful fixation of the ovum in the uterus. And a certain set of vitamins in the body contributes to the correct development of the embryo.

As you can see, the difference in recommendations for proper nutrition of pregnant women by months, and sometimes even by weeks, is quite justified. However, there are, of course, general rules for proper nutrition during pregnancy, so they will be discussed further.

General principles of proper nutrition during pregnancy

First of all, it is worth remembering one simple thing: it is better to get up from the table slightly hungry than with a heaviness in the stomach from overeating. In this regard, it is better to adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition altogether: eat less, but more often. The ideal option would be to eat 5-6 times a day. You need to eat the last time 3 hours before bedtime. Eating later is highly discouraged, if the feeling of hunger is unbearable, you can drink a glass of milk or kefir, eat an apple or pear. It is this diet for pregnant women that will be the most optimal.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy, as well as, in fact, any proper nutrition, involves the rejection of fried foods, pickled foods and smoked meats. Foods that are steamed, boiled, stewed, or baked are much healthier. Food for pregnant women should be as fresh as possible, should not contain preservatives, excess salt and the like.

Obviously, canned foods, various sausages and other products of long storage, if they do not refuse under the prohibitions, then require strict control of their use.

Of course, it is recommended to give up fast food. However, it is worth noting that if you have a choice - to stay hungry or to eat something not very healthy, it is better to choose the second one. A pregnant woman should not starve. Another thing is, if you face such a choice suspiciously often, then you should think about carrying fruits or sandwiches with you.

The balance between essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals is essential. Of course, balanced nutrition for pregnant women at different periods presupposes a different balance of these components, the fact itself remains unchanged.

Meals by week

1-3 weeks of pregnancy

Gynecologists count pregnancy not from the day of conception, since it is almost impossible to calculate it, but from the first day of the last menstruation. Consequently, the first 2 weeks of obstetric pregnancy are before conception.

Pregnancy planning- this is an extremely crucial period, on which, whatever one may say, the health of the unborn child and the absence of any complications during pregnancy depend. So it turns out that proper nutrition before pregnancy is of paramount importance. At this stage, it is very important to increase the amount of folate. Often doctors recommend drinking it in capsule form, however, it is much better to get all vitamins from normal food. Folic acid is found in greens, lettuce, and grains.

Eating yellow fruits and vegetables is also beneficial. But it is better to refuse fatty and sweet foods. This will avoid problems with obesity, as well as reduce the risk of early toxicosis.

At about 10-14 days of the cycle, fertilization occurs and the ovum begins to move towards the uterus. From this time on, we can talk about the onset of pregnancy.

3 week

Nutrition at the beginning of pregnancy is a very complex topic, since literally every week new organs and systems appear in the embryo, which means that the need for vitamins and nutrients is constantly changing.

In the third week of pregnancy, the egg is implanted and the placenta begins to develop, as well as the fetal membrane. For their full development, calcium is needed, which is found in milk and dairy products, broccoli, green vegetables and fruit juices; and manganese, it can be obtained from turkey and pork, almonds, oatmeal, eggs, raisins, bananas, carrots and spinach.

4 week

For 4 weeks, the food remains the same as for 3 weeks, but at this time it is especially important to give up coffee. However, drinking this, of course, tasty, but not very healthy drink during pregnancy should be done with extreme caution. Especially coffee is contraindicated in the evening. As you can see, proper nutrition in the first month of pregnancy is not too difficult. Further it will be a little more difficult.

5 week

As a rule, around this time, toxicosis of pregnant women begins. To alleviate this condition, you can slightly change your daily menu. So, meat and eggs, as well as other animal proteins, can be replaced with nuts, soy and other legumes. Instead of milk, you can eat yogurt and cheese. It will not be superfluous to introduce carrots, mango, apricot into the diet.

6 week

Toxicosis is in full swing, so the morning should start with crackers or savory crackers. It is better to eat them immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. At this stage, it is better to drink plenty of fluids, at least 8 glasses a day. You can eat a handful of raisins at night.

7 week

At this time, bowel problems may occur. Therefore, avoid gas-forming foods, including cabbage. It will not be superfluous to refuse those products that are attached. It is better to introduce prunes, fresh kefir and the like into the diet.

8 week

Ginger tea will help cope with toxicosis, and do not forget about nuts.

9-10 weeks

Choose whole grain cereals and whole grain breads. Brown rice is better than white rice. In general, the body of a pregnant woman at this stage requires quite a lot of fiber.

11-12 weeks

The first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end, and nutrition at this time should be special. This is the most difficult time, and it is very important to listen to yourself, to your body. If you want to eat a specific dish, then it is precisely those substances that are contained in it that your baby lacks. Of course, you shouldn't go to extremes.

13-16 weeks

Nutrition in the 2nd trimester during pregnancy is characterized, as already mentioned, by an abundant intake of proteins. In addition, it is necessary to increase the total daily caloric intake of food. If in the first trimester it will be enough to eat 2400-2700 kcal, then from that time it is necessary to eat 2700-2900 kcal.

16-24 weeks

Nutrition at 6 months of pregnancy should help develop the baby's eyesight and hearing. That is, you need vitamin A and beta-carotene. At this time, it is better to eat cabbage, yellow peppers, carrots. Keep in mind that vitamin A is absorbed only with fats.

24-28 weeks

It is at this time that fractional nutrition becomes especially relevant. The uterus is actively growing, takes up more and more space in the abdominal cavity, and begins to put pressure on the stomach. Accordingly, the stomach becomes smaller and it is difficult for it to hold large amounts of food. Even with small meals, a pregnant woman may be disturbed. It is better to give up carbonated drinks and coffee, they also provoke heartburn. In general, the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester should be as varied as possible, since the baby's needs are growing.

29-34 weeks

At the 8th month, bones and teeth are actively growing, therefore, it is very important to eat as many calcium-containing foods as possible. For the development of the brain, fatty acids are simply necessary, and it is they that contribute to the absorption of calcium. Lack of iron during this period can lead to the development of anemia, both in the mother and in the child. Fatty fish, nuts, red meat, dark green vegetables and seeds are some of the foods to eat during this period of pregnancy.

35-40 weeks

Nutrition at 9, the last month of pregnancy, should contribute to the overall strengthening of the mother's body. After all, she has a very difficult and time-consuming job ahead of her - childbirth. The main source of energy in the body is carbohydrates, it is their consumption that should become the basis of a pregnant woman's nutrition before childbirth. Porridge and vegetables - these are the foods that you should eat during this period.

That's all there is to say about trimester nutrition. An example of a dinner, breakfast or lunch for pregnant women can also be useful.

An approximate menu for the day might look like this:

  1. First meal: black bread toast, a small slice of butter, a chicken egg, a glass of kefir;
  2. Second meal: Green salad, a glass of tea;
  3. The third meal: Chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, one pear, a glass of kefir or drinking yogurt;
  4. Meal 4: Toast with jam or butter, a glass of juice;
  5. Meal 5: Brown rice, boiled fish, vegetable salad, tea;
  6. Sixth meal: a glass of kefir or a small fruit.

Special nutrition for pregnant women

But this is not all the nutritional features of pregnant women. In some cases, women develop pathologies during pregnancy that require special nutrition. So, with anemia special nutrition is a must for pregnant women. In this condition, it is very important to increase the intake of foods containing iron.

In addition, it is important not only to know what foods to eat, but also in what combinations, as this affects the absorption of iron in the human body. A woman facing anemia during pregnancy should consult a doctor not only about drug treatment, but also about an appropriate diet.

With obesity developing during pregnancy, there may be a need for dietary food for pregnant women. It is important to remember that a pregnant woman should not choose a weight loss diet without consulting a doctor. The risk of developing pathologies and abnormalities, both in the mother's body and in the child's body, is too great.

Mono-diets and diets requiring prolonged fasting are especially harmful. Both that and another contribute to exhaustion and vitamin deficiency. It will take a very long time to restore the state of the body, the supply of nutrients and vitamins, and it is completely impossible to compensate for the harm that such diets cause to the child.

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