What Causes Odor Sensitivity During Pregnancy

Very often, after the appearance of two stripes on the test, a woman says to herself: “Wait! And I felt a long time ago that I was pregnant! " and for many, a positive test is not a surprise, but rather a confirmation that intuition has already suggested. What are the first changes in the body that give rise to our subconscious mind to suspect pregnancy when we ourselves are still driving all sorts of assumptions away from ourselves by saying to ourselves: “Well, it's no use fantasizing. You need to wait for the delay! "The article collected and analyzed not only the classic signs of pregnancy, but also the signs of pregnancy described by the participants of one of the pregnancy planning sites, BEFORE THEY HAVE FIND OUT THE PREGNANCY and within a week after.

Small spotting

The discharge can be either in the form of slight bleeding or just a few brown droplets or even just a "yellowish trace" of napkin. Usually the thought accompanying them: "Something's monthly this time is early," or "Well, that's your period."
it implantation bleeding is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Approximately 6-12 days after conception, the embryo is planted on the uterine wall. In some women, this process is accompanied by bleeding, but in many women there is no discharge at all, which is also normal.
Small secretions can periodically appear again on days when the ovum is more actively "used" in the wall of the uterus. Most often they are “creamy” yellow or pink in consistency. They may appear after a delay, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to exclude the threat of termination of pregnancy.
Also, discharge of a pink and yellow character can be provoked and erosion of the cervix, which intensifies with the onset of pregnancy. Erosion of the cervix is ​​a violation of the integrity of the lining of the vaginal part of the cervix. During pregnancy, it acquires an even brighter red color due to the increased blood circulation in the cervix, and can easily bleed on contact.

Increased basal temperature, implantation sinking
When measuring basal temperature, a sign of pregnancy is the so-called "implantation sinking" - a sharp drop in temperature for one day in the second phase. This is one of the most commonly seen signs on confirmed pregnancy charts. This retraction can occur for two reasons, firstly, the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for raising the temperature, begins to decrease from the middle of the second phase, with the onset of pregnancy, its production resumes again, which leads to temperature fluctuations. Secondly, with the onset of pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is released, which in turn lowers the temperature. The combination of these two hormonal shifts leads to the appearance implantation dips in the graph.
Basal temperature above 37 degrees is also a sign of developing pregnancy. True, it remains elevated only for the first few weeks, until the placenta begins to function.

Feeling unwell
Very many women who do not know about the onset of pregnancy believe that they caught a cold and fell ill. This is due to the fact that in the first trimester of pregnancy, the woman's body temperature is increased, as well as increased fatigue. Therefore, there is a feeling that the woman is getting sick.

But many do get sick a little, probably due to a slight decrease in immunity. Often there are complaints of throat, runny nose. In this case, the main thing is not to heal yourself with strong medicines contraindicated during pregnancy and to use more folk medicine.

Increased breast sensitivity
Breast swelling or tenderness is a common sign of pregnancy and appears 1 to 2 weeks after conception. A woman can notice how her breasts have changed; they react to every, even insignificant touch, hurt or swell, sometimes it is almost impossible to touch them. In turn, there are pregnant women who “do not feel” their breasts in the first weeks of pregnancy, and some, on the contrary, are surprised that the breasts are “oddly not painful before menstruation” and then learn about the onset of pregnancy. Pregnancy also indicates darkening of the skin around the nipples.

Feeling of "fullness", heaviness in the pelvic region
During pregnancy and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, the uterus gradually increases. Therefore, many pregnant women "feel" their uterus from the very first days of implantation and refer it to the first signs of pregnancy. The other, less pleasant side of the coin is the appearance of hemorrhoids In many, it appears in the second half of pregnancy due to the pressure of a growing fetus, but some expectant mothers (especially those who have given birth before that) meet with this trouble already in the first weeks of pregnancy, all due to the same increased blood flow.

Tingling sensations in the uterus during pregnancy
Many pregnant women in the first or second week of pregnancy notice periodic tingling sensations in the uterus.

Rapid fatigue / drowsiness, disorganization
Feelings of fatigue or lethargy are common signs of pregnancy that can appear as early as the first week after conception. One of its reasons is the increased production of the hormone "progesterone" plus a general restructuring of the body for pregnancy. Progesterone depresses the psyche, which is manifested by depression, irritability and sleepiness. From the 10th week of pregnancy, an active hormone-producing placental function. In accordance with the increase in gestation and growth of the fetus, in addition to progesterone, the level of estrogens, which have a stimulating effect on the psyche, increases, and drowsiness disappears.

Hot and cold
Another early sign of pregnancy can be considered the fact that you are thrown into a fever, then into a cold and you, respectively, cannot warm up in any way in three pairs of woolen socks, then you get hot when it is + 10 on the street and you are in the same T-shirt. This is due to an increased body temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy and a decrease in blood pressure. Interestingly, many also note facial redness in the evening.

Restless sleep
Many women who still do not know about their pregnancy note that sleep has become more restless. In the evening, they start going to bed earlier, and often they just “pass out”, but they wake up on their own at 6-7 am and cannot fall asleep again. There is also a feeling of "weakness" even after a full night's sleep.

Nausea, increased salivation, aversion to odors
This classic sign of pregnancy often occurs 2 to 8 weeks after conception. Some lucky women do not face the problem of nausea throughout pregnancy, however, 50% of women have aversion to odors, nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.
Vomiting during pregnancy can occur several times a day and is often associated with nausea and drooling. Vomiting is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, a change in taste and smell. It is considered as a disorder of the neuro-endocrine regulation of the functions of the body, and the leading role in this belongs to the violation of the functional state of the central nervous system. However, such vomiting can also be caused by factors of an intragastric nature, often being an important symptom of dysfunction of the digestive system.

Along with vomiting with toxicosis in early pregnancy due to severe irritation of the salivary center, salivation is often observed, which can lead to a significant and undesirable decrease in the body weight of a pregnant woman (up to 2-3 kg within one week). If abundantly separated saliva is swallowed, then, entering the stomach, changes acidity of gastric juice and causes a violation of the digestive function.

It is important to take into account that vomiting is a defensive reaction, as it releases the body from toxic and rejected substances. This is the manifestation of evolutionary adaptation in response to harmful influences. At the same time, along with the vomit, the body loses saliva, digestive juices, containing proteins necessary for the body (including enzymes), electrolytes, in some cases - partially or completely taken food. In this regard, with frequent vomiting, water-salt, protein and fat metabolism, balance of vitamins and minerals, the activity of the endocrine glands are gradually disrupted.

Back pain
Mild pain, "lumbago" in the lower back, in the region of the sacrum can also indicate an early pregnancy; however, mild pain occurs periodically throughout the entire period of gestation.

In the early stages, "lumbago" often appears from the pelvic area to the legs.

Headache and migraines

A sudden increase in the level of hormones in the body can cause headaches in early pregnancy, and therefore also serve as an indirect sign of pregnancy. Headaches usually subside by the end of the first trimester and leave the pregnant woman to enjoy her position.

Small swelling of the hands
Progesterone it also contributes to the retention of salts and fluid in the body, which can lead to slight edema, when, when you squeeze your hand into a fist, you will feel that your fingers have become, as it were, thicker.

Bloating, gas, bowel disorders
A common sign of pregnancy is a noticeable increase in abdominal circumference in the earliest stages of pregnancy, when the uterus has slightly increased, is associated with intestinal distention. In the process of digestion, gas formation always occurs in the intestines. During pregnancy, the intestines become more "lazy", its peristalsis slows down, and, consequently, the rate of movement of the intestinal contents decreases, its bloating increases, and constipation may appear. This is facilitated by hormonal changes characteristic of pregnancy, which leads to an increase in the blood filling of the vessels of the abdominal cavity and, as a consequence, to a slight swelling of the intestinal walls.

Frequent urge to urinate
Frequent urination during the day and at night is a common early sign of pregnancy. It should be noted that there are no other painful sensations (pains, cuts, burning). These phenomena go to. It is caused by significant hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. The increased level of female sex hormones at first contributes to a significant rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Overflow of blood vessels causes temporary changes in the functioning of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. These phenomena decrease in the second trimester of pregnancy, however, they can be safely attributed to frequent signs of pregnancy.

Decrease in pressure
A universal phenomenon during pregnancy is a slight decrease in blood pressure. If a woman had low blood pressure before pregnancy, then during pregnancy there may be periodic states of a significant decrease in blood pressure (less than 90/60 mm Hg) and, as a result, weakness, dizziness, headache, fainting. with prolonged standing, taking hot baths, with prolonged stay in a stuffy heat room, on an empty stomach. For pregnant women with a tendency to hypotension, the daily regimen is especially important: night sleep for 9-10 hours and daytime sleep for 1-2 hours.

Increased appetite / cravings for certain foods
"Zhor" often accompanies nascent pregnancy and is considered one of its signs.You may not be tempted to eat pickles or vanilla ice cream, but many pregnant women do have cravings for certain foods.

Increased vaginal discharge, the appearance of thrush

The secretion of the vagina increases - this is due to the increasing blood filling of the pelvic organs. During pregnancy, the concentration of hydrogen ions in the vaginal secretion increases, which protect the body of the expectant mother from harmful microorganisms entering it. But, unfortunately, yeast fungi reproduce well in this environment, and because of this, pregnant women often have milkworm (candidiasis), which must be cured, otherwise infection of the fetus may occur, and during childbirth, the tissues of the birth canal will be easier to tear.

Finally, delayed menstruation
Delayed menstruation / menstrual irregularities is the most famous and common pregnancy symptom that prompts women to take a pregnancy test. During pregnancy, a woman experiences a monthly delay in menstruation. Many pregnant women experience bleeding, however, as a rule, menstruation ends quickly and is less intense than usual. A delay in menstruation can be attributed to many other reasons besides pregnancy. However, if you have an active sex life and you have a delay, it is better to get a pregnancy test.

Happy pregnancy and easy delivery!

Many women, when they recall what the first symptoms of an interesting situation they noticed, note that their sense of smell has increased significantly. Any smells during pregnancy were perceived very sharply, and even quite natural, unsharp odors could provoke an attack of nausea or vomiting. Scientists have conducted studies and found that after conceiving a child, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman's sense of smell becomes very sensitive. At the same time, very often the preferences of expectant mothers change: the scents that they liked before begin to annoy. Most often, expectant mothers cannot stand quite ordinary smells. So, for a woman during pregnancy, an unpleasant smell can be the aroma of food (especially fried or boiled meat), perfume, alcohol, tobacco.

Why does the reaction to odors change during pregnancy

Many women will be interested to know why evolution has endowed a pregnant woman with such a keen sense of smell. In fact, everything is quite simple. In those distant times, when our ancestors still lived in caves, a woman was very vulnerable, and in order to survive on her own and safely carry a child, she had to instantly react to any danger. Since the pregnant woman becomes slow and clumsy, nature gave the ancient woman a keen sense of smell so that she could smell the enemy in advance and flee. The desire for survival, developed by many generations of people, has led to the fact that during pregnancy, smells are perceived more sharply by a woman.

The sensitive sense of smell of a pregnant woman in our time is not necessary, but there is no escape from the gift of nature, therefore, in the first months of an interesting situation, expectant mothers are forced to suffer, experiencing unpleasant sensations from completely normal and natural smells. With the course of pregnancy, the acuity of the sense of smell decreases and gradually becomes almost normal, as before the conception of the child. But in some cases, strong odors during pregnancy at any time can provoke an attack of nausea.

The increased sensitivity of a woman carrying a child to the smells surrounding her does not in any way affect the baby in her belly. And only the expectant mother herself is uncomfortable.

What to do

If a woman suffers from an acute reaction to any aroma and cannot lead her usual lifestyle, then she should avoid unpleasant odors during pregnancy. For example, in order not to spoil your appetite with the smell of cooking food, you can ask your husband or other household members to temporarily take on this responsibility, and for this period, go outside to breathe fresh air, so to speak, feed the feeling of hunger. It is also worth ventilating the room more often and avoiding contact with household chemicals. In some, especially severe cases, it is recommended to abandon the use of cosmetics with a pronounced odor.

There are situations when women start to like strong smells during pregnancy. For example, if neighbors have started repairs, then some expectant mothers can sometimes inhale the smell of paints and varnishes without irritation. Although the smell of paint and solvents does not cause unpleasant sensations in women in a position, in fact, such an aroma is very dangerous, and not only for the pregnant woman herself, but also for her unborn baby. Studies carried out by doctors have proven the relationship between the appearance of malformations of the urinary tract and kidneys in a child and inhalation of the smell of paints and varnishes by pregnant women. If the expectant mother could not avoid long-term inhalation of the smell of paint and varnish materials and she felt nausea, headache and dizziness, then she should immediately seek medical help so that her body is intoxicated in a hospital environment, otherwise the health of her baby may suffer.

Pregnancy and body odor

Often women in position notice that their own body odor has changed. Is it so? Does the smell really change during pregnancy, or does it just seem to be due to a heightened sense of smell?

A significant change in the hormonal background of the expectant mother can lead to the fact that her natural body odor will change. But this does not mean that he must necessarily annoy a woman. Maybe she'll even like him.

At the same time, a situation is possible when the body odor of a pregnant woman has not changed much, but her heightened sense of smell does not want to accept it. This problem is especially acute in the early stages of an interesting situation. Their own body odor and sweat seem to women in a position disgusting and unbearable, it seems to them that everyone around them smells this unpleasant odor emanating from them. Some expectant mothers go so far as to shower and change their underwear several times a day. Over time, when the early toxicosis has passed, your own smell during pregnancy will no longer seem so intolerable.

What to look for

At the same time, it is worth noting that the following changes in natural smells should alert the expectant mother:

  • foul-smelling vaginal discharge, especially if its color has turned yellow or greenish, and the consistency is foamy or cheesy;
  • bad breath is a symptom of diseases of the gums or teeth, diseases of the digestive tract or ENT organs;
  • the appearance of the smell of ammonia indicates protein starvation of the body;
  • some change in the smell of urine can occur due to the intake of vitamins or medications, but if it becomes sharp and strong, and the color of the discharge changes to cloudy, then in this case the pregnant woman needs to urgently consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of urinary tract infection.

In any case, after the baby is born, your sense of smell will return to normal, the natural smells around you will no longer cause you inconvenience, and the question of whether the smell changes during pregnancy will no longer be relevant.

Pregnancy hormones - they are responsible for the "dog's scent" in the first half of an interesting position, in general, like for most of the other symptoms. In this case, estrogen is responsible for a good sense of smell - it makes the smallest odors distinguishable and causes a violent reaction in the stomach.

What you need to know if you are sensitive to odors?

Almost all pregnant women are sensitive to odors, the only difference is how sensitive and what side effects this sensitivity has. For example, scientists have hypothesized that sensitivity to odors in some women causes nausea and vomiting (in the morning or throughout the day). There was even such a study: women born without smell (anosmia) never suffer from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. At least someone is lucky in this!

How to cope with increased sensitivity to odors during pregnancy?

Cutting off your nose is perhaps too drastic a measure. But you can at least try to avoid the sources of those odors that are especially unpleasant and cause vomiting. Here are some tips:

1. Eat only those food that is normally perceived by the sense of smell (obviously you should not lean on, for example, Brussels sprouts, although it is healthy).

2. Try to ventilate the room you are in as often as possible. It is best to keep windows open at all times if possible.

3. Wash your clothes more often than usual - the fabric easily traps all odors.

4. Change your deodorant. Better to use odorless deodorants. The same goes for other cosmetics. It is better to refuse perfume and eau de toilette before childbirth.

During 40 weeks of pregnancy development, something changes smoothly, something - quickly and radically, some changes are outwardly noticeable, including those around, others may not be paid attention to by the expectant mother herself. But every day of these weeks and every change is extremely important for the development and maintenance of pregnancy.

1. Only one egg is ready for fertilization

Usually, pregnancy occurs on the 12-14th day of the cycle. But its beginning is considered to be the first day of the last menstruation. The fact is that a woman's body includes mechanisms for preparing for pregnancy and, thus, preserving it in advance even before conception occurs. During 1–2 weeks after menstruation, a woman's body selects one egg from many, which matures in the ovary and then descends into the fallopian tube. This process (ovulation) is regulated by hormones and is the first prerequisite for pregnancy.

In the meantime, the body prepares for possible fertilization. The mucous membrane of the uterus grows and thickens, the secretion of mucous secretion increases in the glands of the cervix. The cervical canal expands so that sperm can pass through it more easily.

2. Only one sperm is allowed to the egg

By the middle of the cycle, when conception most often occurs, everything in the woman's body is ready for the "meeting" of the egg with the sperm. During intercourse, ejaculation occurs, and millions of sperm are trapped in the vagina. The eggs, waiting for them, reach only a hundred of them, and only one breaks through the protective layer of the female reproductive cell.

Conception occurs - and immediately another mechanism of protection of pregnancy is turned on: a chemical process begins, which makes the membrane impenetrable and does not allow other spermatozoa to reach the egg. If two sperm break through the protection, this will not lead to the appearance of twins (this is a delusion), but to problems in the development of the embryo, and most often such a pregnancy will be interrupted by the body itself. Therefore, the only male reproductive cell is "allowed" to the ovum.

3. The embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus

The nuclei of the egg and sperm are connected. Division begins in the cell. The embryo at this time moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus in order to attach to its wall. Once in the uterus, which already consists of hundreds of blastocyst cells (as the embryo is called by this time), it begins to secrete special enzymes. They act on the lining of the uterus, leading to tissue rupture. This is necessary for a mixture of blood and cells to form - the blastocyst feeds on them. If the lining of the uterus is not enough food for the blastocyst, the pregnancy will be terminated. Therefore, its thickening and swelling is another protection mechanism for pregnancy.

So, the embryo is attached to the lining of the uterus. This is also a very important stage in the development and maintenance of pregnancy. If the attachment does not occur, the cells that have begun to develop will be excreted from the body in the next menstruation, and the woman will not even understand that fertilization has occurred. If all goes well, menstruation will stop, and new powerful mechanisms will start in the woman's body, preserving the pregnancy and preparing her for motherhood.

4. Protective functions of progesterone

It usually takes about 13 days for the embryo to properly gain a foothold in the uterus. After that, the likelihood of maintaining the pregnancy becomes higher. Another mechanism of its protection is activated: the embryo begins to produce its own progesterone, which contributes to the development of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). This is necessary for the nutrition of the embryo and the development of the placenta. The formation of this important organ ends by the 15-16th week, but not even fully developed, the placenta begins to work.

5. Placenta to protect the crumbs

The placenta is a new organ that appears in the body of the expectant mother specifically to ensure the development of the baby and the preservation of pregnancy. It is both a protective barrier for the child and a link between him and the mother's body. Through it, the baby breathes: through the vessels of the placenta through the umbilical cord oxygen enters the developing organism with blood and carbon dioxide is removed. Through it, he feeds, receiving with the blood "ready" nutrients, water, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals, and giving back waste products. The placenta is also a filter that does not allow aggressive antibodies from the mother's body to the child, but transfers protective substances, including those that prevent the development of infectious diseases. It is the placenta that prevents the mother's body from accepting the fetus as a foreign body and rejecting it. It becomes an endocrine gland, that is, an organ that secretes hormones, substances that regulate metabolism and physiological processes.

Having begun to form, the placenta secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is the presence of this hormone in the blood and urine that shows early pregnancy tests. The production of hCG is a very important mechanism for protecting pregnancy. If this hormone is not enough, the fertilized egg will detach from the uterus, and menstruation will occur, that is, the pregnancy will be terminated.

HCG affects the corpus luteum of the ovary, providing the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen, which are needed to support pregnancy and, in turn, protect and preserve it. An increase in the amount of estrogen causes an increase in the size of the uterus and external genital organs. In general, the uterus will change the most during pregnancy. From triangular it will become round, from 50 g at the beginning of pregnancy it will grow to 1200 g, and its volume by the time of delivery will be 500 times more. Both the fallopian tubes and the ovaries will increase in size, and the walls of the vagina will become more elastic.

Plus, estrogens cause relaxation of the mother's pelvic ligaments (during childbirth, this will facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal). During pregnancy, estrogens increase the absorption of oxygen by tissues, improve energy metabolism and enzyme activity. This is important: the body of the expectant mother needs to work for two and ensure the growth of the baby. Progesterone also reduces the excitability of the uterus and its contractility, which prevents childbirth before term.

6. Complete overhaul to maintain pregnancy

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the main organs and systems begin to form and develop in the child. First - the nervous system, then - the heart and circulatory system, the rudiments of the liver and pancreas appear. But all the time during pregnancy, the child will breathe, eat, cleanse his body of waste products with the help of the mother's body, in which he grows. Therefore, in order for pregnancy to persist and develop, a restructuring of the work of all systems occurs in her body, but the greatest changes concern the circulatory, respiratory and excretory systems.

Circulatory system

During pregnancy, all blood vessels dilate. The volume of blood circulating in the body increases by an average of 1.5 liters. The pulse is increased by 10-15 beats even in sleep (and if twins are growing - and more). The heart beats faster, for this the heart muscle grows and thickens.

Respiratory system

The baby's lungs will start working only after his birth, with the first breath and cry of the baby, so a pregnant woman breathes for herself and for him. With each breath, it absorbs 10-15% more air than usual.

Excretory system

During the period of carrying the baby, the kidneys of the expectant mother work in an enhanced mode in order to remove waste products (their own and the baby's), and the amount of urine increases.

At the level of the senses

A child begins to cognize the world around him with the help of developing sense organs long before he is born. For example, he swallows the surrounding amniotic fluid from the 12th week until the end of pregnancy, and many researchers believe that this is when he begins to taste and smell. The sense of touch is formed first, by the time it begins to move inside the mother, that is, by the 7-8th week. The child begins to react to sounds by the 24th week, and the louder the sound, the stronger the reaction. Perhaps this is also why a pregnant woman's reaction to habitual tastes, smells, sounds changes: now the child reacts to them together with her, and the woman consciously and subconsciously wants to protect him from unpleasant sensations and give pleasant ones. For example, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to stop liking loud music, even if they loved it before. Often, the sense of smell becomes more sensitive, and the expectant mother tries to avoid strong pungent odors (for example, tobacco). The same - with taste. Most often, during pregnancy, a woman tastes unpleasant foods that are unhealthy for a developing baby (for example, alcohol, coffee). And at the same time “you want” exactly what contains the nutrients necessary for the body of the mother and child at the moment.

7. Psychological mechanisms of protection of pregnancy

Along with physiological changes, psychological ones also occur - after all, the changing hormonal background, the growth of new life inside a woman cannot but influence her behavior and reactions to the environment. The expectant mother becomes more sensitive and reacts brighter to everything that happens, which also protects her and the future baby from unnecessary overload. Researchers note a decreased or unstable background of mood, an abundance of complaints, an increased concentration on one's well-being, a tendency to emotional outbursts, and an increased level of anxiety. But if you imagine a hormonal storm that occurs in a woman's body for 40 weeks, understand the depth of changes in all body systems, the woman's natural desire to bear a healthy child, while maintaining her own health, it becomes clear that anxiety and mood changes in a pregnant woman are not a whim and deserve attention. The fact that a woman becomes more attentive to her well-being is also a factor in maintaining pregnancy. Let most of her worries turn out to be in vain, "false alarm", but she will not miss the change in the body that may be important, she will pay attention to it in time and tell the doctor. In small quantities, fear is useful and necessary, psychologists say. A woman who tries not to pay attention to mood swings and emotions can become a "bully mom" who emphatically ignores any signs and premonitions just because she thinks "everything will be fine." With this attitude, you can ignore the adverse symptoms that indicate that something is wrong with the development of pregnancy.

But it is also not worth getting carried away by fears and negative experiences. After all, the fetus is closely related to the mother, and it is believed that he experiences the same emotions as she does. The optimism and joyful attitude towards life experienced by the expectant mother is also felt by the baby. This protects its normal development and prevents problems, preserving the pregnancy. Therefore, the desire of a woman expecting a child to restore an even emotional state without lingering in fear and anxiety is also a mechanism for protecting pregnancy.

Pregnancy brings about many changes in your physical health. You will also notice some changes related to smell and taste.
Changes in taste and odor perception are characteristic signs of pregnancy that occur during the early stages of pregnancy. Such changes are observed in almost all pregnant women. They become very sensitive to strong odors and tastes. The effect of these changes is different for every woman. Some may become overly sensitive to the scent of perfume or body lotion, while others may not be able to tolerate the strong smell of a particular food. Likewise, some women complain of a bitter taste in their mouth after eating a variety of foods and drinks. Others may get a peculiar taste in their mouth even when they are not consuming anything. This increased sensitivity to taste and smell tends to cause nausea, which in turn can irritate the mom-to-be.

What causes changes in smell and taste during pregnancy?

Pregnancy hormones are primarily responsible for the increased sense of smell and taste. During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels increase. These hormonal changes affect the harmonization of the organs of taste and smell. As a result, the pregnant woman experiences such abnormal changes in smell and taste.
Some women are concerned if such changes might affect their child. The answer can be absolutely confident, such a woman's state is harmless to the baby. In fact, studies have shown that this is a natural reaction of the body to foods and aromas that should not be consumed or avoided in order not to harm the child. Thus, we can say that such a change in the body provides adequate protection for the fetus from any unwanted foreign matter.