Electrotherapy with impulse currents. Summary: The use of alternating current in medicine

The galvanotherapy method is used for medicinal purposes. It is based on the interaction of direct electric current with the human body. As a result of this reaction, physical and chemical changes occur. With this method, amperage is used up to fifty milliamperes, and voltage is from thirty to eighty volts. Galvanotherapy was named after the Italian physician L. Galvani.

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Fabrics human body contain solutions of salts and colloids. Colloids are proteins, glycogens and other large molecular substances. These substances, together with others, are included in the compounds of body fluids, glandular tissue and muscles. Electrically charged ions are formed from the molecules of these substances. In the human body, electric current is distributed unevenly, therefore, the conductivity and movement of the current depend on the presence good guides and adipose tissue, as it does not conduct electricity well.

Treatment with electrodes by placing electrodes irritates the skin receptors. The reason for this is the change in ionic density in the human body. During the galvanization process, the patient may feel slight tingling and burning under the electrodes. Due to this, irritation of the nerve endings occurs, and nerve impulses enter the central nervous system. All this contributes to the formation of local and general reactions of the body.

Galvanic current

With the interaction of galvanic current and the body, an increase in blood vessels and an acceleration of blood flow occurs. Biologically active substances, such as histamine, serotonin and others, arise in the place where this interaction takes place.

Galvanic current normalizes the condition nervous system human, increases the functionality of the heart, and also helps to stimulate the activity of the glands internal secretion... In addition, thanks to this method, the regeneration process is accelerated, and, consequently, an increase in the defenses of the human body.

Galvanic current has a particularly strong effect when interacting with medicines.

Very often on the human body, in the places where the electrodes are applied, the formation of a vascular reaction is observed. It is expressed in the form of skin hyperemia, which will last for several more hours. Longer exposure to the current on the human body will lead to a decrease in the painful and tactile properties of the skin.

By placing the electrodes in the head area, patients may experience a metallic taste in their mouth. In addition, dizziness may occur and phosphenes will appear.

Indications for galvanotherapy

The galvanotherapy method can be used for a wide range of diseases. It is prescribed to patients with ischemic disease hearts, hypertension the first and second stages, various inflammatory processes, intestinal and biliary dyskinesia, as well as ulcers duodenum and stomach.

Treatment with electric (galvanic) current helps with myositis, bronchial asthma, chronic arthritis and polyarthritis. It can be used for neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, radiculitis, with damage to the peripheral nervous system, which can be of traumatic, toxic and infectious origin. Also helps with diseases of the female genital organs, diseases of the nervous system: disorder cerebral circulation, migraines, spinal and brain injuries.

The method is also used to treat skin problems: fine wrinkles, dry skin, acne scars, seborrhea and other diseases. Galvanotherapy is effective for dental diseases, trophic disorders, bone fractures, eye diseases.

Electrocution of children

Galvanotherapy can also be used to treat children. This method can be used from the first month of a child's life. To do this, the specialist must definitely pay attention to the baby's general reaction, as well as the condition of his skin. The number and duration of procedures should be less by a third.

Also, during treatment, the density of the galvanic current should be less than in adult patients.

Contraindications for galvanotherapy

Contraindications for treatment with electric current are:

  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of neoplasms of all kinds of localization;
  • the presence of acute purulent and inflammatory processes;
  • individual current intolerance;
  • intoxication;
  • for various skin diseases.

It is also not recommended to use it if the patient shows abnormalities at the electrode placement. skin, an exception to this case is the wound process. It is not recommended to use the method for eczema, dermatitis, as well as for other skin diseases general... Do not use galvanic current if the patient has severe cachexia, there is a loss pain sensitivity, as well as severe atherosclerosis and other diseases of cardio-vascular system with decompensation.

Galvanotherapy devices

For the method of galvanotherapy, special devices are used. Galvanic current flows through the rectifier alternating current, which has control and adjustment devices.

For general and local galvanotherapy procedures, the AG-75 apparatus called "Potok-1" and the AGN-32 apparatus are used. In addition, the AGP-33 apparatus can be used.

The GR-GM apparatus is used for dental procedures using special electrodes.

The AGN-32 device can be used for galvanic procedures using an attachment for connecting electrodes used in special hydrogalvanic baths. The attachment contains two carbon and graphite electrodes.

Physics and medicine - the science of natural phenomena and the science of human diseases, their treatment and prevention - are very closely related.

There is no branch of medicine where physical devices are used.

The development of scientific medicine is impossible without advances in physics, technology, methods of objective research of the patient and methods of treatment.

Achievements are widely used in therapy, surgery, physiotherapy physical science and technology. Physiotherapy (Greek physio - nature; therapy - treatment) is a field of medicine that studies the effect of natural (natural) or artificially obtained physical factors on the human body and uses them to preserve, restore and strengthen health.

The purpose of my research- study and systematization of materials on constant electric current and its application in physiotherapy, to find out the effectiveness of physiotherapy from various sources (scientific articles, periodicals, hospital visits, the Internet).

Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine that uses physical factors for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In medical practice, they are widely used electrotherapy- treatment with electric currents

  • Electrophoresis
  • Galvanization

Electric current is the directional movement of charged particles. The quantitative characteristics of the current are its current strength (the ratio of charge: transferred through the cross-section of the conductor per unit time)

The unit for measuring current is ampere (1A is the characteristic value of the current consumed by household electric heating appliances).

The necessary conditions for the existence of a current are the presence of free charge carriers, a closed circuit and an EMF source (battery) that supports directional movement.

Electric current of a constant direction (galvanization, electrophoresis) is used at the most different diseases... Galvanization accounts for up to 20% of all physiotherapy procedures.

Direct current is used in the procedureelectrophoresis.

Electrophoresis is based on the process of electrolytic dissociation. Chemical substance, which is a medicine, decomposes into ions in aqueous solution... When an electric current is passed through a solution with a medicine, the ions of the medicine begin to move, penetrate the skin, mucous membranes, and enter the human body. The ions of the medicinal substance penetrate into the tissues mostly through sweat glands, but a small volume is able to pass through sebaceous glands. Medicinal substance after penetration into the tissues through the skin, it is evenly distributed in the cells and intercellular fluid. Electrophoresis allows the drug to be delivered to the shallow layers of the skin - the epidermis and dermis, from where it is able to be absorbed into the blood and lymph through microvessels. Once in the bloodstream and lymph flow, medical drug delivered to all organs and tissues, but maximum concentration remains in the area of ​​drug administration. Galvanic current is a continuous current with low voltage and low, but constant intensity, which always flows in one direction (does not change polarity, voltage 60-80 W, current strength up to 50 mA). Medicine cannot do without galvanic current. Under the influence of galvanic current, the blood vessels expand, while the blood flow is accelerated. In the place of exposure to this current, the production of such biologically active substances like histamine, serotonin. Galvanic current has a normalizing effect on functional state the central nervous system of a person, helps to increase functionality heart, stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands. It also accelerates the regeneration processes. Increases the defenses of the human body.

Effects on the body galvanic current by means of various electrodes is called galvanization.

As one of the methods of physiotherapy, electrophoresis has contraindications common to all types of physiotherapy:

1) intolerance to electric current;
2) general serious condition patient;
3) heat body;
4) exacerbation of infectious diseases;
5) active tuberculosis;
6) malignant neoplasms;
7) circulatory failure in the stage of decompensation;
8) blood diseases;
9) all kinds of addictions (outside the hospital);
10) mental illness(outside the hospital).

Holding and general form instrument for drug electrophoresis

Hospital data

In the table, patients received medications using an electric current, creating a depot drugs locally, at the site of damage in the body. Bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and the liver directly, there is an effect on the painful organs.

Year of birth

Condition after treatment

T. V. Kokovkina

Arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint

Electrophoresis No. 10

Improvement of the condition

Izosimova L. I.

Knee arthritis

Electrophoresis No. 10


Pobezhimova D.O.

Damage to the right knee joint

SMT on the region. right knee joint No. 10

Has improved

S. A. Kochetova

Right ankle arthrosis

SMT on the region. ankle joint No. 10

Has improved

Epifanov V.V.

Arthritis cervical spine. Ostiohandrosis stage 1

Electrophoresis in the region. neck with euphyllin No. 10


Epifanova O.A.

Deformation of the wrist joint. Arthrosis of the 2nd stage.

SMTphoresis in the region. l \ h joint No. 10


Conclusion: Today physiotherapy has wide application during treatment various diseases, it is simple, convenient, safe and effective to use. Effectiveness of impact this method proven in practice, we see this in the table., I made sure that physics has important values for medicine, and therefore for human health. Therefore, you need to study physics, contribute to its development. .


Variable is a type of electric current in which electrons or ions perform pendulum-like movements in an alternating direction: first in one direction and then in the other direction.

Alternating current or electromagnetic oscillations are characterized by parameters - oscillation frequency (the number of full oscillations in 1 sec) and wavelength (the distance traveled by the wave for 1 oscillation period). current and wavelength, there is an inverse relationship: the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength.

WITH therapeutic purpose alternating currents and electromagnetic fields (EMF) of high frequency are used - (HF) from 30 kilohertz (kHz) to 30 megahertz (MHz), which include therapeutic methods - darsonvalization and inductothermy; ultra-high frequency (30 MHz-300 MHz) - therapeutic methods - UHF-therapy and UHF-inductothermy; ultra-high frequency (UHF) from 300 MHz to 30 thousand MHz, including decimeter-wave and centimeter wave therapy, and extremely high frequency (EHF) - from 30 thousand to 300 thousand MHz - EHF therapy. When exposed to alternating currents and EMFs, the ionic equilibrium does not shift in tissues, as noted. The frequency of oscillations is measured in hertz, 1 Hz is equal to 1 oscillation in 1 s, the wavelength is in meters, centimeters and millimeters. Between the frequency shifted under the influence of the constant rotation of the dipole molecules.

As a consequence oscillatory motion ions and the rotational movement of dipoles in an alternating EMF, friction of particles against each other occurs and endogenous heat is formed, mainly in conductive tissues rich in fluid. This constitutes the nonspecific thermal component of the mechanism of action of alternating currents and EMF.

The second component of the mechanism of action is specific, inherent only in these methods of electro-therapy, non-thermal or oscillatory, physicochemical. It is based on vibrational (oscillatory) movements of ions, electrons, dipole molecules and parts of large protein molecules under the influence of EMF HF, UHF, UHF. At the same time, there is an increase in the physicochemical activity of atoms, molecules, crystal structures in the cells and tissues of the body, which leads to an increase and acceleration of enzymatic, redox reactions, stimulation of metabolic processes, a change in the composition of proteins and amino acids, blood pH, the formation biologically active substances.

Temperature and physicochemical changes in the internal environment of the body under the influence physical factor cause irritation of receptors at the site of exposure. Impulses enter the spinal cord and brain, where, with the participation of nerve and endocrine systems a general response to the impact is formed, which determines healing effect... The thermal and oscillatory components of the mechanism of action are manifested at different therapeutic methods v varying degrees: so, with inductothermy the main role the formation of endogenous heat in tissues plays a role, with UHF therapy - the oscillatory component, and with microwave therapy both components are well expressed.


Darsonvalization is the effect on the body of a pulsed current of high frequency (110 kHz), high voltage (20 kV) and low strength (0.02 mA) in the form of electrical discharges or alternating EMF.

The method got its name from the name of the French researcher D "Arsonval, who in 1892 first used these currents to treat patients.

Distinguish between local and general darsonvalization. In medical practice, local darsonvalization is mainly used, in which an alternating current of high frequency (110 kHz) acts on certain areas of the skin or mucous membranes, a quiet or spark electric discharge that occurs between the electrode and the patient's body, which is formed a small amount of endogenous heat; and small amounts of ozone and nitrogen oxides.

Electric discharges irritate the receptors of the skin and mucous membranes, while the vessels dilate, blood circulation and microcirculation improve, reserve capillaries open, the tone of the venous vessels improves, metabolic and regenerative processes are enhanced, and the excitability of the sensory and motor nerves decreases. Darsonvalization has an analgesic, antipruritic, vasodilator, slight anti-inflammatory, pronounced trophic effect, stimulates the regeneration and healing of damaged tissues.

The use of darsonvalization is indicated for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, especially with varicose veins veins, vascular spasms, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, with skin diseases, trophic ulcers, sluggish granulating wounds, with diseases of the ear, throat and nose, in dentistry, gynecology, urology, cosmetology. Contraindications are tumor diseases, bleeding, active tuberculosis, acute purulent inflammatory processes, stage II circulatory failure, individual current intolerance and hysteria. With local darsonvalization, a contact technique is distinguished and at a distance of 5-7 mm from the skin, each of them can be labile when the electrode moves over the body, or stable when the electrode is stationary.

Darsonvalization procedures are performed while the patient is sitting or lying on a wooden couch. The area of ​​the body to be exposed is exposed, if it is wet, it is dried, for better sliding of the electrode on the skin, it is powdered with talcum powder. The nurse, having selected the desired electrode, inserts it into the electrode holder and checks the operation of the electrode on her arm, while a slight tingling sensation should be felt. The power of the effect is dosed according to the sensation pleasant warmth... The duration of exposure is 10-20 minutes, for a course of 10-15 procedures, daily or every other day. After the end of the procedure, the power regulator is brought to zero, the device is turned off by the voltage regulator, after which the electrode can be removed from the site of exposure. During the procedure, you must not touch the patient, as a spark discharge may occur. Metal objects are removed from the affected area. After cutaneous procedures, electrodes are disinfected with alcohol, after cavity procedures, disinfection is carried out by immersing them in a disinfectant solution (3% chloramine solution) for 60 minutes, then the electrodes are rinsed with a flow

water and soap and again immersed in a disinfectant solution, which is changed every day. Before use, the electrodes are washed with water and wiped with alcohol, do not boil the electrodes! The metal part of the electrode must not come into contact with liquid.


1. Darsonvalization of the scalp. The procedure is prescribed for hair loss, seborrhea, headaches associated with vascular disorders, it is carried out using a comb electrode contact labile. The electrode is slowly and smoothly combing the hair from the forehead to the back of the head, when short hair can be combed in the opposite direction.

A low power of influence is applied, until a slight tingling sensation is felt, the duration of the procedure is 8-10 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures carried out daily or every other day.

2. Darsonvalization for varicose veins is carried out according to the contact-labile technique with a mushroom electrode. They affect the area of ​​the legs (or other areas of varicose veins), the power of the effect is weak or medium, the duration is 5-7 minutes. For each shin, every day Or every other day, for a course of 15-20 procedures.

3. Rectal darsonvalization in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The patient empties the intestines before the procedure. The procedure is performed with the patient lying on his side with bent legs. V anus a rectal electrode in a sterile condom lubricated with petroleum jelly is inserted to a depth of 4-5 cm. The fixation of the electrode is carried out with sandbags. The power is gradually increased to light sensation heat. The duration of exposure is 10-12 minutes. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures performed daily or every other day. At the end of the procedure, the electrode is removed only after the device is turned off.

4. Darsonvalization of the gums in the treatment of periodontal disease is carried out

with a special gingival electrode, which is applied to the gums, it is slowly moved along the alveolar process of the jaw along the vestibular and lingual surfaces. The power of the impact - until a tingling sensation, the duration of the procedure is 6-10 minutes on the gum of each jaw, the procedures are carried out daily or every other day, for a course of up to 15 impacts. During the procedure, do not touch the teeth with the electrode, as this can cause a spark discharge. To prevent biting of the electrode, it is recommended to place a cotton-gauze roller between the teeth.


Ultratonotherapy - the impact on certain parts of the body with currents above the tonal frequency. This method of treatment has great similarity with local darsonvalization by the mechanism of action, medicinal use and carrying out procedures. It differs from darsonvalization in that it uses a current above the tonal frequency (22 kHz), which flows continuously, and therefore more endogenous heat is generated in the tissues than during darsonvalization. The output voltage is lower (4-5 kV), which reduces

Irritant effect of ultratonic therapy on skin and mucous membranes.

Ultratonotherapy, like darsonvalization, has a vasodilator, analgesic, antipruritic, trophic and regenerative effect, the anti-inflammatory and resorbing effect of this method is more pronounced than with darsonvalization. Therefore, ultratonotherapy is used for the same diseases as darsonvalization, but it is preferred in urology, gynecology and pediatrics.


Inductothermy is a method of treatment in which certain parts of the patient's body are affected mainly by a high-frequency magnetic field (13.6 MHz). In body tissues, which are affected by inductothermy, under the influence of variable magnetic field induction eddy currents are generated, educational a large number endogenous heat. In the mechanism of action of inductothermy, the main component is the thermal component, although there is also an oscillatory component, which is not so pronounced. The thermal effect is manifested to a greater extent in the tissues-conductors, therefore, there is a greater heating of soft tissues - muscles and parenchymal organs. Leather, subcutaneous tissue, the bones heat up less. The temperature of tissues deep in the body can rise by 2-4 ° C. Under the influence of endogenous heat, vasodilatation, improvement of blood and lymph circulation, acceleration and enhancement of biochemical reactions occur, resolving, spasmolytic, analgesic, hypotensive, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effects are noted.

Inductothermy is used for subacute and chronic inflammatory processes internal organs(lungs and bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder, kidneys), in diseases and injuries of the joints and musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, in diseases of the female and male genital organs.

Inductothermy is contraindicated in acute and purulent inflammatory processes, in the presence of foreign metal bodies in the affected area, violation of temperature sensitivity, decompensation of blood circulation, increased blood clotting. It is not recommended to prescribe inductothermy to children under the age of 5 years. To carry out inductothermy procedures on relatively flat surfaces of the body (on the back, abdomen, lower back), inductor-discs are used, which are installed in contact with the skin or through one or two layers of cotton fabric, since the gap is provided in the design inductor-disk. For areas of the body with an uneven surface, an inductor-cable is used, which can be applied in the form of a longitudinal loop on the spine, limb; in the form of a flat spiral of 2.5-3 turns on the lower back, abdomen, chest, hip and shoulder joints, in the form of a cylindrical spiral - around the joints, limbs, trunk in 2-3 turns. So that the cable turns are evenly spaced, special plastic dividing combs are used, which create a gap between the cable turns of 1-1.5 cm. When the cable turns are crossed, they are isolated from each other with sandbags or several layers of oilcloth. The cable should not be applied directly to the patient's naked body, since the concentration of the magnetic field lines is high near it, which can cause thermal burns.

When applying the inductor-cable, in order to avoid thermal burn, to create a gap on the body, impose cotton fabric 1.5-2 cm thick (folded sheet or towel), and an inductor cable is placed on top. The free ends of the cable should be approximately equal and connected to the sockets of the matching device.

Inductothermy procedures are carried out with the patient lying or sitting on a wooden couch, chair. Remove metal objects from the affected area. The procedure can be carried out through clothing (non-synthetic), dry dressings, including plaster. The patient should be warned about the feeling of moderate pleasant warmth during the procedure. After preparing the patient and applying the inductor, turn on the device with the "On" button. the first warning light comes on; warming up the apparatus for 1-2 minutes, turn on the time switch for a certain duration of the procedure, after which the "Dose" knob is clockwise set to the dosage indicated in the appointment, being guided by the patient's sensation and the position of the handle. The second signal light comes on.

Distinguish between low-heat dose (position of the handle "Dose" 1-3), medium heat (4-5) and strong heat (6-8), which corresponds to the strength of the anode current 150-180 mA, 200-250 mA and above 250 mA. The duration of the inductothermy procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes, treatment is carried out every other day or daily, for a course - 10-15 exposures. At the end of the procedure, the time relay opens the circuit and turns off the current supply to the inductor. The "Dose" knob is moved to the zero position, and the "Off" button turns off the device, the inductor is removed from the patient.


alternating current curative medicine disease

1. Inductothermy of the area chest... An inductor disk or cable in the form of a flat spiral with 3 turns is placed in the interscapular region (Fig. 14). The dosage is low or medium heat. The duration of exposure is 15-20 minutes, daily or every other day, for a course of 8-15 procedures.

2. Inductothermia of the area of ​​the liver and gallbladder (Fig. 15). An inductor-disk or inductor-cable in the form of an elongated spiral of 2.5 turns is applied to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. The dosage is low-heat or medium heat, the duration of exposure is 10-15 minutes, every other day, for a course of 10-15 procedures.

3. Inductothermy on the knee or ankle, elbow, wrist joints. The inductor cable is applied in the form of a cylindrical coil of 3 turns on one or both joints at once (Fig. 16). Dosage for upper limbs low heat, for the lower ones - low or medium heat, the duration of the procedures is 15-20 minutes, daily or every other day, for a course of 12-15 procedures.

4. Inductothermy on the perineum in diseases of the pelvic organs, in prostatitis (Fig. 17). The inductor cable is placed on a wooden chair or couch in the form of a flat spiral in 3 turns, a folded sheet or towel is laid on it as a gap, the patient sits down on top. The dosage is weak or medium heat, depending on the severity of the inflammation, the exposure time is 15-20 minutes, every other day or daily, 12-15 procedures per course.