Facts about famous women. Funny facts about women. The effect of hormones on the body

Today's article will be somewhat ironic. Don't take it too seriously. After all, as you know, in every joke there is a share ... a joke. Many of the fun facts are somewhat exaggerated, but some actually take place.

1. Women, set the alarm 10 minutes earlier than necessary, and still sometimes manage to oversleep!

2. Women always apply mascara with their mouth open, and if they ever try to close it, the mascara will fall on the lashes in a messy and ugly spot.

3. Women always carry with them in their bag a lot of things that they do not use, but firmly believe that one fine day, all things will be in demand.

4. When women look at themselves in the mirror, they often think: “It would be great to be photographed right now, in this position”

5. Women always look at themselves in the mirror before going out.

6. Women always have nothing to wear, even if the closet is overloaded with things.

7. Women often feel insecure about their breast size.

8. Women believe that all beer tastes the same.

9. Women always dress nicely and put on makeup to go to the store, throw out the trash, or even just take a phone call.
10. When a woman travels on a 3 day trip, they usually pack more than 7 outfits, just in case they don't have to worry about what to wear.
11. Average woman eats about 2-3 kilograms of lipstick in a lifetime.
12.80% of women's wrinkles are caused by overexposure to sunlight.
13. A woman does not like when her hands are free, so she carries with her a purse, gloves, a book or something else.
14. According to research, the average woman spends about 120 hours a year looking at herself in the mirror, which is about 5 full days a year!
15. After making love, women do not feel sleepy. They want to talk, hug and kiss.
16. Ladies cover their ears with their fingers and men with their hands.
17. A woman prefers that a man divine her desires by looking into her eyes. Often this fact is the reason for misunderstanding and conflicts between a man and a woman.

I hope you find these fun facts interesting.
What other unusual and funny facts about women do you know? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.


Positive psychology 28.04.2012

Today I want to move a little away from standard themes... I would like to invite you to talk about us women. A woman is a flower that blooms in all its glory only in the hands of a caring and attentive man... Who will argue with that? And also a woman is a child and an angel. Her heart is easy to hurt, she is largely naive. But this is our charm. I will not go into it yet.

I want to bring you about us women Interesting Facts... Still, it is curious to read about us, look from the outside, perhaps think about something, smile.

So, interesting facts about women.

  1. The life expectancy of women in most countries of the world is much longer than that of men.
  2. In the women's bathroom, you can find more than 400 accessories of various types.
  3. We blink twice as fast as men.
  4. In Colorado, it is forbidden to kiss a sleeping woman.
  5. When we shake hands with someone, we almost never squeeze it.
  6. In Hong Kong, a woman who is cheated on by her husband has the right to kill him, but without using foreign objects... Only with bare hands.
  7. According to the results of research by British scientists, girls who have ring finger in short, they achieve better results in sports.
  8. A woman, if she smokes, always holds a cigarette in her hand. Does not leave it in your mouth and does not bite with your teeth.
  9. Ask the woman to show you her hands - most often she will stretch them, palms down.
  10. If a woman swings to throw something, she pulls her hand back, and not to the side.
  11. A woman coming out of the shower (even having short hair) at least a short time wraps a towel around her head.
  12. At the call, a woman usually turns only her head.
  13. The belt on a woman's dressing gown is usually tied above the navel.
  14. When we yawn, we cover our mouth with our palm, not our fist.
  15. Women do not like when their hands are free, so we carry anything with us: a handbag, gloves or even a flower.
  16. When climbing or descending a mountain, we try to move sideways.
  17. To see our heels, most often we turn around behind our back.
  18. We enter the hot sand on tiptoe, and men most often on their heels.
  19. When we sit, we squeeze our knees or keep our legs parallel to each other.
  20. 75% of women believe that washing with soap and water is harmful.
  21. When we lift a heavy object, we try to turn it on its side. The man usually carries it in front of him.
  22. About 20 million women have fake breasts. Plus another 250 thousand women turn to surgeons for its correction.
  23. According to a sociological survey, only 9% of women consider themselves very attractive, 2% talk about their sexuality. 43% of women say that they look natural, another 24% of women consider themselves an average standard of beauty, the rest say that they are just pretty.
  24. Japanese women go to bed in a bra for reasons of modesty and comfort.
  25. The very first programmer in the world is a woman. She lives in England. This is Ada Lovelace.
  26. During hostilities in the 12th century, the German king allowed the women to leave the city and invited them to take whatever they wanted. What do you think the women did? - they carried their husbands on their shoulders.
  27. By the size of a woman's heart by 20% less heart men.
  28. Heart disease may not bother a woman for a long time, but in the future they proceed, as a rule, in a more severe form.
  29. It is enough to hug a woman for 20 seconds, it will inspire our confidence in the man.
  30. Our organizational skills are better developed. We also perceive the humanities with great success, information from several sources at the same time.
  31. Gossip tactile sensations we are better developed than men.
  32. The female brain is almost 10% smaller than the male brain. Proven by science.
  33. According to sociological research, 35% of women in Germany earn more husbands, in the USA - 30%, in general in Europe - 59%.
  34. Women love shopping and do not know how to keep secrets and secrets. We are talking about the majority.
  35. Women love to talk. Use 3 times a day more words than men. And all because of the center of pleasure, which is located in the brain.
  36. We see better in the dark, we have better developed peripheral vision. We observe with ease the whole picture of what is happening.
  37. Due to the fact that the bones female pelvis set wider apart, we swing our hips when we walk.
  38. A woman listens to her interlocutor more attentively and longer than a man. The need for communication among women is one and a half times higher than that of men.
  39. According to statistics, women are more successful in negotiations than men.
  40. A woman loves to have their desires determined by their eyes. This point is simply amazing. Can you imagine if it were like that? The men only looked into our eyes and they would immediately understand everything ... It's a fairy tale, not life. I would like to ...
  41. Women are very afraid of mice, worms, spiders.
  42. According to a sociological survey, out of 100 women, 24% would prefer to become men.
  43. During her life, a woman eats about 2 kg of lipstick.
  44. There are only 10 women in the world in senior government positions.
  45. Women open beer bottles with special tools.
  46. After a close relationship, a woman wants to kiss and talk, and not see a sleeping man next to her.

Here are some interesting facts about us women can be found on the Internet. Of course, we are all different. This is an average option. But you can read with a smile, reflect on something and try everything on yourself. Very soon I will publish no less interesting facts about men.

Dear men, take care of us women. Holte, cherish and pamper. Well, we just want everything….
Lovely women and girls, we will be worthy for such pampering, we must correspond.

Incredible facts

On the eve of women's holiday I would like to talk about women... If you think that women and men are alike, you are deeply mistaken.

Some argue that it is "Absolutely different types» which undoubtedly proved John gray in his famous book "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus".

We bring to your attention interesting facts about a woman: her psychology, body, behavior and habits.

1) If a man goes on a trip for a week, he will take very little clothes with him, and he will wear some things for several days in a row. If a woman packs a suitcase for a week, she will take three times more things with her than she needs, since she does not yet know what exactly will she wear one day or another.

According to research, a woman is about 120 hours per year looks in the mirror, it's 5 days! And for about a year in her entire life, she decides what to wear.

2) A woman will never be scratch the back of the head while pondering the answer to complex issue as men often do. Women do not at all like to show that they are puzzled in any way. They just don't want to ruin the hair with such a careless gesture.

Female psychology

3) A woman feels uncomfortable if she does not hold anything in her hands, going somewhere, so she is always and everywhere carries a purse with him.

4) Women desperately need to cry from time to time, because this is the most easy way relieve tension... Women cry on average 30 to 64 times a year, while men cry only 6-17 times.

5) Women always ask questions that there is no definite answer because this is how they can make men feel guilty.

6) Women hard worried the fact that they are wrong. This is why they don't apologize as often, but if that happens, the man should enjoy the moment. Women are very stubborn and like to think that they are always right.

7) The curiosity of women manifests itself at any time. For example, they always need pick up the phone ringing phone, even if they are busy with something important. After all, what if they are going to tell her that she won the lottery?

8) According to statistics, a woman pronounces on average 20 thousand words a day, What's on 13 thousand words less than a man says. Women really love to talk and it can go on indefinitely. Perhaps this is because they hate silence and want to break it at any cost. It is from here that gossip and rumors are born.

By the way, if a woman went to visit best friend , which she has not seen for a long time, she can stay there for a long time. And even after that, having come home, she may well call her and continue the conversation for another couple of hours.

Female body

9) In her entire life, a woman eats about 2-3 kilograms lipstick.

10) Women blink approximately 2 times more often than men.

11) A woman will trust more the one who hugged her at least 15 seconds.

12) 80 percent of wrinkles a woman gets from allowing her face sunbathe.

13) More tall women get sick more often cancer.

14) If a woman responds to her name, she only turns her head when as a man turns the whole body towards the one calling. This is due to the fact that the neck of women is more mobile.

15) a woman prefers her man read her wishes in the eyes, which is why understanding between the sexes is sometimes quite difficult to achieve.

16) Researchers School of Medicine Indiana University found that men only process the sounds they hear one side of the brain when both women use both for this purpose. This is probably why women are still considered better listeners than men.

17) Women don't like showing men that they are eat a lot, therefore, if a woman is very hungry, she will prefer to eat alone. 30 percent women have a passion for inedible things during pregnancy.

18) In the bathroom 10 times more feminine cosmetics and various feminine personal care products than masculine items. By the way, a man will not be able to answer you what most of these things are for.

Female behavior

19) Women love to buy things on sales, even if they don't need them at all. For example, seeing a bag with 75 percent discount, a woman will not be able to pass by her indifferently, even if a similar handbag has been gathering dust in her closet for a long time.

20) From 20 richest women in the world, all but one inherited fortunes from their husbands or fathers.

21) On average, a woman is able to keep a secret. 47 hours and 15 minutes.

22) In Russia on 9 million there are more women than men.

23) Women started wearing heels once imitating men to look more masculine.

24) Israel is the only country in the world where women serve in the army.

25) Woman's heart beats faster than a man's heart. She also has more taste buds on her tongue.

26) A woman who gets her first successful uterus gets pregnant in 2013.

27) The record number of children born to one woman is 69.

The fact that between men and women is a huge abyss, we learned in childhood. And all these years we have only been convinced of this many times, adding to the collection of knowledge about beautiful field more and more new facts of difference. We offer you two dozen more of these: knowing some of them will come in handy more than once in a relationship.

  1. The woman is practically not annoyed when the underwear gets stuck between the buttocks. The fair sex is happy to wear all these torture devices called "bikinis". In addition, usually a woman does not try to unnoticeably straighten her underwear from behind, getting up from a chair.
  2. Swinging to throw something, the woman pulls her hand not to the side, but back. That is why ladies are never sent to blow up tanks.
  3. Women love these tattered brooms that have so much rubbish on them. They call them "dried flower arrangements".
  4. When shaking hands, a woman hardly shakes it. The poet Voloshin said about a woman's handshake that it was like “tossing a dead baby”.
  5. Turning around at the call, a woman usually turns only her head. The man also unfolds the body, since his neck is much less flexible.
  6. Women are afraid of spiders, worms and mice. They also don't like caterpillars, even very pretty ones.
  7. , a woman thinks about whether she looks beautiful.
  8. When asked to show hands, men honestly stretch out their open palms. Women hold out their hands, palms down, apparently in order to demonstrate the impeccable manicure and the size of the diamonds.
  9. In women, prevails chest type breathing. In men, the abdominal muscles are actively involved in the process of breathing.
  10. Women don't like it when their hands are free. Therefore, they always carry a purse with them - in order to pull it by the strap, hold it by the edge and dig endlessly in it. In the absence of a handbag, anything will do - a fan, gloves, a book, a flower.
  11. Women try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Men just spread their legs wider.
  12. Women prefer to examine their heels, turning around behind their backs. Men, on the other hand, simply turn the raised foot.
  13. On hot pebbles or sand the woman is walking on tiptoe. The man only steps on the heels.
  14. When sitting down, women squeeze their knees or simply keep them parallel. Therefore, in public transport to have a lady neighbor is preferable.
  15. Stretching, men spread or raise their arms, and women bend them at the elbows, pressing them to their sides.
  16. A woman’s ears are plugged with her fingers, and a man’s — with her palms.
  17. When dressing, a woman will first put on a shirt, and then trousers. Men usually do the opposite.
  18. When lifting a heavy object, the woman will try to move it to her side. A man carries a load in front of him.
  19. When hitting with a fist, the woman puts her thumb forward.
  20. AND last fact: after sex, a woman wants not to sleep, but to talk and kiss.

A woman's neck is more flexible than a man's. Therefore, in response to the call, she turns only her head, while the opposite sex is forced to turn around with her whole body.

During sex, a woman thinks about how beautiful she looks. If she is not sure of herself, she will prefer complete darkness.

Women breathe with their breasts, and men with their belly.

Women feel uncomfortable if they have free hands... They definitely need to fiddle with something. A handbag, a fan, a book, gloves - they are worn in the hands just for this.

Women, differently than men, go up and down the mountain. They prefer to move sideways, while men just spread their legs wider.

A smoker, unlike a smoker, never holds a cigarette in her mouth, holding it with her lips or teeth. Only in the hand.

Women blink twice as often as men.

A woman's heart is 20% smaller than a man's. But that's just the size of the heart muscle. It does not affect a person's character in any way. Just female body usually less male, and therefore less effort is required to pump blood.

To gain the confidence of a woman, it is enough to hug her for twenty seconds. Don't confuse trust with love. In order to achieve love, you need to make much more effort.

Women are better organizers than men. They are better at grasping the humanities and multitasking.

Women have a great need for communication. They pronounce three times more words per day than men. This is all due to the pleasure center in the brain. Apparently from this came the assertion that women love with their ears.

Women have better developed peripheral vision, they see better in the dark.

The gait with the characteristic swaying of the hips is due to the fact that the pelvic bones are wider in women.

Women listen to their interlocutor more attentively and longer. This is all because they have a higher need for communication (see above).

For the same reason, women are more successful in negotiations than their courageous counterparts.

Englishwoman Ada Lovelace is the very first programmer.

In the world of 100 million fewer women than men. Inequality arises largely from the fact that in Asia, boys are more desirable than girls. Often, women terminate their pregnancies in order not to give birth to girls.

In Russia, the situation is reversed. We have nine million more women than men.

Women cry five times more men... On average, 30 to 65 times a year.

Women lie half as much. On average, only three times a day.

At the very mother of many children there were 69 children in the world. This is the wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev, who lived in the 18th century. She gave birth 27 times. In total, she had sixteen twins, seven triplets, and four times she gave birth to fours.

Women are more prone to depression and more likely than men to attempt suicide. But they achieve success in this business ten times less often. This is because a suicide attempt is more often undertaken to attract attention than to achieve results. Therefore, they choose not very effective methods for settling accounts.

Often women ask a question to which there can be no correct answer in principle. This is done in order to induce guilt in the interlocutor.

Female residents ancient rome they applied the sweat of gladiators to the skin, believing that this would make them more beautiful and improve their complexion. How the beauties smelled at the same time, nothing is known about that.

On average, a woman takes a year in her life to decide what to wear.

A woman can get pregnant even a week after sex. But this is more due to the vitality of the sperm than to the amazing abilities of the female body.