Alpine skiing, clothing, equipment, rules of conduct on the slope, safety, terms, alphabet. How to choose a ski suit: a useful reminder How to choose a ski suit

Before looking for specific skis, you need to decide what you plan to do on the slopes.

How to choose alpine skiing for the intended purpose

Carving or piste skiing (Carving)

Dynastar carving skis.

These skis are designed for skiing on ready-made ski slopes, allow you to easily enter sharp turns and ride with carving equipment - not on the entire sliding surface, but only on the edges (narrow metal strips along the edges of the ski, with the help of which turns are made).

Unlike racing skis, carving skis are softer and can be ridden with imperfect technique. Therefore, they can be chosen by beginners and those who prefer prepared slopes.

What to buy

Skis for professional racing (Racing)

Salomon racing skis.

These are special carving skis for slalom (SL), giant slalom (GS), super slalom (SG) and downhill (DH). The models differ greatly in geometry and features, are designed for athletes and cost a lot.

What to buy

Universal skis (All-mountain, All-terrain)

Universal skis Armada.

These skis are suitable for skiing on tamped slopes, and for freeriding on virgin lands, and for downhill skiing. Such skis are inferior to specialized ones, but their capabilities are quite enough for comfortable amateur skiing.

What to buy

Freeride skis (Big-mountain, Backcountry)

Salomon freeride skis.

These are wider skis for skiing on unprepared slopes. The increased width of the skis keeps the freerider on deep, fluffy virgin soil, and also allows jumping off the cliffs without sacrificing health.

What to buy

Park skis for freestyle (Park & ​​Pipe, Freestyle)

Park skis Moment.

These are skis designed for acrobatics and jumping from trampolines in special parks, passing mogul tracks.

Park skis are often twin-tip models with an equally curved toe and heel. In such skis, the freestyler can comfortably land after jumping from the springboard with both his back and face.

What to buy

Having decided on the purpose of the skis, you can proceed to the selection of a specific pair. In this case, several parameters must be taken into account: length, stiffness and radius of the side cutout.

We will not consider skis for professional racing, as they are selected in accordance with a specific sport discipline, and the pros do not need any recommendations. Better to focus on the selection of equipment for beginners and progressives.

Alpine skiing parameters


The length of alpine skis depends on their purpose and the width of the waist - the narrowest point of the ski.

  • Carving, freestyle... To pick up carving or park skis in height, subtract 5-10 cm from your height.
  • Freeride... If you choose less wide skis (with a waist of 80 mm), subtract 5 cm from your height.If you are wider (waist from 90 to 110 mm), add 10 cm.
  • Universal... If you choose skis with a waist less than 85 mm, subtract 10 cm from your height. If your waist is more than 85 mm, a suitable length will be –5 to +5 cm for your height.


Rigid skis allow you to develop high speed without losing stability, including during turns. However, to ski hard, you need good technique.

Carving skis have greater longitudinal and torsional rigidity than general-purpose skis. This compensates for the centrifugal force that occurs at high speeds. With a lack of stiffness, it will not be possible to make a clear turn: the skis will break down to side slip.

The more weight, the harder the skis are needed to support it.

It will be more convenient for beginners and amateurs to ride soft skis, such as universal skis. They allow you to make mistakes in technique and provide a more comfortable ride. In addition, the harder the ski, the higher the price, therefore, for amateur skiing, it is preferable to choose soft ones.

As a rule, ski stiffness indicators are indicated on the product card or on the ski tag.

Sidecut radius

The radius of the sidecut (Sidecut) depends on the geometry of the ski. The larger the radius, the wider the arc your skis will follow.

Carving skis are divided into several types depending on the skiing style. Slalom ones have a short radius of 9–12 meters, which allows them to move in small arcs. Long-radius skis with indicators of 17-25 meters are designed for wide slopes and allow you to reach high speeds.

There are also medium radius skis with indicators from 12 to 17 meters. Due to the reduced radius, these skis obey better when cornering and, unlike long-radius skis, allow you to ski on rather narrow slopes clogged with people.

The radius of universal skis is 15 to 18 meters. This radius is suitable for those who are just mastering the ski slopes.

Due to the increased width, freeride skis have a large sidecut radius - about 20 meters. It is better to choose such models for trained skiers.

Alpine ski constructions

Now there are three main designs of alpine skiing and many mixed options.

The core of these skis usually consists of several layers of wood and synthetic materials and is reinforced with carbon or fiberglass mesh.

The core is closed from the sides with plastic walls, from the top - by a decorative strip, and from the bottom - by a sliding surface. Due to several layers of the core, the strength of the ski increases and the shock absorption increases.

Unlike Sandwich, such skis do not have side or decorative strips, and the core is closed by one monolithic structure that reaches the edges.

Cap provides lighter weight and more torsional stiffness to the ski, which in turn enhances handling. In addition, production is less costly, and therefore such skis are sold at lower prices.


This is the development of the Salomon brand, a one-piece composite body to which a sliding surface is glued. A core made of wood or lightweight synthetic materials is installed inside the body.

Skis made with Monocoque technology have high torsional stiffness and light weight, which provides cornering stability and less sensitivity to uneven tracks.

Apart from these three designs, there are a large number of mixed designs. For example, Monocoque-Sandwich or even Cap-Sandwich, when the middle of the ski is made according to one technology, and the ends according to another.

Alpine skiing materials

Alpine ski cores are made from light wood, plain foam, or a combination of wood and synthetic materials.

Wooden cores perfectly dampen vibrations, provide good ski control and uniform elasticity along the entire length.

In cheaper skis, foam cores can be found. For example, the Cap structure is filled with lightweight synthetic foam. Foam does not provide the same stability and resilience as wood, but it weighs less.

Foam core.

The next layer is the braiding of the core made of composite materials. The stiffness of the ski depends on it to a greater extent. The braid is made of fiberglass, carbon and other fibers combined with epoxy resin. To increase the rigidity, the braid can be supplemented with metal plates made of light alloys, such as aluminum and titanium.

Combined materials are also used in the production of sliding surfaces. For example, polyethylene with the addition of graphite. Graphite reduces the electrostatic charge, due to which small ice crystals and dirt adhere to the sliding surface, while polyethylene ensures better retention of the ointment on the surface.

How to choose ski bindings

The choice of fasteners depends on several parameters.

1. Fastening standard. There are several binding standards that are suitable for boots with a certain type of sole:

  • Alpine Mounts... Fits ISO 5355 soles. This standard applies to most trail running shoes.
  • Frame mounts... In such mounts, the front and rear are connected by a frame. Due to this, the skier can not only ride with a fully secured foot, but also unfasten the heel to ski, for example, climb a mountain. Most of these bindings are ISO 9523 (Touring) compatible.
  • WTR (Walk to Ride)... Developed by Salomon. Bindings for boots with a higher WTR sole, equipped with a protector for a comfortable walk.
  • MNC (Multi Norm Compatible)... These bindings will fit any outsole standard: ISO 5355, ISO 9523 and WTR.

2. Elasticity of fastening... This is the maximum force at which the fastener will not open, but will return the boot to its place.

Carving ski bindings have little elasticity. It is enough to move the boot 1 cm, and everything will unfasten.

Freeride bindings are more flexible because they are heavily stressed when riding wide skis on unprepared slopes. To unfasten the freeride mount, the boot must move to the side by 2.5–3 cm.

3. Width of ski stop... A ski-stop is a metal bracket that is needed for braking if the ski is unfastened. It looks like two wires on the sides of the mounts.

The waist (narrowest point) of the ski should be narrower than the ski stop. Otherwise, you will not be able to put on the ski carrier.

If the brace of the ski stop is too wide, it will protrude far beyond the boundaries of the ski and cling to the snow when skiing. Therefore, select a ski mount only after choosing the skis themselves.

4. Features of fastening on the ski... Bindings are installed on skis in different ways.

  • With screws... This is the most reliable installation method. Negative: You cannot use multiple skis with the same binding. In addition, the screws slightly disturb the structure of the skis, so if you want to change bindings, holes will remain from the old ones.
  • On a platform with holes... Some skis have a bindings platform. In this case, it is better to buy mounts from the same manufacturer: the platform holes will coincide with the mounts and you do not have to spend a lot of time on installation.
  • On a platform without holes... If a platform with no holes is attached to the ski, any mounts will fit it, since you will make the holes yourself.
  • On a platform with guides... For such platforms, special fasteners are needed, which are put on the rails, after which the screw is tightened. Such bindings easily change to fit the boot size, which can be useful if several people are skiing on the same skis.

How to choose sticks

1. Material... Poles can be made of aluminum or carbon fiber and fiberglass. When choosing models made of aluminum, pay attention to the numbers on the stick. For example, 5086 or 6061 is an indication of the alloy. The higher the number, the harder and more durable the alloy.

Models made of carbon fiber and fiberglass are lighter, stronger and more expensive than aluminum ones, however, they do not last forever: if you damage a stick made of composite materials with the sharp edge of the ski, it will quickly break under load.

2. Form... Sticks for normal riding are straight. For downhill slopes, such as giant slalom, curved. This shape allows athletes to remove the pole rings behind their backs during the descent, increasing aerodynamics.

3. The size and shape of the rings... The rings at the bottom of the stick are designed to keep the stick from going deep into the snow. Freeride models have large rings to help the pole stick well on soft, fluffy snow. Poles for piste skiing are equipped with small rings that will not interfere and cling to the boots during skiing.

Some manufacturers make poles with replaceable rings for different riding conditions.

4. Stick length... This is the most important indicator.

To find the ideal length, turn the stick over and grasp it under the ring. If, in this position, a right angle forms between the forearm and shoulder, this stick is suitable for you. Some experts advise adding 5-7 cm to this length in order to take into account the immersion of the stick in the snow.

Put on your ski boots before choosing your poles: they will add a few centimeters to your height.

As for the lanyard (the strap that secures the stick to the hand), it is not advised to wear it. The ski bindings will automatically release your boots when you fall, but you won't be able to remove the lanyards from your wrists as quickly. And this is fraught with injury. Therefore, you can easily choose sticks without lanyards or cut them off after purchase.

What to buy

Parameters of ski boots

To begin with, we will tell you what characteristics ski boots have, and then we will figure out how to choose boots depending on your skiing style.


This characteristic indicates how much effort is needed to change the angle of inclination of the boot shaft. The harder the boot, the better the effort from your muscles is transferred to the skis.

Soft boots dampen the effort by flexing the bootleg. As a result, ski handling is reduced.

The stiffer boots you buy, the easier it will be to handle your skis.

However, hard boots have a drawback: while riding, they can rub your feet, cause pain and swelling. Therefore, beginners are not advised to buy boots that are too stiff.

Sole type

ISO 5355 standard. Most ski boots (carving and sport) have this standard soles.

ISO 5355 standard

Touring (ISO 9523). Standard boot for ski touring or cross-country travel with ups and downs. These boots have a higher rubberized sole with deep tread. Sometimes shoes are sold with interchangeable overlays that allow them to be used with regular bindings.

Touring standard outsole.

WTR (Walk to Ride) is the standard for freeride boots that require special WTR bindings. Some of these boots can also be used with Touring bindings.

WTR standard outsole.

Shoe width

The width of the last is the distance between the walls of the shoe at its widest point. Should match the width of your foot. As a rule, this parameter is indicated on the boot, and you can measure your foot right in a store or rental: usually there are special rulers there.

There are boots with adjustable last width. They indicate a range, for example, from 100 to 150 mm.

Remember: in boots that are too wide, you will not be able to fix your feet well, so it will be difficult for you to control the skis while skiing. Therefore, it is better to focus on numbers and not buy shoes that are too spacious.


It is the ability of the boot to conform to the shape of your foot when exposed to heat.

Inner boot made of thermoformed material.

In some boots only problem areas can be molded, in others the entire surface of the boot can be molded.

If the boots are marked Auto Fit, then they are thermoformed in the process of wearing, from the warmth of your feet. A few days of riding is enough for the auto-shaped boots to adjust to your needs.

Walk around the store for 10 minutes before buying boots. So you will understand whether your boots are shaking or not, they need thermoforming, or it is worth trying on others.

Custom Fit shoes are designed to be hot formed with a special hair dryer. Hot molding is done in the store after trying on, if it seems to you that the shoe fits in size, but presses a little in some place.

First, the boot is warmed up with a hairdryer for about 10-15 minutes, then you put it on, fasten the clips and stand for about 10 minutes. Then remove and leave for at least an hour until the material hardens in the desired position.


Ski boots are insulated with down, wool and various synthetic materials, such as hydrophobic insulation 3M Thinsulate.

Unlike natural materials, synthetic materials have the ability to wick moisture away from the body, so you won't skate in sweaty socks. In this case, they should also be made of synthetic material: it is better to leave cotton and woolen for other purposes.

How to choose ski boots for their intended purpose

These boots will suit you if you are going to ride exclusively on prepared slopes and only for pleasure. That is, you will not work on speed and technique, set personal records and get out of the track to ride on untouched snow.

Carving boots come in different hardness. For beginners, boots with a stiffness value from 60 to 100 are suitable, for progressive amateurs - from 100 to 130.

When choosing boots, do not pursue softness and convenience: in the store you will be comfortable, but on the track, when the skis are poorly controlled, this advantage will not seem so significant to you.

The outsole of carving skis is equipped with heels made of soft material. This allows you to comfortably climb stairs or walk on the floor, for example, if you are going to relax in a cafe.

Alpine skiing season is in full swing, which means it's time to think about equipment. Winter sports enthusiasts mostly prefer ski suits. They warm well, don't get wet and look stylish.

Many different costume options are offered by modern stores. The models have a different price category, differ in design and functionality, so it is difficult to make the right choice in favor of a good ski suit. We propose to consider the criteria that are the basis for the purchase of high-quality winter equipment.

  1. Manufacturing material. Must be resilient, moisture resistant, not hindering movement. It's good if it's fleece. Suits with the addition of a membrane are a priority.
  2. Index of water resistance. On average, it is 5000 mm.
  3. Vapor tightness. For active skiing, we choose an indicator from 7000 g per m2, the usual mode is 5000 g.
  4. Double cuffs are desirable. They will reliably protect against snow ingress.
  5. The suit must be visible in the snow. It is recommended to choose bright products.
  6. A set of skiing suits should consist of high trousers and a jacket. If your trousers are not tall enough, you should choose a longer jacket.
  7. It is advisable that the jacket is tightened at the waist and at the bottom. The hood should be adjustable.
  8. We prefer large, non-slip zippers. It is convenient to unfasten and fasten it with gloves.
  9. The seams should be strong, finished with a special water-repellent tape.
  10. Multiple pockets are encouraged.
  11. Reflective suits are easier to see for rescuers in an emergency.
  12. It must be remembered that the price of a quality ski suit cannot be low.
  13. Manufacturer. We give preference to proven brands. Products of well-known brands have long proven themselves on the positive side.

TOP - 10 best ski suits

10 Sportsolo

Best protective properties
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Russian company Sportsolo produces high-quality sportswear. The range includes ski suits. All models have an excellent fit and are made of modern membrane fabric. Women's sets are equipped with a snow-protective skirt and adjustable cuffs on the sleeves and trousers. They are comfortable just to walk or spend time in active sports. Insulation - isosoft, able to withstand frost -25. A wide range of sizes allows you to choose clothes for overweight ladies. An important role for women is played by the ease of caring for the product.

The men's collection is free and comfortable. Possesses moisture-proof properties and protects well from the wind. The material is Prince used for sewing. It is treated with a special moisture-resistant impregnation, so it is able to protect you from rain and sleet. Additional cover protects from the wind. All models have passed a rigorous test of time. Customer reviews prove the durability and presentability of Sportsolo ski suits.


Best quality
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.6

The domestic brand AZIMUTH produces high-tech ski suits. The brand is distinguished by the use of a breathable membrane fabric, comfort and excellent protection from the cold. The wear resistance of the products is achieved due to the special system of the PRIMALOFT material. The suits are equipped with waterproof zippers, elastic inserts, a fleece collar, ventilation elements, and numerous pockets. AZIMUTH clothes are maximally adapted to Russian weather conditions.

Customers speak positively about AZIMUTH suits and purchase them not only for skiing, but also for everyday wear on frosty days. It was noted that the products perfectly protect against wind, snow and severe frost. I am also pleased with a large assortment of products and a wide range of sizes. Women especially love the multiple pockets, the high collar, the zip windscreen and the color scheme of the suits. Men more often note the convenience of trousers with wide suspenders, the ability to adjust the belt. Ski suits AZIMUTH are very popular. They are warm, comfortable and lightweight.

8 Columbia

High quality at the lowest price
Country: USA
Rating (2019): 4.6

The American company Columbia has been making us happy with its products for a long time. A wide assortment allows you to choose clothes for any purpose. Suits with good moisture-wicking characteristics are perfect for downhill skiing enthusiasts. Models of ski clothing have reliable wide zippers, numerous pockets, high levels of vapor and water resistance. Possessing a number of advantages, such as: durability, resistance to fading, elasticity, protection, - Columbia suits are very popular among buyers.

By purchasing a Columbia jacket and trousers, you get excellent performance at a minimal cost. This is ideal for a modest budget. One small drawback is the weight of some suits. But this indicator does not apply to all models, and it is not critical. The products use Omni-Heat technology, which retains heat for a long time. Fitted cuffs and a comfortable hood keep the cold out. The sewing material is very durable. For these characteristics, Columbia has received numerous positive reviews.

7 High Experience

The best universal models
Country: Canada (made in China)
Rating (2019): 4.7

The High Experience brand specializes in the manufacture of women's ski equipment. As a rule, all suits are made from durable and lightweight material. The composition of such fabric necessarily includes lucre fiber. High Experience works exclusively on its own developments and technologies. This sets the company apart from its competitors. Women's ski suits combine beauty, quality and comfort. It is convenient to ride in them in the mountains or just stroll along the city streets.

An important advantage of the company is the use of environmentally friendly materials. 3D modeling makes it possible to create anatomically correct silhouettes. The inner skirt and elasticated cuffs protect from snow and wind. The special technology of processing the seams prevents moisture from penetrating under the clothes. Brand models are versatile. Their owners note all the highly effective properties that winter ski clothing must correspond to. With its stylish design and versatility, High Experience has long been a favorite of women in cold weather.

6 Snow Headquarter

Best tailoring quality
Country: China
Rating (2019): 4.7

Snow Headquarter is a well-known brand that manufactures ski clothing using modern technologies. The peculiarity of the brand lies in the use of anatomical cut, which provides freedom of movement. This is especially important when playing sports in winter. Another significant feature is the unique tailoring fabric. It begins to warm more with active movement and gives off a minimum of heat when you are at rest. People of any body size and height can easily find a suitable version of the Snow Headquarter ski suit thanks to the large size range.

Buyers evaluate the company as a professional in the production of ski equipment. In the reviews, they note the excellent quality of tailoring, strong seams. Snow Headquarter not only does not blow, does not get wet and warms, but also provides protection from injury. The membrane eliminates excess steam during active perspiration. The company can be safely attributed to the list of the best manufacturers. Snow Headquarter clothes are always dry, warm, comfortable and safe.


Ergonomic design
Country: Japan
Rating (2019): 4.8

DESCENTE produces premium clothing. The main feature of the rulers is the simplicity and practicality of the models. Thanks to its functionality, the brand enjoys immense popularity among consumers. Among the DESCENTE assortment there are ski suits not only for professionals, but also for beginner sports enthusiasts. Both those and others meet all the requirements of buyers. The models are equipped with ventilation parts, an adjustable hood, additional cuffs, insulated collars, snow protection elements. Each seam is perfectly glued.

Comfort is created due to the anatomical cut of the garment. For sewing trousers, parameters such as the placement of the legs and characteristic movements when riding are taken into account. Pants for women and men have elastic inserts at the neck, under the knees, under the armpits and on the sides. Customers love that DESCENTE ski suits are equipped with protective elbows, shoulders and knees. It is also noted that the products are made of durable waterproof materials of high quality. The brand's ski equipment combines unrivaled comfort and elegance. DESCENTE products are clothing suitable for all sports conditions.

4 Goldwin

Better wear resistance
Country: Japan
Rating (2019): 4.9

The famous Japanese brand Goldwin is able to compete with many well-known companies. The company, providing championships and olympiads, produces high quality clothing. At the same time, prices for goods are slightly higher than average. Many people call Goldwin models "smart". These are not only amateur models, but also professional ammunition. Through systematic research into production technology, the company is rapidly moving forward to create safe, functional and flexible ski suits for men and women.

All Goldwin collections combine four criteria: design, lightness, elasticity and warmth. The Speed ​​line is special thanks to the use of unusual colors, unique designs and functional elements (3D overlays and stretch fabrics). For sewing suits for skiers, the Primeflex fabric, developed by the Japanese, is used. It provides a perfect fit without hindering movement. The fabric is soft, dense and stretchy. In combination with a membrane, it ideally protects the body from rain, wind and snow. Goldwin stands for unsurpassed quality at an affordable price.

3 Phenix

Best workmanship
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 5.0

The well-known company Phenix has been producing quality ski equipment for men and women for decades. There are also children's clothes in her collection. The company represents premium products. It is the official supplier of the national alpine skiing team. Depending on the groups of athletes, the models differ in functional level, manufacturability, style. The peculiarity of the production of Phenix is ​​the use of a super strong fabric in combination with a membrane. It is distinguished by high wear resistance.

Phenix products are considered the best in their niche. 3D modeling technology allows athletes to reduce the load on some parts of the body while moving. According to skiers, Phenix suits deserve the highest awards. They reliably protect from cold and wind, do not allow the body to sweat. The four-strip cut provides flexibility and activity without hindering movement. Everyone who has purchased a ski suit from Phenix feels confident and comfortable in any weather, not only in the mountains, but also in the city.

2 Bogner

The best tailoring technologies
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 5.0

Bogner is the highest level of ski suit production. The original label on the shoulder of each branded jacket gives its owner a high status. Bogner suits are expensive but very high quality. The best materials and modern technologies are used for sewing. The main features of all models are practicality, comfort, excellent protection from the cold. The weight of the suits is minimal. This is achieved through modern synthetic insulation. They are as warm as down, but much lighter.

Ski jacket models have an adjustable hood. Additional features are mesh ventilation, elaborated elbow zones, reflective elements. The products have tight cuffs, convenient pockets with zippers. The lock is treated with a special water-repellent solution. Bogner is a luxury ski equipment brand. She is preferred by many famous athletes. Every detail of the product is extremely thought out. Of course, the cost of the costumes is high, but it is justified. In Bogner's models, you can find not only stylish elements, but also a lot of other useful properties.

1 Colmar

Better functionality
Country: Italy
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Italian company Colmar has been successfully sewing ski clothing for several decades. Once the brand provided suits for the Italian national team. Colmar products are renowned for their high technology and attractive design. When sewing, the anatomical features of the male and female body structure are taken into account. Therefore, the company's ski clothing has a perfect cut. Colmar uses breathable fabrics that resist moisture. They are able to create perfect comfort and protection.

The company is currently focused on the production of three lines of suits for skiers:

  • multifunctional and very bright Carving line;
  • traditional high-tech line Authentic;
  • water and airtight Evolution line.

Ski enthusiasts appreciate Colmar products and often recommend them to their associates. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, branded suits are moisture and wind resistant. Today the brand is aimed at further expansion and production of only professional clothing.

What is a membrane? How many pockets should there be? What should be the fasteners? How to take care of it properly? Where can I buy?

Compiling a review of clothing for winter sports - what could be simpler, it would seem? What is difficult in collecting several jackets and trousers, choosing bright hats with pompoms, gloves and mittens for them? But I could not imagine how global my delusion was. After a long study of forums and sites, looking at photos of satisfied friends on the snow-covered slopes and polling friends, it became clear that most of the problems arise with the choice of clothing for snowboarding and alpine skiing. A poorly chosen kit can discourage a beginner to ride and upset an experienced rider who has high hopes for the new season. The material has accumulated on a number of articles and the first is devoted to the choice of a snowboard and ski jacket.

Icepeak autumn-winter collection.

What to look for?

The main requirements for riding clothes are lightness, warmth, practicality, water and wind resistance. A snowboard jacket is usually larger than a ski jacket - this is the main difference between them, and the other parameters are about the same. When trying on a jacket, you need to fully button up and raise your arms up - clothes should not hinder movements and bully. It is better to pay attention to things of bright colors and with reflective stripes, which will help to be visible in the snow and in poorly lit places.

What else is worth paying attention to?

1. Laser perforation on the collar is necessary for ventilation, the same usually occurs in the armpit area.
2. The zipper must be impregnated with a special compound so that it does not get wet.
3. The tabs of the zippers should be large and non-metallic so that it is convenient to open them with gloves.
4. The cuffs should be two-layer, the inner one is made of fleece or Polartec or Lycra, the outer one is with an elastic band with flaps with buttons or Velcro.

5. For snow jackets, the hood should be large to fit over the helmet, while for ski jackets it should be small. The visor will protect you from snowfall, and the side wings and transparent windows will protect you from the wind.
6. The inner part of the collar should be made of Polartec or fleece, which quickly wicks moisture away.
7. Jacket lining should be made of synthetic or semi-natural materials that absorb moisture easily and dry quickly.
8. Seams must be glued and reinforced with special tape.
9. Pockets should be located on the sides, on the chest - for a phone or walkie-talkie, on the sleeve - for a ski pass and inside - for documents.
10. The buttons inside the jacket are necessary for fastening the trousers, so the snow does not get under the clothes.
11, 12. The inner skirt and elasticated clips should keep snow out.


The presence of a membrane is considered important - this is the inner covering of the fabric or a special weave of threads, due to which water does not pass inward, and the evaporation of the body is easily removed to the outside.

The water resistance of the membrane is indicated in millimeters and means which column of water the jacket will withstand during the day.

3000 mm is the minimum value at which a jacket can be worn in snow or light rain, this indicator is more applicable to an urban environment than on slopes.

10000 mm is the average value at which the jacket will not get wet in heavy rain and snow.

30,000 mm is the maximum value at which a jacket can withstand extreme weather conditions.

Water vapor permeability is determined in grams of water, which a fabric with an area of ​​1 sq. m. passes in 24 hours.

5000 g / sq.m. - Average, suitable for traditional skiing.

10,000 g / sqm - the maximum value applicable to professional sports.

The best are the fabrics Goretex, Dermizax, Pertex, Prooface, MemBrain, PreClip. Their water resistance indicators are at least 20,000 mm, and their breathability is about 6,000 g / m2.

Outside, the fabric is covered with an additional water-repellent layer DWR, thanks to which water does not absorb, but rolls off the surface of the jacket. This coating is short-lived, but it can be renewed using special products sold in stores with snowboard or ski equipment.

A few words about care: you need to wash jackets by hand using special products or, in extreme cases, laundry soap. These garments must not be ironed, otherwise the outer fabric may be damaged.

Where to buy?

When choosing a jacket, you should first decide on its purpose. The avid rider's gear won't be useful to the beginner, and the sleek jackets won't suit athletes who spend most of the day on the slopes. Clothes in which it is comfortable to ride, for example, in the Moscow region, will not withstand the load in the mountains, where there is strong humidity.

Among snowboarders, clothing brands Burton, 686, DC, Quiksilver, Bonfire, Volcom are popular. Skiers choose things from Bogner, Schoffel, Rossignol, Icepeak, The North Face, Phenix. The Russian companies Baon, Red Fox, Bask, Stayer have also proven themselves well among outdoor enthusiasts - clothes are made from high-quality materials, and they are quite democratic.

Experienced riders prefer to order clothes from online stores, focusing on technical characteristics. For beginners, it is better to go to specialized stores, such as, for example, "Kant", "Trial Sport", where sellers will help you choose the first set.

Men's jacket brand 686, indicators - 10000mm / 8000gr

Women's DC jacket, indicators - 10000 mm / 10000gr

Men's Bonfire jacket, performance - 10000mm / 8000g

Icepeak women's jacket, indicators - 3000mm / 3000gr

Bask Versatile Jacket

Women's Stayer jacket, indicators - 10000mm / 15000gr

There is specialized sportswear designed for skiing not only for professionals, but also for beginners. Women's and men's suits differ slightly from each other in terms of price category, quality of materials used in sewing, and other parameters. In order for your future outdoor activities to bring extremely positive emotions, you need to know the basic rules for choosing a men's ski suit.

A men's snowboarding or alpine skiing suit can be ordered online. The goods will be delivered to you free of charge.

How to choose the right riding suit?

Large manufacturers of sportswear mainly specialize in the production of men's ski suits of three types: extreme professional (skiing outside the ski resort), semi-professional (skiing on equipped slopes), semi-walking (skiing at a slow pace on walking trails).

Regardless of what level of sports training you own, be sure to pay attention to the following details when buying a men's ski suit:

Manufacturing material

Manufacturers of sportswear annually develop new types of fabrics with modern technological characteristics. Lining, insulation, top layer of fabric are essential components of high-quality clothing for active sports. The lining fabric should be made of a material that allows accumulated moisture to be forced out to the outer layers of the fabric and reflects body heat inward. The lining can be fleece or mesh for better moisture management.

It is recommended to check with the sales assistant about the type of insulation used when sewing the product. Ideally, the Thinsulate material, synthetically similar to down, is optimally distributed between the lining and the top layer of the suit. At the same time, the sleeves are insulated at a ratio of 70 grams per square meter, the back and stomach - 100 grams, and the legs - 35 grams. The unique properties of insulation are the ability to retain the maximum amount of heat under clothing.

Membrane characteristics

The main function of the membrane fabric is to retain and evaporate moisture. When choosing a men's ski suit, the quality of the membrane plays a crucial role, since the male body secretes sweat more actively than the female.

If you are a beginner skier, then the membrane water resistance should be at least 4000 mm, and the vapor permeability - 5000 g / m2 / 24h. For more extreme skiing, you will need a suit made of fabric, the water permeability of which will be about 25,000 mm, and the steam capacity increases to 28,000 g / sq. m / 24 h (e.g. Evolution, eVENT, Carving). should stretch well and not wrinkle and be dirt-repellent. The most expensive ski suits are coated with Teflon from DuPont.

Look at the photos of men's ski suits:

Additional clothing details

Ski apparel designers strive to follow the basic rules of ergonomics so that the skier is as comfortable as possible. The presence of taped seams indicates the tightness of the suit. The hood on the jacket should be adjustable in two planes and not interfere with the view, as well as protect from windy and snowy weather. Some manufacturers complement the hood with a lycra mask, which can be stowed away in a side pocket if desired. The inside of the collar should be made of soft material.

If the cut of the sleeves of the twist matches the anatomical features of the figure, then this will allow you to move comfortably while riding. Elastic, adjustable cuffs help keep snow from getting under the sleeve, which is also important. A good men's ski suit must have elastic cords equipped with length adjusters. Internal and external pockets with zippers, a cloth for wiping glasses, made of waterproof fabric are also considered integral additional parts of the suit.

1. What do you need to buy before your first trip to the mountains? How to choose the right one?
- For the first trips to the mountains, it is not necessary to purchase a complete ski set - in any rental you can take skis of any quality and manufacturer. But it is highly desirable to purchase boots that are well suited for you: the comfort of a skier is primarily determined by the convenience of his feet. It is necessary to choose ski shoes very carefully, not sparing time and effort for fitting. It is advisable to walk in each pair of shoes you try on for at least 10 minutes in order to understand whether they fit or not. It is worth remembering that the most expensive boots are not necessarily the nicest. There are no "bad" and "good" brands, there are shoes that are best suited to a particular person. For the optimal choice of boots, we recommend contacting specialized sports / ski stores, where they will help you find the best option.

A helmet, special ski socks and a mask are not a luxury or a fad, but essential items for a vacation in the mountains. The helmet should not be too heavy, comfortable and ideally suited for you. The distance between the eyebrows and the edge of the helmet (while the helmet should be properly dressed and fastened) should not exceed two fingers folded together. The helmet should not press anywhere. Think about whether you will be wearing a comforter, and if so, take it for a try-on. The inner "padding" of the helmet crumples over time, so that when trying on the helmet should not move back and forth. The helmet must have good ventilation and audibility. Don't forget to take a ski mask (if you have one) and try it on with your helmet.
To correctly determine the length of the ski pole you need, turn it upside down, and take it so that the fist is pressed against the ring. If the arm forms a right angle with respect to the body when the elbow is bent, the choice is correct, in any other case, a different length of the stick is needed. The shape of the handle should be comfortable for your hand. Pole weight, flexibility and configuration are only relevant for experienced skiers and athletes.
A very important piece of equipment is goggles or a ski mask. Regular sunglasses may not be suitable for riding, in the mountains it is very important to protect your eyes from wind, snow, increased ultraviolet radiation at altitude and light reflection from snow. The optimal filter color is orange or dark yellow - this filter protects from the sun and provides good contrasting visibility in foggy weather or on a cloudy day when it is difficult to see irregularities on the slope. Do not forget about accessories: ski gloves or mittens are simply necessary, it is advisable to always have two pairs of them with you. You should definitely bring sunscreen and high SPF lipstick with you, or get them all locally - as a rule, they are sold in convenient packaging at any rental point or supermarket.

2. How to choose ski boots?
After getting into your boots (this is not so easy the first time), get into the correct stance (or just bend your knees), listen to how you feel, and let your feet get used to. If you are comfortable, the boots fit tightly and evenly around the foot, but there are no places where the pressure is too strong - everything is fine, let's move on. In suitable shoes, you can wiggle your toes, but the foot should not have excessive freedom: move back and forth, to the sides, or strongly break away from the insole. Do not expect to find “your” pair from the first fitting - all people are different, and their legs are also different. All manufacturers make boots not only of different stiffness, but also with different widths of the last. Get ready to try on more than one pair of boots to get a feel for how they differ, and in which you can painlessly spend several hours on the slope. Boots must be tried on for special ski socks (do not spare money for them, thinking that you can ride in ordinary sports socks - this is not so).

For women and children, there are special models of boots that take into account their anatomical features and are designed for different levels of training. Many modern boot models involve thermoforming - a special fit for the anatomical features of a particular person. Specially fitted insoles make riding much more comfortable; they can be made in specialized stores.

3. How to choose the right ski clothing?
Almost most of the comfort during and after riding is provided by the right clothing. It must necessarily be multi-layered and provide maximum riding comfort in all weather conditions, protect from cold and wind and wick moisture well. Optimally, a skier's clothing should have at least 3 layers. Thermal underwear, fleece (jacket, turtleneck or sweater) and a protective layer - trousers and a jacket or overalls.
There is a large selection of so-called "mountain beach" clothing - undoubtedly beautiful, but well suited for relaxing in a sun lounger, and not for intense skiing. Many fashion brands make such clothes, and if you plan to sunbathe more than skate, then you can not change your favorite brand. Time-tested specialist brands are popular with experienced skiers who spend a lot of time on the slopes. This group includes Phenix, Goldwin, Descente, Kujs, Colmar, Spyder and some others. A little less money will have to be spent on clothes Halti(official supplier of the World Cup organizers), Salomon, Vоlkl and Rossignol, while in terms of indicators it will not be inferior to more expensive brands. If price is critical, look for “sportswear in general” manufacturers such as Columbia and other less expensive brands.

To buy both beautiful and functional clothing, you need to look not only at its cost and appearance, but also at its performance. It has long become a good practice for manufacturers to indicate the parameters of the fabric: water resistance (changes in millimeters of the water column held by the fabric) and vapor permeability (in grams of liquid that one square meter of fabric can pass per day). The general rule when choosing a model is as follows: for ordinary skiers who do not spend too much time on the slopes, the membrane's water resistance from 5000 mm and vapor permeability is enough from 5000 g / m2 / 24h. Of course, the higher these indicators are, the higher the price of the item will be. But the more chances that you will be comfortable both in the snow and in the rain. Insulation is no less important - it should be thin and light. When choosing, you should pay special attention to the availability and convenience of additional parts and their ergonomics - pockets and pockets, a functional hood, cuffs, pleasant to the touch, etc. Good modern jackets have a lot of useful details, for example, a special pocket for a ski pass, a "skirt" for skiing on the ground (it is good if it can be unfastened), a mini-carabiner for keys, a special napkin for wiping glasses or masks). If you are riding in a helmet (which we really hope), it makes sense when choosing a jacket to check if you can put a hood on your helmet - on windy days this feature can come in handy. The color of clothes is not the most important parameter when choosing, because on the slope they pay attention first of all to a beautifully skating person. If this is your first time going to a ski resort, try not to purchase an all-white suit - although this option looks attractive when trying on, it merges with the snow in the mountains. In addition, with poor visibility, a person in a completely white robe is quite difficult to find on the slope.

4. How to choose skis?
If you have already tried your hand at the slopes and are sure that you will be skiing for more than one season, it makes sense to buy your own skis - they will pay off after the first trip to the mountains. When choosing skis, try as accurately and objectively to determine your level of skiing and the type of tracks on which you ski. Otherwise, you run the risk of buying skis that absolutely do not suit you, and money will be wasted. It is not necessary to take the skis very much, hoping that in the new season you will be able to participate in freeride competitions, since the plow turn has already been mastered. Skis differ not only in the target group for which they are created - for beginners, experienced, athletes, freeriders, but also in a number of characteristics. There are special skis, originally designed for various types of skiing (for example, slalom and giant slalom skis), skis for skiing off-piste, for jumping and acrobatics in snow parks, skis for ski tours, etc. However, those who are just taking their first steps on the tracks do not need to delve into the details of the parameters, geometry, device and differences between different models.

5. Which manufacturer's skis are better?
There are no good or bad manufacturers, no bad or good skis - there are those that are best for you. The general rules for choosing skis are as follows: the price when choosing skis is by no means the main determining factor. If you are confident that you will be skiing a lot and often, it is best to test your skis before buying. Alpine skiing tests are regularly carried out by leading manufacturers; in the Alps, tests are carried out at the beginning and end of the season. If this is not possible, and you want to buy skis, carefully study the test results and expert reviews in magazines and the Internet, and try to correctly assess your level of skiing and its dynamics. If you are training with an instructor, it makes sense to consult with him.

6. How to choose the right size of alpine skis?
If you are only going to ski on slopes in the Alps, choose skis 5-10 cm smaller than your height - if you prefer long arcs and high speed. For lovers of frequent turns, skis designed for short arcs, 10-15 cm less in height, are better suited. These rules work optimally when the ratio of weight and height of the rider is normal. If the skier is heavily overweight, it is better to choose a slightly more powerful model than much longer skis. When choosing skis for beginners, the choice of the manufacturer is not important, choose the “younger” (simplest) models and focus primarily on the design of the skis and their size.

7. How to choose skis for women and children?
All manufacturers produce whole series of women's skis, which differ not only in colors, but are also better adapted to the characteristics of the female figure. When buying skis for a child, you do not need to take them out of the way, trying to save money. Each ski size is designed for a specific age and height of the child, and skiing too long can be unsafe. In addition, children's skis are very liquid, and it is not difficult to sell them after the child grows up. For a child taking their first steps on skis, it is better not to buy too long skis. In any case, it makes sense to heed the recommendations of a trainer or instructor, or to limit yourself to rental equipment.

8. How to understand the variety of models of alpine skiing? What to look for when choosing?What kinds of skis are there?

Alpine skiing for freeride primarily intended for those who skate very well and know the technique of off-piste skiing on deep untouched snow (virgin soil). All manufacturers develop such skis taking into account the wishes of freeriders and the characteristics of off-piste skiing. As a rule, these are skis with a wide "waist" - more than 100 mm, often - with special technological solutions to make the skis more controllable and stable. Among the models for freeriding among professionals, it is especially popular Scott, Volkl, Dynastar, Armada, Black Crow, K2, Black Diamond and others - it is on them that the winners and prize-winners of the World Freeride Championship and other prestigious competitions ride. These, as a rule, the most expensive skis in the range, they are also produced by other large manufacturers - HEAD, Elan, Fischer, Atomic, Salomon, as well as a number of companies specializing only in freeride equipment.

Freestyle skis easy to distinguish by color and shape: Twintip construction with rounded heel, especially striking design and not the lowest price. These skis are primarily designed to provide the skier with a comfortable landing after jumps and tricks. In some models, additional reinforcement of the edges under the boot is used, such skis are designed to perform tricks on the railing.

Women's skis are produced by all major manufacturers, and these skis differ not only in color and design (they do not have to have flowers on them). Like men's skis, women's skis vary greatly in their purpose, from soft skis for comfortable skiing for beginners to aggressive models for freeride or expert carving.

Sports or "Race" skis - a special category of skis designed primarily for competitions in various disciplines. This category includes both long, heavy and extremely fast downhill skis, slalom skis (the shortest of the entire range of sports skis), as well as super-giant and giant slalom skis. "Slalomki" can be distinguished by the pronounced difference between the width of the toe and the waist of the ski. Giant slalom skis have a larger radius, are longer than slalom skis and are straighter. Currently, sports skis are produced by many well-known manufacturers: HEAD, Atomic, Fischer, Rossignol, Salomon, Nordica, Völkl, Elan, Dynastar, Blizzard, Stoeckli other. What is the Constructors' Cup for Formula 1 is the Alpine Ski World Cup for the manufacturers of alpine skiing. Last season, HEAD became the best brand in terms of the total points earned for men and women, Salomon for men, and HEAD for women. In addition to these two brands, Atomic, Rossignol and Nordica also entered the top five (according to the results of the overall standings) last season, athletes at Fischer, Stoeckli, Voelkl also showed good results (details can be found at

Carving skis- Currently the most common type of ski designed for skiing on prepared slopes. Such skis are more comfortable and "softer" than competition skis, they forgive mistakes more easily and allow you to ski perfectly quickly on prepared slopes, but these skis are not very suitable for skiing on virgin soil. These skis have a narrow waist, wide toe and heel. The range of carving models from all manufacturers is very wide - from high-tech models for experts, using various innovations, to simpler and more inexpensive skis for beginners.

Universal models- skis, in which the manufacturers tried to combine the best qualities of different models and make skis "for all occasions." On such skis, you can accelerate on an empty prepared slope, or ride a little outside the pistes, on hillocks or crust. But, of course, like any "station wagon", they are inferior to specialized ski models designed, for example, only for freeriding or only for carving. A good option for those who want to have one pair of skis both for skiing in the "big mountains" and for short trips to the local slides.

Children and junior models- as the name implies, are intended for children and adolescents. First of all, children's skis should be beautiful and not too heavy, so as not to discourage young skiers from skiing. But for junior models, which are intended for novice athletes, absolutely "non-childish" requirements are already presented. When choosing children's and junior models, it makes sense to adhere to the recommendations of the coach or instructor working with the child.

9. In the store, the sales assistant pours in terms. I don't understand anything about this. What is the seller talking about?

In specialized sports and ski stores, the sales assistant can operate on the characteristics of skis and boots that are not immediately clear to beginners. A small "educational program":

"Soft" skis. This term does not mean that the ski is soft to the touch, it is a conventional name for a ski characteristic. Such skis forgive mistakes more easily, allow you to apply not too much effort for skiing, and absorb large uneven terrain well. Soft skis are primarily models for beginners, as well as models for freeriding, although they are radically different - both in appearance and structure, and in other characteristics. It is convenient to learn on such skis, but it is easy to quickly “grow” from them, so experts often do not recommend buying the “lowest” models.

Hard skis- require good skills, fitness and effort to ride. It is easier to pick up speed on such skis, they have a clear arc, but it will be too difficult for beginners and not too well-trained people on such skis to learn. Each manufacturer in the same ski class (for carving, expert carving, station wagons) offers models of different stiffness. In addition, modern technology used in ski manufacturing allows you to store energy and release it to increase your glide speed. Heavier people are advised to buy skis that are slightly stiffer than normal weight skiers.

Stable skis- characteristic of ski behavior on the slope, Sport skis have the maximum stability indicators. It is understood that more stable skis practically do not break away from the slope at the time of sliding, more precisely, they are in the flight phase for a minimum amount of time.

Ski width. A wider ski behaves better in deep snow and virgin soil, does not "sink", as a rule is more stable and stable.
The wider the toe, the easier it is to turn and start. These skis are used for carving. The wider the waist of the ski, the better the ski is suitable for off-piste skiing. Such skis respond better to the actions of a freerider, float in deep snow, do not sink in virgin soil. On skis with a narrower waist, it is easier to swing.
Skis with a wide heel and wide toe are used for carving. The wider the heel, the deeper the arch will be at the end of the turn.

Ski side cut. The smaller the sidecut radius (measured in meters), the smaller the radius of the arcs that the skier can ride. The larger cut (and radius) is done on slalom and carving skis, which allow more arcs to be made on shorter slopes. On off-piste skis, a shallow cut with a large radius is made.

Ski length or size. In addition to the basic rules for determining the size, when choosing, you can focus on the following: longer skis are usually more stable, more stable and easier to ride on virgin soil. These skis are suitable for skiing in the Alps or other "big mountains", on wide and long tracks. Shorter skis are better suited for frequent turns, they are easier to navigate on hard, icy slopes, behave better on uneven, bumpy tracks, and are easier to learn. When choosing a size, it makes sense to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the target group, because in addition to the length of the ski and its geometry, a lot of other parameters affect the behavior of the ski.

Boot stiffness index- a characteristic of ski boots, showing how quickly and responsively they transmit the efforts of the skier and his movement on the ski. The maximum stiffness index (150 or more, depending on the scale adopted by the manufacturing company) is for sports boots. These boots are designed primarily to compete, but to be worn all day on the slope usually requires a careful fit and good physical condition of the wearer. "Hard" boots force the skier to work harder on the slope, but at the same time, optimally and quickly transmit any of his movements. The most "soft" boots (some models may have laces instead of traditional clips), designed for beginners and those who prefer to spend more time in restaurants and sun loungers or prefer relaxed riding. Each manufacturer determines the stiffness index according to its own scale, sometimes denoting it not by numbers, but by letter designations. The optimal choice for the intermediate skier and the non-competitive skier is the perfect shoe for the last, with a special insole and a medium level of rigidity. For each model, the manufacturer clearly defines its target group: beginners, advanced, confident skiers, experts, freeriders, athletes, etc.

Thermoforming- a special process, during which the boots are warmed up to a certain temperature and adjusted to the peculiarities of the feet of a particular person. For example, if the boot is a little tight around the ankle, thermoforming will usually help solve this problem. It is highly recommended that you do not try to thermoform yourself, as this can damage the boot or achieve completely unexpected results. The ideal "tuning" of boots is a combination of professional thermoforming and individual thermoformed insoles (they will be individually adjusted not only to the characteristics of the skier's feet, but also to a specific model of boots). The special insole helps to optimize the distribution of a person's weight while riding, avoiding unpleasant sensations with flat feet and a number of orthopedic features and diseases.

Walking-rolling position- a special switch (usually on the back of the boot), which makes it easier to walk in boots and more clearly and quickly transfer forces to the skis during skiing. Do not forget to switch it to the desired position, especially when riding.

Canting- a characteristic of boots that allows you to adjust their slope and position, depending on the features of the anatomical structure and the location of the legs and knees. It especially helps to ride comfortably if the skier has X- or O-shaped legs.

Adjustable clasp / clip- additional divisions on clips or the ability to move them for expansion allows people with wide shins to ride comfortably.

Women's shoes designed taking into account the anatomical features of female skiers. Like men's boots, they can be of any stiffness. Modern women's boots are more elegant in designs, often with plush / fur trims, and tend to be lighter than men's. Many manufacturers offer cropped low-top models for women with wide shins. For beginners, there are also models with easy entry, providing comfortable putting on / taking off of boots.

10. Are there any special rules in the mountains?
Traffic rules in the mountains: rules for safe riding

On the highways, as well as on the roads, their own rules apply, and these rules must be known and followed. The FIS (International Ski Federation) rules are primarily designed to prevent accidents on the slopes and act as “traffic rules” to resolve controversial issues. Recently, many ski resorts have been running advertising campaigns to educate vacationers about these rules and reduce the number of injuries. Statistics show that many collisions and accidents in the mountains are due to negligence and basic ignorance of "mountain traffic rules."

    Respect others
  • The skier or snowboarder must behave in such a way that he does not endanger himself or others and does not harm others.
    Control your speed
  • The skier or snowboarder must control his own speed and direction of travel. You should measure your speed and manner of movement with the condition of the track, snow cover, weather and the number of people on the slope.
    Choice of direction
  • The skier or snowboarder approaching from behind must choose the direction of travel so as not to endanger the skier or snowboarder in front.
  • A skier or snowboarder may overtake another skier or snowboarder from either side, provided that the overtaker has sufficient space for intentional or unintentional movement.
    Entering the slope, starting the movement, moving up the slope
  • A skier or snowboarder entering the track, starting after a stop or going up, must do so without endangering himself or others.
    Stop on the track
  • A skier or snowboarder should not stop at narrow places on the course or where visibility is limited, unless absolutely necessary. After falling in such places, the skier or snowboarder must clear the track as soon as possible.
    Ascent and descent without skis
  • A skier or snowboarder going up or down a slope without skis must walk along the edge of the piste.
    Pay attention to signs and markings
  • The skier or snowboarder must follow the directions on the signs and markings.
    Giving help
  • In the event of an accident, it is the duty of every skier or snowboarder to help the injured person.
  • All skiers or snowboarders and witnesses, whether or not they are involved or not, must exchange names and addresses after the incident.

11. What do you need to know when going to the mountains?

    In addition to basic adherence to the rules, there are several ways to protect yourself and others from trouble.
    Do not neglect help and instructor training hoping for their own talents and fitness. Beginners who try to learn on their own or with the help of non-professional “teachers” are at greater risk.
    Don't force the process trying to learn “everything at once” in 1-2 days.
    Use own well-fitted and matched boots, or rent equipment from a good hire. When choosing and fitting equipment, try not to overestimate your own skill level. If the chosen skis, board or boots do not fit, do not hesitate to return to the rental and exchange them.
    Do not use the equipment of your friends - the risk of injury increases dramatically.
    Necessarily warm up Before Riding: A few simple exercises and stretching allows you to ride more confidently and safely.
    Rest on time- the largest number of accidents occurs in the afternoon. You cannot go to the slope for those who are too tired, have eaten or drank too much, or those who do not feel well. In these cases, it is better to go down on the lift, not succumbing to persuasion.
    Do not start "chasing" on the slopes. Often, as when driving a car, there is euphoria and the illusion of complete control of the situation, and modern alpine skiing allows you to reach speeds of over 120 km / h. Do not ride too fast; it is much easier to get seriously injured this way. Experts who are completely confident in their abilities should think about those who are riding nearby - their skating level and reaction speed may not be so good.
    Do not starve and do not refuse food. At the height of proper nutrition, and especially "slow" carbohydrates are essential. They are the source of energy that makes the muscles work quickly and correctly.
    Don't forget about water: in high altitude conditions, the body's need for fluid increases, but you should not drink exclusively coffee and alcohol. Dehydration can lead to premature fatigue and injury.

    Never do not go outside the pistes by oneself. Even if you have all the avalanche equipment and you are completely confident in yourself. Do not forget about the avalanche hazard, pay attention to the estimates of the likelihood of avalanches (marked with numbers from 1 to 5 or flags, posted daily at the ticket offices, lifts and maps of the region).
    Never do not ride on a closed track. If you are injured on such a route, you will most likely have to pay the cost of evacuation and the work of rescuers. Trails are closed for a reason, even if it is not obvious at first.
    Listen to your body and pay attention on alarming symptoms. And, most importantly, when going to the mountains - don't turn off your head... And don't forget to wear a helmet.

Apres-ski- literally (from French) - "after skiing" - all kinds of recreation in the mountains: bars, restaurants, discos, spa centers, sports complexes, etc.

Green track- a track for beginners, usually absolutely flat. In some countries, green tracks are not classified, but are marked in blue on the maps.

Kant- the lower edge of the ski, covered with a steel plate (edging). Depending on the position of the skis, the edges can be called internal (the edges closest to each other on skis placed next to each other) and external, upper and lower. In the turn, the inner edge on each ski is called the one that is closer to the center of the turn, and the outer edge is the opposite one, which is farther from the center of movement.

Red track- a track for confident skiers, depending on the resort and the terrain, as a rule, of medium difficulty.

Off-piste- off-piste skiing on unmarked and unprepared slopes, requires a good level of training. In some resorts, such skiing is considered prohibited without a guide.

Plow- the position of the skis set at an angle with the toes flattened. Technique of the simplest sliding, braking and turning on gentle slopes.

Ratrak- a snow-plowing machine that processes trails.

Blue track- an easy, simple track, as a rule, with a minimal incline.

Ski stops- part of the ski bindings are necessary to hold the unfastened ski on the snow.

Rack- the position of the skier on the slope. In terms of height, the stance is low, medium and high, according to the degree of inclination of the body back and forth - front, normal and back.

Lift pass (ski pass, lift pass) - ski lift pass.

Ski-bus- a bus for skiers that takes them to the skiing regions and back to the center of the resort or to hotels.

Black track- the highest category of slopes in terms of complexity, as a rule, a slope with a large steepness or a narrow one that requires good technique from the skiers is indicated in black.