Interesting facts about curly people. Interesting facts about body hair


1. Each hair consists of 14 different elements, including gold.

2. The anticipation of sex makes hair grow faster.

3. Human hair can be used as a food additive. L-cysteine, which is part of the hair, is added to the dough for baking bread and other baked goods.

4. Healthy hair capable of wet stretch by 30 percent from the initial length.

5. Every day we we lose about 40-150 hairs.

6. A head of hair can withstand weight 12 tons or 2 African elephants.

7. Hair is the most frequent physical evidence. A cross section of your hair can tell you what race or nationality you belong to.

In people of Asian descent round form hair

People of African descent have a very flat shape hair

Europeans have oval hair

Gender is the only feature that cannot be determined by hair.

7. Hair stores information about what is in your blood including minerals and drugs.

8. The only part of the hair that is not dead is inside the scalp.

Hair color

9. Only 2 percent population in the world are blondes.

10. Dark hair color is the most widespread in the world.

11. Redhead is the most rare color hair, which occurs in 1 percent of people in the world. 13% of Scots have red hair. This is the largest percentage in the world.

12. According to surveys, women are perceived differently according to their hair color. Wherein: blondes are considered funny and flirtatious, brunettes- smart and serious, and redheads- strong.

13. In addition, blond hair is one of the most expensive and costs about $1,600 per 100 grams.

Hair Growth

14. Haircut does not affect hair growth.

15. Women's hair grows slower than men's.

16. Hair - second fastest growing tissue in the human body after the bone marrow.

17. Hair grows faster in warm weather.

18. Hair lives from 2 to 7 years. Average life cycle hair - 5.5 years.

19. Hair is 50 percent carbon, 20 percent oxygen, 17 percent nitrogen, 6 percent hydrogen, and 5 percent sulfur.

20. On average, on the head of a person 100,000 hairs. Blondes have about 146,000, dark-haired people have 110,000, people with chestnut color hair -100,000, and for redheads - 86,000 hairs.

21. There are 5 million hair follicles on the human body. They are formed when the baby is still in the womb at the age of 5 months.

22. Hair covers the whole body, except for the soles of the feet, palms of the hands, mucous membranes and lips.

hair beauty

23. The word "shampoo" comes from the word "champa", which is translated from Hindi as "rub, massage."

24. Women spend about $780 a year on hair products.

25. On average, women spend about 1 hour 53 minutes washing, drying and styling their hair per week. By the age of 65 they spend about 7 months of life on hair.

26. People think you're going bald when you lose 50 percent of your hair.

27. Gray hair appears after 13 days after stress, shock or aging.

28. Men spend on average on shaving hair about 5 months of life.

29. If you never shave your beard, it will grow up to 9 meters in a lifetime.

Hair loss

30. Frequent shampooing does not lead to more hair loss.

31. Comb damages hair less than brushing.

32. Thyroid problems and iron deficiency are reversible causes of hair loss.

33. Hormonal imbalance and diet can lead to temporary hair loss.

34. More than 50 percent of men by the age of 50 will begin to go bald male type. About 40 percent of women will begin to lose female (hereditary) hair when they reach menopause.

41. Africans and Europeans are more prone to baldness than Asians.

42. Caucasians begin go gray on average at age 34, while Africans and Asians at 47.

History of hairstyles

43. In Ancient Greece light brown hair associated with prostitution.

44. During the Renaissance, it was fashionable to pluck hair along the growth line to make the forehead appear larger.

45. In 1705 Peter introduced beard tax to get closer to the West.

46. ​​In the Victorian era, they made pendants and dead hair ornaments loved ones.

47. The ancient Egyptians were the first to remove unwanted hair from the body.

48. In Ancient Rome women dyed blonde using pigeon dung.

49. During the Renaissance, women in Venice dyed their hair light brown using horse urine.

50. The ancient Greeks believed that redheads turn into vampires when they die.

Did you know that the hair on your head is able to support the weight of two elephants, or that redhead is the most rare color hair? We have collected for 30 interesting facts about hair that you did not know.


1. Despite the fact that hair is most often used as evidence in the investigation of crimes, however, it is impossible to identify the sex of its owner from a hair sample. (Photo: Rafe Swan/Getty Images).
2. Based on the structure of the hair, it is possible to determine what substances have ever been in the human bloodstream, including drugs. (Photo: AP). 3. On human body there are approximately 5 million hair follicles. (Photo: Mood Board / Rex Features).
4. All hair follicles in the human body are formed during prenatal development, or rather, when the embryo is about five months old. (Photo:
5. Wet hair can lengthen by as much as 30 percent compared to dry ones. (Photo: whitetag/Getty Images).
6. Black hair color is the most common in the world. The owners of blond hair are only 2 percent of people on our planet. (Photo: Don Mason / Blend Images).
7. Red is the rarest hair color, found in only one percent of the world's population. If you want to feel exceptional - dye your hair in this rare shade with Matrix Socolor Beauty - a permanent hair dye, reviews of which, among the girls using it, are only the most positive. (Photo: deinfo/Getty Images).
8. Every time a hair falls out, another one grows in its place. This can be repeated up to 20 times in a lifetime. (Photo: MachineHeadz/Getty Images).
9. Hair is the second fastest growing tissue in the human body after bone marrow. (Photo: Boris Roessler / dpa). 10. Xie Qiuping from China has the most long hair in the world. She started raising them at the age of 13, and according to the measurement on May 8, 2004, their length was 5.627 meters. The girl got into the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest hair on the planet. (Photo: Top Photo Group / REX).
11. At any given time, 90 percent of your hair is in the growing phase, while the rest is in the resting phase. (Photo: Robert Llewellyn/Corbis).
12. Blonde hair in ancient Greece was associated with prostitution. (Photo: Jennifer Okamoto/Getty Images)
13. The ancient Greeks believed that people with red hair turned into vampires after death. (Photo: Jasmina81/Getty Images)
14. The pioneers of depilation (epilation) are the ancient Egyptians, who were the first to remove unwanted hair from the body. (Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS).
15. Trichoptylosis is scientific name split ends. (Photo: Edward Kinsman/Getty Images).
16. The highest percentage of people with red hair - 13 percent - lives in Scotland. (Photo: Karan Kapoor/Getty Images)
17. Loss of 40 to 150 hairs per day is considered normal. (Photo: Gary Bryan/Getty Images).
18. African hair grows more slowly than the rest of the world's inhabitants, and is more prone to damage. (Photo: Ocean/Corbis).
19. Warm weather stimulates hair growth, while cold weather slows it down. (Photo: Philipp Nemenz/Getty Images).
20. Have you ever wondered why we have so much hair? And all because there is no protective layer of fat on the head, and the hair acts as an insulating layer. (Photo: Big Cheese Photo/Getty Images).
21. An adult man spends an average of five months of his life shaving his facial stubble. (Photo: OJO Images/REX).
22. Blonde wigs are on average 3 times more expensive than dark wigs. (Photo: heckmannoleg/Getty Images).
23. One hair can support a weight of about 100 grams. The average human has 100,000 hairs, enough to support the weight of two elephants. (Photo: Stuart McClymont/Getty Images).
24. It turns out that regular trimming of hair, as was commonly believed, does not contribute to their rapid growth, but only the removal of split ends that make hair more brittle. (Photo: Juice/REX).
25. Blondes and blondes on the body more hair than people with dark hair. (Photo: OJO Images / Getty Images).
26. The root of the hair, which is under the skin, is its only living part. (Photo: phasinphoto/Getty Images).
27. The lifespan of one hair is approximately 5 years. (Photo: Mood Board / Rex Features).
28. Goose pimples on the human body appears as a result of spasms of the muscles around the hair follicles caused by cold or fear. (Photo: Bele Olmez/Getty Images).
29. Not a single person in the world has absolutely straight hair. All types of hair have a tendency to twist during growth, their difference lies only in varying degrees twisting. (Photo: Tetra Images / Getty Images).
30. If a man does not shave his beard throughout his life, it will grow to 9 - 10.5 meters in length. (Photo: Blend Images/Getty Images).

Did you know that hair can tell a lot about a person? For example, looking at the hair of your friend, you can find out what he eats, whether he has bad habits and where he comes from. What's more, hair can predict disease!

Interesting facts about human hair you will learn from this article.

About hair color

The color of your hair is directly dependent on a pigment called melanin found in your hair. This pigment can be of two types: pheomelanin and eumelanin. Both types of melanin are present in human hair, but in different quantities. If eumelanin predominates, then the hair can become black, chestnut or any other color. dark shade. If this pigment is not enough, then the hair becomes light in color.

Pheomelanin is extremely rare, occurring in only 3% of the population. This pigment contributes to the appearance of a red shade of hair. By the way, before people With fiery color hair was considered to be a detachment of aliens who arrived on our planet from other worlds. Surprisingly, it is people with red hair who become talented politicians and businessmen.


If we compare the density hairline chimpanzee and human, then we can conclude that it is absolutely the same. As an experiment, take a magnifying glass and examine your body. You will find that you are completely covered with small, barely visible hairs. Skin just looks clean. In fact, we are as hairy as monkeys.

If speak about visible hair on the head, then the most thick hair blondes have, followed by brunettes. The last place is occupied by brown-haired women. However, this rating is only tentative. Often affects hair density environment, climate, nutrition, lifestyle and genetics.

Hair color and nationality

Blonds are easier to meet in Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland and in other countries where representatives of the Caucasian race live.

On the southern continent (for example, in Africa) it is rather problematic to meet a person with blonde hair. The only exceptions may be the settlers of some Pacific Islands and the natives from New Guinea.

In the southern country you can meet an albino man with light hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. This phenomenon is associated with a genetic mutation.

A little about gray hair

It's no secret that over the years a person turns gray. Many believe that this is due to the withering of the body and the experiences that a person experienced during his life. This is not entirely true. The reason for the appearance of gray hair is the weakening of pigmentation and wear of the hair follicles. By the way, red hair does not get long white shade- They for a long time are sandy in color.

Some peoples believe that gray hair symbolizes wisdom and great life experience. It is for this reason that in England, during the Victorian era, young women made jewelry from gray hair their dead grandmothers and mothers. English ladies believed that this would help them protect themselves from naivety and stupidity.

By the way, the appearance of gray hair is influenced by the race of a person. For example, Africans and Asians start going gray around the age of 50, while Hispanics start going gray at 34.

Hair Growth

Hair grows fast. Only the bone marrow grows faster than them in the body. Here is one interesting fact about the hair of women and men. Studies have shown that the hair of the representatives strong half humanity grow much faster than women. Yes, and the density of hair in men is much greater than in women.

There is an opinion that frequent cutting of hair affects their growth - the more often you cut, the faster new curls will grow. Unfortunately, it is not. Haircut does not affect hair growth in any way.

Numerous studies have shown that the structure, density and length of hair depends on the level of hormones and on heredity. But where did the myth come from that cutting hair accelerates the growth of hair? Everything is very simple. Hair begins to shave when the baby is one year old. IN early age human hair is light and soft. If you shave them, then darker and darker ones begin to grow. coarse hair.

By the way, Asian hair grows much faster than other races. But the inhabitants of the southern countries cannot boast rapid growth hair.

Interesting facts about head hair in numbers

Here are some interesting facts worth knowing:

  • one strand of hair lives for about 6 years;
  • hair thickness - about 0.03 mm;
  • in one strand with a thickness of a millimeter about 50 hairs;
  • on the head, on average, 100 thousand hairs;
  • one hair can hold weight up to 100 grams;
  • a shock of hair can hold 11 tons (that's two elephants!);
  • 89% of hair grows daily on the head, and the remaining 11% "rest";
  • in a year, hair grows by 15 centimeters (this is 1-1.5 cm per month and 0.5 mm per day).

Non-standard hair applications

In 2007, there was an oil spill in San Francisco. A group of volunteers came to the conclusion that a human hair net should be used to clean the beach. The material for the nets was provided to the volunteers by local hairdressers.

Team leader Phil McCrore claimed that this was the method used to save otters during a similar environmental disaster in 1989. As it turns out, human hair is a wonderful oil absorbent.

Here is another interesting fact about hair. Those who professionally grow oyster mushrooms have found a use for hair in their business. They fertilize the mushrooms with chopped strands - this helps to remove technical fats from the soil.

The Chinese company Hongshuai did not stand aside and found another way to use hair. Hongshuai soy sauces contain amino acids derived from human hair.

It is normal to lose up to 100 hairs daily. Children lose approximately 90 hairs a day, and people advanced age- about 120 hairs.

What affects hair loss?

  • Race. For example, Asians are less prone to baldness, but there are a lot of bald Europeans and Africans.
  • Iron deficiency and imbalance thyroid gland. When these causes of baldness are eliminated, hair growth resumes.
  • Hormonal imbalance. This cause of hair loss is also reversible.
  • Heredity. The tendency to baldness can be inherited from both parents.

In custody

Have you read some Interesting Facts about hair. Now you know that the amount of gray hair is not affected by rich life experience, but frequent hikes to the hairdresser will not affect the structure of your hair.

Take care of your hair and it will be healthy for years to come.

Throughout the history of civilization human hair were indicators of status spectacular decoration. They are cut, dyed, curled and straightened, covered with varnishes and sparkles. But what is human hair actually?

How are they arranged?

  • Hair is made up primarily of a protein called keratin. Our nails are made of it upper layer skin. Horns, hooves, claws, feathers and beaks of our smaller brothers are, by the way, also keratin.
  • Each hair contains the following elements: carbon (50%), oxygen (21%), nitrogen (17%), hydrogen (6%), sulfur (5%), and some others in small quantities. It is noteworthy that dark hair usually contain more carbon than light-colored ones.
  • Hair is not so simple thing. Each hair follicle on the human body is "equipped" nerve ending, capillary for blood supply, sebaceous gland and a muscle that can lift the hair.
  • The outer layer of the hair is called the cuticle. It consists of overlapping scale-like segments that protect the inner layers, the cortex and medulla. The cuticle segments fit snugly together if the hair is healthy, but can flake off when damaged.
  • Hair remains in the growth stage for 2-6 years. The determining factor in this matter is genetics.
  • When wet, the hair becomes very elastic and can stretch up to 30%.

Living or non-living?

  1. Most of the hair consists of dead cells, living cells - only in its root, which is located under the epidermis.
  2. Therefore, the widespread belief that cutting hair has a beneficial effect on hair growth is not supported by science. The living bulb simply cannot "know" what is happening to the rest of the hair.
  3. By the way, nuclear DNA is contained only in living cells of the hair bulb, but mitochondrial is preserved in the rod. It is quite suitable for identification and establishing kinship.
  4. Hair stores not only DNA, but also other information about the body. By examining it, one can draw a conclusion about medicines, vitamins or even drugs that a person has used.
  5. Given the above, it is not surprising that hair analysis is widely used in forensic science.

How many?

  • The average person has about 100-150 thousand hair on the head. On the whole body you can find from 200 thousand to a million hairs.
  • Each person is born with a certain number of follicles, and it will not be possible to increase their number. Everything is predetermined already at the 5th month of embryo development.
  • Little known fact: 3-4 months pregnant human embryo completely covered with thick "embryonic" hair. This is not a mistake of nature and not an atavism: hair is needed to keep on the body of the embryo a kind of lubricant that it secretes. When the need for this disappears, the embryonic hair turns into the barely noticeable “fluff” that we are accustomed to. In rare cases, their remains remain on the back, ears, shoulders of the newborn, but soon disappear anyway.
  • On average, an adult loses about 50-150 hairs a day.
  • But after the hair falls out, it begins to grow from the same place again. This cycle can be repeated about 20 times.
  • Natural blondes tend to have more hair than brunettes and redheads.

  • Hair color is determined by the concentration of special substances: eumelanin and pheomelanin. The more eumelanin content, the darker the hair, and pheomelanin is responsible for the reddish tint.
  • Black is the most common hair color. Red, on the contrary, is the rarest, and its owners are only 1-2% of the total population of the planet. Another 2-3% are the owners of blond hair.
  • Most red-haired people live in Scotland - approximately 14% of the country's citizens.
  • The owners of red hair have long been treated with some prejudice, and this prejudice extends to most European countries. During the reign of Peter I, a special decree was even issued prohibiting such people from holding public office and testifying in court.
  • And Islam forbids people of both sexes to dye their hair black. But just dark colors, other than black, do not fall under this ban.

How fast do they grow?

  • Hair grows at an average rate of 1 cm per month. Natives of Asia boast the highest growth rate - 1.3 cm per month. But Asian hair has the most low density. The slowest growth rate and the most high density African hair is characterized.
  • During the day, the hair of an adult in total grows about 25 meters.
  • Either way, hair is one of the fastest growing tissues in the body - only the bone marrow is faster!
  • Chemotherapy causes hair loss precisely because it is designed to kill any rapidly dividing cells. Since the cells of the hair follicles grow and divide at a high rate, they are also affected. In rare cases, due to this procedure, the very structure of the hair may even change. Hair that has grown back after a course of treatment can change its natural color, thickness or become curly.

Hair and aesthetics

  1. According to historians, the first people who began to specifically remove unwanted hair from their bodies were the Egyptians. They also actively used wigs from natural hair, animal wool and even vegetable fibers, if necessary, replacing them own hair on the head, which were shaved off due to the hot climate.
  2. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance European women it was fashionable to have high forehead. To do this, they had to cut and pluck the hair from their foreheads.
  3. During Victorian era and the heyday of romanticism came into fashion jewelry and medallions with the hair of loved ones and deceased relatives.
  4. Hair is well preserved long time. They are resistant to damage, temperature effects (except, of course, ignition) even when cut off. Therefore, natural hair wigs are not going out of use, although in modern world more relevant to keep in decent shape own hairstyle.
  5. 90% of Japanese wash their hair twice a day, while only one in four Europeans wash their hair at least daily. However, there is nothing reprehensible in this: scientists argue that too frequent washing only harms the hair.

And in hot India, many people shave their heads as a traditional religious practice. For example, in one of the major temples, approximately 25% of the 20 million pilgrims get rid of their curls. Temples sell hair to make wigs, donating a large amount of proceeds to charity. Thus, hair not only saves from the cold, but also helps to do good!

Interesting facts about hair.

Every day we devote some time to our hair, but what do we know about them?! How many secrets do they keep? Many believe that hair is a connection with the cosmos and hides certain information about us. Let's look into some of the mysteries associated with hair. Believe me, a lot of things will surprise you and make you think about the nature of hair.

The hair of red-haired women is successfully used in devices for determining moisture. When the humidity of the air in this device changes, the hair changes its length. Red hair is best suited for this. Hair can be stretched to 1/5 of its length, after which it returns to its original state.

In the literature, the most famous hair were Rapunzel from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. They were so long that the prince climbed them like a rope ladder to a tower.

The ancient Slavs had a tradition not to cut children under three years of age. Hair was considered a container life force. The first haircut was called "stripping" and it was a solemn ceremony.

Hair and nails do not grow after death, this is a myth.

Our skin is covered by 95% hair. They do not grow only on the palms and feet. The human body, including the forehead and cheeks, is covered with vellus hair, their length is only a few millimeters, so they are almost invisible to the eye. It is not known exactly why vellus hair is needed, scientists believe that they contribute to the evaporation of sweat. There are approximately 20,000 hairs on the body.

Eyebrows and eyelashes are more rigid hair, they serve to protect the eyes from dust, bright light. Hair in the nose and ears serve as a protective filter for the internal organs.

The longest hairs grow on the head, they protect us from injury and sunlight. But they also serve an aesthetic function. In a person's lifetime, hair length can reach up to 725 km.

Men have more hair than women.
The most "thick-haired" people are blondes, the number of their hair is approximately 150,000 hairs. Brunettes can boast an average amount of hair - about 100,000, but redheads are much less fortunate, their number of hairs barely reaches 80,000.

The first hair appears in a child in the womb, around the 4-5th month of pregnancy.

Potatoes are the most useful product for hair, it contains a lot of beta-keratin. But herring, according to scientists, is extremely harmful for hair, because of the harmful substances for hair.

One hair can withstand a load of up to 200 grams; in terms of strength, hair is equal to aluminum. Women's braid, consisting of 200 thousand. hair is able to withstand a load of 20 tons.

90% of the hair is in a state of growth, 10% is at rest. Each hair grows about 12 cm per year, and 7.6 cm over the course of a lifetime.
The lifespan of hair in men is approximately 2 years, and in women 4-5 years. But hair loss worries about 60-70% of men, and only 25-40% of women. Because female hair sit two millimeters deeper than men's.

The maximum rate of hair growth occurs at the age of 30-35 years.

From hair bulb about 30 hairs grow in a lifetime.