How to flirt with a guy or a man. How to Learn to Flirt with a Penpal Boy: Female Tricks

Sexy texting or sexting is a great way to turn your boyfriend or girlfriend on, and take your relationship to the next level, if you send it to the right person at the right time. If you want to know how to write obscene SMS that will excite your interlocutor as soon as you press the "send" button, just follow our instructions.




  1. Raise your rates. Continue to send obscene text messages, but in a more explicit tone. You can even invite a partner to visit to make all the passion of correspondence a reality. If a girl says she is preparing for a sex education workshop, ask if she can come and train with you. Here's another way to raise your stakes:

    • "Wait, let me get dressed."
    • “It's so hot in here. I'll take off my T-shirt. "
    • "What are you wearing now?"
    • "What if I show you what I mean?"
    • "Can you guess the color of my panties?"
  2. If the partner responds positively, raise the stakes even higher. If you see that the other person likes obscenity, or maybe even wants to try something in reality, you can make the conversation even more frank. You can talk about the meeting or about what you touch or how you take off your clothes. Here's what to say:

    • “I took off all my clothes. I am under the blanket".
    • "I would like to chat, but I'd rather close my eyes and introduce you."
    • "What would we do if you were there?"
    • “It's so cold in here. Would you like to warm me up? "
    • “Sorry for taking so long to answer. My hands are a little busy. "
  3. Get creative. If you and your partner are already turned on, you can continue like this until you start fondling yourself. Or, when it gets too hot, you can make an appointment. Whatever happens, your correspondence should be creative and interesting so that your partner doesn't get bored. Use as many details and descriptions as possible, answer quickly so that the other person knows that you are giving him your full attention.

    • “If you were here, I would stroke your hair. But now I will stroke something else ... "
    • "I'm so excited I can hardly write."
    • “I'm wearing a tight T-shirt. Take it off for you? "
    • "I take off your belt - thinking about spanking you a little ..."
    • “I just got out of the shower, my hair is wet. Do you have a towel? "

Strong end

  1. Masturbate. If the lewd text message is heading in the right direction, then you and your partner will slowly begin to take off your clothes and touch yourself. If you both love it, it can be a lot of fun and exciting. Just share what you would do, what you are doing now, and what you would do together.

    • You just need to relax and send obscene messages until both of you have an orgasm.
    • You can say, "I want you [verb] my [body part]." This will make your sexual experience more real.
    • Tell us how you feel while texting - describe all the sensations, even how you feel with your fingertips.
  2. Introduce the person you are texting with. Mutual masturbation is fun, but having sex is much more enjoyable. If the conversation is moving in that direction, you can simply ask your partner if he would like to visit or ask him yourself. Here's what to say:

    • "I'm trying to imagine what you look like, but I'd rather meet you."
    • Why don't you crawl into my bed? I would like to see if we will be as good as I imagine. "
    • “I guessed the color of your panties. But how do I know that this is true? "
    • “Why don't we continue in reality? I want my hands to do something other than SMS. "
    • “Why don’t I come to see you? I'll still be there. If you, of course, do not mind. "
  3. End the conversation. Whether you end a conversation because you made an appointment or because you got everything you wanted, you need to be delicate. You can just say it's time for you to leave. Whatever the reason, be gentle and maintain a sexy tone even at the end.

    • Don't just say goodbye or see you at the end of a conversation. Say, "I can't wait for your next text message," or, "We'll write to you for another hot, lonely night." Make your partner think of you and yearn for another email.
    • Don't switch to a nonsexual topic at the end of a conversation. Don't say: "By the way, are you going to Katya's birthday tomorrow?" Ask about this later.
    • If you end the conversation because you are meeting in person, just say, “I can't wait for us to continue this conversation live,” as you drive to her house.
  • Girls love to hear and read sensual, romantic things. Guys usually freeze with excitement, as soon as they write what you want to do with them.
  • Know who you are communicating with. You shouldn't send obscene text messages to a girl you just met or whose number you got last night. Not everyone likes obscene messages and no one likes vulgar text messages at the beginning of a relationship. Make sure the person you're talking to is comfortable with this type of communication and will not be shocked to receive an obscene message from you. It should be either your partner, or a rather liberated person.
  • Choose the right time. Even if you know that the other person likes sexting, you should send such SMS when he is free. If this person is working or writing a checklist, he or she will not be able to reply to your messages. And if you want your messages to be drawn to a personal touch, make sure your partner has no plans for the next hour. It is best to send messages in the evening or at night, when the other person is alone, bored and thinking about you. Night is the sexiest time.
  • It is difficult to understand the tone of the conversation in SMS messages, so try to laugh it off in any situation.
  • To start a conversation about sex, turn your daily routine into something obscene. For example, write something like, "I'm licking a pink lollipop, what are you doing?"


  • Start small, take your time. You must first find out the mood of your partner.
  • Remember that SMS can be saved and used for blackmail. Don't send obscene messages to people you don't really like - anyone can read them, you don't want to risk your reputation for no reason.
  • Be careful: anyone can take possession of the phone, and that someone can send obscene messages to everyone in the notebook. So if the most handsome guy or girl is sending you SMS of a sexual nature, then this is most likely a joke.
With the help of flirting, girls and guys, communicating with each other, try to attract attention to themselves and arouse not only friendly interest. It would seem that it is much easier to declare your sympathy in plain text, but, of course, this is not so intriguing! Direct recognition of your sympathy begins to oblige the interlocutor in a certain way, but non-verbal expression of interest can be interpreted in two ways. Perhaps in the process of flirting, you will realize that the potential chosen one does not at all have similar feelings for you. In this case, you can get out of the situation with dignity - if a man wants to raise this topic, saying that he does not see you together, you will have the opportunity to declare that he thought of all the signs of your sympathy for himself. signals "to the guy you like with whom you clearly have a mutual interest. Sometimes young people cannot make up their minds to take action until they see that they are being treated in a special way. Flirting is the perfect way to show that you care about the other person. At the same time, you can flirt with a man not only being in close proximity with him, but also using social networks or the phone.

How to flirt with a man

Smile. It is unlikely that you will be able to fully show your disposition towards a man, while maintaining an absolutely serious look. It is necessary that your interlocutor relaxes and understands that it is pleasant for you to communicate with him - the smile will show it best of all. Also, do not forget to laugh at the witticisms of the chosen one - you will give him confidence, showing that you have fun and easy with him. Direct look. Look the other person in the eye, demonstrating that your attention is completely his. If you are in a company, then sometimes you can look at a man with a barely perceptible smile, looking away as soon as he turns his gaze on you. This behavior will surely intrigue him. Praise. All people love to be praised, although some try to hide this fact. The guy you like will surely be very pleased to communicate with you if you periodically note out loud any of his merits. Compliment his sense of humor, appearance, erudition, breadth of horizons, hobbies. Asking for help. Ask him for a small favor that will not be burdensome for him at all, but at the same time will make him feel more important. We are not talking about harvesting on the plot of your relatives - ask for help with small things. It is important to be sure that he will definitely be able to fulfill your request. For example, ask him what service is better to hand over a broken phone, how to find a certain area in the city, how to use this or that device. etc. Touches. Light physical contact can strengthen the bond between you. Accidentally touch your fingers while passing an object to each other (cups, books, etc.), shake off an invisible speck of dust from your shoulder, take an arm at a pedestrian crossing. All this should be unobtrusive and, as it were, between times.

How to flirt with a guy by text message

    You can wish you good morning, good mood or a happy ending to your day. At the end of the message, you can express the hope that today everything will turn out for him the way he planned. In this case, choose for yourself - limit yourself to one phrase or write a more colorful message. A message with such a wish may well be accompanied by your photo. Let it be cute, but by no means provocative - blow a kiss, smile, or just take a photo against the background of some interesting landmark. By the way, the picture does not need to be accompanied by an SMS - it can be by itself. Do not overwhelm the guy with endless messages - he may get tired of it. Wait for a response to your message, and only then continue the "offensive". Do not answer SMS instantly, but do not wait until the next day - an interval of several minutes is quite acceptable. Surely, he will be interested in phrases in the style: “You should have seen what a beautiful place I am, if only you could be here!”, “I I baked a cookie, I think you would like it "," I was thinking about you this morning "," I can't forget one of your words. " As you can see, such SMS and others like it presuppose the development of dialogue. Do not forget about the sense of humor - ease of communication sets up the right wave. Make fun of the interlocutor (your jokes should not be tactless or angry), jokingly answer some of his questions or talk about what happened during the day. Try to keep the messages as short as possible, but not "dry". There is no need to include memoirs about yourself in SMS, but mean and boring phrases are inappropriate when flirting. Let the messages be not long, but meaningful.

How to flirt by correspondence in contact

Social networks are more productive for both flirting and dating than SMS. Likes and comments. It has long been known how the easiest way is to show a sign of attention in VK - just like the person you like by marking his post or photo. Also, the guy will definitely understand what is interesting to you if you leave a comment or a funny "gif" under one of the pictures or any quote.

Memories, songs. Periodically send in private messages to your interlocutor musical compositions that may indirectly hint at your sympathy. Such a message can be accompanied by the words: “I liked the song very much. What do you think?". Also, funny pictures have long become one of the elements of flirting on social networks. Send memes to the young man, making it a tradition - he will understand that you somehow distinguish him and take the initiative in maintaining communication. Don't ignore. If you go to your VK page and see a message from a guy you like, it will be a big mistake not to open the message, postponing this matter "for later." Seeing that you were “online”, but did not consider it necessary to answer him, the young man may gradually lose interest in your correspondence. It is not at all difficult to find a few words to answer, since you are on the Web. Ask questions. Try not to start every correspondence with a guy with a question: "What are you doing?" Be more original. Take an interest in non-trivial topics - has he seen something remarkable today on the way to school, is he fond of gambling, which dishes he likes least of all, has he ever wanted to have a fish (parrot, iguana, etc.). Let your questions be strange or unexpected, but it will definitely work in your favor.

1. Don't just talk about yourself The main key to successful flirting is to show the interlocutor that you like him. To do this, you do not need to endlessly talk about yourself - take an interest in him. If he wants to find out something about you, he will certainly find an opportunity to ask about it. People like those who have a benevolent interest in their personality. Make sure that the man speaks more about himself, or that your contribution to the conversation is approximately equal. 2. Avoid tough conversations and sad topics Flirting is based on ease of communication, smiles, looks. If you want to create a subtle connection, intrigue between you, then forget about tearful stories about a dishonest ex-boyfriend, an envious girlfriend or problems at work. Your conversation should be enjoyable and at times exhilarating. 3. Eliminate vulgarity Don't try to seduce the guy you like with dirty jokes, explicit suggestions, or vulgar outfits. You will probably be able to win his favor for a while, but this may threaten that he will not take you seriously. It is much more interesting for a man to guess your "signals" (whether you like him or not, what is hidden behind your looks, what your smile means) than to receive direct recognition in this form. Although, of course, there are young people who will appreciate this approach, but still it has little to do with flirting. 4. Loquacity is your enemy When flirting, it is important to keep a little mystery, understatement, to speak in half hints. You do not need to touch on topics that interest you exclusively - talk about what will definitely be interesting to him. 5. You are in a bad mood - reschedule the date Don't try to flirt with a guy if you are clearly in a bad mood today and are feeling irritable. The interlocutor may notice your self-absorption or nervousness, attributing it to their own account or simply feeling discomfort when communicating with you.

Not every woman is capable of a frank declaration of love. Yes, it is not required. An experienced heartbreaker will not pour out the flared feeling in words, because in order to warm up the reciprocal passion, you can use the subtle art of flirting.

There is also a clear advantage - unlike a desperate confession, the chances of hearing a cold and sober rejection are reduced to almost zero. Even in the rare case when our skillful charms leave the chosen one cold, there is always the opportunity to say that it was just a game.

Flirting Secrets

The ability to flirt provides much more success with the opposite sex than a flawless appearance and docile nature. Many have noticed that some persons are always of interest to men, while other beauties remain out of work. And this means only that the first mastered the skills to give secret signals, but the latter did not succeed in this skill.

Where to start the game

First, with the definition of goals. Do we need flirting in order to constantly feel in good shape, bathe in admiring glances and hone skills for the sake of the game itself, or is our ideal on the horizon, which simply needs to be attracted?

There is a certain type of women who flirt everywhere and always, endowed with this gift from birth. Those who decide to arm themselves with this powerful tool to achieve a specific goal will have to hastily master the basics.

Before starting such an attack, it is worth taking a close look at yourself: how strong is our confidence in our irresistibility, whether we know objectively and impartially our strengths and weaknesses.

Without this information, you can make a lot of mistakes, while there is a risk of being branded as a very vulgar and even annoying person. Therefore, a successful start for flirting will be to study yourself and your hidden capabilities.

Fundamental rules

Don't be a beech

A languid look, gloomy mystery and other attributes of inept coquetry have nothing to do with the ability to be open and attractive. This means that you have to learn to smile, laugh contagiously and be a girl "pleasant in all respects."

Lighter, thinner, louder

Gender relations are not a heavyweight wrestling ring, stunning and knocking out is not required here at all. If something from the lessons of flirting is not in your character and is given with difficulty, then this method does not need to be adopted.

Be able to retreat beautifully

Coquetry is ideal only when the partner is able to reciprocate. If the assault on a man begins to resemble a real siege, and the results are in no hurry to appear, then it's time to beautifully leave the arena of hostilities. Well, we are not magicians yet.

Flirting language

Mastering the art of flirting means completely subordinating your body to this skill. It must become our most loyal ally and partner, sending signals naturally and beautifully. The possibilities for this are enormous - after all, you can talk with the opposite sex with the help of a glance, gesture and facial expressions.


Our eyes know how to speak: with a look you can put in place, humiliate, infuriate. In the same way, we can attract attention, confuse and provoke. It is believed that "flirting" gaze is a special technology in which one must be able to quickly avert one's eyes to the side and avoid direct contact.

However, this technique is much broader, because there are various situations when it is worth playing with your eyes. Everything will depend on the goals - for example, if you want to use the image of "shy", a glance away from the side will help to portray embarrassment. If the enchantress decides to tease with her courage, then the direct gaze can, on the contrary, be extended a little more than usual, and, noticing the partner's confusion, triumphantly turn away.

There is only one limitation in the ability to flirt with your eyes - you should not allow a mocking or contemptuous look.


This is a great way to "turn on" your partner, but it is also one of the most difficult, you need to hone your touching skills with care. The touch should be natural, warm, but fleeting. However, this should not be abused - touches should be unobtrusive and fleeting, as if by chance.

Too frequent and explicit touches: grabbing the hand, abuse of handshakes, and even more so the habit of hugging the shoulders - the lot of unlucky coquettes. It is ideal to use touch as a gesture of trust - you can lightly touch your hand in a conversation or discreetly touch your shoulder, taking advantage of a convenient moment.

But try to avoid gestures of familiarity: patting a man you like on the shoulder is not a brilliant idea.


Intonation speaks more than words. It is precisely by capturing the shades of the mother's voice that the baby, who does not yet know how to speak, understands her. We maintain this receptivity throughout our lives. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to follow your own intonations and make the necessary adjustments.

Therefore, if you notice a tendency towards these shortcomings, you will have to work on eliminating them. When flirting, intonation helps to express interest, confidence, and enthusiasm. Remember what a radiant gaze is? Dialogue can be just as attractive.

The words

But some special words do not exist here. Only rude words and expressive expressions should be excluded: even if you are sharp on the tongue, and friends appreciate you for your ability to call things by their proper names, at the first stage such frankness can be repulsive.


Men are susceptible to flattery. Unlike the weaker sex, who has a fine sense of the line between sincere admiration and fake raptures, they willingly accept any praise. Therefore, a compliment in a woman's mouth is a powerful weapon.

You can often praise, trying only to make our words look sincere and at least a little true.

Better yet, compliment those qualities that truly delight you. From gentle words, any man flourishes and becomes almost tame. The only rule is not to overdo it with compliments - men may be happy with constant praise, but such comments on his every action and deed can cause ridicule of others and put you both in an awkward position.


If you are a happy owner of a beautiful smile, consider yourself lucky. If not, you will have to work it out in front of the mirror. Be that as it may, but now you will have to smile very often, infecting your partner with your openness.

Despite its apparent simplicity, it is one of the most powerful flirting tools - after all, a smile disarms, attracts and instantly finds a response. At the same time, in order to just smile, it is absolutely not necessary to be with a guy on a short leg, since a smile brings even strangers closer.

How to flirt with a guy

It is important not only what gestures we use - a lot depends on what the partner hears from us. Therefore, such art presupposes its own rules in communication.

Video: The rules of competent coquetry

On distance

A huge part of our life has been transferred to virtual. Over the years of communication in networks, acquaintance in them has become not only habitual - flirting has confidently moved to the vastness of the Internet. It managed to form its own techniques and rules.

In the Internet

It's simple: the main thing is to start. Dialogues on the Internet are much easier to start than in real life: likes, approvals, compliments - all this powerful arsenal of flirting works great for virtual communication. Such communication differs from off-line flirting in the absence of the ability to use body language, there are also unspoken rules.

Although a pleasant conversation can start on any website, even in the most heated political discussions, it is much easier to flirt on social media. In contact, in classmates or on Facebook - in general, where the chance to have a conversation with a real person speaking under his own name and with his photograph is much higher than on anonymous forums.

By correspondence

A familiar situation: you enter into a serious dialogue, or even a heated argument with a guy, but already in the process you realize that your arguments and counterarguments are gradually fading into the background, and interest is riveted only to the interlocutor? How can you show him that communication can continue not only on the Internet?

Many people prefer to use "facial expressions": of course, there is no need to smile or wink at the monitor, various emoticons are used. However, this technique is used so often that it may seem trivial.

In addition, many people do not like it when there are too many emoticons. It would be much more honest to use proven means from real life - and these are compliments and kind words.

By phone

Here you have to remember about an important rule: we talk less, listen more. It is known that the stronger sex is not happy with the endless chirping of women. Much more men need understanding, which means they need to be given the opportunity to be heard.

It is important to demonstrate participation, so even as you ask standard questions, try to be caring, not forgetting important events and dates. And about what is significant for our interlocutor, we learn from him - that is why it is required to listen carefully and remember.

Dry and impersonal "how are you?" it will definitely not work here, the appeal should be personal and warm.

When communicating by SMS, do not bombard with messages, you do not need to litter the air with messages about anything.

Examples of SMS messages

It is not worth adopting someone else's experience, using the found blanks and templates. Such an SMS will not only not tell you anything interesting about you, but will also present you in an extremely unfavorable light. The annoying mailings, worn out other people's aphorisms - all this is more annoying than attractive.

The most striking example of an unsuccessful SMS is poems with a congratulation, which year after year wanders from phone to phone and is rarely read to the end.

If you want to please - surprise with your originality, take the trouble to write a message especially for him.

At school

Notes, gifts - all this school romance is gaining momentum in high school. But it is, of course, too early to use flirting as such. Therefore, of all the wealth of rules and methods, the surest will be the ability to become attractive and popular for classmates.

The ability to smile and be open and cheerful is good for this. But touching, especially when it comes to hugging and kissing, is not only discouraged at school, but can become a subject for condemnation and ridicule.

At work

Those who love and know how to flirt have no limits. Unsuitable places for them simply do not exist, which means that it is not at all necessary to deny yourself this pleasure due to the seriousness of the work process. Therefore, at work, this technique is applicable to guys, the main task is to make it invisible to other colleagues.

How to recognize secret signals

What if you notice that a guy is showing you signs of attention, but you can't figure out if he is flirting with you? Try to watch him - perhaps what you mistake for flirting is his constant communication. If the signals are addressed to you, then you can easily recognize flirting in them - after all, its rules are the same for both women and men, except that the stronger sex is a little more straightforward.

How to keep your attention

Any situation requires development. If the flirting becomes monotonous, its subject may just get bored and switch to someone more interesting. Therefore, in live communication, the response to such signals usually either comes quickly enough - and then the relationship moves to another stage, or the reaction is completely absent, which means that the place in the heart of the chosen one is already taken by someone else.

But in family life, flirting helps to diversify everyday life and does not allow interest in each other to fade away. Therefore, even after getting married, you should not add your skills to the distant mezzanines of family life - flirting will be very useful for marital relations.

Common mistakes

  1. Flirting is not at all a kind of declaration of love. His goal is to show his willingness to enter the game, but the main goal is to do it very easily and gracefully.
  2. Not all flirting lovers are ready to answer for the consequences. But it is a really powerful tool, and most men can get carried away in earnest. At the same time, the abrupt cessation of such a game causes them completely justified indignation and resentment.
  3. Many people notice that flirting is born easily and naturally if a woman feels confident in herself. Applying the learned patterns and playing them out on an innocent audience looks ridiculous and unnatural.

Many people mistakenly believe that they skillfully flirt without noticing the sidelong disapproving glances from the side. If your skill does not bear the desired results, think - maybe you are doing something wrong? It seems that the lessons of flirting are reduced only to memorizing a few rules, gestures and techniques. But this art is much deeper, because the body here works in close connection with both the mind and the soul.





Correctly flirting with a man is a stage at the beginning of a romantic relationship, awakens feelings, feelings of pleasant excitement, light adrenaline, and strong attraction. Time allotted for mutual flirting brings joy and awakens nostalgic memories.

Differences in flirting with a man and a boy

When flirting, consider the age and life experience of the person you are interested in. There is a huge difference in views, preferences, interests and life values ​​between a fledgling youth and an accomplished man.

  • If young men are more susceptible to outright flirting, in a more or less hidden form signaling a readiness for physical intimacy, then men are more picky and are unlikely to highly appreciate such a frank proposal to continue communication in an intimate setting.
  • In flirting with a young man, you can give free rein to sensuality, provoking, jokingly or seriously, topics related to the open manifestation of the sexual principle. And men are more inclined to intellectual flirting, they are more impressed by mystery, light mystery, understatement.
  • In dealing with a grown man, defenselessness can be a huge advantage. He will be happy to help with problems that are easily solved by him, thanks to financial independence or the presence of connections. A young man, on the contrary, can be frightened by the prospect of taking responsibility for the relationship, can be discouraged by the problems that need to be solved, while the guy's opportunities are limited.

Phone and correspondence will help you

How to flirt with a man by correspondence? Flirting through correspondence is nothing new in the art of communication. Love letters - the oldest epistolary genre - is now carried out with the help of the Internet everywhere. Everyone loves to receive love letters, finding charm and intrigue in this.

Like any game, flirting through letters has its own rules.

  • Letters should be short, light, and graceful.
  • Do not postpone the answer to the letter on the back burner, a break in the letters will cool, reduce interest.
  • You should try to avoid mistakes and typos. Illiteracy or sloppiness in love correspondence is not allowed!
  • You should not regale your interlocutor with reflections on the meaning of life, global problems of mankind, details of your previous novels, details of conversations with your friends, complaints about your own problems, or vulgar jokes that have set your teeth on edge. Communicate on the phone so that, remembering your call, the man smiles, thinks of you with warmth.
  • When you start writing, you should set yourself up as positive as possible. Love messages should bring joy, excitement, and flatter the reader's self-esteem a little.
  • Do not overdo it in compliments, if they are not justified, a fake compliment will not be appreciated by a stupid interlocutor, and in the eyes of a smart one, it can look humiliating.
  • Do not demand answers to direct questions if the other person answers evasively. Intrusiveness and excessive curiosity will only repel, delicacy will attract.

Telephone flirting is an equally effective means of establishing an emotional connection and stirring up interest in exciting communication. The rules of phone flirting are simple, but if you don't adhere to them, communication will cease to be comfortable.

  • Pay attention to diction and speech literacy. An illiterate speech, polluted with slang and obscene words, will not arouse either interest or respect.
  • You should not call too often so that the man does not feel as if he is being controlled.
  • The call should be pleasing, you should not call after hours, so as not to put the man in an awkward position, not to distract the interlocutor from work. Intruding into work hours or personal space can be annoying and kill the fun of communication.
  • Try to choose topics that are interesting for the interlocutor so that the conversation does not turn into chatter about things that a man does not understand.
  • Pause in conversation, do not pop incessantly, do not turn a telephone conversation into an endless monologue, because flirting is a mutual activity.

Hidden flirting to attract attention

Flirting so that the man you are interested in does not suspect that he is being "hunted" is a real art. Usually such "hidden" flirting is needed in dealing with timid, distrustful or reserved men, if the goal is to "reach out to the heart." It should be remembered what should not be allowed so that the flirting does not become obvious and does not scare the man away.

What should be excluded from flirting if you do not want your interest in a man to be a secret for him?

  • Direct questions on frank topics can be repulsive, especially if they are repeated, insisting on the answer and emphasized, showing curiosity, persistence.
  • To be interested in personal life, to be curious about who a man is paired with, you need, by the way, in passing, without getting hung up on getting an answer.
  • Try to please the man with the help of little things, so that he feels unobtrusive care, warm attitude.
  • Radiate positive emotions. To feel warm next to you - feel your own warmth, psychological comfort.
  • Make it clear that you are ready to support his ideas, to take his side in the event of any confrontation with anyone.
  • Talk about yourself a little bit, gently sneer at yourself, but do not share frank dramas from your personal life.
  • Be discreet in expressing your feelings, but easily emphasize your interest in anything related to the other person outside of his personal life. A slight indifference in everything related to the personal life of your interlocutor will only fuel his interest in you.
  • Shy men are intimidated by excessive initiative, therefore, when flirting with such a man, you need to act carefully, using exciting hints, avoiding direct questions.
  • Try to build the relationship so that the man feels the need for your presence near or nearby. It is sometimes helpful to disappear from his field of vision, so that your absence becomes a sensitive "prick".
  • You can make it clear that your love life is intense, but don't go into details. This will certainly intrigue, arouse interest and provoke curiosity, which means that you have taken significant steps towards the seduction of an unapproachable counterpart.

The attractiveness and danger of flirting at work

Work is a place where people spend a huge amount of time. Here, the abundance of flirting sometimes goes off scale, this is especially noticeable at corporate events. What are the pros and cons of flirting like this?

  • In moderate doses, "working" flirting helps to relieve emotional stress, increases activity and keeps you "in good shape."
  • The light, romantic atmosphere in the relationship between bosses and subordinates sometimes serves as an excellent motivation for effective work.
  • Flirting and "work romances" often lead to wonderful married couples with common interests and aspirations. If you are not afraid to be with your “half” around the clock in the same space, then you can safely look for personal happiness at your work.

Significant disadvantages of "informal relationships" make you look at flirting and the associated thrills more rationally, less romantic.

  • Flirting at work can lead to undesirable consequences in the family for families, and only lonely ones have nothing to lose.
  • Flirting can end up badly for a family man, so you should weigh well the reasons why "interest on the side" has become possible or even necessary. Maybe instead of frivolous flirting, you should think about what is wrong with the family?
  • Overly obvious flirting, and even more so an affair, can provoke an unhealthy atmosphere at work. And if the "public" often turns a blind eye to the love tricks of a man, then women are not forgiven for "immoral acts". Starting a love affair, a woman causes unconscious irritation among employees, and at the slightest oversight she risks losing both authority and position.

Flirting as a style and culture of communication

The goal of any flirting is ultimately to attract attention and possibly seduce a man. You need to theoretically master the skills and techniques of seduction before you try your feminine charms in practice.

There are rules and techniques here.

  • Well-groomed appearance, pleasant smell and neat stylish clothes will facilitate emotional contact with any men who, due to natural reasons, pay attention to a woman's appearance in the first place.
  • Good mood, positivity, optimism - this is what you should give in the process of flirting so that communication is joyful and desirable. Sullen women who complain about life evoke sympathy, but not attraction.
  • Do your job with pleasure, be light, open - and you will be admired.
  • The look is the most effective weapon. Every woman is obliged to learn to "make eyes" and "shoot with her eyes" if she wants to please a man.
  • It takes a couple of seconds to catch your eye. Do not hold your gaze longer than decency allows. Long looks are appropriate where there is a close relationship and there is no ambiguity.
  • You should not "stare" at the person you like, pursue, "drill" him with a gaze, this can cause hostility. An interested glance should not be embarrassing. On the contrary, a soft, caressing fleeting glance, sideways or sullenly, is able to excite a man and interest him in earnest.
  • Watch your speech, beautiful speech attracts men more than skillful makeup.
  • Try not to use dirty words, rude slang or outright obscenities. A vulgar woman will be disgusting. And even if you manage to carry out an affair and bring the matter to a solitary date, the romance will not last long.
  • The atmosphere of flirting, permeated with joy, wit, irony, jokes - will make a man seek new contact with you. Just try not to go beyond the bounds of decency, do not overdo it - greasy jokes, awkward jokes "with a beard", unkind irony, sarcasm with a mocking tinge - all this will cool the romantic ardor and instill in a man a sense of danger and insecurity around you.
  • The most powerful weapon is touch. They say that you can express sympathy, attraction and love most eloquently by touching a person. It also has its own peculiarities.
  • Touching at the early stage of flirting should be light, touching should be as if by chance. With a more trusting relationship, you can not only touch, but take a man's hand, straighten his tie, or shake off an imaginary speck of dust.
  • Save frank, too sensual touches "for later", otherwise you risk frightening the object of your sympathy with excessive immodesty.

When flirting with a man, you should not strive too persistently for the result - the establishment of a "guaranteed" romantic relationship. Flirt with your health, do it with pleasure from this easy, sensual and exciting process. And remember: the most attractive thing in the romantic play of the sexes is uncertainty, understatement.

How to flirt with a man

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Flirting is a whole art that can be difficult to learn. It is twice as difficult if it is necessary to communicate with a guy on the Internet or via SMS. But do not be upset, we have prepared for you detailed instructions on the correct conduct of correspondence. Also, we will not let you write nonsense, you will learn what categorically should not be done with a virtual interlocutor and what phrases will be relevant. But most importantly, you will learn to flirt like a true woman and be able to win over a man.

When choosing the right words, you need to consider where you communicate - on the Internet or via SMS. In the first case, you can use various pictures, videos, files, emoticons. In the case of mobile, it will be much more difficult to convey emotions.

In the Internet

To flirt, you need to follow the following tips:

  1. Write competently - avoid punctuation, grammatical, stylistic mistakes and typos.
  2. Avoid informal slang (in short, this is the same, etc.).
  3. Use humor carefully, especially black and vulgar. A guy may not understand most of the jokes at all or take them literally.
  4. Do not behave like an interrogation: do not ask about the guy's personal life and his income.
  5. Do not advertise yourself, listing your own merits in each sentence. The girl should become a riddle for the young guy, which is interesting to solve.
  6. Use emoticons to express feelings for your interlocutor, but no more than 2-3 per answer.
  7. Compliments to a young man, because the fair sex adores praise. But here, too, one should know when to stop.

If you follow these 7 rules, flirting will be easy and effective.

By phone via SMS

Here, the tips are almost the same as for correspondence on the Internet. Here are just small additions that will help you learn how to flirt and hook your interlocutor:
  1. Be honest. Do not think that since the guy does not see you, then the words can be embellished, and somewhere and lie. Sooner or later, the young man will find out everything and may not want to continue the relationship.
  2. You should not write the words together to limit yourself to one SMS, or Latin.
  3. Do not send long SMS, but at the same time, the text should be capacious.
  4. Don't forget about compliments. Although the guys claim that they hate all sorts of enthusiastic looks and speeches, they are very happy to read another compliment addressed to them.
  5. Do not send messages in a row. They must also be unique. So the guy will see what you think of him. Originality is the basis for successful flirting with a young man.

If a guy calls back on the phone, you shouldn't answer him right away. Write an SMS and tell them that you are busy. Invite him to chat later.

If the man "took the bait" and entered the game, then you will need it. Here it is written what you can ask him and how to do it correctly.

If you do not know how the interlocutor treats you, we suggest that you figure it out. A few of our tips on how to do this will help. You will find out how and what he writes, how often, etc.

What is allowed ? Here are the hottest questions!

What compliments can you write to men

Guys, like girls, love compliments. Your task is to surprise the guy, and for this you need to please with unusual phrases. Here is a list of the most successful ones:

  • "I would never have done that." You need to show that your boyfriend is the best in the world. He must understand that he has unique skills.
  • "You have a good taste". When it comes to dressing or eating habits, remember to ask what clothes he likes to wear, what he likes to eat the most. After he answers, tell him that he tastes good.
  • "You will be a great father." No man can say with confidence that he can easily cope with the role of a father. And this phrase will cheer him up.
  • "How would I live without you?" This compliment will show your lover that he is the meaning of your life. After reading such a phrase in a message, a young man will feel the happiest in this world. As an example, you can suggest the phrase "What would I do without you."

Do you want to receive detailed step-by-step instructions on how to meet men on the Internet correctly? We advise you to read free checklist Alexei Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and translate them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real plane.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf-file.

What absolutely should not be done

Certain messages can wind down your conversation with your boyfriend. He can easily lose interest in you and go about his daily activities. In correspondence, you should not do the following:

  • Asking how are you doing... This phrase is about nothing. Using it, you will never intrigue a young man.
  • Send long sms... A good message should contain a maximum of 2-3 sentences.
  • Rebuke a guy... You should never make a claim that he did not call you yesterday or disappeared somewhere. Such messages will put you in a negative light, and after several attempts to make excuses, your boyfriend will simply begin to avoid you, and then he will completely find another.
  • Don't show candid photos... So the guy may soon lose all interest in you and think that you are frivolous.

No matter how strong your desire to seduce a man is, you should not flirt frankly, everything should be natural. Only such a girl can become interesting!