How to wash oily hair. Proper home care for oily hair. Conditioners for oily hair

Hello dear girls.

Today I want to touch on such a hot topic as oily hair. With the arrival of summer, this problem has become more and more urgent and there seems to be no escape from it. But it only seems so.

Oily hair is not a sentence, but just a type and can be tamed.

I'll tell you a little about my scalp type

I have oily hair. Really oily, although I know that someone will want to prove to me that my type is normal, because oily hair becomes so by the evening of the first day after washing, and mine lasts a little longer. But, I have something to compare with and I know what I'm talking about. Therefore, I will tell you a few details.

I have oily hair type since childhood. Somewhere on day 2, the hair already loses significantly in appearance and the front strands of the face turn into greasy icicles. In an amicable way, at this time you already need to wash your hair, but I always endure up to 3 days. Simply because it is corny to me uncomfortable to wash my hair more often. Day 3 I can no longer afford to wear loose hair and always do my hair and by the evening my head.

I tried to fight the problem of fat for about 10 years and tried everything I could. And I will tell you about this by making a rating of funds in terms of effectiveness.

10th place - clay
This also includes mustard and soda. In many ways, their action is similar.

Clay is a very popular remedy, so it is not surprising that it has found use as a remedy credited with removing oily hair.

The simplest clay mask is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • a couple of tablespoons of clay
  • a couple of tablespoons of water
Everything is mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to the hair for 15-30 minutes before washing.

I have done a lot of clay courses in good faith.... I liked the blue one the most, but the white one was just as attractive.

I liked the clay masks for the feeling that they left on the scalp after rinsing: it seemed to start breathing. A plus, the clay was washed off the hair to a rather strong squeak and I blissed out on it. At that time it seemed to me that this creak is nothing more than a guarantee of the quality of purification. How wrong I was!

Each time I was looking forward to the next moment of washing my hair to make a clay mask. And when we were resting at the sea and there were whole mountains of clay ... In general, then every day I made masks with clay.
I even show rare photographs of me making a mask in the sea with a jar of clay.

Well, you can imagine how people looked at me. I think that you, my dear hair-lovers, will understand me like no one else.
But I was adamant! What are those sidelong glances to me if I was driven by quite a keen interest and I believed in the result!

By the way, about the result. The expected result did not come. All that the clay masks gave me was an amazing sensation at the roots and, in the future, dryness of the tips. At that time, I had not yet seriously looked after the length of my hair, therefore, when I wrapped the ends of my hair in a bun and they came into contact with the clay, it is clear that they dried out significantly.

So, if you nevertheless decide on these masks, I highly recommend that you apply oil to the ends, or even better for the entire length of the hair, or a mask that suits you.

Instead of solving the problem of oily content, my hair, on the contrary, began to become oily faster. By the evening of the second day they urgently need to be washed, and not by the evening of the third.

It's all about the drying effect of the clay. Due to deep cleansing, which borders on a drying effect, the glands begin to work more actively, releasing the amount of sebum that is necessary to eliminate the dryness caused from nowhere for the body.

So with clay masks, you can achieve the opposite effect.
After I stopped using them, my hair started to oily as usual.

So I give clay the last place in my top.

9th place - essential oils

I am summarizing this point without highlighting anything specific. Although, the most popular are lavender and peppermint essential oils.

First of all, I would like to strongly warn everyone who does this. This cannot be done with all shampoos. Shampoo is a chemical product that has a specific pH level and the addition of an essential oil changes its formulation. In which direction, we do not know, we are not chemists, therefore, in order not to harm, I recommend refraining from such experiments.

Exception is adding essential oil to organic shampoo. You can experiment with it.

What did adding essential oils to my shampoo give me?

First of all, a pleasant aroma procedure. Lavender essential oil is pleasantly soothing, especially if you wash your hair before bed. Peppermint essential oil leaves a pleasant chill on the skin.

Adding any essential oil gave me only one thing: a toning sensation.

But, unfortunately, it also did not help me solve the problem of oily scalp.

8th place - rinsing with broths

I love this business. Especially to harvest herbs in summer.
I've tried a lot of different things.

The most popular rinses are nettles, mint, lemon balm and hop cones.

All this has a very healthy effect on the roots, significantly strengthening them. But many herbs are dried, so you should be extremely careful with this procedure. I collect my hair along the length of my hand and lift it above my head, and with the other I pour the broth on the roots, then squeeze it on my hair, approximately at shoulder level, so that the broth does not flow down my damaged length. Then I apply the mask. It can also be applied before, this will completely save your hair from drying out if the herbs are dried for you.

As for the effect on fat content - none.
A strong mint broth, for example, has a slight tonic effect, but that's about it.

The procedure is good, but in the context of the issue under consideration, it is useless.

7th place - wash your hair less often

For a very long time, I thought this advice was meaningless. Somehow, during all summer holidays, I washed my hair once a week and went with terrible greasy hair for half a week. Then I couldn't wait to finally wash my head and look like a normal person.

I have always considered it normal (however, I still think so) to wash my hair as it gets dirty, but this should be done with the most gentle shampoos. I'll tell you more about this a little further.

The fact is that I didn't manage to retrain to wash my hair in 3 months and I began to consider this advice as sheer nonsense.

Until I met the girls who really managed to retrain to wash their hair... But for this they needed a different amount of time and great fortitude.

Also, we once talked with a master who at one time enlightened me in the topic of hair care, and I casually talked about my experience. I thought he would say that it was nonsense, but not at all. He supported this idea and explained why I couldn't retrain to wash my hair in 3 months. Apparently, my glands were already very accustomed to the amount of "secretion" produced and they needed more time to rebuild. But then I did not have time to repeat the experiment, and by the time I was ready to repeat the feat again, I no longer needed it.

So this position works fine, but you need to dare and be patient.

6th place - salt scrub

In principle, this position could simply be called a scrub, since there are a huge variety of scalp scrubs from different manufacturers, but I noticed the greatest effectiveness from homemade salt scrubs.

I think there is no need to explain to anyone what a scrub is for. We all love to use face scrubs, but why is the scalp worse? She also needs cleansing, the results of which, at times, are surprising.

There are a lot of cooking recipes and the scrub can be easily adapted for yourself.

I'll give you a basic recipe:

  • a couple of tablespoons of salt (it is better to take finely ground)
  • a couple of tablespoons of water
I usually take 50 to 50. Mix everything and massage into the head before washing the hair. Can be stopped on hair for a couple of minutes before rinsing.

This is the easiest recipe. But scrub can be enriched. Instead of ordinary water, use a decoction, you can also add a teaspoon of clay and a couple of drops of essential oil to it.
This combination of ingredients will only contribute to improving its properties.

What effect?

The effect is very pleasant. After the procedure, the skin begins to breathe, and even root volume may appear. Plus, if earlier there was the use of shampoos containing silicones, the hair stays clean longer, after about 3 procedures.

But the effect is rather short-lived. It works only as long as you use the scrub, so I cannot recommend it as a panacea. When used as a course - yes, good. But on a permanent basis, it is not suitable, because overdoing it can get the opposite result.

5th place - henna

It's no secret that henna has a drying effect, especially with constant use. Therefore, both the coloring itself and the masks with henna can prolong the freshness of the hair, but only during the course.

Definitely, henna masks are not suitable for girls who dye their hair, including blondes, even when using colorless henna. All the same, everything is complicated with herbs, and no one knows how the paint will behave if you are carried away by such masks.

Henna masks are perfect for those who paint with it., as well as owners of natural hair color who do not plan to change it.

Important: the mask must be done after washing the hair and rinsed with just water. This eliminates the addition of oils to it, so it can really seriously dry out your hair.

Preparing the mask is simple. For her you need:

  • 15-25 gr henna
  • water or broth
On the eye, henna is mixed with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, applied to washed wet hair, lasts for 30 minutes and rinsed off with water.

4th place - dry shampoo

I want to say right away that dry shampoo is not a way to fight, it does not eliminate the cause, but only helps to cope with it for a while.

Now there are a huge variety of dry shampoos, they can be easily found in any store. Their principle of operation is simple: dry shampoo absorbs the amount of sebum already present on the hair, due to which the hair becomes clean again for a while.

Dry shampoo is easy to use. It needs to be shaken and sprayed onto the hair, from some distance, after which it is good to comb it out with a comb.

As the owner of a fairly dark hair color, I was afraid to try them, because I was afraid of plaque on my hair and the fact that I would not be able to comb out the shampoo to the end. But after trying, I realized that the fears were in vain. Dry shampoo is really cool and I would definitely recommend trying it to anyone who hasn't gotten to it yet.

Also, if you still do not have the opportunity to purchase dry shampoo, do not worry, there is a completely affordable alternative and this is baby powder or regular cocoa powder.

They, of course, cannot be sprayed and must be carefully applied along the partings. The easiest way is to do this with a slightly damp sponge. It sinks into your homemade dry shampoo, picks up the product, and then spreads it over the partings. Then comb out.

I don't want the effect at all than from a purchased product, but with a homemade one will have to be a little confused.

3rd and 2nd place is hair and a comb


It is very important to use a clean comb... Especially if you are combing not with a comb, but with a massage or tang teaser or an angel. They very well "gain" on themselves "fat", which aggravates the situation of fat content.
The more often you wash your comb, the better.

Facial hair

I noticed this interesting feature quite recently. I have always believed that my facial hair is the fastest because I touch it a lot. I like to wear loose hair and often remove it from my face precisely for the front strands. By the way, yes, it is really better to touch your hair less often, but now is not about that.

I have oily skin. And the front strands get fat much faster than the rest, because hair is in contact with it... Such an obvious fact, but it became clear to me quite recently.

Therefore, it is better to pin the hair, keeping such contact to a minimum.

By the way, second interesting observation I was overtaken when I began to deliberately remove hair from my face.

The fat content really became less and I was pleasantly pleased with it.

But we cannot control our hair during sleep, and it is then that they can again climb into the face. This is what prompted me to tidy up my hair before bed. I'm not a big fan of braiding pigtails at night, so I found a solution for myself and this net for hairstyles... It is sold in any professional store and looks like a spider web, but it is easy to put it on your head and hide your hair in it. So they do not climb into their face, someone's mouth, and on top of that, they practically do not get confused overnight.

Perhaps this particular item will be a pleasant and useful discovery for many. The way it was for me in due time.

The control of the front strands is really great for the moment of prolonging the cleanliness of the hair for the better.

1st place - switch to sulfate-free shampoos

I would even say that it is better to switch not just to sulfate-free, but to natural and organic shampoos.

For those with oily hair, shampoos with silicones are a particularly bad option. It is after using these that it can be noted that the hair becomes unkempt much faster than usual. That's why first step- this is the rejection of funds with silicones.

Second- switching to sulfate-free shampoos.

This was also suggested to me by the master in due time. If not for him, I would still suffer with the problem of oily content, but now I was able to shift the feeling of fresh hair for a day. Now my hair becomes oily only by the evening of the fourth day after washing, which I consider quite normal.

And it was the transition to sulfate-free shampoos that helped me to come to this. After a year of constant use, I got the result that I have been looking for for 10 years.

Why sulfate free shampoos?

It's all about the harmful effects of sls. I am not saying that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (sls) is a terrible attack and should be banned from funds with it, no. In fact, I believe that modern shampoos are just quite good, because the cosmetic industry does not stand still and constantly creates new formulations. The point is that SLS is a rather aggressive surfactant, which nevertheless cleans not delicately and carefully.

We all have been using SLS products for a very long time, so our skin is accustomed to a certain “rhythm of life”. SLS has a drying effect, so the skin produces the amount of secretion that neutralizes its effect. This is not abnormal and if you are satisfied with it, then everything is fine. But I suppose that since you are reading this post, you are tired of the fatness, and you want to deal with it. Therefore, I share with you my experience and knowledge, as they once shared with me.

It was my master who suggested this method to me and now I am talking about it. I hope that this information will be useful for you and will help you as well as me in due time.

The transition to sulfate-free shampoos is a kind of analogue of the 7th position, but not at all complicated. I did not try to walk longer with a dirty head, and washed my hair as usual, to be honest, without even expecting anything, but when the result appeared, I was incredibly and extremely pleasantly surprised.

My journey and the search for the perfect shampoo was long, and I think that I cannot do without advice here. I have tried a lot of things, but in terms of action and quality, I can distinguish shampoos from the following companies: Greenpharm, Milorad, etc. I would recommend starting with Greenfarma.

Also, I cannot but highlight one moment and this is the moment of transition.

The transition to sulfate-free shampoos may not be "painless" at all. For example, when I started trying really organic shampoos at the beginning, I got completely incomprehensible flakes in my head and a kind of itching. I could have dropped everything, but it wouldn't have been me. I continued to use the remedy, because everything was not so catastrophic, if the discomfort was more tangible, I would, of course, quit, but I continued. But by the end of the remedy used, all the symptoms disappeared and never recurred.... It was the same with my friends, who also switched to organic. Therefore, I consider this moment of transition to be quite normal and even more than that - natural.

But of course, if it scares you, you shouldn't try.

For me, the risk was justified and I enjoy my clean hair, which stays that way for four days after shampooing. And I am very glad that I found my own way and means that helped me.

Hope others find them just as helpful.

Thank you for being with me


The sebaceous glands are located at the roots in the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which, when they work faster, the hair quickly becomes oily. When subcutaneous fat is produced in moderation, it performs important protective functions: it prevents hair breakage and splitting, protects it from dandruff, and gives the hair a beautiful look. When fat is produced in large quantities, hair becomes a nightmare for all modern women.

External causes of oily hair

  • daily use of a hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron and other thermal devices;
  • frequent and prolonged hair brushing procedure with a massage brush;
  • incorrectly selected hair care products, their incorrect use;
  • long-term wear of synthetic hats;
  • frequent washing of the head with hot water;
  • environmental impact;
  • unbalanced diet.

Internal causes of oily hair

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • increased testosterone;
  • genetics;
  • congenital infectious diseases;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • puberty;
  • constant stress, prolonged depression;
  • chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • taking contraceptives, hormones, steroids.

Basic rules for oily hair care

  1. If possible, completely abandon the use of a hair dryer, curling iron, hot curlers and curling irons. Otherwise, limit yourself to cold temperatures.
  2. Buy a range of hair care products that include lemon. When using lotions and conditioners, apply them all along the hair, avoiding the roots.
  3. Do not abuse baths, saunas, hot baths. Wear a silicone cap in the pool, always rinse your hair after contact with chlorinated water.
  4. Thermal protection products will help to normalize the level of fluid in the hair structure and reduce the work of the sebaceous glands. These include spray, varnish, foam, mousse, gel, wax, serum.
  5. If you dye your hair, do the procedure no more than once a month. In this case, you need to choose a shampoo and conditioner marked "for colored oily hair."
  6. Wash your hair with warm water, the maximum temperature of which does not exceed 28 degrees. The procedure should always be carried out in the morning, because a lot of subcutaneous fat (sebum) is produced at night. It is advisable to wash your hair no more than three times a week.
  7. If you like curly curls, we recommend getting a perm. It keeps the subcutaneous fat in the root zone, thereby keeping the hair well-groomed and clean for longer.
  8. Change your bedding often, especially your pillowcase. At night, the sebaceous glands work at an accelerated rate, as a result of which the fat is absorbed into the tissue.
  9. Avoid spicy, salty and fatty foods. Switch to proper nutrition, it contains a maximum of useful vitamins and minerals. Eat less baked goods and sweets. Remember, carbonated drinks, unnatural juices, fruit drinks and too sweet compotes are your main enemies. Squat more on green herbal tea and still mineral water.
  10. Choose products only for oily hair, as they reduce oil production.
  11. In summer, use appropriate UV protection products of the highest level, and cover your hair with a hat. In winter, wear a hat that doesn't fit snugly around your head.
  12. Do not use sharp-toothed massage brushes to brush your hair. Refuse iron hairpins, tight elastic bands and too-drawn hairstyles (ponytail, tight braid, etc.). Try to wear loose hair or braid it loosely.

Trichologists say that it is harmful to wash oily hair every day, since the sebum level is replenished in the upper layer of the epidermis within 3 days. If you wash your hair every day, sebum will not actually have time to accumulate in such a short time, as a result of which the subcutaneous glands will work at an accelerated pace. To keep your hair safe, follow a few simple guidelines.

Wean your hair from everyday washing. To begin with, make an interval between procedures 6-8 hours, then 8-10, 12, 14 and so on, until you reach an interval of 3 days. If you can't afford this "luxury" due to important meetings, use cornstarch and hair talc. They will absorb excess oil, due to which the hair will look more well-groomed. You can also use dry shampoos of the professional series, the above-described components are already included in their composition. Wear headbands, wide headbands, nice hats or scarves.

Apply shampoo correctly. First, squeeze some of the product into the palm of your hand and rub them together until a thick foam forms. Moisten hair with plenty of warm water, then lather the root zone and massage it for 1 minute. Then you need to rinse off the shampoo and repeat the manipulations, but now distribute the product along the entire length of the hair, not forgetting about the roots. Rinse again and repeat the steps 1 more time. The first wash with shampoo washes away dirt and dust, the second removes the applied cosmetics (foam, mousse, varnish, etc.), the third cleans the hair from subcutaneous fat.

After using the shampoo, a balm is applied. It is strongly not recommended to cover the roots with it, since the main properties of the conditioner are to smooth hair scales and give shine. The balm has a dense and oily consistency, it clogs the pores, which causes the glands to produce more oil. Apply the composition along the entire length, departing from the root zone by 2-3 cm.

Wash your hair only with warm or cool water. Hot is strictly prohibited. It dries hair, irritates the scalp and accelerates the secretion of fat. Cold and warm, on the other hand, moisturize the hair, eliminate the statistical effect and add shine.

  1. If you have not opted for blow-drying your hair, use a diffuser more often. In such a nozzle, air is distributed to the sides, so the roots do not come under the influence of temperature.
  2. In order to straighten your hair with an iron, you do not need to grab them at the roots. Sebum has a dense and viscous consistency, under the action of two heated plates, it melts, and then you distribute it with your own hands along the entire length of the hair.
  3. Rub your hair less during the day, especially in the root zone. Comb the strands from the ends to the roots, squeezing them in the middle with your hands and gradually working upward. If you are still tempted to comb your hair, wash your hands well. For intermediate brushing, use a wooden or plastic comb with wide and wide teeth. Give up the iron combs, such a tool is a thing of the past.
  4. Choose mousses, foams, serums and sprays for styling. They do not contain oils, so they do not weigh down the hair, but, on the contrary, give it volume and lift the curls at the roots. Be wary of styling products that are designed to add shine to hair, they are not suitable for oily hair.
  5. If you decide to do a perm, choose the latest gentle techniques. They are designed for shorter wear, but you won't ruin your hair.

In the fight against excess fat secretions, crushed sea salt will help you. Take 150 gr. and place it on a cotton cloth or gauze, tie a knot. Massage your scalp for about a quarter of an hour, paying special attention to the areas behind the ears, parting and hairline at the forehead.

Aromatic combing
This procedure is only suitable for girls who wash their hair daily. Carrying out simple manipulations, you slow down the work of the sebaceous glands, as you saturate the skin with essential oils. Take sandalwood ether, rosemary ether and grapefruit ether in equal proportions. Apply the composition to a flat, wide comb and begin to slowly comb the hair, moving from the back of the head, gradually moving to the sides and forehead. Perform the procedure for 15 minutes. The frequency of application is 2 times a month.

Fir infusion

Brew 65 gr. fir needles in 700 ml. boiling water, leave the composition for 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, add the cucumber chopped in a blender and 100 ml. ethyl alcohol, strain the infusion and rub well into the scalp. Leave it on for 10 minutes. The recommended course duration is 20 procedures with a frequency of 1 time in 5 days. If the result is insufficient, add 5 more sessions.

Lemon infusion
Cut 1 lemon into thin slices, add 40 ml to it. vinegar and steam in 600 ml. boiling water. Wait at least 3 hours, rub the broth into the scalp and distribute it evenly through the hair. Apply the product once every 10 days.

Birch shampoo
Pour in 50 ml. birch sap, 50 gr. sage and 120 gr. oak bark 700 ml. hot water, wait 1 hour. Strain through a colander or cheesecloth, add 100 ml. vodka / cognac and 3 egg yolks, beat with a mixer. Shampoo your hair several times, remove with cool water. The frequency of use varies from 1 to 2 times a week.

Tired of dealing with oily hair? Wean them off daily washing, do not use products that contain oils, with the exception of scented comb. When using a straightening iron, do not treat the root area; try to blow-dry your hair only in a cold setting. Eat less spicy, salty and fatty foods, drink about 3 liters of liquid per day.

Video: how to get rid of oily hair

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Oily hair is easier to treat than weakened, brittle or dry hair. You just need to know how to handle such hair, take care of it on time, follow simple rules and use special tools.

There are no sebaceous glands on the hair, not the hair is oily, but the scalp - due to the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. The properties of fat are such that it easily and quickly forms a thin film. Sebum spreads through the hair, flowing around them, and forming a film. You just washed your hair, made a beautiful hairstyle, and literally in a day they are already dull, drooping, stuck together, and there can be no question of volume. The appearance of such hair is very unpleasant, and you don't want to touch it. For the hair itself, this condition is not so bad: they, like oily skin, are much better protected by sebum from adverse external influences. No wonder cosmetologists consider oily skin less prone to early aging than other types. However, this is not comforting - the appearance and structure of such hair look unattractive, and you have to wash your hair every day in order to communicate with other people without problems, you want your hair to look just like in a shampoo advertisement. If the sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum, a condition called oily seborrhea occurs. It may seem that frequent washing will solve the problem of oily hair, but this is not the case.

How to wash oily hair

Trichologists- specialists dealing with the treatment of scalp and hair recommend that you do not wash your hair often, but regularly, using only special products. You cannot wash oily hair with shampoo intended for other types, as the secretion of the sebaceous glands only increases from this. If you wash your hair too often, hard water and aggressive cleansing components of shampoos disrupt the work of the protective hydrolipidic film of the scalp, as a result, the lack of moisture is compensated by the intensive work of the sebaceous glands, sebum is released even more intensively and the scalp and hair turn oily very quickly, the skin becomes irritated. It is recommended to wash on average once every 3 days.

Before trying to influence the work of the sebaceous glands, you should find out the reason for their activity. Perhaps it is associated with the work of the endocrine system, and then cosmetics cannot be dispensed with: you need to bring your health back to normal.

Greasy hair care should consist of three main steps:

  1. Gentle cleansing- an obligatory stage,
  2. Intense hydration- an obligatory stage,
  3. Additional measures(masks, fluids, peels, etc.) - if necessary.

Wash oily hair correctly

The head should be washed twice, each time diluting the shampoo with water and lathering it. Water for oily hair must be warm, perhaps even slightly cool. Hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, and with oily hair this is already a problem. Try not to wash your hair in too hard water - use distilled, filtered, or at least boiled water for this. If it is not possible to wash your hair in such water, then just rinse it with it. Water for rinsing oily hair should be slightly acidified: for dark hair - 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar (apple cider!) per liter of water, for light - an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers in 500 ml of water with the addition of lemon juice or citric acid. Rinsing hair with cold water will have a good effect - it narrows the pores and prevents the release of oil. You can rinse your hair with mineral water (pH less than 7!).

If your hair grows oily very quickly, you can try to apply shampoo only to the roots of the hair until the hair starts to oily at least a little less often so as not to injure the ends. You should never rub shampoo into your scalp. When shampooing, do not rinse off the shampoo immediately after the formation of foam, wait about five minutes, and only then rinse your hair thoroughly.

How to choose a shampoo for oily hair?

It is undesirable to change shampoos often: today for oily hair, and tomorrow for normal hair. This is unnecessary stress on your hair. To be more confident in the effectiveness of the products, it is better to buy them in professional stores. But in any case, you need to choose exactly the one that suits you. Many stores now sell probes, use them first.

For oily hair, clear shampoos are the best option. The shampoo's light shade indicates that it does not contain additional additives that can settle on the hair after shampooing, adding oily to it.

Choose shampoos for oily hair, which contain extracts of various plants: horsetail, sage, coltsfoot, nettle, calamus, seaweed. Also, the shampoo should contain vitamins, minerals, proteins. It is advisable to use a quality shampoo for daily use on a mild basis.

A general rule of thumb for gentle cleansing is that the softer the shampoo base, the better. The shampoo must be professional.

In the event of a violation of the hydrolipid balance, the sebaceous glands begin to produce fat in reserve. Therefore, the replenishment of the lack of moisture and the preponderance of the balance in the other direction is the main task that good professional products are designed to solve.

Creams, masks, sprays, fluids, serums and other care products must be applied correctly:

  • Before applying to the hair, the care must be distributed over the fingers;
  • You need to apply care on well-wrung hair, along the entire length, without applying to the roots and scalp;
  • Washable cares (including masks) should be kept strictly for the prescribed time, then thoroughly washed off from the hair and scalp.
  • The amount of care depends primarily on the length of the hair. But in any case, there should not be a lot of it (if you have to apply a lot of funds, you should think about changing the product). Most often, a pea is enough.

Never use shampoos for damaged and colored hair, as your scalp is simply not able to take in so many nutrients!

Do not use cleansing masks, creams or peels before dyeing or bleaching your hair.

It is better to refuse all kinds of mousses, gels, sprays, foams and other things. This only makes the hair heavier and dirty, collecting dust and dirt. But a lotion that regulates the work of the sebaceous glands will not hurt.

Do not use hot air for styling your hair - to the existing problem, you will earn more brittle and dull hair. Modern hair dryers have a cold air function.

If you have long hair, then you need to watch the ends: Cut regularly, at least a couple of millimeters. Twist the strand into a tight flagellum - the split ends will stick out and you can easily cut them off yourself. Treat dry ends with special products. An excellent effect can be given by special products for the restoration and protection of split ends, which do not need to be washed off. These can be creams, balms, serums, sprays and other products that remain on the hair for a longer time.

Oily hair care does not recommend scalp massage and frequent brushing. During brushing, the scalp is massaged, including the sebaceous glands, and this stimulates their work and increases the production of secretions. Therefore, it is advisable not to comb oily hair at all. But since this is unlikely for women in our time, try to comb them as little as possible. Choose combs with large, wide teeth, and combs with natural, soft bristles.

Don't forget about folk remedies for oily hair. There are many different recipes and it is quite possible to choose something for yourself.

Rubbing in aloe juice before washing is also effective.

For oily hair, soap, shampoo and even a balm - rinse is recommended to be washed off with infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs: hop cones, nettle, horsetail, coltsfoot, burdock root, calamus root (can be mixed or separately).

2 tbsp. l. pour herbs with 1 liter of boiling water, boil, let it brew for 20 minutes and strain, cool. Rinse hair without rinsing.

For care, it is good to rinse oily hair with mustard (dilute 1 tbsp. L. In a little water and pour 2 liters of hot water into this mixture). Then they must be rinsed with acidified water.

A mask for this hair type with the addition of mustard:

Mix in 2 tbsp. l. clay (preferably blue) and apple cider vinegar with 1 tsp. mustard powder. Then add 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. arnica tinctures. Apply this mask for 20 minutes and then wash off using shampoo.

Shampoo for oily hair:

Mix well 2 tsp. mustard with 100 ml of warm water and 150 ml of brandy. The resulting mixture can be used several times. Apply to scalp and hair, massage, leave for 3 minutes and rinse with warm water. Shake well before use.

The most popular and effective masks for oily hair:

  • Milk mask

Before shampooing, greasy hair can be greased with regular kefir or yogurt, wrapped. And after 15-20 minutes, wash your hair. Regular use of this mask will help to solve the problem of oily hair, as well as make hair softer, silkier and healthier.

  • Honey mask

Shake two yolks with two tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, massaging the scalp. It is better to leave the mask overnight and wash your hair in the morning.

  • Egg mask

Rub the yolk with alcohol (one tablespoon) and water (one tablespoon), rub into the scalp. Keep the mask for 20 minutes.

  • Purifying mask

Prepare a mixture of honey, aloe and lemon juices (1 teaspoon each), yolk and a clove of garlic. The mixture is rubbed in 30 minutes before shampooing. After washing, the hair is rinsed with nettle or sage infusion.

  • Honey lemon mask

Mix one teaspoon of honey, aloe juice, lemon juice, one minced garlic clove and apply to damp, clean hair. The head must be insulated with a special hat or plastic bag, then with a warm scarf or a thick terry towel. Wash off the mask after 30-40 minutes with warm water without shampoo. If after applying the mask, the smell of garlic remains, then you can rinse your head with water with the addition of mustard, and then again with clean water.

  • Protein mask

Preparation: take two tablespoons of dry chamomile flowers, 100ml of boiling water, pour boiling water over the chamomile and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours, then filter the infusion. We take one protein, beat it and mix it with chamomile infusion. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair and scalp. Leave to dry completely, then wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Effect of nutrition on hair condition:

Under the hair follicles there are special subcutaneous glands, the secretions of which can be excessive, from which the hair becomes oily. Food rich in fat stimulates the work of these glands, therefore, in order for the hair to become less greasy, it is necessary to revise your diet and reduce the amount of fatty foods consumed, and we also recommend using vitamins of group B, E. Do not eat sweets, smoked, coffee, alcohol , canned food, pickles, spices and herbs. Try to eliminate or at least limit their use.

Oatmeal and lactic acid foods will be helpful. Eat more fruits and vegetables (especially beets and cabbage).

Food should be freshly prepared, rich in protein and minerals. Nutrition must certainly be balanced, since one of the reasons for increased greasy hair is just a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Take care of sufficient intake of iron, sulfur, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C - they contribute to the beauty and health of hair.

Don't stay idle and run the problem. Constantly clogged sebaceous glands and a dirty head are an excellent breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria. And this can entail much more serious consequences, up to baldness. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then seek advice from a specialist - a trichologist. And your hair will shine with health and shine!

Owners of oily hair are not to be envied. In fact, such curls are healthier and more viable than dry ones: sebum reliably protects against the harmful effects of the environment. But if it becomes too much, the pores become clogged, and the hair follicles begin to lack nutrients. Even if this does not happen, the appearance of oily strands, just a few hours after washing, already leaves much to be desired: they quickly lose volume, crumble and acquire an unhealthy shine.

Taking care of your oily hair correctly and regularly will help neutralize the problem. But be prepared for the fact that it will not work to get rid of excess sebum once and for all.

People who do not suffer too much from trouble with their hair are most often limited to the only way to care for them - washing. At the same time, few people think about the composition of the shampoo. The head is washed as it gets dirty, that is, more often than it should be: in the process, shampoo and water remove the protective layer of fat from the surface of the hair, and the glands in the upper layer of the epidermis begin to work even more intensively. To break this "vicious circle", you need:

  • choose a suitable shampoo ("for oily hair", "for oily colored hair" or "for hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the ends"). The composition should not contain silicones and other weighting additives, as well as aggressive components. Natural additives are welcome: extracts of horsetail, oak bark, mint, nettle, sage, birch; essential oils, cosmetic clay, tar, vitamins;
  • "Train" the sebaceous glands to function not so intensively. This requires you to gradually reduce the frequency of washing your hair at least 3 times a week. To disguise an unkempt hairstyle during this period, you can use scarves, bandanas and other light hats that do not fit too tightly to the head. Within a few weeks, the skin will adapt to new conditions, and the hair will stop getting dirty as quickly as before;
  • wash your hair in the morning, as the process of fat formation mainly takes place at night. For the same reason, it is necessary to change the pillowcase as often as possible;
  • use warm (about 30 ° C) water for washing, since hot water stimulates the production of skin secretions, irritates and dries the skin;
  • lather your head twice or three times;
  • use only a light and natural balm for oily hair, and do not apply it to the roots;
  • if possible, rinse the curls with cool water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice. Oily hair, unlike dry, this procedure cannot damage;
  • do not abuse scalp peels and dry shampoos.

Brushing, drying and styling

Hair itself cannot be oily. The greasy secretion is produced by the pores of the skin and is distributed along the strands during the combing process. So we can conclude: the less you touch oily skin and hair, the better. Of course, you can't do without combing at all, but it should be moderate and neat. You should comb the tips first and then the roots using a wooden comb. Iron and plastic accessories should be discarded as they tend to generate static electricity. By the way, shortly before the next washing procedure, it is useful to carry out "aromatic combing" of oily hair for 10 - 15 minutes, after applying a few drops of essential oil (bergamot, lemon, eucalyptus or fir) to the comb.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the scalp is very sensitive to temperature effects. Hot air or water stimulates blood circulation and accelerates metabolic processes, which is undesirable with increased fat content. For this reason, it makes sense without the use of a hair dryer. If this is not possible, use a diffuser nozzle and set the lowest possible air flow temperature.

For styling, choose light, gentle products, if possible, without oils and alcohol. It is better to give preference to foams, fluids, serums and refuse varnishes and gels. Pay particular attention to adding root volume to the hair. As for styling accessories, replace your iron and curling iron with good old curlers. Of course, if necessary, you can always protect the curls with thermal protective agents, but remember that excess "chemistry" on the surface of the hair will provoke their rapid pollution.

Features of hairstyles

It has been noticed that straight, greasy hair looks the worst (it doesn't matter if it is long or short). Therefore, if high fat content causes serious inconvenience, it makes sense to think about a perm. It not only helps to maintain volume for several days, but also helps dry the roots. True, this measure, as a rule, does not save from dandruff.

There is another, not so radical solution: a creative haircut that visually increases hair volume. The effect can be achieved using asymmetry, cascades.

If neither one suits you, wear your hair loose. This is the best way to mask oily roots. In addition, under such conditions, the strands get dirty more slowly, since they are less in contact with the skin and with each other. On the contrary, tight braids, hairstyles with hairpins, elastic bands and other "embellishments" by constant irritation of the scalp only exacerbate the problem and draw attention to it.


Sometimes increased fat content can be the result of endocrine diseases or hormonal changes. In this case, the problem disappears by itself when the hormonal background returns to normal.

But more often the intense secretion of skin secretions is explained by a hereditary predisposition and is aggravated by an improper lifestyle.

In order for the scalp to return to normal, the following measures are necessary:

  • adherence to a diet (refusal of fast food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, salty, flour, spicy, sweet, fatty foods). Meals should be balanced and include fresh vegetables, nuts, cereals, meat, dairy products;
  • compliance with the drinking regime, since without the proper amount of water, normal fat metabolism in the body is impossible. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day (not including other drinks). It can be mineral, but without gas. The use of sweet juices is recommended to be reduced, or better - to be excluded altogether;
  • regular, but not too frequent (2 - 3 times a week) washing with a quality shampoo;
  • gentle styling;
  • the use of masks based on light oils, clay, henna or tar;
  • using homemade herbal rinses;
  • protecting hair from the sun, hot steam, salt water, heat and dust with hats or special products. Hats and caps should not be too tight and stuffy in order to avoid the "bath effect".

Additional care products

  • Twice a week, before washing, it is recommended to rub light oils (argan, coconut, grape seed or sesame, or better their mixture) into the hair roots. You can add a couple of drops of essential oils (cedar, bergamot, lemon, tea tree, etc.) to them. The composition should be left on the hair for 10 - 15 minutes, and then washed off in the usual way.
  • If you think that even the most delicate oil is not good for your curls, stop at one of the folk remedies. Try a clay mask (2 tablespoons of clay powder + 1 tablespoon of tea leaves or apple cider vinegar), an egg and kefir mask (1 beaten egg white + 2 tablespoons of kefir) or a rye compress (crumb of dark bread soaked in hot water) ... One of these potions is applied to the hair roots 20 to 60 minutes before washing, after which a shower cap is put on. The procedure is repeated 1 - 2 times a week for 1 - 1.5 months.
  • After each wash, it is useful to rinse your hair with decoctions of plants that have an astringent effect (for example, oak bark), or a solution of apple cider vinegar / lemon juice (1 - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

Masks, rinses and shampoos with balms need to be changed from time to time so that curls and skin do not get used to them.

Oily curls are perceived by some people as a sentence. Indeed, as soon as you wash your head, by the evening the hair is no longer voluminous and seems dirty. In winter, you don't want to take off your hat, because the strands stick together under it. Special care for oily hair will help to save your life from such inconveniences. The main thing is to set a goal.

Causes of increased fat content of strands

First of all, you need to pay attention to the scalp. A large amount of secretion is formed in the sebaceous glands. It spreads from the roots over the entire area of ​​the rods, on which a thin film is formed. It protects them from solar radiation, frost, dust.

The appearance of the hair becomes unkempt, you don't want to touch the strands.

If the curls become prone to oiliness over time, perhaps the reason lies in the disruption of the endocrine system. It is necessary to restore health, and not get carried away with cosmetics, which will only bring a temporary effect.

Other reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • digestive problems;
  • stress;
  • unbalanced diet.

If the hair quickly becomes oily, it is most likely a genetic predisposition. This problem will be solved only by proper care of the skin and curls. Often people with hair, which tends to quickly become covered with fat, solve it by washing it every day. However, it only partially helps.

Care for oily curls

Cosmetologists and hairdressers agree that it is easier to solve the issue of glossing strands than dry ones. Trichologists are engaged in the treatment of skin and hair. They are against frequent washing of the head. Instead, you need to use special tools.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Oily hair should not be washed with detergents for other types. This will only increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Hair care technique:

  • 1 hour before wet procedures, put on a shower cap, wrap it with a warm towel on top;
  • shampoo is poured into the hand, foamed and applied to the curls;
  • massage the roots well with fingertips;
  • the rods do not need to be washed, the shampoo that flows down them is enough for them;
  • then the foam is thoroughly washed off with running warm water;
  • rinse with boiled water or a specially prepared solution with vinegar.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenereologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

If the head is subjected to wet procedures with very hot water, the glands will secrete even more secretion. If necessary, you can rinse it twice. The first time the dirt will be removed from the skin, the second time the fat layer will be removed. When using conditioner, it is important to apply it only to the curls, without affecting the roots. Then the volume will last longer.

You need to take care of the fat mop regularly, but not every day. It is worth gradually getting away from this habit. First, make an interval of one day, then two.

After washing, the strands should not be rubbed with a towel, it is enough to wrap the curls in it. If this condition is violated, they are injured. It will become even harder to look after them.

Styling oily hair

Most owners of oily hair complain about the lack of volume in the hairstyle, as her curls quickly become greasy. The following tips will help solve this condition in the hair:

  1. Drying - it is better for the curls to dry on their own. If necessary, you can use a hairdryer, but you should not blow on the roots. The fat that is located there, due to the high temperature, will quickly get on the curls.
  2. Combing - you should touch your hair with your hands as little as possible, comb them. This stimulates the production of fat.
  3. Styling - it is worth choosing products for styling with a minimum amount of oils, since it is they who make the curls oily.
  4. Perms - Curly hair prevents fat from spreading along its length.

These simple tips will help to increase the interval between shampoos.

Shampoos for oily curls

Shampoo companies are developing lines for oily strands. But not all of them give a good result, so you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best funds.

NameDescriptionPrice per bottle (rubles)
Clear vita abe ultimate controlThe main direction is the fight against dandruff, but it also solves the problem of excessive secretion. The effect is noticeable after 3 weeks of regular use225
Batiste originalShampoo aerosol for dry use. Eliminates fat in a couple of minutes. You need to spray your head, wait, comb your curls. The effect will last for several hours. Then you need to wash everything off400
Black Currant & Nettle by Green MamaConsists of herbal ingredients, but contains sodium lauryl sulfate. There is no silicone, so the curls retain their splendor and volume190
7 Herbs by ShaumaCleans up fat. Thanks to the extracts of hops and chamomile included in its composition, the condition of the skin is improved.175
Kapous Professional TreatmentCreated on the basis of an orange with vitamin A, B. It perfectly rinses the curls350
LOreal Professionnel Pure ResourceA professional care product that acts on the roots of dry curls. Contains vitamin E720
"Regulatory" from Vichy DercosA pharmaceutical product that gives good results, but after a while. The main active ingredients are salicylic, thermal water810
"Regulatory" from "Clean Line"Contains many botanicals, helps with the problem of oily hair90
"Fat Control" by Clear Vita ABE MenThe shampoo contains many chemicals, thanks to which the curls are healed. It was created for men255
Nivea Men "Extreme Freshness"The base is composed of citrus juices. They are supplemented with menthol, castor oil, guarana. Effectively solves the problem of oily hair, dandruff160

Shampoos help to get rid of the problem at home only temporarily. Many of them dry out the scalp.

DIY natural shampoo substitutes

It is better that the remedy for oily hair is completely natural. Then the therapeutic effect will give a good result. There are many ways to cleanse without using a commercial product. Once upon a time people used them everywhere.

Homemade shampoos:

  1. On kefir - salt a fourth of a glass of low-fat kefir and mix with the yolk. Apply to strands moistened with water, massage for a few minutes.
  2. Rye - make a liquid gruel based on rye bread and boiling water. After 15 minutes, rub everything through a sieve. For 10 minutes, apply the composition to the curls moistened with water. Massage your skin. Rinse until all crumbs are removed.
  3. Mustard with clay- 2-3 tbsp. l. Dissolve mustard in two tablespoons of warm water. You should get a thick gruel, reminiscent of sour cream. Add blue clay to it. Apply to moist curls, leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water to avoid scalding.
  4. Chickpea - you need 4 tbsp. l. clay, 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour, the same amount of apple cider vinegar, a couple of drops of rosemary. Dilute all components with warm water. The mixture can be stored in a closed jar. It is applied to the curls for a few minutes.
  5. Pomegranate - add 3 tablespoons of pomegranate peels to 1 liter of water, boil, keep on the stove for 15 minutes. Use the decoction for two months (3-4 times a week). Then you can rinse your hair 1 time in 7 days.

Before using a folk remedy, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to any of the components.

See also: 5 tips on how to wash your hair less often (video)

Washing oily curls with baking soda

Baking soda has been used since ancient times to combat pollution. Due to its alkaline properties, it dissolves fat well and is non-toxic. It is recommended to add it to shampoo.

One tsp. soda is poured into a few tablespoons of water. The solution is mixed with 1 tsp. shampoo. The strands will creak, and the shine will delight the owner of oily skin.

A detergent industrial product can be dispensed with. They wash their hair with such a liquid, then rinse it with a mixture of apple cider vinegar (1 tsp) with water (1 liter). Curls will sparkle, comb well.

The acid can be replaced with lemon juice. It is needed to soften hard water. If you do not use it, the hair will be difficult to comb, get confused.

You should not get carried away with this method, since it dries the skin very much. This can lead to flaking, dandruff.

Recipes for folk masks, infusions:

  1. Grind two yolks with two tablespoons of honey. Rub the mixture into the skin and leave overnight. Top with a bag and a towel, and in the morning rinse with shampoo.
  2. Mix the yolk from the egg with alcohol and water (1 tsp each). Wash off after 10 minutes.
  3. Field horsetail, peppermint, oak bark (2 tablespoons each) pour 1 liter. boiling water for 40 minutes, drain. Apply to strands and after 3 minutes. rinse with balm.

To enhance the effect of the mask, it is advisable to use it warm.

Taking vitamin and mineral complexes

Complete hair care includes not only the choice of an effective shampoo, but also the intake of vitamins. Vitamin B2 helps to eliminate root oiliness. In the pharmacy, it is found under the name riboflavin. There is a lot of it in meat, bread, dairy products.

Vitamin B6, which is called pyridoxine, also improves the condition of the skin on the head. It is present in eggs, fish, potatoes, cabbage.

These drugs can be used individually, both internally and externally. For example, you can drip B2 into shampoo and wash your curls with it for two weeks.

There are many that strengthen the curls, nourish them. Most often, they are designed to combat early loss of rods, but they also help with excess fat, making the strands normal.

List of popular complexes:

  • "Revalid".
  • "Perfectil".
  • "Inneov Hair Density".
  • Nutrikap.
  • "Merz Beauty".
  • "Fitoval".
  • Selenzin.

Taking vitamins without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences. Sometimes it is enough to establish a balanced diet and the body will receive nutrients from normal food.