How to confess your love to a girl correctly. Writing love notes. Ways to confess your love to a girl

Boys are just as afraid of rejection as girls. That is why many of them first think about whether to confess their love to a girl? What if she loses interest or begins to manipulate? Get these thoughts out of your head! Any girl will appreciate your recognition. Perhaps she has been waiting for him for a long time. Or maybe she loves you too, but doubts your feelings. Therefore, do not be afraid to confess your love to your girlfriend. There is no point in hiding your feelings.

How can you confess your love to a girl

Of course, you can just walk up to the girl and tell her "on the forehead" - "I love you!" But in the depths of her soul, every girl dreams of a romantic and spectacular confession. It is important for her not only to hear these cherished words, but also to understand that she is really dear to you, that you are ready for exploits for her sake. How beautiful is it to confess your love to a girl?

Call the girl and ask her out on a date. Tell her that you know an interesting place and want to show her. Intrigue her. Answer her questions vaguely, play with her curiosity.

When you meet a girl, do not give her flowers. Just take your hand, smile and lead you to that most interesting place. Such a place could be:

  • amusement park
  • shore of a bay, lake or river
  • open roof in the city center
  • cozy bench in the park where roses bloom
  • equestrian club (with the possibility of horseback riding in the forest)
  • flight club (with the ability to fly by plane or paraglider)

The place must be chosen in advance, based on the girl's hobbies and inclinations. For example, if she is afraid of heights, it is stupid to invite her to the roof, and if the girl is a lover of extreme sports, the park bench will not impress her for sure. The main task is to achieve enthusiastic "how great it is here!" from your girlfriend.

After choosing the right moment, remove from the backpack / pocket / bag:

  • a bottle of champagne or wine
  • fruits, berries, sweets or chocolate
  • a small gift for a girl (a cute souvenir or decoration)
  • sparklers or soap bubbles (to make her smile)

It all depends on your imagination and your budget. The main thing is to show that you are prepared and that all this is only for her. Girls love to be surprised.

It is also important to do this without pathos, try to be as natural and sincere as possible. Smile.

It's time to say the cherished words. To confess your love to a girl in an original way, you need to choose them correctly. Here are the options:

  • "girl's name", I decided to arrange a small party for you to say how much I love you
  • "girl's name", I'm ready for a lot for your smile, because I love you
  • I did not dare to say these words for a long time, but today is just the right day for that - I love you
  • you gave me meaning and desire to live, taught me to see bright colors, I love you
  • I've never done anything like this before because I've never met girls like you
  • I fell in love with you like the first time and I can't hide it anymore, you captured my thoughts and my dreams

If these phrases seem too pretentious to you - limit yourself to three words - "I love you", because it is in them that the main meaning lies.

How to confess your love to a girl via SMS

If you nevertheless decide to confess your love to your beloved girl via SMS, it is important to carefully consider the text of the message, the time and place of sending. We advise you to send such an SMS at a certain moment, for example:

  • exactly at the time when the girl usually wakes up, at which she starts the alarm
  • at the moment when the girl lies down and prepares to fall asleep (this can be easily found out from her)
  • you can send an SMS 5 minutes before your meeting, to which you will arrive with a bouquet of flowers
  • you can send SMS even during the meeting itself, smile and see her reaction
  • a girl's birthday is the perfect time for such a confession
  • you can send SMS immediately after your date, if it was easy and successful
  • do not send SMS-declaration of love in the middle of the working day or at a time when the girl is having fun with her friends

What to write to initially confess your love to a girl?

Consider the options described in point 4 above, try to combine them into a coherent message. You can add compliments to the confession, for example: "your sunny smile haunts me in my thoughts and dreams." If you don't like romance, write easier and more logical. Write what you think. Write in one breath, you don't need to choose words for ten minutes. The more sincere you can do it, the better.

It is better if the words of SMS recognition are yours and only yours. You should not search the Internet for rhymed and banal love poems. However, you can add a beautiful classic quote to your SMS, such as "To love is to see a miracle invisible to others." Add that your beloved girl is the very miracle for you.

Good luck and love!

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to confess your love to a girl. You will learn how to best present this news. You will become aware of signs that the girl is showing mutual sympathy. We will also look at what can be misleading, mistaking falling in love for true love.

Signs that a girl is partial

When you already have a relationship and have been dating for some time, then it is likely that the girl has the same feelings as yours. When it comes to a person who likes a guy, but she does not have a close relationship with him, it is difficult to understand what is in her soul.

Let's look at what manifestations of a female character may indicate that the chosen one is interested in you:

  • the girl looks with loving eyes;
  • her cheeks turn red when she sees you;
  • she is embarrassed if she is looked directly in the eyes;
  • smiles if you are near;
  • tries to spend time together as often as possible;
  • if a contact has already been established, he often calls and is interested.

Is there love?

Perhaps you are tormented by doubts about whether to confess your feelings. It is possible that the reason for this behavior is excessive modesty or fear of rejection, and it may also be a signal from the subconscious that, in fact, this is not love at all.

You also need to understand that too early admission of your feelings can alienate the girl. Here we are talking about when a guy already has a relationship with the object of adoration, literally on the second date he says that he does not just like the girl, but that he loves her. The real explanation for this early recognition is:

  • desire to sleep with a girl as soon as possible;
  • a way to bind the object of adoration more tightly.

In any case, recognition too early will alert the girl, it may scare her away.

Let's look at the difference between love and falling in love.

  1. The first is a long-term feeling that can accompany a person throughout his life. The second is short-term, it passes as suddenly as it arises.
  2. Love forces you to accept your partner as he is, along with all the shortcomings. Falling in love causes a desire to remake your chosen one, so that qualities that are beneficial to you appear in him.
  3. Love is when you feel good together, you don't need anyone else. Falling in love - another person arises who is able to destroy your union.
  4. The first case characterizes mutual understanding, sacrifice, support in difficult times. The second case is characterized by selfishness in relationships, a desire to satisfy only one's own needs.
  5. Love pushes aside intimate needs, spiritual satisfaction comes first. Falling in love raises intimacy, selfishness in sex is characteristic.

It really is love if you:

  • do everything to impress the girl, sometimes risking yourself;
  • all thoughts are occupied with the object of adoration;
  • every day you try to become better in order to be worthy of the girl's love;
  • the most important thing is the happiness of your beloved, even if you are not with her.

When is it time to talk about feelings

You have already realized that the rapid recognition of your feelings will not bring you anything good. It is better to postpone, determine the truth of your feelings and only then talk about them. Let's consider when you can say about love:

  • your relationship lasts longer than three months;
  • an intimate relationship took place between you;
  • the girl appreciates you and always supports you;
  • have already met relatives and friends;
  • the girl respects you, makes plans for your joint future;
  • you see that the chosen one is in love with you, demonstrates her feelings with constant kisses, hugs and compliments.

My friend dated a guy for a year. During all this time, he never once confessed his love to her. Then they got married. The guy never said how much he loved her, although she and all their friends knew about it. Everything was clear without words, with his actions he showed the truth of his feelings. But remember that girls love with their ears, they will be pleased to hear the cherished words.

How to make a confession

If you are interested in the question of how to admit beautifully, then I propose to consider ten different ways.

  1. Confession on Valentine's Day. Ideal for a couple who have a long-term relationship. You can lay out a heart of lighted candles in front of the entrance and wait for your beloved with a bouquet of flowers.
  2. Public recognition. Suitable only if your girlfriend is a public person and likes to be in the spotlight. You can agree with the presenter at a concert or personally go on stage. This option is also great for a marriage proposal.
  3. Romantic confession in the form of a video or presentation.
  4. Date. You can invite a girl to a cafe and talk about her feelings there.
  5. Like in a movie. You can watch romantic TV scenes and, with sufficient financial resources, use someone else's method. For example, being on a crane, go up to the window of your beloved, knock, holding a bouquet of flowers in your hand, and say about your love.
  6. Sing a song with recognition if you have good ear and creativity.
  7. Confess on the radio. But the main thing here is that the girl at that moment listens to the desired wave.
  8. Write a letter in which you can tell about everything that is in your soul.
  9. Breakfast in bed. If you are spending the night together, then in the morning with a tray of food you can present a card with the words of love, or write “I love you” on the coffee foam.
  10. The easiest way is to personally come with a bouquet of flowers, to say everything that boils when you meet.

Typical mistakes

  1. You don't need to talk about your feelings if you are not 100% sure of them.
  2. You don't need to start a conversation if there is a noisy and hectic atmosphere around you.
  3. It is better to avoid recognition by Skype or SMS, by means of a call.
  4. Drinking an alcoholic drink to instill courage will only alienate the darling from you.

How to confess to a humble guy

If you are embarrassed to talk about what's in your heart, but really want the girl to know about your feelings, then you can resort to the tips below.

  1. Look into her eyes, stay tactful.
  2. Prepare your speech in advance, do not forget to rehearse it.
  3. Express yourself in simple words, you do not need to extol her as a goddess.
  4. Do not press on the girl, demanding a quick response.
  5. Sometimes shy guys find it easier to write about their feelings in a letter or a poem. Perhaps this option is for you, try using it.
  1. Choosing the right place and time. It is important that the girl is in a good mood and there is an appropriate atmosphere. For example, a romantic dinner or Valentine's Day.
  2. It is better if the girl finds out about your feelings when you are alone with her. In the presence of strangers, even your friends, she will be embarrassed. In addition, in such a situation it is better to admit when you are absolutely sure of the girl's reciprocity.
  3. Your words should be sincere, confident, clear. You do not need to go in from afar, it is better to tell about your feelings right away.
  4. Stay natural, be yourself.
  5. Don't get angry if you are rejected.
  6. Prepare yourself for all possible reactions to your confession.
  7. Take a shower first, be sure to take care of your good appearance.
  8. If you get rejected, offer friendships. Who knows, maybe she will change her mind over time and change her mind.
  9. During the confession, keep looking into her eyes, smile.
  10. If the girl needs to think, let her do it.
  11. You don't need to tell everyone about your feelings for the object of adoration before you admit it to her.
  12. If you were previously connected by friendly relations, and now you want more, then you need to make sure that the girl can look at you differently. Perhaps she needs to change, to become the person she dreams of.
  13. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you can not immediately talk about your love, but simply, when communicating, express compliments towards the girl and watch her reaction. Also, it will not be superfluous to observe how she treats you in everyday life. When you're sure the girl is interested, prepare to confess.

Now you know how to talk about your feelings. Remember that confession should only be made when there is complete self-confidence. Do not forget that the girl has every right to reject you. But there is no need to be silent because of this fear. Remember that this girl may not be your destiny. All is not lost, there are a lot of beautiful girls around.

How to confess your love to a girl so that she cannot refuse? How to convince her of the sincerity of her feelings and fall in love with yourself? Many young people are interested in the answer to this question. If you are going to confess your love to a girl, then the tips that we have prepared for you will come in handy.

Love relationships can be roughly divided into two phases.

In the first phase, one of the partners achieves the location of the other, showing him all kinds of signs of attention. It is not necessary that it is the guy who is active in the first phase, it is just so accepted that a man should seek the woman's love, and not vice versa. In the second phase, the guy and the girl already feel sympathy for each other and often spend time together, which is simply called “meeting”. This stage should not be underestimated, it is during this period that relationships are formed, the so-called "grinding" takes place and later the lovers understand if there is a future for their relationship. In the phase of constant meetings, it is necessary to prove your feelings and demonstrate love in every possible way, so that the relationship, which did not even have time to become family, does not become boring and does not crack. We will talk about how to confess your love to a girl during the above two phases of the relationship.

But, nevertheless, we have no right to miss the third, the one that begins with the words "yes", said to the guys and the girl at the altar. In the best case scenario, this phrase lasts a lifetime, but in order for the union to be strong, and the most rosy predictions to be confirmed, you need to confess your love not in word, but in deed, your soulmate needs to be as often as possible.

Now let's get to the point.

How to confess your love to a girl you like?

If you are in love with a colleague, girlfriend, friend, acquaintance of acquaintances, or just the first girl you meet on the street who agreed to drink coffee, and are more than sure that she is exactly the person you do not want to let go of your life, then you need to think about how to initially confess your love to a girl.

If it is easy for you to contact the object of love by phone or the Internet, then you need to use one of the communication methods and invite the girl for a walk around the city. Surely in your city there is a large number of beautiful and romantic places where you can confess your love. When the girl has agreed, try to tune her in the right way in advance. Be caring and don't be mean. Take her to places with amorous connotations. For example, in Kiev, the bridge of love is considered a symbol of lovers. If you invite a girl to walk along it, she will immediately tune in to the desired wave.

It is advisable to confess to a girl in love at a well-chosen moment. If she allows you to kiss herself, then recognition immediately after the kiss will become very relevant. At the same time, make sure that you are in a beautiful entourage, usually girls appreciate the romantic component in such moments.

This method is perfect for schoolchildren and young men who are not averse to remembering their childhood. A declaration of love to a girl in the form of an almost classic inscription on the asphalt under the windows of her beloved "I love you" is, perhaps, a little boring way to confess a girl's love, but it has not lost its charm for decades. You can also buy balloons with letters and keep them in the right order under the windows of your beloved. Or you can launch a specific fireworks in her honor, which will outline the desired inscription in the evening sky. The main disadvantage of this method is that you will not see the girl's reaction.

Recently, communicating with people in the Internet space has become commonplace for everyone. The web is deeply embedded in our way of life. Even if this is not always good, virtual communication can in many ways make our life easier. For example, using the Internet, you can confess your love to a girl. Just forget about the platitudes, no sweet messages in VK or ICQ, no hearts on the wall. Try to be original. For example, record a video of a declaration of love for a girl and dedicate a song to her. Or write a verse in her honor (but only if you really have a very tolerable talent for poetry). When she sees the confession and responds to it, just invite her to meet and talk live.

How to confess your love to a girl with whom you are already in a relationship?

Someone will ask, they say, why? She already knows that I love her. Let's try to destroy your confidence. Girls are creatures who always doubt everything and can cheat themselves on all sorts of "buts". Therefore, if you want the cockroaches in the girl's head not to rebel against you, do not forget to confess your love to the girl. Where and how? Yes everywhere, for example:

- in bed, whispering affectionate words in her ear;

- in the company of friends, holding her hand, opening doors for her, affectionately embracing;

- anywhere in private, be it a cafe, nature or home environment;

- when she is angry;

- when she is nervous or worried.

It is not so important how you confess your love to a girl, it is much more important that your feelings are sincere. But do not be annoying, words of love are usually pronounced in an impulse, otherwise - they are not very hard to believe in. So, for example, avoid saying the phrase "I love you" after the girl has complied with your request, otherwise she will decide that you love her solely because she is ready to help you. But during a quarrel, on the contrary, it is highly recommended to confess to a girl in love. Firstly, you will be able to confuse her for a short time, which will help to settle the conflict. And secondly, even if it flares up again with an arsenal of claims against you, then it is guaranteed that its tone will become softer, and your chances of fighting back will increase.

Remember, words are not as important as actions are. Your care for the girl, the desire to cheer her up, affection is the best declaration of love.

In any case, do not be shy about your feelings, do not be afraid of rejection and try to win your loved ones.

How to confess your love to a girl? Falling in love occurs suddenly at first sight or after many years of communication and friendly gatherings, this feeling can sneak up quietly and gradually, or it can cover with an avalanche of surprise. How the process of falling in love proceeds and your temperament will determine whether the chosen one will guess about the feelings that have arisen in her direction. After all, whether it is worth confessing love to a girl depends on whether she notices your feelings, whether it gave rise to thinking about the possibility of further relationships. Even if she is busy, you recently had a strong fight or she is not eager to communicate - recognition can turn her attitude towards you, since many girls hide their feelings and wait for the first step from the guy.

Prepare for the conversation in advance, even if for her it will be like spontaneity and impromptu. Think over the time and place, find out the girl's life situation in order to correct your actions or possibly postpone them until better times (if she has a misfortune, then she is unlikely to be able to adequately perceive romantic proposals), or, on the contrary, accelerate (if she is thinking about moving to another city just because no one keeps her here).

A lot of other feelings, because of which people condemn themselves to, also become a hindrance in direct and honest recognition. Of course, it is necessary to realistically assess your chances, but it is pointless to refuse recognition for fear of rejection. Think about what you will lose by not taking the first step or taking it, and then evaluate the possible gains in either case. Perhaps you decide to change the strategy or charm your beloved by the fact that you will communicate more, and not go straight ahead with recognition, but you will have to talk about feelings, and it is better to do it yourself and first than to wait for such a question from the girl.

How to confess your love to a girl if you are shy?

Shyness arises from ignorance of the situation, the girl herself and her needs. Simply approaching and confessing to someone whose image is invented, and not recognized in live communication, is a difficult task and has an unlikely chance of success. Whether it is worth confessing love to a girl depends on your level, but I would like to note in advance that the girl is unlikely to understand what is happening if there are no signs of attention from you.

Initially, make sure that she notices you from the rest of the environment, show signs of attention, look after, often communicate on interesting topics. At the same time, she will get used to you, and you will become closer, and accordingly the level of awkwardness in recognition will decrease.

Due to strong excitement, because the situation of recognition is a very emotionally significant event, even experienced speakers forget the words or start talking complete nonsense, and confident leaders or athletes catch themselves shaking their knees and sweating their palms. So that the recognition does not spoil your own experience, try to present the conversation in as much detail as possible, perhaps rehearse, and it is better to build the text in a monolithic affirmative form so that you do not have to wait in the middle for the girl's answer to some non-main question (such moments can be great to knock off the mood and increase the level of anxiety, which will pull up the embarrassment and nullify everything).

If there is nowhere to gain courage for a personal conversation, then beautiful and romantic distant declarations of love remain. The options are varied: send a bouquet, toy, decoration by courier with a note attached, which informs about your feelings, or send a beautiful postcard signed by your hand; leave a message at her house in the form of balls on trees, an inscription on the asphalt, a custom-made banner posted. Having caught your fantasy of remote recognition, give up the help of SMS, messages in social networks and applications, do not ask to transfer common acquaintances. Such methods will convey information to the girl, but are unlikely to cause an emotional response; for some sensitive persons, such confessions may offend or be perceived as a joke. The sphere of love for girls is extremely important, so do everything so that you do not think about little importance for you - she should see that you have made an effort.

And, of course, a declaration of love without a personal presence is suitable for the initial reconnaissance step, and if the girl reciprocates you, and you meet in person, then repeat, looking into her eyes. Now you have nothing to be ashamed of, because she knows about your feelings and came to the meeting, and she will be pleased to make sure of the validity of your intentions.

How beautiful is it to confess your love to a girl?

Faced with a situation where the decision to open up has already matured and asks for implementation, the next moment comes when the guy chooses the most beautiful and authentic ways of recognition. Before this step, think about your own feelings several times, since girls perceive such confessions differently than guys, while for guys such a confession can be an invitation to a summer affair, a girl can perceive it as an early marriage. Of course, not all situations have such a significant difference, but girls definitely take such words much more seriously than guys, and if this is not love for you, it is better to just shower it with compliments and attention, but not confessions. If you have thought it over and realize your feelings quite seriously, then your chosen one deserves a beautiful recognition.

Most of all, girls like your confidence and full attention in her direction, so when uttering a confession, look her in the eyes. Not only do not everyone withstand long-term visual contact, but also when revealing their feelings and when worrying about future fate and its answer, this becomes an extremely difficult task, but it will be worth it. No flowers or crazy deeds will make up for such a look.

Decide on the place of recognition. There is no unequivocal advice on how best to confess your love to a girl, but each place has its own characteristics. If you choose a public place, then it is worth confessing loudly, openly, possibly involving people around you in the process. Such a performance will amaze the girl, perhaps embarrass her, the support of society will obviously be provided to you, because the guy is a daredevil and well done and few people can do that, and your princess simply cannot refuse. If, in a crowded place, you confess quietly and imperceptibly, so that it is only noticeable to the girl, then doubts about whether you are ashamed of her are inevitable. When you are not ready for such a large-scale and audience-filled recognition, it is better to choose cozy places, quiet cafes, lonely shops in public gardens, so that there are no people nearby. Do not say much, in a quiet, but firm and calm voice, as if this is a familiar state of affairs and there is no secret or discovery in it. Show endurance and strength of character and do not burn her with an expectant look in search of a mutual response to recognition, give the girl the opportunity to realize what has happened, to cope with her own feelings and unexpectedness, because the discovery of another person's feelings can come as a surprise.

How to confess your love to a girl in an original way?

The girl was chosen, the decision was deliberate, the words were found, but what to do when you do not want to act according to all the boring patterns or in a situation if you fell in love with a beauty who receives a lot of confessions every week. The issue of original recognition is quite relevant and requires courage and imagination in implementation. Start in your search for an option from the preferences of your chosen one, any information about her preferences will help: at a concert of your favorite band, you can ask for a minute at the microphone for recognition, your favorite writers and poets will help you find the right words, her desires and dreams will help formulate plans for the future, preferences in places and food will give room for choice of location.

Your personal skills and creativity will also help to arrange an original declaration of love. With the right word, you can devote a poem, a fairy tale, a story to her - what you know best and can do. Decorate your text beautifully - you can steam it off with a letter (ordinary paper mail, from which you have already grown out of the habit and do not expect to receive it), publish it in a separate booklet for her, or connect your friends (let the musicians perform the song, and the actors play the play you wrote). You can work with photographs by creating a photo book, posting a photo of it with recognition on a banner opposite the house; they will help you arrange a joint photo as a puzzle, calendar, painting.

Use goodies not only as a gift to accompany your text, but as an independent element of recognition. You can put many little notes with confessions attached to each candy in a box of chocolates, and in a cafe you can agree in advance about decorating a dish or coffee ordered by a girl with words of your love.

In addition to beautiful words read in magazines and heard in films, add a piece of yourself to a love confession. Make your beloved laugh with your jokes or remember joint funny situations, you should not make a frozen official procession out of such a serious event, maintain lightness. Express yourself in your own words, and do not change your usual speech with someone else's text (guys who usually speak slang, confessing their love, begin to express themselves in the literary language of the eighteenth century, than they make the girl think more about whether everything is normal with him than immerse herself in the experiences of what is happening ).

And finally, an extremely rare option, suitable for those who have already seriously decided everything, is to arrange a walk date for her, bring her to the registry office, where she can propose marriage, naturally accompanying her with a declaration of love. A risky, original, bold act, which, despite its surprise for a girl (get ready to catch her and nervous), often ends in a happy life together.

Many young people come to me with the question of how to confess love to a girl so as not to make mistakes. However, I am not inclined to such a formulation of the question, and I think that you should not confess your love to a girl, at least for the time being. In this article, I will tell you how best to confess your love to a girl, and when it is best to do it, as well as why you should not rush into it.

When and how to confess your love to a girl?

I must say right away that I am not at all against love and warm relationships, as it might seem. In general, love is an amazing force, due to which people perform feats and even go to death, but sometimes they do something bad. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether he needs love in its pure form or not. I’m just trying to explain how to confess your love.
But first of all, I would like to define the concept itself. In my opinion, love represents mutual sympathy and sexual attraction at the same time. At the same time, love on the one hand gives strength, and on the other gives rise to weakness. And I'll explain why now. Strength or even power appears on the side that is most loved - very often it is a girl. A the one who loves more and invests more in relationships becomes weak or dependent. The vast majority of men who ask how to confess really believe that their relationship is unique, and the girl is the only one in the world and the best. However, this is far from the case, and almost always everything works according to the principle I described above. Therefore, you should thoroughly think about whether you should confess your love to a girl first, and get into the position of an addict? However, you should not be very afraid of a serious relationship, you just need to start building them correctly. And I will try to help you with this. Tip one: don't do anything until you've slept with her. That is, first seduce the girl, and then - if you want - confess any feelings. In fact, very often after having sex with a girl for the first time, your perception of her as an object of attraction changes somewhat. It becomes more accessible and less attractive to you. Therefore, it may happen that you realize that this is not love at all, but simply the desire to possess, which you satisfied, and, in general, calmed down. And if you don’t do this, but will only think about how to admit to the girl that you like her, then after you do this, it’s not a fact that you will succeed. Or she will generally reciprocate you, and not just promote or offer to remain friends. In general, I can simplify my advice: if you understand that you have a crush on a girl, that is, she is attracted to you emotionally and sexually, then, before admitting this, and even more so, throwing such strong words as “love” at first gotta lure the girl into bed. Moreover, if you ignore this advice on how to confess your feelings to a girl, you can often get something like “let's stay friends” from your girlfriend. Even more often you can hear this about the one for which you languish, and do not know how to declare their love. After all, even if she likes you a little, you yourself immediately throw the balance of importance on her side. If you are just dating, and you are doing well, is it worth confessing your feelings to a girl? You must first clarify everything for yourself: what do you want from this relationship... If you are really good with this person, then why not. And if you are just having a good time, but, in principle, are not against romance, then make sure that the girl confesses her feelings to you first. Therefore, here are some more tips to help you understand when and how best to confess your love to a girl:

How to confess your love to a girl: conclusion

At the end, a couple more thoughts on this topic that may be useful in a given situation. If you are not a professional pick-up artist, and you do not know how to properly confess your love to a girl, then do not shy away from the advice of guys who have a lot of experience in communicating with the opposite sex. In general, it is always very useful to have such a friend: practice shows that any situation is better visible from the outside. Maybe you just think that you have an ideal relationship, and it's time to confess your feelings to her. And your friend sees that she's just manipulating you.

Second, it is always helpful to have an alternative. I'm not talking now about dating two or three girls at once. You just might have a good relationship with a hint of possible sequel or sex. As I said above, a woman always feels that she has a rival, no matter what status she is. This motivates her, makes her fight for you, and she herself thinks about how to correctly confess her love in order to lasso you.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls