How does a spontaneous miscarriage occur at an early stage. Early miscarriage condition. Symptoms of an early miscarriage. Abnormal development of the embryo

Symptoms of a miscarriage in early pregnancy are pain and bleeding. How the situation can develop with the threat of termination of pregnancy and the direct expulsion of the ovum from the uterus, we will tell further. You also need to remember the measures of emergency self-help to your body and when you need to urgently consult a doctor.

About pain

Usually women describe their feelings as those that occur with painful menstruation. That is, these are spasms, severe aching pain. But which is usually quite easily removed with the help of antispasmodics.

Expectant mothers should know that early miscarriage may have signs or symptoms in the form of pain, but they are by no means basic. Every woman should have No-shpa (or its equivalent) and rectal suppositories “Papaverine hydrochloride” in her medicine cabinet. In case of pain, they need to be used. And if the pain is prolonged or recurs regularly, this requires consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist.


When there is a detachment of the ovum, even a small, incomplete one, bloody discharge appears. Moreover, the fewer there are, the more favorable the forecast is usually. Do not believe that vaginal blood is normal in the first trimester. There are no monthly periods during pregnancy! And if you do not pay attention to this symptom, and it is very serious, you can lose your child. At the same time, a woman does not always experience pain.

By the way, brown discharge is equated with scanty bloody. The brown color of the discharge is due to the small amount of blood that gets into it.

But at the same time, the doctor must correctly diagnose. After all, the blood may not be due to detachment of the ovum, but diseases of the uterus or cervix, as well as ectopic pregnancy.

The diagnosis of "threatened miscarriage" is made if a woman has pain in the lower abdomen or lower back and / or scanty spotting.

Symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage "in progress", that is, when it has already begun and it is impossible to correct the situation, it is still an enlarged cervical canal, into which the ovum is lobbed. A miscarriage before 12 weeks of gestation is almost always complete. That is, after a few days, the uterus is completely reduced, and the bleeding stops even if the uterus was not curetted.

What else you need to pay attention to

There are also signs that may indicate a frozen pregnancy or an existing threat of miscarriage. It is a relaxed, painless breast that suddenly shrinks slightly. Also suddenly ended toxicosis, which just yesterday reminded of itself with nausea and vomiting.

Some women during pregnancy continue to do tests and get tested for hCG. So, if the test becomes negative, the level of hCG in blood tests is much lower than normal, or even less so - this is a bad symptom.

How to treat threatened abortion

The main drug is progesterone. The drugs "Utrozhestan" and "Duphaston". It is recommended to take them at least until the middle of pregnancy, if there really is a threat of miscarriage.

Plus, for abdominal pain, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed. They are usually taken symptomatically.

If there is spotting, hemostatic drugs may be prescribed. In such cases, treatment is always carried out in a hospital setting.

A miscarriage, also known as a spontaneous abortion, occurs when the pregnancy does not develop until the 20th week. Miscarriages are fairly common and occur in about 25% of pregnancies. To determine if you've had a miscarriage, you must evaluate risk factors and look for symptoms such as severe vaginal bleeding and pain. It can sometimes be difficult to determine if there has been a miscarriage, as some symptoms can occur with healthy pregnancies, so if you have the slightest suspicion, you should see your doctor. Always see your doctor if you suspect you have a miscarriage.


Part 1

Causes and symptoms of miscarriages

    Why miscarriages occur. Miscarriages often occur early in pregnancy. Chromosomal abnormalities are considered the most common cause of miscarriages, and in such cases, a woman cannot do anything to prevent the situation. The risk of miscarriage decreases after the thirteenth week of pregnancy. By this time, usually all pregnancies with chromosomal abnormalities are terminated. The risk of miscarriage is higher in the following cases:

    • Age. The risk of miscarriage in women aged 35-45 is about 20-30%, and in women over 45, the risk of miscarriage increases to 50%.
    • Severe chronic diseases such as diabetes and lupus increase the risk of miscarriage.
    • Uterine abnormalities, including scarring, increase the risk of miscarriage.
    • Smoking, drug and alcohol use can also lead to miscarriage.
    • Women who are overweight or underweight are more likely to miscarry.
    • Women who have had a miscarriage have a higher risk of recurring miscarriage.
  1. Check for vaginal bleeding. Heavy vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of a miscarriage. They are often accompanied by severe pain similar to those experienced during menstruation. The blood from such bleeding is usually brown or bright red.

    Pay attention to vaginal discharge. Symptoms of a miscarriage may include pink-white vaginal discharge, which may contain tissue particles. If your discharge looks like tissue particles, it could be a symptom of a miscarriage. In this case, you are advised to see a doctor as soon as possible.

    Pay attention to pain. Any pregnancy can be accompanied by various pains. During a miscarriage, as a rule, lower back pain occurs, they can vary in intensity, from mild to very severe. If you have lower back pain, see your doctor as soon as possible.

    Pay attention to pregnancy symptoms. Often pregnancy is accompanied by many symptoms, and they are all associated with hormonal changes in the body. If pregnancy symptoms have subsided, it could be a sign of a miscarriage and that hormone levels are returning to their normal "pre-pregnancy" levels.

    • If you have had a miscarriage, then you will probably notice that you do not feel sick in the morning, your limbs do not swell, and your breasts have become less painful. With a normal pregnancy, all of these symptoms disappear after 13 weeks, along with which the risk of miscarriage is reduced.
    • Symptoms and their severity vary from one pregnancy to another. If you notice any dramatic change in your condition, then see your doctor.
  2. See your doctor to confirm or deny that you have had a miscarriage. See a GP, gynecologist, or emergency room to confirm or deny that you had a miscarriage. Even if you experience all of the above symptoms, chances are that the fetus survived - it all depends on the type of miscarriage.

    • Depending on the length of your pregnancy, your doctor may need to do a blood test, perform a pelvic exam or an ultrasound scan to help determine the viability of the fetus.
    • If you have heavy bleeding in early pregnancy, your doctor may ask you not to come to your appointment, unless you want to.

Part 2

Miscarriage treatment
  1. Different types of miscarriage. Miscarriage occurs differently in different women. In some cases, the tissues leave the body very quickly, in other cases the process takes a long time and is accompanied by various difficulties. There are several types of miscarriages:

    Tell your doctor if bleeding has stopped spontaneously. If you have had heavy bleeding that has gradually gone away on its own, and you are in early pregnancy, then you probably do not need to go to the hospital. Many women prefer not to go to the hospital or clinic once again, but to relax at home. Usually there is nothing to worry about if the bleeding has stopped within 10-14 days.

    See your doctor if bleeding does not stop. If you have heavy bleeding or other symptoms of a miscarriage, and you are not sure if the miscarriage was complete or incomplete, your doctor may recommend the following:

    Watch for symptoms. If the bleeding continues for longer than the doctor told you, you need to seek help. If you experience any other symptoms, such as chills or fever, call your doctor or go to the hospital as soon as possible.

  2. Get psychological help. A miscarriage early in pregnancy can be emotionally traumatic. It is very important to accept the loss and seek psychological help if needed. Ask your doctor to recommend a specialist to help you manage your grief.

    • There is no definite period when you will feel better - it is individual for all women. Give yourself time to mourn the loss and grieve.
    • When you are ready for a new pregnancy, be sure to talk to your doctor, make an appointment with a doctor who specializes in high-risk pregnancies. This is usually necessary for women who have had two or more miscarriages.

The loss of a long-awaited pregnancy is always a huge psychological trauma for any woman, but if there was a miscarriage in the first pregnancy, then the stress can be even more intense. The main question that worries a woman is why it happened to me, and who is to blame for what happened?

Unfortunately, up to 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages. There are, of course, well-known causes of early pregnancy loss. These include:

  • Genetic abnormalities in the fetus;
  • Violation of the hormonal background in a woman;
  • Some diseases of the reproductive sphere;
  • Viral diseases transferred during pregnancy;
  • Sexually transmitted infections;
  • Stress, trauma, falls;
  • Poor environmental situation.

But in some cases, doctors will not be able to reliably determine the cause of the first miscarriage. And this is also a fact. Therefore, the correct formulation of the question after the tragedy will not be “why did it happen”, but “what needs to be done so that the miscarriage does not happen again”. And this position will be much more productive.

The first signs of a miscarriage

Sometimes a woman may not even notice that she was pregnant. For example, if she had a miscarriage in the first week. A small amount of spotting is very similar to your period, just a little delayed. If a pregnancy test has not been done, it is likely that the first miscarriage will not be known.

In most cases, the causes of early termination of pregnancy are genetic abnormalities of the fetus. These are random chromosomal mutations, due to which the fetus becomes unviable. A miscarriage in the first week is no exception to the rule, and usually it happens almost painlessly for a woman. The longer the pregnancy, the more severe the symptoms may be.

It is worthwhile to be on your guard if you suddenly feel unwell, your temperature has risen, your head is spinning. But the first signs of a miscarriage are the appearance of bloody discharge and pain in the lower abdomen or back.

Depending on the gestational age and on the characteristics of the female body, pain sensations can have different intensities - from cramping regular pains to ordinary sensations like during menstruation. Allocations can also vary in abundance - in some women, they are not too abundant, in others - with great intensity.

If you know that pregnancy has come, but suddenly you stopped feeling its signs (morning sickness, breast swelling), this may also be a symptom of the first miscarriage that is beginning. An urgent need to see a doctor.

How dangerous is a miscarriage in the first pregnancy

By and large, the first miscarriage is no different from those that occur in women who have already given birth. True, if the interruption occurred due to the Rh-conflict between the mother and the fetus, during a miscarriage, mixing of their blood inevitably occurs. This means that with a repeated pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus, antibodies in the mother's blood will begin to be produced faster. However, this is not an obstacle to repeated pregnancy, but only an excuse for a closer control of doctors over it.

If the first miscarriage occurred due to the weakness of the cervix - isthmic-cervical insufficiency - then with a repeated pregnancy, most likely, the woman will be stitched on the cervix or an obstetric unloading pessary will be installed.

Many married couples sincerely believe that after the first miscarriage, it is necessary to try to conceive a child as soon as possible. From the point of view of psychology, this is understandable: immersion in a new pregnancy will help a woman to quickly recover from what happened. But from the point of view of medicine, this step can be very dangerous.

First, the body undergoes a real hormonal explosion during pregnancy. And its abrupt termination also has a very negative effect on the hormonal background. It will take at least 3 months, and sometimes longer, for it to bounce back. Moreover, if the first miscarriage occurred precisely because of a violation of hormone levels, then the woman will need to undergo appropriate therapy.

In many cases, after a miscarriage, a woman has to undergo a gynecological cleaning procedure to remove fetal particles remaining in the uterus. In this case, the upper layer of the endometrium is scraped off. It also takes time and therapy to recover.

If the first miscarriage occurred due to the presence of a woman with sexually transmitted diseases, of course, you need to undergo a full course of treatment not only for her, but also for the sexual partner, and only after repeated tests, make the following attempts to get pregnant.

From the point of view of physiology, it is possible to become pregnant literally immediately after a miscarriage, since it is the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. But this is absolutely not worth doing, as we described above. The risk of miscarriage during repeated pregnancy 1-2 months after the first miscarriage increases dramatically! And if a spontaneous abortion has occurred three times in a row, doctors attribute this to miscarriage. You shouldn't let this happen.

The optimal time for a new attempt to get pregnant is considered to be 6-12 months. However, only a doctor will tell you for sure. During this period, you need to undergo a full examination and treatment, if it is prescribed, and also try not to get hung up on the problem and, of course, lead a healthy lifestyle. Then everything will definitely work out.

Text: Olga Pankratieva

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According to statistics, early miscarriage occurs in 20% of women. Moreover, to understand that the irreparable happened, most of them do not even have time. Spontaneous abortion, as doctors also call the rejection of the fetus by the female body, occurs for up to 12 weeks for various reasons. The main thing that needs to be done in this case is not to miss the symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Read in this article

Causes of spontaneous abortion

What triggers early miscarriages? You should be interested in such a question even before conception. But the information will be useful both to those who have already experienced a nuisance, and to those who only saw two stripes on the test. So, the reasons for a miscarriage in early pregnancy can be as follows:

  • hormonal disruptions (the risk is higher in women with high testosterone);
  • nervous strain, stress;
  • constant ;
  • previous;
  • genetic abnormalities of the fetus caused by mutations at the genetic level;
  • immunological abnormalities, chief among which -;
  • , taking narcotic drugs, using energy drinks;
  • infectious diseases transmitted from a partner;
  • careless, rough intercourse;
  • falls, injuries;
  • lifting weights;
  • mother's age from 35 years and older;
  • taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy.

Only a doctor after a comprehensive examination will be able to say exactly why a miscarriage occurs in the early stages of a particular couple.

Signs and symptoms of onset of fetal rejection

Signs of an early miscarriage should alert the expectant mother anyway. These include aching pains in the lower abdomen. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is far from always clear whether the usual menstruation has begun or whether there really is a threat of breakdown. Especially if the woman herself does not know if she is pregnant. If conception is planned, then the expectant mother should be alerted by strange in consistency or unusual periods. They are usually brown with an admixture of bloody spots.

Do not hesitate to see a doctor! In the event that this is indeed a pregnancy, at the initial stage everything can be stopped and the pregnancy saved. Of course, with heavy bleeding, there is no chance of saving the fetus.

It is very important to know the indirect first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages, in order to at least maintain your health. The following changes will indicate a spontaneous abortion:

  • weight loss;
  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by spasms;
  • violation of the gastrointestinal tract (, nausea);
  • the appearance of a discharge of a strange shade.

The symptoms of a miscarriage in early pregnancy are similar with and with other equally dangerous pathologies. Therefore, it is impossible to postpone a visit to a specialist.

There is an opinion that a couple may have a spontaneous abortion more than once during the entire planning period. This is partly true. Young people can change the situation on their own, simply by examining and undergoing a course of treatment. An early spontaneous miscarriage, the symptoms of which in the first month are very similar to menstruation, often go unnoticed by a woman. If she already knew about her new position and was expecting a child, then after cleaning it is recommended to go to rest, change the situation and gain strength. And after that it will be possible to start anew planning for conception and believe that this time everything will definitely be fine!