How to stretch skinny jeans. How to stretch jeans at home. Jeans shrinkage points

Today jeans gained incredible demand and popularity among the population.

Almost every person has jeans in their wardrobe. that are small in size or short in length.

But you should not throw such a thing away, because denim pants can return a second life using well-known folk methods at home.

Often many girls and guys face a problem short jeans... This is especially true for tall people.

This problem arises due to incorrect specification of the sizes when buying, buying things "blindly" through the network or after washing.

Yes, after washing, jeans have the ability to shrink due to the reduction of synthetic fibers, which have succumbed to the influence of too much high temperature.

Note! Many people think that stretching shrunken and short denim pants is possible only in width, but this is not the case.

It is quite possible to stretch jeans in length and this can be done by the means described below.

Table: ways to stretch denim in length

Method number 1 Step-by-step instruction:
  • Get your pants wet.
  • Dab lightly with a towel. The fabric must be damp.
  • Place the product on ironing board.
  • Cover the item with gauze in one layer. This is to prevent damage from the iron.
  • Pull the leg down with your hand and use your other hand to iron the garment with a well-heated iron on the parallel side.

    The ironing procedure is repeated several times. With an iron, you can quickly lengthen the leg from two to four centimeters.

Method number 2 Step-by-step instruction:
  • Soak the item in boiling water.
  • While it is still warm, pull the pant leg over the cylindrical product.
  • When the garment is dry, the leg will lengthen by 1–2 centimeters.
Method number 3 Step-by-step instruction:
  • Soak the product in cold water.
  • Tie it to an object that is difficult to move.
  • With both hands, stretch the legs by pulling them towards you.
    The last procedure is repeated every half hour until the product is completely dry.

Jeans stretch more difficultly in length than in width. But it is worth considering the composition of the fabric itself.

It is not advisable to expose the stretch to boiling water, it can shrink even more, therefore, for stretch denim pants, it is optimal to choose the first and last way lengthening.

If the pants are tight, then the use of boiling water, on the contrary, is necessary for a greater softening of the fibers of the fabric.

If the product is made of denim (a stiff fabric for making jeans), then any of the above methods is suitable.

Stretch wide quickly

If the pants are too tight, then you should stretch them wide.

Stretching methods in width:

  1. In the calves. If the pants that are narrowed at the bottom have become too small for you, then sprinkle the pants with water from a spray bottle and smooth them 2-3 times in width.
  2. In the hips. Small jeans in the thighs are enlarged through the adoption of water treatments.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Put on a thing.
  • Bathe them fairly wet.
  • Wear until dry.

If jeans small in the thighs or legs, do in wet pants physical exercises: Squats, lunges, leg raises for stretching.

Important! The steaming method is also suitable for increasing the size. But it is worth remembering that immediately after steaming, you will need to put on your trousers.

The thing is that under the influence of hot temperatures, the fibers become more elastic and after using the iron, you need to fix the result so that the fibers do not come together again.

In the belt

It is most difficult to stretch denim in the belt because of the design features of the thing.

But there are four ways to help stretch jeans at the waist:
1. Stretching underwater.
2. Steam ironing of the belt of wet pants.
3. Sewing on additional buttons... This method helps to increase the size of the denim.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The button is sewn opposite the original button of the product.
  • After putting on the thing, both buttons are fixed with an elastic band.

This method helps to increase the volume of the product in the waist over a few socks. When you feel that the sewn-on button is no longer needed, it will need to be sewn off the denim.

4. Using an expander. This device is inserted into the waistband of wet denim pants. These devices have several modes.

You can adjust the width in them. Initially, the expander is set to the minimum width, then the length scale is increased as necessary to achieve the required volume.

Rules for preventing shrinkage

Often people are faced with a problem not suitable size due to the purchase of a new item of the wrong size.

This is especially true if the product was purchased via the Internet. In this case, new jeans should be stretched immediately after it became clear that the item does not fit as it would like.

Note! Everyone agrees that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences after washing in the form of jumping and decreasing the size, you need to properly monitor the thing.

Table: rules for the care and washing of denim

Ways to "reduce" denim

Often there is a situation when a girl has lost weight and her jeans are stretched. In this case, you should also not despair, because denim can not only be stretched, but also pulled together.

Since denim happens different types (cotton jeans, natural denim, stretch and "Shrink to fit"), then for each of the types own way of tightening the fabric:

  1. You can pull off the shrink to fit fabric only through the initial washing and drying on a person.
  2. Stretch is difficult to pull off. If after washing in hot water, the product does not shrink, then you should think about how to sew in trousers.
  3. Cotton pants and natural denim can be pulled together in the following ways:
  • Wash in hot water at 90 degrees.
  • Drying clothes under a heat fan. Under the influence of hot air, the thing shrinks in size.
  • Bathing in a product in the bathroom. After that, you should take a hairdryer and dry your jeans on yourself.

These methods help to pull together all the parts of the thing. The bathing method will help even if protruding knees appear on the trousers.

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The basis of jeans is cotton fibers. To give softness and elasticity, manufacturers add to them synthetic materials: lycra, viscose and elastane. This allows the jeans to be stretched at home without harming the garment. To make the pants fit exactly on the figure, simple improvised means and proven methods will help.

Denim is an elastic material that deforms. This is easy to take advantage of if the pants have become tight and uncomfortable.

With the right action, the product can be stretched in length, width and made so that it fits exactly on the figure.

New trousers are often uncomfortable in the first days after purchase. In order for them to sit exactly on the figure, they need to be carried, which takes time. You can speed up the process just by doing exercises.

After vigorous exercise such as squats, bends, leg swings, the stretch fabric will stretch quickly.

The result will be much more effective if you dampen your pants with warm water from a spray bottle before charging.

An old effective way to treat jeans is to wash them to stretch. The principle of such stretching is simple: you need to put on trousers and sit in a bath in warm (but not hot) water. When the item is completely wet, you should walk around the house in it until it is completely dry. Cotton fabric will stretch to the desired size, and the product will fit exactly on the figure.

Mechanical impact - the best way stretch out skinny jeans across the entire width. For use this method an assistant will be needed, since it is impossible to cope with such a task alone.

You need to take 2 long ropes and thread them through the legs. Taking the ends of the threads, stretch the jeans in both directions, pulling the fabric tightly. It is important not to overdo it in the process so as not to tear the fabric.

If the pants have become small at the waist, they can be expanded using an iron, a special device called the "Belt Stretcher" and simple improvised items.

You need to take an iron with a steam generator and process the jeans in the steaming mode in the belt area. Under the influence of temperature, the fibers will expand, and the cotton fabric will become more pliable and elastic. When the thing is slightly moistened, you need to put it on and walk in it until it is completely dry.

This is a special device designed to stretch elastic fabrics. The device can be purchased online or at specialized store for the sale of equipment for dry cleaners, sewing ateliers and clothing repair shops.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. 1. You should first take measurements in order to know to what mark you need to stretch the belt.
  2. 2. Jeans should be fastened with a button and a zipper, then wet the problem area.
  3. 3. A special device must be inserted into the belt, fixed and gradually increased to the right size.

If you don't have a belt stretcher on hand, you can replace it with books, bottles, or even furniture.

The principle of operation is the same: in wet, buttoned jeans you should insert as many books as can fit in the belt to failure.

You can take a plastic bottle, fill it with water, and also place it in your jeans by stretching the fabric. The back of a chair can be an analogue of such items if its width corresponds to the desired size of the belt.

If the jeans have become narrow at the bottom of the calves, you can make them looser using an iron with a steam generator function. The treated area will quickly stretch under the influence of hot humid air, and you can fix the result by wearing trousers. Another effective way is to pour boiling water over the problem areas of the fabric, and then pull the trousers over the jars of the desired width.

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Jeans shrink after improper drying or washing. Since manufacturers often add synthetic fibers (elastane, viscose, lycra) to cotton products, they shrink under the influence of high temperature. Thus, the wardrobe item becomes shorter in length. Stretch jeans can be stretched by mechanical action or ironing.

One person needs to take the pants by the belt, the other by the trousers, then pull the product in different sides... If there is no helper nearby, you need to find a stable object and tie several ropes to it.

Their ends should be tied to the jeans belt, and the legs should be taken in hand and pulled towards you. It is not worth exerting too much physical strength so as not to damage the matter. It is recommended to stretch the item for several minutes.

The procedure can be repeated after an hour.

The iron will help to increase the length by 3-4 cm. Since damp fabric is more elastic, the jeans should be moistened with water, covered with gauze and ironed, pulling the fibers downwards with the tip of the iron. The temperature of the appliance should not be at its maximum, so as not to damage the fabric. After this treatment, the pants are guaranteed to get longer.

If the jeans became small, but the stretching methods did not bring desired result, you can make them one size larger with your own hands using a sewing machine.

You can embroider trousers using fabric inserts, stripes. It is advisable to choose a dense material that would be combined with jeans. Algorithm:

  • The pants need to be turned inside out and ripped at the sides with a sewing ripper. Remove all protruding threads from the treated surface of the fabric.
  • Measurements should be taken from the waist and hips in order to understand how much material is missing to the desired size. Following the data obtained, you need to cut off pieces of fabric of the required length and width, adding in addition 2 cm to each detail.
  • One strip needs to be attached to the unbuttoned leg and sewn with a sewing machine. The second leg should be processed in the same way.

After such a transformation, jeans will not only become more comfortable and looser, but also acquire a unique and exclusive design.

This method allows you to increase the width of the thing by 1.5-2 cm. Before work, you need to turn the pants inside out and dissolve side seams v problem areas sewing machine. Chalk or a piece of soap should be used to mark the location of the new seams, sweep and stitch them on sewing machine.

  1. 1. It is recommended that you wash your pants by hand in warm but not hot water. High temperatures provoke fiber shrinkage.
  2. 2. Turn off the spin mode for machine wash. Otherwise, the jeans will become narrower.
  3. 3. It is recommended to dry clothes in a well-ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight. To prevent jeans from shrinking, you should refrain from drying in washing machine, on the radiator and battery.

In order to avoid problems with the loss of shape of jeans in the future, it is recommended that you carefully read the information on the label before purchasing. The manufacturer indicates the exact composition and care recommendations.

Denim is considered the densest, since it does not contain synthetics, but such a material is less elastic than stretch.

Easy ways to stretch your jeans at home can help you save money on buying a new item and make your pants more comfortable. To avoid a similar problem, you should adhere to the basic rules of care and try to buy things by size.


How to stretch jeans at home?

Probably, each of us has a thing in our wardrobe that we cannot part with. Even though she lost her original appearance, has become hopelessly small or large for you, it can take up space in the closet for years. Getting rid of this thing usually gets in the way. pleasant memories, for example, how stunning you looked in it.

How to stretch jeans at home in the belt, in the legs, in the legs

Very often, such a fate lies in wait for your favorite jeans. Finding jeans that will favorably emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws is a great success, which happens quite rarely.

If jeans, which have recently sat flawlessly, suddenly stopped buttoning on you, you can try to increase them by a size or two using methods tested by many generations of fashionistas. Read about how to stretch jeans at home in our today's article.

Jeans can get small for two reasons:

  • The first reason is shrinkage after washing.
  • The second reason is more sad - a sharp increase in weight. If the numbers on the scale remain the same, but your favorite pants are sitting very tight, they most likely sat down after you washed them incorrectly.

Jeans sit in the most different zones... Products made of low-quality material, with a high percentage of synthetic fibers, can "shrink" not in separate places, but completely, or in length or width. Better quality pants fit only in sections. Most often - on the belt, which is why it can be difficult for us to button up jeans after washing.

Another possible problem area is the legs. Skinny jeans such as skinny or slim fit jeans, which include stretch, are most susceptible to this. Therefore, when buying tight trousers, be prepared for the fact that after washing they may become short for you.

There are several available ways allowing you to stretch your jeans at home. We have compiled a selection of the simplest and most effective methods for you.

Denim is cotton fabric which is not very elastic. However, to make jeans fit better, manufacturers have long learned to add various synthetic fibers to denim, which can stretch and contract under the influence of various factors.

The fact that jeans have shrunk is usually to blame for these elastic additives.

The fabric can be stretched mechanically. It will be most effective to do this directly on yourself. Therefore, we pull on jeans and start charging.

We work with our legs: we squat, do swinging, sit on a split, do a bicycle in the air, in general, we recall all the exercises on legs from school physical education lessons.

At first, shrunken fabric will hamper movement, but soon you will feel freer. Continue until you feel as comfortable in the jeans as before.

The fibers will stretch better and retain their shape longer if you wet them first. It's better to soak your jeans on yourself too.

For this procedure, you need to choose a day when it is warm in the apartment, and you are not worried about a cold or other inflammatory diseases otherwise the consequences of such an experiment will be dire.

  1. So, we collect a full bath of water (the water temperature should be comfortable for the body, but not too warm).
  2. Then we pull on jeans and plunge into the bath. You need to sit there for 10-15 minutes to denim well wet.
  3. After leaving the bath, we proceed to physical exercises - we do everything in the same way as in the previous method.

Interestingly, the same method can not only increase the size of jeans, but also reduce them. We wrote more about this in the article on what to do if jeans are stretched.

In dry cleaners, clothing repair shops and sewing ateliers, a special device is used to stretch the trousers in the waist area. In the original it is called the waistband extender, but the people call it simply - "extender".

You can buy such a device in one of the companies that sells equipment for the above organizations.

Using the trouser expander is very easy, you can easily master this device:

  1. First, the fabric on the waistband of the jeans should be slightly moistened with a spray bottle.
  2. Then zip up your pants with all the fasteners, take the expander and insert it inside the belt.
  3. Start gradually stretching the device until the mark stops at the desired value (when starting the process, you need to take measurements from yourself in order to know how wide the jeans should be stretched).
  4. Now, without removing the expander, leave the pants until the fabric is completely dry - this usually takes a few hours.

One more good way stretching denim is exposure to hot, humid air. The source of this air can be an iron or a garment steamer. This method is especially useful if you need to stretch your jeans in one place, for example, at the waist or at the bottom of the legs.

The settled area should be steamed for a few minutes. Gradually, the fibers will begin to straighten, they will return old elasticity... While the pants are still soaked in warm steam, you need to put them on quickly - let them cool down already on you. Wear jeans for an hour and a half to new form managed to fix.

If none of the stretching methods described above helped, then the situation is more serious. The elasticity of the material cannot be restored, therefore, it is necessary to resort to drastic measures.

How to stretch your pants with a jack

To do this, you will have to recall the skills in handling sewing accessories learned in needlework lessons. Dont have to be experienced seamstress, but you need to be at least a little able to work on a sewing machine.

This method will only work if the jeans are only slightly off your size. As a result, you will get an additional centimeter and a half of the width, but not more.

In addition to a sewing machine, you will need:

  • sewing ripper;
  • scissors;
  • crayon;
  • ruler;
  • needle with thread;
  • and a set of pins for sewing.

First, the jeans need to be turned inside out, then using a ripper to gently dissolve the side seams in those places where the trousers have become narrow for you. You may have to cut the product along its entire length - it's okay, it just takes a little more time.

Now you need to outline the location of the new seams, sweep, and then sew on a sewing machine. Thus, you can increase the jeans by half.

The most radical, but also the most effective way to enlarge jeans is to insert stripes into the side seams of the product.

At first glance, it may seem that this way the pants can only be ruined, but if you do everything carefully and choose the material for the inserts successfully, the result will be simply amazing.

The most important thing is to choose the right fabric for the stripes. It should not only go well with jeans in color, but also have the appropriate density.

You will need a little material, strips of fabric 50 cm wide are more than enough.

Then divide the resulting number by two and add 2 cm to the stock. Now you need to cut out two flat fabrics of the required length and width and sew them into the previously opened side seams of the jeans.

If, as a result of improper washing, jeans have decreased in length, and not in width, you can return the lost centimeters using the methods we are already familiar with.

It is recommended to wet the pants before you start stretching. To make the fabric easier to manipulate, you can rinse your jeans in warm water with conditioner - it will soften the material and make it more elastic. After that, the pants need to be squeezed out, but not very hard.

There are many ways to stretch jeans. For example, throw them over the horizontal bar, hook onto them with your hands and hang for as long as you can. Or stretch the pants on the floor, press them with your knees in the hips and pull the pants up with all your strength.

When choosing jeans, pay attention to the composition of the fabric from which they are sewn. The higher the cotton content, the lower the risk that the pants will lose their shape over time.

Any jeans can shrink: both purchased in a discount center and purchased in an expensive boutique. Not only the quality of the material of the product, but also the observance of the rules of care plays a role here.

It is best to wash jeans by hand or in the washing machine on the delicate cycle. Do not wash jeans in hot water or dry them directly sunbeams!


How to stretch jeans at home - length and width, iron and water

Jeans may get small for you after washing, but there are a few easy ways to restore them to their original size. We will also tell you how to properly restore them after shrinkage and what to do to prevent jeans from shrinking in the future.

Why did jeans shrink after washing

Jeans are a piece of clothing, the main component of which is dense cotton fabric. It is recommended to wash them at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, turning them seamy side and buttoning, powder or gel for colored linen.

Denim fabric is pleasant to the body, warms well with temperature changes and allows air to pass through, allowing the skin to breathe. For all its merits, if washed incorrectly, it tends to shrink.

The reason for the shrunken thing may be too high temperature regime, an intensive wash program, eventually the fibers of the fabric change their structure, as a result of which you get jeans that do not converge at the waist.

How to restore jeans after shrinkage

Before you start restoring your favorite denim item, read the rules for restoring it:

  • The higher the cotton content of the trousers fabric, the easier it will be to restore them;
  • If the clothes have sat down after washing, then it is advisable to restore them in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 30 degrees, so that hot water does not damage the synthetic fibers that are part of the denim trousers;
  • For the effect to be positive, it is advisable to use gentle detergents designed for colored linen;
  • In order not to deform the denim fibers, try not to twist the thing too much;
  • It is undesirable to dry jeans under the influence high temperatures or in the sun;
  • Try not to wet the thing for more than half an hour. even if there are heavy pollution as it will be more difficult to stretch;

Observe these simple rules before proceeding with the restoration of shrunken clothes. Next, let's look at how to restore jeans after shrinkage at home in several simple and effective ways.

How to stretch jeans to fit?

It is undesirable to dry jeans under the influence of high temperatures or in the sun

Ways to restore jeans after shrinkage

If you're wondering how to restore your favorite denim pants to their original size, here are some tips to help you get them back in shape. Choose the method that you like best.


  • You will need a spray bottle for this procedure, into which you need to pour clean warm water.
  • Then lay down the item and thoroughly moisturize those areas which needs to be stretched, remembering to keep the inside of the garment moist.
  • Don't forget to stock up on a centimeter or ruler. to see if stretching the damp cloth was effective.
  • If you are stretching at the waist, unfasten it so as not to rip the button off.
  • For best results, wear a damp item and walk in it until it dries. by periodically doing exercises, bends, lunges, and squats.

Stretching in length

  • To stretch jeans in length, moisturize the area below the knee, then lay them on the floor and stand on them, pulling your pant legs towards you. The action must be repeated more than 10 times for the desired result.
  • You can also connect an assistant to the case, which will pull the pant legs with you.
  • Then measure the result and try to wear to see how much they have increased in length.

To stretch jeans in length, moisten the area below the knee, then lay them on the floor and stand on them, pulling the legs towards you.


One of the most extreme ways jeans sizing is soaking.

This way will fit for a thing that has undergone significant shrinkage. To use it, there should be no drafts at home, the room is warm, otherwise you risk getting cold.

First, you need to stock up on at least a few hours of time, prepare an unnecessary towel or cloth to wipe off your wet jeans and oilcloth on which you will sit. If the jeans are new or shed during washing, put on tights under them so that your legs are not stained.

So, let's begin:

  • You put on your pants.
  • Fill the tub with warm water so that it covers your feet completely. Adding is allowed not a large number shower gel or foam, but never try to add detergent or washing powder- it can cause severe irritation skin.
  • Be in the bathroom for a while, about 10-15 minutes, until you feel that the thing is sitting more freely.
  • While the water comes down from the bathroom and drips from the trousers stretching problem areas with your hands.
  • Wipe your jeans with a prepared towel and sit down on the spread oilcloth.
  • For good result do exercises - bends, squats, lunges with legs, or pulling the bent legs up.
  • Wear wet jeans for at least 30 minutes then remove and hang them to dry.
  • After they dry, you need to put on and move around again. After a while they will acquire desired shape and size.


Good helpers in the matter of magnification problem areas the pants are equipped with an iron with a steaming function or a handheld steamer.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Put your pants on the ironing board and identify the areas to be enlarged.
  • Adjust the temperature on your iron not exceeding the one recommended on the product label to avoid damage to the fabric.
  • Iron the right places steaming them thoroughly.
  • Let the pants cool slightly, then put on and do a light warm-up for 15 minutes, you can walk a little.

For better effect the procedure can be repeated.

How to expand jeans at the waist and hips

Adjust the temperature on your iron not higher than the recommended temperature on the product label to avoid damaging the fabric


If you don't like the idea of ​​putting on wet trousers and being in them, there is a special belt expander on sale, on which you can put on the pants soaked in water until they are completely dry.

Instead of a special device, any available means, for example, a strong wooden or metal hanger, can be used to stretch clothes. It is enough to put jeans on it and button it at the waist.

To stretch the item in length, it is enough to tie any weights to the ends of the wet legs. Please note that their weight should be approximately the same so that the ends of the trousers do not acquire different lengths.

other methods

Above, we have listed the basic techniques for increasing the volume of trousers at home. Despite this, there are many effective and interesting ways, for example:

  • Instead of special stretchers for a thing, you can use any available items- books, pillows, water bottles. Additional items can be added to them as needed;
  • Vinegar - to stretch a denim item, you need to take 7% or 9% vinegar, dilute 3 tablespoons in 10 liters of water and soak pants in this solution for several minutes, or moisten the desired areas with a sponge. Then wring it out slightly, stretch it by hand and hang to dry.

What to do to prevent jeans from shrinking

It is unpleasant when a new, carefully selected piece of clothing shrinks after washing. Especially if it was quite tight-fitting and after drying it ceases to fit completely.

To prevent this from happening, follow a few simple rules:

  • Pay attention to the labeling of the product before washing.- there is indicated the recommended temperature and method of cleaning things;
  • To make denim pants stretch and fit better, purchase models with the addition of artificial threads - they are less susceptible to shrinkage and easily stretch;
  • Use mild detergents designed for colored items;
  • When washing jeans, try not to set the temperature to more than 40 degrees.- the likelihood of shrinkage will be lower;
  • Drying trousers is not recommended in direct sunlight or in a tumble dryer - try to avoid high temperatures;
  • Avoid overdrying your trousers.

When washing jeans, try not to set the temperature to more than 40 degrees - the likelihood of shrinkage will be lower

Jeans care rules

So that denim pants will serve you longer and retain their pristine color and shape, there are several simple principles for caring for such a product:

  • As strange as it may sound - do not try to wash the item after each wear. Too much frequent wash accelerates the destruction of cotton and synthetic threads, and the accessories lose their original shine. In addition, over time, the fabric becomes weaker and more prone to tearing and deformation;
  • A good way to keep your garments clean and intact is to hand wash them inside out. Just pour a mild detergent into the bathroom and wash gently. It is not necessary to twist the thing very much after washing, in order to squeeze the water out of them to a drop - this damages them. With this approach, the thing will delight its blooming view and will last longer;
  • To preserve the color of the pants, you can use a mild vinegar solution when washing which will protect them from color loss;
  • Do not wash pants with other things, especially light-colored ones - the darker the color of the pants, the stronger their ability to stain neighboring items during washing.

To comfortably wear denim pants, follow certain guidelines:

  • After the first purchase of the product, it is advisable to wash it. to freshen it up and make the fabric more soft;
  • Before washing a thing, it is recommended to soak it for half an hour;
  • Denim pants are usually washed separately powder or gel for washing previously diluted in water;
  • When washing by hand, it is undesirable to rub heavily soiled areas- lighter spots may remain;
  • Squeeze jeans on a "gentle spin", up to 800 rpm;
  • It is advisable to iron a thing slightly damp, from the seamy side. Then wearing it will become more comfortable, and the fabric will be soft;
  • If the product is prone to shrinkage, it is advisable not to squeeze it but let the water drain naturally and hang to dry;
  • You need to dry your trousers correctly in horizontal position or by hanging them upside down by the ends of the legs;
  • Jeans are not recommended to be dry cleaned- harsh chemicals will quickly turn them into a piece of rag;
  • If you wash the product with your hands- first rinse them with warm water in the shower, at the end - with cold;
  • So that the leather patch on the jeans belt does not deform, it is lubricated with glycerin;
  • It is not recommended to iron pants with front side - with a high degree of probability, shine will appear;
  • If you need a thing to sit down- wash it at 60 degrees and hang it up to dry in a warm place.

If your jeans are shrinking after washing, try some simple and effective ways to give them back old form... However, do not overdo it with stretching - even well-stretched fabric has a limit and can tear. Follow simple rules and the result will not be long in coming.


5 ways to stretch jeans at home

Sometimes it happens that our favorite jeans let us down. One has only to gain at least one extra kilogram or make a mistake with the size when buying and pants that are suitable for all occasions in life do not converge at the waist.

Going out and buying new ones is not always available and not available to everyone, and to lose weight in short term not so easy. Therefore, we are looking for another way out of the situation. And here it is worth thinking well about how to stretch jeans at home.

This is, in principle, a familiar phenomenon, because denim is not only dense, but also elastic and pliable. Therefore, there are several ways to increase the size of your favorite pants.

How to stretch jeans at home using water

As you know, wet fabric lends itself better to stretching and, of course, denim is no exception. Choose places on your jeans that are uncomfortable.

This is usually the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks or the belt of the pants. Spray these areas with water using a spray bottle.

If you don't have one, you can take a spray bottle from one of the out-of-the-box cleaning agents and, having filled it with water, moisten the desired areas.

After making sure that the fabric is wet inside and out, try to gently pull it to the sides with your hands. Also, if you are stretching the area of ​​the hips and waist, you can stand with your foot on a wet place in the pocket and gently pull the opposite part of the pants in the desired direction with your hands.

The procedure can be repeated ten times. At the same time, remember that the button at the waist must be unfastened, because the wardrobe item can tear. Also, do not pull on pockets or zippers on jeans.

It is important to remember that you should not try to stretch the fabric in places where it is thin or where there are holes.

Why are skinny jeans harmful? - Let's explain now!

You can also wear jeans on yourself as much as possible and sprinkle them with water already on the figure. The damp cloth will retain its dry shape. While the pants are wet, it is good to do simple physical exercises: squat, do bends, raise your legs in all directions. The jeans soaked in water should stretch well.

If you wish, you can put on your pants and sit in the bathroom with water. Alternatively, add bath foam there, because detergents soften the fabric well. You need to spend about fifteen minutes in this water so that the fabric is well wet and saturated with the product.

When you feel that the pants have become a little looser, you can stretch them in the right places... You can spend another ten minutes in the water. After getting out of the bath, do some physical exercise and let the fabric dry on your figure.

Jeans that have been stretched in this way will keep the correct size until the next wash.

Please note that wet jeans can start to fade and you will need to try to protect interior items from blue dye.

In the case of stretching jeans, you will have to avoid using dryers, because there they can decrease in size again. Better take them out or go out in them on Fresh air and wait until it dries completely.

It should be noted that such procedures are most likely suitable only for the warm season, because in winter it is not so long to catch a cold.

If there is no desire to walk in wet clothes and you only need to stretch the belt, you can use in the following way stretching. Fill a plastic bottle with water and place it in the waistband of your jeans so that it stretches along the length of the bottle.

In case the bottle is too small, try a glass equivalent from champagne. The height of this bottle is suitable even for very large sizes jeans. Let your pants dry right on the bottle. When you take off your jeans, you will notice how they have changed their size.

Of course, this is also only before the first wash, and then you will have to repeat the procedure again or reset a few extra pounds.

To stretch jeans we use ... an iron

It so happens that we urgently need clean, ironed jeans, and they treacherously sat down after washing. In this case, an iron can help, or rather, steaming with an iron.

If you do not have the appropriate mode, we spray the pants with water from a spray bottle and steam well with a hot iron. Next, while the fabric is still hot, we will try to squeeze into them and walk for about an hour.

The ironed jeans will return to their previous size, because after such ironing they will become softer and more pliable.

To increase the jeans by only one size, use a centimeter. Measure the stretch area before and after the stretch process itself. Compare your results.

Special device: stretcher

Another way problem solving how to stretch jeans at home - purchasing a special device. It is not bulky and not very expensive thing which you will find in stores that sell jeans. It is a rigid frame that expands along the thread.

To stretch jeans with this waist stretcher, they need to be wet hot water, having previously fastened the zipper and a button on the belt and position the stretcher in the place where discomfort is felt in the jeans. Now increase it until the fabric stretches to required size.

All this should be done carefully and slowly, paying attention to the seams so that they do not come apart.

If you don't have a stretcher on hand, you can stretch your jeans using regular books. It's only better to take the old ones either unnecessary books, because they can get wet and deteriorate. You need to insert into the belt of your pants as many books as you can fit there, and then, adding one thin booklet at a time, you can stretch your favorite jeans as much as possible.

How to stretch jeans at home in length

The described methods help to stretch jeans in width, but not in length. So how do you increase their length? Let's figure it out. It's enough too actual question... Especially in families with children.

Everyone knows that they grow quickly and it can happen that jeans that have recently been bought in size suddenly look short.

Again, not everyone can afford to buy new pants every time, so it will be much more economical to stretch them to the length of the house.

Firstly, for this you need to wash your jeans with your hands, because machine wash with very likely will provoke a decrease in the size of the denim. Wash in warm water, not hot water.

At high temperatures, most fabrics can shrink, and denim is no different from others.

When finished washing, try to wring out the pants as much as possible and hang them up so that the remaining water drains off.

Boyfriend jeans DIY trousers Jeans boyfriends

While the jeans are drying, you can pull them several times. This is done near the side seams. Grasp the leg below the knee, where it extends towards the lower leg, and pull down.

If you are stretching an adult's jeans, you can also use following method because big pants are not easy to pull with your hands. Pass a long string through the belt loops, and attach the legs with clothespins to the hanger so that the jeans hang with the belt down.

Pull down on the ropes every half hour and your jeans will stretch. Just be prepared for the fact that by increasing your length, the width of the leg will decrease in them.

What to do if jeans are small, how to stretch

It so happens that jeans shrink after a machine wash, or, simply put, shrink. To keep your pants in shape, you should use detergents that are specifically designed for denim. Or wash them by hand.

In case you bought jeans one size smaller, you can exchange them in the store. And if this is not possible, you can try to carry the item at home, because high-quality denim by itself takes on the shape of your body over time.

Sometimes, in order for jeans to sit well, you should arrange a fasting day for yourself in terms of nutrition, eating only vegetables or kefir. The body gets rid of excess water and thus a couple of unnecessary centimeters at the waist will go away.

You can also ask a friend of a larger size to wear your favorite jeans, which will stretch them a few centimeters. The main thing is to try to make sure that she understands you correctly and does not feel offended.

If the jeans are so small that none of the described methods allows them to be stretched to the required size, you can do this using sewing. We unpick the pants at the side seams and make inserts from denim or some other fabric. This will allow you to enlarge the jeans as needed.

It is quite difficult to choose jeans that would ideally fit in all respects, and girls know about this firsthand. And if the selected pants do not suit you in some way, do not rush to get upset and throw them away. With the help of a little imagination and ingenuity, it will turn out to correct the situation. We hope that our article on how to stretch jeans at home will help you with this.

How to stretch jeans at home: video

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Ways to stretch jeans to the desired size usually become relevant after an unexpected shrinkage of the item and subsequently the wrong wash. A proven option to contact the studio, but the service will not be cheap and will require application additional material, it will somehow differ in color or density, which is undesirable. Before you say goodbye to your favorite thing, throw it away or go on a diet, you can try to cope with the task at home.

Jeans - tight, but elastic fabric therefore lends itself well to small dimensional adjustments.

Sprinkling with water

Beginning to take action, determine the area on the product that you want to stretch. There are usually three or four such areas: thighs, buttocks, waist and calves. Further, the selected areas are sprayed plain water and stretch in width. Spray the product from a spray bottle and only with warm water. The desired area should be wet through and through. If we stretch the area of ​​the hips, we stand with one leg per part near the pocket. We take in our hands the opposite part of the product in the area of ​​the thighs and pull it towards ourselves. We pull the product about 10 times with soft movements.

You can put on the product and spray it with water on yourself. Selected areas must be wet on both sides. Before the stretching process, the product can be measured, even on oneself, for comparison with the parameters after the procedure. After wetting the product, it can be removed and stretched in different directions already on a hard flat surface. The final data is measured after complete drying.

If we stretch the waist area, it is recommended to unfasten the button so as not to tear the jeans. You need to pull on the basis of things, not pockets or decorative elements... After the procedure, the product must be measured with a centimeter and tried on.

How to stretch jeans

In case of insufficient length of the product, you can try to stretch the legs along inner seam below the knee. If there are scuffs or holes (these can be decorative holes or holes that have appeared over time), do not stretch the jeans in these areas, as the product may tear.

While stretching, wet the selected area with water from the outside and inside. Stand with your foot on the dry part of the jeans, i.e. above the knee. Pull the leg gently towards you about 10 times.

Professional shoe stretching products are also suitable for stretching jeans. The product is applied along the entire length of the seams. Next, gently pull the thing in opposite sides also along the length of the seams. If the result appears, apply the product to the legs and repeat the procedure.

In order not to overdo it, in the process of work it is recommended to constantly measure the length of the legs and compare them with each other. If you only need to stretch one dimension, stretch the jeans one to two centimeters and try on.


This method is no longer as easy as the previous ones, because it requires the direct participation of the owner of the thing. We fill the bathroom with warm water. We put on jeans. We sink in jeans in the dialed bath. The method is not suitable only in cases where the product cannot be put on due to its too small size. Foam can be added to the bathroom to help soften the item. Do not use detergents, they can irritate the skin. You need to sit in this position for about 15 minutes. Already during this time, the product will stretch a little and become looser. Next, stretch the fabric of the garment with light movements for another 10 minutes.

To enhance the effect of stretching, as well as to avoid staining the body before the procedure, it can be applied to the legs nutritious cream(not oil based).

We drain the water from the bath, but do not leave it. The fabric should drain slightly and dry. Also, the dye can stain the floor or rug, so wait a little longer. Next, we transplant onto a prepared oilcloth or towel. Exercise your legs to stretch your jeans even better. We remain on the oilcloth or towel until the product is completely or partially dry to maintain the desired size and shape. It is forbidden to dry a thing with artificial heat sources. Drying on the dryer also threatens things with shrinking back in size. Therefore, if it is not difficult, you need to wait until they dry completely in an open space, without removing them from yourself. You can dry the thing a little with a towel, but nothing more.

It is not recommended to buy jeans that are initially small on you in order to further stretch them in accordance with your parameters. For a better fit or natural silhouette. In order, in principle, to stretch a thing and keep its presentation, you need to be able to put it on. Localized stretching can lead to improper deformation, and the item will no longer look as good as it used to be.

If you need a little stretch on your jeans, you can simply hand wash them several times in a row. The thing will keep the desired shape and will increase by one or two sizes.


This method is easier and more accessible than the previous one. It will take an iron, jeans and a little time. We turn on the device, set the steaming mode and iron the jeans. The hot air will slightly enlarge the product. To consolidate the result, you need to walk in warm jeans for a few minutes. This will stretch the product according to the parameters of your figure. You can alternately stretch a damp product and steam or iron it.

This method is not very effective if you want to stretch the jeans lengthwise. However, you can try stretching them by hand after ironing. The hot leg of the product is pulled along the inner and outer seams. We repeat the procedure for several minutes.

A visit to the sauna will also add a few necessary centimeters to the product. The procedure will look rather strange to others, but in fact it is effective. The hot steam around will act on the item like an iron, warming and stretching it to the shape of the body.

You can organize a sauna at home: take a bath with very hot water and achieve a large amount of steam. Put on your jeans and walk around the room for a few minutes. You can stop when you feel freedom between your body and your jeans. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to wear under jeans warm tights or pants.


To adjust the waist area, you can use special device"Belt stretcher". Before using it, the jeans are soaked on the outside and inside. The device is placed in the waist area and fixed. The width of the device should be gradually increased. Stretch denim lends itself well to such operations.

The elasticity of denim is not limitless. The most elastic jeans can be increased by only a few sizes. If the fabric does not give way, do not sharp movements because it won't help. Small jeans can be given to someone, sold, you can go on a diet and strive for a size that fits these jeans, or just buy yourself new ones.

Sometimes, due to weight gain or improper washing, denim pants become small. Don't throw away your favorite wardrobe item. Jeans are made from thick fabric with the addition of synthetic fibers. Therefore, they are able to transfer mechanical impact and stretch in the desired area.

Denim trousers can be small different reasons... The main ones are:

  1. Invalid size. This problem is especially relevant when buying things through online stores. If there is an opportunity to try on jeans, then you must do it without fail. Pants should not hinder movement. It is advisable to purchase tight jeans with a small margin in size, because usually trousers shrink a little after the first wash.
  2. Decrease in size after improper wash. If you choose the wrong washing mode and do not follow the rules for caring for your jeans, that is Great chance the jeans will shrink.
  3. The most sad reason- weight gain. If you happen to add a few pounds, then the trousers will no longer fit as before.

Either way, you can try to stretch the jeans a little. Pants can be increased both in length and width.

In length

Most often, jeans are short. tall people... But sometimes even the right-sized pants get too short after the wrong wash.

It is possible to stretch jeans a few centimeters at home. There are several ways, so everyone can choose the most convenient method for themselves.

Method number 1:

  • ask someone to help pull out the jeans;
  • one person should pick up the trousers, and the other the belt;
  • then you should pull the pants in different directions.

The fabric will stretch over time. However, you need to be careful not to tear the product. At the same time, it is necessary to apply sufficient effort, as denim is a dense material.

Method number 2:

  • if there is no assistant, then you can wet your pants with cold water;
  • several strings or laces should be threaded into the belt;
  • the ropes must be tied to some stable object;
  • then the trousers are pulled by the trousers.

Method number 3:

  • wet your pants with water;
  • put them on a table or ironing board;
  • cover the pants with gauze;
  • heat the iron;
  • iron the product through cheesecloth, while pulling the legs at the bottom.

After that, the denim item may increase in length by 2-4 centimeters.

It is worth remembering that cotton trousers can be ironed at a higher temperature than stretch iron.


You can stretch jeans wide mechanically, using an iron or a special expander.

The simplest method is mechanical action, when the pants just need to be spread. This does not require any aids.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pull the jeans over and try to button them. If the trousers do not fit in any way, then you can lie on your back. The belly will be pulled in and the zipper will close.
  2. When the pants are on, you should start charging. You can squat, bend over, swing, and do other exercises.
  3. At first, the pants will restrict movement, but after a while the feeling of stiffness will go away. When it becomes comfortable and easy in jeans, you can take off the product.

You can speed up the process by wearing warm tights under your trousers.

You can use a special device called the waistband exstender. It is an expander designed to stretch shrunken items in width.

Instructions for use:

  • the belt must be moistened with water;
  • button up jeans;
  • insert an expander into the trousers;
  • gradually increase the length of the device to the required width;
  • wait for the pants to dry and take out the device.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is worth taking measurements from yourself in order to find out how much you need to stretch the thing.

The expander can be replaced with another item of the correct size. For example, a blackboard.

The disadvantage of this method is short-term results. Jeans may shrink back to their original size after the first wash.

Besides tight pants can be stretched with an iron. For this you need:

  • process the belt with an iron in the steaming mode;
  • when the jeans have cooled down a little, you need to put them on and fasten them;
  • then you should wait until the pants are completely dry and stretched.

The heat will make the denim elastic and the pants will fit well.

In the hips

If the jeans are small only in the thighs or groin, then they can be stretched with water. Would need:

  1. Rinse jeans in water and pull them over. In addition, you can put on dry trousers, and only then get into them in a bath of water. Water should be comfortable temperature but not too warm, so that the fabric does not shrink even further.
  2. When your jeans are thoroughly wet, you should get out of the bath and try to exercise in them.
  3. After the movements in the trousers become light and comfortable, you need to take off the thing.

It is worth using this method with caution, as there is a risk of getting sick from wearing wet clothes. You can also encounter allergies to substances that were used to dye denim.

In addition, there is a possibility that the trousers will stretch not only at the hips, but also at the knees.

At the waist

You can make jeans one size larger in the waist in this way:

  • sew on a button with back side from the one that is already on the trousers;
  • both buttons must be pulled together with an elastic band;
  • then put on the pants on yourself;
  • walk like that for several hours.

Then you can zip up your pants and sit down several times. This will take hold of the effect.

In calves

The situation when jeans are small in calves is less common, but it is still possible.

In this case, ironing the legs with an iron will work well while stretching the fabric. This method has already been described above.

You can also use this method:

  • pour boiling water over trousers;
  • immediately pull the legs over glass jars;
  • wait until they dry.

Jeans are not the most elastic material. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase trousers of a suitable size and wash them correctly. If the pants are still small, you can stretch them with the help of available tools.

Sometimes in life there are situations when you need to stretch jeans at all costs. For example, if you have gained a couple of extra pounds, and the sides hang treacherously over the waist of your jeans. Or if you overestimate yourself in the store and bought pants one size smaller. Yes, and in the end, if denim pants just sat down during the wash so that they no longer fasten at the waist. In all these cases, you need to try to stretch the pants so that they increase by at least half a size.

I would like to note that jeans stretching is a fairly common phenomenon, since it is a dense, elastic and strong fabric. So how do you stretch jeans at home? Here are some effective ways.

Water procedures

Everyone knows that wet fabric is malleable, especially if it's jeans. You need to put on jeans at least partially and spray them with water from a spray bottle. During warmer months, you can walk around the house in wet jeans until they are completely dry. Usually, a wet cloth dries up and "remembers" the shape in which it dried. If it is winter outside, it is better not to carry out such experiments - you can quickly get sick in wet clothes.

When you are wearing wet jeans, you need to exercise to stretch the denim as much as possible. To do this, squat down, do squats and bends, raise your legs in all directions. Wet jeans stretch well.

Avid fashionistas share the following recipe for stretching jeans. You need to put on your pants and sit in them in the bath. After that, you need to move as much as possible in wet clothes and let them dry right on the figure. The size obtained by the jeans will remain until the next wash.

If you don't want to sit in wet clothes, especially since you only need to stretch the belt, you can use following advice... Fill the eggplant with water and put it in the belt so that it is stretched as much as possible. If the waist is greater than the height plastic bottle, find glass analogs from champagne - the height of such a bottle is suitable even for the largest jeans sizes. Leave the jeans to dry directly on the bottle. When you take off your dry pants, you will see that the waistband has become slightly wider. Of course, this procedure must be carried out after each wash. Or maybe by that time you have already lost a couple of extra pounds?

Warming up with an iron

If after a few hours you need to shine in denim pants and dry the usual way jeans have significantly decreased in size, iron will help.

To do this, spray water on the jeans with a spray bottle and steam the pants thoroughly. When the jeans are still hot, pull them over. Smoothed out folds and roughness will add volume to the garment. In addition, after ironing, the fabric remains soft and pliable, which allows it to stretch without problems. Walking for an hour after ironing your pants will bring the item back to its original size.

Special devices

In stores where they sell denim, there are special devices that allow you to increase denim clothes half a size. They are not as bulky and expensive, so you can purchase them yourself. Such a device is a rigid frame, which increases in size with the help of a thread.

To stretch jeans, you need to soak them in hot water, fasten them with a zipper and a button, place the frame in the place where stretching is required (for example, in the belt area). Thereafter, the belt stretcher must be increased until the fabric is as stretched as possible. Keep in mind that you need to stretch your jeans slowly and carefully. Watch the seams so they don't come apart.

When stretching jeans in this way, it is best not to overdo it, otherwise you will get too wide belt and the procedure will have to be repeated again. It is best to fix the position of the stretcher that matches the desired jeans size.

If such a device is not at hand, you can stretch the belt using ordinary books. It will be better if you use old and unnecessary books for this, because they can get damp and deteriorate. Insert as many books into the belt as you can fit. By adding one thin booklet in the middle, you will stretch the denim as much as possible.

How to stretch jeans to length

Most often, jeans "fit" in the waist and in length. We figured out how to stretch jeans in the belt, now let's look at how to stretch jeans in length. This becomes especially true for children's clothes. Children under five grow at an incredible rate and jeans bought a couple of months ago in size may look short today. So that the pants do not look "shot", and the parents could put on jeans bought for a lot of money on their children for some time, they need to be stretched along their length.

To do this, wash your jeans by hand. Machine wash creates all the prerequisites for the pants to sit down. Wash denim pants in warm water. You shouldn't use hot water - most fabrics shrink in hot water, and jeans are no exception. After washing, wring out the pants as much as possible and hang them up so that all the water is glass. Stretch the jeans several times as you dry. It's very easy to do with kids' jeans, but adults are not light enough to stretch them by hand. For stretching big jeans, thread the string through the belt loops. Fasten the legs with clothespins on the hanger and every half hour pull the pants down by the ropes. Wet denim stretches well. However, when you stretch your pants in this way, be prepared that they will become narrower as they increase in length.

In order for jeans washed in the washing machine to no longer lose their shape, they must be used for washing special means designed specifically for this type of fabric. If you bought small size jeans, pants can still be changed in the store. If this is not possible, just wear the thing at home - high-quality denim material tends to stretch and take the shape of its owner's body.

Sometimes, in order for jeans to "sit" perfectly, you just need a fasting day on vegetables or kefir. This simple method will help you get rid of excess water in your body and a couple of extra centimeters in your waist.

If the jeans have become irretrievably small, they can be enlarged by sewing. Unplug the pants at the seams and insert inner panels that will increase the size of the jeans by a few centimeters.

Small jeans can be worn by a friend who is slightly larger than you. The main thing is that your friend understands you correctly and is not offended!

It is quite difficult to choose jeans that suit you in all respects, any girl knows about it. And if your favorite jeans for some reason have lost their shape and decreased in size, do not rush to throw them away. Simple manipulations will help you stretch denim pants at home. Small problems can be dealt with with ingenuity and imagination. Be irresistible in your favorite jeans!

Video: how to expand jeans at the waist and hips