How to react when a woman cries? Only for men! What to do if a woman is crying If a woman is crying what to do for a man

But if you are constantly crying, you are easily pissed off, then this may indicate that you are depressed. Something bothers you, but you gave up on yourself so much that you do not know the cause of your condition, or you know, but try not to pay attention to it, pretend that the problem does not exist. And holding back tears won't help here. You need to understand - what oppresses and worries you, what makes you cry all the time? Often, tearfulness occurs against the background of emotional fatigue.

If you cry from loneliness and out of self-pity, then these are destructive tears, they will lead you into even bigger problems. Such tears have no therapeutic effect because the negative attitude you are in is more harmful. You need to pull yourself together and understand that you are, because it is beneficial for you. A person in general, if desired, is never lonely. And what man needs a whiny, melancholic and touchy woman?

Sometimes we use women's tears as manipulation, trying to get something or influence the resolution of a conflict situation in our favor. A woman has no inner strength, a female support, and she includes a “little girl”. If this technique is used infrequently, then there is nothing wrong with it. But taking this method into service is not worth it. Men are very afraid of women's tears, and at first they will want to pity and reassure you. But if you start crying often, then the tears will simply irritate him.

You should not cry when a man offends you, behaves harshly with you. You have to have feminine strength to handle it, but that doesn't mean you have to be defensive and argue or respond aggressively as well, but you shouldn't turn into a mess. Because such female tears in a man do not cause any pity and compassion. Rather, it provokes a backlash. He does not know what to do with you, how to bring you to your senses. Instead of crying, say directly and openly that it is unpleasant for you, it hurts when he behaves like this. When you are ready for dialogue and are ready to talk about your feelings without making pretensions to the man, this indicates your maturity.

But if you don't know what to do and the conflict goes far, you better cry. Tears are better than any dish-smashing tantrum, threats and silence, but remember, there is a limit to everything.

But what to do when any touching and romantic little thing makes you cry? This is the letter I received:

Hello, Tatyana. I think I am TOO sentimental. Tears flow with or without. For example, today: I helped an old woman to cross the road. She thanked me from the bottom of her heart, I smiled at her from the bottom of my heart. It seemed so nice, but I walked and for several minutes just tried to stop the tears. Sometimes, I think, it comes to the point of absurdity. Solemn music, for example, in a circus. It seems to be fun, good, I came with a child to the circus, and with the beginning of the music, my tears flow. I want to understand: is this JUST ordinary sentimentality, or is it still talking about some kind of internal problem that needs to be solved? Thank you so much for everything!

Sometimes women's tears are not your usual sentimentality.

After all, you can just be moved, it is pleasant to get excited, it is not necessary to cry. If tears are flowing, it means that you are moved and deeply moved. Tears help to remove the protection, the person becomes at this moment defenseless and what he really is.

The question arises, why are you wearing protection? Who are you defending against?

This may indicate that you are lacking a warm and intimate relationship. Most likely, you are closed internally, your heart is frozen in ice, a little warmth drowns it, and tears flow. What are you shutting down from and what are you afraid of?

It can also indicate that you forbid yourself to feel, control yourself, treat yourself harshly, make excessive demands on yourself, and drill yourself. You are on your guard, do not trust, close your heart to love, afraid of pain. After all, a closed heart is not able to love and deeply experience. And a woman's heart must love. This is the only way a woman can be happy.

You always restrain yourself and forbid yourself to feel, but solemn music sounds and you weep. The tears just want to melt the ice in your heart.

The heart often closes after suffering pain, once upon a time you did not have the strength to cope with the pain. But by closing your heart in pain, you have closed it in love.

An adult woman has the psychic powers to experience pain and transform it into love. This is feminine power. This is detailed in. We learn to be strong as a woman.

Pain also needs to be handled correctly, you cannot close yourself off from it, you cannot ignore it, you need to live it and then it will leave you alone. When you stop being afraid of pain, trust arises, the heart opens.

And also you need to pay attention to your needs and wants, to establish a connection with yourself. This connection is lost if emotions control you and not you control them. More attention, more warmth, fewer claims and demands for yourself. Stop training yourself, all the time saying "no" or "this is not for me." You need to warm yourself up, then your heart will melt. When there is no inner warmth, it is very difficult for a woman to show feelings, it is difficult to love. But it is our nature to love.

Allow yourself to feel! When it's funny - laugh, when sad - cry, do not hold anything in yourself, open up. And allow yourself to be different!

In general, how often do you smile?

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Tatiana Dzutseva

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What should men do in this case.

First, determine whose woman is crying. If she's already someone's, it's dangerous to comfort her. If it is a draw, you can take it for yourself. Now, if a woman continues to cry, it becomes absolutely clear that she is crying with happiness.

If your woman is crying, do not leave her alone. Because they might think that she's a draw. Be as close and attentive to her as possible. Move back to a distance where her voice will no longer be heard, but do not let her out of sight - use binoculars.

There are a number of questions that should never be asked to women in tears: “What do you want?”, “Who is to blame?”, “What to do?”.

The answer to the first question will hurt your wallet, and the last two will hurt your pride.

In response to women's tears, there is no need to run anywhere, save and punish anyone. Because it will definitely turn out that it was necessary to do the exact opposite.

Don't give gifts to crying women. This is a very vicious habit. Better serve a pack of handkerchiefs. Remember, gifts should only be given to cheerful women. This is how a useful conditioned reflex and an attitude towards a pleasant character are developed.

If you did everything according to the instructions, and the woman continues to cry and at the same time does not leave for another, then she really needs to be comforted by you. Show her your sad and concerned face. To do this, you will have to put aside the binoculars and come closer.

It is not necessary to delve into everything that the crying woman says. The main thing is to sigh in the pauses and gently hug between them.

An aerobatics figure is a tear dropped on an unshaven cheek in time. At such moments, a woman forgets about her problems and automatically begins to console you.

"If a man is crying" - Instructions for women

Be tactful. Pretend not to notice the restrained male sobs.

If the sobs are not restrained enough - pat the man on the shoulder with the words "Well, well!"

Perhaps there is nothing worse when you see tears in the eyes of a loved one: at such a moment the heart contracts, fear and anxiety appear, how to help? When a woman cries, this is a completely separate conversation, especially if it happens in front of a man.

Even the most courageous and strong males begin to worry wildly, get lost, and sometimes completely fall into a stupor: what to say to her? How to behave correctly at such a moment?

What if a woman is crying? Almost every man on Earth has asked himself this question more than once, at such a moment he himself turns into a helpless and embarrassed person, devoid of any imagination.

Men by nature are strong creatures, emotionally stable and even, to some extent, callous, they are deprived of increased sensitivity in favor of other necessary character traits: determination, courage, ingenuity, and others.

All this they need in order to achieve their goals, stepping over themselves, to be able to provide and protect their family, to become a real support, because this is what we expect from a beloved man?

Feminine nature is very different from masculine, it is like two halves that oppose each other, but, provided that the keys to each other's heart are correctly selected, balance and form a harmonious whole.

Women are endowed with heightened emotionality and sentimentality, they are gentle and affectionate natures who know how to give love, care and build cordial relationships, it is their insecurity and kindness that cause a man to desire to protect, love and protect.

Therefore, when a man sees tears in the eyes of his beloved, he is seized with panic - what did he do wrong? Why did it happen? What did you miss or did not notice, did not protect you from difficulties in time? What to do in order not to aggravate the situation?

Why is the woman crying?

There can be many reasons why the weaker sex sheds tears - from the banal sentimentality that arose after watching a sad movie, to deeper internal problems that a man may not even be aware of.

Tears can be a reaction to an offense, a quarrel that happened the day before, the result of fatigue, hopelessness or lack of attention, how to understand what was the real reason? As corny as it sounds, perhaps you just need to try to talk to a crying woman.

Let's make a reservation right away - in a fit of hysteria, you are unlikely to be able to achieve something intelligible, but after some time, the result will still be achieved. When the reason becomes clear, it is much easier to find the right words, and maybe even move on to specific actions: for example, if a girl is gnawing at some serious problem, you can try to find a solution to her together.

What to do?

Consolation and tenderness. Perhaps the safest and most reasonable option is to hug a woman close to you, hug her tightly, show feelings and care, comfort her with affectionate words, perhaps even, like a child, sit on her knees and try to understand what is wrong with her beloved.

Express aloud your assumptions about what happened, perhaps she will quickly open up in front of you. Pick up a few appropriate compliments, say words of love and just shut up - sometimes tears need to be let loose.

Distracting actions. If your beloved does not want to admit what the matter is, and you have no assumptions about this, you need to use "deceptive maneuvers": bring a glass of cool water, offer to wash, if there is a clean handkerchief or napkin in your pocket - offer it, because it is not at all -Gentlemanly watch the lady's makeup blur.

Cover your beloved with a blanket, offer tea together, or just sit in silence, stroking the sad creature on the head and shoulders.

What cannot be done?

In no case try to reproach a woman for her tears, give out any phrases like “You are crying again! How much you can! ”, Or even worse, embarrassed, to leave a woman in this state alone. Perhaps, for the fair half, this is the worst sin on the part of a man, which will be very difficult to forgive.

Even if a stranger is crying, do not walk by, do not leave her alone, it is better to pat her shoulders in a friendly way and positively add that everything will change for the better. It is quite possible, if both of you are free - from such an unpleasant accident, a strong friendship or even something more can grow.

"If a woman cries"

Memo for men

  • First, determine whose woman is crying. If she's already someone's, it's dangerous to comfort her. If it is a draw, you can take it for yourself. Now, if a woman continues to cry, it becomes absolutely clear that she is crying with happiness.
  • If your woman is crying, do not leave her alone. Because they might think that she's a draw. Be as close and attentive to her as possible. Move back to a distance where her voice will no longer be heard, but do not let her out of sight - use binoculars.
  • There are a number of questions that should never be asked to women in tears: “What do you want?”, “Who is to blame?”, “What to do?”.
    The answer to the first question will hurt your wallet, and the last two will hurt your pride.
  • In response to women's tears, there is no need to run anywhere, save and punish anyone. Because it will definitely turn out that it was necessary to run in the wrong direction, to save someone else, but to do the exact opposite.
  • Don't give gifts to crying women. This is a very vicious habit. Better serve a pack of handkerchiefs. Remember, gifts should only be given to cheerful women. This is how a useful conditioned reflex and an attitude towards a pleasant character are developed.
  • If you did everything according to the instructions, and the woman continues to cry and at the same time does not leave for another, then she really needs to be comforted by you. Show her your sad and concerned face. To do this, you will have to put aside the binoculars and come closer.
  • It is not necessary to delve into everything that the crying woman says. The main thing is to sigh in the pauses and gently hug between them.
  • An aerobatics figure is a tear dropped on an unshaven cheek in time. At such moments, a woman forgets about her problems and automatically begins to console you.

"If a man is crying" - Memo for women

  • Be tactful. Pretend not to notice the restrained male sobs.
  • If the sobs are not restrained enough - pat the man on the shoulder with the words "Well, well!"
  • If the man continues to cry, check his diaper and give a breast.

Women are amazing and unpredictable creatures. This fact will be confirmed by any man. They are cute, mysterious and ... often cry for no apparent reason.

Women's tears lead men into a stupor, frighten, irritate and disarm. What are the reasons for this disturbing phenomenon? Let's try to figure out why a woman is crying.

Why do women cry

The tendency to cry has a biological basis - the hormone prolactin, which is present in the body of every woman. In children under 10 years of age, this hormone is present regardless of gender, but after 13 years it remains in the blood only in the female half of humanity. This is why strong women cry too. This is not a sign of powerlessness, nature simply ordered it so.

There is no single answer to the question of why a woman is crying. An unbridled desire to burst into tears can be caused by anything.

Causes of women's tears

1. Stress and emotional release

Strong stress, the need for emotional release can cause women's tears. The reasons why women cry can be both negative and positive.

It is not for nothing that the song says that a strong woman is crying at the window. If your woman is crying, you should not leave her alone, it is better to caress and hug her, showing your tenderness. After all, love and care is what any representative of the weaker sex dreams of. And they will help her survive any grief.