How to make your nails dry faster. How to quickly dry nail polish: tips from the masters. Cold water or freezer

Girls know that after applying the varnish, you should wait for a while, so that it adheres well and dries. But what if you have little time - you need to rush to work or a date? Both a short time to get a manicure, but for a perfect finish?

The varnish on the nails will dry faster if you adhere to the following rules during staining:

  • The nails must be wiped with a special degreasing agent, which is sold in any cosmetic store. But it's even easier to wash your hands with soap and water and wipe them dry.
  • Sanding the nail plate will help dry the coating. To do this, you need to use a soft buff, which will make the nail smooth, but not damage it.
  • When choosing a varnish, you need to pay attention to its consistency, thick dries for a long time. It also matters whether there are glitters: a product with glitter dries much longer than usual.
  • If you love colored coatings, then know that the darker the pigment, the longer it dries.
  • The thinner the layer is, the faster it dries. Therefore, you should choose products with good brushes. How to determine this? During staining, all the villi should fit snugly against each other, and not stick out in different directions.
  • Place the varnish in the refrigerator for 5 minutes before painting. When it is applied to a warm nail plate, then it will grab faster.
  • Do not cover the nails with a thick layer the first time, it is better to make 2-3 thin ones. But before applying an additional layer, you should wait for the previous one to dry.

Look for a quick-drying varnish in the store. It costs more than usual, but you can easily make it with it in a very short time. beautiful manicure... It grasps on nails almost instantly, so you need to get used to using it.

Ways to dry varnish at home

Tops, fixers, special sprays are used. But what if there were no such funds at hand, and the marigolds should be urgently put in order?

1. Using a hair dryer.

Running around the room, waving their arms diligently, blowing on their fingers with all their strength - all the girls have tried these methods on themselves at least once in their lives. But why bother so much if you can dry your nails with a hairdryer? The process looks like this:

  • turn on at the lowest temperature;
  • substitute your fingers;
  • wait until the varnish has completely hardened.

If you turn off the hot air, the coating will not dry out, but only deteriorate. You can dry your nails at home without a hair dryer under a regular fan.

2. Usage cold water.

Before applying the varnish to the nail plates, fill a bowl with cold water and add ice cubes to it. Paint the nails on one hand, and then dip it into the container. The coating will set almost instantly. If you don't have ice, you can simply place your hands under the running cold water.

Another way is the freezer. At first glance, this method seems a little strange, but in fact, this way you can dry your nails in just a couple of minutes:

  • apply varnish;
  • open the chamber and place your hand there (do not close the door).

V freezer there should be no products. They can become saturated with an unpleasant odor.

3. Use of olive oil.

The oil will not only help to quickly dry the nails, but also saturate them with vitamins and give them extra shine. The procedure is as follows:

  • paint your marigolds;
  • using a pipette, apply a drop of oil to them;
  • wash your hands with cold water after 5 minutes.

Any other oil can be used instead of olive.

We dry the varnish with professional means

Visit the store with consumables, tools for masters of manicure. There you can find a special spray nail dryer. It is sold in a spray can. Most often it is done on the basis of natural oils, which not only help the nails dry quickly, but also saturate them with useful substances.

1. How to use spray drying:

  • paint the nail plate;
  • sprinkle drying on it.

With such a spray, the varnish will dry in just 5 minutes.

2. Usage manicure fan.

With a manicure fan, marigolds can dry the nail polish faster. Such a device is usually used in beauty salons. This device is small, it fits all fingers of 1 hand. But there are models that allow you to dry the coating on two limbs at the same time. How it works: the hand is placed inside the device, where a small fan blows on the fingers.

What shouldn't be done?

The most popular, but "harmful" method is waving your hands, as a result of which the varnish dries unevenly. It seems to us that the coating is dry, we begin to do something, but this leads to negative consequences- it smudges. And instead of the time saved, we are wasting it even more. And also the coating becomes covered with bubbles, and this spoils appearance manicure.

New varnishes dry faster than old ones. Take a close look at the bottle - if the product has stratified, changed color, then it is better not to use it. Pay attention to the expiration date.

Each girl had a question, can I dry regular varnish in a UV lamp or not? After all, sometimes you want so much that the manicure takes as little time as possible, and you don't have to wait half an hour, or even an hour, until the varnish is completely dry. Only the UV lamp will not help you with this, since its rays cannot affect the varnish.

It is designed to dry the gel, but it has a completely different composition. If you have already bought such a lamp, then you should abandon your usual nail polish and switch to other materials. If you don't feel like doing this, then you should consider a few tricky ways that will help you get your manicure much faster.


Can ordinary varnish be dried in a UV lamp or not? You already know the answer to this question, so now it is important to pay attention to other points. The fact is that sometimes the varnish dries too long because you applied it incorrectly and made mistakes when preparing the nails. If everything is done according to the instructions, then you will not have to spend too much time on a manicure. You will need to do the following things:

  • Erase thoroughly old varnish from nails. You need to do this really very well so that nothing remains of the old manicure;
  • File the length and give the nails the desired shape;
  • Go over the nails with a special file for grinding to make the nail plate as smooth and even as possible;
  • Wash hands with soap, dry very well;
  • Degrease your nails with rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover.
It should also be borne in mind that some things should never be done before applying nail polish:
  • Smear hands fat cream... If you want to treat your skin with a cream, then you need to do this after the manicure is done;
  • Use cuticle oil. Such oil is very greasy, if you apply varnish on top of it, then it will not hold well and dry for a long time;
  • To apply new varnish to the old one. First, the manicure will be uneven. Secondly, the varnish will take several times longer to dry;
  • The varnish is applied only to a dry nail plate. Don't get your manicure done right after you get out of the shower.

If you observe all of these simple rules, then you can get rid of many of the problems that you had to deal with before.

Fan drying

To make the procedure for painting your nail more pleasant, you should get one very interesting device. V specialized stores you can buy mini fans that are designed specifically for drying varnish. This device is very simple, it is powered by an outlet or from batteries.

Most often, such fans are designed for only one hand, but in stores you can find devices in which you can dry two at once. There is such a thing here is inexpensive, so your costs will be minimal.


Modern technologies do not stand still, more and more new things are being invented that simplify life. For example, you can purchase a special nail polish spray. It seems that all this is something fantastic, but such a thing really exists. First, colored varnish is applied to the nails, and then spray as a fixer. It is completely transparent so it can be used for any manicure.

After 5 minutes the varnish is completely dry, and you can not be afraid for its safety. The composition of this spray includes various moisturizing ingredients that have a positive effect on the skin of the hands. But such a tool does not add durability to a manicure, so you do not need to pin high hopes on it.

Lacquer drying

There is another way to quickly dry the nail polish at home, and also to fix your manicure. To do this, you need a varnish dryer, which in its appearance is no different from ordinary transparent varnish. Use like this interesting invention very simple:

  • To begin with, colored varnish is applied in one or two layers;
  • After the varnish has hardened a little (after a couple of minutes), drying is applied. This is done very carefully, since the layer should turn out to be very thin;
  • You need to wait five minutes and you can enjoy a beautiful manicure.
Such drying increases the wear period of the varnish and gives it glossy shine... You don't have to wander around to buy. a large number stores, since drying is sold in the same place as colored varnishes.

Gel polishes

If you want to get very durable manicure that will last for several weeks, then you should pay attention to gel polishes. To dry them, you just need a UV lamp. In order to apply such a varnish, you will need a little longer than regular manicure but the end result will be much better. First of all, you need to prepare all the materials that will be required for further work:

  • Basic coverage. It must be applied to the nails before tackling the colored coating;
  • Colored varnish;
  • Finish coating. It is necessary in order for the manicure to last as long as possible. it's the same mandatory step, which you cannot do without;
    A file for polishing nails;
  • Means for degreasing the nail;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.
After you have bought all the tools and materials, you can start applying the gel to your nails:
  • Polish the nail plate with a special file;
  • Treat the cuticle;
  • Degrease each nail. This must be done very carefully;
  • To apply basic coverage a thin and even layer, then dry it in a lamp according to the instructions;
  • Apply colored varnish and also dry it;
  • The last stage is the finishing coat, which is also dried using a UV lamp.
If everything is done correctly, then you can not think about a manicure for about three weeks, since the gel polish does not peel off or crack.

Traditional methods

There are a few more tricks that will help dry the varnish faster without using special tools:

  • The painted nails are dipped in a bowl of very cold water for five minutes. Thus, the varnish dries much faster;
  • Substitute your painted nails under a stream of cold air, such as an air conditioner. The effect will be the same as that of a mini fan;
  • Vegetable oil is sometimes used for drying. Freshly painted nails descend into them. The advantage of this method is that the nails and skin receive additional moisture.
Of course, in any case, special tools will be the most effective, but they are not always available. But now you know the answer to the question, can you dry a regular varnish in a UV lamp or not. That this device is absolutely useless in in this case, and you need to use other tricks, which, by the way, are quite a lot. Now you will no longer have problems drying your varnish.

Manicure is an integral part perfect image... But it is not always possible to find enough time to create it. Hard in similar situations wait for the varnish to dry. This period can be shortened by using one of the professional or home remedies.

Professional remedies

  • Fast drying varnish... The remedy will become ideal solution problems with long drying varnish. So that it does not disappoint you, you should give preference when buying it. famous brands and purchase products with UV filters. The latter is necessary so that the quick-drying varnish does not turn yellow in the sun.
  • Spray... Sprays will help to dry the varnish in a short time. They are easy to use and give good effect... Such funds begin to act immediately after application and quickly set. The only drawback is that when sprayed, they get on the skin of the hands.
  • Oil with brush... In addition to the fact that the agent accelerates the drying of the varnish, it also creates protective layer... It should not be applied after nail polish, as it can ruin the manicure. Wait at least a minute before using the oil.
  • Liquid with a pipette... The product is easy to apply, but it can spread over the hands.

Home remedies

  • Vegetable oil... The varnish dries faster if treated with any vegetable oil... For oil, it is recommended to apply thin layer on dried decorative coating, wait a few minutes and rinse your hands under cold water.
  • Water... You can dry the varnish faster with cold water: the colder it is, the better. Ice cubes can be added to enhance the effect. Fill a container with water, dip your nails for at least 5 minutes, remove your hands and let them dry naturally.
  • Cold air flow... To help the varnish dry faster, bring your hands to the running fan. You can use a hairdryer set to cold air mode. It is not recommended to dry the varnish with hot air, as the coating becomes cloudy, expressionless and begins to crack.
  • Chilled varnish... Pre-cooling will help the varnish dry faster. Place the bottle with the product in the freezer for 10 minutes or in the refrigerator for half an hour. The varnish will not only dry faster, but will also lay down better.

279 0 Hello! In this article we will tell you how to dry your nails quickly. Sometimes you urgently need to run or do something, but you've just painted your nails, and there is absolutely no time to let the varnish dry. And with one awkward movement, the varnish can be greased, and you have to redo everything. Don't waste your time - use our tips!

How to paint your nails correctly to dry them faster

  • Apply the next layer only after the previous one has dried.... If the varnish is uneven and gaps are visible, wait until it dries, and only then apply the next layer. Yes, it takes a long time. But the quality depends on it.
  • Thin layer dries faster... If you paint your nails in two or three thick layers, they will dry for a very long time. It is better to paint in three thin layers at intervals of 2-3 minutes. You might think it will take even longer, but in reality it is more convenient than waiting for two thick layers to dry.
  • At the end, fasten transparent varnish or transparent gel polish. Apply it as a final third coat. This way the manicure will last longer.

There is no money or opportunity to purchase modern special means like a top coat, fixer or a special spray that will dry the varnish quickly? There are many tricks, methods and effective ways that promote quick drying nails. So what can help?

Hairdresser or fan

The hairdryer is one of the most effective methods accelerating the drying of nails. You just need to set the lowest temperature mode on it. Too hot air will soften the polish and ruin your entire manicure.

In addition to a hair dryer, you can also use a fan. Place your hands near the fan and turn it on at medium power. Under the currents of air, your manicure will become resistant in two to three minutes.

Ice water or freezer

The varnish has one property: it dries quickly in the cold. Therefore, cold water will help speed up drying.

The water needs to be prepared before starting the painting process. Take a plate, fill it with cold water, and then add ice there (about 3-4 cubes). When you're done painting your nails, soak your fingers in the water for three minutes.

Likewise, you can put your fingers in the freezer to dry your nail polish quickly. After a couple of minutes, when you feel that the varnish has stopped sticking and dried up, you can reach your hands.

Which is better - a freezer or ice water? No difference. The result is the same, the required time is the same. The only negative, unpleasant for the hands, because the cold penetrates deep into the skin. The main thing is not to get sick this way.

Olive and essential oils

It is effective, helpful and nice way... After you have finished your manicure, wait for the coating to dry slightly, and then use a dropper to apply a drop of olive oil to each nail. Wait five minutes and wash off the oil under cold water. Oils not only quickly dry the varnish, but also vitaminize the skin around the nails.

Cooking spray

It sounds incomprehensible, but such aerosols - excellent facilities for drying nails. In its composition everything goes too olive oil... After you paint on your nails and apply the top, spray thoroughly on your fingers. Then wait 2-3 minutes and rinse the product under water to avoid stains on your clothes.

Sunflower oil

Pour a little into the cup sunflower oil(7-8 milliliters). Submerge your painted nails in there for 1 second. Then rinse your fingers thoroughly.

Special coatings

Special coatings for quick drying of varnish are usually used in beauty salons, because they instantly dry the varnish and add shine.

Similar funds are in the form varnish and spray... The spray is sprayed at a distance of about 10-15 centimeters from the nails and allowed to dry for 10 minutes.

How do such funds work? The liquid that is applied to the nails instantly crystallizes and hardens, which causes the varnish underneath to harden too.

Professional devices

With this small device, you will make the drying process of your manicure much faster. To use a manicure fan, you do not need to immediately run to a beauty salon. It can be purchased at a store for little money. It is a small device that produces a stream of air. There are one-handed and two-handed.

The technology for using them is simple. You just need to turn on the device, they work either on batteries or from the network. Put your fingers inside and hold there until the varnish hardens. This is the convenience of a manicure fan - no need to do anything else, just wait ten minutes and your manicure is irresistible.

Lamps for drying varnish

Multifunctional lamps are very popular now. They are used by salon workers, but they can also be used at home. They fix polish and gel polish, extended nails and shellac. After using the lamp, the manicure will last longer, the result will be well fixed.

Many models have a built-in timer. It monitors the time that the hand remains inside the device and automatically turns it off when the time has elapsed.

How to choose a nail drying lamp

There are several types of lamps:

Lamp types pros Minuses
The lamp looks like a closed structure with an opening for the arm. Inside there are special lamps that emit ultraviolet light and thereby dry the surface of the varnish.
easy to use;
serve for a long time;
there is a risk of excessive heating: the varnish will burn;
does not work at temperatures below 10 degrees.
Gas light
Dried by glowing gas in a lamp.
can work for a long time;
do not burn varnish;
safe for the skin.
Ice lamps
They look like a small curved banana. They have built-in LEDs.
small, easy to carry;
serve for a long time;
do not heat up, do not harm the skin;
dry quickly.
Hybrid They combine best qualities other models. This makes them fast and safe.

Preparatory stage

For quick drying of the varnish, not only the drying process is important, but also correct preparation nails and painting itself. You have to do it right by following this technology:

  1. Treat your cuticles... This is the skin that grows around the nails. You have to soften it, then your hands and manicure will look more well-groomed. Apply some oil to the cuticle and push it back with a wooden stick.
    We advise you to read:
  2. Degrease your nails before starting the procedure... This can be done with a special substance or regular alcohol. Wait for your nails to dry.
  3. Put the varnish in the refrigerator before painting.... Wait about three minutes. Then the varnish on warm nails will dry faster.

What not to do before manicure and while drying the nail polish

  • Before starting a manicure, do not apply any creams or oils to your nails. ... Better do it at night, then all the substances will be absorbed. For a good and fast adhesion, nails should be clean and free of grease.
  • Do not wave your hands when drying the nail polish. ... Yes, it will dry out faster this way, but it can deform and harden unevenly.
  • You should not continue to use the lamp if you experience a burning sensation or other painful sensations. Otherwise, you risk injuring your skin.
  • Do not blow dry your nails with hot air .
  • Prepare everything you need before starting the procedure... If you try to get spray or plug in a hair dryer with painted nails, you may end up having to paint them again.
  • Wash your hands before starting the procedure.... This will remove dust particles that can cause bubbles to appear on the paint.
  • Do not use old (expired) or dried varnish- they will dry very slowly.
  • If possible, stick your hands not in a regular freezer (with food), but in a portable... Otherwise, the food will acquire a pungent smell.
  • If you want your nails to dry quickly, use lighter colors.

Where to Buy Nail Dryer

As always, from our partners, you can profitably purchase professional tools for home use... Today we introduced you the best means for drying nails:

  • INM (USA) Drying-fixative of varnish super fast Out The Door 15 ml - 490 RUB
  • DOMIX (Russia) DGP Express Nail Polish Dryer 17 ml - Line: DOMIX GREEN Professional - Professional care behind nails - 315 p.
  • AURELIA (France) Drying spray "Instant dry" MAGNIFIQUE 15 ml Line: MAGNIFIQUE - treatment series for nails and cuticles - 160 p.

All these funds and not only, you can find from our partners
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Review on drying nails in cold water from a beauty blogger.

Useful articles:

Increasingly, women began to resort to the use of shellac. It happens that there is no UV lamp at hand or it is broken, what should I do? How to dry nails if gel polish is applied? You can do without a lamp at home.

Ways to dry gel polish without a lamp

Method number 1. Water drying

This method is suitable if the shellac is not photosensitive. After applying the composition to the nail plate, put your hands in a cold, even ice water for 10-20 minutes.

The allotted time is quite enough for the varnish to finally take hold. This kind gel coating is considered the safest in its composition.

Method number 2. Catalyst

For such a coating, there are 3 types of catalysts, which are available in the form:

  • ointments;
  • gel;
  • spray.

In order to dry the composition, it is necessary to apply a catalyst. One small drop will be enough. The main thing is that the catalyst is evenly applied to the entire surface of the nail plate, otherwise the fixing of the varnish will occur unevenly. The catalyst should be applied 1-2 minutes after gel coating.

Method number 3. Sun rays

How to dry photosensitive gel polish? For fastening without a lamp, you must keep your hands under the influence of straight lines. sun rays... It is necessary that the sun evenly warms up the entire nail plate. It will take much more time for the product to dry at home than when exposed to a UV lamp.

Method number 4. Hair dryer

Dry gel coating you can use regular hair dryer... It must have the following characteristics:

  • high power;
  • the ability to dry with cold air.

In this case, the composition should be applied in one thin layer. This method ineffective and takes a long time.

Method number 5. Cold gel polish

Place the tube of nail polish in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before doing your manicure. After that, immediately start applying it to your nails. Drying time will be reduced significantly.

Method number 6. Ice

This method has something in common with the water method, only to accelerate the drying effect, it is necessary to add ice cubes to the water. It will take about 8-10 minutes to fix the coating.

Method number 7. Manicure fan

A professional device can be purchased in specialized stores at very low cost. The fan has a kind of hole where you need to put your fingers. There is a device for one hand, as well as for two. It can be used to dry non-light-sensitive coatings.

Method number 8. Blue lamp

The medical blue lamp, which is used for warming up, may also be useful for drying the gel. Only it will take much more time than when exposed to a professional device.

There are a lot of methods of how to dry gel polish. You can easily do without a lamp. Get smart at home.Choose the most convenient way for you and have a beautiful manicure!