How to make your own shampoo at home. Recipes from nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa. Shampoo with white clay. Baby Soap Shampoo - The Easiest Soap Shampoo Recipe

There are thousands of beauty and care products for curls on the store shelves. Laundry soap for hair does not attract with its original packaging or pleasant aroma. An ordinary-looking bar, of an indefinite color, is still used even in the age of nanotechnology. Thanks to the natural composition, folk recipes can solve many aesthetic and cosmetic problems. A popular remedy for hair removal, it is recognized as one of the most effective for home hair removal.

The benefits of laundry soap for hair

  1. Eliminates dandruff and seborrhea;
  2. Protects the cuticle from damage;
  3. Cleans deeply;
  4. Accelerates the processes of metabolism in the bulbs.

The use of laundry soap in cosmetology has become possible due to the chemical composition:

  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • rosin;
  • sodium salts;
  • potassium salts.

How to choose hair soap

Before using for hair treatment, you need to choose the right product. Depending on the form of release, it is lumpy / solid, liquid and in the form of an ointment. The effect of laundry soap on hair directly depends on the content of fatty acids:

  • Group 1 - 72%;
  • Group 2 - 70%;
  • Group 3 - 65%.

This is a natural hypoallergenic product, it can be of a rich brown color, but if it has succumbed to lightening, then it approaches beige shades. At various manufacturers of detergents, you can find laundry soap with bleaching properties or stain removal. It is categorically unsuitable for hair care, due to the content of aggressive chemical components. Carefully read the composition and released in liquid form, often, it is very different from the original. The optimal would be the use of 65% with the GOST indicated on the package or on the bar itself. To get rid of hair can be used with a mark of 72%, after home hair removal, apply a nourishing emulsion to the skin. It is applied either in the form of foam or gauze bandages are applied.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Contraindications to use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • dry, brittle structure;
  • dyed curls.

The presence of animal and vegetable fats makes soap very useful for the care of curls, but alkali can lead to dehydration and porosity of the trunks. The harm is often observed with prolonged use, without additional moisture and nutrition. Reviews of trichologists confirm that such a shampoo change can lead to a change in the pH of the scalp. You should be afraid of exposure when staining with chemical dyes, but using basma, henna, walnut leaves, hibiscus, coffee, you can wash your hair with laundry soap, alkali does not affect the pigment.

Ways to use laundry soap for hair

The controversy continues to this day - is it possible to wash your hair with such a product? For the treatment of dandruff, seborrhea, loss, strengthening, the product is used in courses of five / ten sessions. For permanent use instead of shampoo, there are certain restrictions for each type of hair. The composition has a beneficial effect on dry curls when used up to two times a month, on oily ones - up to six. You can also lighten your hair with laundry soap, or remove annoying shades (in particular, it washes off black paint), you just have to repeat five / seven sessions, after which you must apply a regenerating balm.

Hair washing

To wash your hair with laundry soap, you should not use a whole piece or shavings, but prepare a solution. Instead of water, you can take a herbal decoction of chamomile, nettle or plantain as a basis. A liter of liquid will require about 15 grams. natural product, it is advisable to grind it beforehand. Once dissolved, you can pour the resulting mixture into a bottle and use as needed.

Application rules:

  1. Hair should be wet along its entire length, the foam composition is distributed only on the scalp and root zone;
  2. Apply a natural cleaner with massaging movements;
  3. Leave on for three / four minutes;
  4. Wash off with plenty of water;
  5. When finished, rinse hair with water and apple cider vinegar / citrus juice to facilitate combing and restore the pH balance;
  6. Treat with apricot, jojoba, almond, grape or wheat oil against brittleness.

Hair after laundry soap becomes coarser, easy to style. An irreplaceable assistant for thin rare curls, density and volume will be provided. For curly and curly hair, it is not recommended to use more than three times a month and the obligatory application of a conditioner or balm.

You can also combine regular shampoo in equal proportions with soapy water. This method of cleansing is more suitable for the oily type, especially in winter, which is often accompanied by the appearance of dandruff. The procedure is repeated up to twice a week, the curls will retain their well-groomed appearance longer, keep the volume.

For hair growth

It is easy at home to accelerate hair growth with a natural remedy. The result can be seen three / four months after applying once a week.

For cooking you will need:

  • 15 ml of liquid soap;
  • 10 ml of grapefruit juice.

Having prepared a liquid solution yourself from ordinary solid laundry soap, add the spice and fresh citrus juice. Beat for uniformity with a whisk or mixer, distribute on wet strands of the root area, wrap well with foil and wait about half an hour. Rinse off with warm water, leave the curls to dry naturally.

Against hair loss

Effective laundry soap against hair loss and strengthening. To prepare a natural tonic, you will need:

  • 10 ml of soap solution;
  • 10 ml castor oil;
  • 10 ml jojoba oil;
  • 3 yolks.

In a blender, beat all the ingredients, distribute with a coloring brush, treating the entire root area. Wrap with a foil or a shower cap, insulate with a warm terry towel. Leave the product for eight / twelve hours, it is more convenient to perform the caring procedure at night. In the morning, wash thoroughly with cool water, if the sensations of stickiness of the oils remain, additionally use a clean soapy solution.


Such an aesthetic flaw as the formation of white flakes often affects the health of the curls. Under the impermeable layer formed, keratinized epidermis accumulates, growth slows down or stops altogether. Weakened, without proper nutrition, the bulbs become fragile and fall out easily, it is easy to brush them.

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An affordable, time-tested product will get rid of dandruff. It can be used alone or combined with other active agents. Effectively removes fungal growths in a composition with salt, soda, birch tar, coffee grounds, oatmeal and rye flour. Depending on the condition, you will have to carry out from two to ten treatment sessions.

In equal proportions, soap crumbs are mixed with another selected active ingredient, you can add a little almond or peach oil. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp, then you will need to wait about half an hour and rinse in the usual way. After soap, the curls can get tangled, it is difficult to comb, to restore the conditioner is used on wet strands. For shine and elasticity, apply aromatic oils, spreading a few drops with a comb, then the problem of dry hair will disappear.

Use for oily hair

It is easy to make a natural shampoo with your own hands to thicken hair and give it volume. The natural composition deeply cleanses the epidermis of the head, restores oxygen respiration, and removes dead cells. Only positive reviews about washing oily hair with soap. For shine and shine, use with additional ingredients like lemon juice, essential oils and fruit vinegars. You can make a preparation of dry shampoo, convenient for travel and business trips.

You will need:

  • 10 gr. soap shavings;
  • 5 gr. starch.

Be sure to mix in a dry container, otherwise the product will become unusable. Bring the solid soap to a powder on a coffee grinder, mix thoroughly with kaolin and potato starch. Spread the resulting mixture on the root zone with a brush, shake off the remnants after five minutes. Within two days, the curls will keep styling and have a well-groomed look. You can not use soap for colored hair, the pigment is quickly washed out, the shade becomes uneven, the only exceptions are natural dyes - coffee, henna, basma, onion peel, hibiscus.

Removing hair dye

Hair washing with laundry soap has proven to be effective. To do this, you will need to grate it on a coarse grater, fill it with hot water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Add a tablespoon of salt and soda to 300 ml of the finished liquid. Before the procedure, wash your hair with a professional shampoo in hot enough water to open the stem cuticle. Distribute the product on wet curls, wrapping it with a film, and additionally warm it up with a hairdryer. Soak on curls for about two / three hours. Then rinse with plenty of water and be sure to treat with a nutritious balm. Do not apply the rinsing agent to the roots, if it gets on the scalp it may cause a burning sensation.

A good result is given by soap as a wash for black hair, you just need to be patient. This is the most difficult pigment to remove, you will have to repeat the procedure for three / four months twice a week. Use in combination with conditioners, regenerating serums, so as not to damage the structure.

Hair lightening

Cardinal blond can only be given by peroxide, but changing the shade by two / four tones is easy and with the help of ordinary laundry soap. A soap solution is applied after cleansing with shampoo and kept for up to forty minutes, depending on the desired degree of clarification. For a more noticeable result, you can prepare the following composition.


  • 15 gr. soap shavings;
  • 50 ml of chamomile broth;
  • 10 ml lime juice.

First, stir the soap powder in the herbal broth, add fresh citrus juice. Wash the curls thoroughly with hot water shampoo, evenly distribute the finished product on individual strands or all hair, stepping back 2-3 centimeters from the roots. It will take from an hour to four to withstand the natural dye, depending on the individual characteristics of the stem structure. Afterwards, rinse and moisten with vegetable oil or balm.

Video: Useful properties and how to use laundry soap at home

Hair, as an element of female beauty, needs constant care. The use of natural ingredients in the form of shampoos will make your hair healthier and more beautiful. DIY homemade shampoo will give them a well-groomed look.

The main advantage of homemade shampoo is naturalness. These shampoos do not contain parabens, silicones, preservatives, formaldehyde and surfactants. In addition to the main function of cleansing, these shampoos, due to the presence of useful, natural ingredients, nourish the scalp and hair.

Benefits of natural shampoos:

But when using them, you must adhere to certain grafts:

  1. Due to the absence of preservatives, the maximum shelf life can be no more than a week, some only a few days. Preferably prepare before use.
  2. It is important to respect the storage temperature. The optimum temperature is 2-5 degrees.
  3. An allergy test must be done before use. Apply some amount to the back of the hand or elbow. Here the skin is softer, and the reaction will appear in a quarter of an hour. If there is no itching or redness, the composition is suitable for use.
  4. The ingredients must match the hair.
  5. If the hair is poorly washed out, the result of use is not visible, change the product.

Yeast shampoo

The use of yeast as a mask is known. Yeast is widely used in homemade shampoo. Doing it yourself will not be difficult, because there is yeast in any household. This component dissolves fat and has a beneficial effect.

For cooking you need: 25 g of yeast, eggs (2 pcs.), Honey.

  1. Stir yeast and honey, add eggs as the dough rises.
  2. Spread over the head and keep for a quarter of an hour. If possible, put a plastic bag over your head. This will allow you to achieve a positive result as efficiently as possible.
  3. After application, rinse with lemon or vinegar water to soften.

Anti-dandruff shampoo with alcohol

The shampoo is prepared according to the following principle. It is necessary to steam several pieces of black bread pulp with water, wait until it swells. Instead of water, you can use decoctions of herbs: oak broth, chamomile, burdock root.

After cooling down, add 10 ml of alcohol. You can use herbal tinctures for alcohol: birch tincture, calendula tincture or nettle tincture. Rub the hair and head with the resulting mass. Withstand half an hour.

Coffee shampoo

The recipe for making coffee shampoo is pretty simple. Mix coffee, egg, cognac (tincture of oak bark is allowed). Apply to hair and massage the head, wrap in a plastic bag. Soak for half an hour and rinse. Not recommended for light hair, will change color, give a dark shade. For softening, it is advisable to rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Henna shampoo

Colorless henna, for those who do not wish to change their hair color. It visually adds volume. It is necessary to dilute henna with kefir, herbal decoction of your choice. Apply the composition to the head and hair. Application up to half an hour is allowed. This shampoo is suitable for oily hair, it tends to dry out.

Homemade soap-based shampoo

For shampoo, you need to take soap of natural production, baby, glycerin, or pharmacy soap mixtures. Add herbal infusions and / or oils to the soap. Steam the grass and insist. To prepare the base, you need to grate the soap, add oil to the shavings.

Mix the infusion and soap shavings, stand until the soap shavings dissolve. After using this shampoo, it is advisable to rinse your head with lemon or vinegar water. The term of use is about a week.

Shampoo with white clay

How to make do-it-yourself shampoo at home from white clay. It will take half a glass of clay and the same amount of warm water, mixing to achieve the consistency of sour cream. This is the foundation. As a liquid for diluting clay, you can use herbal extracts of chamomile, birch, jasmine petals.

The addition of aromatic or essential oils is allowed. Massage the scalp with the resulting composition. Leave for a while and wash. Soften by rinsing with lemon or vinegar water.

Soda-based composition

Due to its alkaline properties, baking soda will perfectly and effectively wash your hair, removing greasy film and accumulated dirt. For medium hair, it is enough to dissolve a quarter of a glass in water. The soda solution should be about a glass. To dilute the soda powder, the use of herbal infusions is allowed.

In combination with oak infusion, burdock root infusion, chamomile decoction, this remedy, in addition to cleansing, will perform a nutritious function. Smear on damp hair by massaging the roots to get rid of grease. Wash off. It is advisable to rinse with lemon water after use.

Shampoo with mustard for hair growth

Mustard shampoo can be used as a hair mask to stimulate growth. This product is suitable for oily hair. Dissolve a third of a glass of mustard powder in half a liter of liquid. To dilute the powder, you can use herbal decoctions of birch leaves or buds, burdock root, chamomile, sage.

Add aloe juice (optional). Massage the skin, hair with the solution and wash. The fact of a burning sensation indicates an improvement in the blood circulation of the hair roots, respectively, growth stimulation occurs. Can be diluted to thickened sour cream, used as a solution. After application, rinse hair with lemon or vinegar water.

Gelatinous composition

This shampoo has no hair type restrictions. Required: 2 tbsp. l. instant gelatin, herbs for infusion, honey, aloe juice (optional), oils, soap base or baby shampoo.
Steam the grass, strain, place the gelatin until it swells. Heat slightly to dissolve. Add soap, honey and oil to the mixture. Rinse with lemon water after use.

Yolk shampoo

Stir the yolk with liquid (1: 1), grease the hair, lather and wash. The liquid can be replaced with herbal infusions, but take into account the type of hair.

Tansy shampoo

To do this, you need to prepare an infusion of tansy. Take one spoonful of flowers, steam (1 glass), let stand for about 3 hours. Brew effectively in a thermos.
The infusion will cook faster and will be richer. Strain and use preferably after two days.

Nettle shampoo

Similarly with other herbal shampoos, you first need to prepare a decoction: steam 30 g of dry herb with ½ liter of liquid. Insist, strain and pour in 100 ml of vinegar. Ready to use.

Banana shampoo

To obtain a banana shampoo, you need to: peel the banana, add the egg and lemon juice and bring to homogeneity. Add drops of cosmetic oils, oily vitamins if desired.
Apply the resulting composition, grind, hold for about half an hour. Wash and rinse with chamomile or nettle water, depending on hair color.

Kefir shampoo

Kefir, with any percentage of fat, dilute with water and wash your hair with this liquid. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water. Dark bread can be added to kefir. Preparation will take about an hour. Mix the pulp of the bread with kefir, leave to swell the bread. Beat the mixture until smooth. Store for about a day, as bread ferments in kefir.

Rye shampoo

Soak a piece of rye crumb in liquid. Insist until swelling. It will turn out to be a gruel, it is better to strain it, it is difficult to wash out the crumbs. Spread hair with the made mass, rub. Soak for 10 minutes, wash. This is a way to get rid of dandruff.

Cooking with rye flour will take about half an hour. Cover with warm milk or water solution of herbs. Let it swell. Strain the resulting mass. We get the so-called rye milk (infusion). They are used in this form, but the addition of additional components is allowed: honey, lemon juice, aloe juice, oily vitamins.

Apply to wet hair. Ideally, put on a plastic bag and stand for up to half an hour, the hair will absorb nutrients. The composition is perfectly washed off. After application, rinse with lemon or vinegar water to soften.

Jasmine shampoo with honey

Main property: moisturizes and nourishes hair. It is prepared on soap. Grate with soap (baby or pharmacy soap composition), add a decoction of jasmine petals and honey. Stir until the soap shavings dissolve. Apply to a moistened head, massage and wash. Storage for a period of up to a week.

Castor oil formulation

Castor Oil Shampoo is designed to nourish dry hair. Prepared on a soap base.
Dissolve the grated soap in a decoction of herbs of your choice, add oil and an egg. Spread on a damp head, grind and wash.

Cognac shampoo

Cognac shampoo is suitable for oily hair, it eliminates unaesthetic shine. It is necessary to mix the cognac and the egg. Bring the ingredients to homogeneity, apply to a damp head, rub in and wash.

Composition with oak bark

Oak bark, with continued use, will help eliminate dandruff. Pour the crushed bark with liquid, boil and boil for a quarter of an hour. Aromatic oils can be added to the broth if desired.

Apply the product for 2 months. It is worth considering that such shampoo will give dark shades to light hair.

Sour milk as shampoo

Kefir is not the only fermented milk shampoo component that you can make yourself at home. Like kefir, there is always sour milk or yogurt on the farm.

Lactic acids provide a protective film against negative environmental influences. Apply milk to the hair, rub into the scalp, cover with a plastic bag. Soak for half an hour, wash and rinse with lemon water or vinegar water.

A decoction of soapwort as a shampoo

Mylnyanka is a herbaceous plant.
Due to the huge content of substances called saponins in the root, it has the ability to foam.

You can prepare several types of shampoo:

Dry shampoo with cornstarch

Dry shampoo is a godsend for those who do not have time to wash their hair. Dry shampoo based on starch can easily cope with this task. It is necessary to sprinkle the hair with dry starch, beat and shake it, shake out the starch, if necessary, remove the remnants with a dry towel. Comb your hair with a thick comb.

Shampoo with healthy oils

Depending on the result, the hair will suit: burdock, castor, sage, rose, jojoba, etc. It is necessary to mix yolks, alcohol (vodka), sage and rose oil solution into a homogeneous mass.
The composition eliminates skin flaking and itching sensation. Rub in, rinse thoroughly. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Beer shampoo

The secret of this remedy is simple. Moisten hair with beer and rinse off after a few minutes. The ingredients in the beer will nourish the skin.

Deep cleansing salt shampoo

An effective and inexpensive method of deep cleaning is regular salt. On average, you need 30 g. Dilute the salt in liquid or kefir. To dilute salt, you can use herbal decoctions of chamomile, nettle, calendula, birch. Moisten hair with the resulting solution and massage the skin. Wash off with water, reuse is recommended after half a month.

Birch shampoo

There are several options for how to make a birch shampoo with your own hands at home. Birch leaves or birch buds are taken as the base component. Prepare the infusion according to the standard scheme and use it every three days.

Pomegranate shampoo

The product is suitable for oily hair, since pomegranate peels have an astringent, tanning effect. You will need: pour liquid (1 liter) pomegranate crust (20 g), boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. You can brew pomegranate crusts in a thermos and leave overnight. Cool, apply every three days.

How and in what way to make your hair attractive will depend on the shampoo made at home with your own hands. The main thing is that the selected components are applicable to the type of hair and provide them with health and a spectacular look.

Video on how to make do-it-yourself shampoo at home

How to make shampoo at home:

Do-it-yourself shampoo:

Girls who changed their shampoo to laundry soap do not cease to admire this method of shampooing. Surprisingly, many of them have well-groomed and lush hair, what's the secret? To answer the question correctly, you need to know how to properly wash your hair with laundry soap and whether it is possible to achieve the desired result.

Laundry soap composition

In household chemical stores, you can often find soap that does not have a wrapper and is sold to customers in plastic bags. Let's talk about him. The product is made in accordance with GOST, the soap smells bad and is produced in an unpleasant brown color. It does not contain chemical additives, the product contains only natural ingredients. Soap is 60-72% composed of palminic, lauric, sterianic saturated fatty acids, which are obtained from raw materials of animal origin. Also, the product includes alkali, due to which it has an excellent whitening effect.

Step-by-step instructions for washing your hair with laundry soap

  1. Give preference to foods with a higher fat content; numbers from 60-72% should be stamped on the bar. Avoid buying products that contain a coloring pigment or include flavoring additives in their composition. The soap should be brown and nothing else.
  2. You can't just take and start lathering the curls with a hard piece, first you need to prepare it to get a solution. For these purposes, take an ordinary food grater and grate a third of the bar on a large section. Alternatively, you can dip it in boiling water and stir for 20 minutes to melt a little. To wash your hair with laundry soap, you will need a cloudy broth of a dirty yellow hue. After you receive it, beat the solution with a mixer or whisk until foam forms.
  3. Dampen your hair well with running water and squeeze it out a little. Next, apply the broth to the curls, squeezing them into a fist. Do not rub the scalp in a circular motion, so as not to provoke accelerated work of the sebaceous glands. The soap broth should be kept on the hair for about 25 minutes to achieve the best result. It is convenient to carry out the procedure while taking a shower or bath.
  4. A negative feature of washing your hair with laundry soap is that it is very difficult to wash out. Rinse off the solution with running warm water for 5-7 minutes, until the curls begin to "creak". Next, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into a container and mix it with 1.5 liters of boiled (not hot) water. This step is needed to neutralize the cracks from the hair structure.
  5. The lemon rinse is followed by the use of a vinegar solution. Buy sage, chamomile, oregano, burdock and string at the pharmacy. Brew medicinal herbs with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Add 40 ml to the composition. apple cider vinegar and rinse your hair with the broth. After the procedure, wrap your head with a towel, but do not rub the curls between your palms. Wait until the water is absorbed into the fabric, then use a hairdryer or let your hair dry naturally.

  1. Fatty acids in laundry soap nourish and moisturize hair, relieving it from dryness and split ends.
  2. The tool removes stubborn dust and dirt, it also brightens curls with unsuccessful staining.
  3. Laundry soap strengthens the follicles and nourishes the scalp, as a result of which hair falls out less, dandruff disappears. For best results, use soapy water once every 5 days, then rinse your head with herbal decoction and lemon solution.
  4. If you wash your hair with laundry soap regularly for 3 weeks, your hair will become 2 times more voluminous and luxuriant, and styling will be done 2 times faster.
  5. Laundry soap has antibacterial properties, it heals wounds and inflammations on the scalp.
  6. Alkaline is easily neutralized by lemon, due to which the hair is saturated only with natural ingredients.
  7. In addition to the above advantages, laundry soap protects the skin from viral inflammations, acne and fungal infections. It heals minor heat burns and reduces possible scalp bumps.

It is interesting

Researchers studying hair structure strongly advise against washing your hair with laundry soap. Their protest is caused by the high amount of alkali, which negatively affects the hair structure. Doctors say it dries the skin and leads to dandruff, but what about the 72% fatty acids? Trichologists also repeat about a violation of the acid-base balance, as a result of which, after prolonged use of soap, the curls will lose their color, shine and become dry.

Doctors unanimously shout that hair will begin to fall out at an incredible speed, again, due to alkali. However, girls who regularly use soapy water say exactly the opposite. They notice that the hair has become well-groomed and healthy, the hair has increased in volume and began to comb well. Whom to believe in such a situation? There is only one answer - to my own experience. Follow all the recommendations to form your own opinion about this procedure.

Have you decided to change your shampoo to laundry soap? Do not rub your hair with a bar; make a soapy water with hot water and a kitchen grater. Observe the holding time, it should not exceed half an hour. Thoroughly rinse the solution first with running water, then with lemon water to neutralize the alkali. Do not be lazy to make an infusion of vinegar and herbs to keep your hair shiny and healthy. After shampooing, wrap your hair with a soft towel and allow the moisture to absorb.

Video: laundry soap for hair

You will need

  • - 50 ml of soap
  • - 1 tsp almond oil or grape seed oil
  • - 30 drops of essential oil
  • - 2 tbsp. dry herbs
  • - 180 ml of water


Then came the turn of the herbal decoction. Strain it through a fine strainer or clean gauze folded several times. Now add the broth to the shampoo pot. Mix everything gently and pour into a pre-selected bottle.


For oily hair, almond oil, essential oils of cypress, grapefruit, basil or bergamot and decoctions of calendula, burdock, thyme are suitable.
For dry - jojoba or grape seed oil, essential oils of lavender, orange, myrrh or jasmine and decoctions of coltsfoot, calendula, lavender.

Helpful advice

In order to avoid dry soap dust flying in different directions when rubbing the soap on a grater, first heat the soap a little. For example, on a warm battery.

Today, there are many different homemade ways to prepare shampoo. As a rule, such recipes include exclusively natural ingredients, without any chemicals, to make your hair healthy and beautiful.

Shampoo or shower is pretty easy to make, and you don't even need to heat up the ingredients. The main ingredient in homemade shampoo is distilled or boiled rainwater. Distillation is carried out to remove various salts and minerals that can affect other components of the shampoo.

Some shampoos can turn out to be quite liquid, in which case you can use special thickeners. As such a thickener, table salt, xanthan and guar, which are previously dissolved.

It is most convenient to measure the weight of components with scales, and not with measuring spoons. If you do not have a balance, you can use the method of measuring ingredients by volume or in milliliters, with the exception of glycerin and honey - they are heavier than water. The ingredients should always be weighed to avoid excess amounts in the shampoo. For example, if the weight of the ingredients is exactly 100 percent, when making a liter of shampoo and surfactants with a weight of 40 percent, exactly 400 ml must be added. When adding additional components, simply subtract the required amount of water.

One of the simplest recipes is the following for making shampoo:

  • 40% surfactant + 60% Distilled water = 100%

If you want to add some honey, then the formula looks different:

  • 40% Surfactant + 5% Honey + 55% Distilled Water = 100%

If you have an electronic scale, you can make shampoo in a shared container. The mixing technology in this case consists of the following stages:

  1. Amount of water required. If you don't want to add plain water, you can use herbal decoction. In this case, a little more water should be added, because the amount may decrease during the filtering process.

  2. To moisturize hair, you can use ingredients such as glycerin, lactic acid or honey. The resulting mixture must be mixed thoroughly.

  3. It is necessary to weigh the surfactant, add water, and move it well with a mixer or.

  4. Now you need to add the rest of the water-soluble components - plant extracts or vitamin B.

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Beautiful, healthy hair requires constant grooming, which starts with shampoo. Among the variety of shampoos, it will be easier to choose the right one if you understand its composition and know your hair type.

Features of shampoos for different hair types

The shampoo, selected according to the type of hair, can effectively cleanse the scalp and at the same time have a gentle effect.

If you wash your hair more than 2 times a week, then you have oily hair. Wearers of this type often suffer from problems with dandruff and split ends. For such hair, a mild shampoo for the sensitive scalp and for volume that does not cause irritation is suitable. But in no case should you use nourishing and color-retaining shampoos, because they contain a large amount of nutrients that will be superfluous for oily hair.

If your hair does not need to be washed more than once a week, and at the same time it is hard to the touch, brittle, dull, then it is of the dry type. Shampoo for dry hair should contain vitamins, fats, dietary supplements, and cleaning agents should not have an aggressive effect.

Mixed hair types are common. This is when the roots are fast, while the tips remain dry. A shampoo for this type of hair should cleanse and moisturize at the same time. This product often contains additives such as egg yolk, nettle, seaweed.

And the rarest is the normal hair type. The head does not require frequent washing, while the hair looks clean, lush and healthy. For owners of this type, it is important to choose a shampoo that contains detergents that do not destroy the natural lubrication of the hair.

Hair type is an important but not the only criterion for choosing a shampoo. Its composition can tell a lot.

How to decipher the composition of the shampoo?

As a rule, the composition of the shampoo on the bottle is indicated in a certain sequence. The closer an ingredient is to the top of the list, the greater its concentration. This is important for people prone to allergic reactions.

The shampoo is based on various sulfates, which are surfactants known as surfactants. But sulphate sulphate is different. The best are TEA laureth sulfate and TEA layril sulfate. But the most commonly used are sodium laureth sulfate - more gentle and gentle, and sodium lauryl sulfate - more aggressive, which can cause allergies. It is not recommended to buy shampoos containing low quality ammonium laureth sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate.

Along with sulfates, mild surfactants are added to shampoos: disodium cocoamphodiacetate, PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate, sodium cocoyl sarcosinate, disodium alkyl sulfosuccinate, glycereth-2 cocoate, cocamidopropyl betaine, cocamide DEA, cocamide MEA. The more their number, the softer the shampoo.

In the shampoo you can find conditioning silicone additives, which in their name have the word "dimeticone". They retain moisture in the hair, remove static electricity, and protect hair from thermal, chemical and mechanical stress.

It is very good if the shampoo contains natural additives. Collagen, elastin and keratin molecules are able to restore hair structure. Oil of jojoba, avocado, burdock, herbs and wheat germ, castor oil stimulates cell regeneration, retains moisture.

But not only natural, but also synthetic additives can have a beneficial effect on the hair. For example, sorbitol, propylene glycol and glycerin actively transport water molecules to the hair.

It should be noted that a quality shampoo contains from 15 to 40 components.

It is not always possible to find a shampoo the first time. Watch what happens to your hair after washing. If you see that your head is clean, your hair is well combed, shines, gives in to styling, has volume, and the scalp is not irritated, then the shampoo is right for you.

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Tip 4: How to make natural hair shampoo at home

Choosing a shampoo for an individual hair type sometimes becomes a real problem. The products dry the scalp, the hair becomes dry and dull. To achieve the desired result, you have to try dozens of shampoos. You can also make a natural shampoo at home by choosing the ingredients that are right for you.

A strengthening shampoo for all hair types

Mix in one container 1/3 cup of basil, nettle and dandelion leaves, 50 ml of regular toilet soap, 50 drops of any essential oil and a few teaspoons of vegetable oil. From the resulting mixture, you need to make a tincture. A decoction can be made from similar ingredients, but the oil should be added to the already prepared herbal mass.

Apply the mixture to your hair. Wait 10-15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. You can use this natural shampoo several times a week.

Natural shampoo for oily hair

Make a decoction with St. John's wort, coltsfoot, dandelion, and plantain. For 1 liter of water, you will need several tablespoons of these ingredients. Dissolve two to three tablespoons of mustard powder in two liters of warm water separately. First rinse your hair with mustard tincture, and then rinse with herbal decoction.

This hair strengthening method is suitable for daily use. The only limitation is sensitive skin. Mustard tincture is not suitable for use if the skin is prone to irritation.

Bread mask

The simplest and one of the most effective methods of strengthening hair is processing it with black bread gruel. You can make this shampoo within a few minutes. To do this, pour boiling water over several slices of black bread and leave the preparation overnight. Then grind the bread into a gruel and apply it to your hair. Such a tool is washed off quickly and easily, and the result becomes noticeable almost instantly.

If you think that the store sells a lot of different hair products and making shampoo with your own hands is an empty whim, you are very mistaken. If you read carefully into the composition of shampoos, shower gels, bath foam, you can find out that it is practically the same.

Today, in 99% of the products that we buy in the store, lauryl sulfate acts as a washing base, and the rest of the substances are contained in vanishingly small quantities, so they are extremely doubtful for hair and skin. Better to look for a homemade shampoo recipe that's right for you.

Here is an example of a homemade shampoo recipe recommended for normal to mixed hair types.

Recipe 1: Finely grate or mash a medium-sized banana, add one egg yolk and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Everything must be thoroughly mixed and then applied to the hair. Spread the mass over the scalp and hair, massage the head. The entire procedure should take at least five minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Recipe 2: Pour two or three pieces of rye bread with a small amount of low-fat kefir, put in a bowl of bread in kefir in a warm place for three hours. For dry hair, you need to take kefir of high fat content. Then mix the mixture well and apply to hair. Then rinse with a tablespoon of apple or lemon juice per liter of water.

Attention: these homemade shampoos should not be stored as they do not contain preservatives. They did it - and immediately used it.

Also, if you like regular shampoo, you can dilute them with herbal infusions. For example, chamomile decoction is most often recommended for blondes.

Bathing is one of the most important aspects of a child care program. Water procedures not only have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby, strengthening his immunity and protecting against the occurrence of various ailments, but also help the baby to relax after a day full of bright events. Correctly chosen baby shampoo will help to make bathing not only useful, but also pleasant for the child.

Does the child need baby shampoo

Baby shampoo should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. An overly active effect of the product on the protective layer of the baby's scalp can lead to dryness and the appearance of seborrheic scales.
Some mothers and fathers, especially those who became parents for the first time, ask themselves the question: "Does a child need a special baby shampoo at all, and why can't you use an ordinary adult remedy for bathing your baby?" Dispelling the doubts of adults and convincing them to buy a shampoo designed specifically for children can be a very interesting fact. It turns out that a special acid film that forms on the head of the baby and is intended to protect his skin at an older age is not yet fully formed, and it is not difficult for harmful bacteria to get through it into the child's body. Children's shampoos, which, unlike adult products aimed primarily at removing excess sebum, moisturize, nourish, protect the baby's delicate scalp, preventing the occurrence of inflammatory processes and stimulating the proper development of hair follicles.

Good baby shampoo: selection rules

The variety of baby shampoos on the shelves of modern stores is so great that many parents who decide to buy this hygiene product for their baby get lost in such a rich assortment and choose the first bottle they come across or most liked. You don't need to do this, because in order to buy a really good baby shampoo, you should carefully study its composition and other information indicated on the package.

When choosing a shampoo for a child, always pay attention to the age group indicated on the bottle of the product. If the bottle with shampoo is marked "For children from birth", feel free to buy it for your baby. The absence of this inscription indicates that the product is intended for children over three years old.

When choosing baby shampoo, give preference to well-known brands. Large manufacturers value their reputation and never use ingredients that are prohibited and unsafe for babies in the manufacture of their products.

Avoid buying baby shampoo that has a bright color and pungent odor. And if you still want to surprise your baby with a pleasant aroma, choose for him a baby shampoo with a lavender or chamomile scent, which, in addition to its main properties, also has a calming effect.

The carcinogenic formaldehyde, sodium lauryl sulfate, 1,4-dioxane, triethanolamine and diethanolamine are considered the most harmful to the health of children.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the baby shampoo you like. In addition to the ingredients indicated in large print, pay attention to the substances whose names are printed on the label in small letters. Perhaps one of them is a potential health hazard to your child.

And lastly, when choosing a baby shampoo, always give preference to products marked "no tears". These shampoos are composed of mild detergents that do not irritate or pinch children's eyes.

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Some consider dandruff only a cosmetic defect, others - a symptom of a serious illness. In any case, dandruff is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. At home, you can try to do this with a special shampoo.

The main components of a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo

A medicated shampoo should contain at least one of the following components: sulfur, salicylic acid, zinc, selenium or tar. The fact is that these substances are most effective in combating dandruff.

You should never choose a shampoo based on its scent or color. Often, a pleasant scent is created using chemicals that can contribute to dandruff. Some anti-dandruff shampoos may not smell good, but they are probably the most effective. Sulfur, zinc and tar can give them an unpleasant smell, but they are the ones who fight dandruff most reliably.

Types of medicated shampoos

Anti-dandruff medicated shampoos are divided into antifungal, exfoliating, antibacterial, and herbal shampoos. The best antifungal agents include Nizoral, Dermazole, Sebozol. Of the exfoliating shampoos, Vichy Dercos is the most preferred. Dandruff Control Shampoo is considered one of the best antibacterial shampoos. Klorane with nasturtium is specially formulated for the treatment of dry dandruff. When choosing an anti-dandruff shampoo, you should also pay attention to what type of hair it is intended for.

You should wash your hair with medicated shampoo no more than 1-2 times a week. If you need to wash your hair more often, you should alternate it with a cosmetic shampoo. The course of treating seborrhea with a special shampoo can last from one to one and a half months. After graduation, you can switch to cosmetic shampoos for dandruff. Head & Shoulders is perhaps most preferred here as it is available for a wide variety of hair types.

However, if it suddenly turns out that not a single shampoo brings the desired result, you should seek the help of a dermatologist.

Fighting dandruff is a long process. But how happy and renewed the owner of beautiful and healthy hair will feel.

Hello friends!

I think everyone wants thick, strong, shiny and healthy hair so that it grows well and is enjoyable day in and day out.

Therefore, I decided to write an article about homemade shampoos, the same ones that you can make at home with your own hands.

So, the main advantages of homemade shampoos over purchased hair products and how to prepare them from simple and affordable products, let's talk further ...

In this article, you will learn:

DIY homemade shampoos

"Why use homemade shampoos, if there is now such a large selection of store-bought shampoos for every taste?"

Many people are surprised to hear that you can wash your head with homemade shampoos: why, did our grandmothers do this ?!

And they did the right thing. Now I'll tell you why =)

You've probably already heard that shampoos and other cosmetics sold in stores contain a lot of harmful substances in their composition?

As for shampoos, they contain SLS, parabens, and other "chemicals" that harm not only our hair, but also our health in general: these chemicals accumulate in our body and cause diseases, sometimes very serious ones. More details -

When I found out about such information, almost one day, once and for all, I gave up the usual store-bought shampoos, and switched completely to organic and home care.

Any natural and organic shampoo is, of course, much better than shampoo with SLS and other misfortune. But a shampoo made in an industrial way cannot contain any chemical components AT ALL. That is, organic shampoos are a great alternative in this case, I myself love using such shampoos. But homemade shampoos are COMPLETELY natural and harmless. There is a difference, and it is obvious.

Now I combine: periodically use organic shampoos (to be honest, only because sometimes I'm too lazy to prepare shampoo on my own) and homemade.

I will tell you about my favorite and time-tested homemade hair shampoo just below.

And store-bought shampoos are just that, whatever the manufacturers on their packages: what do they nourish, strengthen, moisturize, etc ...

On my own many years of experience, I was convinced that nothing cares for hair as well as homemade products!

Hair really transforms!

The main benefits of homemade shampoos

If there are any problems with your hair (dandruff, itching, hair loss) - then all this can also be solved with homemade hair shampoo.

That is, homemade shampoos are cleansing, treatment, and care - three in one.

There are a huge number of homemade shampoo recipes and you yourself choose the ingredients that you need, for your hair type and your needs.

You can create, experiment and create YOUR shampoo recipes, taking as a basis any recipe, and adjusting it for yourself. You can add to it what you think is necessary at this moment for the health of your hair.

And the next time, you are already preparing a different shampoo, simply by adding something different from the ingredients to it. And you get a different result. This is a huge advantage, what do you think?

All components for shampoo preparation are available: many can be ordered online, and many of them are always in your kitchen!

Homemade shampoos are very budget friendly, and this is their big plus.

We all have different hair types and different needs. And the hair of many is also capricious: either one is missing, then the other ... We bought shampoo, washed our hair - everything seems to be ok. But after a couple of times using it, you realize that no… something is not right… I don’t like it… I don’t like it… Was it like that? It happens to me all the time! And then they just stand, and you don't know where to “fuse” them ...

Not everyone can afford to buy so many different organic shampoos, which in themselves are not cheap.

And we prepare homemade shampoo for one time, maximum - for several times. I didn’t like it - no one forces it, next time we do a different line-up, and that's it.

What is one of the undoubted "pluses" of such formulations prepared at home: many homemade shampoos are suitable for washing not only hair, but also the whole body!

Therefore, with both hands I am in favor of being able to prepare and apply homemade hair shampoos!

I do not want that what I put on my head while washing my hair, in any way harm me, in our life, and so a lot of things harmful.

What you need to know about homemade shampoos?

Very often I meet negative reviews about the use of homemade shampoos.

What can I say? Everything, of course, is individual, and perhaps, having tried a lot of recipes, you still won't find, unfortunately, your own ...

And that doesn't mean all homemade shampoos are bad. This means that they are not right for YOU. Or you haven't found yours yet.

Still, you need to be patient and continue your search.

I tried a huge number of different homemade shampoos, and in the end I found the one that is perfect for ME. But I know many for whom he did not fit.

And many simply do not know some important points, and are disappointed.

From my own experience, I want to tell you this about:

  1. Homemade shampoo should be used immediately after preparation. Use only fresh shampoo - it is much more effective this way. Some shampoos may not be refrigerated for long. But this still reduces their effectiveness.
  2. Homemade shampoo takes some getting used to! After one application, the effect is unlikely to be pleasant to you, but when the scalp and hair get used to such a delicate cleansing, the frequency of washing your hair will decrease. It usually takes a month to get used to it, maybe less, or maybe longer - everything is individual.
  3. Some homemade shampoos cannot be used all the time. In these cases, simply alternate with organic store-bought shampoos. Better yet, find yourself a shampoo recipe that will be just perfect for your hair. Arrange for yourself such an experiment - try all the options and find for yourself what suits you best. It's interesting, at least! And as a maximum - you will have healthy and beautiful hair and zero harm to health.
  4. Homemade shampoo often does not rinse your hair as perfectly as a store-bought shampoo, as it does so very gently. Especially if your hair is oily. We are accustomed to the fact that the hair needs to be washed "until it squeaks." This does not happen with homemade shampoos. Rather, they cleanse wonderfully (if you have found exactly "your" recipe), but it feels completely different. It's hard to explain, you just have to try it.

How to wash your hair - homemade shampoo recipes

Girls, I offer you something that I tried myself at one time.

I'll tell you honestly, everything is as it is, with all the "pluses" and "minuses".

Having switched to washing my hair with homemade shampoo, at first my hair simply "did not understand the humor" that this was happening ... They got used to ANOTHER! But I patiently continued my experiment. Did I regret it? Oooh, of course not!

After two or three months of application, I had such a shock of beautiful and shiny hair, which, it seems to me, never existed!

Homemade baking soda shampoo

Not everyone knows that regular baking soda is a great substitute for store-bought shampoo.

How does baking soda work on hair?

Soda is alkaline. It removes all accumulated oil from the hair.

Baking soda is a mild cleaner WITHOUT ANY ADDITIVES and WITHOUT CHEMICAL ADDITIVES, which are contained in huge quantities in shampoos. I'm talking about thickeners, emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers, etc.

It will take some time to completely switch to washing your hair with baking soda: your hair and scalp must adapt and get used to it, so after one or two uses of baking soda for washing your hair, you will most likely be unhappy.

In order to see the first result, you must use this method for at least 2 weeks, or even more.

Many of my friends are delighted with this method of washing their hair: they say that now it is enough to wash your hair 1-2 times a week, instead of 3-4.

According to my observations, this method is suitable for those who have oily hair and scalp, for those who often wash their hair.

  • How to properly wash your hair with baking soda?

Stir 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water, apply the solution to the hair (pay special attention to the scalp). Massage the scalp for 3 minutes and wash off with plenty of warm water.

  • Do I need to use a balm?

It's up to you to decide. Organic balms can be used, which is a good option.

But, if you want to completely abandon purchased products, then after washing your hair should be rinsed with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar (1-2 tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water, depending on your needs).

Thanks to this, they will be easy to comb and shine.

It is very important to use it, and not its cheap counterpart, which is sold in the store. It is not good for the hair. Vinegar should be exactly unfiltered, organic and of high quality.

Pros of homemade baking soda shampoo:

  • quick preparation: unlike other homemade shampoos, preparing a shampoo with baking soda will not be difficult and will not take time,
  • this is one of the most budget-friendly ways to wash your hair: one soda bag will last for a long time,
  • soda is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies.

Cons of homemade baking soda shampoo:

  • long addiction: it may take a month to see a good result and completely abandon the store-bought shampoo,
  • for those with dry hair, soda may not be suitable: soda dries out hair and scalp,
  • baking soda does not always wash your hair perfectly: if your hair is too oily, then baking soda will not cope.

Homemade Egg Shampoo

For this, the yolk of a chicken or quail egg is used.

The beneficial properties of egg yolks are ideal for hair care.

Washing your hair with an egg is one of the most popular ways to wash your hair, which was used by our mothers and grandmothers, this method has a large number of fans.

For washing hair, it is best to use exclusively egg yolk, as it contains all those useful components that we need. In addition, protein is very difficult to wash out of the hair.

How to wash your hair with the yolk of an egg?

  • First, you need to decide how many yolks we need for this procedure: for short hair, one yolk will be enough, for long hair - take two or three pieces.
  • It's simple: separate the yolks from the whites and get rid of the film that covers them. If this is not done, then the hair will then be difficult to rinse. This is why many people pause their experiment of shampooing with egg yolk. But many are satisfied with this film, and they do not get rid of it. Therefore, try this and that, and make your choice: for this you can make a small incision and squeeze the yolk out of the film.
  • Now you need to mix the yolks with a little water and beat them with a fork or whisk, apply the resulting shampoo to wet hair and scalp. Massage, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.
  • If the hair is very spoiled, then you can leave such a shampoo as a mask - for 15-20 minutes.
  • If your hair is oily, then you can add a little lemon juice to your homemade egg shampoo, and olive oil for dry hair (but very little - just a couple of drops).

Also, the egg goes well with, you can add essential oils depending on the type of hair or the desired effect.

Pros of homemade egg shampoo:

  • The yolk not only cleanses the hair, but also nourishes it: it is an ideal remedy for too damaged and dry hair,
  • shampoo preparation takes no more than 3-5 minutes,
  • eggs are an affordable product that is always in the house,
  • after washing your hair with yolk, you do not need to use a balm: the hair is perfectly nourished only by the components included in the yolk,
  • suitable for almost any type of hair, except for too oily hair - he simply will not wash them, but as a mask, the yolk is also suitable for oily hair.

Cons of egg shampoo:

  • a lot of yolks are needed for very long hair, because of this, this method is not too cheap,
  • the smell of eggs may remain on the hair, which not everyone likes,
  • You need to get used to this method: the first time the yolk may not rinse your hair the way you want it.

Homemade mustard shampoo

For the preparation of mustard shampoo is used, which can be bought in the store.

How to use: dilute a couple of tablespoons of mustard with water until creamy. Dampen hair with water and then apply mustard mixture to scalp, massage gently and rinse with water.

A big plus of using mustard is that hair grows beautifully, and dandruff disappears completely.

Therefore, if this method of shampooing is not suitable for you, then do not give up mustard completely, use hair masks with mustard in the composition: if the hair is dry, then just add more oil for nutrition.

Cons: This shampoo is only suitable for owners of oily scalp. But even for them it is not recommended to use such cleansing all the time, since mustard dries hair very much.

Homemade brown bread shampoo

Bread masks are very useful for hair, due to the content in black bread of substances such as manganese, iron, zinc, vitamins B and E.

Bread is most often used as a component of hair masks, but it also acts as a mild scrub, so it is suitable for washing your hair.

For homemade shampoo, rye or Borodino bread is suitable.

  • How to wash your hair with bread?

Pour boiling water over several slices of bread, having previously separated the crust from the bread, and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Then knead the bread thoroughly so that there are as few crumbs as possible (this can be done with a blender). Apply bread mass to damp hair, and, paying special attention to the roots, massage thoroughly and rinse.

If you want to also heal your hair, then you can add other useful ingredients to the bread: a little oil for dry hair, and lemon juice for oily hair.

Instead of water, bread can be soaked with a decoction of herbs (nettle, burdock, chamomile, sage).

Pros of washing your hair with bread:

  • black bread not only cleanses the hair, but also nourishes the scalp, promotes hair growth, strengthens the roots,
  • thanks to bread, hair becomes thicker and stronger,
  • this method of washing is suitable for dry hair, as well as to restore hair,
  • after washing your hair with bread, you do not need to use balm.


  • it can be difficult to wash bread crumbs out of your hair,
  • bread shampoo is not suitable for oily scalp as it is a very mild cleanser.

Homemade hair shampoo with clay

Clay is an excellent natural cleaner, but you need to be careful with it: clay has a strong drying effect, so this method of washing is more suitable for oily hair.

And the second point - after such washing, the hair shines less.

  • Which clay to choose?

The most suitable for hair is volcanic, it is the most gentle.

Green clay, white and blue, is also suitable for washing.

  • How to wash your hair with clay?

The clay must be diluted with water to a state of gruel, then we distribute the clay through wet hair, massage and rinse immediately.

Clay must not be allowed to dry, then it is extremely difficult to wash your hair!

If your hair is very dry, you can add a little vegetable oil to the clay mixture.

Homemade soap nut shampoo

Well, now we got to my favorite HOME shampoo, to which I can sing "odes" for a very long time.

I will not overload you, I will tell you only the most important thing.

Not everyone has heard of this method of washing, but it is very useful for hair and can replace shampoo by 100%.

For washing, soap nuts are used, which I purchase from the Internet, here

What are the benefits of soap nuts for hair and scalp:

  1. Soap nuts are hypoallergenic and suitable for almost everyone.
  2. They do not dry the hair at all, they replace both shampoo and balm.
  3. They have an antibacterial effect on the skin, eliminate dandruff, itching and flaking, also strengthen hair roots and promote hair growth.

How to make soap nut shampoo?

To do this, I prepare a decoction: crush 10-15 soap nuts and pour 1 liter. water. After the water boils, you need to boil the nuts for 15-20 minutes, cool, strain and pour into a bottle from the used shampoo. The broth can be stored in the refrigerator (in this case, it must be heated before use). Use as normal shampoo.

Attention: do not allow the broth to get into your eyes! To avoid this, I tilt my head over the bathroom and wash it like this. After my nuts are cooked, I throw a handful of herbs into the broth, close the lid and insist. Then I filter it.

Thus, the shampoo becomes more effective.

Hair becomes lively, shiny, in a special way "real", or something ...

After some time using this shampoo, I realized that my hair almost does not fall out.

And for me at first, I remember, it was very surprising and unusual.

Girls, this is just my experience, so do not judge strictly. Everything is very individual, but I still really hope that you will find my experience useful.

In any case - try, experiment, search, and you will find exactly what YOU need.

I wish you this with all my heart!

How do you wash your hair with natural and homemade products? I would be glad to receive your feedback, write in the comments.

Alena was with you, bye everyone!