How to create a New Year mood. Little New Year's joys. How to create a New Year mood - decorate your environment

If you, like Scrooge from "A Christmas Story", have lost faith in real miracles and do not feel the spirit of the approaching holiday, so at the sight of the New Year tree and the thought that soon you will have to be in captivity of drunk people and basins of salad for several days " Olivier ", you feel bad, we advise you to read our material, where we share the main tips on how to return faith in the magic of New Year's Eve.

Tip 1. You need a ridiculous sweater with a deer or winter patterns

If you love movies, you must remember that the heroes of many American films about Christmas for the celebration wore a ridiculous stretched sweater knitted by their beloved grandmother or bought at a sale at a local mall, and not high heels and a short skirt. In order to feel at home for at least one evening, in comfort and in a warm atmosphere of a holiday (especially if you meet him away from home), be sure to replace a beautiful dress with a sweater dear to your heart, comfortable jeans, fur ugg boots, and when the chimes strike, instead of an elegant glass with champagne, take a better roomy mug and pour freshly brewed cocoa into it without any regret. Without comfort and home environment, you will not be able to properly feel the spirit of this holiday.

Of course, you will never decorate your home the way the owners of large shopping centers and shops do. A lush Christmas tree hung with bright toys, a statue of Santa Claus in the middle of the store's hall, decorated snowflakes pasted all over the hall - sometimes you want to watch it for hours. Get back to the holiday spirit with your visit to the beautifully decorated shops. It will be great if they sell the appropriate themed goods: socks with a snowman, Christmas decorations, cozy slippers with snowflakes or mugs with Santa Claus. Having seen enough of the New Year's paraphernalia, you will definitely feel the spirit of the holiday.

As a child, the New Year was the most long-awaited holiday. And the main winter entertainment for all children was sledges. Remember how on a December evening after school you ran to ride the local roller coaster. Gather a group of friends and go ahead - remember the childish entertainment. Just imagine: a winter evening, after a sleigh ride or skiing, you return home, make yourself a cup of delicious tea or cocoa, turn on a movie about Christmas or New Year, and delightfully plunge into the past. Together with your childhood memories and the winter season, faith in miracles and New Year's tales returns.

Can't get into the spirit of the holiday? Perhaps you need an example to follow! It will be best if you recharge yourself with New Year's mood from a close friend for whom New Year is holiday number 1, or from your relative - what if love for this holiday is in your blood? If it so happens that all the people around you are skeptical enough about this event, take an example from public people. For example, flip through the Instagram accounts of celebrities, see how they happily decorate Christmas trees in their homes and prepare a festive dinner.

It's great if you have nephews or younger brothers and sisters, take them by the hand - and go to the New Year's performance. When else will you have the opportunity to dance around the Christmas tree, chat with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, and make a New Year's wish! A huge plus to the festive mood will be a sweet gift - can something bring us back to childhood faster than sweet candies in the form of a Christmas tree toy or a snowman?

Unfortunately, not all people feel joy before the holidays. Many, on the contrary, plunge into despondency, apathy, discontent ... Why do we, growing up, lose the feeling of a miracle? The reasons are different: fatigue, obsession with trifles, high demands and expectations from others and from the New Year itself, personal troubles.

And for a young mother, the situation is by no means easier. Life with a small child is like a cycle of endless affairs that do not disappear anywhere with the arrival of the holidays. Therefore, the New Year often brings a woman only additional chores, sometimes a feeling of limitations in her own life and the stress of the pre-holiday bustle.

However, it's still worth “working” on your festive mood. Both for themselves and for the sake of loved ones, especially the child: after all, children are very susceptible to the mood of their mothers. But first, let's try to figure out why it's so easy for kids to be happy.

How to create a festive mood in the shower: the secret of children

For a child, a holiday is not just another day off, for which tiresome preparations are also required. Children do not understand the reasons for the fuss and efforts made by adults; they do not need expensive gifts and a smartly laid table to feel the holiday. Strictly speaking, for kids every day can be a holiday if it is filled with new discoveries and something unusual. Children observe and feel the world directly, sincerely surprised by any unexpected little things, therefore they are able to perceive the New Year in all its magic: streets and houses were painted with bright flickering lights, elegant Christmas trees with such different and beautiful toys appeared on the squares, and even at home one evening suddenly from out of nowhere a pretty Christmas tree appeared, and next to it - boxes with "treasures": balls, cones, beads and tinsel. So for children, the New Year's fairy tale begins long before December 31, and the main joy of the holiday lies in its anticipation.

And what to do?

Of course, the indispensable attributes of the holiday play an important role in the mechanism of triggering a special mood. But often they no longer have such an effect on adults, because we are accustomed to them and often take them simply for granted. For a child, the miracle is not somewhere outside, but in himself, in his faith and expectation of fabulous events, in his ability to sincerely wonder and rejoice, which is why he so easily plunges into the New Year's atmosphere.

In fact, a festive mood can be awakened in every person. It is only important to understand that no one, except ourselves, will create a holiday in our soul. And six great ways will help drive away melancholy and tune in to the New Year.

Way to create a festive mood # 1. Turning on the senses

Since childhood, strong associations with the holiday are fixed in the mind of a person, so you need to think about what reminds you of it, and try to evoke pleasant sensations by using all the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

Make a selection of good New Year's movies, fairy tales and cartoons. And periodically watch them with your baby. Such joint viewing not only unites, but also helps the child to get acquainted with the holiday and form his own positive associations for the future.

If you have a ritual of putting your baby to music, it's time to replace your usual lullabies with Christmas and New Year's songs. You can activate the audio channels of perception by changing the melody on the phone or the alarm clock for something fun and festive.

Fill your home with pleasant scents. Citrus, cinnamon, or vanilla scents can create a good mood. Light scented candles and watch the flickering lights with your baby, he will certainly love it.

And, of course, indulge in a delicious treat. Christmas gingerbread or other festive pastries with hot aromatic tea usually delight children, so why not share the joy?

In the evening, you can pamper yourself with warm mulled wine or hot chocolate, and bake something delicious with your baby on weekends.

Way to create a festive mood # 2. Reinforcing the expectation

The festive mood is born of anticipation and anticipation. And the additional emphasis on each passing day will help to tune in to the New Year.

An interesting way is to create and maintain a special New Year's calendar, where all the days remaining before the holiday are marked, each of which hides some surprise behind its own window. As a basis, you can take the Christmas calendar, traditional abroad and not so long ago.

You can buy it in an online store (such a calendar is designed for 24 days before the start of the holiday) or you can make it yourself. For lovers of glue-cut, you can offer the option of a wall newspaper with windows, and for needlewomen, it may be more interesting to sew handbags for every day. You can put tasks in the windows / pockets of the calendar for adults (remember the happiest day, find the most successful photo of your wife / husband and print, name the opening of your personal year, etc.), in the pockets for children - notes with tasks (sing a song, tell a rhyme, draw a picture, find a treasure, etc. to get a small gift). In general, there are many ideas for New Year's calendars.

Way to create a festive mood # 3. We create together

The best way to "catch" the New Year's mood from a child is to take part in children's preparations for the holiday. Look with what pleasure and interest the guys draw New Year's pictures and make crafts. Maybe it is in this process that the winter miracle is hidden, capable of lighting a flame of inspiration and faith in the heart?

Do not waste time and start creating a holiday with your baby: cut snowflakes, paint Christmas balls, make carnival costumes, create holiday cards and compositions from natural materials. You yourself will not notice how you plunge into the enchanted atmosphere of the New Year.

Way to create a festive mood # 4. Coming up with a fairy tale

Usually it follows one scenario: a feast, watching TV and possible trips to guests or to the city tree. Do not be afraid to break the established stereotype and use your imagination - come up with a new holiday scenario in which you yourself, your child, your dad, and even guests could take part. It can be a carnival tale played out for friends and filmed on a video camera, or a simplified quest game in which your husband and child must complete tasks to receive gifts. Come up with your own fairy tale so that next year you will want to invent something new and unexpected!

Way to create a festive mood # 5. We decorate the house

Probably, it is difficult to feel the festive atmosphere if everything around reminds of everyday life. Therefore, the house needs to be transformed, for a start "armed" with rags and a vacuum cleaner. Do not forget to involve the child in putting things in order, he will be proud that with the help of his efforts everyone around is preparing for the New Year.

Well, then the time comes for the most enjoyable activity - decorating the house itself. Hang garlands, beads and tinsel, dress up a Christmas tree, stick snowflakes, themed stickers and stained-glass windows on the windows, and you can put New Year's and Christmas compositions from houses, figurines, candlesticks on the windowsills ... Let the kid help you, even if he cannot cope with everything yet independently and often does not the way you would like (for example, hangs all the toys on one branch). The main thing is that you create a holiday with joint efforts.

A way to create a festive mood # 6. We walk and have fun

Nature, fresh air and physical activity are an inexhaustible source of positive emotions; it is not for nothing that all children get great pleasure from walking. Therefore, for a festive mood, go outside. If your baby is still in the stroller, you can afford to take a leisurely stroll through the festively decorated parks and admire exhibitions of ice sculptures. If your toddler needs more activity, take a sled, ice, skis, skates and go remember your childhood with steep slides, awkward falls on the ice, a snow fortress and loud laughter.

Mood is a substance, of course, capricious, but if you remember that there is a powerful stimulus for positive emotions next to you - your baby, it will become much easier to manage your perception of life. The most important thing is to want to feel happy, to allow yourself to become a child again and to have fun on a par with children.

A very effective way to awaken New Year's joy in the soul is to use the visualization technique. It consists in creating mental images of the desired reality.

Read winter and New Year's poems, stories and fairy tales with your child. After reading, try to draw or dazzle the characters and situations you like. So you can deeper immerse yourself in the fabulous atmosphere, watching the results of your work.

Star parents

Evelina Bledans, actress, TV presenter, and Semyon (2 years old)

As a rule, we always have a good mood in the New Year. Usually a Christmas tree brings a festive atmosphere to our home. We live outside the city, and right in front of our house, in the middle of a flower bed, a wonderful spruce grows, which we decorate with Semyon every year. Of course, I give him shatterproof toys, as he is used to throwing balls like balls.

Dmitry Malikov, composer, singer, and Stephanie (14 years old)

To create a New Year's mood, we are already decorating a gazebo in our suburban area in early December, which we use for a barbecue in the summer. We decorate a Christmas tree there, carry out the illumination, and while the court and business, we have time to cook a delicious barbecue and drink tea with herbs. And we also hang balloons on our favorite apple tree for the New Year.

The holiday is getting closer and the preparations are in full swing, but you are not in the appropriate mood? Probably, each of us faced this! At the end of the year, many urgent tasks with a short deadline appear at work, you need to clean up at home, buy gifts for all your friends and family, organize a party, set the table, and so on and so forth. New Year's chores are pleasant, but when there are too many of them, we forget about why all this is actually done! To create a New Year's mood, use our universal tips.

How to create a New Year mood - decorate your environment

This advice is well known to everyone, but for some reason few of us pay enough attention to decorating rooms and even workspaces. Bows, angels, tinsel and snowflakes on the glass are an essential attribute of the holiday. Cleaning your apartment is, of course, good, but the main thing is that you have a festive atmosphere in your house. So that when you go home, you remembered that the New Year is coming and smiled looking at the decorations. Take a day to decorate your rooms, turn on New Year's music and get to work! Believe me, this is an effective way to return the New Year's mood!

How to cheer up the New Year - surround yourself with the attributes of the holiday

Have you ever thought about what you associate with the New Year? Probably many will answer this question by naming a tree, snow, tangerines, cinnamon pies, the movie "Home Alone" and so on. None of us can organize snowy weather, but you should have other attributes of the holiday in your house! Buy tangerines to enjoy their smell and, of course, taste; organize a marathon, watch all your favorite New Year comedies with your friends, take some time for yourself - take a bathroom with scented candles and think about what you expect from next year? Summing up is an important stage that will allow you to objectively assess your achievements and outline plans for the future. How would you like to spend the Old Year and meet the New? Think about this in advance. Expecting a pleasant party will keep you in a good mood.

How to feel the New Year mood - take a break before the stormy holidays

Psychologists unanimously say that the guarantee of a good mood is the alternation of rest and vigorous activity. Unfortunately, before the New Year, we do not always manage to pay attention to ourselves - the weekends are usually packed with shopping, choosing gifts or cleaning. Make small adjustments to your plans, start preparing for the New Year earlier and free yourself at least one day a week for the sacred "doing nothing." Strike a balance.

How to make a New Year mood - set yourself up for a positive wave

Psychologists say that if a person tells everyone that he does not have a New Year's mood, then in the end he will program himself that it will not appear. Act as if you already have a festive mood! Become the one who brings friends together to make home decorations together. Become the initiator of some fun New Year's traditions that add variety to your celebration. Do not let yourself be discouraged and, most importantly, start preparing before the New Year at least a month in advance!

By following these simple tips, you will arm yourself with a good New Year mood and pass it on to all your friends!

To make the main holiday of the year truly memorable, you don't have to go on a trip or book a table at an expensive restaurant. New Year's Eve can be special at home if you show your imagination and think in advance how to create a festive mood. Especially for you, we have prepared 8 inspiring ideas for New Year's decor.

1. Setting the tone for the holiday

First of all, choose a base color for your holiday decoration. The house for the New Year can be decorated in colors characteristic of the winter season - pastel, blue, red, brown or green. When choosing the right color, keep in mind that it should be in harmony with the interior of the house. Having decided on the base color of the decoration, add additional accents: for example, decorate the tablecloth and Christmas tree decorations with silver or gold paint.

2. We decorate the tree correctly

The main element in the New Year's decor is, of course, the Christmas tree. But this does not mean at all that you need to hang all the toys in the house on it. Choose only those that match the base color of the design and are in harmony with the interior. The Christmas tree should not be overloaded with decor. If you don't have the opportunity to purchase new, more suitable toys, buy tinsel - it is cheaper, but it looks stylish.

3. Turning out the lights and lighting candles

You will be surprised how much the atmosphere in your home will change if you replace the lamps and fixtures with ordinary candles. With glue and sewing materials (beads, ribbons, stripes of brightly colored fabrics, and unnecessary buttons), you can easily give them a festive look. Create whole candle compositions all over your home by grouping them together in Christmas wreaths. To keep the candles burning longer and not going out until morning, put them in a bag and put them in the freezer the day before the holiday.

4. We hang garlands

Garlands hung around the house will also create a New Year's mood. Hang them literally everywhere - on the railing of the stairs, along the dining table, on the walls, windows and, of course, on the tree. Thanks to this, the house will immediately be transformed and shine with new colors.

5. We decorate the house with natural materials

Let the winter nature into your house - cones and spruce branches can become an original decoration. Decorate them with silver paint or tie them with ribbons, and you can safely decorate them with a Christmas tree, a festive table, as well as doors and windows of the house.

6. Setting the table

Like the Christmas tree, the New Year's table should also not be overloaded with various accessories. Lay a tablecloth (it is desirable that it coincides with the base color of the decoration), arrange beautiful dishes. The picture will be complemented by candles, New Year's wreaths, ornaments from cones and spruce branches.

7. Decorating windows

Draw frosty patterns on the windows. To do this, mix the toothpaste with water, dip a sponge into the mixture and blot the windows with it. Now let your imagination run wild and draw snowflakes and frosty curls on the glass.

8. We select textiles

Soft decorative pillows with themed prints and inscriptions are perhaps the easiest and most effective way to create a festive mood at home. Decorate sofas and armchairs with them - and your home space, as if by magic, will begin to fill with the long-awaited atmosphere of celebration and magic.

Choose cards with a New Year theme, sign each one and send it all over the world. The mere realization that a message written on paper is in a hurry to your friends should please and add 100 points to the expectation of the holiday.

2. Learn or compose a New Year song

Learning the words Jingle Bells, Christmas Is All Around, or other Christmas and New Year carols and singing them daily at home and on the road will lift your spirits. And having come up with a new song, you can surprise your friends.

3. Bake cookies

It doesn't matter if you've done it before or not. Gather a large company, take the first recipe you like - and off you go!

4. Play Secret Santu

Colleagues, classmates, or a group of friends are perfect. Big family? Fine. Decide on a budget and turn on your imagination: for the New Year, everyone wants something original. You can play on the Secret Santa website.

And if you don't want to use the Internet, play offline. The life hacker has collected the rules in a separate article.

The buying process alone will fill your head with warm thoughts about the upcoming holidays. And there is no need to talk about wearing it!

6. Read

Bestsellers such as The Night Before Christmas, The Polar Express, How the Grinch Stole Christmas will help you feel that very New Year's atmosphere. Don't forget the blanket and hot chocolate!

7. Start the countdown

Have a calendar where you can cross out the days. The main thing is that the expectation of the holiday does not become more pleasant than the holiday itself.

8. Set New Year wallpapers

We look at the screen of a smartphone or computer more often than in a mirror. In our case, it is worth making it an advantage: New Year's wallpapers will add an atmosphere of magic to your life.

9. Attend pre-holiday events

No, we are not about feasts with an indecent amount of alcohol, but about entertainment events for children and adults. One has only to search the Internet a little, and it will immediately become clear where you can spend the next weekend and activate your New Year's mood.

The advice may be trivial, but it works 100%. The smell of pine needles, unpacking boxes with toys, buying garlands and decorations - the New Year is simply bound to come in the coming days! By the way, choosing a tree is a whole art.

11. Take a walk along the main streets

The administration decorates the city not only so that we can admire the lights from the windows of cars and buses. So take some time and walk around the center: it's amazingly beautiful!

12. Buy gifts for loved ones

It's a pleasant process. Plus, if you hurry, you can get good discounts. This also raises the mood.

13. And to myself

Why not? Is everything just different? You can give something to the most important and beloved person in this life. A small but nice gift will brighten up your expectation of the holiday.

14. Get the New Year's bedding

Falling asleep and waking up among snowflakes, Christmas trees and New Year's toys is a pleasure. You can check.

15. Make a snowman

Remember your childhood and take one of the next weekend active games. Upon returning home, the festive table will become your dream at least until the next snack.

Shopping centers on New Year's Eve are just a treasure! Everything shines: walls, ceilings, shop windows. New Year with new clothes! How do you like this motto?

17. Make Christmas decorations

The spruce has already been bought, but is it only decorated with balls from IKEA? Not our option.

18. And a New Year's costume for a child

And now the task is more difficult: to make sure that the child comes to the holiday in the most interesting outfit.

19. Write a letter to Santa Claus

So what, what a long time over twenty! Santa Claus has his own mail. And the address is: 162390, Russia, Vologda Oblast, Veliky Ustyug, Father Frost's Mail.

There are no special rules. Just write a letter, glue the stamps, and drop it in the mailbox. And then wait for a miracle. What if Santa Claus reads the letter and fulfills his wish?

20. Go to Veliky Ustyug

Amazing trip for a few days to the homeland of Santa Claus. By the way, a letter can be transmitted faster.

21. Or any other trip

In winter, you don't always want to go north. Needless to say, I rarely want to go north. But the New Year can be started with other pleasant trips as well. For example, to warm countries. Let the plans give you a New Year mood and a sense of pleasant anticipation.

So what? Many do this. If you can't look at a magic grandfather - become one yourself.

23. Give others tangerines

At the very least, this is a good deed and an interesting experience. Surprise your friends or colleagues, or better yet, strangers. Practice shows: if you please others, you enjoy yourself.

24. Arrange a photo session

It works with a bang. The atmosphere in any photo studio will make even those who hate it want the New Year. In addition, these are memorable photographs, they are always nice to receive.

25. Listen to music

You probably thought that we would forget about it, but no! Music works wonders, so a New Year's playlist is a must for creating and maintaining New Year's mood.

26. Surround yourself with New Year's aromas

Or just winter. Tangerines, cinnamon, anise, cloves, pine needles - these smells will definitely remind you of New Year's childhood stories, and a warm mood is guaranteed.

27. Decorate your home

Without this, too, nowhere. We spend half of our lives at work (by the way, we also recommend decorating a workplace), and half at home. Let a holiday await us at home, then the mood will be the same.

30. Plan the New Year

What you invest in is what you expect. Let's plan the menu, program, gifts and the whole New Year's Eve today. The more we prepare, the more long-awaited the holiday will be!