How to choose a favorable date for the wedding. Astrological online service test "When I get married, how to meet my love, what will my partner be like and what will my marriage be like" - calculate by date of birth for free

Summer is on the way, which means that the "wedding season" is open. Soon cars with happy newlyweds will pass on the roads, in Moscow on the Luzhkov bridge, the newlyweds will hang locks as a sign of a strong union. Many couples have celebrations scheduled for this summer, including my friend, who asked me to pick a date for the wedding. And I decided that this is a good reason to tell how it is done and why it is needed.

Elective astrology is a section of astrology that helps you choose the most suitable date for starting a business. The name of this section comes from the Latin word "electio" - choice. Those. the astrologer, based on certain rules, chooses the most optimal date for signing a contract, marriage, publishing a book, buying a car, etc. The kaleidoscope of life situations is not limited here.

What is all this for!? Imagine the situation, you need to sign a contract on favorable terms for you, so that everything goes without a hitch. To do this, you need to choose the right time. This may seem absurd, but, apparently, the location of the heavenly bodies and planets at a given moment in time affects an individual person in a certain way. No one is able to logically explain this phenomenon, but the fact that this fact exists, I think none of the astrologers can deny. And people who are far from astrological judgments can only use for the benefit of themselves and those around them such a gift from heaven.

But today we will not talk about signing contracts, but about such a wonderful and exciting event in the life of every person as a wedding. Although, from the point of view of a lawyer, marriage is the same conclusion of an agreement, by virtue of which the husband and wife have rights and obligations. The signing of marriage contracts is common abroad, in Russia this cynical nightmare has not yet taken root, probably due to the optimistic nature of the Russian person. We, for the most part, marry for love and believe that only death in view of old age will dissolve the marriage.

So, when compiling the elective of marriage, there are the following rules:

1. You should pay a lot of attention to the moon. Ideally, she should not make tense aspects during the passage of the sign, be in a sign either where she is strong (Cancer, Taurus), or a sign that is neutral for herself. The presence of the Moon in the sign of Scorpio and Capricorn in the elective of marriage is unacceptable!

3. Malefic planets such as Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto should be in subsequent (2, 5, 8, 11) or falling (3, 6, 9, 12) houses, but not in angular positions. Any planet in an angular house is strong, it manifests its influence very powerfully. We, on the other hand, need to minimize their impact, so they need to be "moved" into houses where their strength is minimal.

4. It is necessary to carefully choose the sign on the Ascendant. It is preferable that these be fixed signs (especially Taurus and Leo). For marriage, the sign of scales is also well suited, because. it is a sign of partnerships, and a sign of cancer, it is directly related to the family.

5. It is desirable that the Sun and Moon, as well as the ruler of the first and seventh houses, be in a harmonious aspect (trine or sextile) or without aspects, but definitely not in square or opposition.

6. Preferably, the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter are above the horizon.

7. The Sun, Moon, Venus, planets - the rulers of the first and seventh houses should in no case be in tense aspects to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Uranus can incline to excessive freedom, Neptune to treason and deceit, and with Pluto, in general, jokes are bad. It can give some extreme situations.

Based on these rules, I began to choose a suitable wedding date for my girlfriend.

I settled on two options:

12/08/2012 20-54 (St. Petersburg) 19-45 (Moscow)

What we see in this map:

1. The Moon is in the sign of Gemini, which is neutral for her.

3. Mars and Saturn are in the next 8th house, Uranus is almost on the cusp of the 2nd house, and Pluto is located in the 12th.

4. The ascendant is in our chart in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is a sign of stability, and of all the cardinal signs, he is more prone to stability than others, so he will fit in this card.

5. Trigon, as I already wrote in paragraph 1, is available in this card.

The wedding day is a special day. He will not only be remembered by the couple for life, but will also affect the future fate of the family. Do you want to be happy in marriage, live together happily ever after? Then choose the wedding date according to the recommendations of the astrologer.

Perhaps someone will say: what can an astrologer choose when everything seems to be predestined by the stars?.. In fact, the position of the planets at the time of birth indicates only more or less probable trends in our life.

Knowing about them, we can choose, while ignorance usually pushes us towards the most likely scenario, whatever it may be.

Of course, all this should be kept in mind when we make a decision about the most important event of our life - preparing for marriage.

Astrology and marriage - what's the connection?

The moment of marriage is the moment of the birth of a new union, and all the features of this minute will be reflected in the horoscope of marriage and, accordingly, in the future life of a new married couple.

If desired, according to the horoscope of marriage, you can not only learn about the general moments of family relationships, material well-being, household chores of the family, but also predict important events for the spouses.

It should be remembered that marriage is an event that has both the past and the present (how the wedding is celebrated, in what circumstances and conditions), and the future. What motivated people to get married? After all, some went to this decision for years, while others decided in a week.

Every couple has their own story, and it will continue after the wedding. Therefore, the marriage horoscope in any case will reflect the main compatibility trends between partners - both harmonious and tense (which, by the way, would be nice to discuss in a personal consultation with an astrologer before the wedding).

Couples with good compatibility, which have the prospect of a long harmonious relationship, usually and without any astrology somehow choose a good day for marriage on their own, because their compatibility works for them. However, ideal couples, like ideal marriage horoscopes, are rare - perhaps only in dreams.

In reality, we are dealing with living people whose relationships go through ups and downs, and marriages are made on earth. Yes, they take place in heaven, but they are registered on earth, and at the most different arrangements of heavenly bodies and planets.

That's why you need to choose the date of the marriage ceremony. A marriage concluded on a favorable harmonious day will smooth out the tense and strengthen the harmonious aspects of the synastry (that is, astrological compatibility), while the opposite situation may be an indication of difficult, crisis moments in marital relations.

I repeat, the marriage horoscope always reflects the real trends of this partnership, so do not be afraid that you will spoil the relationship by marrying on an unfavorable day. No, one marriage horoscope does not have such power, the whole system of relationships works.

But everyone probably wants to try to do everything possible for the future of their family. Not without reason in the old days in Europe, and in China, and in India, before the wedding, they not only compared the horoscopes of the bride and groom for compatibility, but also carefully selected the day for the solemn ceremony.

Of course, one should also take into account the modern specifics of the organization of marriage ceremonies. Often it is not possible to choose a day, and it is hardly possible to ask a registry office employee to wait while you consult with an astrologer. Choosing a date in advance with the risk that the registry office does not work on the most successful day in the world is also not the best option.

However, you can do this: if you know approximately in advance, even in the most general form, which days are more or less successful for weddings, then you will have some room for action.

The influence of the moon on the choice of wedding date

The best and most reliable option is an individual consultation with an astrologer, but some general rules may be available to everyone.

Firstly, it would be good to make sure that the Sun on your wedding day has harmonious aspects with the Moon, with the planets of your chart and the planets on your wedding day.

Accordingly, the days of the new moon and full moon are excluded (their dates can be found on the Internet).

Since we are talking about a marriage union, to which we wish a long happy future, it is better to marry on the growing moon - that is, approximately in the first ten days after the new moon.

But this is not an axiom either. For example, if a marriage is registered after several years of marriage, it may well be concluded in the third quarter of the moon, as a result of previous relationships.

The last two or three days before the new moon are unfavorable for the lunar phases - a marriage concluded on these days will not be easy.

Zodiac and date of marriage

In addition, you can pay attention to the combination of the date of marriage with the birthdays of future spouses. Say, if the wedding date is an even number of months from the birthday (plus or minus a day or two), then this is a favorable sign.

If exactly for six months, this partner may have to learn to adapt and seek compromise in marriage. But if the date of marriage is three months away from the birthday of one of the partners in any direction, this person may not be easy, such a date should be abandoned.

Secondly, you can be guided by the position of the Sun in the zodiac signs during the year. This gives us far from complete information (just like a horoscope by zodiac signs), but it is available to everyone (for the same reason, many pay attention to horoscopes by zodiac signs), because it is enough just to know the date.

  • Marriages made on the Sun in Aries make spouses active, assertive, enterprising in everything that concerns their life in marriage, even if their individual characteristics are completely different.
  • The Sun in Taurus gives spouses a great sense of responsibility, directs energy to the formation of the material basis of marriage.
  • A marriage concluded on the day when the Sun was in Gemini gives the couple mobility, contact, curiosity, but only when they are together (alone they still act due to their personal characteristics).
  • Marriage on the Sun in Cancer creates a need for emotional security, peace, they need their own home-fortress, which they will try to create, without which they will suffer.
  • The Sun in Leo gives spouses optimism, enthusiasm, breadth of feelings and love for children; spouses like to have fun in society, give advice to others.
  • A marriage made with the Sun in Virgo will be quite strong, although it may not give the spouses a high position in society. Spouses are realistic and compliant, always ready to help each other.
  • If the marriage is concluded on the Sun in Libra, then everyone perceives the spouses as a charming couple, they are liked to be accepted in society. They seek compromise; this marriage requires calmness and tolerance, so if this contradicts the personal characteristics of one of the spouses, then it is better to postpone the date. Libra is not the strongest position of the Sun.
  • With the Sun in Scorpio, marriage will have a unique vitality, the ability to recover even after the most serious crises. Relationships can be spoiled only by straightforwardness and suspicion.
  • The Sun in Sagittarius directs the energy of the couple to social activities, expands the circle of communication, can mean moving the couple abroad (at least for a while).
  • With the Sun in Capricorn, spouses are disciplined, responsible for their marriage, demanding of themselves and each other, from the outside they may seem too serious, but they know how to be true friends to those they trust.
  • A marriage made on a day when the Sun was in Aquarius can give the couple a reputation for original individualism. They are smart and intelligent, or become so in marriage, attract many people.
  • With the Sun in Pisces, the couple will be distinguished by cordiality, warmth and tolerance for each other's shortcomings. Spouses may be influenced by others, but they will never offend their beloved soul mate.

Whenever your marriage is concluded, remember: the priority is still not the dates, but your real relationship, what you can and want to do for them. Willingness to meet each other halfway, patience and love will help keep the warmth in your hearts for many years. Be happy!

Tatyana BYKOVA, astrologer, psychologist

It has become fashionable to arrange modern weddings on “beautiful” dates. It is not surprising that people need more and more vivid shows and impressions, in the hustle and bustle of life there are not many reasons for them.

Of course, without a drop of doubt, such a date looks good in marriage documents, but it only looks. Numerologists believe that such dates are not beneficial either for marriage or for the family in the future.

Choose wedding date This is a very important step and should be taken seriously. This step should take into account many nuances, first of all, the convenience of arrival and gathering of parents, guests, preparation and booking of premises, banquet halls, places for walking and photo shoots, etc.

Numerology for date picker

It happens that newlyweds adjust the wedding date to some event in their past life. For example, the day when the first date or the first kiss took place, or the day when they first saw each other. But this is also not the best way to determine the date.

Determining the wedding day can be done with the help of the science of numerology, although not everyone takes it seriously. But such a choice can provide the future family with a long and strong life together.

There are several ways to determine the wedding date in numerology.

is a favorable number for marriage. The unit symbolizes success, advancement, change for the better. This means that marriage awaits success and happiness.

Two- not the best number for creating a family. This number promises a lot of quarrels, a bunch of contradictions and conflicts. You should not set a wedding date for the second number, there is a possibility for such a family to collapse before it even starts.

Three- This is an intermediate option between one and two. He is neither bad nor good. This day is not conducive to great happiness and success. This number is suitable for organizing holidays with relatives and friends of the bride and groom. If you want a strong marriage, without quarrels and conflicts, you should not choose this day for your wedding.

Four- such a number should be completely thrown out of the list. It portends only boredom, but this is definitely not necessary in marriage.

Five- this is the number about which you can say; “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne!” such a union will be a true pleasure and bring happiness, but on the condition that the love of the young is really sincere, and their relationship is strong and based on complete trust. An accidental, forced or mercenary marriage will not bring anything good.

- this is an ideal option for a long-awaited and thoughtful wedding. When the relationship before the wedding was long, and the desire to tie the knot is mutual, then such a marriage will bring happiness, love and good luck to the young.

Seven - a good number for marriage, which hides unpredictability and mystery for newlyweds. The unions that are concluded on this day promise young people a long study of each other. They will always be waiting for new wonderful discoveries in each other.

Eight- This is a material number, which means a strong and financially beneficial marriage for both. The family will always have strong financial and material well-being, and the result is the least number of scandals and quarrels. This number is more suitable for a marriage of convenience, since the eight is not on the way with passion and devoted love.

Nine- the most favorable number that promises young people love, happiness in family life, success, children and everything that accompanies this. The best option is to plan the wedding on the ninth day, in which case you will have a comfortable expected marriage.

Beliefs associated with the date

If numerology does not suit you, you can listen to other tips. To schedule a wedding, you first need to choose a time of year. This may be the favorite time of the year for both, or for one person to whom they are ready to give in. Every season has its advantages, but each has its own limitations.

First- these are restrictions of a religious nature, it is worth listening, even if you are not at all religious people. The Orthodox Church does not approve of weddings on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday throughout the year, as well as before major church holidays, during fasts, during Christmas time and continuous weeks.

These are superstitious restrictions. Although you may not believe in it, it is still not superfluous to be careful. It is believed that the number thirteen is not suitable for a wedding, of the months - they warn against weddings in May, although this is refuted by many happy and prosperous marriages, and by years - a leap year and the two following after it are considered unsuccessful.

Now let's look at the characteristics of each month:

  1. It is believed that a wedding in January will bring early widowhood.
  2. The marriage concluded in February will exist under the inscription consent, peace and love.
  3. If a girl marries in March, then she will live in a strange place, far from home.
  4. An April wedding promises variable happiness.
  5. It is believed that getting married in May portends a quick betrayal in the house.
  6. Those who marry in June will live their whole lives as in.
  7. July promises to keep good memories throughout life and the sweet and sour taste of family life.
  8. In August, the husband will become both a friend and a loved one.
  9. September promises a quiet, measured and calm life.
  10. Those who get married in October will have a hard and difficult life full of problems.
  11. November portends a very rich and happy life.
  12. In a family that was formed in December, love will grow stronger year by year.

I would like to mention that you should not take signs very seriously. What is bad for one is good for another.

There are many examples of happy and long marriages concluded at the most unfavorable times and a huge number of dissolutions of marriages that took place on the most fertile days.

Astrology and date selection

In astrology, it is believed that a marriage is successful, it must be entered into in the fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth and eleventh month from the date of birth.

Astrologers also give advice to play a wedding at a time when the planet Venus is strong, because she is still the Goddess of love.

To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar. It is not recommended to spend on the new moon, full moon, first and last quarter of the moon.

These days, the Moon, which means the feminine, and the Sun, which is the masculine in astrology, come into conflict.

In general, in astrology it is believed that the best day for a wedding is the twenty-first lunar day of each month.

Russian traditions

Russian traditions called for a wedding after the harvest and a careful approach to the choice of the day of the week. The wedding, played from Monday to Wednesday, promised well-being and health.

But modern society and life dictate other conditions. And weddings now play mostly on weekends. This is connected both with working hours and with inviting guests, because not everyone will be released from work on weekdays. According to signs, you can’t play a wedding on your own birthday.

When you have decided on the date, you should take care to book it in, as well as be in time with booking a restaurant, inviting guests, choosing, etc. If it becomes necessary to reschedule the wedding, you never know what can happen in life, we start the process with an application to, where certain problems with the queue may arise. When the date in the registry office is moved further, you can negotiate with everyone else.

When choosing a date, you also need to take into account some nuances, in addition to folk signs and superstitions. For example, this date should be convenient not only for you, but also for your guests, especially if they are from afar. Make your decision also looking at the season, i.e. in spring there can be mud and rain, and in winter there can be severe blizzards with unpredictable consequences.

When you plan to spend your honeymoon in warm countries after the wedding, you should agree on the vacation time at work, as well as visit a travel agency and get acquainted with the weather in the country you have chosen for your trip. Hot countries are famous for having a windy season, as well as a rainy season, so everything should be taken into account.

If you still decide to hold your wedding on a “beautiful” date, for example, 08.08 or 09.09, you need to reserve such a date in the registry office in advance, as they are very popular. And in a situation where you really like the date, and the guests on this day cannot come to you for the celebration, you can register your marriage on this day, and hold the celebration on any other.

Happy celebration and prosperous family life!

In Vedic astrology, it is generally accepted that the strongest and happiest marriage depends on choosing the right auspicious wedding date. Practice shows that many unhappy marriages were entered into in an unfavorable period from the point of view of Vedic astrology. This is followed by divorces, constant scandals and quarrels. How to avoid it? Calculate the correct wedding date so that the marriage is harmonious and happy. Also, with the help of astrology, you can find out how many children your couple will have, what social status awaits you, how you can avoid problems in marriage, and much more.

The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th houses are associated with family and marriage.

The first house is responsible for the physical body, longevity, happiness, peace.

The second house is responsible for the family, speech.

The fourth house is responsible for the home, mother, harmony.

The eighth house is responsible for the possible collapse of marriage, emotional distress, widowhood, divorce.

The twelfth house is responsible for the psychological state, the loss of a wife or husband.

All planets that at a certain point in time are in one of these houses are considered. Some planets have a beneficial effect and will contribute to a strong marriage, and some planets can destroy a marriage. Therefore, it is necessary that at the time of marriage there are favorable planets in the above houses.

The position of the planets relative to these houses can also determine how soon you will get married or get married. For example, if the Sun or Saturn are in the 1st or 2nd house, you will not marry soon. Venus and Rahu, on the contrary, bring marriage closer.

Characteristics of the planets in different houses

Planets in 1st house: Mercury brings glory, Jupiter and Venus prolong life and give the couple an ideal character, Rahu and Ketu can create difficulties with the birth of children.

Planets in 2nd house: The Moon in the 2nd house has a beneficial effect on the birth of children, which means that the birth of a child can be expected very soon; Mercury and Jupiter give financial prosperity; Venus gives the bride a happy life.

Planets in 3rd house: The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus will make the bride rich and have many children. Saturn in the 3rd house symbolizes the constant attraction of the husband to his wife, Rahu will give happiness in marriage.

Planets in 4th house: The Moon and Mars can negatively affect the couple's wealth; Mercury gives a happy life; Jupiter gives prosperity, and Saturn and Rahu adversely affect marriage.

Planets in 5th house: Mercury, Jupiter and Venus give many children

Planets in 6th house: Mercury will make the couple close-knit, supporting each other. Rahu will give strong love, but can create financial problems

Planets in 7th house: all planets in this house are inauspicious.

Planets in the 8th house: Jupiter and Mercury portend divorce. Saturn will make the bride rich and loved.

Planets in the 9th house: Venus, Sun, Mars and Jupiter will make the couple happy in every way; Mercury gives the couple good health.
Planets in 10th house: All planets will favorably affect marriage, except for Mars, the Sun, Saturn and Rahu.

Planets in 11th house: The sun and Mars will give a pair of sons; Moon, Venus and Saturn symbolize wealth, Jupiter and Rahu bestow long life; Mercury is prosperity.

Planets in 12th house: Venus - devotion and fidelity of partners, Jupiter - wealth, Mercury - children.

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Choosing a wedding date using numerology

You need to calculate the number of fate, the number of the name, and the date that you have planned for the wedding. How to do this, you can read in this article. Each number has its own meaning, it will show whether you have successfully chosen a number for marriage or not. Numbers 1, 6, 8 and 9 are favorable for marriage.

Happy marriage according to the Vedas

- Only one well-chosen date is only the beginning of the journey. The Vedas say that a wife should be ready to follow her husband in everything, sharing all his aspirations and principles, then their life will be happy. Support, attention and care - this is what will help your marriage be harmonious and happy.

Read mantras for a happy marriage. For example, OM SRI MAHA LAKSHMIAY NAMAH. This mantra is the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. It is she who will give your marriage health, wealth, happiness and wisdom.

- Remember that the joint spiritual development unites and strengthens the marriage bond. Develop and enlighten together, it is spiritual closeness that is what you need to strive for.

How to find out compatibility using astrology, read

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S. Vronsky

08/17/2004 | Visitors: 53089

Listen and try to adhere to those necessary rules and cosmic patterns that are required for your marriage and matrimony, your family life to be close to ideal and happy. True, this requires a lot, a lot, but still.

1. On the wedding day, the transit Moon should not be in the ARIES zodiac sign.

2. It can be in the sign of TAURUS from 0° to 19°, but not from 19° to 30°

3. It can be in the sign of GEMINI from 0° to 15°, but not from 15° to 30°.

4. She should not be in the zodiac sign of CANCER, except for the case if the marriage is formalized with a widow or widower.

5. It should not be in the sign of LEO, as it will bring deceit and betrayal on the part of one of the partners.

6. She should not be in the zodiac sign VIRGO, except in the case when the marriage is formalized with a widow or widower.

7. In the zodiac sign LIBRA, it is favorable only for announcing an engagement, but unfavorable for formalizing the marriage itself. But here too there are exceptions: a marriage can be very successful if it is with a virgin from 0° to 15°, or with a widow or widower from 15° to 30°.

8. She must not be in the zodiacal sign of SCORPIO, except in the case of marriage with a widow or widower from 0° to 15°.

9. Being in the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, she shows a neutral influence.

10. Being in the zodiac sign of CAPRICORN, she shows a favorable influence from 0 ° to 10 °; from 10° to 80° - the effect is neutral. And yet, it favorably affects from 0 ° to 80 ° in cases where marriage is formalized with a widow or widower.

11. She should not be in the zodiac sign AQUARIUS, since here she favors only “free” love and extramarital affairs.

12. In the zodiac sign PISCES, it favors from 0° to 30°.

18. It should be in the phase from the NEW MOON to the FULL MOON, but still better - from the 1st quarter to the FULL MOON.

14. She, like the transit VENUS and the Rising sign of the Zodiac, on the day of marriage, should not be in an unfavorable configuration (square, opposition) with other transit planets, especially malefic (MARS, SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, PROSERPINE). Moreover, the transit VENUS, at the same time, should form a favorable configuration with the JUPITER constellation in the Radix (horoscope of birth).

15. The transiting Moon is in a favorable configuration with MARS, SATURN, URANUS, PLUTO or PROSERPINE and in no case is it in a bad or malefic aspect.

16. In no case should she be in aspect with the radical SUN, for this often indicates the premature death of her husband.

17. The best time for marriage is when the Rising sign of the Zodiac is in one of the already indicated favorable signs of the Zodiac, and the transit Moon and Venus are in the CARDINAL (angular) FIELDS of the Horoscope of Marriage.

18. On the day of marriage, the radical significators of marriage: the dominant of the VII FIELD of the Horoscope of Marriage, the ASDENDENT and the DECENDENT of the Horoscope of Marriage - should not be under the blow of bad and malefic aspects from the transiting malefic planets. And it would be even better if the transiting malefic planets would form a good or favorable configuration both with the significators of marriage in the Radix, and with the dominant of the VII FIELD of the Horoscope of Marriage.

19. Transiting planets should be in good aspects with the significators of marriage in the Radix of both partners.

20. Marriage should not be formalized on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 14th, and 19th Lunar days.

21. The best time to get married is the 10th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 21st, 26th and 27th Lunar days. Moreover, the zodiac signs GEMINI, VIRGO and LIBRA should be in the X, XI or XII FIELDS of the Marriage Horoscope, and the Ascending degree of the Zodiac should not be in the II, VIII or XI FIELDS of the Marriage Horoscope of any of the partners. Transit Venus, Jupiter and URANUS should be in the VII, VIII or XI FIELDS of the horoscope of Marriage, but not in the same signs of the Zodiac, where the SUN, MARS, SATURN, URANUS have their constellations, for which the best FIELDS in the Horoscope of Marriage are III, VI, VIII or IX

22. In the VI FIELD of the Horoscope of Marriage there should not be transit Venus, and in the VIII FIELD - transit MARS.

23. Marriage should be performed only during the period of time when the transit Jupiter is in the retrograde position.

24 A favorable influence is enhanced: a) when he moves over radical Uranus (or vice versa) or forms a conjunction or good aspect with transiting Uranus; b) when Jupiter in transit forms a conjunction or favorable configuration with a radical ASCENDENT, DECENDENT or MERIDIAN; c) when it forms a conjunction or a favorable configuration with the radical significators of marriage, the dominant of birth or the dominant of the P FIELD of the Radix; d) when it forms a favorable configuration with radical MERCURY, NEPTUNE or its own constellation in the Radix.

25. The wedding should be played only in those periods of time when the transit Jupiter moves through the I, V, VII or XI FIELDS of the Radix.

26. Marriage is not performed:

1) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays;

2) on the eve of the TWENTIETH, TEMPLE and GREAT HOLIDAYS;

8) in continuation of the posts of VELIKY, PETROV, USPENSKY and RODSTVENSKY;

5) during the SHIRT, starting from the WEEK OF MEAT;

6) during the EASTER WEEK;

7) on the eve of and on the days of the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11 and 12) and the EXALATION OF THE LORD’S CROSS (September 26 and 27);

8) Marriage is not performed and sexual intercourse is excluded:

On Mondays: 3.30 - 7.00 and 1715 - 20.45 According to Tuesdays: 7.00 - 10.30 and 1715 - 20.45 on Wednesdays: 7.00 - 10.30 and 20.45 - 24.00 on Thursdays: 10.30 - 13.45 and 20.45 - 24.00 on Fridays: 00.30 and 10.30 - 13.45 - 13.45 Saturdays: 0.00 - 3.30 and 13.45 - 1715 Sundays: 3.30 - 7.00 and 13.45 - 17.45

And now I will present to you:


I FIELD: SUN - widowhood; MOON - the threat of the danger of the death of his wife; MERCURY - prosperity, happiness, long life; MARS - need. Death of both partners for the same reason; SATURN - need and misfortune; misfortune or premature death of one of the partners or children.

II FIELD: SUN, MARS, SATURN, URANUS - poverty for various reasons; MERCURY, VENUS, YUSHGGER - well-being, prosperity, wealth. The wife will outlive the husband; MOON - many children.

III FIELD: SUN, MOON, MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, JUPITER - well-being, many children; SATURN - wife's popularity, numerous friends; URANUS - early death of his wife.

IV FIELD: SUN, MOON - a little attractive wife; VENUS, JUPITER - wife's happiness in marriage; MARS - well-being; the wife is unable to raise children; URANUS - a husband who has mistresses.

V FIELD: SUN, MARS - the death of children or their loss for another reason; MOON - several daughters; MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER - many sons; SATURN - the wife may suffer from a serious, chronic illness; URANUS - premature death of a wife or loss of her for another reason.

VI FIELD: SUN, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS - a good wife with a very accommodating character and disposition suitable for her husband; MOON - widowhood, MERCURY - prosperity, but an absurd wife; VENUS - poverty.

VII FIELD: SUN - painful wife; MOON - a wife who loves trips, travel; MERCURY, JUPITER - frequent suffering for the wife; VENUS - premature death of a wife or her loss for other reasons; MARS - isolation of the wife; SATURN - widowhood; URANUS - poverty.

VIII FIELD: SUN - the wife will outlive her husband; MOON, VENUS, URANUS - premature death of a wife or her loss for other reasons; MARS - sickly wife; MERCURY, JUPITER - discord between partners and breaking the marriage union; SATURN is a rich wife and loving husband.

IX FIELD: SUN, VEZHERA, MARS, JUPITER - a kind and compassionate wife, engaged in mercy and charity; MOON - many children, but a wife with a fickle character; MERCURY - a wife with good and good health; SATURN, URANUS - childless or small.

X FIELD: a wife with criminal tendencies; MOON - a poor wife and with a very bad character; MERKUJY, JUPITER - an independent wife and very popular in society; MARS - premature death of a wife or her loss for other reasons; Uranus - widowhood.

XI FIELD: SUN, MARS - many children, especially sons; MOON, MERCURY, VENUS, SATURN - well-being; JUPITER - long-lived wife; Uranus - the husband will outlive his wife.

XII FIELD: SUN, MOON - poverty; MERCURY - many children and grandchildren; VENUS - a strict, chaste wife; MARS, SATURN - a wife with a penchant for alcohol and drugs, for idleness and sybarism; JUPITER - welfare, prosperity, wealth; URANUS - a wife with a penchant for immoral, immoral acts.


I FIELD: governs marriage and divorce in earlier years; testifies for first marriage and subsequent divorce.

II FIELD: indicates under what circumstances discord between spouses will begin, how the family breaks up and the end of marriage occurs. Often testifies about the death of a marriage partner.

III FIELD: indicates which of the main principles of this FIELD can help strengthen or damage the fate of this marriage and marriage. He talks about the philosophical and religious views of the partner, about his trips and travels, about the possible reasons for the breakup and divorce.

IV FIELD: indicates the causes and nature of discord, rupture, divorce.

V FIELD: strongly affects both the marriage itself and married life, as well as the causes of problems in them. Gives information about intimate life and erotic-sexual possibilities, about the potential of partners. This FIELD also provides information about children.

VI FIELD: indicates hidden enemies and their possible intrigues, the possibility of isolation or other troubles. Various factors of a given FIELD can greatly influence the VII and XII FIELDS of a horoscope. The circumstance is very important if both partners have the same interests and desire to engage in the occult and secret sciences, or there is a strong desire and opportunity for cooperation, co-authorship. This FIELD contains information and prompts about the partner's debts, the cost of the divorce process and other troubles associated with the breakdown of relationships and the breakup of the marriage union. It also contains an indication of the potential of maternal feelings and the wife's attitude towards children.

VII FIELD: has the greatest impact on marriage itself and married life.

VIII FIELD: indicates the marriage partner's dowry, alimony, capital, movable property.

IX FIELD: indicates correspondence, all paperwork and publications; on vehicles, trips and business trips of the partner. This FIELD also governs all marital and matrimonial relationships, the honeymoon, the way the partner speaks, the paperwork involved in divorce, and even the text of the final divorce document.

X FIELD: governs one of the parents of the individual or his partner, the inheritance of the partner, the place and environment of birth. Indicates both the culprit-instigator, and the cause of discord and rupture of marriage, the destruction of the family hearth and the final result of the divorce process. Here you can find all the mystical and occult features of marriage.

XI FIELD: indicates friends and benefactors of the partner, people who contribute to or hinder this marriage.

XII FIELD: indicates possible illnesses of the partner, his work and position, success or failure; on the possibility of isolation; possible troubles with servants and subordinates or superiors that affect marriage and married life, discord and rupture, personal fate.