Which oil is best for your face. Cosmetic oils for facial skin: instructions for use at home. Best Essential Cosmetic Oils for Skin

Cosmetic oils for the face, which have recently become so popular, are one of the most irreplaceable and unique means in cosmetology for complete, regular and very effective care for any type of skin.

Benefits of natural oils

The use of natural oils in cosmetology for facial care is due to three main reasons:

1. Such oils do not contain harmful preservatives and chemical impurities, which are so often "stuffed" with many store-bought creams. Consequently, natural oils are safer to use and contain much more beneficial elements that can take care of our skin without harming it.

2. The natural base of natural oils makes them hypoallergenic. This means that these oils very rarely cause an allergic reaction.

3. The composition of natural oils is very similar to that of human sebum. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the oils are much better absorbed by the skin and act on it with maximum effect.

Natural cosmetic oils have a very wide spectrum of action and, depending on their basis, can be used in a particular situation, namely:

  • Natural oils are great for nourishing the skin.
  • It is a good skin moisturizer.
  • These oils help smooth the skin and get rid of early wrinkles.
  • Natural oils are anti-inflammatory.
  • On their basis, you can prepare an excellent tonic.
  • Almost any natural oil can be used as a facial cleanser.

How to use oils for facial skin care

There are several ways to use it. You can use the oil in its pure form: apply a few drops of oil to the previously cleansed and dry skin of the face and rub it gently until it is completely absorbed along the massage lines. You can also add oil to creams and face masks (both ready-made and homemade). Just a few drops will be enough.

Cosmetic oils moisturize the skin, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, increase firmness and elasticity, slow down the aging process of the skin and smooth out small wrinkles, make the skin smoother and give it a beautiful color. The fats that make up such oils are quickly absorbed into the skin without increasing its greasiness.

As mentioned, most of these oils are universal and suitable for all skin types. Owners of dry and normal skin can use any oil they like. If you have oily or combination skin, you should consider your choice of cosmetic oil more carefully. With moderate use, almost all oils will work as well, but it is better to prefer those that have the property of tightening pores, such as grape seed oil.

An overview of the main cosmetic oils for the face

Since there are quite a few of them, cosmetic oils for the face can perform various functions in the composition of masks. Some will moisturize dry skin, saving it from flaking and microcracks. Others will take control of the production of subcutaneous sebum by the glands, which will significantly improve the condition of oily skin. Still others are very good at tightening sagging folds and smoothing out superficial wrinkles. It seems that nothing is impossible for cosmetic oils: certain varieties are used even to care for the most delicate skin around the eyes, which just lacks moisture. And here it is important not to be mistaken about which oil to use for which purpose.

Castor oil

Initially, it should be noted that castor oil simultaneously performs several functions at once - it moisturizes and nourishes the skin. True, the same effect can be achieved through the use of an oatmeal mask, however, the effect of the previously mentioned oil is manifested quite clearly.

Castor oil for face will help you achieve effective results in the fight against the very first signs of skin aging, which is why it can be found in almost all anti-aging cosmetics. It is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, mainly in a heated form.

In addition, castor oil has a brightening effect, so you can use it to remove age spots.

Separately, it should be noted antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which castor oil becomes the best remedy in the fight against complex acne breakouts. These properties are due to the presence of ricinoleic acid in castor oil, which is harmful to most bacteria.

Sea buckthorn oil

With inflammatory processes of the skin, the presence of acne and clogged pores, sea buckthorn oil for the face helps very well. There are many aspects of its application.

With dry skin, peeling and chapping, a couple of drops of oil are added to a night cream, and then applied to the face.

If the skin is oily, it is useful to mix sea buckthorn oil for the face with hypoallergenic soap and do rubbing. Such procedures perfectly disinfect the skin and restore its acid reaction.

A drop of oil added to a serving of a special gel will help prevent early wrinkles around the eyes.

You can also fight cracked lips. Sea buckthorn face oil is simply applied in its pure form in a thin layer on the lip area. The tool gives a visible effect after one or two applications.

To keep your eyelashes thick and long, before going to bed, use a clean mascara brush to gently apply oil to them.

Coconut oil for

The beneficial properties of coconut oil are determined by its composition, the main percentage of which is hyaluronic, lauric, myristic, and other saturated fatty acids. It is thanks to these acids that the oil has a solid consistency, but at the same time it is very quickly absorbed into the skin. The use of coconut oil for the face allows you to soften and smooth the skin in seconds, giving it a smooth and velvety look.

The use of coconut oil helps to maintain the health and beauty of all skin types, but it is especially recommended for dry, flaky, rough, and aging skin.

The fact is that this oil has excellent nourishing, softening and moisturizing properties, and after its application it forms a kind of invisible film on the skin that performs protective functions and maintains the optimal moisture balance in the skin for a long time. Using coconut oil for the face, you can quickly eliminate excessive dryness and flaking of the skin, protect it from roughness and cracking.

In addition, coconut oil helps to significantly smooth the skin and the fine wrinkles on it, increase the overall tone, firmness and elasticity of the skin, which makes it ideal for the care of already flabby, flabby and aging skin.

You can also apply coconut oil to your face, lubricating only the most problematic areas of the skin (peeling, roughness, inflammation, irritation).

Coconut oil can be applied neat. On its basis, you can make masks for the skin, face and hair. Also, coke oil can be used in conjunction with other moisturizing and nourishing agents for better absorption of nutrients.

Peach oil for face

Peach oil for the face is a real treasure. It contains vitamins A, C, P and B, a large amount of saturated fatty acids, as well as elements such as phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium. Due to its beneficial properties, this oil has the following effects:

  • Nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin.
  • Prevents flaking.
  • Improves complexion.
  • It is hypoallergenic.
  • Perfectly copes with irritation and inflammation of sensitive skin. The skin becomes firmer and more elastic.
  • Helps get rid of fine wrinkles.

Home use of olive oil for the face

Primarily, olive oil can be used as a home remedy to cleanse your face in the morning and evening.

To do this, it must be slightly warmed up by placing a container of oil in hot water for a few minutes, after which, having moistened a cotton swab abundantly in warm oil, wipe the skin thoroughly.

When cleansing, thus, drier skin of the face, then if the procedure is performed before bedtime, the oil remaining on the face can not be washed off until morning. In case of morning skin cleansing, leave the oil on your face for another 20-30 minutes, then wash yourself with warm water, or dab your face thoroughly with a napkin.

If you cleanse your oily skin with olive oil, then it is recommended to rinse your face with cool water 5-10 minutes after the procedure.

By the way, warm olive oil also perfectly removes make-up from the face, and it can even be used instead of milk for removing eye make-up.

Olive oil is also widely used in the care of the skin around the eyes. It allows you to well moisturize the thin skin under the eyes, and smooth out small wrinkles on it.

It is enough just to lubricate the skin around the eyes with lukewarm olive oil, gently hammering it into the skin with your fingertips, and leave it either overnight, or for 30-40 minutes, and then remove the excess oil with a paper towel.

Only by discovering the world of cosmetic oils for the face, you can, with surprise and a sense of miracle, understand that you can make your skin young and beautiful at home, completely safely and at minimal cost.

Hello dear blog readers. Various oils have long and firmly entered our life. Which, however, is not surprising. Has a pimple got out? Are your lips cracked? Are wrinkles visible? The answer is simple - use cosmetic face oils instead of cream. Their effectiveness is explained by their rich chemical composition, high activity of natural components and the absence of harmful synthetic impurities.

Benefits of oils

Why oil, you ask. After all, you can use the usual cream for your skin type, and not waste time preparing homemade masks. In this you are right.

However, you will have to pay a lot of money for high-quality cosmetics, while oils cost a penny. Any cream works only in the surface layers of the skin, while a natural product penetrates deep structures and works at the cellular level.

Cosmetics have a positive effect as long as you use them, and oils are characterized by a long-lasting effect.

In addition, the likelihood of developing allergies is possible only with individual intolerance to natural ingredients. While the cream contains many chemical additives, it is difficult to predict the reaction of the skin.

Although it's fair to say, if you decide to use oil instead of cream, don't expect a quick effect. It will be possible to enjoy the beauty of the skin only after 2-3 weeks of regular procedures.

Jojoba oil

The beneficial properties of jojoba oil are determined by its composition. Vitamin E stops the aging process, accelerates cell regeneration, and smoothes microrelief. It has a lifting effect, restores lost elasticity, protects against the negative effects of free radicals.

Other beneficial substances create a protective film on the skin, thereby preventing moisture loss and, preventing the appearance of flaking. They endow the product with emollient, moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties.

The oil can be applied to any type of skin. Especially well it solves the problems of sensitive, dry and aging skin.

Jojoba oil

  • From deep wrinkles. Mix equal amounts of jojoba and avocado oil, spread the mixture over your face, and leave for 20 minutes. A rejuvenation session must be performed every day. For prevention - 1 time in 3 days, before bedtime;
  • For nutrition and deep hydration. Combine in a 1: 1 ratio of jojoba and grape seed oil, add a drop of orange ether;
  • For inflammation and acne. Add 2 drops of lavender and clove ether to 15 milliliters of the base.

Jojoba oil for face

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil is very useful for the face. It stimulates metabolic processes in cells and promotes their renewal, protects against photoaging, evens out microrelief and normalizes facial tone. The active components of the product strengthen the capillaries, prevent rosacea, remove toxic substances and excess fluid.

The product has emollient, moisturizing, nourishing, whitening and anti-inflammatory properties. Effectively copes with rashes, irritation, acne, relieves dark circles under the eyes, tightens the oval of the face in women after 50 years.

Below I have collected simple recipes for use:

  • acne: 15 milliliters of base, 2 drops of lavender, cedar and clove ether;
  • dark spots: 15 ml base, 1 drop each of lemon, bergamot and juniper ether. Use morning and evening, daily;
  • from wrinkles and sagging: 15 milliliters of base, 1 drop each of mint, orange and sandalwood esters.

Wheat germ oil

Ether of the rose

Pink ester increases the production of natural collagen and elastin, smoothes wrinkles, tightens, and is effective against flews and double chin.

It is able to get rid of the vascular network and asterisks, stops inflammation, eliminates acne, acne, age spots, relieves fatigue.

Rose oil is characterized by wound healing, emollient, antioxidant, anti-toxic, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. Perfectly removes puffiness of the eyelids and relieves dark circles under the eyes.

You can use the tool like this:

  • from the double chin: combine 50 milliliters of almond oil, 10 milliliters of wheat germ oil, 5 drops of rose ether;
  • herpes on the lips: lubricate the affected area with ether, 3-4 times a day;
  • for acne: Dilute 15 grams of yellow clay to a creamy consistency with a decoction of nettle. Add 5 drops of pink ether and turmeric on the tip of a knife: rinse with lime juice and water.

A nice bonus - ether can be used for massage. Its couples help to relax, relieve stress and fatigue. And also such procedures help women with frigidity, and men are cured of impotence.

Ether of the rose

Avocado oil

With regular use, it improves blood circulation, provides adequate nutrition of cells and tissues with nutrients, as well as oxygen, and removes toxic compounds.

Avocado oil is able to penetrate into the deep structures of the skin, stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin. Accelerates the regenerative capacity of tissues, eliminates dryness, flaking, irritation and inflammation.

Simple recipes for using oil are described below:

for aged skin: 15 milliliters of base, 2 drops of sandalwood, chamomile, orange and pink ether;

  • for dry skin: Dilute 15 grams of green clay with a little water. Add 5 grams of honey, 5 drops each of avocado and coconut oil. Keep the mask on the face until it dries completely. Repeat the intensive moisturizing procedure every other day;
  • to improve skin tone: 15 milliliters of sour cream, 5 milliliters of avocado oil, 4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • rejuvenation: mix in a 1: 1 ratio of avocado and olive oil. Wash off after 15 minutes.

The product can be used on its own to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. It restores the necessary moisture level, smoothes expression lines, stimulates the barrier functions of local immunity. Gently protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and low temperatures.

Avocado oil

Olive oil

The product is suitable for the care of dry, problematic and sensitive skin. Olive oil

  • accelerates blood circulation,
  • regulates cell renewal,
  • evens out the microrelief and
  • slows down the natural aging process.

It neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, protects against the negative effects of direct sunlight and cold air.

The product has a moisturizing, softening, nourishing, regenerating, bactericidal and soothing effect.

Most often, oil is used as an independent agent, applying it to the face and lightly patting it with the pads of the fingers.

But there are other uses as well:

  • for sensitive skin: grate cucumber and banana, add 15 milliliters of base;
  • for aged skin: 15 ml each of olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • intense hydration: grate the flesh of the cucumber and zucchini. Separate a teaspoon of each product from the total mass, add 15 milliliters of a warm base;
  • from inflammation: chop the fresh cabbage leaf with a grater. Separate 2 tablespoons. Add 30 ml of warm olive oil.

Olive oil

Peach oil

The product of cold pressing of peach seeds frees the skin from toxic compounds, gently removes dead cells, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates rashes.

Peach oil improves blood circulation and complexion, promotes rapid healing of skin lesions, relieves peeling. Long-term use helps to reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, restore the required level of moisture in cells, normalize melanin production, and cleanse the face of acne and blackheads.

The base oil has an emollient, antioxidant, moisturizing, toning, regenerating and soothing effect.

How to use the peach product? Check out a few powerful recipes:

  • from rashes: 15 milliliters of chamomile broth, 5 drops of peach and tea tree oil. Apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab to problem areas. Do not rinse;
  • from age spots: Combine an equal amount of base with lemon, grapefruit or orange ether. Lubricate areas that need brightening. Wash off after 3 hours;
  • for tired skin: moisten a clean cloth with hot water, squeeze out excess moisture. Saturate the cloth with 20 drops of peach oil and place the application on cleansed face. Remove after a third of an hour.

If yours blends well with fatty acids, peach oil can be used as a makeup base. Throughout the day, it protects the skin from the dirt and chemicals of the decorative agent, moisturizes and nourishes with useful components.

Peach oil

Apricot oil

The extract also removes wrinkles, accelerates cell regeneration, tightens the contours of the face, relieves flabbiness. Apricot oil removes roughness, increases softness, removes toxic compounds, promotes intensive production of its own collagen and elastin.

The product cleanses the face of acne, blackheads, acne, comedones and redness, restores the normal complexion, and prevents premature aging of the skin. It regulates the secretion of sebaceous secretions, moisturizes, tones and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients.

At home, you can use the following recipes:

  • for problem skin. Add 2 drops of lemon, lavender or tea tree ether to 15 milliliters of warm base. Wipe the areas with inflammation every day;
  • from wrinkles around the eyes. Dissolve 2 drops of pink or sandalwood ether in 15 milliliters of apricot extract. Apply to the eyelid area, rinse off after 20 minutes;
  • for oily skin... To 15 milliliters of base add 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 10 milliliters of warm honey. In addition to the fact that the mask restores the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, it whitens the skin.

Apricot oil

Tea tree ether

Reduces the production of secretion by the sebaceous glands, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, heals the skin and stops natural aging processes. Ether normalizes the complexion, eliminating gray and yellowish tones, vascular network, freckles and age spots, accelerates the healing of microdamages, evens out microrelief.

The product has antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant properties. Well heals pustular acne.

Below are the most popular uses:

  • for acne: squeeze 5 milliliters of juice from the aloe leaf, add 2 drops of ether. Wipe your face daily, before bed;
  • for skin matting: in 5 grams of white clay add 30 milliliters of sour cream and 2 drops of ether. Keep the mask for 15 minutes;
  • from wrinkles: Dilute 5 grams of red clay with a little water, add 3 drops of the product.
    Using tea tree ester helps not only to get rid of existing acne, but also to prevent their recurrence.

Tea tree oil

Castor oil

Course use stimulates metabolic processes in cells, inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms, eliminates acne and acne. Fights flaking, smoothes, removes pigmentation, enhances the production of its own collagen and elastin.

The product is characterized by soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, fungicidal and anti-aging effects.

Castor oil

Castor oil for the face can be used like this:

  • for whitening. Combine 10 milliliters of cucumber and orange juice, add 10 grams of strawberry puree and 5 milliliters of castor product. The mask must be washed off after 40 minutes;
  • for moisturizing, anti-wrinkle... Add warmed honey and castor oil to the potatoes chopped on a grater;
  • from peeling. In 30 grams of warm mashed potatoes, add 15 milliliters of milk, yolk and 10 milliliters of castor product. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.

If you ask which oils are best or how to choose the right one, I will advise you to start from your skin type and the problem you need to solve.

Each product is unique in its own way and has a lot of useful properties. Therefore, buy a few oils at the aromatherapy or pharmacy. You can try to combine them with each other. Just be sure to carry out a sensitivity test before each use.

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Cosmetic oils for the face, which have recently become so popular, are one of the most irreplaceable and unique means in cosmetology for complete, regular and very effective care for any type of skin.

These unique products are obtained by cold pressing only from natural, vegetable raw materials. It can be fruit pits, nuts, grains. So there is no doubt about the naturalness of these funds. And that is why they have such instant and guaranteed efficiency. The miraculousness of cosmetic oils for the face is due to several factors:

  1. lack of "chemistry", synthetics, dyes, preservatives and other harmful substances: it is a natural complex of vitamins, fatty acids, micro- and macroelements, biologically active substances and other components necessary for the skin;
  2. their composition is as close as possible to the composition of sebum produced by the human glands, therefore they are so perfectly and naturally perceived by the skin;
  3. they rarely provoke an allergic reaction, so they are perfect for complete care of the most sensitive skin.

Natural cosmetic oils at home can be safely used for all skin types, but the main indications for their use are dry, aging skin, dry and aging skin around the eyes. Their main action is nutrition, hydration, softening, rejuvenation, elimination of wrinkles, lifting, increasing skin tone and elasticity. Although many of them can be used to nutritiously oily, problem skin. Oils with anti-inflammatory properties do an excellent job with such functions.

An overview of the main cosmetic oils

To choose from among the many beauty oils for the face that will be a real healing for your skin, be sure to research this interesting field of home cosmetology. When purchasing this or that bottle in a pharmacy or store, you should clearly know about the functions that this miraculous liquid performs. A short excursion will help you do this.

  • 1. Castor oil

Perfectly softens and nourishes dry, flaky skin, smoothes wrinkles, gently cares for the area around the eyes. This cosmetic oil for dry skin is ideal, it is recognized by cosmetologists all over the world.

  • 2. Sea buckthorn

An excellent product for rejuvenating and softening aging skin, for lightening age spots and freckles, for healing wounds and microcracks.

  • 3. Palm

It is palm kernel (drupe) and red palm (from the pulp of the fruit). Possesses emollient and nourishing properties, perfectly cares for dry, flaky, rough, aging, dry skin.

  • 4. Coconut

It has unsurpassed nourishing, emollient, rejuvenating properties, and is universally considered an excellent remedy for nourishing dry, aging, sensitive skin.

  • 5. Almond

This cosmetic product nourishes withered skin suffering from vitamin deficiency, softens rough, rejuvenates mature, cares for the delicate area around the eyes. Cosmetologists recommend it for the care of excessively dry, tired skin that is beginning to lose its freshness and youth.

  • 6. Avocado

A universal remedy that beneficially cares for all skin types. Moisturizes, eliminating dryness, rejuvenates, eliminating laxity, heals, restores damaged tissues and cells. Perfectly soothes, relieves inflammation and stimulates the regeneration of damaged cells.

  • 7. Peach

Used to prepare home remedies for dryness, flaking, wilting. It is appreciated for being suitable for the care of even sensitive skin. Rejuvenates, nourishes - equally good for lips and eyelids.

  • 8. Apricot

Improves the condition of the skin suffering from vitamin deficiency, dry, dehydrated, rough and simply aging.
You can not be afraid to use it as a care product for problematic and sensitive skin. Cosmetologists call this particular cosmetic oil the best in the fight against fine, ray-like wrinkles around the eyes.

  • 9. Jojoba

Since this is one of the thickest cosmetic oils for the face in its consistency, it is recommended to use it in a mixture with lighter products. It improves aging, dry, problematic, sensitive skin.

Now you know perfectly well which cosmetic oil is ideal for oily skin and which one is ideal for dry or aging skin. The right choice is the guarantee of successful application of these amazing, natural skin care products. And after the choice has been made, you can start cooking.

Recipes for products with cosmetic oils

Facial oils can be added to daily creams, but their effects may not be as noticeable and fast-acting. If you want a real miracle, it is better to make homemade masks based on them, which will make your skin well-groomed and beautiful in just a few applications. They can be done twice a week for 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to keep such masks on your face for 20-25 minutes.

  • 1.With castor oil

Mix a teaspoon of castor oil with a tablespoon of warm oatmeal in milk and butter, add a teaspoon of honey.

  • 2.With sea buckthorn

Add half a tablespoon of yellow clay and a teaspoon of warmed sea buckthorn oil to the yolk.

  • 3.With palm

Mix two tablespoons of any fruit juice with a tablespoon of flour (wheat or oatmeal) and a tablespoon of cosmetic palm oil.

  • 4.With coconut

Stir in a teaspoon of palm oil, a tablespoon of rice flour, and a quarter cup of green tea.

  • 5.With almond

Mix a tablespoon of oat flour (for dry skin) or wheat flour (for oily) with the same amount of ordinary warm (if dry) or cold (if oily) water until a pasty mass is formed. Add 2 teaspoons of almond oil, a teaspoon of lemon juice.

  • 6.With avocado

Based on this cosmetic oil, you can prepare a miraculous lip balm, which will become a real protection against chapping. Melt a teaspoon of shea butter (shea butter) in a water bath, add 5 drops of avocado oil and the same amount of jojoba vegetable wax. Pour the mixture into a cream jar, let it set at a low temperature (in the refrigerator). If the problem is that wounds, cracks appear on the lips, drip juniper or cedar ether into the cooled mixture (5 drops of both).

  • 7.With peach

Whisk in a blender 2 tablespoons of peach puree, a tablespoon of peach butter and milk cream each.

  • 8.With apricot

Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix with the same amount of apricot oil, fresh milk at room temperature and a small amount (about one teaspoon) of slightly warmed honey.

  • 9.With jojoba

Mix castor oil and jojoba in equal proportions.

Only by discovering the world of cosmetic oils for the face, you can, with surprise and a sense of miracle, understand that you can make your skin young and beautiful at home, completely safely and at minimal cost.

The wonderful nutritional and rejuvenating properties of natural oils have been known for a long time. Today, these unique products are widely used in cosmetology to care for the skin of the face and hair. Cosmetic oils are several times more effective than many expensive skin care products.

Cosmetic oil is obtained by cold pressing of plant materials (kernels, seeds and fruits) and high-quality filtration without exposure to high temperatures, which helps to preserve the unique natural properties inherent in the plants from which it is made, as well as to increase the shelf life. Each oil is unique in its own way and has unsurpassed cosmetic effectiveness, surpassing all known caring serums. They contain phospholipids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, phytosterols and some other biologically active substances. Our body accepts them with ease, because they are part of the metabolism. The oils help accelerate cell metabolism, increase the level of skin moisture, activate the processes of collagen and fibrinogen synthesis, and also improve blood circulation, lymph flow and restore skin turgor. In addition, their use regulates the sebaceous glands. The action of natural oils is aimed at moisturizing, nourishing, softening the skin, increasing tone, firmness and elasticity, as well as rejuvenating and preventing aging. You can use such oils for any type of skin, including oily and problematic, since many of them have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, in this case, the oils must be used with care so as not to clog the pores or provoke excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. The use of oils is especially recommended for dry, aging skin, as well as for dehydrated skin around the eyes.

Natural oils can be used to massage the skin, as they increase the effectiveness of the massage, providing therapeutic and prophylactic effects (anti-cellulite, tonic, anti-stress and relaxing). In addition, the components included in their composition have a beneficial effect on the skin, improve the structure, help accelerate the recovery processes, and also normalize lipid metabolism. Also, oils are used in daily skin care for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, in hair and nail care, as an integral component in homemade face masks for any skin type, can be added to day and night creams, products for the skin around the eyes and other caring cosmetics, in the form of base oils in aromatherapy. In addition, most natural oils have a natural sun protection factor, so they can be used before and after tanning.

Most often, cosmetic oils are used in the evening as a rejuvenating agent for the skin of the face and body. In colder seasons, they can be used in place of your regular day cream. The oil is applied to previously cleansed skin, left for several hours, after which the residues are removed by blotting with a paper towel. The oils are absorbed very quickly into the skin, reaching its deepest layers within a few minutes.

What's the secret?
The effectiveness of the oils is primarily due to the absolutely natural composition. In addition, the composition of natural oils is as close as possible to the composition of human sebum, due to which the components are perfectly perceived by the skin. In addition, natural oils in exceptional cases can cause an allergic reaction, so they can be used by owners of even the most sensitive skin.

Natural oils for bath and shower.
Before using the oil, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the body from the sebaceous secretions of the skin and the stratum corneum. This will ensure the smooth penetration of the oil components into the skin. When using a shower gel, rinse off the foam thoroughly, otherwise the oil will not be absorbed into the skin.

There are a few more important points to note. When taking a shower, the water should be warm, since hot water activates perspiration and stimulates the removal of accumulated toxins and toxins in the skin. Under these conditions, the oil will be ineffective. But warm water leads to the expansion of pores and blood vessels, thereby facilitating the process of oil absorption. The oil should be applied all over the body, for which you can use a sponge, but you can also just use your hands. Wait a few minutes during which to do a light massage. Then get under the shower and rinse your body with a stream of warm water. If someone does not like the feeling of the formed film on the skin, then the oil can be added to a warm bath and soaked in it for half an hour. After you have taken a bath or shower with natural oil, you do not need to wipe the skin dry, just dab the water drops slightly with a towel, but rather let the skin dry naturally. There is no point in using additional skin care products, since skin saturated with oil will not absorb creams and lotions, and besides, it is already perfectly moisturized with oil.

In addition to nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, the oil contains essential oils that have a healing effect. In particular, it relieves swelling, pine oils have tonic and antiseptic properties, eucalyptus helps to strengthen the immune system, chamomile perfectly soothes the skin and relieves irritation.

Natural hair oils.
Many vegetable oils are also used in hair care. They have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, hair follicle, prevent breakage and split, heal the hair, restoring its natural shine. It is recommended to make oil masks for hair no more than twice a week. Daily use of oils in hair care is not recommended.

Natural oils for nails.
Oils perfectly nourish the nail plate and soften the cuticle, greatly facilitating further hand care. Thanks to their valuable nutrients, they strengthen the nails and prevent them from splitting. In addition, regular hand massage with oils gives the skin of the hands a well-groomed appearance.

As a means of preventing nail delamination, it is recommended to rub natural oil (a drop) into the cleaned nail plate and cuticle once or twice a week. The best option would be to apply the oil daily. If the nails are varnished, apply the oil only to the base of the nail. Of course, in this case, the efficiency will be somewhat reduced, but the components will still work.

It should be noted that the daily use of oil will reduce the "service life" of the varnish, make the manicure less resistant, since the nail plate saturated with fats will repel the varnish. However, two days after stopping the use of the oil, this deficiency will disappear, but the nails will remain well-groomed and healthy for a very long time.

Below are the most common natural oils for facial skin care, which can be used either in pure form or added to ready-made cosmetics and homemade masks. Any of these oils can be purchased at drug stores, specialty beauty stores, and online stores.

Natural oils for the face.

Castor oil.
This oil is widely used in hair and eyelash care. It is rubbed into the hair roots two to three times a week. Regular castor oil treatments strengthen hair, accelerate hair growth, and make eyelashes long and fluffy. It can also be used for facial skin care. Castor oil has a nourishing and softening effect, smoothes fine lines around the eyes and forehead. In addition, this oil is believed to have whitening properties, eliminating age spots and freckles.

Sea buckthorn oil.
This oil is widely used as an emollient, brightening and rejuvenating agent for facial skin. In addition, it is effective in the case of various injuries and diseases of the skin.

Coconut oil.
Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology and is recommended for dry, sensitive skin with signs of aging. It instantly nourishes, softens and rejuvenates the skin.

Almond oil.
It gives excellent results in the care of the skin around the eyes: wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes hydrated. Applying the oil to the face helps nourish the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Suitable for all skin types. It is especially recommended for owners of dry and tired skin.

Avocado oil.
This oil is obtained from pre-dried avocados. It has a positive effect on any type of skin: it moisturizes, heals the skin, fights against dryness, flaking, flabbiness and decreased elasticity. In addition, this oil is an excellent remedy that soothes the skin and relieves redness and inflammation, as well as activates the regeneration of damaged skin cells. Recommended for dry and aging skin.

Peach oil.
This oil perfectly removes the problem of flaking skin. Especially effective for dry, aging and overly sensitive skin. Peach oil rejuvenates, nourishes the skin, making it firm and elastic, therefore it gives good results in the care of the skin around the eyes, lips, eyelashes and eyebrows. It also accelerates the restoration of damaged skin and mucous membranes. It is often added to ointments, caring creams, shampoos, baby oils, and masks for sensitive skin. Peach oil effectively removes makeup. It is recommended to take it internally in the spring as a vitamin complex, and also apply it externally.

Apricot oil.
It is widely used in cosmetics and dermatology and is used as a base for moisturizing and nourishing compositions. When using this oil, a high positive effect is noted. The condition of the skin, which suffers from a lack of vitamins, dehydration, dryness, is significantly improved. In addition, apricot oil rebuilds the epidermal barrier, softens rough skin and removes signs of aging. It can be used in the care of the owners of sensitive and problem skin, as well as as a prophylactic agent for wrinkles around the eyes. It is recommended for use on children's skin, it has an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect, restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin and improves the complexion. There is also a positive effect on cellulite and rough skin.

Grape seed oil.
This oil is recommended for owners of any type of skin, including oily and problematic. Its use has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates sebum secretion, tightens pores, moisturizes and mattifies the skin, restores its elasticity and firmness. It contains a natural antioxidant - procyanide. Grape seed oil has a regenerating, antioxidant, vitaminizing and moisturizing effect. It is effectively used to maintain the elasticity of the skin during weight loss, as well as during pregnancy. Perfect for use as a lip balm. Well suited for use as a lip balm.

Jojoba oil.
This oil is recommended to be used in a mixture with other lighter oils. Its composition includes a complex of emollient and moisturizing properties; it is widely used in the production of cosmetics in the form of a lipid material. Recommended for the care of the skin around the eyes, as well as for aging, dehydrated, problematic and sensitive facial skin.

Wheat germ oil.
This oil is also recommended to be used in combination with other vegetable oils. Wheat germ oil has a great penetrating ability, normalizes blood circulation and helps the process of removing toxins and toxins from the body. It copes well with skin irregularities, is highly effective when used as an anti-cellulite agent. Recommended for use in daily skin care of the face, neck, chest, hands. It has a beneficial effect on both dry and oily skin types. In addition, wheat germ oil can be used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, as well as in the process of losing weight. The oil has regenerating, softening, nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin. This oil is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation, it smoothes nasolabial folds, forehead wrinkles and around the eyes well. In addition, it is recommended for various skin injuries and inflammations.

Linseed oil.
It is the most nutritious agent. It is widespread, including cosmetology. Linseed oil remarkably fights dry, flaky skin, eliminates flabbiness and flabbiness of the skin, smoothes wrinkles and wrinkles. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving skin irritations, helping with all sorts of skin diseases.

Rosehip oil.
It is a source of vitamins and nutrients. Perfectly tones and moisturizes tired, aging and dehydrated skin, smoothes the first wrinkles around the eyes. It has a regenerating effect on skin damage, preventing scarring. Recommended for use in aromatic mixtures. Rosehip oil provides excellent protection against sunburn. Not suitable for people with oily skin and acne, as the oil can contribute to a "new wave" of acne.

Sesame oil.
This oil not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also promotes its rejuvenation. As a natural antioxidant, sesame oil prevents the signs of premature skin aging. In addition, this oil protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, so it is often included in sunscreens, evens out, relaxes, soothes and relieves skin irritation and inflammation. It is allowed to be used in the care of the skin around the eyes. When caring for your skin, sesame oil is recommended to be mixed with essential oils. It normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and reduces their size, relieves inflammation. Suitable for all skin types, especially for dry, aging skin.

Amaranth oil.
This oil has truly valuable properties. It contains a component important for the skin of our body - squalene. It is he who prevents the development of cancer cells, keeps the skin hydrated at an optimal level, preventing premature aging of the body, thanks to the presence of vitamin E. It is an excellent care product for normal, dry and aging skin.

Shea butter (shea butter).
This oil, due to its unique properties, is highly valued in the cosmetic industry. Unsaponifiable fats (squalene, carotene, tocopherols, triterpene alcohols, phytosterols and xanthophyll), which are abundant in shea butter, have regenerative properties and affect collagen production. In addition, this oil protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and the negative effects of environmental factors, softens and moisturizes the skin, slowing down the aging process. Shea butter is especially recommended for the care of dry and rough skin areas and for restoring firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Macadamia oil.
This oil is obtained from macadamia nuts. Recommended for nourishing, softening and rejuvenating the skin. Its constant use normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin, increases its moisture level, tone and elasticity, and also prevents skin aging. Macadamia oil is recommended for facial skin care, including the area around the eyes, neck and body. It is especially effective to use this oil in winter, when stress, dryness and frostbite are frequent companions of the skin.

Calendula oil.
Suitable for all skin types, especially recommended for oily, sensitive and problem skin prone to inflammation. In a short time, the oil will relieve irritation, acne, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, and also noticeably narrow the pores. In addition, it effectively helps with various injuries and damage to the skin, and also protects the skin from negative ultraviolet radiation. Its use will help get rid of the vascular network on the face (rosacea).

Hazelnut (hazelnut) oil.
This oil is intended for the care of the face and body, including the lips and around the eyes. Regular use of this oil helps to cleanse the skin, narrow pores, normalize the water-fat barrier, eliminate dryness and acne, relieve inflammation, redness and irritation of the skin. Also, this oil, due to its rejuvenating and regenerating properties, visibly smoothes wrinkles, smooths wrinkles, tones and lifts the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity, evens out the complexion. Recommended for owners of oily, combination and problem skin. This oil is ideal as an after-sun treatment to soften and soothe the skin.

Mango oil.
This oil is a unique natural skin moisturizer. Regular use helps to maintain an optimal balance of skin moisture, protects the skin from dryness and dehydration, as well as aggressive environmental factors. In addition, this oil perfectly softens and smoothes the skin, restoring its elasticity, brightens age spots.

And finally, I would like to say a few words about olive oil. Although it is not classified as cosmetic, it is indispensable and equally effective for dry, sensitive, mature and aging skin.

Natural vegetable oils can be a worthy alternative to ready-to-use skin care products. Their efficiency is even higher, and the costs are significantly lower.