Which month is better to conceive a boy. Method for calculating ovulation. Conceiving a boy by ovulation

To understand how to conceive a boy correctly, you need to know the principle of gender selection at conception. The new person receives half of the DNA from the father and half from the mother. At the same time, as you know, women have XX chromosomes, and men have XY chromosomes. The future sex of the child depends on which father's chromosome will be transmitted by the sperm that fertilized the egg. If the sperm carries the Y chromosome, a boy will be born.

This is due to the coincidence of many factors and if you find advice on what to do to conceive a boy that guarantees one hundred percent result, try not to believe it too much. Today, only the IVF procedure can accurately guarantee the birth of a child of a certain sex, although, as a rule, the choice of an embryo of a certain sex is carried out according to indications - in order to exclude any hereditary disease transmitted only through the female or male line. In ordinary cases, you can increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy using a variety of tips and experiences from thousands of years.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation

The calendar method, based on the scientific fact that Y-spermatozoa are less tenacious, but more active than X-spermatozoa, suggests conception on the day and directly on the day of ovulation.

A woman thinking about how to conceive a boy will need an ovulation table. To do this, you can carefully measure basal temperature, use pharmacy ovulation tests, or monitor follicles using ultrasound. You can also navigate by secretions, which become more viscous and white during ovulation.

In order to have more sperm, and their activity is higher, it is recommended to exclude sexual intercourse a few days before ovulation.

As for the position in which to conceive a boy, this also plays an important role. It is necessary to ensure maximum contact of the cervix with semen. Optimal are two poses, how to conceive a boy: "man behind" or "woman on top". After intercourse, the woman is advised to lie on her back, "helping" the most active sperm to reach their goal.

Child gender calculation tables

With fairly high accuracy, they propose to answer the question of how to conceive a boy, a table used in China and taking into account the age of the mother, a Japanese table based on comparing the months of birth of future parents and a table based on the ratio of blood groups and Rh factors of the father and mother. Tables for calculating the sex of the unborn child.

Blood renewal

According to the theory of blood renewal, in men, blood is renewed every 4 years, and in women - every three years. The boy is more likely to be born to the couple in which the father's blood was last renewed. First, you need to calculate who has "younger" blood at the current moment. The countdown is carried out either from birth, or if there were large blood loss (after operations or injuries, childbirth or abortion), then from them.

  1. The full age of the father is divided by four (for example, if he is 29 years old, then: 29: 4 = 7, the remainder is 1).
  2. Divide the mother's full age by three (for example, if she is 26: 26: 3 = 8, the remainder is 2).
  3. Compare the remainder. In a man, the blood was renewed only a year ago (remainder 1), and in a woman 2 years ago (remainder 2). Based on this theory, we can expect the birth of a boy in this period, since the blood of the future father is "younger".

Moon calendar

An interesting way to conceive a boy in 2014 offers the lunar calendar. To plan on what day to conceive a boy, you need to know when the moon is in Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra or Sagittarius. On the Internet, you can find services with which it is easy to calculate in which month it will be easiest to conceive a boy.

Diet for conceiving a boy

As a result of some research, it has been discovered how you can conceive a boy by following a certain diet. The French were the first to draw attention to the relationship between food intake and the gender of children being born. Parents-to-be who want to give birth to an heir are advised to eat foods rich in sodium and potassium: meat, sausages, fish (but not other seafood), potatoes, peas, lentils, beans, mushrooms, cherries, bananas, apricots, oranges, peaches, dates, egg white, rice, semolina, cookies, dark chocolate. In this case, it is better to refuse milk, bread, mineral water with calcium, nuts, herbs, green beans, cabbage and salt food more than usual.

Other methods

The problem of planning sex has a long history, so a lot of tips have been accumulated, following which you can increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy.

  • Quit smoking
  • Try not to drop your weight below 55 kilograms
  • Give in to your husband, he must be the de facto head of the family
  • The longer you have been unable to conceive, the more likely it is that the pregnancy will bring a boy.
  • Lead a calm, measured lifestyle, avoiding stress.
  • Visualize your future son in full detail

And finally, here are some popular tips on how to conceive a boy. It is good if conception occurs in the summer, while it is important that the future father walk barefoot on the ground, renewing and strengthening his masculine energy. It is believed that the best time to conceive is morning or Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Many men dream of a son, heir and successor of the surname. Since ancient times, humanity has tried to determine how to conceive a boy 100 percent. Unfortunately, a 100% guarantee to give birth to an heir exists only when conception is carried out by the IVF method (artificial implantation of an embryo into the uterus). In all other cases, using folk methods, you can only increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy.

What affects the sex of the child

To understand how boys and girls appear, you need to know the features of the transfer of a set of chromosomes from parents.

Human chromosomes look like this:

  • XX - female, sex chromosomes only X.
  • XY is male, the chromosome set includes X and Y. About half of all spermatozoa carry the X chromosome, and the other half - Y. Depending on which of the paternal chromosomes connects to the maternal, a female (XX) or male (XY) embryo will appear. ) gender. To give birth to a boy, the fertilizing sperm must carry a Y chromosome.

In addition, the sperm carrying information must be so viable that the female body "wants" to accept them and not reject the embryo.

How to increase the likelihood of having a son

A lot of research has been carried out and many techniques have been developed to increase the likelihood of having a male child.

The factors that influence the sex of the infant are the following:

  • How does sexual intercourse take place, during which the fertilization of the egg takes place.
  • Eating a woman before pregnancy.
  • Time. There are many different scientific and folk methods to help determine which day is the most favorable to have sex for the birth of a son.

  • The pose should provide the greatest depth of penetration, the positions "man behind" or "woman on top" are most suitable for this.
  • A man, if he wants to have an heir, needs to make sure that his partner has an orgasm and the stronger the better.

Studies have shown that during a female orgasm, an alkaline background is created in the vagina, which is detrimental to sperm carrying the X chromosome.


It has been proven that a woman's diet before she gets pregnant has a big impact on the gender of the baby. In order to give birth to a son, the expectant mother must use for a long time (2-3 months):

  • All types of meat and sausages, including smoked meats and lard.
  • Fish cooked in any way.
  • Egg white.
  • A little beer (attention: here you have to choose - whether you want a boy with developmental defects or a healthy child of any sex, since alcohol has a detrimental effect on the fetus).
  • Unlimited coffee or tea.
  • Various cereals, but only cooked in water.
  • Biscuits, biscuits and any dairy-free baked goods.
  • Vegetables. Better to give preference to potatoes, legumes (except for green beans).
  • Mushrooms cooked in any way.
  • Any fruits and dried fruits.

To increase the likelihood of giving birth to a son, you must remove from your menu:

  • Seafood. Apart from fish, it is not recommended to eat any other seafood.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Mineral water containing calcium, other types of mineral water can be drunk.
  • Milk-based bread and pastries. If it is very difficult to do without bread, then instead of it you can use biscuits or diet dry bread.
  • Lettuce, dill and parsley.
  • All kinds of nuts.

Adhering to such a diet for some time, a woman will be able to create additional factors in her body for the adoption of the Y chromosome, and therefore increase the likelihood of giving an heir to a loved one.

In addition to the diet and the correctly chosen position for making love, you also need to calculate the day favorable for conceiving a boy.

Methods for determining an auspicious day

There are many ways to calculate the day on which you can conceive a boy after having sex. The experience of married couples who have already received an heir by the calculation method allows us to select those that give the most likely result.

These techniques include:

  • Ovulation, when the approximate date of conception is determined.
  • Blood renewal.
  • Calendar.

Ovulation method

According to laboratory studies, Y chromosomes are less tenacious, but have a higher activity compared to X. To create the most favorable atmosphere for the meeting of the sperm carrying the male gene and the egg, it is advisable to have sex during ovulation or a few hours before it. How to calculate the time of ovulation?

There is a way for this - measuring the basal temperature (the temperature in the rectum is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, even before getting out of bed).

Temperature graphs are built if the diagnostics were carried out at approximately the same morning time for 2-3 months. The peak of the temperature rise will reliably indicate the day of ovulation and significantly increase the likelihood of having a son.

Blood renewal

This technique is based on the theory that the sex of the child depends on whose blood is stronger at the moment.

  • for women - every 3 years;
  • in men - every 4 years.

In order to program the sex of the child, it is enough to determine whose blood is currently stronger and younger. If a man has young and strong blood, then it is believed that the birth of a male child is practically guaranteed.

Updates are counted from the moment of birth of sexual partners, if there were no major blood loss or major operations.

If this happened, then blood renewal should be counted from the date of blood loss. You can calculate it yourself or find special programs on the Internet.

Calendar method

The most popular, especially among women who want to give birth to a son from a loved one "for themselves", is the lunar calendar.

This method allows you to determine the days favorable for the acceptance by the female body of the sperm carrying the male chromosome. To give birth to a son, a girl for sex should choose the days when the moon is in the constellation:

  • Aries,
  • Aquarius,
  • Gemini,
  • Leo,
  • Sagittarius,
  • Libra.

In addition to this, the gender of the child is influenced by the age of the expectant mother (even or odd number of years) and the number of the chosen month for conception.

It is assumed that if a woman's age has an odd figure, then the conception of a son can occur only in even months, and vice versa. If we combine the data obtained on the lunar calendar with the rectal temperature graphs, then the probability of having a boy will be very high.

When the birth of a son is almost impossible

In addition to serious diseases or genetic predisposition (for example, the female body accepts only the X chromosome), it becomes impossible to give birth to an heir, even having sex during favorable days, due to such factors:

  • Low weight of the girl. Medical studies have shown that if a woman's weight is 55 kg or less, then the possibility of getting pregnant with a male child is negligible. Girls who are fond of diets, which in themselves are unhealthy, should gain a little weight, then the chances of giving their beloved man an heir will increase significantly.
  • Smoking. A cigarette smoked before having sex by one of the partners reduces the likelihood of conceiving a boy to zero. If you really want an heir, then you should not smoke before making love, and in general, you should give up cigarettes. It has been proven that nicotine negatively affects the viability and motility of Y-spermatozoa.
  • Stress. Nervous, insecure or, conversely, scandalous women hardly have sons. If you absolutely want to have a son, then the girl first needs to put her own nerves in order.

Unfortunately, modern science has not yet found a way through which it is possible to 100% guarantee the birth of a boy.

But the use of various methods (it is better to carry out calculations for several at once, coinciding days on them will significantly increase the chances of success) in combination with a diet, smoking cessation and the necessary position for sex will significantly increase the chances of an heir.

For many parents, it is not enough just to know the gender of the baby: they also want to “program” it. All over the world, this is due to economic, psychological, social, religious and many other considerations. It is interesting that the desire to "order" a boy at all times and among all peoples occurs more often than the desire to plan.

Will there be an effect?

There is only one answer: it is possible. There are many techniques that, with less or more success, allow the expectant mother to carry the boy under her heart, some have been known for many centuries. But even now there is no way that would 100% guarantee the desired result. That is why everyone who seriously intends to take up the planning of the sex of the unborn child must definitely prepare not only for success, but also for defeat. In any case, let the child be welcome.

So, is it possible at the time of conception to program the sex of the unborn child, what is needed to conceive a boy? It turns out, in some cases, yes. There are many confirmations of this theory. There are several ways, based on the characteristics of the physiology of men and women. And traditional medicine gives recommendations to a woman on how to get pregnant as a boy.

If a couple wants to conceive a son, then a woman's first step is to visit a gynecologist. Get tested, undergo a doctor's examination, and if the mother is healthy and ready to bear a child, then all that remains is to choose the most appropriate advice on how to get pregnant with a boy correctly.

How important are chromosomes

Every person, even a little familiar with biology and physiology, knows that the sex of a child directly depends on the set of X and Y chromosomes. The Y chromosome is part of the male sperm. Spermatozoa with the Y chromosome are mobile, impetuous, fast, but quickly lose their ability to fertilize. Sperm with a female set of chromosomes move imposingly, without haste, but they live much longer: they are able to fertilize an egg even 2 days after intercourse. So, if parents are interested in how to conceive a boy, then this information will help them do everything right.

First of all, we must try to have sexual intercourse at the time of ovulation of the ovum, and then the faster male spermatozoa will outstrip their slow rivals and have time to fertilize the egg before their death.

To do this, you should start a calendar of menstruation, which, by means of calculations, will help determine the approximate time of ovulation in women of the egg and the most favorable time for conception.

A man needs to accumulate as many sperm with Y chromosomes as possible, so it is better to refrain from intercourse for a while.

There are also rules indicating what needs to be done to conceive a boy, which both spouses must adhere to:

  1. Hot baths during preparation for conception should not be taken by either a man or a woman.
  2. It is important that at the time of intercourse, a woman experiences an orgasm earlier than a man. At the time of orgasm, an alkaline environment is formed in her body, in which sperm with X chromosomes die. So competitors are eliminated, and Y sperm receive an additional bonus.
  3. If partners use artificial lubricant, then this time it should be abandoned.
  4. When the act is over, the woman should rest, just lie quietly for a while.
  5. With further copulation, it is necessary to use condoms.

These simple methods have helped many couples get pregnant and give birth to their desired baby boy.

Douching soda

The next method is to create an alkaline environment in the woman's vagina, which is more favorable conditions for the Y chromosomes, and sperm with X chromosomes lose mobility and even die in it. A woman immediately before intercourse performs a douching procedure with a solution of tea soda.

An hour or an hour and a half before intercourse, dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in a liter of lukewarm boiled water. A syringe will do, but on condition that all the solution will enter into it. You can use Esmarch's mug. The syringe or cup tip must be sterilized. This method, based on the intestinal microflora, will help to become pregnant with a boy.

Blood renewal method

The name is somewhat scary, but in fact the method is interesting, it will tell parents when it is better to conceive a boy. It is based on a theory that assumes a cyclical renewal of blood. It says: that the blood of a man is completely renewed every 4 years, and that of a woman, renewal occurs after 3 years.

Calculations are quite simple to do: you need to write on a sheet of paper the time of birth of the parents of the unborn child. Then add 3 years to mom's date of birth, and 4 to dad's, until the time of future conception approaches. But if one of the parents had an operation or childbirth, abortion, miscarriage in mother, then the countdown time will start from that date.

Here is an example calculation that will help parents understand how to get pregnant with a boy using this method. The couple are planning to conceive a child in 2015. Mom was born on 04/15/1992. She did not operate and did not give birth, then 1992 + 3 + 3 + ... = 2013.

And the future father had an operation on March 10. 2006. Then 2006 + 4 + 4 = 2014 The gender of the child depends on whose blood is younger. In this case, the father's blood is younger, so a boy will be born.

But if the mother's blood Rh is negative, then the timing should be calculated using the older blood.

Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovaries and is ready for fertilization. Usually, one egg matures in the middle of your period.

With a cycle of 28 days, the egg will be ready for fertilization at about 14 days. Going out into the uterine cavity, she lives there for 2 days, the sperm of a man can remain active for up to seven days. It turns out that if you have sex 2 days before ovulation occurs, and after it, after 2-3 days, the chances of getting pregnant increase.

Ovulation scheduling

Otfried Hadzold, a famous demographer who developed the theory of programming the future sex of a child, advises on which days to conceive a boy is best. He recommends having intercourse on the day of ovulation or a little later. And for the desired birth, the girl copulates a few days before ovulation.

But this is all very conditional, because it is difficult to predict the exact moment of ovulation, and the behavior of sperm is impossible. But his theory of conceiving a child of a particular gender is quite logical. In its reasoning, it is based on the activity and mobility of the male sperm and the vitality of the female sperm.

If a couple has chosen this type of conception, then you should be patient and keep a calendar of menstruation for several months and measure the so-called basal temperature in the anus. A slight increase in temperature in the middle of the cycle for two or three days, for several months, and will mean the ripening of the ovum, that is, the moment of ovulation. This method helps to conceive a boy by ovulation, to calculate the time of copulation as accurately as possible.

This technique is a table that covers a woman's age from adolescence (18 years) to maturity (45 years). In it, the possible sex of the child at conception is indicated by months. In this case, the month is determined , when it is possible to become pregnant with a boy, and during these periods of time, expectant parents should have sex most actively. At other times, spouses need to protect themselves.

No one can say how effective this technique is, but many married couples claim that getting pregnant with a boy, the table helped them a lot.

Chinese table of conception

Poses for conception

Based on the theory of ovulation, which suggests increasing the possibility of faster penetration of the Y sperm into the uterus at the time of egg maturation, it is possible to propose the use of postures during sex, which accelerate the process of sperm advancement. Considering the question of how to become pregnant with a boy, the positions should be chosen taking into account the greatest penetration of the man's penis into the woman's vagina.

The choice of such poses is wide enough, they can be varied and changed depending on the individual characteristics of the couple. Here are the main ones:

  1. The man sits on a chair, leaning on his back, and the woman settles down on top, facing her partner.
  2. The woman stands, bending over, resting her hands on a bed or other stable object, and the man is attached to the back.
  3. The woman lies on her back, the pelvis must be lifted. You can use a roller or pillow. The man is on top.

It is known that male spermatozoa do not tolerate even a slight increase in temperature, therefore, warm linen, baths, saunas should be excluded for this period.

In what position the future parents decide to conceive a boy, the main thing is to choose the most convenient for the woman and the possibility of getting an orgasm.

When giving advice on what to do to conceive a boy, traditional medicine focuses on diet. A woman should eat foods that boys prefer and not eat foods that are conducive to the birth of girls.

What are these products?

  • All kinds of meat and sausages.
  • A variety of fish in any form. But seafood: shrimp, crabs, mussels, should be excluded from the diet.
  • Egg white only. It is not recommended to add eggs to baked goods.
  • You should significantly limit flour. You cannot eat bread, pancakes, pies, cakes. But rice, semolina, cookies are allowed.
  • The vegetables will have to be sorted. You can eat potatoes, mushrooms, boil dried peas, white beans, lentils. And cabbage, green salad of all kinds, dill must be said decisively - no.
  • The use of peaches, oranges, bananas, dates, cherries is especially encouraged. Other fruits can be consumed as well.
  • It is allowed to enjoy pure dark chocolate without adding nuts. You should forget about them altogether until pregnancy occurs.
  • From liquid teas, coffee, but only black, mineral water with soda. You cannot drink milk.

Eating a special diet

Folk ways

What to do to get pregnant with a boy? In what month to conceive a boy? We will be told about this by folk methods that our great-grandmothers used when people did not know about chromosomes:

  • In ancient Egypt, the full moon was considered the best time for conceiving a boy, and the culture of ancient China recommended that for this, when intercourse, lie down with your head to the north. European peoples at various times practiced drinking wine mixed with blood, or sleeping with an ax under a pillow.
  • To conceive a son, you must choose an even year, and the month must be odd. But, if the year is odd, and the parents are impatiently awaiting the birth of their son, then a boy can become pregnant only in those months that are odd: February ...
  • If parents dream of an heir, then you need to love each other on a bright, quiet, windless and cloudless night, so that the month shines brightly in the window.

Folk teachings on conception

  • It is necessary to put some manly thing, a sword, for example, in the matrimonial bed during lovemaking, then the likelihood of the birth of a future warrior will increase significantly.
  • If the moon is full or a new one has arisen, then it will not work out as a boy.

All these signs and methods, of course, do not give any guarantee that it will happen exactly this way, and not otherwise, but the people thought so and, perhaps, there is a grain of truth here.

Birth of twins

Sometimes parents want twins, of course, each such couple has their own reasons for wanting this. But how are the boys? Is it possible? Nobody can answer in the affirmative. IVF can provide twins for boys. In other cases, for the birth of two children at once, prerequisites are needed, for example, genetics.

But if one of the parents had twins in the family, the chance can be increased. The use of folic acid, food that stimulates the work of the ovaries, weight gain in women. This has a beneficial effect on the maturation of two or more eggs. And, in order for boys to be born, you should use one or a set of methods mentioned above.

Now parents have to decide for themselves , how best to conceive a boy, choose which method is suitable for their family. But if someone says that he knows how to conceive a boy is guaranteed, you should not believe him. Because no one can say exactly how to conceive a boy, since it is impossible to predict all the nuances. Perhaps the methods will help some, and will not work in another situation. But in any case, the birth of a baby is a great happiness for parents and does not depend on the gender of the child.

Finds of our time

With artificial insemination, it is possible to increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy, based on the types of chromosomes. The fusion of the egg with the sperm carrying the Y chromosome will give the embryo a male sex. This means that carriers of the X chromosome must be removed from the semen.

This method, which gives a really high probability, is used, however, exclusively for medical reasons - for example, when the birth of a girl is impossible or dangerous due to serious genetic defects.

Italian scientists are confident that a woman weighing less than 54 kg has very little chance of giving birth to a boy. Japanese researchers have noted an increased frequency of male births among nonsmoking parents. And the Germans linked the sex of the unborn child with problems of the nervous system: in a calm state, the conception of a boy is more likely than with nervous tension.

Video: How to conceive a boy

The expectation and birth of a baby is one of the most significant events in the life of a family. The question of who will be born - a son or a daughter - is also one of the main ones, especially if the family already has children. Often, future parents, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, begin to study popular literature, listen to the advice of friends, follow the numerous recommendations of healers - and all with one goal: to give birth to a child of the desired gender.

But one should start with "How does this happen?"

This game can only have three participants:
- egg cell-X;
- sperm-X;
- sperm-Y.

The result has two possible options:
1) egg-X is fertilized by sperm-X, which gives XX (female fetus).
2) egg-X is fertilized by sperm-Y, which gives XY (male fetus).

You want the Y sperm to be present in greater numbers and make their way to the egg faster and easier.
To do this, you will need to first calculate the time of ovulation and stop sexual activity for a while to accumulate sperm.

To increase your chances of conceiving a boy:

1) avoid intercourse for 3-4 days before the calculated ovulation date. This will help increase your sperm count;
2) give up hot baths and insulated underwear for a man at least a week before conception;
3) remember that conception should happen only once during ovulation, it is recommended to use condoms for the next few days;
4) remember that ideally before men;
5) enjoy some longer foreplay for maximum sperm release;
6) choose the position when the man enters the woman from behind ("like a dog");
7) remember that you must enter the woman as deeply as possible;
8) a man should have a cup of coffee or a glass of caffeinated soda two hours before conception, which will help increase sperm count;
9) keep in mind that the duration of sperm fixation is 20 minutes if the woman lies quietly;
10) try to avoid using artificial lubricants.

For a long time, married couples have been trying to plan the gender of the child. It has long been believed that the sex of the unborn child depends on the woman, and only over time has it been proven that what gender your baby will actually be depends on the man. And although science does not stand still, nevertheless, there are such misconceptions among ordinary couples, such as bandaging one testicle, sincerely believing that if you bandage one, then there will be a boy, and if the other, then a girl; some sleep, putting some objects under the bed, and some use some kind of food and herbs ... But it is important to note that the desire to plan the sex of the unborn child is only growing. According to surveys, 90% would like to choose a gender for their unborn child, if it was easy. Interestingly, today couples are more willing to give birth to a girl than a boy.

What determines the sex of the unborn child

Each parent gives a piece of their genetic material to the unborn child. A woman only has a pair of XX chromosomes, therefore, she can only give only an X chromosome to an unborn child. The father of the child has a pair of XY chromosomes and can donate an X or Y chromosome. This means that semen is a decisive factor in determining the sex of your baby. Over 200 million sperm cells enter the vagina during intercourse, a mixture of X and Y chromosomes. And only one is likely to be able to fertilize an egg.

Shetles method

Dr. Landrum Shetles is best known for his popular book on simple gender scheduling techniques for a toddler, especially planning for a baby girl. The essence of the planning method is that Y-carrying sperm are faster, but also die quickly, which means that your egg must be rapidly fertilized with the highest concentration of Y-carrying sperm. The basics of the method are summarized below:

- first, you must study your menstrual cycle and chart it using your basal body temperature;
- as soon as you have done this, after a few months you can more accurately determine the moment of ovulation;
- men should avoid ejaculation for 4-5 days before ovulation;
- you need to have intercourse 12 hours before ovulation, which can be determined based on your basal body temperature or using other methods;
- use positions that promote rapid penetration of sperm to the cervix, for example, doggy style position;
- the woman must orgasm in order to facilitate the movement of sperm towards the egg.

Diet for conceiving a boy

It is said that depending on the foods you eat, you will have either a boy or a girl. Below is a list of foods that can help you conceive a boy:

- meat, mainly red meat;
Salty snacks such as chips
- caffeine.

Other helpful tips for conceiving a boy

- men need to wear boxing shorts to lower the temperature of the scrotum (helps to increase fertility);
- a man should be the first to orgasm;
- have sex only on those days that are favorable for the conception of a boy;
- a man should initiate sexual relations;
- choose positions in which the man dominates (sitting or lying);
- have sex while standing;
- use the Chinese Birth Chart to help determine the favorable time for conceiving a boy;
- have sex at night;
- avoid sex on the full moon, as well as on the new moon, the most favorable time for conceiving a boy is the time of the quarter moon.

"Folk" methods

There are many "folk" signs and rituals that supposedly guarantee the conception of a child of a certain sex. Most experts consider these methods to be absolutely pointless, and the positive results are more random, psychologically conditioned or intuitively predicted by future parents. Stubborn statistics do not give the green light to any of the "popular" methods of gender planning.

If you combine all such methods (ancient Chinese and ancient Japanese tables for planning the sex of a child can be found on the Internet), then you can get the following instructions:

It is necessary in even years of your life to plan conception for odd months or in odd years - for even (the number of the month is divisible by 2), have sex at night, when there is a month in the sky, and not a full moon, there is no precipitation. The bedroom should be cool, the window should be open, you should lie with your head to the north, you should put some "male" attribute under the pillow - a toy gun, a car, or at worst - a can of beer. Couples where the husband loves his wife more than she loves him is more likely to conceive a son. During intercourse, a man should reach orgasm earlier than a woman, and after sex, future parents are advised to stay awake for a long time. Before the onset of the important night, at least three weeks, a woman should eat meat and fish products, with the exception of crabs, shrimp and caviar, fresh and dry fruits, potatoes, mushrooms, drink tea, coffee, forgetting about milk and dairy products, as well as bread and egg yolks. All dishes must be salted, do not be afraid to use canned food. Before the crucial hour, the husband should wash his testicles with cold water, which will increase the activity of sperm.

From the point of view of science

According to medical statistics, an average of 106 boys are born per 100 girls. Even more male embryos are formed, but they are more vulnerable. This initial gender imbalance compensates for the great loss of males in the prenatal period, in the first year and throughout life. Male embryos, as well as boys of the first year of life, die more often. Dangerous games, male professions, wars, addiction to addictions, unfortunately, often lead to the death of adult men, and the average life expectancy of the stronger sex in almost all countries of the world is less than that of women. Therefore, gradually the initial imbalance levels off, and by the reproductive age the sex ratio approaches equilibrium: 1 to 1.

The sex cells of men and women - sperm and eggs - carry half the set of genetic material - chromosomes: one sex chromosome and 22 somatic (non-sex) chromosomes. Thus, the sperm and the egg contain 23 chromosomes. When these cells merge during fertilization, an individual genotype of a new person is formed - either 46 XX or 46 XY. Sex is determined by a combination of two sex chromosomes: the combination of XX is inherent in the female sex, and XY - in the male. In any woman, all eggs contain one X chromosome (other sex chromosomes in the female body simply do not exist). Male sperm are of two types: with an X chromosome and with a Y chromosome. If an X-sperm fertilizes an egg, a girl will be born, if Y - a son will appear in the family. Thus, the sex of the future baby depends ONLY ON THE MAN! Therefore, disappointments, dissatisfaction with the gender of the born baby and the claims of the newly-born pope against his wife, sometimes reaching anecdotal situations and curiosities, are completely unfounded. For the same reason, all methods of planning the baby's sex that are related to the expectant mother (calculating her age, day and month of birth, diet, etc.) are absolutely unreasonable. A woman of any age, with any diet, can give her baby only the X chromosome, and the responsibility for the second - X or Y, complementing the necessary set, on which she will depend on whether she will bear and give birth to a son or daughter - lies entirely with the father of the child. ...

I must say that some methods of floor planning are based on scientifically based facts.

Planning gender by ovulation date

The method is based on the existing difference between X- and Y-spermatozoa. The X chromosome is much larger and "heavier" than the Y chromosome. Therefore, X-spermatozoa are slower, but much more hardy and viable than their faster Y-counterparts. Fertilization of an egg with a sperm is possible only after it leaves the ovary, i.e. after ovulation. If intercourse was a few days before ovulation, then the likelihood of a girl being born increases - most likely, only long-living, hardy X-spermatozoa remained in the female genital tract, which will receive the honorable mission of fertilization. If future parents manage to guess with the day of ovulation, abstaining from sex for at least a week before that day, and sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, then the probability of conceiving a boy increases: light and extremely mobile Y-spermatozoa will be the first to reach the egg, ahead of the heavier X- sperm.

Another of the scientific explanations for this method is the change in the pH of the vaginal secretion, depending on hormonal fluctuations during the cycle: 2-3 days before ovulation, the environment in the vagina is more acidic, which contributes to a faster death of Y-sperm. In other words, if intercourse occurs before ovulation, then the "boys" sperm die. During ovulation, the pH of the medium rises slightly (alkalizes), which preserves the more vulnerable carriers of the male chromosome. Thus, in order to increase, it is necessary that intercourse falls on the day of ovulation or immediately after it.

Dependence of the sex of the child on the sexual activity of the parents

With high sexual activity, frequent, regular sexual activity (intercourse is performed daily or every other day), boys are more often born (the probability of fertilization with fast Y-spermatozoa is higher). With low sexual activity, the likelihood of the birth of a girl increases (X-spermatozoa "wait" for ovulation in the genital tract of a woman, since they are viable up to 4-5 days after intercourse).

The method is effective in 80% of cases. True, it is difficult to use it for women with an irregular cycle, in which it is difficult to determine the pattern and the exact day of ovulation. It should be borne in mind that in healthy women with a fairly regular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation may shift.

Practical advice. It is necessary for several cycles to determine the time of ovulation or according to the basal temperature schedule (in the normal course of the menstrual cycle before ovulation, the temperature in the rectum is below 37 degrees C, on the eve of ovulation the temperature is further reduced by a few tenths of a degree, and after ovulation it rises to 37 degrees C and above ), or using a daily ultrasound scan - from about the 10th day of the menstrual cycle until the egg leaves the ovary. With ultrasound, the maturing (dominant) follicle containing the egg is clearly visible. It disappears after ovulation, and a corpus luteum forms in its place, also diagnosed by an ultrasound doctor. Some women subjectively feel ovulation, for example, feel pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, note the release of ovulatory mucus from the genital tract on the day of ovulation - such mucus is viscous, quite abundant. When planning the conception of a daughter, sexual intercourse should be 2-3 days before the calculated date of ovulation, if you want to conceive a son, you should refrain from sex for at least 2-3 days before ovulation, and have sexual intercourse within 24 hours after the egg leaves the ovary.

Who would not like to know for sure how to conceive a boy, and even do it the first time!

Thoughts on this matter scatter: some believe that everything is solved in nature 50-50, while others are convinced: there are still ways and methods thanks to which you can conceive a child of the right sex.

I would not like to upset you, but one way or another, it is possible to conceive a son with a guarantee only through a medical method.

Whether it's true, or not, it's up to you to decide.

If you really want a child, and at the same time it is a son, you can try to conceive him in different ways.

To get familiar with certain methods initially, I've collected the most common ones below.

Long-standing methods

Historians know that since ancient times, different peoples had their own options for conceiving a son.

For example:

  • In ancient China, in order to become pregnant with a boy, you had to lie down with your head to the north during intercourse.
  • In Ancient Egypt, the phases of the month were referred to.
  • And the Germans became pregnant during sunny and warm weather.
  • In other European nations, some put an ax under the pillow before conception, and some drank the blood of a lion with wine.
  • And in India they follow the phases of the moon and eat special foods, perhaps because they have a problem that there are much more men in the country than women.
  • Many peoples have resorted to, witchcraft.

In those ancient times, these were the only options for conceiving an heir.

A lot of time has passed, many theories of the planned pregnancy with a boy have appeared. And according to them, however, it turns out: it is easier to "get" a daughter, but with the boys it is more difficult.

Many people want a son for various reasons: from the transfer of the surname to the next generation, to the danger that the girl will take over diseases passing through the female gene line. After all, it is becoming, unfortunately, more difficult to give birth to a healthy child in our time.

What role do chromosomes play?

In nature, everything is carried out by the method of survival of the fittest: which sperm is stronger, that one won, be it a boy or a girl.

It is very difficult to predict the gender of the unborn child, but you can try.

A woman has only XX chromosomes, while a man has X and Y.

If a sperm with an X chromosome gets into the egg, then a girl will conceive, with Y - there will be a boy.

The theory of different sperm motility, proposed by H. Chesterman-Phillips and L. Shettles, is considered one of the most effective.

Y-spermatozoa get to the target quickly, however, they also die quickly. Unlike males, female chromosomes have a longer lifespan, but move more slowly.

Ovulation and calendars

If you want your child to be 100% a boy, then try the tips and tables below. And time will tell how correctly everything was done!

Because getting pregnant with a little boy is, in principle, more difficult because of the shorter life span of the Y chromosomes, ovulation comes to the rescue.

  • To conceive a son,. Without accurate knowledge, it is more likely to get into a period when the environment inside the woman is less favorable, and the "male" sperm die faster. And during ovulation, the alkalinity of the environment increases, and the mobile Y chromosomes have a good chance of getting to the egg first.
  • Interesting conclusions were drawn by foreign scientists:
    • Italian experts report: to be able to have a son, a woman must weigh at least 54 kilograms.
    • The Japanese warn about the dangers of smoking before intercourse. Statistics show that non-smoking couples are more likely to have a son. Try to quit smoking six months - a year before pregnancy, and then the chance of getting pregnant with the “right” child is much higher.
    • German scientists have confirmed the opinion: for the conception of the successor of the clan, parents should be calm and not nervous. Do you want a boy? Create internal comfort conditions.

Planning tables

Take a look below: several tables are offered, thanks to which there is a chance to successfully and simply plan the gender of the child.

The blue cell corresponds to the boy, and the blue one to the girl:

Another table will indicate how to conceive a boy. Look for the intersections you want:

There is also a table of compatibility of blood groups, according to which it is quite simple to calculate:

And the table in the ratio of Rh factors:

Do not forget: these tables cannot be used to find out the sex of the child with a 100% guarantee.

After all, planning the sex of a child using such "drawings" is like playing roulette, so trust more scientific approaches to such an important issue.

Lunar cycle: correct days

According to ancient Indian mythology, a woman does not obey the sun, but the moon.

Even women are 28 days long, like the phases of a month.

To have a 100 percent son, it is important to keep track of the phases of the moon and know which days to make love!

I want to warn you: at the beginning and at the end of the lunar cycle, as well as on the 11th - 13th day of the moon, you will not be able to get a boy. The best period is days that are not included in the specified period.

In this case, it is necessary to monitor the woman's menstrual cycle.

Unpaired days are ideal for conceiving a boy, but a girl is allowed on paired days.

Unfortunately, it happens that for some reason, therefore, in this case, you should contact the medical center to determine the problem.

Modern technology

Scientists are eager to try to find a way to influence the planning process for the sex of the child.

By artificial insemination, with the help of the necessary items, the desired sperm Y will be selected and the egg will be fertilized with it.

But such actions are carried out very rarely, only when absolutely necessary. In the case when serious diseases are transmitted through the female line.

Here are some medical methods that can really help you get pregnant with a little boy:

  • Laser separation of sperm... When the patient says: "I want to get pregnant with my son!" But even this method does not give a 100% guarantee. At 91% it is possible to "get" a girl, and only 75% of a boy.
  • Micro-sorting... With the help of a certain device at the gene level, male and female chromosomes are sorted separately. You need a guy, Y is injected into the uterine cavity, after which you just have to wait until the egg is fertilized. This process does not happen quickly, so you need to be patient to see the result. Efficiency: for girls, the probability is 88%, for a boy - 73%.
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis... Before the embryo is transplanted into the uterus, it is possible to examine it, which allows not only to see the sex of the child, but also to diagnose possible malformations. Getting pregnant with a son using this method is more accurate than the rest.


How to conceive a healthy child if you don't eat right?