When will the spring equinox be. Day of the spring equinox signs and rituals. Equinox Day Celebration

The autumn equinox is a time filled with extremely powerful energy. Day serving as a border point between summer and winter periods, successful for increasing energy and strengthening the biofield.

There are two points of view on the day autumn equinox: astronomical and folk. Astronomers say that this period of time is not remarkable for anything special, our planet simply traveled a certain distance, moving around the Sun. Hence and unique feature this day: day and night are identical to each other, the day is divided into two equal parts of 12 hours each. The equinox signals us that winter is approaching and preparing to come into its own. But people's memory knows that this is a magical day, favorable for attracting good luck, especially money.

Autumn Equinox 2017

To observe a 12-hour day and the same duration of the night, the inhabitants of the Earth will September 22nd. Everything will happen at 20:02 Moscow time. From the moment of the equinox, the Sun will lose its power, the sunny day will sharply decline. This means that the Sun will hide and only occasionally look through. The time of the power of darkness will come.

The autumnal equinox is the official arrival of autumn. It is this period of time that prepares us for the inexorable onset of winter. People have the opportunity to facilitate winter adaptation. In other words, the arrival of cold weather will not be such news to you and will not take you by surprise. Help your body meet the winter: stock up on vitamins and spiritual practices that will help you cope with energy starvation. We wish you good mood And have a good day. take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and

15.09.2017 04:55

IN Lately there are many natural anomalies. Scientists have come to the conclusion that everything can be to blame ...

From ancient times to the present, mankind has been living in harmony with the natural rhythms of nature. Day spring equinoxsignificant date, repeating every year on the twentieth of March. There are many associated with this day. natural processes and curious phenomena.

Spring equinox in 2017 falls on March 20. At this time, people follow the traditions that have developed over the centuries, which we will talk about in this article. You can also find out the mass useful information about the history and customs of the spring equinox.

Day of spring equinox

The equinox taking place in the spring is one of the most unique and amazing natural phenomena, the whole essence of which is reduced to the astronomical principles of the motion of the Sun and the Earth. On the day of the vernal equinox, rotating around its own axis and, at the same time, around the Sun, the Earth is located in such a way in relation to the hot star that the rays of the Sun fall vertically on the equator.

At this time, the Sun makes the transition from the southern to the northern hemisphere. In all countries of the world, the night during the spring equinox is almost equal to the day.

From an astronomical point of view, spring begins with the vernal equinox, and autumn begins with the autumn equinox, respectively. The interval between two identical equinoxes is called the tropical year, which is now accepted for calculating time.

The tropical year has approximately 365 whole and 24 hundredths of a solar day. It is because of this “approximate” value that the spring equinox falls every year on different time days, shifting from year to year by about 6 hours ahead.

It is noteworthy that in many states, among many peoples around the world, it begins specifically with the spring equinox.

Light and darkness on this amazing day share the time equally. Even in ancient times, when there were no calendars, the sun determined the dawn of a charming spring, awakening nature and the whole world from a long winter sleep. Many ancient peoples considered the day when sunlight and pitch darkness divided the day in half, a great holiday and honored the date of the vernal equinox.

history of the holiday

The Slavs had several great celebrations that were held throughout the year. One pagans celebrated in the spring - this is Komoyeditsa. Now this day is celebrated in our country as Shrovetide, which is held within the framework of Orthodox foundations and traditions.

The Christian Church thus united the spring folk rituals and celebrations with a great religious date, since Maslenitsa falls on the cheese (meat-fare) week preceding great post. During this week, the church is allowed to eat eggs, cheese and other dairy products, fish. Meat is under the strictest ban these days.

Let's get back to Komoyeditsa. This holiday, which the Slavs in Rus' celebrated in the spring, long before Christianity, fell exactly at the time of Lent. The Komoyeditsa lasted for two whole weeks - a week before the date of the vernal equinox and a week after it.

The Komoyeditsa holiday was dedicated to the active farewell to the winter that had already become boring for the long cold months and the meeting of the blooming, green spring. Also in Komoyeditsa, the Slavs celebrated the beginning of the New Year.

Own interesting name Komoeditsa received the holiday thanks to one important ancient Slavic tradition - the veneration of the Bear God, who was called Como. Exactly on the day of the spring equinox, which falls in the middle of the celebration of Komoyeditsa, the pagan Slavs baked pancakes and “treated” them with fried and insanely delicious pieces of sweet dough of the Honey Beast.

It is quite possible that the good old proverb “the first pancake is lumpy” actually sounds nothing more than: “The first pancake is for lumps!”, That is, to fluffy honey lovers, bears.

The custom of baking pancakes on Komoeditsu is due to the fact that ruddy cakes with their appearance, shape, and also burning temperature resemble an inaccessible sun, which is just beginning to enter into full force on the day of the equinox.

With this tradition, the Slavs revered the power of spring solar disk. Enjoying delicious pancakes, people believed that with each piece they eat, they are filled with the life-giving power of sunlight.

Komoyeditsa was celebrated widely and cheerfully: there were also rituals that combined the incompatible: religion and magic. Dances and songs on this day interspersed with exciting noisy games, and festive feast completed the picture of the general festivities.

Spring equinox festival in different countries

The spring holiday - the equinox - was honored and honored in many cultures of our vast world. Not only the Slavs performed various magical and religious rites, praising the Sun and spring, but many other peoples also have their own history of celebrating this holiday. We will talk about the brightest traditions.

Spring equinox in India

In India, this holiday is called "Holi", it is known worldwide as the "festival of colors". Indians spend the first day of the March bright festival in fun, singing songs, dancing, making fires.

On the second day of the festival, representatives of all castes and all sorts of classes, women and men, old people and children - all participate in a festive procession, in which they sprinkle each other with colorful multi-colored powders, which consist of useful spices and medicinal herbs.

Spring Equinox in Japan

In Japan this important holiday has the name "Shumbun no hi" and the Japanese put a special meaning into it. Even before the beginning of the day of the equinox, they diligently clean their homes, giving increased attention home altars, where photographs of deceased relatives are located. It is customary to clean the altars with flowers and put special ritual dishes there.

On the very day of the holiday, the Japanese pray and indulge in ritual honors. The table at Shunbun no hi should feature a predominantly vegetarian meal, including inari sushi stuffed with rice mixture, mushrooms, carrots, and beans.

In almost all cultures, the spring equinox symbolizes the renewal, the rebirth of nature. On this day, you need to think only about the good, enjoy the spring, sunbeams, the joyful singing of birds.

It is better to keep all the negative on the day of the equinox away from yourself and your loved ones. Astrologers believe that unfavorable energy and negative thoughts on this special day may materialize.

Spring equinox-2017: the exact time of the onset of astronomical spring is March 20 at 13.28 Moscow time. The day will be equal in duration to the night.

Spring Equinox Day 2017

Astronomical spring will last until June 21, 2017, when the day summer solstice, which will mark the onset of the hottest time of the year - according to the astronomical calendar.

Astrologers about the day of the spring equinox March 20: this date carries a big charge positive energy. Not only does the solar time increase and the day becomes longer than the night, but our ancestors also considered this day the day of the victory of the forces of light over the forces of darkness.

It is believed that the day of March 20 should be spent with meaning. You can conceive or start something important for yourself - especially dedicated to the external, social activities. And be sure to live, enjoying every moment of the day and wishing everyone happiness, astrologers recommend.

Spring equinox 2017.

Traditionally, on this day, houses were cleaned, decorated with flowers, dressed up. In many traditional cultures, this day was considered the day of the beginning of the year.

Spring equinox: what will happen to the weather

A noticeable warming begins in St. Petersburg - within a week, the thermometers will rise to the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bof this year - + 6-8 degrees, rains are possible at times, but the sun will periodically peek out. Quite cold is expected in St. Petersburg throughout the week strong wind— in gusts up to 12 m/s.

In Moscow, it will also get warmer - up to +10. In the middle of the week, heavy rains and sharp gusts of wind are possible - up to 12 m / s.

Since ancient times, among many peoples of the world, the day of the vernal equinox was considered great holiday- magical and ritual. In ancient and medieval times, spring festivals were held with fun and rituals that called for the fertility of the land and the well-being of people.

And the ancient Egyptians even built the Great Sphinx so that it points directly to rising Sun during the spring equinox.

Many nations have kept this holiday in their calendar to this day. The Navruz holiday, which means “new day” in Farsi, has its roots in the tradition of the ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia.

The holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples who profess Islam. In the CIS, the day of the equinox is National holiday Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples celebrate.

On the day of the spring equinox in many Eastern countries, including in Iran and Afghanistan, celebrate the New Year.

The Celts and Germans associated this day with the rebirth of spring and marked the beginning of the agricultural season. To meet the spring especially and please the goddess Ostara, the housewives dyed eggs and baked wheat buns. Ostara is one of the most "old" goddesses; evidence of her worship dates back to the end of the 2nd millennium BC.

Timed to coincide with the spring equinox Slavic holiday carnival-carnival, when people saw off the winter and met the spring, personifying the revival and revival of nature. People believed that the merrier and happier there will be a holiday the more generous nature will be to them.

In Rus', this day was called "Magpies" and it was celebrated in a special way. People believed that it was at this time that many birds arrived, namely 40. The lark was the symbol of the holiday, since it was the first to return.

One of the customs was to bake cookies in the shape of a bird that day. And the first person who saw the lark was given cookies from the whole village. The rest of the delicacy was subsequently distributed to all the children in the village, so that they, in turn, would invite the larks, who, according to legend, would bring spring with them.

Traditionally, March 20 is World Earth Day, calling on all people to realize that the Earth is ours. common Home to be loved, cherished and preserved for future generations.

On the day of the spring equinox, astrologers celebrate their professional holiday– Day of astrology, timed to coincide with the beginning astrological year when the Sun enters Aries.

In many countries, this day is magical, as it is the only day of the year when spring meets spring. Usually, at this time, they tell fortunes and solemnly burn an effigy of winter, meeting the long-awaited spring.

On this day, you should monitor the weather, which determines the nature of the weather for the next 40 days. If it is warm on this day, then there will be no cold and frost until the summer.

On the day of the spring equinox, you can not quarrel, get upset, sort things out with loved ones. It is best to spend this day with your family or with your loved one.

The holiday should be met cheerfully so that the whole next year spend without worries and not think about the bad. The wish made on this day will surely come true.

On the day of the spring equinox, fortunetelling is about love. To do this, you can use divination on tarot cards, classic cards, runes, oracles. At the moment of divination, you should focus on your situation, ask specific question to get the exact answer.

Since the holiday was preceded by Maslenitsa (in 2017 from February 20 to February 26 inclusive), many girls use similar fortune-telling. So, for example, pancakes were also baked on that day, and if the first pancake was not lumpy, then they believed that they would get married this year.

When a girl wanted to know what gender her first child would be, she followed who would take the first pancake with holiday table. If a man, then you need to wait for a boy, and if a woman - a girl, respectively.

Many girls believed that it was this night that dreams would be prophetic. Before going to bed, usually many guessed at their husband - they put two aces (of spades and diamonds), a ten of clubs, a key, a ring and a piece of pie under the pillow. All items had to be wrapped in a white scarf.

In the morning, the girls judged the future, depending on what they dreamed of: a ring for an imminent wedding, a card of spades - for trouble, a key or bread - for success in work, a pie - for luck and joy, a tambourine card - for wealth, club - to move.

The day of the spring equinox is a time for the manifestation of feelings. And if you have long wanted to confess your feelings to your loved one - you need to do this on the day of the spring equinox.

Spring equinox 2017. Do's and Don'ts on this day

It was also believed that on this day you can permanently get rid of the evil eye and curses, and your wishes will certainly come true during the coming year.

On this day, you should conduct a cleansing ritual, which consists in cleaning your home and workplace. When wiping the dust or sweeping out the garbage, it is necessary to mentally imagine how the negative energy is also “swept away”.

After removing everything in the apartment, it is necessary to "expel" negative energy, airing the entire room and sprinkling it with herbal infusions.

After such actions, it is necessary to wash off the accumulated “unfavorable” energy from your body by taking a shower and “filling up” with positive thoughts.

It is also recommended that on this day to write on paper all the negative thoughts related to what happened during the year. unpleasant events, and burn this paper. Thus, it is this day that contributes to the final "disposal" of negative energy, as well as from diseases that have arisen on this basis.

This day is a unique moment that helps to correct accumulated mistakes, forgive the most difficult offenses and receive forgiveness ourselves.

According to the tradition of the Druids, it is this day that maximally enriches all life on earth with energy, including patron trees, to whom you can “tell” all the most secret, as well as make secret desire. The main thing is to be as sincere as possible. In addition, according to ancient beliefs, such a tree “shares” its strongest energy with a person, contributing to the filling of the soul and body with it.

On this day, it is advisable to avoid negative thoughts, anger, nervousness, otherwise such a state may be “mothballed” for the entire next year and materialize in the future.

It is necessary to meet the spring equinox as hospitably as possible, accompanying all actions with cheerful and joyful emotions. That is why merry mass festivities used to be held in honor of the arrival of spring.

Keeping all these simple rules who came from our ancestors, you will certainly be able to feel a surge of new strength and, perhaps, from this day great changes will begin to occur in your life.

The autumn equinox is a time filled with extremely powerful energy. The day, which acts as a border point between the summer and winter periods, is successful for increasing energy and strengthening the biofield.

There are two points of view on the day of the autumn equinox: astronomical and popular. Astronomers say that this period of time is not remarkable for anything special, our planet simply traveled a certain distance, moving around the Sun. Hence the unique feature of this day: day and night are identical to each other, the day is divided into two equal parts of 12 hours each. The equinox signals us that winter is approaching and preparing to come into its own. But people's memory knows that this is a magical day, favorable for attracting good luck, especially money. Autumn Equinox 2017
The inhabitants of the Earth will observe a 12-hour day and a night of the same duration on September 22. Everything will happen at 20:02 Moscow time. From the moment of the equinox, the Sun will lose its power, the sunny day will sharply decline. This means that the Sun will hide and only occasionally look through. The time for the power of darkness will come.

Before winter solstice do not expect the support of the daylight. The earth will begin to intensively prepare for winter. This will be especially noticed by the inhabitants of Central Russia, when everyone migratory birds rush to warmer climes. Our ancestors paid special attention to this day, dedicating sacrificial gifts to the gods for a rich harvest. Strength was gained by rituals aimed at attracting good luck and wealth. And healing herbs on this day acquired special properties, so they tried to stock up for the whole year. From a bioenergetic point of view, it is the autumn equinox that allows us to stock up vitality for the winter. After all, the day is literally at the junction of two periods of the year, which means it has the strongest energy.

Astrological features of the autumn equinox
On the day of the equinox, there is a huge outburst of solar activity that reaches people in the form of a powerful energy impulse. Don't hesitate - it will definitely encourage you to take action. The most important thing is to indicate in what direction to launch such a strong charge. Choose only what is important for you. Initiative and determination will definitely count. Astrologers do not recommend hiding behind others and envying someone else's success.

On the day of the equinox, the forces awaken in people for a breakthrough, so it will be in your power to change life for the better. The sun will be in the constellation of Libra, which means that you will have to fight for victory, but it's worth it. The growing Moon, which will draw strength from the zodiac Scorpio, will harmoniously fit into big picture day. Everything will go on as usual. Besides 4 lunar day- a day of struggle and pressure, so you can realize your potential. Avoid only impulsive behavior. Don't try to build personal success on hostility. Be kind to the world to catch your luck.

The autumnal equinox is the official arrival of autumn. It is this period of time that prepares us for the inexorable onset of winter. People have the opportunity to facilitate winter adaptation. In other words, the arrival of cold weather will not be such news to you and will not take you by surprise. Help your body meet the winter: stock up on vitamins and spiritual practices that will help you cope with energy starvation.

The spring equinox - the time when day and night are equal in duration - falls annually in March.
In 2017, the spring equinox comes March 20 at 10:28 UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), 13:28 Moscow time.
The equinox, that is, the equal ratio of dark and light hours of the day, happens twice a year - in spring and autumn. In the old days, these dates were considered to be the change of seasons, and now they are guided by the calendar.

Scientists consider the spring equinox to be the astronomical beginning of spring.

From an astronomical point of view, from this day comes spring period, which lasts until the summer solstice, which in 2017 falls on June 21. Therefore, the day of the spring equinox has been considered a mystical and long-awaited event since ancient times.

Day of spring equinox. astronomical spring

The spring equinox occurs when the sun passes from southern hemisphere celestial sphere to the north. At the indicated time, the Earth will overcome a quarter of a year's path, moving along its orbit. The two hemispheres will be illuminated by the Sun exactly half, which explains the equal duration of daylight and darkness.

Since the day of the spring equinox, the seasons of the hemispheres change. In the northern hemisphere of the Earth, astronomical spring comes, and in the southern hemisphere - astronomical autumn, which lasts until the day of the summer solstice.

Then the Sun will continue its movement, moving from the southern hemisphere to the northern one. After six months, the equinox will again come, but during this period the Sun will already be with opposite side orbits.

Historically, the vernal equinox is March 21st. It was on this day that the spring equinox was in 325, when at the First Ecumenical Council it was adopted general rule celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, but not before the spring equinox.

But, due to the fact that the astronomical year differs from the calendar year, the spring equinox does not have a fixed day and hour and shifts by almost six hours every year, and therefore falls on different dates. It can fall from March 19th to March 21st.

The earliest dates of the equinoxes are observed in leap years, and the latest in years preceding leap years. IN leap year there is a time adjustment that returns the equinox to the previous date.

Day of spring equinox. Traditions and customs

Since ancient times, among many peoples of the world, the day of the vernal equinox was considered a great holiday - magical and ritual. In ancient and medieval times, spring festivals were held with fun and rituals that called for the fertility of the land and the well-being of people.

And the ancient Egyptians even erected the Great Sphinx so that it pointed directly at the rising sun during the spring equinox. Many peoples have kept this holiday in their calendar to this day. The Navruz holiday, which means “new day” in Farsi, has its roots in the tradition of the ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia.

The holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples who profess Islam. In the CIS, the equinox day is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other nations.

On the day of the vernal equinox, many eastern countries, including Iran and Afghanistan, celebrate the New Year.

The Celts and Germans associated this day with the rebirth of spring and marked the beginning of the agricultural season. To meet the spring especially and please the goddess Ostara, the housewives dyed eggs and baked wheat buns. Ostara is one of the most "old" goddesses; evidence of her worship dates back to the end of the 2nd millennium BC.

The Slavic holiday of the komoeditsa-Shrovetide is timed to coincide with the spring equinox, when people saw off the winter and met the spring, personifying the revival and revival of nature. People believed that the more cheerful and joyful the holiday was, the more generous nature would be to them.

In Rus', this day was called "Magpies" and it was celebrated in a special way. People believed that it was at this time that many birds arrived, namely 40. The lark was the symbol of the holiday, since it was the first to return.

One of the customs was to bake cookies in the shape of a bird that day. And the first person who saw the lark was given cookies from the whole village. The rest of the delicacy was subsequently distributed to all the children in the village, so that they, in turn, would invite the larks, who, according to legend, would bring spring with them.

Traditionally, March 20 is World Earth Day, calling on all people to realize that the Earth is our common home, which should be loved, protected and preserved for future generations. On the day of the spring equinox, astrologers celebrate their professional holiday - Astrology Day, dedicated to the beginning of the year when the Sun enters the sign of Aries.

In many countries, this day is magical, as it is the only day of the year when spring meets spring. Usually, at this time, they tell fortunes and solemnly burn an effigy of winter, meeting the long-awaited spring.

Day of spring equinox. Signs

On this day, you should monitor the weather, which determines the nature of the weather for the next 40 days. If it is warm on this day, then there will be no cold and frost until the summer.

On the day of the spring equinox, you can not quarrel, get upset, sort things out with loved ones. It is best to spend this day with your family or with your loved one.

The holiday should be celebrated cheerfully so that the whole next year can be spent without worries and not thinking about the bad. The wish made on this day will surely come true. On the day of the vernal equinox, they tell fortunes about love. To do this, you can use divination on Tarot cards, classic cards, runes, oracles. At the moment of divination, you should focus on your situation, ask a specific question in order to get an accurate answer.

Since the holiday was preceded by Maslenitsa (in 2017 from February 20 to February 26 inclusive), many girls use similar fortune-telling. So, for example, pancakes were also baked on that day, and if the first pancake was not lumpy, then they believed that they would get married this year.

When a girl wanted to know what gender her first child would be, she followed who would take the first pancake from the festive table. If a man, then you need to wait for a boy, and if a woman - a girl, respectively.

Many girls believed that it was this night that dreams would be prophetic. Before going to bed, usually many guessed at their husband - they put two aces (of spades and diamonds), a ten of clubs, a key, a ring and a piece of pie under the pillow. All items had to be wrapped in a white scarf.

In the morning, the girls judged the future, depending on what they dreamed of: a ring for an imminent wedding, a card of spades - for trouble, a key or bread - for success in work, a pie - for luck and joy, a tambourine card - for wealth, club - to move.

The day of the spring equinox is a time for the manifestation of feelings. And if you have long wanted to confess your feelings to your loved one - you need to do this on the day of the spring equinox.