When will the indexing be in the year. Requirements for persons entitled to receive old-age insurance compensation. Increasing the retirement age

main source material support pensioners is a pension payment. It can be calculated by age, by the establishment of disability and by the loss of a breadwinner. The most common reason is old age.

Pensioners are expecting indexation of payments with great hope. Whether the Government plans to index subsidies to pensioners at the present time - this article will tell about it.

Will there be an increase in pensions for old-age pensioners in 2017?

As a general rule, indexation is carried out in two stages: in the first and second half of the year. Indexation of old-age pensions in Russia in 2017 will be carried out a little in an unusual way. From January of the new year, an increase of 4% is planned, and as a second stage of indexation, a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles has become an alternative. All pensioners can count on this payment: employed and unemployed. Only pensioners living abroad will not receive it. It should also be noted that indexation in relation to workers on a well-deserved rest is not provided.

How much will increase the pension in 2017 for old-age pensioners

Despite inflation, the indicators of which are always taken into account when increasing pension accruals, the amount of payments tends to increase.
The increase is currently 4%. Total payout is made up of three indicators:

The percentage increase applies specifically to the base part. The funded one can only be established for pensioners born after 1967. The individual coefficient is different for everyone, since it is calculated taking into account the length of service.

In 2017, the number of working years must be at least 8, and the coefficient must be at least 11.4 points. The issue of calculating pension benefits is set out in detail in Law No. 400 of 2013.

Pension increase in 2017 for working old-age pensioners

The acquisition of the right to a pension subsidy does not prohibit a citizen from working, while he gets a great opportunity receive wages and pension benefits full size. But indexation is not performed for such citizens. They can only get lump sum payment provided under the increase for 2017, but not the increase under the indexation. In the event of leaving the employer, the pensioner must report this to the Pension Fund in order to review the conditions for pension accrual and indexation.

The amount of the old-age insurance pension from 2017

The maximum old-age pension in Russia in 2017 depends on living wage defined in each region. The figure fluctuates around 13 thousand rubles. In Moscow, much more - 14,500 rubles, which is explained by the high cost of living in the capital.

The minimum old-age pension in 2017 implies complete absence pensioner's experience. Even in such a case the state pays social benefit in the amount of 4959 rubles, which is also subject to indexation.

Social old-age pension in 2017 - size and latest changes

In Russia, you can only receive one pension. If a person has several reasons, he is forced to choose a subsidy for one of them, taking into account preferences and benefits. Each individual size.
Former military men who receive payments in their departments, at the moment they have the right to indexation, their monetary accruals will also be affected by the increase.

Considering recent legislative changes, value social benefits will increase by 1.5%. It follows that the average size of these accruals will be equal to 8,774 rubles.

How to apply for an old age pension in Russia?

For registration, an application is submitted to the PF. Most often, this issue is dealt with by the employer on the last employment, but the submission of documents personally by the future pensioner is not excluded. The PF is authorized to request the missing documents on its own.

Documents for applying for an old age pension

To apply for an old-age pension, you must prepare the following documentation package:

  • Statement;
  • Passport;
  • SNILS;
  • Employment certificates.

If the employer is involved in the submission of documents, he shall attach a certificate of such authorization.
In the presence of preferential terms, documents on such periods should also be submitted.

How to calculate the old age pension?

The calculation is made according to the following formula:
PN = FC * B + IS * C * B, where PN - pension accrual, FC - fixed part, B - bonus points, IP - the total sum of the coefficients, C - the cost of the point.
The calculation takes into account the increase after indexation.

Thus, in order to improve the standard of living of citizens who are on a well-deserved rest, indexation is carried out. The program and procedure for increasing subsidies are reviewed regularly.

From February 01, 2017, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 36 dated January 19, 2017, from February 1, 2017, the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension will be indexed by a coefficient equal to 1.054, as well as the adjustment of the amount of insurance pensions based on the cost of one pension coefficient 78 rubles 28 kopecks (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 35 of 01/19/2017).

Thus, from 02/01/2017, the size fixed payment to the insurance pension will be:

  • old age, disability group II - 4805,11 rub. ( 4558,93 rub.- the amount of the fixed payment as of 01.01.2017 * 1,054 ), upon reaching the age of 80 years or establishing a disability of group I - 9610,22 rub.;
  • on disability of the I group - 9610,22 rub. ( 9117,86 rub. - the amount of the fixed payment as of 01/01/2017 * 1,054 );
  • disability group III, on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner - 2402,56 rub. ( 2279,47 rub. - the amount of the fixed payment as of 01/01/2017 * 1,054 );
  • for persons who are dependent on disabled family members, the increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension is established in an amount equal to one third of the amount 4805,11 rub., i.e. 1601,70 rub. for each dependent, but not more than three dependents.

For calculation insurance pension from 01.02.2017, it is necessary to multiply the sum of individual pension coefficients (points) by the cost of one pension coefficient, which is equal to 78 rubles. 28kop.

The amount of points can be determined by simple calculations by determining the amount of the insurance pension as of 01/01/2017. This does not take into account the fixed payment to the insurance pension. The amount received is divided by the cost of one pension point as of 01/01/2017 - 74 rubles. 27 kop.

Examples of calculating pensions

EXAMPLE 1: As of 01/01/2017, the total amount payable was 10469,41 rub. (including 5910,48 rub. - insurance pension by old age + 4558,93 rub. - a fixed payment to the insurance pension). The cost of one pension point was 01/01/2017 - 74.27 rubles. Hence, 5910,48 / 74,27 = 79,581 - the amount of points as of 01/01/2017. In connection with the establishment of the new value of the pension coefficient (point) from February 1, 2017 - 78.28 rubles, the amount of the insurance pension from February 1, 2017 will be 6229,60 rub. ( 79,581 *78.28). The fixed payment to the insurance pension will also increase by 5.4% and amount to 4805,11 rub. (4558.93 * 1.054). The total amount payable will be 11034,71 rub. (6229.60 + 4805.11).

EXAMPLE 2: As of 01.01.2017 overall size disability payments (group I) amounted to 12688,76 rub. (including 3570.90 rubles - insurance pension + 9117.86 rubles - a fixed payment to the disability insurance pension (group I). Therefore, 3570.90 / 74.27 \u003d 48.080 - the sum of points as of 01/01/2017. From February 1, 2017, the amount of the insurance pension will be 3763,70 rub. (48.080 * 78.28). The fixed payment to the insurance pension, taking into account the indexation from 01.02.2016, will be 9610,22 rub. (9117.86*1.054). The total amount payable will be 13373,92 rub. (3763.70+9630.22).

EXAMPLE 3: As of 01.01.2017, the total amount of payments in case of loss of a breadwinner was 7800,26 rub. (including 5520.79 rubles - insurance pension + 2279.47 rubles - a fixed payment to the insurance pension). The total score as of 01.01.2017 was 74.334 (5308.2 / 74.27). Therefore, from February 1, 2017, the amount of the insurance pension will be 5818,87 rub. (74.334 * 78.28). The fixed payment to the insurance pension, taking into account the indexation from 01.02.2016, will be 2402,63 rub. (2279.47 * 1.054). The total amount payable will be 8220,50 rub. (5818.87+2402.63).

It is important to bear in mind that the calculation of the amount of the insurance pension, as well as the fixed payment to the insurance pension working pensioners is made in the same manner, however, it will be paid without taking into account indexation (adjustment) during the period of their work. At the end of the labor activity of pensioners, they are set to pay the amount of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to the insurance pension, taking into account the indexation (adjustment) made.

IN Lately certain changes are observed in the pension sphere of Russia. occurred in February and affected insurance types of payments, which increased by 4%. This change only affects non-working recipients. financial assistance from the state.

One-time payment of 5000 rubles

In the second half of 2016, the second indexing was to take place. However, due to the crisis in the economy, it was decided to replace indexing.

The increase is a fixed value equal to . According to calculations, this corresponds on average to the increase that would be paid after full indexing. For example, with an increase in pensions by 8% and an average amount of security 13200 rubles the increase would be about 1000 rubles per month. Accordingly, the corresponding amount is collected in five months.

The payment is assigned to the following citizens:

  1. persons receiving all types of pensions and state security payments;
  2. citizens residing within the Russian Federation;
  3. former military personnel who are entitled to pensions through law enforcement agencies, or who are entitled to two types of pension provision.

The funds will be transferred to both the unemployed and employed pensioners. Only persons who receive Russian pension and living in foreign countries.

Advantages one-time payment:

  • savings for the Russian budget;
  • affects both working pensioners and those without additional income;
  • the opportunity to save for the Pension Fund, since interest is charged for the transfer of funds;
  • support low-income citizens with a small pension, who are more profitable to receive such a transfer.

Flaws one-time payment:

  • the existing level of inflation is not compensated;
  • for recipients of high pensions, this option is less profitable;
  • compensation will not affect basic pension;
  • the payout will not appear in future indexing.

The payment delivery schedule will be carried out according to the dates set by the authorities. Pensioners will be able to receive 5000 rubles from 13 to 28 January 2017.

The results of the survey on the topic “Is the payment of 5,000 rubles a worthy replacement for the second indexation of pension benefits”

Indexation of pensions from February 1, 2017

Indexation is understood as the annual growth of pension payments associated with a decrease in purchasing power. Since 2017, it is planned to carry out indexing strictly in accordance with the current legislation.

The increase will affect insurance pensions. They are adjusted according to the amount of inflation accumulated based on the results of 2016. Insurance pensions will rise in line with the consumer price growth index for the previous year. For state security benefits, the change in the subsistence minimum is taken into account.

One-time compensation, which will be transferred to pensioners in January, will not be taken into account when indexing. The calculations will include the amount of payments formed at the end of the year.

According to Rosstat, inflation in 2016 amounted to 5,4% . This number will be used for further increase, but subject to year-end adjustments. Growth of insurance pensions and social payments is made in February. The Pension Fund will spend an additional 327.3 billion and 262.3 billion respectively for implementation. The corresponding Decree on indexation was signed by Dmitry Medvedev on January 23, 2017. Later, a decision was issued to conduct a second indexation of 0.38%.

Together with the insurance pension, from February 1, social payments and the monthly income will increase. For example, disabled people of the 1st group will receive 3538.52 rubles, and war invalids - 5054.11 rubles.

Funded pension in 2017

According to the latest pension news 2017, freezing storage will remain until 2019. This measure was taken in 2014, and now the savings will be frozen for the fourth time.

According to the current pension system, the tariff for this species pension is 6% for all citizens. The insurance part should provide pension payments to pensioners at the present time, and the funded part is used to form pensions for citizens who transfer insurance contributions. If you pass non-state fund, then you can get a higher income in the future.

Due to the unstable economic situation, it was decided to use the funded pension to cover current expenses. Transfers made to citizens can be counted as retirement points. This will affect the final amount of the pension, but today it is impossible to say what its cost will be.

It was decided to increase the payment period funded pension before 240 months. This value will be used to calculate the monthly amount of benefits that will be provided after retirement for life.

The Ministry of Economic Development believes that partially pension savings can be unfrozen since 2018. There are fears that it will not be possible to fully restore the frozen funds in the next three years. Therefore, a variant is possible in which the defrosting will be until 3%, and in the future will be increased to the required 6%. To this end, it is planned to introduce a system of individual capital, to which contributions from employers will be made. So far, there is no talk of abolishing the funded part, since this will negatively affect the confidence of citizens in state policy.

Pension for employed pensioners

Social pensions

Recipients social pensions are citizens who, due to certain circumstances, do not have the opportunity to earn a living on their own. This includes the following categories of persons:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including minors;
  • children and full-time students who have lost their breadwinner;
  • reached a certain age.

Disabled pensions, like other social payments, are subject to indexation in accordance with federal law. This takes into account the growth of the subsistence minimum for pension recipients.

pension for state security and social pensions are expected to increase from April 1, 2017. Payments will increase by 1,5% . In 2017, the average amount of this type of pension will be 8 803 rubles, and for children with disabilities and disabled since childhood of the 1st group - 13 349 rubles.

military pensions

Several types of payments are provided for military personnel and their families: for length of service, for the loss of a breadwinner, in the event of disability. The calculation of the pension is based on the value allowance or the salary that the military received. An increase in pension is possible due to district coefficients, which are valid for a certain area, as well as in the presence of certain ranks. The minimum pensions for this category of citizens are determined taking into account the calculated value social pension.

Military pensions in 2017 will accrue in special order. Previously, federal law specific size pension provision, equal 54% from monetary support. Every year since 2013, this figure has been subject to an increase of 2% until it reaches 100%.

The new bill establishes former employees Ministry of Internal Affairs pension in the amount 72,23% from the assigned pension - a reduction factor. Thus, indexation of military pensions in 2017 amounted to about 4% .

Indexation of military pensions in October 2017 will not take place. There is no information from the Government about the increase in the salaries of military personnel, respectively, military pensions calculated on their basis will not increase either.

Increasing the retirement age

Starting from 2017, it is planned to introduce an increase in the age required for retirement for employees of the state apparatus. The corresponding bill was adopted by the State Duma. Until the end of the year civil servants' pensions accrued according to general rules, as well as other citizens in Russia (women - from 55 years old, men - from 60 years old).

According to the final version of the project, it is subject to increase sequentially from the beginning of 2017. The annual increase will be 6 months. As a result, it will be 63 years old for women and 65 years old for men.

The innovation will affect citizens holding government positions at the level of the country, subjects and municipalities. It is also planned to gradually increase minimum experience of being in the civil service, allowing you to retire, up to 20 years. The new rules change the period of work as a deputy in the State Duma and the Federation Council, which is necessary to receive a supplement to the insurance pension. Now for this you need to work 15.5 years in 2017.

Previously published information that the age for receiving a pension will increase up to 65 years for the male and female population of the country. The latest news from the Pension Fund informs that an increase in this indicator is not provided for citizens in the near future.

Living wage pensioner

When planning the state budget for next year Government lowered for individuals retirement age. In 2016, its value was 8803 rub., while the next year it is taken equal to 8540 rub. The material support for pensioners who do not have additional sources income.

This indicator is set at the federal level. However, regional authorities set their own PM, which may be more or less than the national indicator. If the payments assigned to the pensioner do not reach the PM, then he is entitled to a social allowance.

The decision to reduce this indicator is due to the fact that the rate of growth in prices for consumers has decreased, therefore, there has been a decrease in the forecast base.

Low-income pensioners who receive minimum size pensions, the level of material support will be maintained. In 2017, they will receive a pension no lower than that accrued in 2016. The federal budget will allocate several billion rubles for this. However, this measure will only last for one year. Citizens who become non-working pensioners in 2017 are guaranteed up to 8803 rubles.

Average pension in 2017

Taking into account the increase by the forecasted level of inflation, the average social pension will be 8 774 rubles. And 13229 rubles for disabled children.

Pension reform in 2018

What will be the pension Russian citizens in the future will show pension reform which may enter into force in 2018. If the bill is passed, then the citizens of Russia will decide on their own how much money to put aside for retirement. After retirement, they will be able to use the accumulated capital.

As a result, the funded segment of pensions will be liquidated, and payments will consist only of the insurance part in the amount of 22% . The funds received will be enough to make current payments to pensioners. However, in the future it is necessary to provide workers with a decent pension.

As a result, such a scheme was developed. Citizens will be able to determine how much money should be transferred to retirement. The percentage can be 1 to 6. IN automatic mode the system will apply to individuals who are just starting labor activity or just recently started working. The rest of the citizens will have to write a statement.

The accumulative funds will be placed in non-state type funds. For those who first come to work, the choice of fund will be made automatically. For other citizens, there is an opportunity to choose an organization and, if necessary, change it. In the event of a fund change, the accumulated funds will be transferred to the new account in full.

If citizens already have funded part, then for them the rate will increase from 0 to 6 percent. The increase will be 1% in year. You can suspend deductions at any time, but this period should not exceed 5 years. In case of need, a citizen will be able to withdraw funds before retirement age.


  1. In 2016, changes regarding pensions affected different kinds payments.
  2. Freezing the storage part pensions will last another three years.
  3. In the future, the option of partial defrosting of accumulations is possible.
  4. The second indexation of pensions was replaced by a one-time compensation.
  5. The lump sum payment in January 2017 will be 5 thousand rubles.
  6. Pension increase in 2017 will be 5.8%.
  7. military pensions increase from the beginning of next year.
  8. For military pensioners, a one-time payment is also provided.
  9. In the event of employment, the pensioner loses the right to indexing.
  10. Working citizens of retirement age are entitled to recalculation of payments.
  11. For the disabled and other recipients of social benefits, pensions will be indexed by 1.5%.
  12. The increase in the age limit affected only employees of the state apparatus.
  13. Will it raised retirement age, is subject to the adoption of a new reform and other changes in 2018.
  14. PM will decrease from 2017, however, for recipients minimum pension payments will remain the same.
  15. New pension system implies the voluntary formation of a funded part by citizens.

The most popular questions and answers on pensions in 2017

Question: What year to expect raising the retirement age?

Answer: Currently this question remains open. The increase in the age limit required for retirement has been discussed for a long time. Under the current conditions, the pension system is not able to provide for the growing number of pensioners. In a few years, the deductions made for employees will not be enough to pay pensions. According to the message authorized persons, changes in this area will take place not earlier than 2018.

Question: How can you get lump sum payment in 2017?

Answer: To receive a one-time compensation, you do not need to apply to the Pension Fund. Funds will be available through the usual pension delivery schedule. If January pension issued in December, the payment will be made additionally in January. You can clarify the procedure for receiving the supplement at the post office or other service that delivers pensions.

Question: How quickly can a pensioner receive a pension, taking into account indexation after dismissal?

Answer: A pensioner will be able to receive an increase only through certain time after being fired. It will take time for the responsible services to process the information received and adjust the amount of payments. If the dismissal occurred in September, then information about this will appear only in the reporting for October. The report to the Pension Fund will arrive only in November. In December, the FIU will make a decision to increase the pension, and the adjusted amount will be transferred from January.

- latest and greatest latest news on the indexation of pensions for working and non-working pensioners. What to expect from the state for those who are already retired and those who are just going to receive a pension?

Indexation of pensions in 2017-2018 - to whom, how much and when?

To begin with, we note that the money for additional payments to the pensions of Russians is already included in the budget, as I already reported earlier. It remains to sum up how many waves of indexation should be expected in 2018 and are there still increases at the end of 2017?

All waves of indexation of pensions for all categories of pensioners and beneficiaries took place in February, April and August 2017. Not far off and January of the new year with new numbers. In 2018, three waves of indexation are expected, which will be divided into consumers: first - non-working pensioners, then - social pensioners followed by working pensioners.

Indexation schedule for 2018 by months:

January 1 - 3.7%. Recipients - respectively, non-working pensioners who receive an insurance pension. This means that citizens have gained enough experience to receive exactly the insurance pension. The insurance pension is formed from the monthly insurance contributions of working Russians (not pensioners) to the Pension Fund. That is, the working "youth" provides pensions. In other words, those who deducted enough in their time receive it. Recall that this indexation is for pensioners who are not listed at work.

April 1 - 4.1%. The recipients are social pensioners, that is, those who receive social assistance receive it from the state. These are the disabled, veterans and orphans, as well as those citizens in whose work record there was no length of service to receive an insurance pension. As the Pension Fund explains, all those who have a social pension less than the subsistence minimum are entitled to additional payments in the region of residence.

August 1 - points. The recipients are working pensioners. A caveat - the indexation of pensions still passes by those who continue to work. According to KP, quoting the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, nothing has changed for them yet:

“We have not changed the conditions, the moratorium has been preserved,” Topilin said.

However, this does not mean that pensioners work just like that, and not for the sake of their seniority and social guarantees. The experience, which is added to the already accumulated, affects pension payments even without any indexing.

Pensions for working pensioners were not indexed, but points were indexed.

Thus, in 2018, the amount of one pension point will be 81.49 rubles against 78.58 rubles in 2017. The points are based on experience and wages and for several years of the moratorium on indexation, working pensioners, of course, have earned something. These points will be taken into account in subsequent payments, however, according to the FIU, no more than 3 points per year will be taken into account, that is, the "ceiling" for an increase in pension in this case- 245 rubles ...

Also, subject to a delayed vacation, an increasing correction factor will be applied to the assigned pension, by which the pension will be multiplied if a person decides to leave work.

Indexing for military pensioners going outside general plan. The increase in the military is controlled by the law of the Russian Federation 4468-I in the new edition of 01/01/2017. According to the law, the increase in pensions for the military is carried out with an increase in salary and with an increase in the coefficient, that is, according to the same scheme as indexation for working pensioners.


Unexpected changes in the indexation of pensions for working pensioners occurred due to the introduction of new calculation mechanisms for various categories citizens 2 years ago. It was then that Law No. 385-FZ for the first time made changes to the payment rules familiar to us and partially suspended the increase in payments for some citizens.

Until that moment, the increase in pensions was carried out annually by the PFR for everyone, regardless of their category. In 2019, indexation is based on the consumer price growth index set by the Government of the Russian Federation and only for a certain category.

Each year, such an increase varies within 5 percent and indeed, until recently, every pensioner was entitled to it.

What types of pensions are not indexed

The new rules do not affect everyone. Restriction in effect only for insurance and fixed payment To her. And besides, only for the category of workers, i.e. there will be no indexation for those who continue their labor activity, having gone on a well-deserved rest. Therefore, all working pensioners today cannot qualify for an annual increase in payments.

Since 2015, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation annually approves the coefficient for increasing the size of the fixed payment.

For the insurance pension, which, as we now know, is taken into account in pension points, the concept of the cost of one pension coefficient is applied. It is also annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
You should know that indexed fixed payment, and herself insurance pension corrected by increasing the cost of one pension coefficient (point).

But this does not mean that the pensioner will not be able to receive the due amounts now and will lose the past indexations forever. After dismissal, he quit his job, he is entitled to payments, taking into account all the missed annual pay increase ratios.

Another thing is that such a recovery will occur not right away, and not even from the next month after the dismissal. Payments after dismissal, taking into account the new indexed amounts, are provided only three months after leaving work.

Fixed payment indexation and insurance pension adjustment

For convenience, we provide a complete table of indexation of pensions, taking into account the new approved indices for several years ahead.

Year of indexationFixed payment amount Indexing percentage Retirement point value Adjustment factor
January 20153935,00 0,063% 64,10 0,0000
February 20154383,59 11,40% 71,41 1,1140
February 20164558,93 4,00% 74,27 1,0401
February 20174805,11 5,40% 78,28 1,0540
April 20174805,11 0,00% 78,58 1,0038
January 20184982,90 3,70% 81,49 1,0370
January 20195334,19 7,06% 87,24 1,0706
January 20205686,25 6,60% 93,00 1,0660
January 20216044,48 6,30% 98,86 1,0630
January 20226401,10 5,90% 104,69 1,0590
January 20236759,56 5,60% 110,55 1,0560
January 20247131,34 5,50% 116,63 1,0550

The amount of the fixed payment from January 2019 will increase to 5334.19 rubles. Also, Federal Law No. 350-FZ approved the cost of one pension coefficient in the amount of 87 rubles 24 kopecks for insurance pensions.

As a comparison of payments with and without work, consider an example. In the first table, an example where indexation by years is calculated for non-working pensioner after retirement. For the calculation, we took 120 pension points.

Pension indexation table

How is the pension indexed?

As can be seen from the example, the amount of the pension is indexed every year by the approved percentage, because this pensioner does not work. For a pensioner with such a score, the increase in pension from January 2019 will be about 1,000 rubles. Further, the annual surcharge will also remain within one thousand rubles.

The second table shows an example of how the amounts are calculated for working pensioner. On it, we see the cessation of indexation in connection with the introduction of the Law of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ. Thus, at continuous work pensioner gets his monthly payment at the same level.

According to the calculations, it can be seen that by 2024, for a pensioner who continues to work, the pension will be almost 2 times lower than possible.

How to determine if a pensioner is working

If the considered period of time is counted in the insurance period of the pensioner, then he is working. That is, officially employed persons, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, clergymen, etc.

In other words, these are insured persons for whom insurance premiums, and reports are submitted according to the established forms.
Insured persons:
- working on employment contract, under an author's order agreement, as well as authors of works receiving payments and other remuneration under agreements on the alienation of the exclusive right to works of science, literature, art, publishing license agreements, license agreements on granting the right to use a work of science, literature, art;
— independently providing themselves with work (individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, arbitration managers, notaries engaged in private practice, and other persons engaged in private practice and who are not individual entrepreneurs);
- who are members of peasant (farmer) households;
— working outside the territory of the Russian Federation in case of payment of insurance premiums;
- who are members of family (clan) communities of the small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, engaged in traditional economic sectors;
- clergy.

(Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ)

Rules and terms for indexation of insurance pensions after dismissal

After dismissal from work, the Pension Fund will recalculate payments, taking into account the missed indices during its work. The restoration of the payment of a full (indexed) pension, taking into account the missed indexations, will not occur immediately, but only three months after the pensioner's dismissal.

A sufficiently long period of time is allotted by legislators to confirm and process data on the fact of work on simplified forms of SZV-M from insurers, followed by the adoption of appropriate decisions on payment pension fund. And here you can not do without an example.

Consider the dismissal and indexation of a working pensioner on April 3, 2019:
1. The insured submits monthly information in the form of SZV-M (Resolution of the PFR Board dated February 1, 2016 No. 83p).
Not later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting period - the month, represents about each insured person working for him, with whom contracts have been concluded, continue to operate or terminated in the reporting period (labor, civil law, copyright, etc.)

In our situation, a pensioner in April is considered to be working, despite the fact that he was fired at the beginning of the month. And for him, the employer until May 15 is still obliged to provide information about the work. A idle for the Pension Fund, it will be considered from May.

2. According to part 6 of article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ, the decision to pay indexed amounts is made in the month following the month in which FIU received job data.

In July (following June, in which information about the fact of work for May will be received), the Pension Fund is obliged to calculate and make a decision on the payment of amounts, taking into account the increase due.

3. The calculated amounts of the insurance pension will be paid from the month following the month in which the decision was made (Part 7 of Article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ).

Thus, only from August 2019 a person who retired in April will be able to receive a full pension payment taking into account the restored indices.
If, after the restoration of indexed payments, the retired pensioner gets a job again, then its size will not be reduced (part 8 of article 26.1 No. 400-FZ).

Additional payment to the pensioner for the past time after dismissal from work

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 will not be carried out as before. But from January 1, 2018, amendments for employees came into force. Article 26.1 federal law No. 400-FZ was supplemented with new provisions for those who quit. You can check out the details.

In accordance with Law No. 134-FZ, upon termination of work, the pensioner will receive a full payment, taking into account the indexation of the fixed payment and the adjustment of the insurance pension, and also the difference between the old and new amounts for the period from the first day of the next month after the termination of work.

When is it profitable for a retiree to retire?

Let's now look at examples when it is beneficial for a pensioner to quit in order to fall under the new Law with an additional payment for the past time from 2019. To begin with, let's recall why all the same, new amounts are paid 3 months after the dismissal.

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ, the decision to pay a full pension is made by the PFR in the month following the month in which information about the fact of work was received (or not received).

If a pensioner, for example, leaves in September 2018, then a non-working full month it will be counted only from October (1st month after the cessation of work). Accordingly, in November (the 2nd month after the cessation of work), the PFR will not receive information about its work for October (information on the SZV-M form is submitted only for working pensioners).

In December (the 3rd month after the termination of work), the pension fund decides that from January 2019 it will be paid an indexed fixed payment and an insurance pension, taking into account the current value of the pension point.

In the considered example, the pensioner will receive new amounts from January. He will also receive an additional payment from November (the month from which he is considered unemployed).

In practice, this means that September is considered the most profitable month for dismissal of a working pensioner. After all, the increase in points is now provided from January 2019. But even if you were late with your dismissal and left your job only in October, your pension will also be indexed, but a month later.

Why is the pension not indexed after dismissal?

If, after the expiration of the period determined for making a decision on indexation, the amount has not increased, then one of the main possible causes there may be an untimely submission by the employer of monthly reports on the fact of work. Of course, the pensioner is not to blame in this case, and the law is completely on his side.

If the employer fails to provide information about the fact of work on time, or provides false information that affect the increase in pension, the size is reviewed by the Pension Fund and for the past (part 9 of article 26.1 No. 400-FZ). This means that in the event of an error in reporting, in which the increased amounts were not paid, an additional payment is also due for the elapsed time from the moment of right.

A situation may occur when incorrectly submitted information about the work affect pension increase. Employer did not submit (or did not submit on time) for a working pensioner, information about the fact of his work and the PFR, on the basis of these data, indexed the employee's pension, considering him unemployed. In this case, the Law is on the side of the pensioner, and if an error is detected, the size will be adjusted from the next month after the error is discovered, and all responsibility in this situation lies solely with the employer.

In this case, the policyholder will be responsible for the overpaid amounts of the pension, incl. subject to penalties in the amount of 500 rubles for each insured person.

Increase in pensions for working pensioners in August 2019

For working pensioners, the next recalculation will be carried out from August 2019. increase to insurance pension will be calculated on the basis of unaccounted points for 2018, which are formed from the funds deducted by the insured for their employees. Such a recalculation is non-declarative and for its implementation no need to apply to the pension fund.


The new algorithm for indexing pensions after dismissal is quite confusing. Summarizing all the rules, we can say that in 2019:

  1. Indexed pension amounts will still not be paid to working pensioners;
  2. New amounts will be paid only three months after the dismissal;
  3. Now the pensioner will receive an additional payment for the “lost” months that were not paid before;
  4. The total amount of the payment upon dismissal will be indexed by as many indices as they were skipped during the work.

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