Who can legally attend childbirth. So, who can legally be present during childbirth? Male or not male is this business

Back in 2010 on the Internet resource Newslandthere was news thatit is harmful for men to attend childbirth, although before that in many countries the topic of whether a man should be present at childbirth was widely discussed... News on Newslandemerged after extensive research by Dr. Jonathan Eve of the Center for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Birminghamwith the participation of colleagues.

The results of the study unambiguously confirm that many men who decide to be present during the process of giving birth to their own children may well get quite serious damage to their health, including psychological trauma of varying intensity. Unfortunately, the psychological trauma received in the delivery room in some cases prevents men from fulfilling their father's duties in the future.

Although not all cases are negative, it is likely, which is why Dr.Jonathan Eveconsiders modern opinions about the need for her husband's participation in the childbirth process to be quite erroneous, since after being present at childbirth, many men can no longer fully fulfill the role of a father. Also, Dr. Jonathan Evecame to the conclusion that if men were active during the entire period of pregnancy, then during childbirth they can only provide passive support and therefore remain very disappointed.

In the delivery room for a male father, a not so significant role is assigned, so a man may lose the feeling of his need, his need and his strength, so it is quite difficult for such men to go back to an active state, that is, to active fatherhood, and avoid problems in communicating with the child.

The results of the study show that about ten percent of men who took part in childbirth of their wife experienced postpartum depression, which sometimes was quite severe and was observed for quite a long time. This is why Dr. Jonathan Evewants the invitation of the child's father to childbirth to be more balanced, because the participation of some men in childbirth is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous. And it is very important that the public, which has recently become very carried away by partner childbirth, agree that not every man has a place in the delivery room, even if the most beloved wife in the world gives birth to the most long-awaited heir.

Now under the direction of Dr. Jonathanand Eveand research is being conducted to find out for which particular men the presence of a wife in the delivery room during childbirth is completely contraindicated.

Should a husband go to childbirth?

The presence of the child's father at childbirth has now become very popular and causes an active discussion in society. But the opinions of specialists, including psychoanalysts and psychologists, are completely ambiguous. As for obstetricians-gynecologists who take delivery, any (or any) of them will tell many cases when strong men simply fainted or simply could not find a place for themselves and behaved completely inadequately, interfering with the medical team and the woman in labor herself.

Although there are other cases when young fathers, who have not the slightest relation to medicine, turned out to be very helpful and in fact brought considerable help, especially to their wife in labor. It turns out that today there are no uniform recommendations regarding the presence of the father at childbirth, and in each individual case the decision should be made separately.

It must be said that many understand the concept of "being present at childbirth" in completely different ways. For example, for some it is to take the spouse to the hospital and spend the first stage of labor nearby, to help them survive the contractions. For others, it means staying while pushing and during the birth of a child.

If we turn to history, it is easy to find out that the midwife most often took part in childbirth, and there were practically no men during childbirth. But in those rare cases, when a man nevertheless watched the birth of a child, his place at the very moment of birth was behind the woman, at her head, so that she could lean on him and take a comfortable position during childbirth. Thus, if a man did get into childbirth (and this happened very rarely), then he was behind his wife's back and looked in the same direction with her. But this is precisely what means that the man did not see childbirth as such, but only was in the most literal sense a support for the woman who was going through a difficult moment.

Attention! A person who is worth taking with you to childbirth should be active, but in moderation so that he does not distract attention; should be caring and attentive, but not overstepping the boundaries of reason; should be able to subtly feel the woman in labor, but not be sentimental. Such a person may not necessarily be a husband, but it is quite possible that a mother, sister or friend take part in childbirth.

Psychologists who have studied the participation of husbands in childbirth note that men quite often show high anxiety, fear, confusion, however, according to psychologists, this is not an indicator of weakness, but resistance to the situation at an unconscious level - as a kind of reminder of their own birth and their own ancestral trauma: according to statistics, about 70% of children are born with various kinds of birth trauma, and more often it is boys who are involved in childbirth with complications, and that is why men are much more dependent on childbirth programs. As for girls, they have a kind of natural protection, since they have yet to give birth themselves.

Why is my husband's presence at birth helpful?

It is very important to remember that childbirth is a rather lengthy process, and sometimes very long, and that is why medical workers cannot constantly and every second be near a woman in labor. But after all, for a woman in labor during this period, constant attention is very important, the presence of a loved one, on whom you can rely and on whom you can count. For a woman during childbirth, especially in their first period, psychological support is very important, which the spouse may well provide, if, of course, he is psychologically and morally ready to be present at childbirth and does not experience negative emotions, including fear and anxiety.

Psychologists say that the presence of a father at childbirth when his baby is born is a very strong emotion and a very strong experience. However, the same psychologists warn that the strongest emotions that a man experienced during childbirth can become both a creative beginning and a depressive factor - it all depends on what feelings and sensations prevail in a particular man: and this can be, for example, a feeling of helplessness and even despair, or the feeling of a winner, creator, discoverer.

However, doctors repeat over and over again that being present at childbirth is not fun, so a man should be prepared for some difficult and, possibly, unpleasant moments. But if a man present at childbirth feels that he is not coping with the situation, then he can always leave the delivery room into the corridor to rest and recover.

As in the old days, if the spouse decided to be present at childbirth, then his place is at the head of his wife, where he can wipe off the protruding perspiration, say something, watch her reaction. A man should not change his location in the delivery room, because a doctor and an obstetrician take part in childbirth.

If the spouse is still not confident in his abilities to the end, then he is not at all obliged to be in the delivery room at all stages of childbirth, and even more so, he is not obliged to cut the umbilical cord with his own hands. At any time, the husband can leave the delivery room to recover and get used to the surging emotions and impressions.

What kind of real help can be provided by a spouse who is present at childbirth?

Many obstetricians note that the command that the husband repeats after the midwife is perceived faster and easier, because it is easier for the woman to respond to a familiar voice, so the commands of the midwife, which the husband repeats while standing at the head of the bed, are executed faster and more accurately.

Doctors note that childbirth is a long process, so not a single medical worker will be inseparably next to the woman in labor. But the husband will sit next to his wife, who has already begun serious contractions, that is, the most serious labor activity. It is the spouse who is nearby who can do a gentle massage to relieve pain, and if necessary, will supply water, and help change the position to a more comfortable one, and be able to talk, distract the conversation from the contractions, and be able to cheer you up.

There are times when during childbirth it is necessary to make some serious decisions, but there is practically no one to ask in the delivery room - again, the husband will be very helpful.

Attention! The results of many years of observations and studies indicate that those men who were present at the birth of their children will develop the instinct of paternity more quickly.

The parental instinct in men differs significantly from the parental instinct in women, because the woman carried the baby in her womb for nine months; the woman was going through hormonal changes in the whole body, which is aimed at a successful pregnancy, and at a successful childbirth, and at feeding a newborn. Unlike a woman, a man mainly solves everyday and material issues and does not directly participate in bearing and in the birth of a child.

Attention! If a man goes to childbirth without the necessary preliminary preparation and only in order to satisfy his curiosity, then such a presence at childbirth is more likely to bring harm, not benefit.

Joint childbirth is a very difficult event, and it is very important to properly plan the possible presence of the husband at the birth. Psychologists say that only those couples in which there is really a very good relationship based on mutual love and mutual trust can come to childbirth.

And family psychologists, and psychotherapists, and gynecologists, and obstetricians unanimously declare that you should not go to the hospital for a joint childbirth just because friends or relatives did this, or because it seems to be fashionable. In fact, each married couple is very special and not like any other, therefore any decisions, and even more so, such important ones as partner childbirth, should be made only in this family. The birth of a baby is not only a joyful event, but also a very difficult period that will change everything around, including relationships and habits.

Therefore, joint childbirth should only be a common decision, because only in this way can it bring real benefits to both young parents and a new person who has just been born.

When is joint birth advisable?

The idea of ​​being able to be present for a spouse at childbirth most often arises long before the first contractions, but also long before the third trimester of pregnancy. How to understand that this particular couple can safely go to the maternity hospital and the delivery room together?

It is very important that there is no division in the family into "yours" and "mine", into "ashamed" and "not ashamed." In a word, if illness and poor health cause only condolence and a desire to help, and not irritation and disgust, if the spouse is not afraid to appear in front of her beloved in an unsightly form, then such a couple may well meet the birth of their baby together.

An equally important indicator is whether spouses share their experiences, worries, fears, whether they have secrets that are hidden from each other. And if secrets, fears, and joys are always shared between two, then, of course, joint childbirth will become another joint experience and a great and wonderful joint secret.

Of course, a couple who goes to give birth together should not have taboo topics, there should not be a taboo on discussing anything. And if the husband and wife are completely open to each other, then the experience of joint childbirth is likely to be quite successful.

Of course, a spouse who does not know panic and panic moods, who knows how to act clearly and competently even in the most critical situations, will greatly help during childbirth. Of course, God forbid that such situations happen, but still ...

One of the most important points is whether the spouse can wait calmly and not demand or attract attention to himself. In the delivery room, the spouse will be given a far from the main role, so his maximum chance is the best supporting role.

Interesting! Partner births gained popularity about a decade ago thanks to the impact of the World Health Organization.

When can joint childbirth be contraindicated?

It is known that childbirth is a very complex process, both psychologically and physiologically. And if the spouse is not able to completely relax in the presence of her husband, then you should simply accept her decision.

Very often women who are used to deciding everything on their own - without any prompting and without any help - refuse partner childbirth. In this case, it is better for the woman not to interfere.

Now let's move on to men and try to understand in what cases joint childbirth may not work out due to male characteristics.

There is not the slightest doubt that in the delivery room there is absolutely nothing to do for a spouse who is too emotional and does not know how to control his emotions, who is able to panic and does not know how to control his actions in critical situations.

Doctors quite reasonably believe that a young dad should not appear in the delivery room if he is completely unrestrained, impatient and does not know how to wait.

You should not go with your spouse to childbirth and those husbands who believe that this will be their benefit - in fact, the main roles in the delivery room do not shine for the husband at all, the maximum is a dancer, and then on tiptoe.

Unfortunately, some husbands remain infantile creatures who are not able to make decisions and take responsibility for themselves - the delivery room is not the best place to train character. So let him wait at home - everyone will be calmer.

Another "not worth it" - if the spouses do not want and do not like to share impressions, experiences, emotions. We will not assess the prospects of this marriage, but going to childbirth together is a completely unnecessary and probably a disastrous undertaking.

Attention! The spouse who is present at childbirth must be friendly, self-possessed, non-conflicting, organized. If this is an emotionally unstable person, prone to conflicts, then it is better for him to stay at home.


They say that the Earth stands and holds perfectly on whales or on turtles, and even on elephants. But in reality, the Earth rests on women who give birth to children, regardless of any sorrows, troubles and catastrophes. Wars, epidemics, floods, revolutions - whatever it may be, but women continue life and give birth to new thinkers and new warriors, new poets and new builders. How to help a mother in childbirth? Maybe hold your hand and say something necessary and important, maybe just don't interfere ...

Ask the one who will bring new life to the world tomorrow, and if she entrusts you with this secret, stay by your side, touch the greatest mystery of the birth of a new life. But if you are not ready, just step aside so that after a short time, joyfully greet a completely ordinary feat that every woman repeats from generation to generation - the feat of continuing life on our blue and green planet called Earth.

The Ministry of Health in its letter draws attention to the fact that family-oriented childbirth is possible only in those maternity hospitals where certain conditions have been created: individual delivery rooms and the presence of specially trained personnel.

At the same time, in the letter, the Ministry of Health pays special attention to the fact that joint partner childbirth cannot be a paid service... Therefore, maternity hospitals or obstetric hospitals are not entitled to demand a separate payment for the presence of a husband or any other relative during childbirth.

Family-oriented (partner) childbirth is a delivery practice based on accompanying a woman with a normal course of pregnancy during childbirth by family members involved in the woman's care and support, and also allowing families to receive maximum objective information, satisfying their social, emotional and everyday needs.

Partner births help prevent the overuse of invasive, unpleasant and / or restrictive procedures, increase the responsibilities of caregivers, women in childbirth and family members, and reduce the frequency of conflicts and complaints. ( Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2011 N 15-4 / 10 / 2-6796 "On the methodological letter" On the organization of the obstetric service in the context of the introduction of modern perinatal technologies ").

Who can be a partner

Any person the woman in labor wants to see next to her can be present at a partner birth. Naturally, it can only be one person. Most often, a young mother is supported at this crucial and important moment by her husbands and mothers, less often by her friends and sisters. At the request of the woman, a personal perinatal psychologist can be present at the partner birth in the maternity hospital - a person you trust, and at the same time, this person is a professional, and you are insured against such factors as excessive emotions and fainting during childbirth. The disadvantage of the presence of a psychologist is the additional costs of receiving this service.

But whoever you choose, remember that the main task for a partner is psychological assistance to the woman in labor and the creation of a favorable atmosphere at the birth of a baby.

Arguments "FOR" childbirth with her husband

Having a baby is a turning point in a woman's life. The presence of a husband during childbirth can not only provide emotional support for the mother in labor, but it also promotes early feelings of fatherhood and a close bond between father and newborn. Such fathers are very close to their children, with whom they have gone through childbirth, try to take the most active part in the lives of their children.

Partner childbirth - benefits:

  • the presence of a husband or other family member (mother, sister) instills confidence, strength in the woman in labor and reduces the feeling of fear. Fear provokes tension in all muscles, which should be relaxed as much as possible during childbirth, and tension causes pain, and if the muscles are tight, then it is more difficult for them to stretch during childbirth;
  • the presence of a husband or other family member during childbirth encourages doctors and midwives to behave more correctly and politely with the woman in labor;
  • a partner can help a woman in the first stage of labor: measure the duration of contractions and the intervals between them, give the woman in labor a massage during labor, help her breathe correctly, take various positions (comfortable position) during childbirth, which relieves pain;
  • at the moment of attempts (birth of a child), the partner can either be at the head of the bed or leave the birthplace, that is, he does not need to stand between his wife's legs and observe a by no means an aesthetic spectacle;
  • the opportunity to pick up a newly born baby can awaken tenderness even in the most brutal male heart. The newborn is transferred into the hands of the Pope immediately after the first latching of the baby to the breast and receiving colostrum.

Arguments "AGAINST" joint childbirth with her husband

Opponents of partner childbirth are of the opinion that it is not a man's business to get into women's affairs. Many, both women and men, believe that the birth of a child is a kind of sacrament, during which a man can be neither a spectator nor a participant in what is happening.

Partner childbirth - disadvantages:

  • a man unprepared for the childbirth process may not withstand the psychological pressure from the action awaiting him;
  • during childbirth, a woman does not look the best way and may feel embarrassed in front of her husband;
  • a man can experience severe stress and fear for the life of his wife and child, realize a feeling of his own helplessness (after all, childbirth is a process that a man cannot control in any way), earn a guilt complex at the sight of his wife suffering from pain, experience a feeling of disgust and regret about his consent to be present during childbirth;
  • presence during childbirth cannot affect a man's sense of responsibility - the father either realizes the responsibility for the child without participating in partner childbirth, or not;
  • partner childbirth can cause breakup or problems in intimate relationships, especially if the relationship between spouses was previously fragile.

The decision on partner childbirth should be deliberate and balanced, and not only on the part of the expectant mother, but also on the part of the one who will be with her at this most important moment. And if the partner, who is most often the husband, is not ready, then you should not persuade or coerce him. And remember that the decision of the presence of the husband at the birth of the child should be made only by you and your partner, and no one’s advice in this matter can be a call to action.

Mandatory conditions for joint childbirth

  1. Desire and consent of the woman in labor and her husband (or other family member).
  2. Application of the pregnant woman signed by the chief physician of the maternity hospital or his deputy. The form can be obtained from the secretary of the chief physician. It is better to sign the application at 36-38 weeks of pregnancy. An entry will be made on the exchange card that the maternity hospital is ready to accept a woman in childbirth for a family-oriented delivery.
  3. The husband or other relative must pass tests for: AIDS (HIV), syphilis (RW), hepatitis B and C (HBS and HCV) - valid for 3 months, provide the husband's fluorography (valid for 1 year). Tests can be taken in any medical institution, and are presented to the doctor on duty in the admission department at the moment when the husband arrives for childbirth.
  4. Some maternity hospitals may require a therapist's opinion on the state of health (that at the time of childbirth the husband or relative does not have infectious diseases, such as ARVI, ARI) and the absence of such diseases as hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.
  5. Change of clean clothes and shoes jeans or trousers, T-shirt or shirt, washable rubber slippers. To stay in the delivery room, you will also need a disposable surgical gown, cap, mask and shoe covers. Check with the maternity hospital if they provide this type of clothing.
  6. Joint preparation for childbirth (at school for future parents or independently). It is desirable that the childbirth partner be properly prepared, understand the specifics of childbirth, because at the birth of a child, not only presence is needed from him, but specific assistance, however, no one will require a certificate of completion of the courses.

The conditions in each individual maternity hospital may be different, therefore, the requirements must be clarified exactly in the maternity hospital where you plan to give birth.

Partner births are carried out by doctors of the on-call team in individual delivery boxes in the presence of the husband; in the postnatal ward, in the absence of medical contraindications, mothers and children are accommodated in 2-bed wards of joint stay with the child “mother and child”.

If you come for childbirth from home or an antenatal clinic, then your husband comes to the hospital with you to the admission department. If you are transferred to childbirth from the department of pathology of pregnant women of the maternity hospital or obstetric hospital, then you inform your husband about this and he comes to you for childbirth on his own to the admission department.

When in a maternity hospital can they refuse partner childbirth (give birth with a husband)?

It is every woman's legal right to invite her husband to childbirth. According to clause 2 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the Basics of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation", the father of the child or other family member is given the right, subject to the woman's consent, taking into account the state of her health, to be present at the birth of the child , with the exception of cases of operative delivery, if there are appropriate conditions in the obstetric facility (individual delivery rooms) and the father or another family member does not have infectious diseases. The exercise of this right is carried out without charging the child's father or other family member.

Thus, partner childbirth can be refused in the absence of individual delivery rooms in the maternity hospital, in case of operative delivery (caesarean section), as well as in the absence of medical certificates on the health status of the husband or other family member who will be present at the birth.

The content of the article:

Partner childbirth is an innovation that came to us from the West and is successfully taking root because of the approval of psychologists and in connection with the support of legislation. It is allowed to be present at childbirth not only of the child's father, but also of other relatives. The organization procedure requires a preliminary conclusion of the contract.

Preparing for a partner birth

Psychologists are divided about joint childbirth, but over time, most research shows that such a procedure brings the family closer and makes the relationship more trusting.

Partner childbirth: pros and cons

And yet, each pair is individual, therefore, when deciding on such a crucial step, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

Partner preparedness;

Possible awkwardness of the expectant mother in front of her spouse under the circumstances;

A man can get a guilt complex due to the inability to help his wife;

When family relationships are not strong, then you should not take risks: a breakup or problems in the couple's sex life are possible.

If the parents-to-be have made their choice and decided to give birth together, then various psychological and medical training is required, the signing of an agreement.

What do you need for a partner birth?

Necessary for a joint stay:

1. Written statement certified by the head physician of the maternity ward or his deputy. A sample application for a partner delivery can be obtained from the secretary or on the clinic's website.

2. What tests do I need to take for a partner delivery? Mandatory: for hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis. You will also need fluorography. Some medical facilities may require a therapist's opinion on the health status of the accompanying person at the time of delivery: the absence of infectious diseases, hypertension, coronary artery disease or diabetes mellitus.

3. Clothes for partner childbirth. You will need 2 sets - for the delivery room (disposable surgical kit) and the ward (changeable trousers, T-shirt and washable slippers).

4. Preparation for childbirth (school for future parents or independent - video course for dads, relevant literature).

Partnership childbirth with mom, girlfriend is also real. Documents and analyzes will be the same as with the participation of the spouse.

How is partner birth going?

Joint childbirth is a crucial step that requires proper preparation. In order to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary psycho-emotional stress, you should read the information about the procedure. It will not be superfluous to ask about the peculiarities of partner childbirth in the perinatal center or maternity hospital of your choice, because each medical institution has its own nuances.

General information can be gleaned from literature, instructional videos and special courses on preparation for partner childbirth.

What a partner needs to know about joint childbirth:

1. First stage. A woman is advised active behavior - walking, finding a comfortable position. An upright position will stimulate labor, but lying on your back is not recommended - in this position, the inferior vena cava is compressed, and labor slows down. When the contractions intensify, breathing exercises can be used, but if they are inconvenient to perform, they can be abandoned. The help of a spouse or other close person is to support the decisions of the expectant mother - do not insist on uncomfortable exercises or other actions. To relieve pain between contractions, you can massage the sacral area.

2. Second stage. At the onset of attempts, you need to choose a comfortable position, for example, half-sitting. Based on the instructions of the obstetrician, the spouse can help his wife control breathing, hold her back, inform about the process. After the baby is born, the partner is instructed to cut the umbilical cord, and then allowed to hold the baby in his arms.

3. Third stage. The exit of the membranes and placenta may be subtle or accompanied by mild contractions. After that, gaps or cuts are sutured, if any.

It is likely that childbirth will not proceed according to such a simple plan, but the big picture will allow you to plan your actions and prepare emotionally.

How much does partner delivery cost and can it be free?

The well-developed infrastructure of medical institutions allows you to choose the conditions of increased comfort for the expectant mother. The price of the issue fluctuates on a number of factors:

Availability of free places in blocks;

Wards of various levels of comfort for the postpartum period: individual or ordinary;

The peculiarity of the course of labor and gestation (pathologies that require special conditions for the woman in labor, certain equipment, delivery by cesarean section).

How much does a partner delivery cost to answer unequivocally: when signing an agreement with a public hospital, the service is free in most cases, private clinics with the appropriate permission, perinatal centers charge for their services amounts in the range of 31 thousand rubles (natural childbirth, singleton pregnancy and without taking into account the stay in the ward - this is paid separately) up to 500 thousand rubles (the ability to choose a doctor, obstetrician, anesthesiologist, VIP-ward).

Collect documents for a partner delivery and the contract itself must be concluded after 36-38 weeks of pregnancy (the processing time depends on the specific maternity hospital).

When can partner childbirth be prohibited: what does the law say?

Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ (as amended on December 1, 2014) "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation" (Clause 2, Article 51): a family member is allowed to attend childbirth with the consent of the woman in labor and if there is no medical contraindications.

In addition, it is worth considering force majeure - the lack of proper conditions in a particular medical institution, if surgery is required or the attendant at the time of delivery has any infectious disease - in these cases, joint childbirth can also be prohibited.

Previously, husbands were not allowed even close to the hospital when the wife went to give birth to a long-awaited son or daughter. Today, everything is not so strict, and the spouse can freely attend childbirth and help his soul mate in such a difficult ordeal for her. Partner childbirth is gaining more and more popularity among modern couples every year. This is due to the fact that the husband is a close person and can support, when it is very difficult, to hold the hand, call a doctor or midwife. But not all men are eager to witness the birth of their child. And not every doctor will allow you to take part in such a complex case.

What can be the presence of a husband?

Both a man and a woman should be aware that partner childbirth is not just the presence of a husband nearby, but a responsible process where both should help each other. Therefore, before deciding on such a step, weigh the pros and cons and decide exactly whether you are ready for this.

There are dads who stay with their wife from start to finish, are present during childbirth and actively help both the wife and the doctors. Some are just by their side during contractions, and when it comes to the birth itself, they go out into the corridor and wait there for the end of the whole process. Some want to take part in cutting the umbilical cord, and then hold the baby in their arms. Most dads do not take part in anything at all and enter the ward when everything is over.

Even in the stage of pregnancy, both must decide exactly what kind of participation the man will take. He must understand the seriousness of the matter.

The presence of the future father is also encouraged during the caesarean section.... A man can participate in the operation and later help his wife with the child until she comes to herself after anesthesia and gains strength.

How can dad help? (Video)

A husband during childbirth can be very beneficial by supporting his wife when it is so hard and painful for her.... He can distract her with something during contractions, support her psychologically. After the husband sees what trials his wife has to endure, he often becomes an even more serious and responsible family man and a good father.

Usually, the father's active participation in the childbirth process and his assistance to the mother in caring for the child brings them closer together, and the family becomes stronger.

If there is not a single doctor nearby, everyone is busy, and the wife is feeling bad or she is about to give birth, whoever, no matter how her husband, will take care of her, will find and call the right specialist, will help to get to the delivery room, lie down on the table, and deliver the necessary things.

Are there any downsides?

Many women believe that if a husband helps her during pregnancy, then he is ready to go with her to the end. But this is far from the case. Not everyone is able to see the entire birthing process. Let your loved one be near, but he realizes that he cannot really help with anything, and believes that it is not easier for you to be around him. And not every woman wants to see her husband when she feels bad. Sometimes it is better to experience and endure all the torment without his presence.

Very often there were cases when men fainted from the sight of a large amount of blood during childbirth. Then the work is added to the medical staff, because the husband also needs to be saved.

Sometimes, during labor and childbirth, a woman thinks about how ugly she is now, with disheveled hair, and in this form her husband sees her. From worries about the appearance of the expectant mother, childbirth may be delayed, and then you have to put the faithful out the door.

Unfortunately, there are many cases when a family collapses after a partner birth.... A man is very impressed by everything he has seen and can recall the events that he experienced for a long time. Women endure everything more easily and forget, they just have no time to sit and remember, since there are more important things to do -

But not everyone is so impressionable. There are daddies who take a video camera with them to childbirth and shoot all the time. This is very annoying not only for the doctors, but also for the woman in labor, who at these moments is not at all time to have fun, she needs help and support, and not constant irritation due to the fact that her husband runs around with a camera and also asks to pose.

When you can and cannot decide on a partner childbirth

Various factors affect a man and push him to be present during childbirth.... Someone watched the video of the baby's birth and wanted to be present, realizing that he could endure all this, someone loves his wife so much that he simply cannot imagine how she would be there alone without him. Someone has already boasted of other dads, how great and interesting it is to take part in the birth of your own baby.

Women who want their husbands to be present at childbirth think that this will make it easier for them to endure pain and torment. But, if, while still pregnant, you feel fear of childbirth, this will certainly be passed on to your spouse, and he will not only be present, but will not even want to be close. Therefore, before talking about partner childbirth, you first need to tune yourself to the positive and be sure that everything will go well.

Do not think that after a joint childbirth, your relationship will necessarily become better and stronger, your husband will see your torment and will love and appreciate you more. It often happens exactly the opposite.

But even if you firmly decided to go to childbirth together, subconsciously not everyone is ready for this and there are several reasons why you need to abandon this idea:

  • If a man is too impressionable. Do not force him to come with you, as you may later regret this decision.
  • If a woman, even during labor pains, worries all the time about her appearance, she is afraid that her husband will see her unprepared and fall out of love. If you think that your husband should watch you only during the parade, why should she give birth to him? In the maternity hospital, you will certainly have no time to put yourself in order, dress up and paint.
  • The woman wants her husband to see how she suffers. It is wrong and cruel to the spouse.

You can go to childbirth together if:

  • The man himself suggested this to you, he is sure that he will survive. Well, of course, if you don't mind.
  • If your husband was very supportive of you during pregnancy, he went with you for examinations, ultrasound.
  • The husband is ready for all the difficulties of joint childbirth, has completed special courses and knows what to do in a difficult situation.

You can safely go for this if you are just the perfect family. Everything is always good with you personally, you do not like each other and such a thing as childbirth simply cannot take place without the participation of your husband.

Necessary conditions for joint childbirth

By law, a husband or any other relative has every right to be present at the birth and take part in the process itself. The person present is given permission stating that:

  • The spouse gave her consent;
  • The medical staff also agree;
  • All required documents and certificates are available;
  • The person present does not suffer from any infectious diseases;
  • The delivery room has all the necessary conditions for a partner delivery;
  • There are no contraindications that prevent joint childbirth.

It must be remembered that doctors have every right to prevent the presence of the husband, as this may interfere with the normal course of the labor process and the work of the medical staff. Childbirth is a very responsible matter and not every doctor wants someone to stand next to him and breathe down his head or run around the ward.

You can draw up a power of attorney, which confirms that the husband is allowed by law to accompany his wife from the beginning to the end of the birth process - then no one can refuse you. Such paper can be issued for any relative or girlfriend who has reached the age of majority. But remember that by proxy, this person has every right to make medical decisions for you in case you are not able to. Therefore, discuss all the nuances with someone you trust.

The father of the child must not be allowed into the delivery room if he is simply interested to see, but at the same time he does not even know what his reaction will be to what he sees. This will only add to the hassle for you and the doctors. Do not drag your husband forcibly to the hospital if you see that he really doesn’t just want to, but even scared.

If your husband is firm in his participation, but this only makes you worse, convince him and in no case allow him to be around, he will only make you nervous with his presence, and this can negatively affect childbirth and the child.

If your family is on the verge of divorce, do not assume that childbirth will bring you closer. You are very much mistaken.

The husband must pass everything necessary: ​​for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis, undergo fluorography and visit a therapist... All certificates have a shelf life of no more than three months.

The third important moment in partner childbirth is the feelings of the future father himself. Men who were not present at the birth of their children, as a rule, begin to feel a connection with them much later, when the child begins to show signs of consciousness and it is already possible to talk to him about something.

In the first months, some fathers are even afraid to take a newborn in their arms, imagining him as some kind of "fragile toy" that is easy to break. The paternal instinct for such men is dormant for a long time, although they themselves do not admit it, for fear of offending their wives or seem like some kind of monsters. But women always feel the alienation between father and child, which sometimes arises in such situations.

Worst of all, dads often shift all the responsibilities of caring for a baby onto the shoulders of their wives, exhausted by childbirth. Men who do not feel kinship with a baby can be very burdensome with their responsibilities. Later, when the child grows up and begins to show childish ingenuity and delight parents with his first successes, the father can feel pride in his baby and gradually become imbued with paternal love for him.

With partner childbirth, the man immediately plunges into the process. He sees the suffering of the mother, in a sense, and he experiences them himself. It is impossible to be in such a situation as an outside observer. Sometimes the baby is the first to see dad and not mom. All this gives a man a very valuable sense of involvement in the birth of a child.

Fathers who take part in partner births develop a deep emotional connection with their babies almost immediately. A man on an emotional and intellectual level feels that very precious feeling of fatherhood. In a woman, a similar mechanism is triggered by Mother Nature: thanks to a powerful hormonal surge, the newly-made mother forgets the pangs of birth and begins to feel endless happiness from the fact that she has a child.