What to do with your old wedding dress. After the wedding, it can be altered into a skirt or cocktail dress. Signs: superstition or reality

It is not customary for Lithuanians, like many other nationalities, to whistle indoors, but this is not due to the loss of money, but to the fact that you can summon tiny devils who will terrorize you at night.

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Signs about a wedding dress

A wedding is a very important event, a new life for two people begins with it. Although today the girl's former life after the wedding does not change so dramatically as a century ago, who does not want everything to go perfectly now and be so until the very old age? Therefore, attention is paid to every little thing. Well, the signs associated with a wedding dress cannot be called a trifle - this is the accumulated wisdom for centuries, which can save the bride from troubles.

Wedding dresses: signs and superstitions before the wedding

The most common superstition says that the groom to see the bride in a wedding dress is a bad omen, after that they will not see a friendly family life. You can try on a wedding dress in the presence of your mother or girlfriend, but on the wedding day, do not allow anyone to touch it, otherwise this person will have too much influence on your future family life.

What else does folk wisdom say:

  • Red wedding dress omens are called not the best option for the bride.

In our culture, this color is associated with aggression, scandals and even blood. Not the best parting word for the young. At the same time, you can use a red accessory - a brooch, bracelet, beads, etc. Such a detail will protect the bride from the evil eye, especially if she is pregnant. What should be the color of the wedding dress - signs on this subject converge on white as a symbol of purity and purity. A white outfit is like a blank sheet from which the general book of the life of the young begins.

Other colors are allowed, but each of them can have a certain impact on married life.

  • So, a beige or peach wedding dress is a sign of a rich, adventurous life;
  • Blue - calm and measured;
  • Green is considered the color of poverty;
  • Pink promises material difficulties;
  • Gold and silver - wealth in marriage. True, the rich is not equally happy;

Violet wedding dress omens are considered a harbinger of an imminent divorce or separation of spouses.

  • Someone else's wedding dress - the signs on it are ambiguous.

It is believed that any thing that belonged to another person before you absorbs his energy. Therefore, a sign allows wearing someone else's wedding dress only if its mistress was happy in marriage, married for love, and the wedding itself was great.

But all the conditions can be foreseen when someone else's dress belongs to someone you know, for example, a mother, sister or other relative. What about renting a wedding dress? This omen is not very good, but the negative can be neutralized. First, look for an outfit that no one has worn yet (even if they ask for a little more expensive rent for it). Second, sprinkle salt water on the hem. If the cut of the dress is simple, you can wash it in salt water. Attach a pin with a red thread through it to the inside of the dress.

  • A wedding dress was torn: a sign of misunderstanding between the bride and mother-in-law.

It is believed that tearing or staining a wedding dress means ruining the relationship with the groom's mother. However, this may not affect the relationship with the spouse in any way.

Signs about a wedding dress after the wedding

The wedding took off, but the dress remained. What to do with him? There are also many superstitions associated with storage options for a wedding dress. Most often, such things remain in the family wardrobe as a memory. But if the family has broken up or money is needed, other options are possible. What do the people say about this?

  • Where and how to store a wedding dress: signs

In Russia, it was customary to store such things in chests, which then gradually migrated to attics. So such outfits have survived to this day. Treat the dress with respect. Wrap in multi-layer packaging, put in a box. After that, hide it on the mezzanine. It is believed that you should not remove the dress from the wedding in the barn or take it to the country as an unnecessary thing. Keep it close to your family hearth, and it will become his talisman.

  • Selling a wedding dress: the signs on this matter are unambiguous and say that it is not worth transferring either wedding or wedding vestments to another person for money.

This is a kind of family heirloom and even a talisman, which acts as a guarantee of your strong family union. If the financial situation is such that you still have to sell the outfit, imperceptibly cut off a few threads or a piece of it and store them at home.

  • What to do with a wedding dress after a divorce? Signs believe that keeping it at home is not worth it, otherwise you will not see a new happy marriage.

Likewise, do not keep other wedding attributes at home if the marriage is broken up. Leaving a dress for your daughter is also not worth it if you do not want her to repeat your fate. It is allowed to burn a wedding dress after a divorce if it evokes strong negative emotions in you. Thus, you open the way for yourself to new relationships, freed from the burden of the past.

Now the stars are advising you to use one of the layouts below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

A wedding is a bright, unforgettable event in the life of every person. There are many signs associated with the wedding, the roots of which go back to the distant past. Newlyweds have always wondered how their future life will turn out, whether they will be happy in marriage.

Many, believing in signs, strive to observe all customs in order to protect themselves from trouble. And after the wedding, they ask themselves: is it possible to sell a wedding dress? The answer is unambiguous: a wedding dress cannot be sold, since happiness also goes away with it.

What to do with a holiday outfit?

In ancient times, a wedding dress was passed along the female line from grandmother to mother, from mother to daughter. It was passed down as a very strong talisman protecting family and marriage until it completely decayed. The wedding dress was kept as a sacred relic and taken out of the chest before the solemn event. This is understandable: not every girl could afford a new dress, it cost a lot of money.

The wedding dress was sewn from expensive fabric, embroidered with gold, decorated with precious stones. In the modern world, he wants and can afford a new, most luxurious, most beautiful dress. Time passes, the dress gathers dust in the closet. A practical bride can give him new life. Selling an expensive dress can significantly improve the family budget, and keeping it for sentimental reasons is at least unwise.

What to do with a wedding dress after the wedding:

  • One of the ways to make some money is rent out the dress before giving it a decent look. The downside to this method is that the dress may come back with a stain or a torn frill.
  • If the bride doesn't believe in, you can sell the dress... It is necessary to decide on this as soon as possible, since fashion is passing rapidly, and the old dress will cost much less.
  • Another of the options for using a wedding dress is just alter it... As a rule, a lot of fabric is used on a dress; several things can be sewn from it, which will delight more than one season. A wedding dress will make a luxurious evening dress or a festive dress for your daughter.
  • Depending on the model, the dress can be worn after the wedding... If it is a corset and skirt, you can wear them separately. Traditionally, a wedding dress is white, but if it is of a different color, no one will think that it is a wedding dress.
  • You can just donate your dress... It is unlikely that a girlfriend will want to wear it, it is better to find someone unfamiliar. In this case, moral reward is guaranteed.
  • If the marriage was long and cloudless, the wedding dress can be transferred to the new owner. Such a dress is considered lucky.
  • A good incentive to keep fit - wear a wedding dress every wedding anniversary by adding new details. Surprise guests and husband will be guaranteed.

Selling a dress: why not?

If you believe the signs, the wedding dress after the wedding should be kept as a symbol of a happy family life, protecting the newlyweds from troubles and misfortunes and unwanted turns of fate. It is believed that selling a dress leads to separation.

In addition, the wedding dress can be damaged. This is especially true for a wedding dress. The energy of a person is transmitted to his things, and a wedding dress keeps this energy all his life. Such a dress should not be allowed to be measured by envious girlfriends or relatives (the only exception may be a daughter), it should not be rented or borrowed.

Although there is no strict ban on the sale of a wedding dress by the church, it is more difficult to sell it., since it is believed that the bride and family happiness are "passed on" with it.

  • In the old days, a wedding dress and veil were not sold or bought., they could not be given or taken as a gift. It was believed that the wedding would not go smoothly, something unpleasant was bound to happen, and the whole life of the married couple could collapse.
  • If belief in omens does not allow selling a wedding dress, it is worth keep it together with bright memories of an unforgettable event.
  • You can throw away or burn a wedding dress if the marriage has broken up.... This will bring relief from negative memories and open the way to a new life. Otherwise, it will bring great misfortune.
  • Accessories and jewelry cannot be sold with the dress: veil, flowers, ribbons, belts, necklaces, earrings, rings, gloves. In the past, the veil played the role of protection, it protected the bride from damage. Only the groom could open the bride's face in the church, in this case she was protected from negative influences.
  • For the recovery of a sick child, they covered with a veil or a wedding dress, reading prayers... From the evil eye, the veil was weighed on the baby's crib.

How to store?

It is possible to preserve a wedding dress for many years if you take the necessary measures so that it does not lose its original appearance. First of all, you need to check how clean it is, whether there are stains or other dirt. It is best not to drag it out and have it dry cleaned in the first two weeks after the wedding to guarantee a good result. No need to try to wash it yourself, it is unlikely that you will be able to do it efficiently.

Do not store a wedding dress in a plastic bag: it will turn yellow and get an unpleasant odor. You can use the special hanger by placing the dress in a breathable cover and moth repellent. A dress in a sheath should not be placed in a tight closet to avoid deformation.

It is best to store the wedding dress in a box, and the box must be breathable to prevent mold and mildew growth. Thick cardboard is suitable for this. The box must be changed periodically. Before placing the dress in the box, wrap it in white paper.

The storage space for the wedding dress box must be clean and dry. not too humid and hot. A dark, ventilated room is ideal. Direct sunlight can change the color of the dress.

The wedding dress needs to be "ventilated" from time to time taking it out of the box and checking its condition.

How to sell it without negative consequences?

The decision to sell a wedding dress may be caused by an urgent need for or there is simply no room for it, because it is often a rather bulky and voluminous outfit. There may be other reasons for this. If superstitions and fears don't get in the way, you can sell the dress. The question of selling a wedding dress should be decided by the bride herself. However, it is still recommended to "spread the straw".

  • You shouldn't sell your entire wedding outfit.(veil - by no means!), resist at least cleaning, leave yourself flowers or some other trifle. It was believed that nothing from the bride's paraphernalia should fall into the wrong hands: this could harm her.
  • In order not to transfer energy along with the dress when selling, it is necessary to clean it in some way: dry clean, wash, spray with water, brush.
  • Protection signs, amulets and other marks must be cut, they must not fall into the wrong hands.
  • Bad energy can be thrown off with a new broom... It is necessary to fit them around the dress before selling.
  • If the dress is inherited, it can only be sold with the permission of the former owner, whether it's a grandmother or a mother. The deceased must be asked for permission mentally.

It must be remembered that only what is believed comes true. If you believe that it will be successful and tune in to a happy long life, no signs will be destructive.

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For every girl, the most important thing at a wedding after the groom is the wedding dress. He is chosen long before the day of the ceremony, spending a lot of time and money on this. After all, any bride dreams of looking unique and dazzling at her own wedding, and the dress plays the main role in her image.

However, in addition to the mission to emphasize the beauty and charm of the newlywed, her toilet is intended to become a real family mascot. And here all its characteristics play a significant role, from color and length to any incidents that happen to the outfit.

Signs before and during the wedding

There are many signs associated with the marriage toilet. And this is because even the most convinced materialists on the eve of their wedding become a little superstitious. Brides remember all the beliefs they once heard that guarantee family happiness, and try to adhere to folk traditions.

  • When choosing a dress, a girl should focus on the snow-white version, and if you want to look original, you should pay attention to pastel colors, categorically avoiding the shocking red or dark black color. Too bright shades will bring an excess of passion or mourning notes into family life.
  • There are very specific requirements regarding the style of the outfit. It must certainly be one, and not consist of separate elements such as a bodice and a skirt, so as not to incur a divorce.
  • Pay attention to the length of the dress. It is believed that the shorter the attire, the fewer happy years you will spend with your chosen one. For a mini bride, marriage can end very quickly. In order not to provoke trouble, remember that separation occurs not only as a result of divorce, but also because of the death of a spouse.
  • If you want to spend your life in abundance - sew or buy a new toilet. Saving on a dress from someone else's shoulder will add material problems and additional troubles to family life.
  • Never show your outfit to the groom before the day of the ceremony. Let him capture your unique image in his memory, linking it to the moment of reunification. Otherwise, the marriage will not last long.
  • When putting on a wedding toilet, remember that you only need to do it over your head. And a relative, who has already happily married, must certainly help in changing clothes.

Attire after the celebration: what to do with it

But now the wedding fun is noisy, and an elegant dress is no longer needed. Common sense dictates that a practically new outfit can be sold. However, it is often very difficult to part with an expensive and beautiful thing, a witness of the happiest moments in life. And is it really necessary to do this?

  • Many generations of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers have carefully kept their wedding dresses all their lives, passing them on to the family from generation to generation. After all, they firmly believed that the wedding toilet becomes a real talisman, a talisman for a young family. If you live a happy life in marriage, then it will certainly become the same sacred thing for your daughter or granddaughter. To preserve the dress for a long time, it must be thoroughly cleaned and packed in an opaque cover.
  • Festive attire, carefully stored in the closet for many years, can be worn on one of the significant anniversaries of married life. So it will play the role of a talisman for the second time and guarantee you further family well-being. It is not necessary to use the dress as it was. It is quite possible to restrict it to individual elements, add new accessories or alter it altogether.
  • In the modern world, a practical approach to things is highly welcomed. Therefore, you can try to capitalize on the expensive cash investment by selling it or renting it out. Many not too wealthy brides will only be grateful for the opportunity to look elegant and effective, spending the minimum amount on their transformation.
  • If you absolutely do not want to part with the reminder of the moment of the birth of your family, then give the wedding toilet a second life. A great idea would be a first-born envelope made from a wedding dress. So he will gain even more value by witnessing another significant event in your life.
Liana Raimanova

A beautiful wedding dress costs almost a fortune, but it is used as intended for only a few days, or even less than a day. But you can find useful use for it after the wedding, for example, sell or make charms out of it.

When deciding the future of the wedding dress, it should be remembered that there are many superstitions on this score.

Is it possible to sell your wedding dress after the wedding according to the signs?

It is strictly forbidden to sell a wedding dress even to close friends. According to one of the superstitions, along with the wedding dress, the spouse's love, as well as his loyalty, goes away. Another reason why you can't sell a wedding dress is to keep the energy of the first bride on it. When the energies of the next bride are imposed on her, both marriages may suffer.

Should you sell a bridal veil? No, because it also carries a strong energy charge. Other accessories and jewelry are not so important, therefore, they often become a means of replenishing the budget of a young family. However, modern brides are not particularly superstitious, many do not miss the opportunity to sell a new dress at a pleasant price with four or even five zeros.

How to sell a used wedding dress?

Before asking where you can sell a used dress, you need to bring it to perfect condition: wash, iron, make minor repairs if necessary. The more attractive the appearance of the product, the greater the amount you can get for it..

One of the best ways to get rid of your wedding gown is to take it to a specialty store or boutique. In this case, you will have to pay about 30% of the cost of the goods for mediation services. Not all salons accept wedding dresses, some prefer renting to buying.

The chances of selling a wedding dress increase if contact a thrift store... But here, too, there are no guarantees - the outfit can stand in the window for several months, after which it will be returned to the bride. There is a monthly storage fee, usually 10%.

Thrift stores are designed for shoppers on a budget, so don't stock up on luxury designer outfits.

But you can hand over a custom-made old wedding dress to a thrift store.

Another way to make money for a wedding dress is sell it from hand to hand. Surely someone from the acquaintances of the newlyweds is going to follow their example. If there are no such in the environment, you can place an advertisement for the sale of a wedding dress on the Internet. The chances to sell quickly increase if the dress is in good condition and beautifully photographed, the ad is written correctly, the price is relevant.

Example description for a used wedding dress for sale:

Example description for a used wedding dress for sale

Finding where to go to sell a new dress is not a problem. And what to do with the old one that has lost its presentation?

What to do with a wedding dress after a divorce?

Signs prohibit the bride from selling a wedding dress, so as not to spoil relations in a young family. If she has already disintegrated, then nothing is holding back the owner of the outfit. But over the years of an unsuccessful marriage, the dress could lose its presentation: turn yellow, acquire stains from rust or other defects. In this case, you can, again, hand it over to a thrift store at an extremely affordable price. It can be slightly redrawn by cutting off the areas with defects. In this case, instead of a defective wedding dress, you will get a good ordinary one. For those for whom the question of material gain is not fundamental, it is best to donate all the attributes of the wedding ceremony to the church.

Most of the decisions about where to put the dress after the ceremony involve happy married couples. But there is superstition for divorced ex-brides too. It is believed that with the proceeds from the sale, you need to buy rags, mops and detergents. After that, thoroughly wash the house with them and throw it away. This the rite helps to cleanse the girl and her home from the negative energy of a previous marriage, symbolizes her readiness for a new one.

Can the wedding dress be thrown away?

Divorced women and widows can do whatever they want with the dress: throw it away, burn it, tear it to shreds, or otherwise destroy it.

It is believed that this wedding attribute has a special mystical power - it can bring good luck, heal from diseases, and strengthen family relationships. Ideally, you need sew amulets, complementing the interior of the house.

Can a wedding dress be burned?

A wedding dress can and should be burned for girls whose family life has been unsuccessful. Widows and divorced women get a good opportunity to cleanse their own energy and start life from scratch. The dress can be safely burned by a bride whose wedding never took place. The wedding dress of a deceased woman can also be burnt.

Can the wedding dress be washed after the wedding?

You can wash the dress, and it is advisable to do it immediately after the wedding. The bride may decide to keep it or try to sell it profitably, in both cases it needs to be put in good condition. Expensive wedding dresses with luxurious decor it is better to take it to dry cleaning to avoid accidentally damaging them.

Is it possible to measure the bride's dress after the wedding?

Signs forbid unmarried girls to try on someone else's wedding dress. Married even more so. There are two superstitions on this score. The first says that by trying on a friend's wedding dress, a girl steals her family happiness. The second threatens a woman trying on someone else's dress with eternal loneliness. The bride herself can repeatedly put on her solemn attire, superstitions do not contradict this in any way.

What should a widow do with her wedding dress?

For a woman whose marriage ended tragically, it is advisable to get rid of her wedding dress as soon as possible. But you cannot sell it, because a very powerful negative energy is embedded in the widow's dress. The best option is to burn.

What can be sewn from a wedding dress?

From a wedding dress, you can sew a regular one or turn it into a beautiful carnival costume. But more often it is used for sewing amulets for newlyweds and their future children. A snow-white outfit becomes a good basis for various accessories: belts, hair ties, handbags, pillowcases, etc. her family life will be happier, says the belief.

December 8, 2017 2:01 pm

It seems that a wedding dress is the most impractical thing in the world and the most disadvantageous investment in the world. Is it so? Does the dress have life after the wedding?

1. An elegant dress after the wedding can be worn for a meeting, going to the theater

The likelihood of a second life largely depends from the style of the wedding dress and length. So, for example, a strict and elegant classic knee-length outfit may well serve in the future. Put on a jacket or bolero over it, similar in shade (but better still not white) or contrasting ones. Alternatively, in a tight-fitting dress just above the knee with a gray jacket and blue accessories (beads, shoes), you can go on a date - business or not.

2. After the wedding, it can be altered into a skirt or cocktail dress.

After the wedding, it can be altered into a skirt and worn to a party with a denim shirt. A short dress (tunic, retro, or even "a la princess") is quite useful for beach parties and discos - just complement it with bright accessories. Solid shoes, beads, a bag and a belt will do the trick, turning your wedding dress into a trendy club or cocktail outfit. Some long wedding dresses can be shortened (for example, the Greek cut) to achieve the same effect, and even repainted!

3. Sew your daughter's wedding dress into a princess or baptismal dress

By the way, you can completely alter the wedding dress: after all, it will make an excellent carnival costume. Your daughter will be the best Snowflake, Fairy, Princess or Snow Queen in school!

4. If your ethics allows, dress up in it for Halloween.

Add some makeup and you yourself can shine on Halloween in the form of the Dead Bride (not everyone can dress up as mummies and nurses).

5. Selling a wedding dress is not considered a bad omen

Many ladies, thinking what to do with the dress after the wedding, decide to sell it. This is not considered a bad omen, and, in general, even noble. In the end, for some, buying a used wedding dress is the only way out. You can try to attach your outfit to a rental salon or rent it out yourself, including for photo shoots.

6. Arrange an unusual photo session

If it is a pity to cut your favorite dress, but not to sell it by hand, you can organize a memorable photography with his participation. It's a sweet thing to go with your loved one to the sea and plunge into romance with your head, and literally too. Don't forget to invite a creative photographer to advise on how best to play the scenes in the water.

7. Paint!

Another idea for shooting is using paints. We all want to make life colorful - so why not get started immediately. Of course, after the execution with paints, it will not be possible to use your wedding dress. But if you really disappear, then with the music!

8. Start on crafts

Sentimental newlyweds often make original art objects featuring wedding dresses and other paraphernalia. For example, they frame them like a painting and hang them on the wall along with regular photos. Another idea is to use lace on a pendant for a pendant, a child's memory toy, New Year's toys with white decor, decorative pillows.

9. Participate in a flash mob of runaway brides

In late spring or early summer, activists across Russia participate in the Runaway Brides flash mob. This is a race in wedding dresses, photo sessions, dances.

10. Sew new clothes

You can ask the seamstress to rip off the lining of the dress, and then dye the lace and lining separately and sew the dress again, but in a different length.

11. To alter the canopy and the skirt for the cradle of the newborn

Newborn time flies by very quickly. It will be remembered for royal pictures if you sew a skirt and a canopy from your old wedding dress for the cradle.

12. Leave to descendants

Many ladies, by the way, from the very beginning decide the fate of a wedding dress in favor of an attic, a chest or a basement - because it is “a pity”. And so there remains the hope that someday a daughter will be born, who will gather at the altar and decide to wear this already vintage dress.

In any case, it is up to the bride to decide what to do with the dress after the wedding: for women, things related to the sacrament of marriage are very important. And men do not understand why their faithful keep their wedding dress in the closet for years, along with blouses and skirts, as if planning to wear it sometime.

What did you do with your wedding dress? Thrown out?