Where the greed of history is leading. Funny examples of male greed. (Stories from the forum). \u003d\u003d 4 \u003d\u003d Vasily Sukhomlinsky. Greedy boy

Every new year we make desires and hope for a miracle. Celebration atmosphere makes us in a special look at the coming year And believe that it will definitely be better than the previous one. And, of course, at this time we want to become kinder, better and happier. But there are those who, from year to year, hold firmly for their drawbacks.

Franklin Louuson

This man lived in a very modest apartment on the outskirts of Kansas City. All his wardrobe made up things donated charitable organizations. The food he asked on petrol stations and shops. In short, all signs of his life pointed to the lack of money, or rather, their complete absence. What was the surprise of Sanitars and Police, when they came to take his body into the morgue.

In the old man's mattress, who died in 73 years old, they found a protruding 100-dollar bill. From curiosity, they decided to spread the mattress. And discovered in carried 350 thousand dollars! Since the heirs from "National" did not have, the state was ordered for money: they were sent to the municipality fund to assist other in need.

Henrietta Howland Green for misfortune called a witch with Wall Street

Witch with Wall Street

Such a nickname was given Henriette Howland Green. In 1998, the American Heritage magazine included her on the list of the richest Americans. By the way, among all the surnames on this list she was the only woman.

Henrietta knew that purification was one of the main virtues. But, as it turned out, it can be abused.
Usually, for weekly food, she left no more than five dollars. She often moved to place in place and almost always stayed in cheap removable apartments. To get away from taxes, she appeared to the owners under the fictional last name. Moreover, they say that in order to save it, it did not use hot water. It is also rumored that she heated oatmeal on the battery, because it believed that the stove was expensive.

She wore the sole black dresswhich again was erased in exceptional savings. Once she was a whole night looking for a postage stamp, which could be bought for two cents.

But the greed of this woman reached a peak when her son had a break leg. Not finding a free hospital, where they would be accepted, she decided to treat the boy at home. The result of such a "treatment" led to the amputation of the leg. The operation, by the way, paid for the father with whom Green was divorced.
All his life, her son passed with a cork prosthesis. After his death, she left more than one hundred million dollars, and this in 1916.

Roger Dorkas

The Execution of the American millionaire is one of the most unusual in the world. More precisely, it would be ridiculous. After the death of Dorkas, all of his 64 million dollars passed Maximilian. And everything would be nothing, but Maximilian is a dog.

Roger Dorkas bequeathed 64 million dollars

So everything happened: Roger Dorkas died, and a state of his favorite ps was left, while his wife is nothing. Despite the fact that the court accepted the side of the dog, the young wife found a way out. She married a new millionaire. After all, opening an account on dear friend, Dorkas had to arrange a dog as a US citizen.

Paul Ghetty

He also wore the status of the richest man in the world and also was incredibly stingy. The oil tycoon has installed payphones at his villa for guests not to pay for their conversations.

Magnate Ghetty installed at the villa payphones for guests

And when his grandson kidnapped, he refused to redeem him. He changed its solution only after he got an envelope with a piece of boy's ear. Nevertheless, GETTI paid the amount much less than thatwho demanded the kidnappers.

Ingvar Camprad

The founder of the Global Corporation IKEA, despite the huge state, rides on the old car and is flying only by the economy class. On business trips, he relieves medium comfort rooms, and sometimes divides the room and its cost with someone from colleagues. Dress up on sales, always turns off the light and, when it writes, use both sides of the sheet.

The founder of IKEA his spuriously teaches the staff of the economy

Unlike the above-described heroes, its appeal is due to the fact that his example of Camprad teaches the economy personnel. He believes that it is well affected at buyers. After all, the company's long and active activity is possible only when it is good to everyone and the buyer, and the supplier.

I have a couple of stories. Stories from life, but not mine. Stories to "rob in".
I'll tell you one.

Preface so that it was clear:
Relatively small hotel, 100 rooms. The owner of the hotel is Yamaen. The brother of the hotel owner has its own bus park and drivers. By mutual agreement, these drivers walk through the hotel's territory and offer tourists to go on excursions.

Now History:
One driver was overwhelmed by the Canadian couple on a tour, they became friends and even began to correspond. When the couple gathered on Jamaica again, the driver suggested them to book the same hotel, but with a discount. He, as a local, relies. Couple agreed and sent money to the driver for the hotel.

Suppose a hotel room costs $ 200 per day. A discount driver booked the same number for, suppose 150 per day. And the pair said that for 160 (on the one hand, a pare was good, the discount was excellent. On the other hand, the driver of them is Na * al, and after all the friends).

The couple came, brought a bunch of gifts to the driver (here it is often accepted here), like steep columns on the bus, hours, toilet water For my wife, some incops and other things. Then the couple wanted a tour, but asked a discount, like friends. The driver denied a discount, explaining that the bus is not him, and the bus must be paid (actually he could make a discount. Pay for the bus, gasoline and tickets, but for your work, do not take anything. Well, friends. Moreover, Gifts were brought away. But he wanted to earn, and not about * loss the day was wasted).

The couple on the driver was offended and suggested that he simply breeds them for money and in general deceive. And for some reason decided to check their suspicions. They went to the hotel manager and asked how much their number is. And, of course, learned that the cost is smaller than they were said. On 10 bucks per day.

The couple went to the driver, arranged a scandal and demanded to return the difference in price. The driver began to overthrow that the difference went to the bank for the transfer of money (he almost did not lie here, our bank takes $ 25 commission. If the hotel booked for 3 nights, then 30 bucks - just almost a bank commission. But the hotel was bored for 3 Weeks, which means the driver assigned about 200 dollars).

The couple caused the police and stated that the driver stole a bunch of thousands of dollars and does not want to return. The driver was taken to the CPP.

A few days of checks, including a bank account, and the driver released, because He did not stole anything. The couple declares that they sent him money to the bank account twice: for payment of the room and then another bunch of thousands of dollars. And on the banks from the bank transfer one: on the payment of the hotel.
There also been paid by the hotel in the smart. Those. The driver did the money on the account, he booked a room at the hotel, paid everything from this account to 160 per night, and then received his commission 10 per night cash at the hotel.

Couple resting at the hotel, and at the same time tells all the rest of the guests, as the driver robbed them. Well, the brother of the owner of the hotel of the driver "Just in case" dismisses. To reputation did not affect.

And now attention, the question: who is right in this situation, and who is not?

Let's start with such "friends" from local many. And if all "friends" do everything for free, then where to take money?

However, in my opinion, the driver entered as an asshole. He was visited by gifts, they treated him well. And he na * al people.

On the other hand, the couple received a decent discount. Which they would not receive themselves alone. And the fact that the driver for them was given by the Commission is not their business.

On the other hand, since they are "friends", could have been talking about the commission.

In general, both wrong, but the driver is guilty more. I wanted to make money on "friends", fading. I would give them a discount on the excursion and everything would be ok.

Now about dismissal. The brother of the owner of the hotel could just ask the driver not to come that residue while the couple resting at the hotel. Well, so not to dismiss. So the driver is not to blame.

On the other hand, the driver would continue to kosych, and the reputation of the hotel is to fall. So the dismissal is the only correct way out.

Output: Greed to good does not bring.

The girls told what wonders of greed showed their men and how worthy to get out of unpleasant situation, not seeming mercantile special.

Polina, 28 years old, obstetrician gynecologist:

"I often encountered complaints of girls on greedy guys on the forums. And it seemed to me something from a row of fiction - I always met good and generous guys. And not necessarily the wars. Our common company has never been considered to be acknowledged if the guy pays for the girl - even if not for his own. But I met on life path Shopeful. Worse thanthat I fell in love with him. Everything happened spontaneously, met - twisted, and after a month they began to live together. I have. And here it began all the most interesting. Ranartplat, all household costs, buying products fell on me. And expenses increased sharply - I didn't have one and a little earlier, and then the man appeared in the house. By the way, the guy worked, and it seems not bad earned. But everything was justified by what he needed to pay debt - just a couple of months and he will become free. I waited. And a month later, he bought a new expensive foreign car and moved. He saved money so much, sitting on my neck and staying at my expense. "

Photo: Cavan Images / Cavan / Getty Images

Catherine, 26 years old, sales consultant:

"The girlfriend recently divorced her husband. Particulated not very good. The initiator was a husband. The apartment is him, and he felt like a full owner. Collecting things girlfriend called me for the company - together and calmer and support is still moral. So her ex-beloved walked for us on the heels: everything was afraid that we would be taken extra. Tarele counted! From the technology, nothing allowed to take anything - although they bought for general money. And laughter and sin: I left the girlfriend's apartment with a blanket and a pillow, a friend with a suitcase of personal belongings and a tea service. Which then, by the way, we broke the smashing, noting the divorce! "

Maria, 34 years old, artist:

"I am not mercantile girl. I earn it myself, and the littleness of the man never stood in the foreground. I met with a guy half a year. Everything was excellent. In view of my employment, there were no trips on the exhibitions not as often as I would like. But nevertheless have already begun to build plans for a common future. And then he suddenly invited me to Thailand. And introduced it as a surprise. I, of course, was delighted and agreed. And in the evening he arrived ... for money. For my half of the trip. I was even confused and ashamed somehow became - here, I think, the fool thought it was a surprise gift. He jumped a little ... After all, I did not have the amount at that time in my hands. He was so angry. Like, why agreed if there is no money, and he has already signed a vacation application. Then, so to speak, softened - they say, pay, as come back from Taya. I hope he did not like to relax. "

Olga, 22 years old, student:

"It was very unpleasant when a young man who actively sought a meeting with me, no less actively traded with the saleswoman of flowers for a bouquet. For me. In front of my eyes. It all ended in that I paid the right amount in the hearts and handed the bouquet to him. And left. Just as a saleswoman! "

Marina, 30 years old, lawyer:

"I got acquainted with a man on a dating site. The meeting was appointed in a cafe. To the question of waitress: "Have you already brought the menu?" replied: "We do not need. We will only be coffee. " My level of self-esteem sharply collapsed. Two options: Either I was not impressed, or the guy is just a feet. The date was exactly 5 minutes. Under the pretext, I just ran out. Then he called, and did not take the phone. "

Tatyana, 26 years old, tourism manager:

"On my birthday, a former young man presented a strange set - shampoo and shower gel. Dare Kone in the teeth do not look, of course, but still it is not best gift For your beloved girl. But I soon forgot. Until I saw the same package at the familiar home. As it turned out, they were distributed free of charge at the presentation of the cosmetic brand, where my former worked as a sound operator. Sophisticable greedy! "

Photo: Westend61 / Royalty-Free / Getty Images

Alina, 23 years old, nurse:

"Somehow hinted the guy that I dream of a new smartphone. Until the birthday was a couple of months, and I hoped to get it as a gift. I am not mercantile at all, I will say in my defense that he gave the clock about which he dreamed of. Spent all the salary. And neither the droplets did not regret it, just wanted to make a pleasant beloved. Literally let the week before the holiday, I get a cherished smartphone. There was no limit to joy and gratitude. As long as he asked when I can give him money. He was not going to give him. You probably can imagine the expression of my face ... "

Nadezhda, 32 years old, entrepreneur:

"I am a self-sufficient girl, I know the price of money, earning myself. And I can stand up for my word in my pocket. But I was all the words forgotten when an adult man applying to some relationship with me, inviting me on a date, offered to stroll through the park. In February, in minus 25! After one and a half hours of festivities and my assurances, that I am right here to die from the cold, tied me my scarf and asked: "So warmer?" What a cute, damn! And then the same nice suggested to spend me on the tram stop. Benefit my frozen fingers did not let me down, and I could dial the taxi number on the phone. And forward - home, in long-awaited heat And away from this idiot. "

Catherine, 27 years old, manicure master:

"Recently collapsed with a guy with whom we have been living together for three years. My best friend Getting married and invited us to a wedding. And my told me that we would not go. Because these are spending on the dress, costume and so on - once; money gift Young is two! And it is very expensive for our total budget. But not every day the best girlfriend gets married! One he does not let me go too. After all, spending will still be! "

Oksana, 29 years old, designer:

"Unpleasant, but even a comic situation happened to me on one of the presentations for designers. After the seminar, the banquet was expecting a buffet. My colleague and I decided to go a little later, so as not to crowd. When they came, the number of empty plates significantly exceeded the number of complete. We do not hurry to move to the table, when, practically unpacked us aside, a young man flew flew. And straight to plates. He began chaotic to throw remnants into the plates. We even came across. Breakfied, when he was a canapshk, almost from my hands snapped. In general, we awesome went to drink coffee. On the second part of the seminar, we met him again. Sad, with light Zelentsy on the face ... Apparently, Canapshka did not go. That's so alien greed saved me from poisoning! "

Lisa, 30 years old, teacher:

"I was shocked when I saw a girlfriend hides in a cache in the closet children's books. My question is why she does it sadly replied that hides shopping from her husband. He swears badly if she goes beyond the budget. And in order to pamper yourself and the child, a friend was forced to say that she was reduced by salary. And she makes the purchase of shopping unplanned by this snack. "

Anna Tok, editor of the section "He and she":

There are men whose greed can be compared with the disease. They are greedy in everything, buy products by stock, wear one shirt for 15 years and wondering why go to cinemas when a film can be found at home. Such people will be able to change the psychiatrist. Run without looking back, or accept the age of.

And there are men who save only on women. They can easily please themselves with their loved ones in expensive new clothes, go with friends to an expensive tour, but you will be preferred to save. I will be happy to share the bill in half, gifts are extremely practical, useful and preferably on a seasonal discount. No colors, diamonds or new handbags. These men are used to living only for themselves, they are spoiled female attention And do not consider it necessary to amaze and conquer. They were laid strong and independent womenwhich can all themselves and draw on the first date. If you caught a similar copy, then it will have to spend time and strength on his rehabilitation. The main weapon in the fight against his greed is self-confidence and in the fact that you are worthy of the best.

Men's greed - the topic is practically tabernated: on the one hand, it seems to be accepted about this, on the other - each of us has something to tell. No, it will not be about how some Masha wanted the island in the ocean, and the opposite Vasya bought her only a yacht. It will be about the enchanting, fantastic, incredible and amazing male greed. At a minimum will be ridiculous.

Cup of the Grand Helmet

Once a husband with a shuffling smile handed me an elegant bundle - under rustling skirts wrapping paper Tassed something round.

Impatiently cut the packaging, I discovered a motorcycle helmet, and it was beautiful. Matte, black, with pink crown and flowers, which, on the one hand, looked quite concise, on the other hand, gave a special charm to the device. While I decided to buy a motorcycle, and a husband, an advanced biker, such a gift demonstrated support and approval. "The crown on the helmet, because you are Tsareva, and the flowers look like your company's logo," he explained.

It was in May.

And at the end of July we broke up. After some time I remembered that I forgot to pick up the helmet. Husband, by that time, former, said: "Well, why do you need him? Motorcycle you did not bought. Leave it to me. " I did not argue - firstly, I categorically I do not know how to disintegrate material, secondly, in his words there was a reason: bikerhood did not fit among my numerous hobbies. "He's more necessary," I decided, "let the girls rolling." This, in fact, was the prehistory.

Potted months. We both have settled personal life. It so happened that I met with new girl former husband And found her pleasant. And once she complained to me in "ICQ": she did not work with my former, and when she came to pick up things, he discovered her favorite motorcycle helmet, his first gift, in a terrible form - it was scratched as shouting. "All the flowers erased," the girl wrote, "it's a shame." "And the crown," I could not stand it, "the crown also erased?" - "So was your helmet?!" - she guessed. It turned out that the gift was awarded to her with a romantic pathos. "Crown, because you are my princess!" - announced the hero-lover.

Unlike me, the girl was very passionate about the motorcycles - she had rights, and skills, and the desire in this direction to develop, and even the independently disassembled motor in history. With a new wonderful helmet, she did not part the whole season. And after her expulsion, my enterprising former husband, as it turned out, found a new hostess for the passing prize. The second girl even saw that the third one. And even complained about a disheveled helmet. "And I did not know that he was yours," she was embarrassed, "he gave it to me, but I didn't like stupid flowers and crown." "No problem", "the noble donor decided and took himself.

I find the story of twice the half-hearted helmet rather than cheerful - in any case, everything she was told, incredulously hit. Even the girl who was left without a helmet, eventually slept.

Natural selection

But just in case, I decided to interview the girlfriends: "Did you really have men who took gifts during parting? I beg, tell me that it is not so! Maybe fate, feeling a passionate man man in me, decided to throw a particularly rare copy, a collective pattern of human greed? " And it turned out terrible.

In almost each of the surveyed women, the type was met that he considered a gift not by her property, but a bonus to his person. Zhanna for his birthday received a car. Old - But what about? The main thing is that it was her first car. Zhanna called her "Schumacher", almost listed the language, repaired to the state of the new, updated the audio system. In a year, they broke up with a man, and he calmly demanded the keys. "How so? - Friends were outraged. - This is a gift for your birthday, twenty five years old! Do not give! " But it turned out that the moment of the gift was that Jeanne was discharged by the general power of attorney - as more convenient, right?

"I decided to create new family And I took something ... "

Yulia's husband was a quiet intelligent - glasses, a collection of author's song in "Ipode", a voice, good manners. The divorce was also intelligent - a bouquet of Astr was presented for a farewell to Julia, which was lost by the passage employee. And once Julia returned home and found a note: "Sunshine, sorry, I decided to create a new family and took something." "Something" is dishes, bed linen, juicer and ... Wedding rings.

One of our authors says: "Ex the extended whole garbage like cards and photographs, marked" I can not watch. The heart is broken, "but left a laptop, a giging flash drive in a platinum housing with a black diamond and other things that have at least some material value. For some reason, the heart did not bother. Even when he sold my laptop on one Internet auction. "

Love account

Sometimes it seems to me that modern feminism came up with men, solely for their benefit. Because girls have everything - and the right to receive education and make a career, and the right to femininity. For most of my friends, weakness and softness are accessories that they have to face. Many modern men Feminism is perceived not as equal rights for women, but as an opportunity to land on the lady's neck, breathe legs and drive, skipping the whip. This also applies to the financial side of life. One of my friend, let's call him Vasya, insists that in the restaurant his companion must pay half of the account, because "he respects it, she is a person, and their partnerships." However, if they stay at home, then cooking dinner - on it, because she is a woman. He is still those who sincerely believes in the polygamy nature of men. Once Vasya broke up with a girl because she dared to go to a bar with a colleague. "He likes you!" Vasya boiled like a volcano Eyafyatlayokud. "We just drank" Margarita, "the girl wondered. At the same time, Vasya himself goes on dates, and his profile which year hangs on a dating site, periodically bringing a crop in the form of romantic misfortunes of happiness. But he has the right, he is a man. At the same time, I repeat, I must be paid in half, with this from Vasily strictly.

And the boyfriend one of my friend squeezed contemptuously, seeing that she drinks dear French yogurt daily. "Baba such Motts," he said. And the yoghurt girl bought on his own money, and she had a rather big salary.

"Just men became advanced," may will say feminists. - The collapsed account is not greed, but a step towards a bright future. " "No way," I will answer them. If the same men would not put us in the sole blader blades in the house, along with us would be left for a year, two or three on leave to care for a child - then it would be, perhaps a step forward. And so - it's just a paid paid account.

Economy class

But the husband of my friend of Lida will not be able to show exemplary and take away what has once given. Because he never gives anything to him. Even on New Year. Even for thirty years. Even the flowers did not bring to the windows of the maternity hospital when she gave birth to their son. He earns very well. But they always rest in the Crimea, in the private sector, where cheaper. It is usually a sultry attitude with flies and toilet type "point" in addition. There is no car in the family, both use the subway. Products are bought in wholesale stores, clothing - in second-handers. Never go to the movies or a restaurant. Once I found it with a digestive exfoliated sausage - he neatly cut off the green slices, and then welded the remaining in salt water and cheerfully said that sausage now, "like a new one."

But I remember Lida unmarried Motka - that neither Saturday, so new dress. Once I could not stand it and asked: "Are you not hard with him? He is such a greedy, it is impossible. " And surprised listened to: "He is not greedy, it is economical. At first it was very difficult. I even cried and planned to leave. I wanted all - shoes, lipstick, rollers, and at least a fresh Cosmo number! We had such scandals ... But the time passed, and I suddenly noticed that let me have old boots and only three dresses, but we have a solid amount in the bank. Now we have taken to pay a mortgage loan, and soon we will have a generic nest, which will then remain a son. Would I live in my own big and beautiful house if I was exchanged for clothes? So I'm even grateful to my husband - he taught me to arrange priorities. "

P. S. Editorial

You know, we talked about greed with the most different men. Why do they commit all these strange actions? Why does the bank owner in a cafe divide the bill in half with a fourth course student? (And this happened in our Palesties.) Why do they take back gifts, even if they do not know where to give them? Why calculate each penny, to then present an account? One of our colleague her groom (ILO and a romantic, who, to the envy of all familiar, it was incredibly pinched and shouted with flowers and gifts) On the eve of the wedding, he said that he had a debt - almost twenty thousand euros - and they would be to give it together: "We will Now the family. " - "For what debt? Something at work? " - Frightened girlfriend, pretending how to sell his car to save her beloved from prison and suma. "Not. Just as you understand, an ordinary accountant cannot earn at that way of life, which we are with you. You did not give up the colors? From restaurants? From a new dress? To win you, I took in our bank consumer credit. But do not be afraid, we will quickly give it quickly ... "The wedding did not take place. And the colleague now just in case does not go with fans in expensive restaurants and says that she does not like, almost hates flowers. Especially white roses.