Oils for the face after 35 years. Overview of cosmetic procedures for facial care in different age periods

Is there any special age limit, after stepping over which, you need to take care of your skin more carefully? It is different for every woman, but most begin diligent facial care after 35 years. When a girl’s face is youthfully fresh, she can afford not to think about many little things - do not wash off her makeup at night, drink a lot of liquid late in the evening, eat exclusively smoked and fatty foods, or even overdo it with alcohol. In the morning, a rested and noticeably refreshed reflection will await her in the mirror. This is due to the fact that at a young age, the metabolism works more intensively, the body needs less time to restore strength and energy.

Young girls can afford to wash exclusively with hot or ice water with baby soap, forget to apply moisturizer and still not look bad. Unfortunately, the biological processes of skin aging begin at the age of 25. Under the influence of aggressive sunlight, fluctuations in the level of hormones in the body, the accumulation of toxins in the deep layers of the dermis, the concentration of hyaluronic acid and collagen decreases, the skin becomes dehydrated, and mimic wrinkles appear. From this moment, it is worth starting to take care of the skin more seriously and more thoroughly than in youth.

When a woman reaches the age of 35, the natural processes of skin cell renewal, hydration and nutrition slow down even more. The skin becomes thinner, causing more and more intense wrinkles. Therefore, it is desirable to develop an individual skin care program. To do this, you can resort to the help of a beautician or outline it yourself. Comprehensive care will help to keep the skin in excellent condition in adulthood - a combination of salon procedures, homemade masks, effective cosmetics and a healthy lifestyle.

Acid facial peeling in the salon

Salon cosmetic procedures

Salon procedures give a good effect and have a stronger effect than conventional cosmetics. Up to 30 years, it is quite possible to do without them, but the older the woman, the more powerful support her skin needs.

Modern cosmetology offers a variety of methods.

  • Professional facial massage. This procedure is the most common, easily tolerated and has practically no contraindications (unless the skin is affected by extensive inflammation, there are no mechanical damages on the face - wounds and scratches - and the client's health is satisfactory - there is no fever and other symptoms of malaise). Massage helps to relieve swelling, stimulates blood circulation, tones the muscles of the face.
  • Peeling. Naturally, every woman periodically uses a scrub. But even the most effective scrub is not able to fully cleanse the face of dead scales. According to the degree of impact, peeling is superficial, medium and deep. According to the method of action on the skin, peeling is divided into fruit, ultrasonic, chemical, laser, diamond. Fruit peeling is considered the most gentle, and chemical peeling is considered the most effective. With it, you can even get rid of age spots, scars, scars. Some types of peeling require preliminary light anesthesia of the skin. As with any procedure, there are a number of contraindications to peeling. These are herpes, elevated body temperature, pregnancy and lactation, an allergy to the chemical components of peeling.
  • Mesotherapy. These are intradermal injections of cocktails of hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. If conventional creams act on the surface layer of the skin, then injections deliver beneficial substances to its deep layers. This explains the excellent effect of the procedure. Before deciding on mesotherapy, it is advisable to consult with a general practitioner. Contraindications include the period of pregnancy, oncological diseases, infectious diseases, sepsis, vascular pathologies.
  • laser resurfacing. This is the process of exposure to the skin using laser beams. They stimulate its regeneration and collagen production. Laser resurfacing helps to get rid of fine mimic wrinkles, scars and acne scars. It is carried out under local anesthesia. Contraindications to the procedure are standard: pregnancy, high fever, severe illness.

What creams to apply after 35 years?

The right choice of cream will help make facial care after 35 years more effective. In order not to get lost among the huge range of stores, you need to take into account the following recommendations.

  • The golden rule when choosing a cream is to use one that suits your skin type. But nature is such that after 35 years, certain hormonal changes occur in the body, and it is likely that the type of skin will change. Perhaps you should take a closer look in the mirror and look at the skin with a fresh look - has it become too dry or, conversely, too oily?
  • Hyaluronic acid is extremely important for the skin, as its production decreases with age. It must be present in the composition of the selected cream.
  • If the packaging of the cream states that it has a protective effect, then the composition should include SPF filters. It is not recommended to expose unprotected facial skin to direct sunlight for a long time.
  • It is best to give preference to well-known brands that have proven themselves well, even if the cost of their products is higher than that of competitors. Wanting to preserve youth, one should not save. The price of any cream consists of its cost. Therefore, if it is sold at a low price, it is worth considering whether there are so many useful substances in its composition. Moreover, you should not buy products for the care of mature skin, the expiration date of which is about to expire.
  • Another component, the presence of which is highly desirable in the composition of the cream, is collagen. Thanks to him, the skin gains elasticity and becomes more elastic.
  • It should be remembered that the ingredients that prevail in it are the first in the composition of the cream. If the active ingredients are at the very end of the list, most likely the cream is ineffective.

homemade masks

With age, many women abandon self-care with homemade masks, considering them to be ineffective. Indeed, salon procedures and expensive creams have a much brighter effect, but homemade masks are an excellent aid.

Masks prepared according to the following recipes have a good effect.

  1. Mix 2 yolks, wheat germ oil, add a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of oatmeal.
  2. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add olive oil and a tablespoon of liquid honey. Before using this mask, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction to honey.
  3. Mash an overripe banana, add a tablespoon of sour cream and a little vegetable oil.
  4. Grind and apply fresh strawberries to the face (naturally, without added sugar).
  5. Make a mixture of cottage cheese, carrot juice and vegetable oil.

All masks are applied to well-cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water. After the procedure, a day cream is applied to the face.

The impact of a healthy lifestyle

After 35 years, metabolic processes slow down in the body. Therefore, in order to properly gain strength, he needs a good rest. In order for the skin to glow with health, a woman must get enough sleep, and it is advisable to go to bed before midnight. Alcohol and smoking have an extremely negative effect on the skin, making it gray and inconspicuous, so it is important to get rid of bad habits, if any. And, finally, no cosmetics and expensive procedures will help if a woman does not eat well and is in constant stress.

By secret

  • You missed a class reunion because you're afraid to hear that you've grown old...
  • And less and less often catch the admiring glances of men ...
  • Advertised skin care products don't refresh the face like they used to...
  • And the reflection in the mirror more and more reminds of age ...
  • Think you look older than your age...
  • Or you just want to "preserve" youth for many years...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and are ready to use any opportunity for this ...

Yesterday, no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today he appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth

If you don’t want to look 80 at 50, you need to start taking care of your skin thoroughly at 35. This will allow you to look like most Hollywood beauties who are long over 40.

Here are 10 rules for skin care after 35 years. They will help you keep your skin youthful and fresh complexion for years to come! And most importantly - not a single wrinkle will appear! Just follow these rules and smile more! A positive attitude never hurt anyone :)

Include hyaluronic acid in your diet

Hyaluron should be your best friend after 35. Application - both external and internal, this is not a joke to you!

Hyaluron should be your best friend after 35. Application - both external and internal, this is not a joke to you! Buy hyaluronic acid in a pharmacy (it comes in powders and tablets) and take it once a day, like vitamins. It doesn’t hurt to get a cream that contains acid, because it is this miracle component that really moisturizes the skin cells and makes it more elastic.

🌈Stop hard scrubbing

If at the age of 25 you could mix ground coffee with foam for washing and perfectly scrub your face with it, then after 35 you should not thin your skin in such radical ways. Choose soft scrubs specifically for your face, or even better, replace them with an electric brush (for example, from Clarisonic).

🌈Choose a cream that stimulates collagen production

With age, the main problem of our skin is the slow production of collagen - it is he who is responsible for elasticity. Therefore, so that wrinkles do not appear ahead of time, you need to use anti-aging creams that help this very collagen produce and “push out” wrinkles from the inside. Ordinary moisturizing cream just "for dry skin" or "for normal skin" is no longer suitable for you - give it to your little sister.

🌈Use serums

Serum is the most concentrated remedy. Unlike a regular cream, it contains more nutrients and regenerating substances, it is a real cocktail of useful ingredients, which means it acts more actively. If earlier three products were enough for you (night care, day care and cream for the area around the eyes), now you need to add serum to your beauty routine. Apply it in the evening, half an hour before using your night cream.

🌈Don't forget about the neckline

Tell me honestly - when you apply the cream, which areas do you pay attention to? Just the face and neck? This is the mistake of most women! We want the skin of the decollete to remain elastic and toned, so you have to be generous - use your anti-aging facial treatment in this area, because a regular body lotion will not give any rejuvenating effect.

🌈 Do lymphatic drainage massage

We hope that sometimes you trust your face to a beautician and do not forget about professional care. If you don’t have such a habit, then after 35 years you will have to acquire it - take a course of lymphatic drainage massage every six months (you need 7-10 procedures). It improves blood circulation, promotes skin elasticity and slows down the aging process. Just fit this procedure into your schedule and don't forget to visit the beautician!

🌈Make a mask twice a week

Are you used to "playing around" with masks from time to time, when you and your friend decided to suddenly arrange a spa-bachelorette party? It is not right! A face mask should be done once a week - it can be both finished products and handmade. For example, a nourishing mask with antioxidant vitamins, A and E (buy them at a pharmacy) works great. Once a week, also do an intensive rejuvenating mask. Check that it contains collagen, elastin, B vitamins and hyaluronic acid.

🌈Remove make-up with hydrophilic oil

The skin around the eyes is the most sensitive, and it is where we damage the most when we remove makeup. Do not try to wash off the remains of the mascara with a gel that is not intended for the eyelids, or, even worse, with ordinary soap (we know that many sin this).
Remove make-up with hydrophilic oil - apply it a little on a cotton pad, press it to the eyelids for 5-10 seconds and remove makeup, then wash off the oil with warm water. Another tried-and-tested option is the bi-phase serum, which also has an oil base. Why do we recommend oil? With it, you definitely won’t dry out your skin and won’t rub it to redness, which becomes one of the causes of wrinkles.

🌈Include vegetable juices in your diet

We all know that true beauty comes from within, so if you want to help your skin stay young, make sure you eat well. We will not urge you to radically change your diet, but still start drinking a vitamin cocktail - celery, parsley and fresh cabbage juice may not be the best delicacy in the world, but its composition helps the skin maintain elasticity.

🌈Watch your hands

And finally, the hands that so often betray the true age of a woman, even if the face looks great. In hand skin care, it is also important to follow the rules - scrub, moisturize and make nourishing masks regularly.

For women who want to properly organize facial skin care after 35 years, the advice of a cosmetologist will come in handy. After all, delicate skin undergoes various kinds of changes in each age period of a woman's life.

At 35, care cannot be built in the same way as care for young girls. At the same time, women in this age group are still far from old age. In order for the mirror not to cease to assure its mistress that she is “more rosy and whiter than everyone”, it is worth following a few not the most difficult recommendations.

We have selected for you the most important rules that women usually forget about. Study and memorize them so that the skin always looks well-groomed and radiant!

Take good care of your skin after 35

It is after 35 years that the structure of the skin of the face undergoes significant changes. Namely:

  • metabolic processes slow down;
  • the skin becomes thinner;
  • the production of collagen is sharply reduced;
  • weakens the tone of the muscles of the face;
  • nasolabial folds are more clearly manifested, the corners of the lips are lowered.

Given all these features, it is important to take a number of care measures in time. In this case, the irreversible process of age-related skin changes can be significantly slowed down. You can take care of your skin both with the help of specialists in the salon and on your own at home, the main thing is not to forget that facial skin after 35 years requires a special and careful attitude.

Most likely, tips for facial skin care at 30 will also be relevant for you. We have collected for you the best tips from cosmetologists that will help you stay young!

Proper facial skin care involves the systematic use of masks. At the same time, it is not enough to make a mask from time to time (for example, occasionally when visiting a sauna or having a “spa day”). Depending on the type of skin, the mask should be applied 1-2 times a week. Nourishing, moisturizing, toning and many others - masks can be created independently or purchased in cosmetic stores.

Women over the age of 35 should definitely use a rejuvenating mask once a week. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the “components of youth” are present in its composition - hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen and various vitamin groups.

Lovers of the most useful homemade masks can use the following natural ingredients:

  • pulp of watermelon;
  • carrots, yolk and potatoes;
  • base oil (almond, wheat germ, peach, etc.), lemon juice, yolk;
  • fruits, berries.

When caring for the skin of the face, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of each skin type. So, owners of oily skin should not mindlessly use products for sensitive dermis. Aging skin can no longer be satisfied with just the standard moisturizer so popular among women under 30 years old.

So, women with oily skin are recommended to change creams about every two months. Don't get attached to one tool for a long time. Owners of dry dermis should definitely choose moisturizing creams. Also, this type of skin will respond well to panthenol ointment applied before bed. Combination skin will benefit from creams with retinol and antioxidants.

Regardless of whether a particular woman uses an expensive or budget cream, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product. Facial care at 35 must necessarily include the use of products with collagen. Also, an indispensable condition is the use of creams with a sufficient level of SPF-filter.

Evening care is a very important part of the daily facial ritual. After all, it is at night that the whole body, including the skin of the face, rests and gains strength before the coming day. In order to look cheerful and refreshed in the morning, it is recommended to use a special night cream with nourishing and regenerating action. Of course, the product should be selected according to the type of skin. It is best if the composition of the face care cream after 35 years will include coenzymes, peptides, hydroacids, natural ingredients, collagen and vitamins. Apply cream after cleansing and toning. You need to perform such a procedure before going to bed, 1-1.5 hours in advance, combining it with self-massage.

Cosmetologists recommend excluding hard scrubbing from the care program. Such a procedure further contributes to the thinning of the skin of the face. The use of hard abrasive particles in the form of sea salt, ground coffee or apricot kernels is irretrievably a thing of the past. Body and face care for women over 35 years of age involves the use of mild chemical peeling. Such products very delicately remove the upper stratum corneum of the dermis, gradually “bringing out” new, young cells. The main components of such peels are lactic, glycolic, and fruit acids.

The condition of the delicate skin around the eyes at 20 and at 36 is a radically different phenomenon. The main enemies of this delicate zone are an unhealthy lifestyle, salt abuse and mechanical stress. Dark circles and bags under the eyes will not slow down to appear as a result of lack of sleep and insufficient rest. Improper nutrition and abuse of fast food also do not have the best effect on the condition of a woman's face.

The habit of rubbing the eyes, as well as the use of inappropriate makeup removers, especially contributes to the appearance of swelling and bruising in the delicate area.

And finally, by the age of 35, a woman should carefully monitor the level of salt intake and be sure to drink from 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

Important! The consumption of pickles and other foods containing salt should be limited. It is not recommended to use them before going to bed.

Another common cause of bruising and bags is insufficient hydration of the skin around the eyes. Any woman, whether she is 30 years old or 37, should become a constant friend and helper. To avoid the appearance of a network of fine wrinkles and other skin defects around the eyes, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Remove make-up from your face daily. It is unacceptable to go to bed with a painted face - at night the skin should rest.
  • The best option for make-up removal is the use of a hydrophilic oil or a two-phase serum. The product must be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the eyelids for 5-10 seconds, after which remove makeup with gentle movements.

Important! Do not use gels for washing, not intended for the area around the eyes. Moreover, you should not use ordinary toilet soap!

The rules for skin care after 35 years suggest the use of anti-aging serums. Such products have a more concentrated composition compared to face cream. Therefore, serums contain more nutrients and skin-friendly components. If at an earlier age women can easily do without this beauty product, then after 35 years, applying serum every evening before applying the cream is a must.

It is believed that 35 years is still the heyday of female beauty and youth, but reckless youth is left behind. That is why the make-up of a woman of this age should be more feminine and restrained. On the one hand, it is worth getting rid of everything that is excessively bright and flashy in a cosmetic bag, on the other hand, filling it with the most suitable cosmetic products.

So, facial skin care for 35 years necessarily includes:

  • Application of BB cream. A universal tool that performs the functions of day and foundation creams, as well as makeup bases;
  • Corrector for the face with a lifting effect (immediately tightens the skin and masks its imperfections);
  • Moisturizing eye cream for wrinkles;

It is not worth mentioning that all cosmetics must be of high quality and have up-to-date expiration dates.

Many women note that after thirty years there is a great need for a good rest. So, dancing until the morning with friends or staying up late with a quarterly report require more and more physical, and sometimes emotional effort. Another disadvantage of non-compliance with the daily routine is that the lack of rest does not have the best effect on the condition of a woman's face. So, after sleepless nights, facial features become as if pointed, all skin imperfections appear more clearly, giving the woman a tired look. Improper nutrition and alcohol abuse also leave not the best imprint on a woman's face.

It would seem - what does sport have to do with the appearance of wrinkles? It turns out the most direct. It has been proven that moderate physical activity prolongs the youth of the human body, helping to fight the early signs of aging. So, scientists have identified five types of physical activity that prevent aging:

  • Aerobic activities (swimming, running, cycling) especially contribute to skin rejuvenation;
  • Classes with a load (push-ups, pull-ups, squats) contribute to the renewal of brain cells;
  • Fast walking rejuvenates the cardiovascular system;
  • Stretching (stretching) strengthens the spine;
  • Running prolongs the youthfulness of the face and muscular system.

Important! Some sports are allowed only if there are no contraindications. Before starting classes, you must definitely obtain the permission of the attending physician.

A visit to a cosmetologist has a beneficial effect on the skin of any age. With quality cosmetic care, the signs of skin aging can be pushed back for quite a long time.

So, popular salon procedures for women after 35 years old are:

  • rejuvenating massage (increases the tone of facial muscles);
  • mesotherapy (the introduction of substances useful for the skin with the help of injections smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin of the face);
  • peeling (necessarily sparing);
  • laser resurfacing (promotes more intensive collagen production).

At any age, a woman is able to prove that beauty does not fade with time at all. Observing not the most complicated rules for face and body care, women who have crossed the 35-year mark are able to remain young and attractive. The main thing is not to be lazy and carry out care procedures with love for yourself and your body.

The condition of the skin begins to deteriorate at the age of 30-35, due to physiological processes. To maintain youthful skin, it is necessary to provide proper facial care: use suitable cosmetics, carry out appropriate procedures.

As for the lifestyle, the woman is still active and energetic, but her face begins to give out age.


  • small wrinkles in the eye area, the so-called crow's feet;
  • forehead wrinkles;
  • puffiness (especially morning);
  • gray complexion - the blush disappears;
  • peeling, irritation;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • downturned corners of the eyes and mouth;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • signs of fading of lip color, in addition, they look thinner.

The reason for this may be diets, a natural decline in skin moisture levels. Some women resort to decorative cosmetics to hide imperfections, but over time, more and more efforts are required to hide age-related changes, so timely care is better than decorative products.

Stages of skin care after 30 years

At 30-35 years old, skin changes are already systemic, so care should be comprehensive, including cleansing, toning, nutrition, moisturizing, protecting the skin from sunlight and other harmful factors.

Cleansing and toning

Facial care after 30-35 years involves a thorough cleansing of the skin. This procedure is carried out before applying any cosmetics, including homemade masks.

Purpose of cleansing: exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, cleansing the pores from impurities. Thanks to this, all the components from the applied after cosmetic products are better absorbed into the skin, penetrate deeper and will act more actively.

Cleansing procedures must be carried out in the morning and evening with the help of gentle products. Makeup removers are selected according to the type of skin and the cosmetics used. Normal skin can do without special products - it is enough to wash with water, but it must be of good quality - mineral or filtered.

Cosmetic milk and micellar water are suitable for dry skin care. Oily skin is recommended to clean with foam for washing.

In the evening, you need to carry out a deeper cleansing with the help of scrubs (they are not used every day, but 1-2 times a week), gommages, homemade and store masks. Moreover, before applying these funds, it is necessary to carry out an initial cleaning of the face from cosmetics and steam the face. After the procedure, the skin is not wiped and blotted with a towel.

It must not be stretched or rubbed. After cleansing, the face must be moisturized to restore the water balance of the skin. For dry skin type, alcohol-free tonics are optimal, and for oily, on the contrary, alcohol lotions. Well tones the skin massage with ice cubes prepared at home.

You can freeze ordinary purified water or decoctions of herbs that have antiseptic, tonic properties. These include parsley, chamomile, calendula, sage. As a tonic, brewing green tea with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice is also suitable.

Proper make-up removal

Makeup must be washed off with a special tool. Experts say that it is categorically impossible to use soap to remove makeup - it dries the skin very much. After using the cleansing composition, it is necessary to apply a tonic.

Serum use

Facial care after 30-35 years should include the use of a special nutrient - serum with vitamins, hyaluronic acid. It is applied after cleansing. It must be applied periodically, in courses, for 1-2 months.

It will prevent the appearance of age spots and get rid of existing pigmentation, increase skin tone. After that, a cream with a lifting effect is distributed over the face - a BB-remedy gives a noticeable transformation effect. Care must be multi-layered.

Day and night facial

It is important to choose a day cream according to skin type and age. Experts do not recommend using anti-aging products before the age of 35, as they inhibit the natural regenerative ability of the skin. After 30 years, you should select daily products with a UF filter of at least 30.

These can be cosmetic products that, in addition to sunscreen, have a moisturizing, tightening effect. Such products may contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins C, E, retinoids (they accelerate skin regeneration).

Of particular importance in skin care after 30-35 years are procedures before going to bed. It is necessary to apply products enriched with collagen, plant extracts, coenzymes, ceramides, peptides and plant esters to the skin. An agent intended for night care after 35 years may contain, in addition to the above components, enzymes, amino acids, phytoestrogens.

Creams are applied after cleansing the skin, distributed with massage patting movements. Moreover, special products are used to care for the skin around the eyes. Cosmetic products are applied to cleansed skin 1-1.5 hours before bedtime.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

The structure of the skin around the eyes differs from the skin of the rest of the face, and with age this becomes more and more noticeable. For these areas, cosmetic products that are more delicate in texture are used, which are specially designed to care for this area.
Special products give a lifting effect, relieve bruises under the eyes, swelling, smooth out mimic wrinkles.

Homemade face mask recipes

Facial care after 30-35 years old should include procedures using homemade masks. This gives a noticeable tightening, moisturizing effect. The course should consist of 7-15 procedures, depending on the mask. Then you should take a break before the next course of masks of a different orientation.

For example, it is useful to combine moisturizing masks with lifting or nourishing masks:

  1. You can clear faces like this: 1 tbsp green tea leaves should be brewed with 100 ml of water. Then you should take 1 tbsp. cosmetic clay (white) and dilute it with tea leaves so that a gruel is obtained, similar in consistency to a soft paste. The mixture is thoroughly mixed so that no lumps remain, and spread over the face for 20 minutes (the skin must be pre-cleaned and steamed). After washing off the mask with water, a moisturizing cream is applied.
  2. To prepare a whitening mask with lemon juice, you need the protein of one egg and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed juice. The mixture of components must be whipped to foam and smeared over the face with a thin layer. Apply in two layers: the second layer - after partial drying of the first. Wash off the mask 15 minutes after the last manipulation with water at room temperature.

    Facial care after 30-35 at home requires the application of moisturizing masks

  3. Firming yeast mask. One egg should be broken into a plate, beaten with a fork, add 20 g of fresh yeast, mix until smooth, apply on face for 30 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. After the mask, any nourishing face cream is applied.
  4. Wrinkle mask. One small carrot should be grated with small holes, add 1 tsp to the mass. potato starch and protein. All components are thoroughly mixed. This mixture can be applied not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. After 30 minutes, the mask is removed with a cotton pad, the skin is rinsed with water, blotted with a towel and a moisturizer is applied.
  5. With a banana for wrinkles around the eyes. In a small bowl, you need to mash ½ part of a banana with a fork, combine the gruel with 1 tbsp. olive oil and mix. It can be applied not only under the eyes, but also distributed over the entire skin of the face. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with a cotton pad soaked in mineral or plain water, and then a lifting cream is applied.
  6. A curd mask has a beneficial effect on aging skin. You need to take 2 tbsp. soft cottage cheese, pour into the mass of 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 tsp. linseed oil. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Then rinse off and apply a moisturizer.
  7. Nourishing mask. 1 tbsp Hercules must be ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with one yolk, liquid honey (1 tsp) and wheat germ oil (1 tsp). Also add 3 caps. lemon ether. After 15 minutes after application, the mask is washed off with warm milk.
  8. To get rid of wrinkles, it is recommended to make a mask of apples and cottage cheese. A small piece of apple must be mashed and take 1 tbsp. mass, add 1 tbsp. fatty cottage cheese (to remove lumps from the cottage cheese, you need to pass it through a sieve), yolk and 15 cap. vitamin A. The mixture is applied to a cleansed face after a steam bath for 30 minutes, then washed off.
  9. Moisturizing mask around the eyes. A bunch of parsley greens must be chopped and the juice squeezed out of it. Take 1 tbsp. juice and 1 tbsp. potato starch, mix, add 20 drops. grape seed oils. Before applying the mixture under the eyes, it is recommended to wipe this area with micellar water. And wash it off after 15 minutes.
  10. A tightening mask is prepared on the basis of avocado. A small part of the avocado needs to be chopped in a blender and take 25 g of the mass - this is about 2 tbsp. In avocado add 1 ampoule of vitamin B5 and 15 drops. sea ​​buckthorn oil. The mixture of ingredients is gently applied to the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  11. Fruit nourishment for the skin. In the season when fresh local fruits and berries are available, you can not make special masks, but simply cut a juicy berry or fruit and wipe your face with juicy pulp. Suitable currants, both red and black, gooseberries, strawberries, grapes, raspberries. The juice is left on the face for 10 minutes and then washed off with cool water. Fruit acids have a light peeling effect, stimulate skin cells to regenerate, vitamins nourish and moisturize the skin, but unlike special chemical peeling, such procedures can be performed daily.
  12. You can wipe the skin with freshly squeezed juices:
  • carrot- has healing, nourishing properties, evens out complexion;
  • apple- brightens the skin, evens out tone, accelerates regeneration, tightens pores;
  • watermelon- Moisturizes and evens out fine lines.

For those who have crossed the 30-year milestone, cosmetologists are advised to follow the following recommendations:


Daily massage, performed in the morning and evening, helps to activate blood circulation, lymph outflow, smooth wrinkles, and nourish the skin. It is carried out with the fingertips. They work out the face along the massage lines, tapping. The chin is patted with the outside of the palm, after which the entire face is moistened with cream.

Cosmetic care products - which ones to choose

After 30-35 years, cosmetologists advise getting rid of decorative cosmetics of flashy colors and adding more high-quality skin care cosmetics to your cosmetic bag. In a cosmetic bag, there must be a BB cream, a lifting corrector that both tightens the skin of the face and masks imperfections at the same time, a cream for caring for the eye area from wrinkles with a moisturizing effect.

It is important to check expiration dates, do not use expired cosmetics, after 30-35 years such experiments are fraught with deterioration of the skin condition.

Care products should contain:

When choosing a remedy, you need to keep in mind that at the beginning of the list of ingredients are those that contain the most. Moreover, cheap creams usually contain few useful components, even if they are present in the composition.

In order for the skin to remain young longer, after 30-35 years, it is necessary to carefully consider what skin care will be. Using an inexpensive moisturizer is no longer enough.

The skin needs complex step-by-step care using quality products from trusted manufacturers, with special anti-aging ingredients in the composition.

Video about facial care after 30-35 years

Facial skin care after 35+:

Updated Facial:

We all yearn to stay young as long as possible. However, in practice, this can be achieved only by a few. "Genetics!" - you will surely say. But no, even those women who are really lucky to be beautiful and youthful by nature work hard on the condition of their face and body throughout their lives.

After all, not a single heredity will please its owner without proper "reinforcements".

And if you want to look like forever young Christie Brinkley at 60, you will have to work hard, and start this work even with the transition to adulthood.

Facial skin care after 35 years should be especially scrupulous. It is at this age that the epidermis and soft tissues begin to undergo irreversible changes.

And in order to stop them, it is important to direct all your efforts to the prolongation of visual youth and "freshness". To start here, perhaps, you will have to correct your lifestyle. And if this stage has already been passed, it is worth moving on to surface influences.

So, how to properly care for skin after 35 years in order to maintain its quality characteristics for the longest possible time?

Cleansing is everything!

For some reason, many women believe that cleansing the dermis is a procedure aimed purely at removing fat and dirt from its surface. Like, why do we need all these "intricate" devices and procedures when it is enough just to wash your face with tar soap or an aggressive cleanser every evening? And this is the biggest and somewhat dangerous delusion.

You need to start actively taking care of yourself with a revision of cleaning procedures. And if you have so far used only traditional means in this regard, this section of the material is just for you. In it, we will tell you the secrets of adequate facial cleansing, and explain why it is so important for every woman.

On the surface of our epidermis, a layer of its keratinized, dead scales constantly accumulates. Without proper purification, it becomes so dense that it ceases to provide pores with access to oxygen. And the dermis itself at the same time modifies its structure and microrelief. It becomes rough and wrinkled, new furrows, creases and folds appear on it.

The face loses its inner glow as the cells of its epidermis rapidly lose moisture and nutrients. And getting them is quite problematic, because they simply cannot penetrate into the deep structures of tissues, being applied externally.

If you do not conduct regular sessions of high-quality exfoliation, the skin begins to fade, in fact, in the truest sense of the word. Flabbiness, peeling, deepening of folds and creases appear on it.

Judge for yourself - when you wash in the shower, do you massage the skin of the body with a washcloth?

And what would happen if you just poured bottles of shower gel on yourself, smearing it on your back, chest, legs? That's right, no effect from this "cleansing" would not be.

So why do you think that the same thoughtless "blurring" of foam on the face will bring it?

If you have oily skin, this point is even more relevant for you. Indeed, in addition to keratinized scales, your pores are clogged with sebaceous plugs, or comedones. And at the same time, they completely lose at least some minimal oxygen saturation.

Remember that facial care without proper cleansing is empty. No mask and no miraculous elixir will "work" when applied to the contaminated and keratinized surface of the epidermis. And, as you could already understand, it is impossible to clean it with a simple soap.

Secrets of productive skin cleansing:

To wash off decorative cosmetics, use micellar water or a tonic specially designed for this purpose. Please note that simply washing with soap, foam or gel, with previously applied foundation or powder, will not bring any cleansing effect. And for traditional cleansers, we strongly recommend that you use mild products that are free of high levels of laureth sulfate and other chemicals that are potentially harmful to the skin.

Massages - are they relevant?

In personal care after 35 years, facial massages (manual or hardware) become especially relevant. Let's make a reservation right away - it is undesirable to perform them at home, unless you are familiar with their correct techniques from "A" before "I AM". To do this, it is better to contact a qualified specialist who has certain experience, skills and knowledge in this matter. You will not spend a lot of time, effort and money on a course of massages, and the result is guaranteed to be favorable for you and your appearance.

Eyelid zone: what to do with it?

It is no secret that the periorbital area begins to age the fastest, since the skin in this area is the most thin, vulnerable and vulnerable. It does not have a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat in its structures, dehydrates rather quickly and loses its contractile abilities. Skin care around the eyes after 35 years is simply necessary. Moreover, the sooner you start to produce it, the more likely you will keep the youth of this area of ​​​​the face for many years.

We advise you to try special patches for the eyelids, as well as placental tissue masks for the skin around the eyes. If it is already covered with wrinkles, consult a beautician. Perhaps contour plastic surgery (filling the nasolacrimal trough with viscous fillers with hyaluronic acid) or injections of botulinum toxin type A ( "Botox", "Dysport", "Xeomin").

Home cosmetology

Despite the skepticism of lovers of everything ready and professional, folk remedies for personal care can give you a pronounced effect of rejuvenation. However, like everything else, they must be used strictly for their intended purpose. You should also not get carried away with homemade masks, otherwise the skin may get fed up and stop responding to care properly.

When choosing the composition of a particular product, do not forget to take into account your natural skin type. Women with normal skin, in principle, any mask will do. But the owners of oily and dry dermis should consider the choice of ingredients carefully and carefully.

The compositions of the best homemade anti-aging masks:

For the most effective self-care, ingest a multivitamin formulated to strengthen skin, hair, and nails.

You can drink collagen and hyaluronic acid - it will be much more effective than their external use. Try to get enough sleep - you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and it is better to lie down before midnight. And of course, keep an eye on your health - it is internal disorders that are most often reflected on the face.