Massage exercises after stroke. Restorative gymnastics after a stroke

Medicine has the necessary methods of treatment that allow patients to save lives after ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. But what is its quality if a person is affected by certain parts of the nervous system?

As a result of rupture of blood vessels in the brain, a person who has had a stroke may lose the motor functions of the arms and legs, he may experience speech disorders.

Timely and proper recovery of the body after a stroke will help to fully or partially restore the patient's previous condition. You need to start it as early as possible so as not to miss the time.

The most important component of the rehabilitation plan is exercise therapy after a stroke, which, in combination with taking medications, will help restore normal motor activity.

In addition to taking medications that reduce tissue swelling in the affected area and have a neuroprotective effect on brain tissue that survived the attack, patients and their families need to know the therapeutic effect of an exercise program. It is selected individually, depending on the severity of the patient's condition and the possibilities that he has preserved.

With the help of physiotherapy exercises, it is possible to correct and eliminate disorders of the motor apparatus, accelerate the restoration of articulation and memory, and also eliminate the neurological deficit that occurs after a vascular accident.

It all starts with the preparatory period. This is the time when it is impossible to immediately proceed to active physical actions, and in some cases it is simply impossible.

What is the preparatory period?

  • Giving the body the correct position in the early stages of the recovery period is very important. A frequent change of its position is welcomed, which is the prevention of bedsores and the creation of stable post-stroke contractures.
  • Passive exercises that can be done for different muscle groups and joints. They are performed not by the patient himself, but by the person who is with him. This is a complex of actions for flexion-extension, circular movements, as well as adduction-abduction of the limbs.
  • Proper breathing exercises include exercises to develop the lungs.
  • Thought exercises are designed to restore lost muscle memory.
  • Massage and passive exercise after a stroke are very important in the rehabilitation period. They improve blood circulation, prevent congestion in the body and help the patient feel his body, preparing him for active exercise therapy.

Performing exercise therapy after a stroke has a number of features, there are rules, the observance of which is important to obtain a positive result:

  • Listen to the recommendations of the attending physician, as he knows what loads are useful during the rehabilitation period and will prescribe an effective set of exercises based on the capabilities and needs of the patient's body.
  • Overwork and excessive stress is unacceptable, as it will do more harm than good.
  • Do not neglect warming up the skin before exercising at the initial stage.
  • Compliance with the systematic in the classroom is an important condition for effectiveness.
  • Patience and understanding of the patient's mood will help correct the depressive state that is often present in patients after a stroke.

Performing a set of exercises at home, you can significantly speed up the recovery period. Before you start with advanced exercises, you need to start with backbends and balance. Then you can start walking, pull-ups, coups, squats and bends. For a person who has had a stroke, exercise should become an integral part of life, like breathing, eating and sleeping.

Do the exercises your doctor has prescribed, read books, and watch videos about stroke recovery. This will help you deal with its consequences faster and easier. Give yourself a positive mental attitude for a speedy and complete recovery.

Therapeutic exercises after a stroke: what exercises will help you recover faster

A set of exercises according to the periods of stroke is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on how much the brain has suffered, what disorders are present and what their localization is. At each stage, there are general recommendations that will be useful to most stroke patients.

In the prone position, the list of exercises is as limited as possible, but there is a way out! You will be helped by therapeutic exercises for a stroke for the upper, lower extremities and torso, which must be done systematically.

The hand complex includes movements that help develop joints and improve blood circulation. It is necessary to perform rotational and flexion-extensor movements in the hands, elbows, shoulders. It is useful to clench your fingers into a fist, and then unclench them.

To train the legs, it consists of motor activity with the fingers, pressure with the feet on the “pedals”, bending the legs at the knee joints, breeding them and bringing them together in the hip joints.

A set of exercises for the torso consists of turns in different directions, raising the pelvis with an emphasis on the head and feet, raising its upper part.

The key to success is the regular and active performance of classes, then in a short time you will feel an improvement and will be able to move on to the next stage.

We perform exercise therapy while sitting

On average, after 3 weeks, the patient can move into a sitting position. This is a set of simple exercises, the implementation of which is not difficult for a healthy person.

Therapeutic gymnastics sitting includes:

  • Head movements to develop the cervical region.
  • Sitting on the bed without support.
  • Bending the back with holding hands on the handrails.
  • Raising the legs in a sitting position.
  • Performing grasping exercises to restore hand motility.

Children's toys will perfectly help to develop fine motor skills, which will also have a beneficial effect on the patient's speech.

We perform exercise therapy while standing

The first step at this stage is to try to get on your feet with outside help, and then without it. If possible, it is advisable to use special simulators that are available in rehabilitation centers.

Therapeutic gymnastics after a stroke is also possible at home. At first, special devices for creating a support will not be superfluous.

In a standing position, you can apply the following exercises:

  • An attempt to maintain balance in a position where the legs are shoulder-width apart and the arms are at the seams.
  • Mahi arms and legs, their rise, as well as squats.
  • Tilts of the body forward, backward and in different directions.

This is only the initial set of the simplest exercises in a standing position. When the patient feels self-confident, he can diversify them, but this must be done in a balanced way. The main thing here is to do everything with an increasing level of load and slowly. Therapeutic exercise should become a daily activity for people who have suffered a stroke.

Post-stroke recovery exercises at home

One of the most important methods of effective rehabilitation is recovery exercises, without which it is impossible to achieve the best results. You need to approach their implementation responsibly and be systematic.

The recovery process is quite long and the patient needs to pick up exercises after a stroke at home after being discharged from the medical institution where first aid was provided. Often during the recovery period, patients experience astheno-depressive syndrome, which is manifested by irritability and apathy.

Relatives need to approach this state with understanding, and try to support the person. It is necessary to try to raise his spirit and instill faith and hope that the efforts made will be useful and return to normal life. You also need to make sure that the recommendations of the doctor are strictly followed, since negligence in this matter is simply unacceptable.

The most important condition for the restoration of all lost functions is proper rehabilitation at home. Exercises for the patient should be scheduled, starting from the first day after the attack, and over time, this complex changes depending on what improvements are present in the patient's condition. On the website of Dr. Bubnovsky, you can find information that will be useful to the patient.

What is mental exercise

Our brain has a huge number of neural connections. As a result of a stroke, its entire areas are affected, which are responsible for certain functions of the human body. Doctors prescribe medications to help relieve inflammation and protect the neurons that remain unharmed.

The patient, even having completely lost the ability to move, can do mental physical education before he can do exercises after a stroke at home. It will help the body recover much faster and regain its former activity.

Even if a man or woman has ceased to feel any part of the body, they can consciously give her clear commands that stimulate movement, imagining how this happens. Such exercises can be of great benefit to the body, and the correction will occur many times faster.

Thought is a powerful tool for influencing the body. With its help, you can do a workout at home, even when there is no physical opportunity for this at the moment.

With the help of simulators for recovery after a stroke, you can significantly speed up the process of recovery and rehabilitation. They can be used from the first days after stabilization of the patient's condition. Their disadvantage is that they are quite expensive and their use is usually limited to hospital conditions.

What you need to do in combination with exercises for a speedy recovery:

  1. Speech restoration one of the priorities for the patient, sessions with a speech therapist and injections of stem cells will be very useful.
  2. Memory recovery is also an important condition for returning to a full life. Finger games, the study of poetry and a return to the memories of the past in a warm atmosphere of understanding and support of loved ones will help to quickly cope with this task.
  3. Articulation restoration performed using a set of exercises for the muscles of the neck and face, as well as their massage. Speech therapy classes are also held to help restore the function of the speech apparatus and train it.

Recovery of the body after a stroke is a long and responsible process. It must be passed in order to regain the lost health and capabilities of the body, approaching the matter responsibly, since lost time can lead to irreversible consequences.

Gymnastics after a stroke is an important part of the patient's rehabilitation from this serious condition. Only thanks to the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor, drug treatment, physiotherapy exercises, the patient will gradually recover.

In a stroke, blood flow is disrupted in a specific area of ​​the brain. Oxygen access with nutritional components for the cellular structures of the brain is reduced. This leads to paralysis of the right or left side of the patient's body, facial numbness, impaired speech function.

A person who has undergone this disease requires careful attention to himself, constant care. It takes a long time to restore brain functions.

How to prepare for the recovery of the patient

Procedures should be carried out with a period of 2 to 3 hours. The physical rehabilitation of the patient requires great endurance and care of relatives caring for the patient.

To restore the lost functions of the patient, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the treating neurologist:

  • The change in the patient's posture should be constant for every 2-3 hours. It is required to change the position of the patient from one side to another in order to prevent congestion with bedsores.
  • The patient is obliged to perform passive gymnastics in the form of movements with outside help in order to reduce muscle spasms.
  • Perform breathing recovery exercises, combining with passive gymnastics on inhalation and exhalation. This will increase the supply of oxygen to the brain, the muscles will involuntarily tighten and relax.
  • Active load consists in the fact that at the beginning of physical exercises the patient performs lying in bed, then walks, slowly walking. After an ischemic stroke, this will restore the health of the patient, reduce the likelihood of recurrent strokes.

In order for the muscles not to overstrain, each exercise must be performed with one or two approaches, with a gradual increase in them. The period between each lesson is 1 hour.

How to do passive gymnastics

Before you perform passive exercises to recover from a stroke, you need to prepare the patient's muscles for physical work. To do this, use massage.

Every massage rule must be observed:

  • Perform movements gently, in a circular manner.
  • The specialist is obliged to move from bottom to top: first massages the brush, goes to the shoulder. On the leg, the foot is massaged first, then the lower leg.
  • The thoracic spine is massaged from behind with tapping and pinching techniques.
  • Thoracic myofibers are kneaded from the central zone to the axillary regions.

After carrying out massage procedures, they begin exercise therapy after strokes at home. For rehabilitation after a stroke, exercise therapy is performed:

  • They bend the lower limb so that it then becomes straight on its own, having passed along the bed. This exercise will help restore the lost memory of movements.
  • Extend the lower limb in the same way. First, the leg is bent at the knee joint, and the patient tries to extend it.
  • The upper or lower limb is hung with a stretch band and rotated in circles. Also, all limbs are bent, unbent, carried out to the side. The patient tries to twist or perform movements with fixed limbs. During the day, such gymnastics is performed once for 30 minutes.
  • To restore the movements of the joint in the shoulder, it is necessary to raise and lower the arm, and also perform its flexion with extension.
  • Wrist muscles are being developed. It is necessary to clench your fingers into a fist and unclench at least 10 times.
  • To restore fine motor skills, small objects are placed in the patient's hand, they are helped to hold them with their fingers.

Typically, such a set of exercises for a stroke is performed at least two times. If improvements are achieved, then this restorative gymnastics after a stroke is performed no more than 3 times a day, for at least 33-37 minutes.

How to do it while sitting

Exercises after a stroke at home can be done while sitting. This requires:

  • Sit the patient on the bed, lower the lower limbs to the floor, use the hands to hold on to the bed. The patient bends in the back, protruding the chest. When inhaling, perform a deflection, relaxation occurs when exhaling.
  • The patient sits, the lower limbs are located on the bed. It is required to perform lifting of straight legs in turn. At the beginning, one limb is raised, then the next.
  • To relax your back, you need to put a pillow under it. The patient reaches his knee to the chest, clasping the leg with his hands. Then you need to raise your leg while inhaling, the movement is delayed at the chest, you must not breathe for 2-3 seconds. Perform in turn for each lower limb.
  • Sitting on the bed, the lower limbs lie horizontally, and the upper ones are retracted backwards, the palmar surfaces rest against the bed. During inhalation, the patient connects the scapular bones together with the tilting of the head backwards.

Performing such gymnastics after a stroke will gradually strengthen the back muscles and improve the patient's well-being.

What exercises are performed while standing

Physical therapy after a stroke is performed in the following order:

  • The patient picks up a small object lying on the table; in the future, with an improvement in well-being, you can pick up a thing from the floor surface.
  • Raise the upper limbs up and stretch, resting on the socks. Perform when inhaling, relax when exhaling.
  • The lower limbs are shoulder-width apart, the palms are located on the belt. It is necessary to lean forward and backward, to the right and left sides.
  • The patient is standing straight. The upper limbs are extended anteriorly. You need to wave your arms a little in a horizontal plane.
  • The soles are joined together. The patient squats, keeps the back straight, the heels do not come off the floor.
  • The lower limbs are shoulder-width apart. Palms at the waist. It is necessary to turn the body first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • Walk around a bit.
  • Wave the lower limb, performing a clap with the palms under it.

How to develop language and face

Exercise therapy after a stroke is performed by patients with impaired speech function. More often, speech does not return as quickly as motor activity, sometimes it takes years to fully recover. The main factor for restoring speech is that stroke patients should listen to how any real person talks.

The patient needs communication, then the effectiveness of exercise therapy exercises to restore speech will be higher.

Therapeutic exercises for facial myofibers and tongue are as follows:

  • The patient shows the tongue, fully stretching it anteriorly to its full length.
  • Then he licks his lips in a circular motion, first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • Lightly bites in turn, first the lower, then the upper lip.
  • Performs grinning of teeth.
  • Curls lips into a tube.
  • Clicks tongue.

Gymnastics, aimed at pronunciation of words, takes place as follows:

  • First, the patient pronounces some sounds in alphabetical order.
  • Then he learns to say a few simple words or the roots of complex ones, there is no need to pronounce the endings.
  • Then you need to practice pronouncing the full words correctly.
  • At the last stage, you can try to say verses, a few tongue twisters.

What effect does exercise therapy have?

The work of the brain is restored with the help of exercise therapy for stroke in three ways:

  • Defective neurons are restored. Some nerve cells after the disease are not damaged, but do not function, they do not send an impulse from the motor center to the muscle fibers. To resume their functions, commands must be sent in a different order, in other words, from the hand or foot to the brain, through exercise after a stroke. Progress will appear gradually.
  • Dead nerve cells are replaced by new ones. Performing exercises at home, blood supply to functioning myofibers is provided. Oxygen supply with nutritional components is carried out to living neurons faster. This accelerates the growth of new cellular structures around the surviving neurons, they communicate with each other, and the motor activity is gradually controlled by the brain.
  • The work of dead neurons is compensated by neighboring nerve cells. Thanks to gymnastics, commands go to neighboring brain areas that do the work of dead neurons.

In addition to gradually recovering brain functions in stroke, exercise therapy has a good effect on the entire body of the patient. The immune system is strengthened, articular surfaces become mobile, muscle hypertonicity of the injured side is reduced.

What gymnastics to perform at different periods of a stroke

In the acute (first 3 days) and acute (up to 28 days) period of the disease, respiratory and passive gymnastics are performed, and they are also treated with the help of the position:

  • During breathing exercises, the patient rhythmically inhales and exhales, accelerating or slowing down breathing, breathes with the stomach, then with the chest and vice versa.
  • With the help of the position, muscle hypertonicity of the damaged limbs is removed. Pay attention to the shoulder muscles, flexors of the arm and sole, leading to the femoral myofibers and calf extensors.
  • From 1.5 to 2 hours each bring the affected arm and leg to the correct position.
  • The upper limb is placed on a pillow, horizontally placing it parallel to the body. Slowly retract until a 90° angle is formed. Then the hand turns outward, fixed with a splint.
  • The injured lower limb is bent at an angle of 15 to 20°, a roller is placed.
  • A passively performed type of exercise therapy begins only after the tone of the damaged muscle has decreased. Gymnastics is performed first on normal, then on the affected limbs.

With an early recovery period (from 28-29 days to six months), the patient gradually moves from passive gymnastics to active exercises. Muscles begin to voluntarily contract.

The patient is able to be in a sitting position on the bed, so he performs gymnastics while sitting.

At this time, you need to prepare to walk. In the supine position, the patient walks, as it were, such exercises will help in the future when walking.

In the late recovery period (from six months to 2 years), in order to restore lost movement skills, exercise therapy is performed after a stroke, aimed at overcoming resistance:

  • Sitting on a chair, the lower limbs are pressed against the floor surface. Without emphasis on the upper limbs, while inhaling, the patient gets up, exhaling, he sits down.
  • In a sitting position on a chair, the patient raises the heel zone, pressing his socks to the floor. In a slow rhythm, the lower limbs rise, the ankles rotate for 20 seconds, then lower the legs to the starting position.
  • Become straight, rest your hands on the back of the chair. The patient rises on his toes, stands for 5-6 seconds and falls to the opposite position.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient and his relatives will face various problems. The more persistently they endure, the more actively motor skills will be restored.

In contact with

Stroke is an insidious disease that affects the structures of the human brain, causing serious damage in it. Pathology leads to the failure of various functions of the body and never goes unnoticed. Restoration of health during the rehabilitation period, in addition to drug therapy, is facilitated by constant, strictly dosed and individually selected physical activity. In the materials of our article, the reader will find answers to many questions. For example, what is the essence of exercise therapy after a stroke? Is the set of exercises prescribed by the doctor performed only during the period of stay in the hospital or does it continue with home treatment? What types of loads are applicable for such a diagnosis? And much more.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is an acute violation of the blood circulation of the brain structures, the symptoms of which appear suddenly and occur in separate foci or in the general structure as a whole.

This pathology often leads to death. According to statistics, after ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular diseases are in second place among the causes leading to mortality from pathologies of the circulatory system. Cerebral infarction and various cerebral hemorrhages are also a type of stroke.

If the manifestations of the disease can be detected in a timely manner and begin immediate treatment, the patient has a chance for life. However, pathology in most cases leads to a violation of the motor or sensory functions of the body, causes a deterioration in brain activity - a violation of speech, memory, orientation in space, and thinking.

Depending on what type of stroke is diagnosed in a patient, the patient's chances of recovering and continuing a full life also vary. Thus, ischemic strokes, which make up 75-80% in the structure of the disease, are easier to treat. has more severe consequences and is much more difficult to treat.

Why is rehabilitation needed?

The treatment of patients who have undergone such a disease is a complex process, consisting of many stages and requiring patience and a systematic approach. Therapy begins with resuscitation, where the patient is given direct treatment to survive. Further, the specialists of the neurological hospital are engaged in the restoration of the affected brain cells of the patient.

It must be understood that the effect of drug treatment is not unlimited. However, there are additional techniques that can speed up recovery after a stroke. LFC is one of them.

Pathological changes in the structures of the brain are irreversible - dead cells cannot be restored, and this neurological deficit is irreparable. Fortunately, brain activity and impaired motor activity are inextricably linked. Therefore, the restoration of the patient's mental skills can occur after the return of motor function in the paralyzed limbs or throughout the body.

Movement prevents stagnation of blood in paralyzed tissues and restores muscle memory, as well as mobilizes the activity of other neurons not affected by pathological processes. Dosed physical activity will help restore brain function. Therefore, it is very important after the patient is discharged from the hospital to start immediately performing a set of exercises aimed at improving the condition of the body as a whole.

The effect of physical activity

As noted earlier, the treatment and rehabilitation strategy should be implemented gradually, step by step and methodically. This means that until the goal is achieved, a lot of time will pass, desire and discipline will be required both on the part of the patient himself, and on the part of relatives or people caring for him. At the initial stage in the hospital and care is provided by doctors. Recovery procedures, such as massage and light physical activity, begin almost from the first day after the onset of the disease. exercise therapy and :

  • protect the skin from the occurrence of bedsores, especially in the legs - in the heel areas, where there is the greatest contact with the bed, and the body is subjected to increased pressure;
  • reduce muscle tone and general tension that occurs with paralysis due to a stroke; at the same time, increased excitability gradually passes;
  • improve tissue microcirculation, gradually restoring normal blood circulation;
  • help to resume fine movements in the hands and upper limbs in general;
  • against the background of a stroke, contracture can occur - restriction of movement in the joint with stiffening of the muscles that are in constant overstrain. Physical exercises provide prevention of this phenomenon.

Where to begin?

The question of how long it will take to partially restore the lost functions of the body in the post-stroke period cannot be answered unambiguously.

It all depends on the type of pathology, the size of the lesion and localization in the brain structures, as well as the time that has passed from the moment the disease manifested itself to the provision of medical care. Accordingly, the higher these indicators, the worse the forecasts. In any case, one should not lose heart and give up, it is necessary to fight for life and health. Before proceeding with the recovery procedures, it is necessary to consult a doctor - a set of exercises in each case will be different. For example, exercise therapy after an ischemic stroke differs from exercise in a hemorrhagic type of pathology.

At first, in case of paralysis of the patient (complete or one of the sides), within a week or two, it is recommended to act on the muscles by changing position. To avoid stagnation of blood and the formation of bedsores, it is recommended to turn the patient every 2-3 hours.

After a specified period of time, passive types of loads (massage) begin, which are feasible with the help of third parties. The purpose of these manipulations is to relax the muscles and prepare them for subsequent (active) loads.

Massage and passive loads

There are certain rules when performing massage manipulations. To begin with, through circular movements, you should warm up the skin and ensure blood flow to the tissues. Efforts should not be excessive, rather an easy and pleasant procedure is needed. Massage (passive exercise therapy) of the hands after a stroke is performed from top to bottom - from the hand to the shoulder. Accordingly, the legs are kneaded from the foot to the hips.

When massaging the surface of the body, specifically the back, sharper movements are used with pinching and tapping. When massaging the chest, soft pressure is used, movements are performed in a circle from the center outward.

After massage procedures, passive loads begin. These include alternate flexion and extension of the limbs - arms and legs. The mechanism for performing the exercises is as follows. The patient is laid on his back, and the limb is lifted and bent at the joint so that when unbent, it slides along the surface of the bed. Through these exercises, exercise therapy after a stroke for the legs, as well as hands, gradually restore the motor memory of the body. An important indicator of success in this case is the systematic procedures - exercises are carried out for 40 minutes twice a day, starting from the second week - three times a day.

Mental physical education

As noted above, limb movement is controlled by muscle memory. To restore it, daily mental gymnastics is necessary. The following scheme is recommended. When performing physical exercises, it is necessary to repeat the command out loud many times. For example, when bending the arm, say: “I bend my arm, I move my fingers, etc.” If it is difficult for the patient to pronounce words at this stage, close people should do it for him. This technique is also good because it trains the patient's speech apparatus. Mental exercise therapy after a stroke (at home should be done methodically and constantly) leads to good recovery rates.

Throughout the course of treatment, it is necessary to praise the patient for any actions on his part, to encourage and reassure him in every possible way, to set him up for a positive outcome of the situation. Often, patients with a similar diagnosis are reluctant to engage in physical education, experience depressive states, and do not believe in their own strength. This is the wrong position. Psychological attitude is the key to success in any business. It is important to explain to a person that the result of treatment depends only on him, and no one but himself will help him.

Speech restoration

The consequence of a stroke can be not only a violation of motor function, but also a speech disorder of the patient. Such failures in the body last for a long time, from several months to several years, and require constant recovery measures. The patient needs perseverance, a constant desire to recover and methodical exercise. You can not stop classes in any case, and then sooner or later the result and positive dynamics will appear.

Exercises for the articular apparatus are aimed at restoring the lost function of nerve cells located in the zone of the speech center. Firstly, in order for the patient's speech to return to normal, he must constantly hear it from others. The task of relatives and friends is to constantly talk with a person who has had a stroke so that in the future he can reproduce sounds on his own.

If speech is completely lost, one should begin with the pronunciation of individual sounds, then syllables, then words, the volume of which should constantly increase over time. At the final stage, it is useful to read poetry and pronounce tongue twisters. Good results in treatment are given by music. It is useful for the patient to listen to singing, and also to try to sing songs himself - first simple, then more serious.

Articulation exercises. Memory recovery

As a result of a stroke, there is a violation of the mobility of the facial muscles, followed by their freezing. This phenomenon leads to the loss of a person's ability to speak. A set of exercises is provided for training the speech apparatus. The patient is recommended:

  • push the tongue forward as far as possible;
  • curl your lips into a tube, bare your teeth;
  • lick your lips with your tongue from left to right and from right to left;
  • bite alternately upper and lower lips.

With a stroke, memory is impaired, and one of the most important tasks in rehabilitation is the restoration of this particular type of nervous activity. Along with drug therapy, specialists carry out functional and restorative correction with the patient. The technique involves memorizing numbers, words, poems.

In addition, board games have a positive effect on memory recovery. In general, the game technique used in rehabilitation gives good results - the patient concentrates on the action being performed, on the one hand, and is distracted from the situation and the surrounding reality, on the other.

Active loads

When the first results appear and the patient gains confidence in his own abilities and a favorable outcome of the disease, you can gradually move on to active physical activity. During this period, as a rule, the patient is discharged, and changing the situation of the hospital to home walls helps to improve the mood and raise the "fighting spirit" of the person.

Exercise therapy exercises after a stroke (at home) are quite diverse. At first, it can be classes in bed, then - in a sitting and standing position. After success in these stages, you can move on to walking. It should be noted that in each case, the intensity of the loads may differ, and should be calculated by the doctor in accordance with the patient's history.

Loads should be daily and take several hours during the day at separate intervals.

In a sitting position, it consists of a set of the following exercises:

  • training of the eye muscles can be performed by rotating the eyeballs in different directions - diagonally, from right to left, from top to bottom, open and close the eyelids, such exercises help to normalize pressure;
  • to relieve tension after the above exercises will help squinting, with a repetition of 10-15 times;
  • stretch the muscles of the neck allow rotation of the head in different directions and at a different pace;
  • after a stroke, it is necessary to develop the motor skills of the fingers, to train grasping reflexes. Expanders are used for these purposes;
  • You can train the muscles of the legs and feet by stretching and contracting them.

Consistently in a sitting state, you can move on to more amplitude exercises - lifting the limbs, on your own or with the help of a belt.

Exercise therapy standing

It should be noted that the standing position offers more opportunities for physical activity and training of the legs and arms.

Restorative gymnastics is based on basic exercises:

  • Raising the arms: the initial position of the body is straight, the arms are at the seams, the legs are shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to raise your hands while inhaling, lower them down while exhaling. The course should be repeated 4-6 times.
  • Squats without taking off the heels with stretching the arms forward. The purpose of the exercise is to maintain balance and train the muscles of the legs. The exercise is repeated 4-8 times.
  • Tilts to the left and right with the opposite arm stretched up.
  • Trunk twists, which are slow torso twists. The exercise is repeated at least 5 times.
  • In order to stretch the joints, they perform rotations with the hand and foot, bring their hands into the lock behind their backs.
  • Such an exercise helps to train both arms and legs at the same time - with an outstretched arm, they swing the leg of small amplitude to the side. In this case, it is recommended to hold on to the support with your free hand and not hold your breath. Manipulation is repeated 7-8 times with each leg.


After a person who has had a stroke gets a little stronger and gets used to the active load, you can proceed to classes on special simulators. The use of these devices will not only strengthen the muscular corset and restore motor function, but also improve the overall emotional state of the patient.

During the rehabilitation period, classes should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and with the use of heart monitors - devices with which you can track the performance of the heart.

Depending on the functional purpose of the simulator, all devices are conditionally combined into several groups.

  • A verticalizer is a device that gives a vertical position to the body of a person who cannot do this on his own. Such a simulator supports a person and gradually prepares him for “upright walking”.
  • "Lokomat" is a skeleton simulator - a device for those who are learning to walk again.
  • Mini-simulators - devices for training limbs and restoring motor skills of fingers.
  • Active-passive simulators help to restore the function of the joints of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Exercise bikes increase endurance and improve the general condition of the patient.

Important Rules

Rehabilitation is an incredibly important stage in the treatment process, so there is no time to waste. There are some rules, the implementation of which will help to achieve success and achieve good results in restoring the body of a sick person.

First of all, you must strictly adhere to the advice of your doctor. This means that you cannot be self-employed. Remember, only a specialist with education and work experience can correctly select and calculate the amount and intensity of physical activity in each case, that is, draw up an exercise therapy program after a stroke. The set of exercises is strictly individual.

Being engaged in active physical education, you can not overwork. You should start with light exercises, gradually moving on to more difficult ones. It is important to understand that the purpose of physical activity is not to build muscle mass, but to encourage new brain cells to work.

Before performing any exercise (active or passive), it is extremely important to warm up the skin so that all tissues receive blood flow. This is especially true for bedridden patients.

People who are close to a sick person need to monitor his mood, gently demand that he follow the doctor's instructions, and note any of his successes.

Do not forget about methodical and systematic rehabilitation measures. Exercise should be daily. Time is the best medicine.

About 90% of stroke patients remain disabled. It takes a lot of effort to restore normal brain activity. Rehabilitation takes a long time. It is carried out not only in the hospital, but also at home. Physical exercises after a stroke are aimed at restoring lost functions.

Why do exercises after a stroke at home

As a result of a stroke, a person has an acute cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Cells in the lesion die and can no longer perform their functions. Stroke is one of the most common causes of death after coronary heart disease. If stroke was noticed and treated in time, then a person has a chance for life, but dead brain cells are no longer restored.

Depending on the location of the lesion, the patient suffers from memory impairment, drowsiness, loss of orientation in space, and speech problems. Special rehabilitation exercises after a stroke help to improve the quality of life. It has the following effects on the body:

  • prevents blood stasis in paralyzed tissues;
  • restores muscle memory;
  • mobilizes the activity of intact neurons, which take over part of the functions of dead cells;
  • restores the ability of the brain to send motor impulses to the nerve endings;
  • stimulates blood flow, thereby improving the blood supply to the brain;
  • prevents the development of recurrent stroke.

The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures

Charging after a stroke at home has a positive effect not only on the brain. It is necessary for a person to master the lost functions, to adapt to self-service. Equally important is gymnastics for the prevention of complications, the danger of which is high due to the long stay of the patient in a state of forced immobility. Exercise after a stroke performs several functions:

  • improve blood microcirculation and metabolism;
  • relieve muscle spasms;
  • restore the functions of speech, thinking, memory;
  • improve body balance and coordination of movements;
  • provide prevention of congestive pneumonia, heart failure, blood clots with subsequent embolism (thrombosis of vital organs);
  • help the patient to adapt to the current situation;
  • restore the sensitivity of the affected parts of the body;
  • prevent the development of contractures - muscle stiffening;
  • prevent the formation of bedsores in the back, feet, heels and other places that experience high pressure in the supine position;
  • resume subtle movements of the hands and upper limbs.


Performing gymnastics after a stroke has one indication - the presence of violations of the motor, sensory functions of the body and others. These include:

  • memory problems;
  • hearing impairment;
  • speech defects;
  • spastic paralysis, increased muscle tone;
  • paralysis of half or completely of the whole body;
  • fine motor disorders;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • inability to carry out daily activities and self-service;
  • dementia (decrease in intellectual abilities);
  • poor coordination of movements.


Physical exercise after a stroke is not allowed for all patients. With the recurrence of this pathology in elderly patients, rehabilitation cannot include gymnastics. It is also contraindicated in the following cases:

  • if the patient is in a coma;
  • the presence of mental disorders;
  • the presence of symptoms of epilepsy, seizures;
  • a history of tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases.

Recovery after a stroke at home

The acute period of a stroke is the first six months after an attack. During this period, some of the brain cells die irrevocably, while others retain their abilities, but need help to fully restore their functions. This is what exercises are for. When the patient is conscious, gymnastics begin to be performed already on the third day after the attack. In order not to harm the body, rehabilitation is carried out in stages and methodically. The scheme for introducing certain exercises into the patient's daily regimen:

  1. At the initial stage, bedridden patients are cared for by a whole team of doctors in a hospital setting. At the first stage, only passive types of loads are used. Practically from the first day, specialists do massage, every 2-3 hours they turn the patient over to avoid the formation of bedsores.
  2. Further, passive gymnastics is carried out by third parties, relatives at home. With the help of massage, the patient's skin is heated to ensure blood flow to the tissues. The impact should not be too strong. The process should be easy and pleasant. As for exercises, with passive loads, flexion / extension of the limbs - arms and legs - is allowed. The patient is laid on his back, after which the arm or leg is lifted and bent. Such actions are carried out 2 times during the day for 40 minutes in the first week, and then 3 times a day. Additionally, it is allowed to perform exercises to restore speech, memory, articulation.
  3. After a passive load, breathing exercises are added to normalize gas exchange, saturate tissues with oxygen and improve muscle function. Additionally, it improves mood and increases endurance, which prepares a person for further active loads.
  4. Physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) are prescribed when the patient has the first positive results and he already has self-confidence. This period often coincides with discharge from the hospital. A change of scenery has a positive effect on mood and subsequent rehabilitation. First, exercises are performed in bed, then in a sitting position, and then standing.

A set of exercises after a stroke

During recovery after a stroke at home, not only exercise therapy is important. Relatives of the patient who are engaged in rehabilitation must follow several rules:

  • start rehabilitation from the first days of hospitalization and continue at home until the restoration of lost functions;
  • exercise regularly, since only systematicity will help to achieve good results;
  • carry out restoration in stages, without changing the stages of rehabilitation in places;
  • restore lost functions in parallel, including speech, memory, movement;
  • ensure constant monitoring of the patient by a neuropathologist and a rehabilitation specialist, since only they can control the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

For torso

The main goal of doing these exercises at home is to reduce the risk of falls. This is achieved by improving the balance and stability of the body position. Rules:

  1. Exercises in this group are suitable for performing at the stage when physiotherapy exercises are allowed.
  2. At this stage, the patient must already carry out any movements himself.
  3. The first few days it is better to do each exercise for 1-2 sets. Then it is allowed to increase their number to 3-4.

The following exercises are considered effective:

  • Body twists. Performed sitting on a chair. The right hand must be placed on the outer surface of the left thigh. The back should be straight. Leaning on the right hand, you need to make a turn to the left, as if looking back, and then return to the starting position. The movement is performed 15 times in one direction and the other.
  • Body tilts to the side. Starting position - sitting on a chair. From this position, you need to lower yourself, trying to stretch your left shoulder to your left hip, while leaning to the side. Then the same is repeated with the right half. For each you need to perform 15 repetitions.
  • Torso forward. Starting position - sitting on the edge of the chair. Hands must be clasped, straightened in front of you and not bent. In this position, you need to lean forward, trying to stretch your upper limbs to your toes. Next, you need to hold this position for 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10.

For legs

You can restore the functionality of the leg muscles with the help of stretching exercises, improving mobility and increasing muscle strength. Stretching is essential to prevent injury, increase range of motion, and increase blood circulation. Mobility exercises improve the condition of the joints, and the restoration of muscle strength increases endurance. To achieve these goals at home, you must do the following:

  • Stretching the muscles of the legs. Suitable for the stage of passive loads. The patient is in the supine position. His left leg must be bent and thrown over the right, and then held for 30-60 seconds. The same is repeated with the other limb. For each, you need to do 3-4 sets of 3-4 times.
  • Leg twists to the side. Suitable for the recovery phase of physiotherapy exercises. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees. Feet should be completely on the floor. Next, keeping your legs together, tilt them to the right and then to the left. This improves the mobility of the hip joints. You need to do 3-4 sets of 8-10 times.
  • Walking. This is the easiest form of physical activity. It is suitable for the stage when a person is able to move independently, even if he does it with the help of a walker or a cane. You need to walk at least 20-30 minutes several times throughout the day.
  • Squats. You need to stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Next, you need to sit down so that the heels do not come off the floor, and the hips are parallel to it. At the same time, the hands are pulled forward. Then they return to their original position. You need to perform at least 4-10 squats. Exercises are suitable for the stage when the patient is already able to move.

For hands

Passive hand movements at home can be performed with the help of an outsider or a healthy limb. Effective exercise options:

  • Shoulder flexion. Lie on your back, put your hands on your chest. Next, the affected limb, with the help of a healthy one, is raised as high as possible, after which it is slowly lowered back. You need to do 3 sets of 8-10 times.
  • Reinforcement of the shoulder girdle. Lie on your back, stretch your arms vertically above the body. Next, tear off the surface of the shoulder blades, thereby slightly raising the upper body. This position is held for a couple of seconds, after which they slowly return to their original position. Repeat the exercise 8 times, do 2 more sets.

When the patient is already able to perform any actions himself, then you can start more active exercises that improve muscle control. At home, you can do the following:

  • Grasp the handle of the refrigerator with the fingers of the affected hand. Close and open the door 10-12 times.
  • Carry a bag around the house. As it improves, increase its weight.
  • Turn the light on and off with the affected hand. Perform several times throughout the day.

For brush

After a stroke, special attention should be paid to the restoration of motor skills. To regain control over the brush, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Extension / flexion of the hand. You need to put your forearms on the table with your palms down. In this case, the brushes should hang down from the edge. Then they need to move up and down. It is necessary to do 8-10 times. Then the same is repeated with the palms turned up.
  • Flexion/extension of the thumb. The palm must be fully opened. Next, the thumb is bent towards the little finger and unbent back. The movement is repeated 8-10 times, after which 2 more approaches are made. Then the thumb of the other hand is trained in the same way.
  • Other exercises. To improve fine motor skills, it is recommended to squeeze and unclench your fingers, count small objects with your hands, such as coins, unclench laundry chips, solve puzzles, play chess and checkers or other board games.

For eyes

CVA causes nerve paresis, which can cause problems with oculomotor function. To restore it, a set of special exercises after a stroke is prescribed at home, which can be performed already on the third day after an attack:

  • Diagonal eye movement. You need to mow them to the lower left corner, and then move them straight up. Do the same to the right. You need to repeat the movements 8-10 times, and in total, perform 3-4 approaches.
  • For about 30-60 seconds, perform smooth circular eye movements in one direction and the other.
  • Then you can blink quickly for half a minute, after which you look ahead for the same amount, completely eliminating blinking.
  • Close the eyelids, slightly press on the recesses above the eyeballs, and then sharply release the fingers. Do 4-5 times.
  • For 30 seconds, perform eye movements, writing out a figure eight in the air.

To restore articulation

Articulation is understood as the totality of the work of the pronunciation organs in the formation of sounds. After a stroke, speech may become slurred. To improve pronunciation already in the hospital and then at home, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Stick out the tongue, pull it first to the chin, then to the tip of the nose. Do 10-12 times, 3-4 sets.
  • Protrude the lower jaw forward, grabbing the upper lip with the lower lip. This position is held for 7-10 seconds, then there is a return to the starting position. Exercise is done in 3-4 sets, each with 10-12 repetitions.
  • For about 30 seconds, click your tongue - click up and down movements.
  • Smile widely so that all teeth are visible. Hold the smile for a few seconds, and then do the same, but with closed lips. Perform 2-3 sets, doing 10-12 repetitions.

To improve coordination

After a stroke, a person begins to stagger, his gait becomes uncertain, which often causes falls. To restore balance, perform special exercises. They are allowed at the stage when the patient is already engaged in exercise therapy. To improve coordination, you can perform the following exercises after a stroke at home:

  • Taking the leg to the side. You need to stand up straight, lean your hand on a table or cabinet. Next, the leg is taken to the side so that the angle between the line of the floor and the limb is approximately 45 degrees. Then it is slowly lowered. For each leg, you need to do 2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.
  • Walking in a straight line. A straight line must be drawn on the surface. The patient should walk, stepping on a straight line, while placing the heel of the left foot to the toe of the right and vice versa. You need to walk several times for 3-4 minutes.
  • Toe stand. Stand up straight, lean your hands on a cabinet or table. Next, you need to rise on your toes, fix the position for 10 seconds, and then lower yourself on your heels. Do 8-10 times.

To restore memory

To restore cognitive functions, use the technique of mental physical education. It is prescribed to restore muscle memory. The essence of the procedure is that while performing movements, you need to pronounce them, for example, “I move my fingers, bend my arm,” etc. If the patient cannot speak himself yet, then a close person who is engaged in rehabilitation should do it for him. To improve ordinary memory, it is recommended to do the following at home:

  • talk with a person about his interests, hobbies, lifestyle, traditions;
  • read and memorize poems together, engage with him in memorizing numbers, the alphabet, events and facts;
  • walk around familiar places
  • turn on music so that the patient learns the song, and then sings it himself;
  • prepare the patient's favorite meals, as the smells and tastes associated with the former life train the tactile receptors.

What exercise equipment is used after a stroke at home

When in the process of exercise therapy a person is already used to active loads, you can start exercising on special simulators. Their use will help strengthen the muscular corset and almost completely restore motor function. You can use the following trainers:

  • Mini trainers. Helps in the restoration of fine motor skills of the fingers. Examples of simulators: "Shagonog", "Bud".
  • "Active-passive". This is the name of simulators designed for active and passive development of the upper or lower limbs. They provide an active workout with variable resistance generated by the motor.
  • Exercise bikes. Improve the motor functions of the legs, increase endurance in general.
  • Verticalizer. Also called a stander. The simulator is a device for giving a person a vertical position. It can support the patient from the front or back and even move on wheels. By giving the body a vertical position, it is possible to redistribute blood in the body and improve blood supply.
  • "Lokomat", or exoskeleton. This is the name of a robotic orthopedic simulator designed to restore walking skills. It is used in conjunction with a treadmill. The simulator helps to regain lost movement skills, “verticalize” and start walking again.

Breathing exercises after a stroke

Breathing exercises are recommended to be performed even while in the hospital. The patient should take deep breaths throughout the day and take them as often as possible. It is allowed to alternate chest and abdominal breathing. When the doctor allows you to sit, you can not bend your back so that the inhaled air expands the lungs as much as possible. At home, you can perform the following breathing exercises to recover from a stroke:

  • Slowly inhale deeply, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale gradually. Repeat 8-10 times, perform 3-4 sets.
  • Inflate the balloon several times. Perform the exercise 3-4 times a day.
  • Dip the straw into a cup of water. Make several exhalations through it so that the liquid gurgles.


For stroke patients, a mandatory period of rehabilitation is indicated to restore lost skills - walking, speaking, self-care. For this, physical therapy classes, speech and memory training are held. They are most effective when combined with dietary nutrition, drug treatment, supplemented with folk remedies.

Read in this article

Life after a stroke: recovery periods

Rehabilitation of a patient after acute cerebrovascular accident involves a gradual increase in stress. First, stabilization is required. As a rule, patients are discharged after 20-25 days of treatment in a hospital. At home, you can start exercising, provided that you have managed to normalize, there is no sharp weakness and depressive reactions.

Rehabilitation up to 3 months

The early period after a stroke is considered the most important, since at this time there is a maximum recovery of functions. At this stage it is possible to achieve:

  • independent sitting, standing near the bed, going to the toilet, dressing and eating;
  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • control over the work of the bladder and intestines;
  • improvement of vision and speech;
  • appearance of sensitivity.

With proper treatment, by the end of 2 months, the patient manages to stand on his feet and maintain balance. When walking, support in the form of a walker or stick is required. It is important to organize physiotherapy exercises at least 2-3 times a day. A set of exercises consists of a consistent study of all muscle groups of both the healthy and the affected side, it is preliminarily necessary to warm up the muscle tissue and eliminate spasm.

Hand recovery after a stroke

Period up to six months

After the restoration of self-care skills (in full or in part), more substantial walking training begins. First, with the help of a relative or instructor, and then on their own, the patient must confidently move around the apartment, go for a walk.

The first weeks require mandatory accompaniment, and in the future it is necessary to provide the possibility of emergency communication with the patient. It must be remembered that there is no full guarantee of the absence of a relapse of the disease or a sudden fall, even after a period of successful recovery.

At first, short walks and stairs are necessary, and by the end of the 6th month, it is recommended to abandon devices and outside help. The patient must fully own the cutlery, the ability to write, memorize and reproduce coherent texts. Remedial gymnastics includes weights (light dumbbells, plastic water bottles, sandbags on the limbs).

Recovery after a stroke up to a year

Outdoor walks are becoming longer and longer - from 1.5 to 2 or more hours. They should alternate with rest, overwork should not be allowed. Speech in this period is usually restored or is less confused. It is important to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. To do this, they use sewing, knitting, weaving, playing musical instruments, picking up puzzles.

Up to 18 months, almost 90% of patients can do without outside help, subject to full compliance with medical recommendations:

  • daily workouts;
  • proper nutrition;
  • taking prescribed medications;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • control of blood pressure, and blood sugar.

Exercises for rehabilitation after ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke

Motor activity is given the main place in the recovery of patients. It is important to ensure the systematicity of classes and the introduction of at least 2 workouts into the daily routine. Be sure to start the exercises on the healthy side, and then alternate them with the affected limbs. When fatigue occurs, a pause is necessary, several breathing cycles with exhalation stretching, and then you can continue the exercises.

To reduce spasm

Muscle spasticity is reduced when a special complex is carried out according to the Bobath method. All movements are smooth and slow, repeated at first three, and then five times:

  • the thumb is retracted to a right angle, in this position you need to linger for up to 3 minutes;
  • extension of the remaining fingers of the hand;
  • with the thumb extended and held, bend and unbend the hand, the entire arm in the shoulder;
  • when fixing the thumb, abduction to the side and adduction of the hand are carried out (with the help of an instructor in therapeutic exercises or a relative);
  • stretch and pull the big toe towards you, fix the position for 2 minutes or longer until the muscles are completely relaxed;
  • lie on your back, bend your leg at the knee. If this movement is difficult, then you should knock with your hand under the knee. Pull the foot by the thumb to the side and down.

Bobath therapy

For upper limb

Movement in the arm is restored worse than in the affected leg. A feature of paralysis with is a violation of the work of the deltoid muscle, which fixes the shoulder joint. When the patient begins to sit, stand or walk, the dangling arm can, under its own weight, provoke stretching of the joint capsule and dislocation. To strengthen the shoulder use:

  • abduction of the hand to the side;
  • circular movements of the shoulders alternately and together;
  • lifting the shoulders up and down;
  • adduction and dilution of the shoulder blades;
  • sitting or standing with straightened arms, show open palms and turn the back of the hands (supination and pronation).

After the shoulder, they move on to the elbow joint (flexion, slow extension with fixation) and the wrist joint. The brush should be practiced as often as possible, as it takes longer to recover. To do this, you can use any position - lying, sitting or standing, first you should help yourself with a healthy hand. Movements are carried out in all directions and planes - bending, turning to the side, circular rotations in both directions, imitation of screwing in a light bulb.

For leg development

First you need to carry out flexion and extension in the hip joint, knee and foot in the prone position. If the patient can stand, then add circles with the hips, rotation with the knees. In bed, the following complex is recommended:

  • bring the leg bent at the knee to itself and then completely straighten it;
  • lying with straight legs, take the affected limb to the side and return to its original position;
  • slide your heels on the bed;
  • imitate cycling (on the weakened side at first with outside help);
  • alternately raise your legs, using a belt or rubber bandage for this.

Watch the video about exercises for developing legs:

Recovery equipment

In the process of rehabilitation, special devices provide significant assistance, they are purchased in specialized stores of medical equipment. They are designed taking into account the violation of movement in one side of the body, more advanced models have feedback functions, help to set an individual mode of toning.

The most common varieties are:

  • exercise bike for legs;
  • treadmill with side rails;

Manual exercise bike

Also, a variety of improvised means can be no less effective - an expander, a rubber bandage fixed on a static object or closed in a ring, an ordinary mop stick, a ball, bars, steps. An inflatable pillow is used to train balance, first sitting and then standing. Plasticine, beans are useful for developing a brush, from which you need to lay out a figure.

Speech rehabilitation

The most intensive recovery of speech function is noted in the first six months from the onset, it can last up to 2-3 years with extensive lesions or untimely treatment. Depending on which areas of the brain are affected, patients experience either a motor or sensory form of speech impairment (aphasia). In the first case, the patient:

  • hears speech, perceives it by ear;
  • understands the words addressed to him;
  • responds to requests;
  • cannot pronounce a phrase or formulate a thought;
  • when reading and writing there are difficulties, so patients avoid them.

Watch the video about exercises for restoring speech in motor aphasia:

With sensory aphasia, the patient does not pay attention to the speech of others, his own words are incoherent, not controlled by him. Reading is possible, but the meaning of the continuations is incomprehensible, the skill of writing is completely lost. Human speech is characterized by insufficient meaningfulness, gesticulation. Since patients try to explain their thoughts to others, but they do not understand him, this leads to irritability and resentment.

For speech rehabilitation, the following techniques are used:

  • cards with written letters, syllables and words from which you need to compose and read a sentence;
  • encouragement to communicate - questions, requests, joint singing, reciting poetry;
  • listening to the patient's favorite audiobooks with a retelling of their content;
  • viewing pictures and asking them to describe.

If speech restoration is carried out at home, then it is important for relatives to maintain a friendly attitude even to minor attempts to pronounce words, not to correct mistakes, but only to cheer up patients. In overcoming a speech defect, perseverance and constant communication with the patient are needed.

Watch the video about exercises for restoring speech with sensory aphasia:

Nutrition after a stroke

Since in the vast majority of cases, patients with stroke have a tendency to atherosclerosis, it is recommended to avoid the use of:

  • fatty meat (pork, lamb);
  • meat broths;
  • any animal fat;
  • offal;
  • cream and sour cream, cottage cheese containing more than 10% fat, cheese above 40% fat;
  • sausages, wieners, frankfurters, semi-finished products.

With increased pressure, minimize the amount of table salt to 3-4 g per day. It is recommended to sharply reduce the content of white flour and sugar, alcohol, caffeine in the diet.

The basis of dietary nutrition is fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread with bran.

The protein source should be:

  • boiled fish;
  • boiled, chopped or baked chicken or turkey meat;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • low-fat varieties of cottage cheese and cheese;
  • seafood.

Vegetable oil should be added to salads, it is not recommended to fry on it. Also, in the finished dish, you can put no more than a tablespoon of sour cream or cream, 5 g of butter per day.

Folk remedies

The role of herbal remedies in recovery after a stroke is associated with the presence of the following medicinal properties:

There is a recipe for collecting from plants that has passed clinical trials, patients were observed for 8 years after a stroke.

It was noted that in the group of patients who took medications (antiplatelet agents, nootropics,) and additionally drank a decoction of herbs 2 times a day, the risk of repeated acute circulatory disorders significantly decreased, almost all patients noted an improvement in well-being - headache, dizziness disappeared or decreased, increased physical and mental performance.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take the following parts of plants (in tablespoons of crushed raw materials):

A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cooled to room temperature, the broth is filtered. You need to drink it warm 30 minutes before meals. If medications are prescribed, then the break between them and herbs should be at least an hour. Reception lasts a month, then 2 weeks off. Such treatment is carried out for a long time.

Recovery of patients after ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke takes from several months to several years. Therefore, it is important to know which techniques can be used at home.

To improve movements in the limbs, therapeutic exercises are used, it is supplemented with exercises on simulators. Speech rehabilitation includes training auditory, visual perception of words, motivation to communicate. A necessary condition for successful treatment is a properly selected diet and a combination of drug therapy with herbal preparations.

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  • When an ischemic stroke occurs, recovery takes a fairly long period. Is a full recovery possible? Yes, if you complete a full course of rehabilitation, incl. for speech restoration. What are the deadlines? What is needed after an extensive, cerebellar stroke, left side?