Menu for the wedding anniversary at home. A simple menu for celebrating a wedding at home. Wedding menu - principles of drawing up

In this article, prepared especially for our beloved brides, we will consider such an important point on how to create a wedding menu. Competent preparation of the menu for a wedding banquet directly affects the wedding budget and, most importantly, the mood and impressions of your guests. How happy they will be, otherwise why start such a feast. We have already written about how to choose the right restaurant for a wedding, how to set it up, so let's get down to business - the correct preparation of the wedding menu.

Useful advice for brides. It is important to understand that the information below is averaged and may differ depending on the guests and the format of the event. Use these tips as a template.

Let's start compiling a wedding menu with drinks:

1. First, print the list of all guests on A4 paper in a column. Next, your task will be to remember which drinks each of them prefers. Or to scout out such information from relatives. And write information in front of each surname. In the future, it will come in handy when seating guests. You will know exactly what to put where.

2. Champagne, where is it without it when drawing up a wedding menu. However, do not get carried away with 3 bottles for 10 people is enough. Because usually after a couple of glasses of champagne, men switch to stronger drinks. And for women, either what you counted will be enough, or other drinks, such as wine, for example.

3. Further, the heavy artillery of vodka is enough for a bottle of 2 for 10 guests (who drinks). 4 bottles of various wines also for a dozen guests. Other alcoholic (cognac, liqueur, etc., as you like) 2 pcs. for 10 people.

4. Cocktails. If you have planned, the budget allows, then it is better to serve them 1-2 types of alcoholic or non-alcoholic at the beginning of the holiday. A great idea in this case might be a bartender show.

5. Soft drinks on the wedding table, juices, mineral water, etc. Depends on the season. In winter, 1.5 liters per person is enough, in summer 2 liters are better. In any case, they will not disappear, it is more difficult to miscalculate here.

Wedding menu. Snacks, meals.

When calculating your wedding menu, remember one simple thing. That no matter how hungry guests are, they usually do not eat MUCH more than one kg of food. And they puff up with forks only at the beginning of the banquet, then snacks are more popular.

1. Salads. In total, of all types, 0.5 kg per person will be enough.

2. Hot meals. It is advisable to serve them at the beginning, while everyone is hungry. As practice shows, hot dishes served in the middle of the evening, or closer to the end, are mostly not eaten. Because the guests are already full of snacks.

3. Snacks. Here you can not skimp and lay with a margin. And the main thing is not quantity, but variety. After all, a person always wants to try everything.

4. Fruit in the preparation of the wedding menu. Usually, after a fatty, hearty meal, people do not pay much attention to fruits. The best option would be fruit vases, as they say, just a little, plus as an additional table decoration.

5. Desserts. The consumption of desserts depends on the people at the wedding. Men usually do not have time for this, women do not always, the figure does not sleep, as they say. May not fit into their future. And if you have children at your wedding, that's who can really eat a lot of desserts. By the way, delicious ice cream with pieces of fruit can serve as an excellent dessert on a hot summer day.

6. Cake on the wedding table. The final part of the menu. Enough for 200 grams per person. Will not forget to provide for the presence of different types of tea in the menu.

Golden rules when drawing up a menu for a wedding.

Down with soups. Especially in the summer, this is money down the drain.

You can't please everyone. Do not try to choose the menu for all the requests of your guests, you still will not please. The main thing is beautiful, varied and classic dishes, they are always relevant.

The exceptions are those cases when your wedding guests are vegetarians, raw foodists. You need to think about them, they will appreciate your attention.

Exotic, you can, but a maximum of one or two dishes. If your guests are of the same nationality, use traditional cuisine. If different - in half.

Be sure to serve pickles, sauces, herbs, bread on the wedding table.

Refuse when drawing up a menu from dishes that have strong smells. If you don't want to suffocate afterwards, passing by the dance floor.

Particular attention to dishes that can lose their appearance due to high temperatures in summer.

A la carte snacks are not the best choice. Can't calculate the exact amount. It is better to use common plates in the manner of a buffet table with 3-5 types of snacks.

Don't serve everything at once. All drinks, snacks, etc. It will be optimal to carry out in parts. But for such moments, control by responsible persons is needed, so that the tables are not empty.

Modern newlyweds prefer to organize small weddings, inviting only relatives and friends to the celebration. When planning a modest identity at home or in a restaurant, the bride and groom must first calculate the amount of meat, fish dishes, vegetables, fruits and sweets. A correctly composed menu guarantees a full table of treats and a good mood for the guests. It's Complicated? By no means, you just need to know the calculation rules!

How to create a wedding menu for 30 people?

After the newlyweds have decided on the date of the wedding and the number of guests invited, you need to start decorating the banquet. In order for the wedding to be perfect, it would be good to draw up a menu in advance of the treats that will be on the festive table. Strike a balance between fish and meat, cold and hot treats, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks when making your list of culinary delights.

If your invitees include people who adhere to a diet, fasting or vegetarian principles, you need to consider their preferences when drawing up the menu. Be sure to include in the list salads (lighter and more satisfying), cold and hot snacks, fruits that will please all guests. Make an assortment of dishes so that the invited people can easily find tasty and healthy food.

Calculation of meals and products for 1 person

A wedding banquet lasts about ten hours on average. During this time, each invited guest will be able to eat no more than 1.5 kg of all the presented treats. Therefore, in order to compose the right menu for the wedding table, newlyweds need to accurately calculate the number of cold, hot snacks, main course and dessert per person. To make the calculation pass without errors, use the following criteria:

1. Cold snacks for 1 person:

  • three types of uncooked smoked sausage - 40 g each,
  • two types of hard cheese - 20-30 grams each,
  • red fish - 20-25 g,
  • assorted vegetables - 50 g,
  • red and black caviar - 15-20 g of each type,
  • pickles - 50 g.

2. Main dishes for 1 person:

  • meat - 350 g,
  • fish - 250 g.

3. Dessert for 1 person:

  • ice cream - 100 g,
  • cake - 250 g,
  • fruit - 150 g.

Simple menu for celebrating a wedding at home

If the newlyweds have a limited wedding budget or are planning to save money on travel, then they plan to hold a festive banquet at home. The invited guests usually include relatives and close friends. Before drawing up a menu for a wedding table, it is required to take into account all the taste preferences of those present. Then make a list of delicious, but inexpensive dishes that you are going to cook and start purchasing the necessary products a week before the celebration.

Cold and hot snacks

When drawing up your wedding menu, be sure to pay attention to cold and hot snacks. The correct calculation of portions guarantees a good filling of the wedding table and the absence of dissatisfaction among the guests. If you are celebrating your wedding at home, then before the start of the feast, organize a small buffet with canapes and fruit tartlets. On the main table you can cook:

  • deep-fried pancakes,
  • mushrooms on skewers,
  • chicken chops,
  • eggplant wedges in a spicy sauce,
  • meat fingers.

Main meat and fish dishes

The main dishes on the wedding table are always served hot. Therefore, distribute in advance among the family who will be engaged in warming up and serving these treats. The crown decoration of the wedding table can be a stuffed turkey, a young pig or a meat stack in wine sauce. When choosing options for fish treats, we recommend giving preference to grilled pike perch or sea bass under vegetables.

Wedding cake and loaf

By tradition, the banquet begins with a solemn meeting of the bride and groom, presenting them with a loaf. Then the young people cut this pie into an equal amount and treat all the guests. In order for all relatives and friends to try the loaf, you need to correctly calculate the exact weight of the finished product. For each guest, a piece of pie should be on average 150 grams, so for 30 people you need to order a loaf weighing 4.5 kg.

Traditionally, the finishing touch of the wedding menu is a carefully selected cake. A few days before the start of the celebration, the newlyweds need to visit the pastry shop and place an order. Experienced craftsmen will help you determine not only the appearance of the masterpiece, but also tell you how to calculate its quantity. When ordering a cake, follow these guidelines:

  1. So that all guests can appreciate the taste of the confectionery masterpiece, you need to correctly calculate the total weight. Professional pastry chefs advise to distribute to each invitee a piece weighing 250 grams. For an accurate calculation, you must use the standard formula: 250 grams of the finished product * number of guests = required weight of the cake. For example, for a wedding for 30 people, you need to order a finished product weighing at least 7.5 kg.
  2. Choose decorations for a wedding cake in the form of figurines made of mastic, beads, pearls, pieces of lace, satin ribbons, figurines. To decorate the product, you can use fresh flowers or berries, forming unusual compositions.
  3. For a summer wedding, try to avoid whipped cream and buttercream fillings, opting for fluffy, curd or fruit fillings.
  4. When choosing a wedding cake shape, consider tiered items. The confectionery masterpiece, which weighs 7.5 kg, can be beautifully transformed by confectioners into three proportional tiers.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Getting started calculating the amount of alcoholic beverages, you first need to discuss its assortment. Try to accommodate the preferences of each guest, so you need to purchase several types of alcohol. The main alcoholic drink at a wedding banquet is champagne. For a change, you can buy it white, red, dry, semi-sweet. The assortment of alcohol on the wedding table should consist of the following drinks:

  • 1 bottle of red or white wine per person;
  • 1 bottle of vodka for two or three people;
  • 1 bottle of cognac for three people;
  • 1 bottle of gin - for 3 people.

To determine the right amount of alcohol for a wedding table for 30 people, use the following calculation:

  • champagne - 10 bottles;
  • wine - 15 bottles of white and 15 red;
  • vodka - 15 bottles;
  • cognac - 10 bottles.

Soft drinks can help quench your thirst during your wedding banquet. Fun, active contests, rhythmic dances or the heat make the newlyweds and guests thirsty all the time. For a small wedding organized at home, a certain amount of soft drinks must be included in the menu in advance. Correct costing will ensure that there are no purchasing errors. According to statistics, a person can drink an average of two liters of liquid, so a wedding table for 30 people needs 60 liters of soft drinks, of which:

  • 15 liters of mineral water;
  • 20 liters of dried fruit compote;
  • 10 liters of fruit and berry juices;
  • 15 liters of lemonade.

A variant of an exemplary banquet menu in a restaurant

Celebrating a wedding in a restaurant or cafe is simplified by the fact that the responsibility for the menu is transferred to the administrator of the institution. An experienced employee will be able to explain in detail how much you need to order dishes for a wedding table for 30 guests. You should not skimp on portions so that those present do not go hungry, so order the menu with a small margin. The administrator must have an approximate list of ready-made meals, indicating the required amount. You can adjust this menu by ordering production to your taste.

1. Hot and cold snacks:

  • sausage cuts,
  • smoked silver carp,
  • aspic,
  • Caesar salad,
  • sandwiches with caviar,
  • sauces, mustard,
  • black, white bread,
  • Cod liver,
  • stuffed tartlets,
  • grilled vegetable kebab,
  • salmon under vegetables,
  • pork chop.

2. Main hot meat and fish dishes:

  • stuffed poultry,
  • baked thighs
  • pelengas with sauce,
  • brisket with mushrooms,
  • the Kiev's cutlets,
  • roast in foil,
  • pancakes with meat.

3. Drinks and dessert:

  • coffee,
  • ice cream with fresh fruit,
  • tartlets with condensed milk,
  • champagne,
  • wine,
  • vodka,
  • mineral water,
  • fruit compote,
  • cake.

What should you pay attention to when planning a wedding feast to make your holiday a success? The answers are in our selection of tips!

1. Remember the concept

Follow the unity of style so that your holiday turns out to be truly beautiful and bright. The concept that you have chosen for your wedding should be repeated in every element, including the menu. If the wedding is planned in the Japanese style, then sake and sushi on the tables will only emphasize the uniqueness of the wedding celebration. Is your wedding in yellow-green colors? Enhance the effect with a selection of color-matched dishes and order a colored cake!

Professionals will help to make a cake based on the most unusual color solutions.

2. Get to know the serving

The assortment of appetizers, the composition of the salads, the number of hot dishes - when drawing up the wedding menu, we try to take into account all the nuances, but we forget to clarify exactly how it will all look on wedding tables. But it is the setting that can both emphasize the status and style of the wedding, and, conversely, nullify the whole idea. If the restaurant does not have enough variety of dishes, this can lead to the fact that the festive table will be cluttered, and the guests simply feel uncomfortable. The choice of food is also important. Give preference to compact meals. For example, when choosing portioned salads, take those served in bowls. Such a salad will be more compact than a Caesar, which requires large plates to serve.

Original serving of herring under a fur coat in

3. Learn about preferences

Make sure that the menu of your feast matches the tastes of the invited guests. Surely among them there are those who follow the figure. Add more vegetable dishes, and make one of the salads dietary. Followers of a healthy lifestyle will certainly appreciate this. Are there children among the guests? Save their parents from a headache - how to feed the kids. Make a separate menu for them and keep track of its festive decoration. Everybody loves holidays! A great option is to pre-poll guests for their preferences. To do this, ask the banquet participants to fill out a small questionnaire (this can even be done through social networks). Firstly, guests will be pleased with such worries about their comfort, and secondly, this way you will make your menu more accurate. For example, in the West, various holiday menu options are sent along with a wedding invitation. Guests communicate their choice by sending the most suitable option back.

Fruit canapes and fruit compositions for the wellcome zone, as well as the embodiment of many other options for decorating the table, are possible in

4. Avoid risks

Guests are unlikely to appreciate the outlandish fish with a lot of bones, no matter how expensive and exclusive it is. These products always create a risk zone that is best avoided. It also includes foods that cause allergies (for example, mushrooms), as well as dishes with outlandish ingredients (known only to the chef) that require special skill when eating them. In addition, we recommend refusing dishes with a lot of hot and unusual spices. If oriental dishes are planned on your table, then simply reduce the amount of seasonings to a comfortable level, to which fans of European and Russian cuisine are accustomed.

5. Less is more.

The golden rule when designing a menu is to strive for variety. It is much better to serve 3 types of salads at 150 grams than one huge serving per pound. People love feasts, because this is a great opportunity to have a good time and enjoy all kinds of food. If you want your festive table to be remembered - make sure that there are as many different treats as possible! This principle also applies to main courses. Experienced restaurateurs say that if they sit down at the table after 18:00, then only 20-30% of guests will master the second hot dish.

They know which snacks will delight guests and how many dishes to serve.

6. Stick to a schedule

Too often, organizers go overboard with snacks, with the result that hot meals are often left untouched. If you want to avoid such a scenario, coordinate the takeout of the hot meal with the holiday program. Ideally, guests should get a little hungry. When they come back a little tired from the dance floor, they will be happy to recuperate with a juicy steak! In addition, it is advisable to schedule the serving of 1 salad, 1 platter and 1 type of cold appetizer 2-3 hours after the start of the banquet, in order to update the tables, preserving their festive look.

Serving snacks can be organized outdoors, then invite guests to, where the hot will be cooked right in front of their eyes.

7. Ask for photos of dishes

If you rarely order banquets, then most likely you hardly know what 300 grams of "American warm salad" looks like. To know exactly how your menu will look in action, ask the administrator to show a photo of the ordered dishes, preferably from the banquet table.

8. Add surprises

Order a signature dish from the chef to add zest to your meal. Most often it comes in an unusual presentation with a spectacular takeaway under the guidance of the restaurant's chief chef. Another unusual element of the celebration can be buffet punch, which is prepared from white wine and certainly ripe fruit. White table wine can be substituted for champagne or soda. The main thing is an unusual, spectacular presentation: a huge aquarium for 5-7 liters or bright watermelons, peeled from pulp.

10. Organize an extra table

A small buffet table is a great option to take a break from the feast by drinking a cup of tea with sweets, without waiting for the wedding cake to appear. A sweet zone or candy bar will be especially relevant if children are expected at your party. Try to fill the buffet table with fruits and light sweets that are suitable for both adults and young guests.

The organization of the celebration can be entrusted to the professionals working here. You will be satisfied with both the buffet and the banquet.

One of the brightest and, perhaps, the most pleasant moments of the wedding is wedding banquet. After the official part in the registry office, a wedding photo walk and other events of one of the most important days of your life, you and your guests go to a restaurant. Everyone was tired and pretty hungry. But what will feed your guests it depends only on you: you must choose the wedding menu in such a way that all guests will be satisfied. How to draw up a wedding menu correctly- the site "Beautiful and Successful" will help you to understand.

First, I would like to note that most cafes and restaurants specialize in weddings. It is clear that for one "wedding" evening they sometimes make a week's earnings.

This is why you are entitled demand anything at your wedding from the owner of the cafe.

Are you uncomfortable with too dim lighting? Change the light bulbs, gentlemen. Do you want your photos to be shown on TV all evening, and not boring clips? Yes, please, just throw off the photos. Don't want strangers walking around the hall? You have the right to demand it!

Rules for ordering a wedding banquet

When ordering a wedding banquet in a cafe, you should remember a few simple rules:

  1. The owner of the cafe has the right request a prepayment from you for the services provided. This money is needed, first of all, so that the cafe can buy food. And of course, this is a guarantee that you will not disappear on the appointed day, and the restaurant will not incur losses because of you. You can agree on some a certain amount of collateral, for example, 20,000 rubles. It happens that in a cafe a certain percentage of the total order amount is a pledge. Everywhere it is different, but in any case, you will have to make an advance payment.
  2. Waiters are not included in the price the evening you pay. Again, it goes without saying that you won't be carrying the food yourself, so you'll have to pay for the waiters as well. Count on for an amount of 5,000 rubles or more, this is the minimum!
  3. Some cafes should pay the rent of the hall. This is not a generally accepted rule, but it does occur.
  4. How to budget for your wedding menu? In any cafe, they will immediately tell you how many rubles you must order dishes per person. If we talk about large cities, then this at least 1500 rubles per guest. It all depends on the total cost of meals in the restaurant and on the status of the cafe.
  5. You can use the services singers or DJs, who work in this restaurant, or you can bring your own. Just do not forget that in either case, you will most likely have to pay. In the first case, you pay for the work of the musicians, and in the second, you pay forfeit for lost profits of your cafe.

How to compose a wedding menu yourself?

Now let's talk about the most important thing: how to create a wedding menu?

First of all, I would like to note that many cafes already have ready-made wedding banquet menu, which you can order without bothering too much with the choice of dishes.

If you decide to approach the wedding menu creatively, then you should take into account taste preferences of all guests. You understand that someone may not eat meat, and someone does not tolerate carbonated water.

How to make a wedding menu in this case?

When designing your wedding menu, keep a number of key points in mind.

Appetizers and salads

To begin with, when you arrive at the cafe, there should already be some cold snacks and, possibly, salads on the tables. For 4-6 people(and in restaurants this is usually considered when drawing up a wedding menu) there should be a vegetable plate with cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, as well as a meat plate with various types of sausages. You can also order a plate of pickles and cheeses.

When ordering salads, remember that they will served in common plates, and not individually for each guest. Like all other meals, one bowl of salad is expected for 4-6 people.

One portion from the restaurant menu is designed, logically, for one person. But in one plate of the wedding menu, it will be enough to include only two or three such portions, since there will be a lot of other food at your banquet.

How to compose a wedding menu, so that there are not enough salads?

At a wedding, 2-3 types of salad are usually ordered: with meat, seafood, vegetables. It should be remembered that such delicious salads as, for example, "Caesar" are not practiced in the wedding menu, because thanks to the tomatoes included in it, it very quickly turns into porridge.

Change of dishes

Remember that your wedding the banquet will last about six hours. This means that the dishes from the wedding menu will be served to guests throughout the evening, and not all at once.

The time interval from salads to serving hot meals can be up to two or more hours.

How to create a wedding menu so guests don't get very hungry? What to treat those invited at this time?

Different unsweetened pies such as, for example, Ossetian. The filling of such pies is very diverse: cheese, meat, potatoes, and so on. 2 types of pies are enough so that your guests do not get very hungry while waiting for hot dishes.

Remember, at any wedding tables must be at least half full, so that there is no situation when hungry guests arrived, swept away all cold snacks and hot in one go ...

And in the end, the tables are empty, and there is nothing else to eat!

In order to avoid this situation, have small snacks with the same pies.

Hot dishes

Now let's talk about a hot dish. Of course, meat will be the main hot dish in any wedding menu. Depending on your preference, this could be pork, lamb, chicken and beef. Often, barbecue is prepared from meat at weddings.

In order to diversify the main meat dish, the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" also advises adding to the wedding menu fried chicken wings. For the money, the wings are quite inexpensive, but they will greatly diversify your table.

Remember, not everyone eats meat!

How to design a wedding menu to please everyone? Very simple: order one kind of fish.

As a side dish, we recommend taking regular potatoes. It can also be ordered in various forms: mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, French fries, country style potatoes, and so on. This can also include ajap sandal - a stew of vegetables.

You should definitely take two sauces with meat: red and white.


As for drinks, you have the right to agree with the owner of the cafe to bring them in advance by purchasing them in the supermarket. The thing is that if you order drinks directly from a cafe, then you pay for them. almost twice as expensive.

And that the choice was successful, our articles will help you - how to choose and


When planning your wedding menu, don't forget about the cake. You can order a cake in the cafe itself, or contact a specialized bakery - as you like. Now there is a wide selection of beautiful cakes - tiered, decorated with figures of the bride and groom, etc.

Here's your wedding menu. Site site wishes you successful partake your wedding, to leave a sea of ​​impressions for a lifetime!

A wedding is a celebration of love, the newlyweds enjoy their happiness, not noticing anything around. But the wedding feast is an important part of the event, to which many close people and friends of the couple were invited. A properly composed menu for a wedding for 50 people will help to set a luxurious table with the most modest budget.

Important details

How successful the celebration will be depends on how carefully the wedding menu for 50 people has been thought out. Newlyweds can make their own food list or contact the wedding planner for help. Important nuances of organizing a wedding banquet:

  • Banquet venue. The choice of location significantly affects the cost of a wedding banquet. A celebration in a restaurant will cost significantly more than a wedding in a cafe. A modest budget is not a reason to refuse a wedding celebration, you can organize a celebration at home. In this case, it is worth carefully considering how to accommodate 50 people at home. A spacious apartment or a country house, where there is enough space for all the guests of the celebration, is best suited for the celebration.
  • Date of celebration. During the year, the cost of a banquet table can fluctuate significantly. In the summer, you can give preference to light food, you need to use as much greenery as possible. The fruit plate can be decorated in an original style. Soft drinks should be in sufficient quantity: kvass, juice, carbonated water. In autumn, the menu for 50 people may include vegetable and fruit cuts, you should give preference to berry fruit drinks and jelly. In winter, hearty dishes prevail: hot snacks, salads. In the cold season, you can give preference to warming drinks: punch, mulled wine.
  • The composition of the guests. When drawing up a menu for 50 people, it is necessary to take into account how many men and women will be present at the wedding. Men need more calories, and they also like strong drinks. Women prefer gourmet snacks and wine. The presence of elderly people at a wedding may require changes to the menu, it is better to add dietary meals. A separate category is children, it is necessary to set a sweet table for them.

Savings Secrets

A young couple getting married should plan the budget for the upcoming wedding as accurately as possible. So, how to create a banquet menu for 50 people? Tips can only be advisory in nature, it is impossible to foresee all the nuances. The wedding menu depends on the taste preferences of the newlyweds and the theme of the celebration. Perhaps a couple in love will decide to organize a banquet for 50 people in the traditions of national cuisine: Russian, Japanese, Armenian. On the first day of the wedding, the tables should be bursting with an abundance of food. Sample menu for a wedding table for 50 people: salads, hot appetizers, main course, dessert, alcoholic and soft drinks.

The wedding table should look luxurious, while its decoration can cost quite a reasonable amount. There are little tricks to save money. You can replace hot snacks with an original dish - pilaf or fish soup in cauldrons. In nature, you can serve kebabs to the festive table - a wonderful hot dish without a side dish. The only menu item that does not require savings is drinks. The surplus can be left on the second wedding day or taken home. Very often, restaurant workers meet the newlyweds halfway, they are allowed to bring alcohol and soft drinks in any quantity.

Minimum payment for one person

A wedding is a long event, not enough food will surely cause dissatisfaction among guests, so it is important to know how to calculate the wedding menu. At the same time, excess food will disappear, especially in the summer. The secret of a properly compiled list of dishes for 50 people is the minimum calculation of food per person. It is believed that a good table is at least 1200 grams of food per person. It is better to play it safe and take 1500 grams per unit of calculation.

Newlyweds should remember that this is the total weight of all meals per person. If necessary, you can replace expensive, light-weight dishes with cheaper items, but with a sufficient number of grams. For example, in a menu for 50 people, you can include ham or chicken instead of ham. Quite an acceptable replacement option, moreover, a budget one, which will play into the hands of newlyweds who want.

List of meals for one person:

  • cold snacks (cheese plate, cold cuts) - 350 grams;
  • different types of salads - 250 grams;
  • hot snacks (pancakes, pies) - 100 grams;
  • main course - 250 grams;
  • potato or vegetable side dish - 200 grams;
  • fruit plate - 200 grams;
  • cake - 200 grams.

List of drinks:

  • strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, whiskey, brandy) - 0.5 liters for two people;
  • low alcohol drinks (wine) - 0.75 liters per person;
  • low alcohol drinks (champagne) - 0.75 liters for three people;
  • soft drinks (carbonated water, juice, fruit drink, compote) - about 2 liters per person.

General calculation

If we talk about how the menu for a wedding for 50 people should look like, then the approximate list is as follows:

  1. Cold appetizers: 50 servings, of which 25 cheese plates and 25 sausage or meat plates.
  2. Salads: at least 3 types, 16 servings each.
  3. Hot snacks: depending on the size of the portion, but not less than 5 kg in total.
  4. Main course: chicken kebab 4 kg, pork kebab 4 kg, chicken kebab 4 kg.
  5. Garnish: 20 servings of French fries, 20 servings of country-style potatoes, 10 servings of vegetable garnish.
  6. Fruit plate: 10 kg of fruit (bananas, oranges, apples, grapes).
  7. Cake: 10 kg.
  8. Strong alcoholic drinks: 25-30 liters.
  9. Wine: at least 30 liters.
  10. Champagne: at least 20 bottles.
  11. Soft drinks: 100 liters.

A wedding banquet is a responsible business: hungry guests are not able to appreciate the beauty of a festive event. Whatever the original wedding, the main thing in any celebration is a good table. The menu for a wedding for 50 people should include a sufficient number of dishes. In this case, the festive feast will leave the most favorable impressions of the wedding.

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