Is it possible for pregnant women to have sexual intercourse. When is it better to give up sex? Why you don't want sex during pregnancy

Sex is an integral part of a happy family life and giving up on it for as long as 9 months can turn into big problems. A woman, upon learning that she has become pregnant, tries to radically change her lifestyle and refuse sex. It is common for everyone to change during such a period. There is no need to resort to extremes, but rather to stop at the golden mean. One of the main and acutely emerging questions that worries future parents: is it possible to have sex during pregnancy?

The positive side of sex

A young couple, passing into a new social status, is often an opponent of sex during gestation. Refusal of an intimate life is not a way out of the situation, doctors have proven the benefits of mutual love. Gynecologists and psychologists have come to the same conclusion: making love during pregnancy is possible and even necessary in the absence of contraindications. Often a young couple gives up the pleasure of love for the sake of pregnancy. In the future, this has a very negative effect on personal relationships in the family. Why? The reasons are very simple - men simply do not understand what is happening during this period with the fair sex:

  1. During pregnancy, a woman, due to changes in the hormonal background, often feels a strong sexual attraction to her soul mate. The suppression of this feeling has a very negative effect on her psychological and emotional state. The need for affection, tenderness, understanding and love is experienced at this time very sensually. The man must demonstrate that, despite the changed figure, the sexual attraction is no less, and the woman is desirable, as before. The relationship between lovers becomes stronger when the stronger sex takes the initiative, pleases his soul mate with attention and affection.
  2. Love in the family makes you experience joyful emotions, which has a positive effect on the unborn child.
  3. When orgasm occurs, blood flow to the uterus increases. The woman feels pleasure, and the baby receives more of the necessary nutrients.
  4. Sex at this time is a useful workout for the muscles of the vagina and uterus, as well as a kind of preparation for childbirth.
  5. The male seed, getting on the cervix, softens it and makes it more elastic.
  6. Some gynecologists claim that light tremors and contractions of the uterus are pleasant for the baby and stimulate his physical activity.
  7. It makes no sense to use contraceptives, you can completely relax and take your time.

Therefore, sex during pregnancy is not only pleasant, but also important. Be sure to check with your doctor before making any decision. What will benefit you and what will harm you - an experienced physician will decide, you should not listen to your friends, everything is very individual.

You will have to give up sex life only if you have found complications or abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

When is sex unwanted?

Despite the enormous benefits of intimacy during pregnancy, there are situations in which it can only do harm.

  1. If there was an interruption before in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  2. There is a history of preterm birth.
  3. Uterine tone.
  4. If there is bloody discharge or amniotic fluid leaking.
  5. The presence of genital infections in a partner.
  6. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  7. Pregnancy with more than one child.

If the above restrictions are not observed, you can safely live a sex life in this difficult period of life for parents.

Dates of pregnancy

Until how many months of pregnancy can you not be limited in love? There are biases that the danger of sexual intercourse depends on certain periods of pregnancy.

Let's figure out how long you can have sex until when you are pregnant? The entire gestation period is divided into three trimesters, three months each.

First trimester

The main sign of a successful conception is the absence of menstruation. It is important not to forget that in the early days of pregnancy, the fertilized egg begins to attach to the wall of the uterus, so the risk of interruption is very high. Special care must be taken at the beginning of pregnancy.

The first three months are the most wonderful, but you still need to be prepared for the subsequent difficulties during this period. Due to the restructuring of the hormonal background, toxicosis begins in the fair sex. This is due to the rapid development of the fetus. Mood changes, irritability, moodiness, fatigue and tearfulness appear, as well as a weak or complete lack of desire to have sex. Swelling of the mammary glands and a painful sensation at the slightest touch is the most unpleasant factor of restructuring. This becomes an obstacle to breast stimulation as a way of lovemaking.

A man needs to learn to understand, support and be close to his wife.

Second trimester

Is it okay to make love during pregnancy in the second trimester? At this time, toxicosis decreases, health improves and interest in physical love returns. Gradually, a woman gets used to her new state, becomes more calm, gentle, affectionate and self-confident. Sexual life acquires new sensations, painful sensitivity in the chest disappears and the sensitivity of the genitals improves.

It should be borne in mind that any positions during lovemaking that put pressure on the baby do not need to be applied. Also, the pregnant woman should refrain from making any kind of effort during intimacy.

How often to have sex in the second trimester is decided by each couple individually. It all depends on the mood and well-being of the pregnant woman.

Third trimester

It becomes more difficult to sleep with your husband together during this period. The reason is the increase in the size of the abdomen. It makes the woman feel immobile and unattractive. The large size of the abdomen is a reason to abandon the difficult poses to which the couple was accustomed earlier. The side position is best. In this case, the pregnant woman feels most comfortable. Doctors recommend refraining from all other poses.

The peculiarity of the last trimester is the vulnerability of the genital mucosa and the secretion of colostrum from the mammary glands. The mucous membrane of the vagina becomes loose, very sensitive and susceptible to mechanical damage during frictions, which is manifested by smearing blood discharge after the act. It happens suddenly, the blood is bright scarlet in color. For a child, such bleeding will not harm, but a woman urgently needs to visit a gynecologist. In this case, you cannot have sex before consulting a doctor.

The changes in the third trimester don't end there. The baby's movements are already becoming tangible. Sometimes there is shortness of breath, dizzy. This is due to the growth of the child and the compression of the internal organs of the woman. Breathing problems diminish when about a month remains before delivery. This is due to the fact that the fetus sinks into the pelvic cavity and makes room for a full breathing process.

Mood changes and unstable emotional states of a woman increase during this time. Increased fatigue is felt, clumsiness of movements is observed, which is accompanied by frequent pain in the lumbar region.

So can you have sex during pregnancy? If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the woman's sexual desire is only gaining momentum and intimacy is not prohibited. It is necessary to follow the recommendations that will help make your intimacy safe and comfortable:

  1. Sex without a woman's true desire can only hurt. In order for this not to happen, both partners must want intimacy. Sexual intercourse should not be too long, 15–20 minutes is enough to feel good. It is necessary to take a break between intercourse.
  2. It is important to take into account the depth and intensity of penetration of the penis, to be sensitive to your feelings. You need to give up uncomfortable postures in order to protect yourself from pain and discomfort.
  3. Lubrication during pregnancy can and should be used. Only if it does not cause you allergic reactions.
  4. Partners should be careful in their movements, and sex should be calm and gentle. Otherwise, sharp and hard frictions can cause irreparable harm to the health of the mother and child.

Until what month of pregnancy can you have sex? You need to focus on your health and possible contraindications. In the absence of threats to the child's health and in the presence of mutual desire between partners, intimacy is possible until the very birth.

As soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, her life changes dramatically. Often you have to change your lifestyle very much so as not to harm the unborn baby. After all, some completely harmless activities may be contraindicated during pregnancy. We have to behave much more carefully and more accurately, take more care of our safety and health.

There are many myths associated with sex during pregnancy.... Many couples severely restrict their relationship so as not to harm the child. But does that make sense? In most cases, no, since pregnancy is not at all a disease or a contraindication to sexual relations... But all couples need to know how to behave properly during pregnancy so that the nine months of waiting are not only easy, but also enjoyable.

Is it okay to have sex during pregnancy?

Probably, all women can be conditionally divided into two groups, the first, as soon as they find out about pregnancy, urgently run to the doctors, take a sea of ​​tests, and completely change their lives, including refusing sex, so as not to accidentally harm the future baby. Others, on the contrary, postpone the visit to the doctor until the last and try to change something in life to a minimum. Of course, any extremes is bad and it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean in everything.

You can change a few things in your life, for example, you can become more careful or correct your diet, but you don't need to give up sex in most cases. A normal sex life is not only pleasant, but also beneficial, since the hormones that are released during orgasm have a very positive effect on. In addition, abstinence has an extremely negative effect on family relationships, and pregnancy is precisely the period when love and understanding are very important.

Anyone who is afraid of harming a child should remember that a healthy woman's body is able to protect a baby from most negative external influences, and sex cannot be classified as negative influences. Some experts argue that light tremors and contractions of the uterus, on the contrary, can even be pleasant to the child and stimulate his physical activity.
Of course, there are contraindications to sex during pregnancy, they must be known and taken into account, but you should not trust stupid myths. Moreover, true contraindications are rare enough.

Timing of pregnancy and sex

There are many myths about the "dangerous periods" of pregnancy, when sex can lead to the most negative consequences. In fact, most of these myths are not supported by facts in any way.
Sex in the first trimester does not lead to miscarriages at all.... Another question is that a very large percentage of pregnancies, especially the first ones, are really lost in the early stages. This is usually associated with poor quality conception, which the body gets rid of in this way. This phenomenon does not mean anything dangerous, and before the invention of pregnancy tests, women simply did not know about these losses.

So what are the problems with sex in the first trimester? The only thing that can really restrain a woman is not the best state of health during this period - dizziness and drowsiness are not very conducive to love. But it is the pleasant sensations during sex that often help get rid of these ailments.

But the second trimester of pregnancy is just a great time to have sex. At this time, in women, due to the growing volume of the uterus and hormonal surges, libido increases significantly. At the same time, even the sensations from sex can change for the better, some women can experience an orgasm only during pregnancy. The belly at this time is usually still small, so it does not interfere with the embodiment of your erotic fantasies and does not suggest thoughts about possible harm to the child.

In the third trimester, things get a little more complicated, the belly is already big, and choosing a comfortable position is not easy.... And future fathers are often afraid to harm the baby. In addition, you can often hear that sex can provoke premature birth. In fact, if there are no contraindications, then you can have sex until the very birth, the main thing is to do it carefully, without acrobatic tricks.

When is sex during pregnancy contraindicated?

The peculiarities of our medicine are such that gynecologists find indications for so-called "sexual rest" in almost every woman. And we also love various "preservation" even without good reason. But all this is gradually becoming a thing of the past, new doctors and new treatment protocols appear. Today, when they talk about contraindications to sex, only really serious situations are taken into account.

Abstaining from intercourse during pregnancy is necessary in the following cases:

  • if there is a sexually transmitted infection in one of the partners, especially if this infection can be potentially dangerous to the fetus;
  • in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in one of their partners;
  • in the presence of a real threat of termination of pregnancy, for example, with bloody discharge from the uterus;
  • if you have a history of premature birth or with recurrent miscarriage;
  • with placenta previa.

Special care is needed in case of multiple pregnancies.... Of course, such a pregnancy is not a contraindication to sex, but the belly will increase faster than normal, so the discomfort will appear earlier.

Features of sex during pregnancy

Despite the fact that pregnancy is not a disease and there are very few contraindications to sex during this period, there are still some features. These features should be kept in mind, as they will help you get more pleasant relationships and less nervousness.

Contrary to popular belief, most women enjoy sex during pregnancy. Moreover, during this period it is much easier to achieve orgasm, so it is a sin not to take advantage of this chance. In addition, orgasm does not at all provoke premature birth, and minor contractions of the uterus cannot harm the baby in any way. But it is better to refuse the use of various sex toys during this period, since there is a high risk of injury to the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix. This is especially true for vibrators.

You can often hear questions that relate to oral and anal sex during pregnancy. There is a widespread myth that cunnilingus during pregnancy can lead to air embolism and death of a woman. Fortunately, this is nothing more than a myth, the only contraindication to oral sex may be the presence of herpes or other infection on the lips. But it is better to refuse anal sex, as it increases the likelihood of anal fissures and hemorrhoids, which are already frequent companions of pregnant women.

By the way, especially sensitive future dads who are worried about what the child feels and will not “remember” it, you need to calm down. The child is reliably protected by the waters and can only feel a slight swaying, which will definitely not hurt him.

When the pregnancy ends ... (Video)

You can often hear the opinion that the fully female body only matures in the field of childbirth. This is partly true the birth of a child greatly changes the nervous and endocrine system of a woman and makes her a little different. Intimate life is also changing, it is desirable to be ready for this in order to meet a new period of life fully armed.

The first time after childbirth, sex is contraindicated. At this time, the body is recovering after childbirth and usually it takes about 6-8 weeks. After this period, you can begin to gradually resume sexual intercourse. But at first, a woman may feel discomfort. This is not scary and in most cases it goes away on its own.

Very often a woman gets so tired in her new role as a mother that she simply does not find the time and desire for her husband. This is a very difficult moment that leads to the separation of many couples. Therefore, no matter how it sounds, you cannot give all of yourself to the baby, it is sometimes necessary to leave him unattended or entrust him to grandmothers-nannies and.

Sex, besides the fact that it strengthens difficult relationships in the family after the birth of the baby, also helps to get in shape sooner after childbirth. Therefore, in no case should you deny yourself it. If there are medical contraindications, for example, after an episiotomy, you can choose petting or oral sex, but it is imperative to try to make your relationship brighter and richer.

Making love during pregnancy is just as useful as it is in any other period of life, but sometimes doctors introduce restrictions and prohibitions into the pregnant woman's sexual menu.

Sex at different stages of pregnancy

Love joys in the first trimester of pregnancy bring a lot of positive emotions. The couple in love realizes that there will soon be three of them, and this only inflames the passion between them.

There is still no tummy in the early stages, the fetus is the size of a pea, which means that it is impossible to exert pressure on it, therefore nothing stops the partners from engaging in their usual sex.

But you still need to be as vigilant as possible. If you feel that the abdomen is tense (hard) and / or pulling pains in the lower abdomen are felt, perhaps there is bleeding, then this indicates the tone of the uterus, and then it is worth refraining from having sex for a while. If the discomfort persists within 20-30 minutes, take a No-shpy or Papaverine tablet.

Also, the first trimester is overshadowed by the onset of toxicosis, in which there is not even a thought of making love. And the breast of a pregnant woman becomes very sensitive and any touch to it can be perceived painfully. Therefore, everything depends only on the well-being and desire of the woman.

Note! In the first trimester, while the body is not yet accustomed to a new role, on the days of the expected menstruation (which would have gone in the next cycle, and not in the cycle in which conception occurred), it is recommended to refrain from any manifestation of intimacy. It is during this period that the largest number of miscarriages occurs in the first couple of months of pregnancy.

In the second trimester, during the normal course of pregnancy, you can safely make love, the grown-up baby cannot be harmed in any way. He is surrounded by amniotic fluid and membranes, tissues and muscles of the abdomen, so he cannot get any discomfort and even more trauma from the intimate process of adults (provided that the positions are chosen correctly, and there is no pressure on the woman's abdomen).

The kid, most likely, does not realize and does not understand what is happening outside. Scientists are still not really sure about the feelings experienced by the fetus. But they are sure that if he understands, he perceives it as something natural and normal.

The only thing scientists are sure of is that when an expectant mother gets an orgasm from intimacy, the fetus experiences a shake-up, which is a kind of training for a small organism before it is born. Indeed, at birth, a child experiences great stress and a colossal load on all organs. Therefore, such an experience is useful to him. He kind of prepares the child for this significant day.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, sex should be shallow, gentle and gentle. Until the 38th week of pregnancy, it is recommended for a man to ejaculate not in the vaginal cavity, it is just necessary at the final moment to leave the vagina a little earlier and finish by stimulating the penis with his hand.

This will prevent sperm from reaching the cervix, which will protect it from softening and possible premature disclosure.

But with a post-term pregnancy, doctors, on the contrary, recommend having sex with an eruption into the genital tract of a woman. This can contribute to the onset of labor without any medication stimulants.

The main thing is to listen to your body. Indeed, even with the prohibition of doctors, many women continue to engage in shallow soft sex, trusting only their feelings and feelings.

Optimal Sex Positions During Pregnancy

With a noticeably rounded tummy, choose poses that do not put pressure on the stomach: "woman on top", "doggy style", "standing", "sitting" or "lying on the side" and others.

But in the third trimester, the famous "knee-elbow position" (or as they say in common people "like a dog") is not the most suitable, since it increases the load on the lumbar spine. As for the pose "rider", with a large belly of a pregnant woman it is more difficult to move up and down, a heavy tummy complicates this process, and the woman is exhausted and tired quickly.

Give preference to unhurried tact and shallow penetration, especially if your partner has a large penis.

Why is sex during pregnancy so important?

1. Now the center of attention is the future mother and her baby, the man fades into the background. The man experiences some moral discomfort, he does not receive much love and affection from his soul mate, and so on for about a year, during which the woman carries the child and recovers after childbirth. Therefore, it is important to maintain a close relationship with your husband throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

It does not have to be traditional sex, perhaps it will be oral sex or manual stimulation of the partner's penis.

2. Both partners need emotional relief from time to time, otherwise quarrels and disagreements cannot be avoided. Making love can help both relax and relieve tension.

3. From the point of view of medicine, a man's long-term abstinence from intimacy can lead to stagnant and inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, which entails the occurrence of prostatitis.

In addition, psychologists note an increase in aggression in men whose families have not had sex for a long time (provided that the man does not engage in manual stimulation). On the other hand, the representatives of the stronger sex may develop depression, which can push for extramarital affairs not of a fleeting, but of a more permanent nature.

4. During sex, the vaginal muscles are trained, which is an excellent preparation of the uterus for labor.

5. During intercourse, women produce a large amount of prostaglandin, which ensures a good contraction of the uterus during childbirth, which facilitates labor. Also, this hormone is present in the sperm of a man, which softens the cervix, which prevents the appearance of ruptures during childbirth, as the cervix becomes elastic and pliable.

6. It is believed that increased blood circulation in the small pelvis, which occurs during intercourse, improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the placenta, which means that the child receives more of everything that is necessary for normal intrauterine development.

7. During orgasm (and during foreplay and all kinds of caresses), the hormone of joy and pleasure - endorphin is produced. The kid feels that his mom is happy, and this also makes him feel good, calm and comfortable.

Also, this hormone is a natural pain reliever, so if a pregnant woman, for example, has a headache, then after love games the pain will significantly subside or even completely disappear.

Why is sex dangerous during pregnancy?

1. Unprotected intercourse can cause infection of the fetus and even death. But this is possible only if the sexual partner has a sexually transmitted infection (chlamydia, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis and others). Therefore, if there are doubts about the "purity" of the sexual partner, it is recommended to make love during pregnancy only with a condom.

When a partner develops an active form of herpes on the face (the so-called "cold" on the lips), petting (oral caresses) should be abandoned, because type 1 herpes can transition into type 2 genital herpes, which is dangerous for the health of the fetus.

2. During pregnancy, complicated by placenta abruption or previa, during sex, bleeding may open and spontaneous miscarriage may occur. Therefore, you cannot have sex during pregnancy if:

  • bloody smear or bleeding from the genital tract of a woman (not recommended, since spotting speaks of a threat of miscarriage, and a rush of blood that occurs even at the beginning of intercourse increases bleeding, which increases the risk of complications);
  • low presentation or detachment (hematoma) of the placenta (only blowjob is allowed, and no female orgasm and penetration);
  • increased tone of the uterus (in this case, orgasm is dangerous, which entails contraction of the uterus and thereby the threat of miscarriage);
  • opening of the uterine pharynx (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) and the risk of premature labor;
  • "Habitual" miscarriage;
  • suspected leakage of amniotic fluid.

Often, with multiple pregnancies, doctors do not recommend having sex, so as not to aggravate the course of an already complicated pregnancy, because there is a double load on the pregnant woman's body.

An alternative to ordinary sex can be vestibular coitus (sliding of the man's penis between the woman's thighs without fully entering the vagina, i.e. only a small part of the glans penis penetrates or only touches the vestibule of the vagina) or its analogs. For example, intramammary sex (sliding a member between the breasts of a woman).

3. The hormone prostaglandin, which is contained in the semen of a man, and is also released into the blood of a woman during sex, can cause premature birth in late pregnancy. The cervix softens, and then, under the pressure of the baby's weight and fetal waters, the uterine pharynx opens. Soon, amniotic fluid may pour out, which indicates the onset of labor.

Anal sex during pregnancy

If the couple has practiced this type of unconventional sex before, then during pregnancy, with the normal health of the mother and child, you can continue your favorite activity.

But anal and vaginal penetration cannot be alternated, otherwise it is possible to introduce an unfavorable intestinal microflora into the genital tract, after which the development of pathogenic microflora, which can harm the fetus, may begin.

If the desire for such an alternation is not to be subdued, then first perform anal intercourse in a condom, and only then, after removing it, continue vaginally without a condom. Or start with vaginal and end with anal sex.

If up to this point you have not practiced anal sex, then it is better to leave this venture for later. As a result of hasty or inaccurate movement, insufficient lubrication, tightness and unavailability of a woman, micro-tears, cracks in the anus and rectum may occur.

And in the case of inflammation of hemorrhoids (in other words, with hemorrhoids, which often occurs due to pregnancy), negative consequences for a woman's health are inevitable. Since during anal sex, enlarged nodes can be easily injured and then bleeding will begin. Therefore, be judicious. Pregnancy is not the time to experiment!

Love and health to you!

Many couples are concerned about this issue, especially wives. On the one hand, they do not want to harm the developing fetus, on the other, there is a fear that the husband will not withstand long abstinence and will seek contacts outside of marriage. The answer to the question of whether sex is permissible and until how many weeks of pregnancy depends on the conditions of its course and the health of the expectant mother.

The positive side of sex during pregnancy

If a healthy woman's pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, then intimate relationships during it are even useful, since a favorable hormonal background is created in the body. Sexual life that brings pleasure relaxes a woman, creates an atmosphere of pleasure and happiness. It is believed that these feelings are transmitted to the fetus. Abstinence, on the contrary, brings excessive nervousness, increases the instability of the psyche, because sometimes during pregnancy, libido increases.

Pregnancy has already begun, so you can have sex and not think about contraception. Some doctors believe that the baby in the womb develops a reflex of expectation of pleasure during the contractions of the uterus, and childbirth for him will be less stressful.

Medical indications:

  • the husband's seminal fluid contains prostaglandins, which soften the cervix, which will have a beneficial effect on childbirth;
  • moderate contractile movements of the walls of the vagina and uterus during orgasm are training in labor;
  • with a post-term pregnancy, intimate relationships can stimulate the onset of the labor process;
  • having regular sex has a positive effect on a man's physical and mental health.

A full sex life gives a woman confidence in herself and that emotional closeness with her spouse is not lost. It is important for her to see that his eyes, full of love and passion, are turned specifically to her.

Precautionary measures

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Despite the fact that condoms are not needed when having sex with a pregnant wife, they can only be discarded if the husband has no infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. If he has undergone a course of treatment, it is still better not to take risks and have sex with a remedy. During pregnancy, the uterus and vaginal mucosa can be sensitive to any change in microflora, and in this case, a condom will be needed even in the absence of such a disease.

For the same reason, cunnilingus is undesirable, since the composition of saliva can have an adverse effect on the vaginal microflora and shifts the pH balance. In the presence of labial herpes, this type of sexual contact is unacceptable.

The couple should choose safe positions with minimal penetration of the male genital organ. It is important not to put too much pressure on the uterus and not to injure its cervix. You should not engage in anal sex, as exposure to the tactile receptors of the rectum can provoke a miscarriage. In addition, there is a risk of introducing intestinal flora into the vagina and exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Compliance with hygiene requirements is a prerequisite. Before intercourse, you need to take a shower, wash your genitals well.

Features of sex at different stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy is divided into three stages (trimesters), consisting of 3 months. Each period has its own physiological and hormonal characteristics. The answer to the question "Is it possible for pregnant women to have sex?" depends on what week of pregnancy. General recommendations for all trimesters are attention to your feelings and well-being, consultations with a doctor, duration of intercourse no more than 20 minutes, breaks between acts.

In the first trimester

A feature of the 1st trimester is toxicosis of the first months. If nausea does not last all day, then intimate life is not contraindicated. It should be borne in mind that the act of oral sex (blow job) can provoke an attack of nausea and vomiting.

Another feature of the early period of pregnancy is that in the first weeks the embryo may be poorly attached to the wall of the uterus and there is a threat of miscarriage. This is especially true for those women who have already had a spontaneous or medical abortion. The body could form a reflex of "habitual miscarriage".

In this case, from the first days of pregnancy diagnosis, you should be observed by a doctor and strictly adhere to his recommendations, including regarding the possibility or prohibition of sexual intercourse. If there is spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, tone of the uterus, then you cannot live sexually.

One of the signs of pregnancy is breast swelling and tenderness. The husband should take this circumstance into account and try not to cause additional pain when he caresses his breasts.

In the second trimester

The most favorable period when you can sleep with your husband is the second trimester of pregnancy. The body has already adjusted to the new conditions, the hormonal background has leveled off, the toxicosis has subsided, the fetus has risen up and does not press on the bladder. The soreness of the breast has decreased, and a slight increase in the abdomen does not interfere with affection and makes a woman attractive in the eyes of a loving spouse.

Greater than normal blood flow to the vagina and an enlarged clitoris stimulate sensuality and help to reach orgasm faster, it becomes brighter. Some women, only during pregnancy during the second trimester, begin to understand what a pleasure it is to sleep with their husband.

If at this stage there is still a threat of termination of pregnancy, sexual intercourse will have to be postponed until better times. The husband will need to be patient for the health of the baby and the mother-to-be. Sometimes toxicosis persists. In the later stages, it proceeds more difficult and exhausts the spouse. Such women are shown bed rest, hospitalization is often offered to preserve the fetus.

In the third trimester

With good health of the expectant mother and the standard course of pregnancy, intimate relationships are permissible in the third trimester. The formed mucous plug at the entrance to the cervix and placenta reliably protect the child. The choice of postures is very limited, the woman must behave passively. In 1 and 2 months of the trimester, the fetus presses on the internal organs and the diaphragm, so it is difficult for her to breathe. Rapid breathing during sexual intercourse can cause dizziness and shortness of breath.

Pressure on the abdomen should be avoided and penetration should also be minimal. If spotting appears after contact, you should consult a gynecologist. The husband should keep in mind that the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum.

At this time, orgasm can provoke contractions, the poet couple should behave carefully and prioritize correctly. By the end of the term, especially with an oversized pregnancy, this fact can play a positive role. It is believed that childbirth that begins with an orgasm is not difficult.

When is it better to give up sex?

The main contraindication for sexual relations is the threat of termination of pregnancy. In some cases, it exists throughout the entire period. This is typical for women whose previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage.

In this case, it is recommended to refuse intimate contact, especially in the first and third trimester, as well as on menstrual days. Sometimes, with an unfavorable course, pregnancy has to be maintained in a hospital. Contraindication to intimacy is multiple pregnancy after 20 weeks, low location of the placenta, its detachment (requires hospitalization).

There is an opinion that if there are contraindications, but intuition tells a woman not to give up sexual contact, then she must trust the body. If there are no contraindications, but there is no desire, then you should also trust the inner sensation. During pregnancy, instincts are sharpened, the body is programmed to bear the fetus and itself will tell you what is best for the woman and the child at the moment. Perhaps an acute desire for sex is the need to align the hormonal background.

In the absence of a desire to sleep with your husband, you do not need to force yourself to please him and for the sake of strengthening family relations. Better to kindly explain your reasons, thank you for your understanding and patience. You should not criticize yourself for the changed appearance and clumsiness, either aloud or mentally. Many men are able to adequately perceive the new unusual state of their woman.

Everyone knows that a child cannot be conceived without sexual intercourse. However, with the onset of the long-awaited event, most parents have a question: is it possible to have sex during pregnancy?

Sex Do not be afraid to pose
Oral sex to be together Long-awaited sex
Intimacy after childbirth problems consultation

Someone argues that for this period it is better to refuse sexual intercourse: what kind of sex can there be if a little man lives inside? Others, on the contrary, experience significant discomfort without amorous pleasures.

Allowed if bearing proceeds smoothly, without complications

Contraindications to intimacy

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, there is no threat of miscarriage, then you can have sex while carrying a child almost until the very birth. If in the past not everything went smoothly, or there were miscarriages and premature births, then sex during pregnancy is undesirable.

In the first three months, it is worthwhile to engage in "mating games" with caution, or even refuse it altogether. Also find out and.

It is better to abstain from sexual intercourse:

  • in the case of carrying several embryos, despite the general well-being of a woman, it is better to stop having sex from the 20th week: this is due to the fact that with multiple pregnancies there is a high risk of premature birth, and arousal can stimulate labor;
  • if there is a high tone of the uterus: then, regardless of the trimester of "interesting position", sexual intercourse can cause contraction of the uterus, as well as premature birth;
  • if an ultrasound scan showed placenta previa, then after sex during pregnancy, blood may appear: doctors advise not to use positions that provide deep penetration (the future mother is on top, the future father is behind);
  • if having sex led to bleeding or spotting, then it is better to refuse sexual intercourse before visiting a gynecologist;
  • if a pregnant woman previously had miscarriages, premature birth or there is a threat of interruption, it is better to refuse intimacy in the most dangerous periods: in this case, the days of the alleged menstruation are considered dangerous, in other words, every fourth week of the term, as well as the dates of the previous interruptions;
  • in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as in situations where conception occurred during the therapy of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • a month before the expected date of birth, all doctors advise avoiding sexual intercourse: this is due to the fact that during arousal, a woman produces oxytocin, a hormone that contributes to the contraction of the uterus, prostaglandin, a male hormone contained in semen, has the same effect, which is why intimacy before childbirth, it can provoke contractions (if the expectant mother, on the contrary, is walking over her term, then doctors recommend stimulating labor with sexual caresses).

Why is there no desire?

All women have different attitudes towards changes in their bodies: some have a pregnancy without complications, some experience constant discomfort. This determines the attitude towards intimacy: some are ready to engage in it every day, others do not know if it is possible to have sex during pregnancy, so they avoid it in every possible way. Both positions are absolutely normal.

Do not be afraid of intimacy, orgasm does not cause real contractions!

Immediately, we note that during intimacy, a man cannot harm the baby, because the embryo is reliably protected by amniotic fluid, placenta and uterus. This is why you can have sex during pregnancy.

It's another matter if the expectant mother feels discomfort caused by changes in her body:

  • the baby's head presses heavily on the small pelvis, the ligaments are stretched, which causes pain during sex;
  • the chest also becomes highly sensitive, so even gentle caressing movements can be unpleasant;
  • The usual sex positions during pregnancy can also cause discomfort, because now there is a big tummy.

Thus, a woman begins to listen more to her desires, and not to the desires of her husband. Therefore, if during pregnancy you do not want intimacy, there should be no questions here.

However, it should be noted that sexual desire in an "interesting position" can be unpredictable: if today it is completely absent, then tomorrow it can jump sharply. According to folklore, if a girl is expecting a boy, she has a high sexuality, if a girl is very low or completely absent.

Only permitted positions must be used

Also, many women shy away from intimacy due to the fact that they do not know whether it is possible to make love during pregnancy, because there is an opinion that orgasm can cause real contractions. However, it has recently been found that if the fetus, uterus and cervix are not ready for labor, then contractions during orgasm will not affect the woman's condition.

Permitted and forbidden poses

No less popular is the question among all young parents expecting an addition, how can you have sex during pregnancy? Let's consider the most popular sex positions and find out why they are dangerous during pregnancy.

  1. If the expectant mother lies on her back, the appearance of a syndrome of compression of the vena cava is possible, since the growing uterus exerts pressure on her. As a result, the woman and the baby develop oxygen deprivation.
  2. The knee-elbow position for sex, presented in the video, is also not entirely comfortable, since it puts a lot of stress on the lumbar region.
  3. You can not have sex during pregnancy in the "woman on top" position, as this requires a lot of physical effort from the woman. Poses for sexual intercourse should be gentle, excluding pressure on the abdomen.
  4. The best option is the position on the side - facing or with the back to the man, as well as sitting, at different levels - the expectant mother lies across the bed, at the very edge, and the partner is kneeling in front of her.
Oral and anal sex

Oral eliminates any injuries and deviations during gestation

It is very important to know the technique of sexual intimacy, which replaces sexual intercourse. This is most necessary in the first months of the "interesting situation", when it is necessary to satisfy the spouse without bringing the expectant mother to orgasm. This is due to the fact that it is better not to overload the uterus with excess blood and not force it to contract at the peak of sexual intercourse.

Oral sex during pregnancy is ideal. No woman will be against such a manifestation of passion. If the spouses succeed in this field before the onset of the "interesting situation", then no discontent and misunderstanding will arise, and oral sex during pregnancy will continue to be practiced.

But do not forget about the emotional state of a woman before oral sex during pregnancy. A man should support his spouse, give her a joyful feeling of a "wonderful period", and only on a positive note, if both parties wish to engage in this kind of intimacy.

Many couples use anal sex during pregnancy to add variety to their intimate life. This is the only possible option for joint pleasure. However, not all parents-to-be are wondering if it is possible to have anal sex during pregnancy.

  1. Some resort to this type of sexual pleasures only during the period of bearing a child, because it strongly resembles standard sexual intercourse.
  2. Moreover, the woman's tissue elasticity increases, so the insertion of the penis becomes almost painless.
  3. The expectant mother has a high sensitivity of hemorrhoids, which makes it possible to experience more pleasant sensations during anal sex during pregnancy.

However, this type of love pleasures is considered the most dangerous:

  • there is a high risk of introducing intestinal flora into the vagina, which is difficult to treat;
  • due to changes in blood circulation in the small pelvis, an increase in hemorrhoids is observed, which can be injured and cause bleeding, and then the development of paraproctitis.

You need to remember all of the above, always use a condom, as well as special lubricants, which will reduce the risk of possible infection and injury. Find out the whole truth about belching in early pregnancy

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