At what time of pregnancy, the fruit moves. The movement of the fetus during pregnancy, the degree of activity at different stages. Dynamics of fetal activity at different times

The most touching and concern for which pregnancy is remembered for many future mothers - the sensation of the kid's movement. It is one of the main signs of the existence of a small growing organism. That is why all future parents with trepidation belong to this phenomenon.

When will the fetal movements begin?

The most first fetal movements in pregnant women begin much earlier than the future mother can feel them. This is due to the fact that the fruit as "promotion" towards his birth takes place several stages of its development, during which its organs and systems are growing and developing. Here is a brief description of these stages regarding the movement of a small little man inside Mamina Lona:

  • The 8th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the active movements of the fetus. During this period, it already has muscles and nervous tissue, which can stimulate its abbreviations. True, these movements are chaotic, not coordinated and the baby is not realized. They are not felt by both mom, since the fruit itself is still very small, so it is in the "free swimming" uterus, without touching its walls;
  • The 10th week of pregnancy - the kid embryo is already gradually mastered the campaigns of movement and can, encroaching in the process of swimming in the oily waters on the wall of the uterus, change its trajectory of movement. Mom still does not feel his maneuvering, since he is still small;
  • The 16th week of pregnancy - the future little man can already react with movements on sound stimuli (music, noise, voices, but first of all - to his mom's voice and his intonation);
  • 17th week of pregnancy - your baby can already be buried;
  • The 18th week of pregnancy - he can already move the handles (compress-squeeze his fingers, touch his face and even close it in response to the sounds incomprehensible). At this stage, the future mommy can already feel the "echo" movement of his little chad;
  • 20-22th week of pregnancy - during this period, the fetus already form the main "engines": the head and spinal cord. Therefore, its movements are already coordinated and regular. It is 20 weeks that it is considered the relative guideline of the first mother's physical sensations that the baby grows inside it;
  • 24th week of pregnancy - from that time, the baby has already produces a certain way to communicate with his mother through its motor activity. With his active movements, he can inform her about his state of health or an emotional state (joy, anxiety, pleasure), as well as to respond to her mood.

How to determine?

As mentioned above, the very first fetal movements during pregnancy are discoordinated, and he himself is very small, so they are not tangible. In addition, the sensitivity to the movements of the kid inside the uterus depends on how much pregnancy in his mother has. So, many women who have this first pregnancy, the feelings of the movement of their firstborn may not even recognize immediately, and usually record this significant moment on the period of 20 weeks. Those who carry the first child in themselves are already familiar with these sensations, plus their uterus is more sensitive, so they may feel his movement for a couple of weeks earlier, from the 17-18th week of pregnancy. Also, not an important role in when Mom will first feel the movements of his child, playing her physique - each extra kilogram can retare this pleasant moment.

Descriptions of the first movements of the baby Future mothers are described in different ways. Someone feels a slight tickness inside, someone is fluttering the butterfly or splashing fish, and someone compares these sensations with rolling objects or feelings, as with an enhanced intestinal peristalsis. They are painless, weak and can be felt every day. But it was from this moment on that the future mother already listens to such manifestations of his existence of a baby.

What are they talking about?

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when the kid embryo already has its ideas about the feeling of comfort and begins to master the management methods. One of them is the reaction of movements. So, he can begin to move more actively in response to the lack of nutrients they need or unpleasant moments.

So, for example, the child inside the mother can signal to it that it is necessary to change the position if it lies on the back, thereby squeezing the large blood vessels that the oxygen and nutrients "deliver" to it. Also, with the help of active movements, arraying in this way the walls of the uterus, the fruit can "solve" the problem of oxygen and food starvation. Active movement can also signal with his mother that it needs to be tangled by its active activity or emotional state.

How to "read" the chain of the child during pregnancy?

By the nature of the movement, every woman can understand the mood of her child. But from the 16th week of development, as we said, the baby is able to respond to the voice of the mother and sounds of music. So the first language of communicating mother with the child is created. So the movements of the fetus during pregnancy is not just a sign of life, it is even the first "conversation." For example, in response to a slight pattery in one or another belly, a child can respond with a sticking of the handle or legs.

Therefore, listen to how the baby behaves within you - is not just nice, but necessary. Now the fetal movements are the indicator of its condition, and if they are missing - try to stimulate them. This can be done using special breathing exercises or a small physical activity, eating, especially something sweet. However, if the complete calm of the child is observed more than 12 hours - this is a reason to visit the doctor. Although it should be alert and excessive activity for several hours or days, since it is also one way to bring to you that the baby is experiencing discomfort.

From the 24th week there is even a certain activity of the future of the baby - 10-15 stresses for an hour, with the exception of the periods of his sleep, when he may not manifest itself about 3 hours. The kid is most active in the period from the 24th to the 32nd week, after which it calms down a little: first, he is no longer allowed to show his activity (and their uterys), secondly - he is already preparing to appear on light. And here the mother can clearly determine exactly what exactly he kicked her baby - a handle or leg.

One way to determine how safely pregnancy is undergoing - moving the fetus in the test D. Pirson "Consider up to 10". It is used in the third trimester, from the 28th week. To do this, you need to read the number of movements at a certain period of time every day - from 9 am to 9 pm and record on a special card. Only you need to write time not to the 1st, but the 10th movement. And, if by the end of the day you will have less than 10 such records, this may indicate that the kid is missing oxygen and needs to urgently correct this situation.

Therefore, remember: the motor activity of the fetus fully characterizes its condition, and maybe even character! So listen and show love for your chad from the first days of his conception!

Reading time: 5 minutes

The first movement of the fetus during pregnancy; One of the most anticipated moments of the young mammy. The flourishing of the new life in the womb is beginning to be felt in the second trimester. It is very important to fix the first intrauterine push. He will tell mom and gynecologist about the exact date of the birth of a baby. If the girl has the first pregnancy, to expect a child after 20 weeks after the first senses of movement.

The fruit begins to move on July 8-9. But these movements are not felt by the future mom, due to the fact that the embryo is too small. To see how the future baby accidentally concerns the walls of the uterus, will allow only ultrasound. The active movement of the fetus during pregnancy begins on 16-24 weeks.

Lower future mothers feel light shocks much earlier than more complete women. In addition, early movements in many are caused by a high threshold of sensitivity. Therefore, do not worry if your karapuz is late. This means that he simply did not score the necessary body weight. With increasing size, each kid movement is better.

How to recognize movement

There is no overall description of the motels of the fetus. Both doctors and moms define these feelings in different ways. Someone describes it in poetic, comparing the movement with flaking butterfly wings. Someone says that sensations are similar to stroking or ticking from the inside. Other shocks resemble bouffaging. Every woman has different. But it happens that it is "bullshit" brings unbearable pain due to the strong activity of the fetus.

Why do one women move the fruit with more power, and others with a smaller? Many explain this by the fact that during pregnancy the nature of the future baby is being formed. Movable Karapus Mom feels already at such early stages of his life. But for the most part, a very active movement reports a woman about some intrauterine problems, so pregnant is very important to control these sensations.

Too sharp and prolonged shocks "say" that the baby does not like something. If, when changing the posture, the behavior of the child does not change, and the movements of the fetus for several hours bring pain - contact the doctor.

To calm the fruit behavior, you need to change the pose. Such false crumbs reacts to the inconvenient position of the mother, especially this refers to the position of Löz. For example, on the back pregnant on this term to lie contraindicated! It is worth turning, and the karapuz calms down.
If the movements are too rare and sluggish, it is recommended to eat something sweet. Carbohydrates with blood flow will be quickly coming to the child and receive new forces.

Number of movements at different times of pregnancy

Approximately 25 weeks the fruit, according to the standards, must move at least 10 times per hour. Your baby, as well as you, takes some poses and changes the provisions. Hence the feeling of "Bulkanya". If you started feeling rhythmic shoes, do not worry, in the baby's baby. This process will not cause any harm to the child, you will soon get used to him. During this period, Icota can be repeated several times a day.

Be sure to lead. In the future you can contact him to understand why your child moves. Record every trifle from 21 weeks. Learning your voice, the voices of other family members, the reaction to the loud sounds, on a pleasant melody - all these sounds your karapuz feels together with you.
Sometimes movements may disappear at all. This means that the fruit fell. Such phenomena usually do not continue for more than three hours. Also often cases when your future child makes itself felt at night. A nascent life itself decides, at what time she wake up, and what to rest.

On a day, the baby can perform up to 500 different televitations. It is mainly observed from 28 to 32 weeks. You won't feel all movements. Many factors are influenced by their tangible fluid: the amount of accumulating fluid, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the position of the fetus and the placenta, as well as the mobility of the child and the sensitivity of the most pregnant.

From 32 weeks, activity begins to decline, but from that moment on the movement of the fetus, its position in the uterus is already determined. Just the sizes of the baby at this time are greatly increasing, and the uterus is slightly. If the crumb is in a butt-made preview, feel the main shoes you will be at the bottom of the abdomen. If the push above the navel is the presence of the head.

At the end of the last trimester, the motion of the fetus becomes rare, but not completely disappear. If the mother does not feel the movements within 12 hours, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Symptoms and methods for determining hypoxia in the fetus

Too strong lethargy or brightness of the infant televitations in most cases indicates oxygen starvation. Causes of hypoxia are different: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, malformations of the fetus and much more. To reveal the disease, conduct an ultrasound or cardiotokography.

Cardiac photography procedure is a heartbeat examination. For an hour, the device freezes the heart rhythms of your baby. The norm is considered to be changing rhythm from 120 to 160 beats per minute. With severe hypoxia, the mark decreases to 90 shots. When identifying this disease for a period of more than 30 weeks, a caesarean segment is carried out.

To identify such violations yourself, you need to use the technique of "count to 10". Approximately 28 weeks, in the interval from 9 to 21 hours, the woman must calculate the chapels. The tenth is recorded in a special card. If within 12 hours the number of jokes exceeds 15, or vice versa, the fruit is minor, contact a specialist.

Fetal movement at second pregnancy

The first child begins to move for 20 weeks. But what if you expect a second or third baby? This period, for the sensations of women, begins slightly earlier. To say exactly when the first movement will arise, difficult. Each organism is individual. Someone picks up the mass very quickly, someone is slow. The time limits for the start of the movement are still 16-24 weeks. But when your baby will show himself - to solve him.

Obsusters argue that the first movement during re-pregnancy Mom feels 2-3 weeks earlier. But this means only the fact that the feelings of pregnant are exacerbated, and the experienced experience helps more accurately determine the movement.

It happens that the wrong girl misleads his own intestines. This is a normal phenomenon. In the first months of the birth of a new life, the whole organism is rebuilt. 15-20 weeks this is the time of the rapid change in the intestinal functionality, which is very easy to confuse with the activity of the baby. The woman gave birth can distinguish the peristaltics from the shocks of the child.

Remember, the main task during any pregnancy is to keep a good mood, enjoy every movement, control the condition of your health and follow nutrition. Pregnancy is fleeting, not many have the opportunity to repeat such experience. Arrange the family evenings, the future child will gladly listen to the fairy tale from the Pope or the lullaby from Mom. Do not miss the most touching moments.

The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.


The first movements of the baby Many are compared with the waves of the butterfly wings or the splashing of a little fish. However, careful touchs are easy to confuse with the movement of gases inside the intestine, and only when child It begins to kick noticeably, no doubt remains.

At first, the movements of the baby will be poor, but soon its activity increases. The most active and tangible movements of the fetus are observed between 24 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the future mother feels the movement of the child almost constantly, and their frequency indicates the physical and mental state of the kid.

After 32 weeks of movements become less active. The child is increasing in size, it becomes closely in the uterus, active movements become impossible. At the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, the motor activity of the kid is noticeably declining, but does not disappear. If a woman does not feel the chapels of the child for a long time, you need to visit the doctor.

Tip 9: At what month of pregnancy begins to move the child

Some women during pregnancy are very worried about the fact that the baby in the stomach is not moving yet. However, such actions of the child begin not from the very beginning of pregnancy, but only a few months later.

The first movements of the kid

The very first movements of the baby in the uterus occur pretty early. But the mother does not feel them, since the sizes of the crumbs are very small, and the child moves freely in the oily-free, practically without touching the walls of the uterus. The first movements of the child are manifested by the tenth of the week, when the fruit begins to fit sufficiently with the sensitive walls of the uterus.

The first felt movements of the kid's future mother remembers for a long time. After all, based on this date, the gynecologist expects the most accurate date of birth.

In the case when a woman for the first time, the doctor adds 20 weeks to this date, and she has given birth for the first time - 19 weeks.

Usually, a woman begins to sense traffic at 20 weeks at and, about 18 weeks at repeated. There are cases when women are much used to feel the movements of the fetus, but this is either a deceptive feeling, or the wrong time of pregnancy.

The first chapels of the woman are described as a fluffy of fish or stirmers with butterfly wings.

The period is greater, the sensation becomes clearer and easily recognized. By the end of the second trimester, the booster for mom becomes more visible through the abdominal wall. Closer to the gods of the chapels subsided. Reducing the activity of the fetus is associated with the close location of it in the uterus.

Proper activity

The activity of the child helps to wake up the first maternal feeling, from a psychological point of view it is very nice, especially when a child. According to doctors, you need to carefully observe the frequency and character of the fetus. Normally, the child should move on at least 10 times (series of impetus). The rest of the time the baby sleeps calmly.

If the jacks of the fetus are very frequent - it may be hypoxy (lack of oxygen). With frequent and active movements of the mother's kid, it is better to reach fresh air or to air the room. The most dangerous time when shelling becomes less than 10 per day, or they are not felt at all. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance, or to go to the doctor. Always remember when in the morning starts and consider, focusing on this time, so as not to view the possible pathology. Only without fanaticism.

There are other reasons for active fetal movements when the mother's body is in an inconvenient position. By the way, it can be very dangerous, since in this position the hollow vein is squeezed, and the child is experiencing oxygen starvation.

Giving birth is the calculation at the beginning of the first day). To determine this, you need to add a week (7 days) to the date of last menstruation and subtract, exactly three months from the month of the last menstruation. Suppose if you have a menstruation last January 31, then if it comes in February, then your long-awaited kid will be born on November 6th of this year. However, this is an approximate birthday, and this is not always the exact way.

Another method will be able to help determine this, - add to the first day of the last month 40 weeks or 280 days - you will receive a period when the baby has fully formed and don. In other words, you are ready for childbirth. However, here are their laws of nature, and is traced direct from the duration of your menstrual. Then you have to or add or deduct the difference in the days if your cycle is not equal to 28 days. And we need to have exactly 28 days, if you have a less cycle, or remove if it is more.

In cases where the day is the date of the beginning of the last monthly forgotten, it is possible to determine the birth date of the child at the reception at your doctor, who will examine you in the chair and at the height of the bottom, by its size and other features will determine your term. The gynecologist with experience will easily tell, how the child is being developed and when you wait for it to appear on the light.

Another approximate landmark for determining the age of the baby is the time when the future mother will understand that her baby pushes and moves. This is usually happening at 20 weeks at first pregnancy and 18 with the second and subsequent. But this method is not so accurate, since many factors affect the sensitivity of the future mommy, and it can feel the movement of the baby a little later or earlier than 20 weeks.

But the most accurate method, to determine the birth date of the child, has recently been and remains ultrasound. The first ultrasound, if there are no medical contraindications, are prescribed on the 12th week of pregnancy and the size of the fruit egg will confirm the term of your pregnancy

The main thing is not worth forgetting that you do not calculate and what day they did not choose for the birth of the baby, it will appear when he comes to be born. Even if it is 38 weeks or 42.
Before childbirth.

What if the child moves little?

Scientists believe that the fruit begins to move more often when there is a lack of oxygen. However, a sign of severe hypoxia is the lack of movements for a long time. If after 28 weeks the child moves little or does not make it necessary to know about 12 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The specialist should not just listen to the heart stethoscope, but to carry out cardiotokography (KTG). During this procedure, the fetal heartbeat is recorded for half an hour. The cardiac rhythm rate should vary on average from 120 to minute, depending on the level of the baby's activity, increasing during the movement. The monotony of heart abbreviations, more rare heartbeat may be a sign of severe hypoxia and require immediate delivery.


  • pregnancy baby little moves

The movements of the child in the womb is a special period of pregnancy, marking her half, a point of reference for childbirth and special sensations of the future mother. His pregnant women are waiting with great impatience. When does the fruit do, and are they always felt by her mother? What time does this happen and what does it mean?

First hevings

In the mother's womb, the fruit first begins to move on the period of 8 weeks. After all, at this time the first muscles are formed responsible for motor activity. Since the child at this time is too small, his movements are chaotic and convulsive. Therefore, mom's such movements do not feel. She does not feel them also because on this period, almost all the space of the uterus occupies an integral fluid, the child almost does not touch the walls, and if it concerns, it is very weak.

Over time, the fruit begins to grow and achieves sizes in which its movements become tangible for mom. Then the surrounding (future dad and relatives) will be able to feel them, applying her hand to the tummy of pregnant. Speakingly see such movements can even be closer to the date of delivery. Sometimes the child seems to try to stick the cam, the leg, relying about the mother's belly, and it is interesting to observe.

Sensation of motion mom

On average, on 18-22 week, the future mother feels the movements of the child. But this term for each pregnant woman is individual. After all, it depends on what kind of pregnancy, how to wear, what is the layer of fat on the abdominal wall of the mother. Securities, as a rule, begin to feel the movement of the child before 2 weeks. The predisposition to feel the movements earlier and slender mothers. Each pregnant woman's character is manifested in its own way. Some compare them with moth flyers, others with swimming fish. But, in general, the first chapels are not sharp and peasant. They are rather similar to the intestinal peristalsis, to rolling food in the stomach.

A pregnant woman should remember and record the day when she for the first time felt sheer movements. After all, the observing gynecologist will definitely ask about it. Why is the date so important? On it, the doctor traditionally expects the date of delivery. So, if they are first, then 20 weeks add to the date of the first movement, if the second is 22 weeks. Of course, this calculation is approximate, therefore, the preliminary date of delivery is called. But together with the date of the last menstruation, the planned ultrasound data can be accurately calculated.

What movements are normal?

After the first movement, the future mother will feel almost constantly. Indeed, with the growth and development of the baby and its activity increases. This is a normal phenomenon. Movement and movements are becoming more meaningful. The child can thus "outraged", to report mom that something does not suit him. For example, mom's posture during sleep or a quarrel of parents, loud music in the room. But after the activity of the future child decreases, because it becomes just inconvenient to move due to insufficient space in the uterus. Then even mothers such movements can deliver discomfort and inconvenience. Very often, pregnant complains that the child's calm day becomes too active at night. And the reason for this may be ordinary inattention moms for daily movements, because it is occupied by their own business plans. But at night, in the state of peace of mom, the child attracts attention to himself. Perhaps it is not satisfied with the usual and prolonged pose of a woman in a dream. After all, some women are accustomed to not changing her all night. So now mommy must "listen" the requests of the child and change their position in the bed.

The normal periods of the motels of the child per day are considered normal, ranging from the first movement and until the term of 32 weeks. Their amount is reduced slightly or they become less active.

When mommy ceased to feel the movements, she needs to consult a doctor to avoid problems.

Especially for Elena Thochec