From which the urine is dark brown. Usually, such funds have a similar effect. Brown urine in women

Urine is one of the few things that the category of citizens who cares about their health most often pays attention to. Indeed, its smell, consistency, as well as color are the first harbingers of dangerous infections and diseases. Moreover, this liquid can even tell not only about your entire diet for the day, but also about whether you have consumed alcoholic products. Experts say that, normally, throughout the day, urine can change its color from light yellow to amber, but at the same time, foreign impurities and an unpleasant pungent odor should not be observed in it.

Brown urine. What affects its color?

Most often, both pigments contained in food (legumes, beets, berries, etc.) and drugs affect the color change of this liquid. It is important to note that in the latter case, the color change should be described in detail in the instructions for the tablets. Otherwise, you will have to pay a visit to a specialist. If your urine has changed color to pink, blue or green, do not be afraid that you are seriously ill, most likely it is all to blame:

  • antibiotics;
  • antineoplastic drugs;
  • laxatives.

Brown urine. Natural causes

Modern medicine allows you to quickly identify the cause of unusual symptoms. Consequently, the patient may not worry once again because of the vagaries of his body. Patients very often face a problem such as brown urine. For a more accurate determination of the cause in this case, you will need to describe the shade in detail, or even better show the doctor the analysis. So the liquid can have a tint of beer or tea, be dirty and cloudy, etc.

  1. In any case, the abuse of black tea during the day, as well as legumes, always leads to a change in the color of the liquid to a darker shade.
  2. On the other hand, taking laxatives, in particular those based on hay, inevitably leads to darkening of the urine.
  3. Regular thirst and infrequent urination often result in a light brown hue. In this case, you should reconsider your diet as a whole, remove overly salty foods and try to drink a little more non-carbonated plain water.

Brown urine. Pathological problems


In any case, if the color of waste products changes, you should immediately pass all tests and contact a specialist. Remember, the sooner the doctor identifies the true cause, the sooner treatment will begin.

Dark brown urine is not always a sign of pathology. However, this symptom in many people is a cause for excitement and anxiety. Any changes in the body should be alarming. Darkening of urine can be a symptom of a dangerous medical condition. And it is much easier to treat any ailment at its initial stage. The reasons for this can be very different. Consider why the urine color changes, what to do in such cases, how to avoid this in the future.

Some changes in the color of the urine are natural. The secreted fluid can change it during the day. In the morning, urine is always darker and richer, and by lunchtime it becomes much lighter. In addition, factors such as gender, age, diet and rest of a person affect the color.

Natural darkening of urine is observed in such cases:

  1. After a night's rest. As a rule, most people do not wake up at night to use the toilet. Within a few hours, the liquid in the bladder is saturated with minerals, carbohydrates and urochromes. They make it dark. A pungent smell is also not a cause for alarm. The reason for this is the high concentration of organic waste products. Within a few hours, the urine acquires the usual light yellow hue.
  2. Severe dehydration. When a person is in extreme heat, all consumed fluid is removed into the skin for cooling. He may not go to the toilet for hours. The result is dark brown urine. A similar effect occurs when people are forced to endure and restrain the urge to use the toilet.
  3. Eating certain foods. The secreted liquid turns brown after consuming aloe, beef, legumes, beets and rhubarb, coffee and strong tea. A similar effect can be observed for several days.
  4. Treatment with antibiotics and antimalarial drugs, drugs that include laxatives containing hay grass or caskura. As a rule, after the end of the drug intake, all indicators return to normal.
  5. Hormonal surge. Urine in men under the age of 30 can darken due to excess testosterone in the body. This is observed after strong sexual arousal.
  6. Elderly age. In elderly and old people, the metabolism slows down or does not pass in full. This causes some of the nutrients to pass into the urine.

If the darkening of urine in women and men occurs for these reasons, then this is normal. It is much worse if this symptom occurs in the absence of natural factors. In such cases, there are serious human health problems.

Darkening of urine to a brown color can occur due to such pathological abnormalities in a person's condition:

  • hepatitis of any type;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • kidney stones, bladder or gall bladder;
  • infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • internal hemorrhoids in disrepair.

In women and men, the causes of changes may differ slightly due to the characteristics of the physiology of the body. In children, especially newborns, the color of urine changes especially often, since their body is in the stage of formation.

Change in the color of urine in men

If a man eats normally and leads a measured lifestyle, then brown urine indicates serious pathological changes in his body. Signs of dangerous diseases are general malaise, nausea and vomiting, fever, weakness and headache. If pain in the lower abdomen and burning sensation in the genitals are added to this, then it is necessary to urgently consult a urologist.

Brown urine in a man may be for the following reasons:

  • acute or chronic prostatitis;
  • infectious inflammation of the epididymis;
  • trauma or injury to the scrotum;
  • damage to the vas deferens;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the penis;
  • purulent processes in the bladder;
  • cirrhosis of the liver in the acute stage;
  • severe poisoning with vapors of non-ferrous metals;
  • critical dose of taken psychotropic drugs or narcotic drugs;
  • hormonal fluctuations during adolescent puberty;
  • cancers of the digestive system and small pelvis.

In some cases, a significant darkening of urine is observed in men who have consumed a significant amount of alcohol the day before. Alcohol destroys brain cells. The brown color is the result of the washing away of dead cells and their getting through the blood vessels into the bladder.

Change in the color of urine in women

The body of women has its own characteristics. The female reproductive system has the greatest influence on the change in the color of urine. It is the genitals that are most vulnerable to infection. The cervix and vagina are most commonly affected by inflammation and cancer.

Most often, the urine is dark yellow and black during menstruation. This is due to the fact that the discharge enters the urine, giving it a color unusual for the usual discharge. At the end of menstruation, everything returns to normal, the cause for alarm disappears by itself.

The reasons for the appearance of brown urine in women can be as follows:

  • changes in hormonal levels in girls during puberty;
  • the onset of menopause due to old age, due to illness and surgery;
  • venereal diseases;
  • exacerbation of candidiasis (thrush);
  • damage to the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse;
  • infectious diseases of the genital tract;
  • rupture of blood vessels.

The female body behaves especially unpredictably during pregnancy. At this time, cardinal changes are taking place associated with the emergence and development of a new life. First of all, this affects the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. Excess hormones are released into the bladder, where the fluid turns brown. In late pregnancy, a large fetus increases pressure on all internal organs. This can rupture blood vessels, causing blood to enter the bladder, staining its contents brown. Even knowing the approximate reason for the unusual color of urine, pregnant women should immediately contact a gynecologist to prevent the development of a disease that is dangerous for the child and mother.

Brown urine in children

Dark yellow urine in a child often plunges young parents into panic, who are faced with such a phenomenon for the first time. But there are not always good reasons for this. Young children have powerful immunity inherited from their mother. In the first 6–8 months, they are practically invulnerable to pathogens. Dark urine in a child may be due to eating vegetables and berries, which contain a lot of natural coloring pigments. And given that babies are given these foods on a daily basis, urine can be dark brown for weeks or months. The urine turns dark yellow after eating beets, blueberries, or apples with a high iron content. Pay attention to the child's behavior. If it differs from the usual and is accompanied by the release of brown urine, then this is a reason to show the baby to the pediatrician.

Alarming symptoms and deviations from the norm are:

  • temperature increase;
  • lack of appetite;
  • constant crying;
  • stomach ache;
  • spots and various rashes on the skin;
  • regurgitation of food.

Typically, the pediatrician will order a blood and urine test. In most cases, cystitis is diagnosed. Treatment is carried out at home with a favorable prognosis. In the future, parents need to change diapers or diapers more often, give the child more water, and carry out water procedures more often in order to avoid fungus and its complications.


It is necessary to eliminate such discharge in order to timely detect the onset of various ailments. A change in the color of urine is the first sign of a dangerous disease.

To avoid the discharge of dark urine, you should follow these rules:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This volume does not include tea, milk and liquid meals. Constant circulation of fluid in the body will allow you to remove toxins and waste products from it.
  2. Avoid drinking a lot of alcohol. Alcohol causes severe dehydration and poisoning of the body. Drunkenness provokes the emergence of many fatal diseases.
  3. Do not restrain the urge to use the toilet. You need to urinate as soon as the opportunity arises. The urine stuck in the bladder quickly becomes toxic, causing inflammation and suppuration.
  4. When treating infectious diseases, carefully study the instructions for medicines, paying attention to side effects and possible changes in the color of urine.
  5. Avoid situations fraught with contact with harmful substances, severe overheating or hypothermia.
  6. Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, foods high in coloring pigments.
  7. Completely cure all infectious diseases, eliminate all sources of inflammation.

The urine of a healthy person has a yellowish straw tint. With the development of pathological processes, it can change its color.

Experts consider brown urine as a signal of dangerous conditions occurring in the human body. You should know what it means if the urine turns brown, because the changes can have both pathological and physiological reasons.

When brown urine appears, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis and, if necessary, subsequent treatment. Brown coloration can be the result of diseases not only of the genitourinary, but also of other systems.

If the color of your urine has changed, it is important to find out the cause of this phenomenon. In healthy people, the color of urine may change in the morning, since it contains an increased concentration of urochrome, which increases with a lack of fluid in the tissues.

If you drink a lot of water, the urine turns light yellow. Discoloration of urine due to exposure to such factors is not dangerous. More often, however, a change in the shade of the fluid when urinating signals some health problem.

The following reasons for the discharge of dark urine are known:

  • genitourinary diseases of an infectious origin (accompanied by the appearance of red-brown urine);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • tumor formations in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • skeletal muscle necrosis - the main cause of black urine;
  • lack of water in the tissues;
  • the use of coloring products and some medicines.

Only yellow urine indicates the absolute health of a person, with any changes in its color, one should find out what caused this unnatural process. It is possible to determine the reason for the change in the appearance of urine only after conducting blood and urine tests.

Natural factors

A reaction such as a change in the shade of urine often has natural causes. Dark brown and black urine can result from certain foods and medications.

This is inevitably due to foods such as beef, beans, rhubarb, blueberries, black tea. Taking drugs based on phenol, cresol or lysol, vitamins B and C, drugs against malaria and tuberculosis, laxatives stains urine brown or brown. An identical reaction is when using decoctions of oak bark and rose hips.

With a water deficit, the concentration of urochrome in urine increases significantly, so it darkens. This condition is not dangerous, the color will return to normal when a large amount of liquid is consumed.

Urine darkens when alcohol enters the body, this phenomenon can be observed several days after drinking alcohol. The body perceives ethyl alcohol as a toxin in order to remove it, the kidneys and liver work in an enhanced mode.

Brown urine in women is often observed during the menstrual cycle, which is also considered the norm.

Pathological causes

If urine has acquired a different shade not as a result of natural processes, such a change can be a symptom of many diseases. The following pathologies are often diagnosed:

  1. Infectious diseases. With the development of pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis of infectious genesis, urine becomes dark brown due to blood and purulent impurities. Inflammatory diseases can be recognized by such additional signs as high fever, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, swelling and frequent urination.
  2. Tumor formations in the organs of the urinary system are common and most dangerous reasons why urine turns brown in men and women. Urine changes color due to the decay of these neoplasms.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system. Dark urine can be a sign of digestive disorders. Darkening of urine, discoloration of feces and itching of the skin occur with cholestasis - a condition of the body, accompanied by insufficient release of bile into the intestines. Peptic ulcer and stomach ulcer, colitis, pancreatitis are other possible causes of urine darkening.
  4. Liver dysfunctions. The development of cirrhosis, calculous cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia and hepatitis causes the formation of specific substances in the body. These are bilirubin and biliverdin, they give the urine a dark color. In addition to this symptom, discoloration of feces and hypotension indicate inflammation of the liver.
  5. Jaundice. With the development of the disease, bilirubin is actively produced in the body, which gives a dark color; laboratory examination will establish the presence of this substance in the urine. With jaundice, the skin and whites of the eyes acquire a yellow tint, appetite decreases, and a bitter taste appears in the mouth.
  6. Diseases of the genital tract in men and women. Brown urine appears with the development of pathologies of organs such as the prostate and testes in men, and the ovaries, uterus, and appendages in women.
  7. Skeletal muscle necrosis. In this pathology, the destruction of muscle fibers causes blood poisoning.

To find out exactly what pathological factors caused the discoloration of urine, it is necessary to do a blood and urine test. When confirming the development of inflammatory processes in the body, a complete medical examination will be required.

Brown urine in men and women

The reasons for urine staining brown in men and women may differ if they are associated with diseases of the reproductive system.

Often in males, brown urine becomes with inflammation of the prostate gland, testicles, vas deferens. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by the release of blood or even pus, when the disease is infectious.

Dark brown urine in men can be secreted with damage to the prostate, trauma to the scrotum, inflammation of the epididymis.

If blood vessels are damaged during infectious diseases, a burgundy color of urine is observed in men. Such pathologies in males cause severe pain in the testicles and pain during urination.

In women, tea-colored urine is excreted in the following pathologies:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • STDs;
  • tumor formations in the uterus and on its cervix;

If the cause of brown urine in women is genital infections, the urine takes on a fetid odor.

Brown urine in women and men is excreted in some types of anemia. Other characteristic signs of this pathology are lethargy, pale skin color, enlarged liver and spleen.

What to do if your urine changes color

If a person notices changes in well-being, while the urine turns brown for no apparent reason, such changes should not be ignored.

It is necessary to seek help from a specialist when brown urine appears in the event of such additional symptoms:

  • cutting pain when urinating;
  • purulent and bloody impurities in the urine;
  • if there is general weakness and malaise;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • pulling back pain;
  • frequent urge to urinate, which are accompanied by a slight discharge of urine.

These are dangerous combinations that signal the development of pathologies. If a high temperature rises and other symptoms are observed, an ambulance should be called.

Which doctor will deal with the treatment of a pathological condition depends on the specific disease. Initially, with complaints about the symptoms of disorders in the body, it is necessary to contact a therapist or urologist.

To diagnose the causes of brown urine, it is necessary to pass the following tests:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • microscopic examination of urine sediment;
  • samples for concentration and dilution of urine.

For treatment and prevention, it is important to know the exact diagnosis. If the cause of the pathology is an infection, you cannot do without taking antibiotics.

During treatment, the patient needs a sparing diet, proper sleep and wakefulness regimen. In order to prevent diseases of the liver, kidneys and genitourinary system, it is necessary to adhere to the following important rules:

  1. Drink about 2 liters of water per day.
  2. Adhere to proper nutrition - limit the consumption of alcohol, fatty, smoked and salty foods.
  3. Try not to overcool, especially keep your lower back and pelvic area warm.
  4. Take medications only as directed by a doctor, not exceeding the dosage indicated by him.
  5. If you find unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist.

In the absence of timely and correct treatment of diseases, severe liver and kidney damage can develop, which are often fatal.

Changes in urine shades are considered normal. If a person consumes a sufficient amount of liquid and does not have any pathologies that affect the analysis of urine, then the urine is colored light yellow. In the morning, she usually has a darker shade due to an increase in the concentration of urochrome.

Urine acquires brown color due to certain physiological conditions, the development of inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is very important to determine the reasons for the darkening of the urine. After all, it is possible that such a change is the body's response to the influence of external factors.

Natural Causes of Brown Urine

Causes that provoke the release of dark brown urine, which are not dangerous in nature:

  1. A high concentration of urochrome is the reason for the occurrence of which lies in an insufficient supply of fluid to the body.
  2. The use of certain drugs (laxatives), which are produced on the basis of components such as lysol, cresol, activated carbon, phenol.
  3. The inclusion in the diet of foods that contain large quantities of dyes (legumes, strong tea, beef, rhubarb).
  4. Increased sweating, which occurs due to physical exertion, high air temperature.

Possible pathologies

Often it is the pathological causes that cause the urine to turn dark brown. Among them are:

  • inflammation of the prostate (in men);
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. With the development of urolithiasis, the dark brown color of urine is explained by the ingress of blood into it. After all, solid inclusions inside an organ cause injury to its tissues;
  • disruption of the liver. The change in the color of urine is affected by the amount of pigments (biliverdin, bilirubin). Urine takes on the shade of dark beer in the event of certain diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • infectious diseases (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis);
  • jaundice of various types (parenchymal, mechanical, hemolytic);
  • diseases in women of internal genital organs;
  • increased fluid loss due to certain diseases.

Distinguishing Causes in Women and Men

The reasons why the urine of the stronger and weaker sex turns dark brown are not only common. Some are characteristic only of women or only men.

For example, in men, urine acquires a brown tint due to stagnation of blood inside the prostate gland with prostatitis. The acquisition of a dark color by urine is often a consequence of the progression of diseases of the genital organs or their injury.

In women, genital diseases affect the darkening of urine. All kinds of vaginal discharge can also enter the urine.

So, the individual reasons for darkening urine in women and men are set out in the table below.

Jaundice, as a common cause of brown urine

Urine often takes on a dark brown color due to a violation in the emergence, excretion of bile pigments. There are several types of jaundice, each of which causes darkening of the urine, consider them:

When the level of urobilin rises in the urine during hemolysis, the color of urine in men, women turns dark brown.

If you notice a change in the color of urine from light yellow to dark brown, contact a specialist for advice. The doctor must necessarily determine the reasons that caused the darkening of the urine in order to prescribe a suitable, effective treatment, or simply calm down by explaining that there is no danger. To do this, he will send you to the laboratory for the delivery of urine for general and biochemical analyzes.

Slight changes in urine color are normal. In the morning, you can observe its darkening associated with an increase in the concentration of urochrome. If you drink a lot of water, your urine will turn straw yellow.

In the case of certain pathological or physical conditions, it may turn brown.

If this happens, you need to find out whether the disease is taking place, or whether such a reaction to stimuli from the outside is normal.

Non-dangerous reasons

The situation is considered normal if one of the factors has become the cause of brown urine:

Urine of brown or brown color can become when legumes, beef, strong tea, rhubarb, etc. are included in the diet. Speaking of medicines, the urine is painted in dark brown preparations of salol and naphthol. In addition, there is an increase in the concentration of urochrome during use in the treatment of laxatives.

When you stop eating or when you stop taking the above products / medicines, your urine color quickly recovers.

Pathological causes

The urine may turn brown due to the development of certain diseases. In this case, we are talking about:

  • jaundice (mechanical, parenchymal, hemolytic);
  • inflammatory kidney disease;
  • diseases of the prostate;
  • pathologies of female internal genital organs.

In addition, the urine may turn brown as a result of the increased fluid loss associated with certain diseases.

If we talk about the causes of brown urine, hidden in the development of jaundice in the patient, then this phenomenon is due to a violation of the formation and subsequent excretion of bile pigments.

  • a change in skin tone that turns greenish-yellow;
  • discoloration of feces;
  • bradycardia (low heart rate);
  • lowering blood pressure.

If the causes of brown urine are parenchymal jaundice, which develops as a result of liver damage in cirrhosis and hepatitis, then the urine is stained due to an increase in the content of urobilin and the appearance of bilirubin. The skin with this disease can acquire a saffron-yellow hue, and the feces - clay. With active inflammation of the liver, there may also be a decrease in body weight, weakness, an increase in the abdomen caused by ascites, and an increase in temperature. The rest of the symptoms, only with a lesser degree of severity, are similar to mechanical jaundice.

When explaining the causes of brown urine by the development of hemolytic jaundice, its staining occurs due to an increase in the amount of bilirubin in the blood, which is associated not with liver pathology, but with its increased formation. The occurrence of hemolysis of erythrocytes is caused by poisoning with hemolytic poison, incompatibility of blood by group or Rh factor during transfusion, as well as the development of diseases such as: systemic lupus erythematosus, malaria, infective endocarditis, etc. while bilirubin is absent. There is also a darkening of feces and the acquisition of a lemon-yellow hue by the skin.