Why do newborn babies have tummy ache. What to do if a newborn has a tummy ache

The appearance of pain in the abdomen in infants is a fairly common phenomenon. The main reason for this is that the organs of the gastrointestinal tract have not fully formed.

Discomfort and pain can appear in different ways, just as the reaction in infants varies significantly. For example, at this time, the child may scream, cry and keep the whole family awake.

Painful sensations become much less as the newborn child grows and may stop completely in six months.

The questions that worry the mother at this time are the same for everyone, the most important is why does the stomach of a newborn baby hurt?

How to overcome pain? What medications and alternative methods have the best effect, but do not have a side effect?

How does it manifest in newborns?

A newborn child cannot tell that something hurts him. You can determine this by certain actions.

It is necessary to pay attention to what is happening in the body of an infant and how he behaves at this time.

  • Complete refusal to eat.
  • A cry that doesn't stop.
  • Bending of the body.
  • The baby sharply bends and unbends the legs.

Why does a baby's stomach often hurt

The reasons why the stomach often hurts can be associated with colic and the formation of gases. What might cause this?

First reason. This is the psycho-emotional state of his mother. It is very important at this time for a woman not to be nervous and not worried. Otherwise, the child will also begin to worry.

This will affect the functioning of the digestive system. There is a spasm, because of which the discharge of feces and gases is disturbed.

The second reason. This is an increased fat content of milk, especially if they are also thick. It is poorly absorbed by the child and causes pain.

In this case, the mother can additionally give the baby water to drink before the feeding process.

Third reason. It is important to consider what the mother eats while breastfeeding. There are a number of foods that cause gas in the abdomen of a woman who is breastfeeding and in a newborn baby.

Bloating can come from certain foods. To determine the cause of pain, it is necessary to separate food. For example, the first and second courses should be consumed separately.

On the Internet, you can look and determine which foods can cause bloating, as well as which can be consumed during lactation.

In most cases, the pain goes away on its own. The first recommendations from doctors when such symptoms appear are to refuse to take fried, spicy, fatty and dishes with a lot of seasonings.

When abdominal pain occurs in a newborn baby, the mother should reconsider the possible causes in herself. One reason could be poor quality water.

Gas can be caused by carbonated water or boiled water. You should also give up fast food and convenience foods.

Other reasons why the stomach hurts in newborns

There may be other reasons for the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen of a newborn. For example, an allergic reaction to food, poor absorption of lactose, or intestinal obstruction.

And sometimes the reason can be absolutely safe: the growth of teeth.

The appearance of an allergic reaction is possible provided that the baby is additionally given artificial nutrition.

This phenomenon may be accompanied by a number of symptoms in an infant. In addition to pain, an additional rash may appear on the skin. In this case, the baby is gaining weight very poorly.

No action should be taken before consulting a doctor. He will establish a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Pain syndrome during teething. There is a connection between the growth of teeth and abdominal pain in an infant. At the time of eruption, the color of feces may change. After the teeth erupt, the pain will disappear.

Problems with the intestines. Most often, this problem occurs after a change in nutrition has occurred and the baby is fed artificial nutrition instead of breast milk.

Additional symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, gas formation, or an increase in body temperature may occur. Periodically, a newborn has abdominal pain.

Poor digestion of lactose. In the body of each infant, an insufficient amount of lactose is produced. In this regard, poor digestion of lactose is observed.

This condition is quite dangerous for the baby's body, as it can lead to shock. It is urgent to call an ambulance.

Why does a newborn experience pain?

But if the cause of the pain does not lie in chronic diseases or pathologies, is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, then certain measures can be taken at home.

Mom needs to pay attention to certain symptoms and when they occur. For example, if a child begins to cry after eating food, tightens his legs, then gases can accumulate due to the increased fat content of milk.

To eliminate this symptom, it is necessary to massage the abdomen after eating. You can also pre-take before taking milk to give a small amount of water.

If, with pain in the abdomen, the child additionally develops an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, diarrhea, dry skin, then the presence of dysbacteriosis may be the cause.

These manifestations are possible in the presence of the appearance of dysbacteriosis. It occurs, in most cases, in young children who began to be fed artificially.

To eliminate discomfort, you should change the infant formula.

If the mother consumes a large amount of protein foods and starchy foods, then constipation can be expected in the baby. In this case, it is necessary for the child to give plenty of water and change his diet.

First aid for pain

It is impossible to calmly watch how a baby suffers from abdominal pain. To do this, you need to know what to do and how to help your child.

  • It is necessary to do a special massage of the abdomen. It must be done only with warm hands and through a warm sheet. Perform massage immediately after eating.
  • Before the process of feeding the baby should be put on the stomach for a few minutes.
  • Immediately during feeding or after, it is necessary to put the child on his stomach on a warm sheet.
  • Additional recommendations for newborns can only be given by a doctor.

Of course, the child may also experience pain, but if the mother knows how to deal with them, this is a big plus.


The work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract begins even when the baby is in the mother's stomach. But it is fully formed only after the baby is 6 months old.

It is necessary to consult a doctor about how to eliminate pain in a newborn.

Therapeutic exercises

The child must be put on the back and perform exercises with him. It is necessary to bring the legs to the tummy, after bending at the knees, and then return to the starting position.

You can do this exercise not only for treatment, but also for prevention.


Sub or Espumizan helps speed up the digestion process. They are absolutely safe and do not cause allergy symptoms.

Another plus is that this drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream, but directly works in the stomach and intestines. It is necessary to take this medicine after a doctor's prescription.

The dosage can only be prescribed by a specialist. Espumizan can be taken not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

With abdominal cramps in a newborn, a warm heating pad should be applied. It can replace drugs and has no side effect.

In the presence of diarrhea and vomiting, it is important to avoid dehydration. In this case, drugs such as Regidron will help. Its correct use is indicated in the instructions.

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In the first months of life, organ systems in young children are not yet adapted to independent full-fledged functioning. The organs of the digestive system are especially vulnerable. Due to malnutrition of the mother or inappropriate mixture, the child may begin intestinal spasms - colic. This problem occurs in 80-90% of babies. It is not dangerous, but brings discomfort to the child and mother. It usually lasts 3-4 months until the intestines of the newborn get used to normal functioning.

Colic: what causes them to form

With intrauterine development, the gastrointestinal tract of the baby is not yet functioning, since he does not need to digest food, and the swallowed water does not require any enzymes for splitting. After birth, the baby begins to feed on breast milk: at first in small portions, but each time they increase, and the amount of enzymes secreted remains the same.

What contributes to the appearance of spasms of the muscular layer of the intestine

The main causes of abdominal pain in a newborn:

  • Swallowing air. If breastfeeding or bottle feeding is incorrect, the baby may swallow air with milk, so you should feed the baby at a 45-degree angle.
  • Improper nutrition of a nursing mother. During this period, it is necessary to exclude from the diet products that promote gas formation and the development of allergies: legumes, cabbage, mushrooms, fried foods, fatty dairy products, chocolate, strawberries, grapes, citrus fruits. It is worth considering that each baby is individual and the mother should draw up her own diet by keeping a food diary and studying the reaction of the child's body to certain foods.
  • Profuse accumulation of flatulence in abdomen. A poorly developed excretory system does not have time to cope with the removal of gases from the body.
  • Large servings of milk. Enzymes do not have time to cope with the entire volume of incoming food.
  • Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Excess foremilk. When feeding only such milk, the body is saturated only with carbohydrates, which lead to gas formation. Before feeding, the mother should express a little fore milk so that the baby also receives hind milk, rich in fats, proteins and maternal immunoglobulins.
  • Fast or too slow feeding.
  • Intensive weight gain.
  • The psychological state of the mother.

Symptoms of colic in infants

One of the main symptoms is crying. With colic, it is usually sharp and loud, and the child can also move his legs, trying to squeeze them to the tummy. It usually appears after feeding, the stomach feels tight, swollen to the touch, gases can escape, after which the baby becomes easier. With the elimination of disturbing factors, crying usually stops immediately.

On palpation, you can feel the hardness of the abdomen and abdominal wall, sometimes bloating is noticeable on the protruding tummy of the baby.

Refusal of food, each attachment to the chest is accompanied by sharp cries. The frequency of the stool increases, while the color and consistency does not change.

You can also understand that the baby is worried about colic by the psychological state: the child becomes nervous and irritable. Sometimes he cries in his sleep, his face turns red, there is a rumbling in his stomach.

How to help a baby

You need to be patient and adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. It is recommended to breastfeed the baby as much as he wants.
  2. 2. Apply dry heat to the tummy. You can iron the diaper with an iron and wrap the baby tightly in it, only the fabric should not be very hot so as not to damage the baby's skin.
  3. 3. You should turn the baby on the tummy for a couple of minutes before each feeding, this will improve gastrointestinal motility and reduce gas formation.
  4. 4. After feeding, it is worth keeping the baby in an upright position for 5-10 minutes so that accidentally trapped gases can exit through the mouth and do not accumulate in the intestines.
  5. 5. You can put the baby on the tummy and ride the gym ball.
  6. 6. Massage. Before each meal, the child should be massaged, but not just stroking, but confident pressure in the tummy area clockwise for 2-3 minutes.
  7. 7. Put the baby on your stomach.
  8. 8. Warm baths with chamomile will relax the baby and relieve spasms.
  9. 9. Teas and decoctions. You can give your baby a special herbal tea or dill water to drink - they will facilitate the passage of gases and reduce spasm of the stomach muscles. Such drinks can be bought at a pharmacy and used 3-4 times a day.
  10. 10. Gymnastics. Connect the knees to the tummy or the legs to the elbows - such a natural massage of the tummy will improve the peristalsis of the stomach.
  11. 11. Gas tube. With a long and painful manifestation of colic, you can resort to setting a gas outlet tube. But doctors do not recommend abusing this method, because the child must learn to release gases from the body on his own.
  12. 12. Enema. If the baby has problems with the stool, and massage and gymnastics do not help, then you can overcome constipation with an enema.


You will be “informed” about a headache by prolonged crying, which is almost impossible to appease. At the same time, the legs will be pressed to the tummy, you will hear the seething of gases in the intestines, the child will refuse the breast. In this case, you may get the false impression that the baby has a stomachache. In fact, doctors are sure that these are signs of infantile vascular migraine. More often it affects children with increased intracranial pressure. During a headache attack, any exertion causes nausea, so breastfeeding is abandoned.

If a child who can express himself has a headache, ask him to point out where the pain is worse. If the temples are disturbing or the pain does not have a specific place, then the baby is most likely nervous - experienced stress, psychological stress or anxiety. If the headache is accompanied by fever or concentrated in one part of the head, show the child to the doctor to rule out internal hematoma or migraine.

If the baby begins to scream sharply some time after eating, it is most likely that he is worried about abdominal pain. At the same time, his behavior is similar to the behavior with a headache, however, with real "", the baby's stomach swells and becomes hard, while the gases do not go away. Abdominal pain may indicate digestive disorders, such as loose stools.

If the baby can point to the place where the pain is localized, ask him to do this. If the area below the navel is disturbing, a bladder infection is possible. Above the navel - indigestion, gas or stress. Pain on the right is a sign, on the left from below - most likely, at. You can also determine the sore spot yourself using palpation. Gently press with your fingers in different places. The reaction of the child will show where it hurts.

If the baby is crying and refusing to breastfeed, look into his mouth. White will testify to. It hurts to suck. High-pitched crying and refusal of the breast can also be a sign of otitis media. Sucking causes an increase in pressure in the cavity of the middle ear, so the child simply starts screaming after the first sucking movements. To make sure that you are dealing with ear inflammation, lightly press on the so-called tragus - a cartilaginous protrusion that is located in front of the auditory opening. Increased crying will be a sign of otitis media. Remember that ear inflammation is almost always accompanied by high fever.


  • pain in babies

Appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal diseases requiring surgical intervention in children. It occurs at any age, but more often at 8-14 years. If your child complains of abdominal pain, you should call the doctor immediately. In the meantime, you can wait for it, you can try to diagnose this insidious disease yourself.


Lay the child on his back and palpate (palpate) the abdomen. Starting from the left iliac region, move counterclockwise. A symptom is an increase in pain when palpated in the right iliac region. This one is very important. In medical practice, he received the name of local soreness.

You can try to examine your child during sleep. Then, on palpation of the right lower square of the abdomen, a symptom of repulsion appears - this is the repulsion of the hand of the child examining the hand.

The second main sign of inflammation is the protective tension of the muscles in the right square of the abdomen. For this symptom, place your hands on the child's abdomen (the left one on the right iliac region, and the right one on the left square of the patient's abdomen). Wait for a breath and alternately press left and right. Thus, try to determine the difference in muscle tone.

Now you should determine the presence of the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom. Gradually press deeply on the anterior abdominal wall. Then quickly and sharply take your hand away. With a positive symptom, the child will feel a piercing pain that occurs immediately after you remove your hand from the abdomen.

Remember, the child's body reacts to any inflammation with an increase in temperature. With appendicitis, the temperature reaction usually does not exceed 37-38 degrees. Pay attention to the relationship between pulse rate and body temperature. When the temperature rises by 1 degree Celsius, the pulse rate increases by 10 beats. And with an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, the heart is much more frequent.

Keep in mind that with appendicitis, a child's behavior can change. In many cases, parents noted that children become capricious, with little contact, restless and lethargic. This is due to the increase in pain. The continuity of pain leads to sleep disturbance (this occurs in a third of patients).

If your child has an illness, put him to bed. You should immediately call a doctor. Remember, in order not to harm the child, you should not do the following:

Don't put a heating pad on your stomach. This can lead to rupture of the process and peritonitis, because heat accelerates the development of inflammation.

Don't give any medicine. They can blur the clinical picture of the disease (reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, remove or reduce pain, etc.). Then the correct diagnosis will not be easy.

Do not feed or drink the sick person. If an operation is necessary, which is performed under general anesthesia, the contents of the stomach can enter the respiratory tract. To prevent this, the child will need to rinse, and this is a difficult and unpleasant procedure.


In children under 3 years of age, common symptoms predominate - fever, loose stools, vomiting.

Useful advice

At the slightest suspicion, call an ambulance. In children, the disease proceeds rapidly, so that the state of peritonitis can develop immediately after the first complaints.


  • how do i know if i have appendicitis

An otolaryngologist can diagnose otitis in a child. However, indirect signs indicating the disease, you can identify yourself. But treatment should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist.


Take a look at the child. In childhood, and especially at age, it is difficult to detect otitis media. But the behavior of a sick child changes. The baby cries while feeding. Press on the tragus (there is a protrusion in front of the opening of the external auditory canal on the auricle) - the baby will cry, if any. The child may start crying suddenly during play, for example, falling asleep for a long time, tossing and turning in bed, or acting restlessly in his arms during motion sickness.

Examine the child's ear, with the outer skin surrounding the ear canal turning red, and the canal narrows due to swelling. You can notice a translucent discharge that accumulates in the ear canal. With a disease of the external ear caused by group A streptococci - erysipelas - the body temperature rises to 39.0 ° C and above, the child is shivering, there is no appetite. At the same time, there is redness and swelling on the auricle, and bubbles appear on the skin, filled with a clear liquid.

Watch the baby: if periods of anxiety are replaced by lethargy, the child quickly gets tired, diarrhea and vomiting occur, it is possible that this is catarrhal otitis media, which can turn into a purulent form. The discharge then from the auricle becomes white or green, may have a gray tint. This is typical for a ruptured eardrum.

Be sure to show the child to the Laura doctor, he will examine the auricle, study all the symptoms, write out a referral for tests and establish a diagnosis, and then select the desired course of therapy. In some cases, for example, with purulent otitis media, physiotherapy is prescribed in parallel with the main treatment. The doctor can establish otitis media with mild symptoms, even when the child is not bothered by anything other than difficulty swallowing while eating. Never self-medicate.

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The cause of acute pain in the ear can be inflammation of the hair follicle or a furuncle in the external auditory canal, for example, due to microtrauma of the skin and a decrease in overall immunity. The furuncle is difficult to notice from the outside, but its appearance is characterized by pain in the ear. The abscess matures and opens, the pain immediately disappears.


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Tip 4: Sunburn in a child: what to do if the baby is burned

In warm weather, when the bright burning sun shines, everyone tries to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. The sun's rays nourish the human body with vitamin D, which is very important for health, especially for children. But you need to remember about safety measures and the insidiousness of ultraviolet rays, because they can cause burns to the baby's delicate skin.

Sunburn in a young child

Children's skin is less protected than adult skin. Toddlers under three years of age are more at risk of being burned than older children. A child can get a sunburn in just 5-10 minutes of being under the active sun. If the baby's skin is light, he is even more prone to burning than a swarthy baby.

Burning symptoms can be seen on the baby's skin in the evening or even the next day in the morning. At the same time, his skin turns red, and the child becomes very hot, the state of health worsens, an increase in body temperature can be observed, the areas of the skin that are affected become quite painful. It hurts the child when he touches the bed or the skin of another person. Baby is crying, can't sleep. Later, red spots with small bumps appear on the body, but not in all cases.

After 2 days, the child feels better and the wounded skin begins to come off.

How to help a child burned in direct sunlight

If the baby received a minor burn, you can help him at home without seeking help from a doctor. But you must know exactly what first aid measures to take. Remember that the first step is to apply a cool compress to the affected areas and change it as it warms up, while monitoring the well-being of the baby.

There is a very famous folk remedy, such as applying sour cream or kefir to burns. Cover your child's burnt skin with these products and they will do a great job of cooling it down.

Cool green tea is also an excellent tool; it can also be used to treat children's skin.

It has long been known that foods and herbs such as eucalyptus, chamomile (you can take baths with them or simply wipe the body with decoction), cucumber juice and white cabbage leaves moisturize, relieve itching and cool the skin.

In addition, today there are a lot of medicines, ointments and sprays that can be found in pharmacies, but it is important to know if your child is allergic to certain drugs.

If there is an increase in temperature in the baby, it is better than paracetamol, it will also help relieve pain and calm the child.

After the affected infant becomes better, it is worth continuing to monitor his condition and offer plenty of fluids. However, in case of deterioration of health, immediately seek qualified help from medical professionals.

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If the baby has become restless, cries and has difficulty falling asleep, it is possible that his ears are simply bothering him. It is often difficult for a mother to recognize what exactly hurts a baby, since he cannot talk about his problems. Therefore, you should be attentive to the whims, because often various ear infections become the cause of ear pain in infants.

Symptoms of ear infections

To accurately recognize that it is the pain in the ears that causes some discomfort, you should gently press on. This is the name of the part of the ear that closes the entrance to the canal. If you noticed that this procedure is unpleasant for the baby, he cried, shuddered, which means that there are still problems with the ears.

You should immediately seek help from a professional medical institution if you have the following symptoms:

Capricious, began to behave worse;
- sleeps badly, especially at night, screams, groans in a dream;
- became restless and irritable;
- greenish or from the ear, sometimes with an admixture of blood;
- discharge from the nose;
- the temperature has risen.


Otitis externa occurs when an infection gets on the surface of the skin of the external auditory canal while combing your hair or cleaning your ears. Symptoms of this disease: translucent discharge, redness around the ear canal.

Erysipelas occurs as a result of various skin lesions and microcracks. Symptoms: blisters on the outside of the ear canal, red and swollen shell, chills, fever.

Inflammation of the hair follicle or appears due to a temporary drop in the immune system and microtrauma. Symptoms: swollen lymph nodes, earache. The furuncle appears gradually, after which it matures, while releasing pus.

Treatment of inflammation of the external ear with a mild course of the disease can be carried out in: balms, ointments, lotions. In the presence of complications, hospitalization of the patient and the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs by a qualified specialist are necessary.

As a result of complications after SARS, acute otitis media may occur. The Eustachian tube infection ends up in the ear. In addition, the cause may be the ingress of mixture or breast milk from the nasopharynx into the baby's ear when. Symptoms: lethargy, fever, earache, sometimes diarrhea and vomiting.

If pus has come out of the ear, this means that otitis media has turned into purulent. This disease, with a number of complications, turns into mastitis - a severe inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

Treatment of inflammation of the middle ear is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. In acute otitis media, the specialist prescribes vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, antibiotics, warming up and compresses.

Headache is one of the accompanying symptoms of hypotension or chronically low blood pressure. Due to the tendency of patients to dizziness and fainting, headache with hypotension has its own specifics.


With a low headache, it can be of a different nature. It can be dull and pressing, and it can be paroxysmal and pulsating. A characteristic feature of headache

An upset stool in a baby (otherwise it is also called diarrhea) can be due to various reasons. Especially often this problem occurs in babies who are breastfed. Doctors often assess the baby's health status not only by the consistency of feces, but also by various impurities that can be found in it.

The presence of mucus in the stool of a child is not always a pathology. Sometimes it's pretty natural. After all, in this way the intestines of the child removes acids and alkalis from the stomach. However, it is necessary to understand very clearly when the situation is critical and the help of a doctor is required.

Causes of stool with mucus in a child

If the baby is breastfed, the mother's diet may be the cause of mucus stools. So, for example, if a woman is very fond of sweet or fatty foods, as well as eating food that is contraindicated during breastfeeding, the child will have digestive problems.

In some cases, mothers are advised to take an analysis for the sterility of milk. After all, there are cases when pathogenic microflora is found in it, which negatively affects the health of the baby. True, such a diagnosis does not mean at all that you will have to finish lactation. It is enough just to undergo the treatment that the doctors will prescribe.

Problematic stools in a child can also appear with lactose intolerance. In this case, you have to abandon breastfeeding, replacing it with lactose-free formulas.

Often the child has problems with the stool against the background of the introduction of complementary foods. So, for example, if a baby does not tolerate some vegetables or fruits, his intestines can very quickly respond to this with a functional disorder.

Mucus in the stool and diarrhea may develop after antibiotic treatment. The immune system of a small child is still very weak, so getting an infection that requires such serious treatment is easy. The situation is corrected in this case by taking bifido drugs.

Sometimes doctors note a disorder of the stool and the appearance of mucus in it against the background of various changes in the life of the baby. For example, he experiences stress, is constantly excited, changed the climate, daily routine, gets sick.

Diarrhea can be the result of normal overeating. After all, if a child receives an excess amount of food, his body is not yet able to adequately process the excess. So they appear in the form of loose stools and fragments of mucus in it.

Also, problems with stool can be a symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroenteritis or colitis.

When is mucus in stool dangerous?

The dangerous nature of mucus is indicated by its frequent appearance in the baby's feces. In addition, the number of such allocations is of no small importance. So, for example, if fragments of mucus are noticeable and large enough in size, this is an occasion to show the baby to the doctor.

If the child has the following symptoms:
- green mucus in the stool;
- watery and excessively loose stools;
- frequent bowel movements (at least 6 times a day);
- an unpleasant smell of feces;
- elevated body temperature,

So it can be argued that the baby has some kind of intestinal infection. By itself, it may not be as dangerous as the complications that the infection causes. Especially scary for dehydration, which develops quite quickly against the background of fluid loss with feces. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the drinking regimen of the baby. Be sure to add supplemental water or an electrolytic solution to restore salts in the body. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Every mother meets with the cries of the baby. But there is no need to panic and think: did he get sick? Maybe he has a virus? There can be many reasons for a child's cry, but the most common is tummy pain. You can understand that it is the tummy that hurts when you see that it is pushing, blushing, tightening and knocking its legs. Symptoms of the baby's disease are sluggish sucking or refusal of the breast.

Muscular and elastic tissue in the walls of the stomach and intestines is poorly developed, from which the stomach and intestines are filled with gases. Functional harmony between the digestive organs is poorly developed, so the child often has deviations from the stable process of digestion: regurgitation, bloating, vomiting, colic, frequent stools, etc. The release in the first days of a newborn's life is slowed down, the susceptibility of his mucous membrane is overestimated. The intestines of a baby are longer than those of an adult, and its walls can easily be affected by microbes and poisonous products.

Usually, a newborn has a tummy ache due to intestinal colic and increased gas formation. Which in turn can be caused by a number of factors.

  1. Immaturity of the child's digestive tract. It is necessary to normalize the diet to avoid overfeeding. As a rule, everything passes during the first months of a baby's life.
  2. Constipation characterized by delays of two days or more with heavy hardness or little stool. It is necessary to change the mixture or monitor the mother's diet. Sometimes a malfunction in the baby's digestive system can be caused by irregular meals and a change in feeding times.
  3. While drinking mother's milk or formula from a bottle. Swallowing air is possible along with food. In this case, it is necessary to adapt correctly to give the breast or bottle to the child and monitor how the baby eats.
  4. Inappropriate formula for baby or mom eating the wrong foods. These are red foods, cabbage, radishes or legumes, as well as animal fat, which is replaced by vegetable fat.
  5. Feeding a new food or formula into the baby's diet. Pain in the tummy in this case does not mean that the products are not suitable or served incorrectly. A new food for a child's digestion is always a burden to which you need to adapt.
  6. Allergy to milk proteins. In this situation, it is desirable to transfer the child to a dairy-free formula as soon as possible.
  7. Often the cause of pain in the tummy of a child can be coli. If the pain does not go away for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  8. Weather change. Oddly enough, but this factor also causes colic. You can relieve the pain by giving your baby a drink of dill water (sold in pharmacies), applying a warm diaper to the tummy.
  9. Incorrect dilution of the mixture. It is necessary to study the instructions and strictly follow the instructions.
  10. The tummy can hurt due to lung and kidney disease. With these diseases, or diseases of the bladder, pain can be given to the tummy. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If, with pain in the abdomen, there is a temperature, vomiting, or a disorder of the stool (change in color, quantity, smell), you should immediately consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should you give your child prescription medication.

It has been proven that the emotional state of parents and people around them also affects the digestion of children. It is advisable for mom to monitor her emotional state even at the stage of pregnancy. If a woman had stress during this period, this can negatively affect the unborn baby. After birth, the newborn may react to the environment, and colic may appear for no apparent reason.

Quite often, after the birth of a child, parents are faced with such a problem as pain in the tummy of a newborn. Moreover, the pain can occur at any time of the day or night. Naturally, a baby who does not yet know how to speak cannot tell his parents exactly where his stomach hurts.

Don't panic. First of all, you need to calm down and pull yourself together. In this situation, the main task of any parent is to help their baby. Why does a baby's tummy hurt and how to fix this problem?


Causes of pain:

In order to determine the occurrence of pain, mom or dad needs to observe the behavior of the baby. Abdominal pain can occur due to:

  • Colic in the intestines;
  • Bloating
  • Constipation.

If the child is tormented by colic, then he will constantly move his legs and try to bring them closer to his stomach. When the baby has constipation or bloating, the stomach will feel tight to the touch.

What to do?

If a child has a tummy ache, of course, the first thing to do with this problem is to consult a doctor. At the same time, it is necessary to tell the specialist about the child's behavior, his diet and appetite, as well as about the stool. Thus, the doctor will be able to identify the cause of the pain and prescribe the correct treatment.

To ease the pain, each parent can do the following:

  • Of course, when a child cries, any mother tries to calm him down. At the same time, they take the baby in their arms and try to caress. Thus, the baby does not feel lonely, the warmth of the mother and her heartbeat are very important for him. The child needs to understand that they really love him, and no one will leave him;
  • It is best to warm the baby's tummy. For these purposes, a diaper heated with an iron or a mother’s hand is suitable;
  • Experienced grandmothers will say that in order to reduce pain in the tummy, you need to take a ball of thread and roll it around the child's stomach in a clockwise direction. Now you can get by with a regular massage. Movements should still be carried out clockwise. Thus, gaziki gradually leave the baby's tummy;
  • Also, such an exercise as a “bicycle” will not hurt. For this child, it is necessary to put on the back and, in turn, press one or the other leg to the tummy;
  • In addition to all of the above, dill water helps in the fight against abdominal pain. Currently, it is sold ready-made in pharmacies. Also, this infusion can be prepared at home. Dill water is given to children throughout the day in small portions;
  • Not bad with pain in the abdomen cope with special teas with a calming effect. But before giving a drink to a child, consult a doctor about this;
  • If the baby is tormented by bloating, then his suffering can be alleviated through a tube for removing gases. Only here it is worth saying that this method cannot be used too often. The child must learn to fart on his own;
  • If the child suffers from constipation, then you can give him an enema. But these are, of course, extreme measures in the event that nothing else helps;
  • At the moment, in pharmacies you can find a huge number of drugs that contribute to the destruction of gases in the intestines of a child. But here again, you must first consult with a specialist.

To no longer hurt.

How to prevent the occurrence of abdominal pain in a child?

  1. If the baby is breastfed, the mother needs to follow a special diet. After all, those products that she eats are transmitted to the child through milk. Do not include in the diet foods such as beets, tomatoes, black bread, etc.;
  2. If the child is bottle-fed, then abdominal pain may occur due to an improperly selected mixture. Therefore, if parents notice that after eating the baby has a stomach ache, it is necessary to reconsider the option of the mixture offered to him;
  3. Before starting to feed the baby, it must be laid out on the tummy. By the way, many children from the first days of life are very fond of these procedures.


What other means are there in the fight against abdominal pain in a newborn?

  • Relaxing bath. In the process of bathing, you need to add a couple of drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil to the bath. It is this bath that will help relax the muscles and get rid of accumulated gases. As well as an option, you can fill the bag with these herbs and put it in the bath;
  • Massage is an excellent remedy for relieving abdominal pain in a child. For these purposes, you will need to make a mixture of almond oil and chamomile oil. Both need one teaspoon each. With an oil mixture, you need to massage the child's stomach in a clockwise direction;
  • In the fight against pain and bloating, ginger will certainly help parents. First you need to make a decoction of ginger. After that, it must be cooled to a warm state. Next, you need to dip the cotton fabric into the decoction made and attach it to the baby's tummy. In order for the compress to retain heat, you need to put a bottle of warm water on top of the fabric;
  • In the case when the child suffers from constipation, he needs to be given, or more drink is possible, as well as prunes. In addition, parents should think about the situation prevailing in the family. Indeed, quite often the cause of constipation in children is their emotional state;
  • If the child, on the contrary, suffers from diarrhea, then it is imperative that he be given as much water as possible. This is necessary so that the baby does not get dehydrated. The same excellent remedy in the fight against diarrhea is banana puree. If a child suffers from diarrhea on an ongoing basis, then most likely he has an allergy to some foods or mother's milk. In order to defeat diarrhea, you can brew raspberry leaves. You can give this decoction in a whole pipette until the diarrhea stops completely. If diarrhea is accompanied by spasms, then a decoction of rosemary will help the baby. This option will help you get rid of pain very quickly. To do this, you need one teaspoon of this herb. Pour boiling water over it and heat for about 15 minutes over low heat. After that, pass the broth through a fine sieve and cool it. If the case is serious enough, then about every 15 minutes the baby should be given a decoction in a full pipette. As soon as parents see an improvement, the dose is reduced to 60 ml every three hours. It is necessary to give a decoction to the child until the diarrhea is completely over.

Now it has become clear why the baby has a tummy ache and how this unpleasant phenomenon for the baby can be prevented.