Pension provision for servicemen of the Russian Federation per year. The size of military pensions

Recently, a large number of news related to the pension topic has appeared. This does not happen out of nowhere. The fact is that Russians are showing an increased interest in what will happen to pensions in our country in the foreseeable future. In particular, they want to know how the authorities will support pensioners in times of crisis.

In the current difficult economic realities, running too far ahead in terms of forecasting the situation is an ignoble occupation. Even the authorities are now getting off with general wording so as not to upset the population. Thus, a layer of misunderstanding is growing among citizens, which often results in angry opuses.

In a fresh article, we will try to tell you in detail how the pension system will be modified in 2017. Let's touch on the most different categories of pensioners.

Raising pensions in 2017 for working and non-working: news for today

At this point in time, it can be stated with confidence that this year there will be several indexations of pensions for different segments of the population. A little more than 700 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes. The relevant data was provided by the head of the government Dmitry Medvedev.

According to the head of government, the increase in insurance pensions from February 1, 2017 will be 5.4%, that is, the indexation will be carried out to the level of actual inflation in 2016. “A number of social guarantees will also be indexed, too, on February 1. These are benefits, payments, compensations that are provided for by federal laws. Including payments to veterans, disabled people, various payments and compensations to Chernobyl victims, family members of killed servicemen and some other categories of citizens, ”the Russian prime minister said.

Recall that from January 1, 2015, the indexation of pensions is carried out in accordance with the new procedure - through the indexation of the cost of the pension coefficient and the fixed payment. The cost of the individual pension coefficient (pension point), taking into account which insurance pensions are assigned, will be 78.28 rubles (before February 1, 2017, its size was 74.27 rubles).

Together with the insurance pension, the fixed payment (an analogue of the basic part of the pension) will increase by 5.4% and will amount to 4,805 rubles 11 kopecks for recipients of an old-age insurance pension on a general basis, and 9,610 rubles 22 kopecks will become a fixed payment in an increased amount for citizens who have reached 80 years of age, and disabled people of the 1st group.

At the same time, from February 1, the cost of a set of social services will increase and will amount to 1,048 rubles 97 kopecks. The set of social services includes: the provision of necessary medicines for medical use on prescriptions for medicines, the provision of a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment in the presence of medical indications, free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

Military pensions: when and how much will be indexed

From January 1, 2017, military pensions should have increased. The percentage is small, whereas since February 1, the indexation took place on a general basis, as reported above. Previously, it was assumed that the increase in the size of pensions for retirees will take place in two stages: January 1 and October 1, 2017. Pension payments to military pensioners were supposed to be commensurate with the salaries of active servicemen (officers), however, due to the crisis, they decided to save money. That is, there will be an increase, but to what extent is unclear.

At the same time, officials hope that if pensions are raised as originally planned, the state will not pull such a burden on the budget. “The treasury simply will not stand it if we now agree to raise pensions to at least some categories of citizens. We need to understand this and adapt to the new realities of life, ”said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

The head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin previously emphasized the importance of maintaining all obligations to military pensioners, because "we are obliged to support our defenders of the Motherland in everything." He clarified that the country will necessarily index government payments, but did not give details on the volume of these injections. At the same time, he warned his colleagues against the need to avoid too loud statements in this regard, so that in the future pensioners would not be disappointed.

“We must not let populist slogans cloud our minds. There are problems with investments and production growth in the country, and they are obvious to every sane person. It is unlikely that we will be able to compensate social benefits in full, so we should not make unrealistic promises. Even if we manage to index state benefits to retirees at the level of last year, it will be a great success, ”the head of state said.

If we talk in general about the future of the pension system of our country, then it is extremely vague. The authorities still do not know how pensions will be indexed after the April increase and by how much.

On December 7, 2016, the lower house of parliament adopted a law in the second and third readings, according to which, from February 1, 2017, the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions for military personnel will increase from 69.45% to 72.23% (by 2.78%) ... The corresponding decision was made at a meeting of the State Duma.

Pensions to persons who served in the internal affairs bodies and bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, in the state fire service and in institutions and bodies of the penal system are increasing in a similar way.

In addition, the same amount of monetary allowance is established for calculating pensions for servicemen of the Russian Guard.

According to the adopted law, from January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2018, the provisions of the second part of Article 43 of the Law "On Pension Provision of Persons Who Have Served Military Service, Service in Internal Affairs Bodies, State Fire Service, substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, and their families. "

Thus, the provision is suspended according to which the monetary allowance, taken into account when calculating pensions from January 1, 2012, is taken into account in the amount of 54%, and, starting from January 1, 2013, annually increases by 2% until reaching 100% of its size.

The Duma Defense Committee indicated that the amount of monetary allowance provided for by the document, taken into account when calculating pensions, is 2.78% more than in 2016.

PS. If you want to know how many rubles your pension will increase, multiply your pension (excluding all additional payments) by 1.04.

Who will receive additional payments to pensions according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 12/21/16, No. 698

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2016 No. 698 "On Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 610 of December 9, 2015" On the monthly supplement to pensions for certain categories of pensioners "

1. To amend paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2015 No. 610 "On monthly supplements to pensions for certain categories of pensioners" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 50, Art. 7143), replacing the words "institutions and bodies of the penal system and their families "with the words" institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families "and adding the words", from February 1, 2016 - in the amount of 3700 rubles, with February 1, 2017 - in the amount of 4,900 rubles. "

2. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its signing.
President of the Russian Federation V. Putin

According to this presidential decree, the monthly supplement to pensions has been revised, the amount of which has not been revised since January 1, 2012 when reforming the monetary allowances of military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies. So, from February 1, 2016, the surcharge has been increased from 2,500 rubles. up to RUB 3,700, from February 1, 2016 - up to RUB 4,900.

We are talking about pensioners who served in military service, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, the UIS. The Russian Guard is now included in the number of these bodies.

The decree comes into force on the day of its signing.

In 2017, the government plans to fully index military pensions. The restoration of economic growth and a gradual rise in oil prices allow officials to resume full-fledged financing of the social sphere. However, the excessive growth of the budget deficit is a threat to the optimistic plans of the government.

The economy versus pensions

Despite repeated statements by officials about overcoming the negative consequences of the crisis, the indexation of pensions in 2016 was 4%. Including there was an increase in pensions for military pensioners. However, the final scale of indexation is more than three times lagging behind last year's inflation indicators. The Ministry of Finance says that the budget does not have funds for a full-scale increase in pensions.

Military pensions depend on the level of wages. When calculating the future pension, rank and length of service are taken into account. In general, the pensions of former officers are more than 40% higher than those of the rank and file. Special conditions for the payment of military pensions may be subject to injury, which later led to disability.

The economic crisis has become a real test for the domestic budget. The fall in revenues from energy exports is forcing the government to optimize the expenditure side. Almost all items of expenditure, including the financing of pensions, fall under the knife. However, next year, the Ministry of Economic Development predicts a recovery in the positive dynamics of GDP. As a result, an additional resource will appear in the budget, which can be used to fully increase pensions in 2017, including for military pensioners.

Military pensions in 2017: in anticipation of growth

Several good news awaits military pensioners next year. At the beginning of the year, the authorities plan to make a one-time payment - 5 thousand rubles. The additional payment will compensate for the decline in the purchasing power of pensioners after a significant increase in prices during the crisis. In addition, the government plans to resume the indexation of pensions in full. Depending on the inflation rates of the current year, the increase in pensions will be 6-6.5%.

The officials' optimism is based on several factors at once:

  1. The oil market is moving towards a gradual increase in prices. In 2017, the cost of a barrel of "black gold" will exceed the $ 50 mark, which will increase revenues from oil exports.
  2. The domestic economy has managed to adapt to the current conditions, and next year economic growth will recover.

In such conditions, the government is counting on an increase in budget revenues, which will help restore funding for the social sphere. However, the imbalance in the budget remains a serious problem for the implementation of the officials' optimistic plans. The government has fewer and fewer sources to cover the budget deficit.

Dwindling reserves

The reserves of the Reserve Fund, which is used to fully finance the expenditure side, continue to decline. According to experts' forecasts, by the end of this year, the volume of the fund will drop to 1 trillion rubles. If this trend continues, the Reserve Fund will be completely depleted in the first half of 2017. As a result, the expected increase in military pensions in 2017 will be in jeopardy.

The privatization of state-owned companies will help to partially solve this problem. First of all, the government expects the sale of state-owned stakes in Rosneft and Bashneft, which will help increase budget revenues. However, the constant postponement of privatization raises concerns on the part of experts. The authorities are in no hurry to use this tool, given the possible difficulties in attracting foreign investors.

In addition, for a sustainable increase in pensions, it is necessary to implement a pension reform, experts say. Otherwise, the budget will constantly lack funds for the appropriate indexation of pensions.

Pension blockages

The growth in the number of pensioners per employee is fraught with fundamental risks for the domestic economic model. As a result, the government is forced to channel huge resources to cover the deficit of the Pension Fund. At the same time, funding for infrastructure projects and state support programs for various sectors of the economy is reduced.

Taking into account demographic trends, this situation will worsen in the medium term. The authorities are constantly postponing painful pension reform, including raising the retirement age. However, economic realities and a period of low prices for "black gold" will force officials to take drastic measures next year.

In 2017, another increase in pensions for military pensioners is expected. In addition to additional 5 thousand rubles., The government plans to carry out a full-fledged indexation of pensions, which will be 6-6.5%.

The uncontrolled growth of the budget deficit and the lack of reserves to cover it may hinder the implementation of the officials' plans. In addition, the government will have to decide on the future of the pension reform.

Those who have the necessary experience and age, in the amount of 54%. The new military pensions in 2017 will be equal to 72.23% of the financial allowance. Therefore, the amount of such collateral will be increased by 4% and will amount to about 24,500 rubles.

The procedure for calculating and increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2017

The receipt of finance is not carried out automatically, but requires compliance with a number of conditions. By itself, reaching a certain age mark does not mean anything. A person can continue to work as long as he wants. If a person wants to start receiving help, then this fact is fixed in various state bodies. To do this, you must provide:

You may need to bring other official papers. Then you need contracts, various contracts.

The conditions for the opportunity to make yourself quite strict. You can leave only if the person has worked for at least 20 years as a military man. In other situations, the accrual of pension benefits is carried out when:

  • dismissal due to the achievement of the maximum tenure,
  • organizational and staff activities,
  • for health.

At the time of dismissal, the person must be 45 years old, and the total work experience was at least 25 years. Half of them should be given for the war years.

An increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2017 is planned, but they should not expect to receive a one-time allowance of 5,000 rubles. It was planned that the increase will take place in two stages: in January and in October. Their total value was to be commensurate with the salaries of active servicemen. But because of the crisis, pensioners will receive only 72.23% of the salary. Anton Siluanov (head of the Ministry of Finance) said that the treasury would not survive if the increase was immediately up to 100%.

The explanatory note to the Federal Law states that the implementation of such a decision will not entail additional costs and will not affect the decision of state programs.

Currently, you can find out about the pension for military pensioners in 2017 using various calculators. This takes into account:

  • salary by position,
  • salary by rank,
  • qualification allowance,
  • allowance for the number of years worked,
  • pension amount,
  • year of calculation of the seniority pension.

The peculiarity is that since 2016, the calculation has been made according to the formula: (ATS + HVD + NLV) x 50% + 3% (for each year of service) x 56% (+ 2% annually in the absence of DD indexation).

Features of indexation of pensions

The indexation of military pensions in 2017 will take place from January 1, by 2% without premiums and other payments. As a result, the military will be able to receive support, which will be 1.5-2 times more than for teachers or medical workers.

At the same time, the government came to the conclusion that it is necessary to abolish the insurance pension. At the moment, military personnel can increase their allowance in a situation where a person continues to work. But the military man can count on another civilian pension. To do this, you must pass authorization in the pension insurance system.

The government is considering several projects that will affect the provision of military pensioners. For example, it will be necessary to serve not 20 years, but 5 years more. At the same time, the possibility of reducing the administrative staff of military personnel, reducing benefits for the military and their family members is being considered. In addition, civilian pensions for retired military personnel may be frozen or not indexed.

In conclusion, we note that a pension is also awarded to widows of military personnel who have worked in military structures for many years. They receive help from the Ministry of Defense. It is given in a situation where the deceased has issued compensation for seniority or due to disability. Widows can also count on an insurance pension, which the subject was entitled to upon reaching a certain age. The rules for calculating such assistance are stipulated in Law 4468-1.

Today those who served are not huge. Many retired military personnel are paid small amounts that do not differ in numbers from labor. For a long time, military men were paid an excellent pension and the prestige of the profession was in the first place. Now those who are accustomed to the high level of payments, feel the rise in prices for food products and "communal services" and are not able to afford the previous costs. The information about the indexation of pensions for the military was received with a noticeable positive. Many retired pensioners risked their lives and the state should repay them with gratitude. The amount of increases remains a mystery, but there is a precedent for the joy of older people.

2017 Military Pension Facts

Decent pensions for military personnel are a great motivation for young people to join the civil service. Nobody wants to spend old age on the treatment of diseases and other acquired problems. There are many servicemen in the country who have not been able to save up for their own housing and an increase in social benefits for all the years - this is a chance to heal in a different way. Military ranks, terms of service, type of military unit, being in "hot spots", injuries and other feats for the Motherland are important.

The accrual of pensions has a coefficient that includes the detrimental nature of service, a regional increase, and an official salary. There are situations when people change their military pension to a labor pension, which makes it possible to increase the payment figure. Retired pensioners also include police officers, employees of special forces and special agencies. The criterion for the distribution of pensions will be the same for everyone, but not everyone will be able to receive it. The length of service must be at least twenty years. This means that it is enough to reach the age of forty and go on a well-deserved pension at will. A soldier can terminate his service ahead of schedule due to disability, subject to the provision of evidence that he was injured while fulfilling his duty to the state. In this situation, a citizen is counting on payment for incapacity by contacting a medical institution, having recorded this incident. True, not everyone can cope with this due to inopportune access to doctors, thereby losing precious time and the opportunity to receive benefits in the future.

Raising military pensions in 2017

The country spends large sums from the budget on the army and it is wrong to say that the retired military is in poverty. Years earlier, the president had assured that the state would increase payments to the military by 2 percent, but the situation with the economy is deplorable and it’s hard to believe in these percentages. The increase in the military pension in 2017 is hampered by the crisis times. The state is not able to carry out indexation every year, but in difficult conditions it is trying not to forget about its "sons", thanks to loans from partner countries, but there is little good here, because the national debt is growing. Former officers are eagerly awaiting encouragement, because risking their lives for their country must be justified and rewarded.

We have recently changed the calculation of pension payments. The amount of the designated pensions must correspond to the amount of payments received in the last 5 years (with premiums for excellent service). The news is pleasant and is supported by a new fact: from January next year, they want to increase the pension in the country by one or two percent, not taking into account premiums and additional payments. There is no need to rush to rejoice either, because with high inflation, an increase in pensions by 7-8% is hardly noticeable. In comparison, military personnel receive payments from the state twice as much as doctors and teachers.

Government on military pensions

The government has repeatedly heard the phrase about increasing the pensions of military pensioners. The figure was called 20 percent. In fact, it didn’t work out in the idea - the reason is a long crisis. Medvedev advises to "tighten the belts" for a while until the situation stabilizes. Experts predict that 2017 will be the year of economic recovery in Russia. In the meantime, it is worth fixing, even the 5-8% markup looks "cosmic". There are a lot of people, but the budget is not rubber. The FIU requires capital investment. Factors that provoke the process of stagnation in pension growth:

  • a solid number of military personnel;
  • an increase in the number of pensioners;
  • weakness of the economy;
  • lack of fullness with funds of the FIU;
  • there is no good pension supply;
  • pensioners prevail over workers.

Working retirees should be concerned. There is talk of a reduction in payments following the example of world countries. But in these states, the availability of the allowance helps to live with dignity, in Russia such a practice will cause a storm of indignation. For the level of maintenance of pensioners, the Russian Federation is far at the end of the list of powers, not satisfying their needs.

Insurance pension in 2017

The state, following the latest news, in 2017 decided to abandon insurance pensions. Their idea was "born" only two years ago. The innovation allowed people to receive an increase in their pension using points earned from work after reaching retirement age. Points turned into odds, increasing the size of the payout. Financial conditions "dictated" the cancellation of the privilege until a certain time. But while the law is working and the working military can count on supplements by registering in the pension insurance system and getting a card and personal account number. The information is then passed on to the HR department for scoring.

Indexation of military pensions in 2017

News about the indexation of the military pension in 2017 testifies to the government's plans to carry it out. However, you need to decide its size. The situation is in the process of stagnation due to uncalculated inflation in the second half of next year. The last year was marked by huge inflation and low indexations, serious "holes" in the budget. Despite the government's promises to improve the state of affairs, one cannot be one hundred percent sure about indexing. People count on the best and do not give up hope for low inflation and reasonable prices for goods and services. It is unlikely that the government will be able to correct the situation enough to significantly increase the indexation of pensions for retired military personnel.

2017 expectations

The situation with pension increases in 2017 fell like a snowball, and the government has not yet found a way out of the situation. Nobody will be able to voice the numbers and it is too early to run ahead.

In general, retirees have a chance for a positive outcome. The Defense Ministry launched the Effective Army program. The funds will be under reliable supervision. Thanks to the innovation, it was possible to accumulate billions of rubles. The military has the right to count on decent pensions, and it will be possible to talk about payments specifically at the end of the year. Finally, here are some interesting observations: