Why does it pull in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy? When is it time to complain about lower abdominal pain

Many pregnant women at different times are faced with such a problem as pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Do not worry, since almost 100% such sensations are not dangerous either for you or for your unborn child. However, it is recommended that you still tell your gynecologist about this so that the specialist has the opportunity, if necessary, to provide you with the necessary assistance.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

During pregnancy, abdominal pain can occur for the following reasons:

  • problems in the digestive tract - in such cases, the described problem may be accompanied by such phenomena as constipation or dysbiosis;
  • inflammation of appendicitis or acute pancreatitis;
  • the presence of the candida fungus, which provokes thrush;
  • violation in the functioning of the genitourinary system - diseases of the kidneys, ovaries, bladder or uterus;
  • the development of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • onset of detachment of the placenta before childbirth.

However, you have no reason to be concerned about an emergency visit to the doctor if:

  • during pregnancy, the lower abdomen does not pull constantly, but occasionally. If the pain can disappear when you are lying down or just relaxed;
  • there are no sharp and cramping pains, the sensations are pulling in nature;
  • pulling sensations are not accompanied by accompanying symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract or bloody discharge;
  • after using No-shpa or special suppositories that include papaverine, the sensations become less intense or completely disappear for a while;
  • sensations do not change their intensity upward, pain can be easily tolerated;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen are not accompanied by pain during urination and defecation;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure and vomiting are not observed.

All of the above cases are not dangerous to the fetus, but they serve as a reason to see a doctor as insurance.

Pulling pains in the early stages

During such a period, such sensations may indicate an immediate pregnancy. Often, this pain coexists with a feeling of constant fatigue, headache, nausea and discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

Often this problem arises during the enlargement of the uterus, the stretching of which can cause unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen.

Pulling pains in the later stages

In this case, the problem is usually the stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus.

In addition, at a later date, the uterus begins to actively prepare for childbirth, which also causes discomfort. This can only indicate that pregnancy is at the last stage.

How to get rid of discomfort?

The solution to a problem largely depends on its cause. If pain occurs in the early stages due to the preparation of the body for bearing a child, then it is recommended to lie on the left side to relieve pain.

Avoid heavy physical and psychological stress. But moderate physical activity should not be forgotten either!

In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and constipation, it is necessary to establish a normal diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and drink enough fluids.

In the article, we talk about pulling pains in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy. We will discuss why the stomach pulls, how dangerous this condition is for the expectant mother. You will learn what to do in the case when in the early stages it pulls in the lower abdomen.

In early pregnancy, the lower abdomen may pull due to changes in the body

Pulling pains during pregnancy occur for various reasons. The most common are natural, physiological causes. Discomfort and pain during pregnancy do not always indicate the presence of pathology, but when unpleasant and painful sensations appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Causes of pulling pains in the early stages

If the lower abdomen pulls at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy, what does this mean? Gynecologists attribute pulling pain at the initial stage to the first signs of pregnancy. Thus, the body gets used to the new state. As a rule, this happens during the period of implantation of the embryo into the walls of the uterus. The nature of the painful sensations resembles the condition before menstruation, during the same period the mammary glands begin to swell, malaise, dizziness and weakness appear.

An increase in the amount of the pregnancy hormone progesterone can cause discomfort when the lower abdomen and lower back are pulled during early pregnancy.

Lower abdominal pain in the first months of pregnancy appears most often due to normal physiological processes... The body adjusts to pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, which cannot but affect the state of health.

If pulling pains accompanied by vaginal discharge, this may indicate a frozen or ectopic pregnancy. To rule out these reasons, go through the ultrasound procedure.

Infections of the urinary and genital tract, diseases transmitted through sexual contact, can also cause pain.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the abdomen pulls due to increased blood circulation in the uterus, which provides the embryo with oxygen and nutrition. However, an excessive increase in blood circulation can tone the uterus, which, in turn, leads to the threat of miscarriage. To make sure that the indicators are within the normal range, it is necessary to carry out ultrasound diagnostics and Doppler ultrasound, which will be prescribed by a doctor.

Causes of pulling pains in the later stages

Unpleasant sensations and pulling pains can cause changes in the uterus of a pregnant woman: the ligaments and tissues surrounding the uterus soften and stretch, it itself grows and shifts.

When the lower abdomen pulls during late pregnancy, the pain is pulling and is accompanied by contractions, this may indicate the onset of natural childbirth. In this case, you should immediately contact your doctor.

If the pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are not at 38 weeks, but earlier, then this may indicate the onset of premature birth, discharge of the placenta.

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy at 37 weeks may not mean pathology, but physical reasons, as the fetus is growing. With the second and subsequent pregnancies, the muscles weaken and it is more difficult to bear the baby. The abdomen goes down noticeably, creating pulling pains.

A dangerous condition can be when the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy at 28 weeks, at this time it is very important to follow all the doctor's recommendations, especially with pathologies during bearing a child. If the baby is born before 28 weeks, then doctors call it a miscarriage, after 28 weeks it is considered premature birth.

It can pull in the lower abdomen for reasons other than pregnancy, for example, with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, nausea, and bloating.

Why is this condition dangerous?

If you have frequent abdominal pain, see your doctor.

Depending on the duration of pregnancy, the condition with pulling pains should be assessed in different ways. In the early stages, when the first weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen like during menstruation, the development of the baby may stop, a miscarriage may occur, or the embryo will not develop correctly.

For the expectant mother, an ectopic pregnancy is considered a dangerous condition, when the fetus is attached not to the uterus, but to one of the walls of the fallopian tubes. In this case, painful sensations are concentrated in one place, where the ovum is located.

At any time, the placenta may exfoliate prematurely. The causes of detachment are trauma, sudden changes in blood pressure, an infectious disease, physical activity, emotional stress, a short umbilical cord of the fetus. With premature placental abruption, a woman feels sharp or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. In order to alleviate the condition, a woman often takes a forced position.

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy at 38 weeks often end in childbirth, since by this time the child is almost ready for birth. Be prepared for the hospital in advance. If the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy at 40 weeks, then this almost always ends with childbirth or premature (false) contractions.

For all conditions and stages of pregnancy, it is very important to consult a doctor. Each person is individual, therefore, treatment is prescribed based on the results of tests, assessment of the course of pregnancy, the condition of the woman.

What to do if your stomach pulls

If the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy at 12 weeks, as with menstruation, then this is a reason to contact your doctor. During pregnancy, this week is key, the development of the embryo occurs in stages. To maintain a pregnancy, to confirm its correct development, a specialist consultation is required.

If the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy at 33 weeks or others, it is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of malaise. The sooner you identify the problem, the better for you and your child. To diagnose the condition, the ultrasound method and the delivery of a blood test are used.

For more information on abdominal pain during pregnancy, see the video:

What to remember

  1. If the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy at 5 weeks, then in the absence of pathology, this indicates the onset of pregnancy and changes in your body.
  2. If the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy at 39 weeks of gestation as with menstruation, then this may indicate that you have begun labor.
  3. If the 35th week of pregnancy, and pulls the lower abdomen as with menstruation, then this may indicate a sprain, since the fetus already weighs about 2-2.5 kg at this time, and the baby's head presses on the pubic part. Such sensations are diagnosed in 50% of women in a position.
  4. For any pain, consult your doctor.