Why does a pregnant woman have bone pain? Twisting of the uterine ligaments. Why hip bones hurt during pregnancy

The joy of expecting a baby in almost all expectant mothers is overshadowed by the appearance of discomfort and pain in various parts of the body. More than half of women experience a condition when the pelvis hurts during pregnancy.

Pelvic pain is a symptom that goes away after the baby is born, but as long as the pregnancy continues, they cannot be completely eliminated. If a woman is worried about this condition, then she needs to know about the causes and prevention of malaise.

Often during pregnancy, women ask the doctor a question - why do the pelvic bones hurt? In most cases, experts consider this condition to be the norm, which is quite typical for late gestation.

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus grows rapidly, and the woman gains weight, which leads to an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, the synthesis of relaxin, a hormone that softens the ligaments, tendons and pubic symphysis, and also reduces the tone of the pelvic muscles, increases.

All these phenomena are physiological, they prepare the female body for childbirth. And with such factors as, a large fruit and, the load becomes even stronger.

Unpleasant sensations can spread not only to the hip joints, but also to the lumbar region. This is due to a shift in the usual center of gravity and a redistribution of the total load, against which there are pains in the pelvis and lower back during pregnancy.

If a woman complains of this condition, the specialist pays attention to the physiology of the symptoms. In the case when the pelvis hurts and this cannot be explained by the natural state during pregnancy, you need to find out what caused the problem.


No matter how different women are, most of them face pain in the pelvic bones during pregnancy.

There are several reasons for this condition. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Lack of calcium in the body. During intrauterine development, the fetus forms a skeleton, so calcium is needed from the first weeks of pregnancy. If the body of the expectant mother lacks this trace element, the fetus "draws" calcium from the teeth and bones. In this case, a woman may notice that her teeth are deteriorating and pains appear in the pelvic area. The problem can be solved with additional calcium intake.
  • Twisting the ligaments. The uterus is located inside the pelvis, to which it is attached using a ligamentous apparatus. The ligaments are not elastic and weakly stretchable, they stretch from different sides to the uterus from the bones, and penetrate deeply into its walls. The growth of the uterus is uneven, so the ligaments twist into uneven spirals, against this background, the woman has a feeling of discomfort in the pelvic area.
  • Weight gain. Every woman gains weight during pregnancy, as her body must provide enough resources for the development of the unborn child. But the additional weight also loads the lumbar spine, against the background of which pain occurs. Nerve endings are located between the vertebrae, which braid the pelvic organs. If the vertebrae are compressed due to the increased body weight and lead to pinching of nerve fibers, the woman develops pelvic pain during pregnancy.
  • The hormone relaxin. In the later stages, a large amount of relaxin is synthesized in the expectant mother, which prepares the ligaments and pelvic bones for the birth of a baby, softening them. But in the blood, this hormone should be contained in an optimal concentration, so if severe pain in the pelvic area appears, it is better to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe a blood test that will determine the level of relaxin in the body. If it turns out to be elevated, most likely we are talking about symphysitis.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders. This is another reason why the pelvis hurts during pregnancy. Diseases such as scoliosis and a history of spinal injuries are usually accompanied by pain in daily life. During the carrying of a baby, the pain syndrome intensifies due to the increased load. In this case, proper nutrition and lifestyle, as well as appropriate treatment, will help to minimize pain.

The nature of the pain

In most cases, the pains are of a symphysiopathic nature, that is, discomfort appears in the pelvic bones, etc. At the same time, the woman notes increased weakness and fatigue. Sometimes a symptom such as a "duck gait" appears, in this case it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan in order to exclude a pronounced discrepancy of the bones in the pubic articulation.

Severe pelvic pain in expectant mothers is rare. Usually they are associated with a pathology such as symphysitis, which is characterized by increased mobility and inflammation of the pubic symphysis. This pain interferes with physical activity and brings a lot of discomfort to the woman; the condition requires conservative treatment.

Pain can appear at any time, but it is most common in the third trimester. In order to prevent complications, it is important to tell your doctor about your feelings.

If the pain is severe

If the expectant mother has severe pain in the pelvic bones during pregnancy, we can also talk about symphysitis. This, which arose against the background of his increased mobility. In this case, the pain is strong and constant, it increases during walking, changes in body position and other physical activity.

The exact causes of symphysitis are unknown, but doctors associate this disease with an excess of relaxin and a lack of calcium in the body. Treatment is based on anti-inflammatories and pain relievers, taking multivitamins, wearing a bandage, and doing gymnastics for pregnant women. Childbirth is most often carried out by surgery.

Which doctor should I contact if a pregnant woman has pelvic pain?

If the pain is constant, you need to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist in the antenatal clinic. The task of the doctor is to find out why the pelvic bones hurt, and to help the woman eliminate the discomfort. Most often, a specialist prescribes a biochemical blood test for the expectant mother, on the basis of which he draws conclusions about the state of her body.

If we are talking about a lack of calcium in the blood, a woman is prescribed vitamins enriched with this trace element. In addition to calcium, a woman's doctor may advise a woman to revise her diet to include more greens, meat, fish, and dairy products.

How to relieve pain?

If discomfort in the pelvic area appears unexpectedly, the expectant mother needs to reduce physical activity and get more rest.

A special complex of trace elements will also help to normalize the condition, as well as adherence to simple recommendations:

  • you can not stay in a sitting position for more than an hour;
  • you need to give up long walks and climbing stairs;
  • it is important to lie and sit on soft surfaces;
  • the weight must be evenly distributed on both legs - the asymmetric position of the body increases the pain in the pelvis;
  • if the pain appears at night, it is enough to change the position of the body;
  • if you need a long trip in a car, you must first drink a calcium supplement.

Special gymnastics will also help reduce pain:

  1. Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor. Relax your back, head and spine should be in line. Arch your back, lower your head, tighten your thighs and abdominal muscles.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees so that the heels are as close as possible to the buttocks. Slowly spread and bring your knees.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly. Slowly raise the pelvis, and fix the body in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Each exercise is performed 3 to 6 times. If fatigue appears, the gymnastics is completed.


The answer to the question - why do the pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy, there may be a lack of calcium, high loads and other factors. To prevent the appearance of pain, it is enough to adhere to simple preventive measures:

  • taking multivitamins prescribed by a gynecologist-obstetrician;
  • refusal from intense physical activity, for example, long walks in the second half of pregnancy;
  • inclusion in the diet of foods fortified with calcium;
  • control of body weight;
  • wearing a special bandage that effectively distributes the load on the spine and pelvic bones;
  • sleep preferably on an orthopedic mattress with pillows designed for pregnant women - all this helps to relax tired muscles;
  • regular exercise for expectant mothers, aimed at strengthening muscles and the body as a whole;
  • wearing comfortable clothes and shoes that do not interfere with the woman's normal movements.

Following these tips will help minimize the risk of developing pathologies in which the pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy. In order to start treatment in a timely manner, if any negative changes in well-being appear, a woman should report this to a gynecologist.

Useful video: exercises to prevent pain in the hip joints during pregnancy

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During pregnancy, women may experience severe pain in all of their bones and are unlikely to feel well.

Such rather unpleasant sensations, as a rule, begin to appear in late pregnancy.

There are many real reasons for this phenomenon.

It is they, as well as the methods of treatment, that will be discussed in this article.

Bones ache during pregnancy - causes

Pain is one of the most common symptoms of all pregnant women. After all, not only the stomach or head hurts, although even this is a negative factor, but also the bones. In most cases, bones hurt during pregnancy already in the third trimester, that is, by the end of gestation. According to statistics, 30% of all women in childbirth at least once, but asked the question why everything hurts them. Perhaps there is any serious illness or pathology in the development of the baby?

In fact, everything is not so scary, and in most cases the pain is caused by a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. This leads to the fact that the bone skeleton softens, and in the body is strongly lack of vitamin D... Also, pain can occur due to the fact that the abdomen is constantly growing, which means that the load on the spine, legs, pelvis increases.

Back pain during gestation is the most common problem that many mothers face in one way or another. The main cause of back pain is imbalance caused by a growing belly and overly weakened hip joints. Moreover, if before the onset of pregnancy, the girl was diagnosed with scoliosis, the situation will greatly worsen.

Pain in the pubic bone can occur due to the fact that there is a divergence of the pubic symphysis. In order for the child to be able to easily pass through the birth canal at the time of childbirth, the hormone relaxin is produced in the mother's body, it is he who makes the joints of the bones more pliable and soft. One of the signs of the development of this disease is severe pain in the hip, between the legs, lower back, and during a change in posture or when walking, it begins to intensify.

In the later stages, the pelvic bones ache because the body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. The child in the uterus sinks lower and lower, the pelvic bones expand, thereby causing pain. Regardless of the cause of the pain, they cannot be ignored, because this brings the mother severe discomfort, as well as physical and psychological problems.

After the long-awaited miracle was born, everything should return to normal, but if the pain continues to bother, then you need to contact a specialist for treatment.

Pubic bone hurts during pregnancy: treatment

Since all women and girls are individual, then each of them suffers pregnancy differently. For some, toxicosis begins from the first days of pregnancy, for some only at the end. But all these problems are discussed much more often than others.

There are more rare problems that occur during pregnancy. One of them is pain in the pubic bone. There is not enough information on this topic, and the one that is, does not bring much benefit. If you read women's forums, you can find such correspondence: I have pains there and there, and in response they write that there is nothing wrong, the body is simply preparing for childbirth.

But why do the pelvic bones hurt? The pubic joint is called the symphysis. The two fixed bones are connected by cartilage. During pregnancy the pelvic bones begin to diverge, which means the symphysis is no longer so stable. If everything goes well, then the woman in labor will not feel any pain. Pubic bone pain usually occurs during the second pregnancy, which occurred shortly after the first. In order to allow the child to pass, the pubic bone diverges. But if the pelvic bones diverge more than they should, then this leads to severe pain. And in the body at this moment severe lack of calcium.

Do moms need to worry?

If everything is so natural, is it worth paying attention to it at all?

However, this problem cannot be ignored:

1. The pain may be too strong, the woman cannot walk for a long time. Sleep becomes restless. In this case, of course, such a state of health cannot be ignored.

2. If you start all this, then it is possible that after childbirth, symphysiolysis will begin to develop. During labor, a ruptured pubic joint may occur. All this will not only bring severe pain, but also make the woman immobile for several weeks.

How to treat this process

From all of the above, it is clear that complaints of pain cannot be ignored. But how can you help? Despite the fact that the causes of the disease have not yet been fully understood, methods of dealing with it have been developed. Since the feeling of pain occurs precisely during the second pregnancy, it would be logical to assume that there is not enough calcium in the body. That is why for the treatment of such a disease, you need to regularly take medications with calcium and vitamin D. The measures are useful, but they will not immediately bring the desired result.

In order to get rid of the pain, you can use another method. Physiotherapists recommend ultraviolet irradiation in the pubic area... The procedure is carried out quickly, but after a while it must be repeated. For the best effect, doctors recommend shaving off all hair in the bikini area. Despite the fact that the procedure does not last more than 5 minutes, the skin still manages to receive the required dose of ultraviolet radiation, for further production of vitamin D. In order to carry out this procedure, you need to contact your doctor who will listen to your problem, examine and refer to consult a physiotherapist.

Pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy - treatment

Pregnancy is the most wonderful state of any woman. However, those women who have some diseases live with some danger during the whole wonderful period. This is because even hidden diseases at the time of bearing a fetus begin to manifest themselves. Most often, future women in labor are faced with pelvic pain syndrome.

From the first months of pregnancy, the lower abdomen begins to appear pulling pain as well as in the pelvic area. This is the first symptom that changes are starting to occur in the body. The closer the childbirth, the more the nature of the pain becomes different: the pelvic bones ache strongly, "shoots" in the spine and lower back. These problems most often arise in those women who have previously experienced problems with their spine - osteochondrosis, scoliosis. In addition, bones hurt during pregnancy in the pelvis and in those who lack vitamin D and calcium in their bodies.

About 40% of all pregnant women experience pelvic pain, especially in petite women with narrow hips. A change in the center of gravity, a strong increase in body weight, fetal pressure on all adjacent tissues are all factors that cause pain in the pelvic bones.

How to deal with this condition?

You can get rid of severe pain with diet. Include foods high in calcium in your diet - greens, lean meat, cottage cheese... In no case should you lead an inactive lifestyle. Do not sit for more than 40 minutes, stay outdoors as often as possible, attend gymnastics courses for expectant mothers if possible. In the warm season, do not neglect the sun, because it is during this period that the body will actively produce vitamin D. It is better to rest on an orthopedic mattress.

If bones hurt constantly during pregnancy, then doctors may prescribe a bandage... It should be worn while walking. It is also possible to prescribe manual therapy. Watch your weight carefully, if it is in excess, you need to lose a little weight. Before you plan to get pregnant, try to give up all bad habits. Do not forget that it is you who are responsible for your unborn child.

Leg bones hurt during pregnancy: treatment

The bones of the legs can hurt for a variety of reasons, and in fact there are not so many of them. All of them are the result of chronic, hereditary or acquired diseases. But the main problem is the physiological process in our body, namely pregnancy:

1. The mother-to-be is gaining weight a lot.

3. the body grabs vitamins and calcium.

4. Failure of the kidneys.

Since pain in the bones of the legs is just a defense reaction of the body, it serves as a kind of indicator of possible malfunctions in the body. How the treatment will take place directly depends on the history, duration of pregnancy and symptoms.

But in most cases it applies:

Medicines that help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

Vitamin complex;

Preparations, ointments, gels aimed at improving blood circulation;


You need to carefully monitor your condition, if you observe the symptoms described below, you need to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible:

1. Pain of an intense nature.

2. Legs began to look different, the skin is blue, there is swelling.

3. Legs are constantly weakened, in some places there may be no sensitivity.

4. The sensation of severe pain lasts more than two days.

5. The body temperature rises sharply.

6. In the joints, aches.

If your bones hurt during pregnancy, then something is wrong. Do not let everything take its course, it is better to visit the hospital once again than to suffer the consequences later.

Bones hurt during pregnancy - prevention

In order to relieve pain in expectant mothers, and to prevent recurrence of pain, certain recommendations must be taken into account:

Try to limit climbing stairs, do not walk long distances;

Do not sit for more than 40 minutes;

Pay close attention to what you are lying on, the bed or sofa should not be hard;

Experts have proven that the asymmetric position of the body only aggravates the condition;

Distribute your weight evenly in a standing position, when sitting, do not put one leg on top of the other;

If possible, sit on a chair where you can adjust the back and armrests.

In order to avoid the onset of pain at night, it is best to roll over as follows: first turn your shoulders and upper torso, and then your pelvis. If you are traveling in a car for a long time, make sure that your knees are not higher than your pelvis.


In order to improve the situation, you can do the following exercises:

1. Get on your knees with your hands on the floor. Try to relax the muscles in your head, neck, back. All this should be on the same level with the spine. After that, bend your back up, and lower your head down. In this case, the muscles of the thighs and abdomen should be tense. Repeat the exercise several times every day.

2. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. The feet should touch the buttocks. Start spreading your knees, try to overcome the resistance that has arisen. Do it 5 times every day.

3. Begin to slowly lift your pelvis up, lock it in this position and begin to slowly lower it.

Being at a later date, it will not be possible to raise the pelvis. Therefore, you can simply tear it off the floor, and then lower it back.

It is during pregnancy that you need to be as careful about your body as possible. The slightest changes in it may indicate that something is wrong. Bones hurt during pregnancy for a reason, especially if the pain is strong. Therefore, do not neglect visits to your doctor.

Waiting for a baby is the most desirable and exciting period in the life of every woman. While carrying a child, expectant mothers begin to take a more responsible attitude to their health, to listen to the body, to the signals that it sends. Unusual painful sensations, discomfort, changes in the body raise a lot of questions and make pregnant women anxious. Particular alertness and concern in expectant mothers are caused by bone pain during pregnancy: the bones of the pelvis, legs, pubic bone. Why do bone pains occur and how to cope with painful sensations?

Very often you can hear the complaints of pregnant women about pain in the bones of the pelvis, pubis and lower extremities. In most cases, painful sensations and discomfort are observed already in the late period of bearing a baby, being the harbingers of an impending birth. Bone and pelvic pain is caused by physiological changes associated with muscle stretching due to a significant increase in the size of the uterus and fetus. The tummy grows rapidly, and along with its growth, the load on the skeleton increases: the pelvis, spine, lower limbs. During this period, it is recommended to carefully monitor your weight, monitor weight gain every month in order to exclude additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, very often bones ache during pregnancy due to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, in which the bone skeleton softens in the body of the expectant mother. Also, the lack of vitamin D affects the pain and aches in the bones. In this case, the expectant mother is prescribed complexes of vitamins and preparations containing calcium. It is worth noting that the drugs should be prescribed by a gynecologist, and after 34 weeks, calcium is not prescribed for pregnant women.

At the end of pregnancy, a woman can suffer and discomfort pubic pain due to the divergence of the pubic symphysis - a process in which the pelvic bones rapidly diverge during pregnancy, preparing the exit for the fetus through the birth canal. The expectant mother feels pain in the middle of the pubis, while there may be a change in gait that resembles a "duck" gait, fatigue increases, and weakness in the legs and muscles is felt. During this period, it is important to undergo an ultrasound examination and consultation with a gynecologist.

Why do pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy

Pelvic pain is considered a normal physiological symptom associated with bearing a child. Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy lead to a softening of the ligaments and muscles surrounding the pelvic bones. In this case, pregnant women feel pain not only in the pelvic region, but also in the bosom, lower back, which gives to the tailbone or perineum. The pain can be mild or very intense. However, do not forget that pain in the pelvic bones can also indicate serious diseases, such as symphysis or kidney stones, so if pain occurs, do not neglect the consultation of a gynecologist. What are the causes of pelvic pain in pregnant women?

With the growth of the fetus, the load on the muscles of the back and pelvis increases, therefore, in order to slightly reduce the load, it is necessary to pay attention to posture, regularly wear a prenatal bandage and perform special exercises for expectant mothers that help strengthen and train muscles and ligaments. Pool activities will be helpful. It is not recommended to lift weights, and try to reduce physical activity.
  • Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
    If, before pregnancy, you were worried about back or spinal diseases, then while carrying a child, the disease may remind of itself with pain in the pelvis. Women suffering from osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, may experience severe pain in the bones of pregnancy.
  • Symphysitis.
    Symphysitis is one of the most serious causes of unbearable pelvic pain in expectant mothers. This is a complication in which there is a divergence of the ligaments and excessive softening of the pubic articulation, the bones of the pubic arch diverge and become mobile.
  • The expectant mother is experiencing pain in the pelvis and pubic bone. Especially the pain intensifies and brings unbearable pain when walking up the stairs, with sudden movements, changes in gait occur, with the progressive course of the disease, it is difficult for a woman to raise her legs from a prone position, she physically fails to do this. When observing this symptom, you should urgently consult a doctor, undergo an ultrasound scan and find out how much the space between the bones has diverged in order to determine the severity of the disease. Symphysitis causes a lot of inconvenience and torment for a woman, but the main danger for a pregnant woman suffering from symphysitis is the possible rupture of the symphysis during natural delivery. The consequence of the rupture is a long rehabilitation period, the inability to live a full life, since you will have to spend at least two weeks in bed, undergo a course of remedial gymnastics. A young mother will not have the opportunity to look after and take care of her baby. Therefore, it is so important to be under the supervision of a specialist during pregnancy, who will be able to diagnose in time and decide on a cesarean section.

    Pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy in the first trimester

    Sometimes pregnant women have pain in the pelvic bones at the beginning of gestation. Such pains are intermittent and not intense, do not cause discomfort. In under the influence of hormones in the body, physiological changes occur, leading to pulling pains in the pelvic region and above the bosom. Also, the cause of discomfort is the lack of magnesium and calcium in the body. Early toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and severe vomiting, can lead to a deficiency of vital trace elements. A woman may be bothered by heaviness in the legs, cramps occur at night, pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy, pain in the perineum is felt. Having replenished the body with the missing microelements, pain and pain are significantly reduced, and relief comes.

    Why does the pubic bone hurt during pregnancy

    Pain in the pubic bone is usually observed shortly before childbirth. The body is intensively preparing for the upcoming event, the uterus with the fetus gradually descends into the small pelvis. This natural process is associated with the appearance of severe pain in the perineum and pubic bone, since the load on them increases many times. If a pregnant woman experiences pubic and perineal pain for up to 37 weeks, this may indicate the likelihood of premature birth. To relieve pain, it is recommended to wear a prenatal brace to support the lower back. Wear it from your 20th week of pregnancy. Benefit from therapeutic exercises, swimming or yoga. This is a great way to relieve pelvic and pubic pain.

    Pain in the bones of the legs during pregnancy

    In addition to pain in the pelvic bones, pubis associated with hormonal and physiological changes in the body, expectant mothers often face pain in the bones of the lower extremities, especially in recent months. The following symptoms associated with pain and discomfort in the legs should be especially alert:

    • a feeling of severe pain, persistent in one or both legs. If the pain intensifies and does not go away for more than 3 days;
    • the leg changes its appearance - it turns blue, swells, deforms;
    • ulcers appear;
    • in addition to pain in the legs, the general state of health also worsens.

    If one of these symptoms appears, you need to urgently seek help. In other cases, pain, discomfort, heaviness in the bones of the lower extremities is a phenomenon that is observed in almost every expectant mother and is considered a normal physiological process.

    The main reasons why bones in the legs hurt during pregnancy

    1. Load on the legs by increasing the size of the uterus and fetus.
    2. The hormone relaxin, produced by the body of a pregnant woman, helps to soften the ligaments and bones. The bones of the legs, feet, knees and pelvic bones can hurt.
    3. Lack of calcium and vitamin D. Proper nutrition and taking the necessary medications can improve health and relieve pain in the legs.
    4. Diseases of the spine that were observed before pregnancy (scoliosis, osteochondrosis), as well as bone diseases (arthritis, coxarthrosis, dermatomyositis).
    5. Fractures, injuries sustained before pregnancy, now remind of themselves. This pain is aching in nature, especially when the weather conditions change.
    6. The cause of pain and discomfort in the legs can be the asymmetric position of the pelvic bones. It is recommended that the pregnant woman find that body position in which the painful sensations will not be so intense.
    7. Leg pain can be a consequence of flat feet, which can also develop during pregnancy. The pain can be intermittent, or it can be constant.

    Why bones between the legs hurt during pregnancy

    At 37 weeks, many pregnant women suffer from severe bone pain between the legs, this pain can appear for the following reasons:

    Prevention of bone pain in pregnant women

    To relieve severe bone pain, pregnant women should follow several preventive guidelines that will help reduce pain in the body:

    Exercises during pregnancy to help relieve bone pain

    By doing the exercises below, you can relieve bone pain, strengthen your back, gluteal muscles, ligaments, and prepare your body for childbirth in advance.

    Expectant mothers need to be more attentive to their health. At the slightest changes, severe pain, especially if they last for a long time and do not go away, in the pelvis, perineum or pubis, you should immediately tell your gynecologist to establish the cause of their occurrence in order to prevent dangerous situations for health.

    The preparation of the female body for childbirth does not go unnoticed. Many women feel how the pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy, as well as how the pressure on the entire support apparatus increases. For the most part, such a reaction is quite explainable by physiological changes, but often a painful syndrome in the pelvic region may indicate the development of a pathological process.

    Why do hip bones hurt during pregnancy?

    The entire stage of gestation is accompanied by changes at the hormonal level, blood circulation increases, and the pressure on the bone tissue also increases.
    A woman may notice how the pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy. Such a reaction of the body mainly occurs at a later date and occurs as a result of the following reasons:
    1. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that the pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy. The increased production of progesterone and relaxin relaxes not only the uterus and muscle tissues, but also affects the bone structure. This condition is explained by preparation for childbirth in the third trimester, the body is trying to create the most comfortable conditions for the birth of a baby. Thus, the hip bones will easily move apart, allowing the baby to enter the light.
    2. A significant load on the hip joints and lower limbs increases from the second trimester, when the fetus begins to actively grow. The uterine cavity enlarges, creating pressure, and weight gain also has a significant impact.
    3. Adhesions that form after inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs create pain during the growth of the uterus.
    4. Diseases of bones and joints (arthritis, arthrosis, osteomalacia) during 9 months of gestation are exacerbated due to an increase in the load on the motor apparatus. This kind of pathology should be noticed by a doctor, careful diagnosis and immediate treatment will be required.
    5. Symphysitis develops from the second trimester and is characterized by premature softening of tissue structures. With a pathological process, pain appears not only in the pelvic region, but also in the region of the pubic bones. The danger of the onset of premature birth is increasing.
    If in the early stages the hip joint hurts, then the situation is associated with a lack of calcium-containing products. Aching pain syndrome often manifests itself during sleep, reducing the body's regenerative capacity. In this case, it will be enough to drink a course of vitamins to restore the lack of micro- and macroelements.

    When do the pelvic bones begin to diverge during pregnancy?

    We can confidently say that the divergence of the pelvic bones during pregnancy does not occur, since the joint is a single ring. Only some stretching of the cartilaginous tissue is possible - the symphysis. Dense cartilage connects the pelvis in front, making it easier for the baby to come to birth.

    Under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the cartilage of the joints of the womb and sacrum begins to relax and soften. With such elasticity, it feels like the bones are diverging, and the distance between them is rapidly increasing.

    When the pelvic bones begin to ache, which can occur at any time, this is more due to the stretching of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the enlarging uterus with the fetus.

    Normally, a significant divergence of the pelvic bones is felt at 38-39 weeks, when the baby is ready to be born. The ligaments are intensely softened, the pressure increases, which leads to discomfort.

    What to do if pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy?

    If the pelvis hurts badly, then you should immediately see a doctor in order to avoid the development of symphysitis. The disease requires careful diagnosis and treatment, since the consequences are dangerous for both the child and the mother.

    For physiological reasons for pain in the pelvic region, it is necessary to use some of the recommendations of specialists:

    • the bandage can be used after the first trimester. The device will reduce pressure from muscle tissue and ligamentous apparatus;
    • gymnastic exercises for pregnant women will strengthen the muscle frame, reduce pain by minimizing tension in the pelvic area;
    • rational nutrition, with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the daily menu, will improve the condition of the bones. Fish, milk and cottage cheese will help to cope with calcium deficiency;
    • weight control is performed in order to reduce the pressure on the skeletal system, excess body weight causes an unreasonable load.
    If you feel pain during sleep, the legs and pelvis should be slightly raised by placing a small pillow or not a large roller. Daily walks in nature should become a constant habit, while shoes are best chosen with flat soles so that the feet feel comfortable, and the musculoskeletal system is not exposed to excessive stress.

    This question is often asked by expectant mothers in late pregnancy. The reason for this interest is emerging. Are they harbingers of childbirth? When exactly do bones begin to part and what should pregnant women know about it?

    Why does the pelvic area hurt during pregnancy?

    All the pelvic organs of a pregnant woman in the third trimester are under pressure from the growing uterus. Therefore, the pelvic bones also hurt. But such pains can appear in a woman in the early stages. In this case, the cause is a sprain of the round uterine ligaments. After all, the uterus in the pelvis is fixed by a complex of ligaments. They do not allow the main organ of the reproductive system to deviate forward. These ligaments are formed from connective tissue, and it stretches very poorly. But it is already laid down by nature that the uterus of the expectant mother is enlarged, and the connective tissue must be stretched. And a special hormone relaxin appears in the woman's blood, which increases the elasticity of tissues.

    And yet, stretching pains bother to one degree or another a woman throughout her pregnancy. Sometimes they can be very sharp, and when the position of the body changes, they disappear. Most women are already getting used to such pain in the last weeks of bearing a baby.

    About the divergence of the pelvic bones

    Note that from 17-20 weeks of pregnancy, changes in the pelvis are reflected in the woman's gait. And this happens because the pelvic bones diverge. They become mobile. This is the gradual preparation of the female body for childbirth. When a woman walks, she begins to tilt her body back a little. It turns out that her tummy, as it were, protrudes forward, and her gait becomes like a duck. It was during this period of gestation that expectant mothers, who still wore shoes on, refuse it. After all, walking in heels becomes very uncomfortable.

    By themselves, the pelvic bones do not change. But the amount of calcium in them may decrease. And this is due to the fact that calcium is strenuously taken away by the developing baby. If the mother consumes few calcium-containing foods, then pelvic pain may be felt more strongly. The divergence of the pelvic bones when carrying a child occurs due to changes in the structures of soft tissues, that is, symphysis - dense cartilage that connects the pelvic bones in front. The mobility of the symphysis just allows the baby's head to pass through the mother's birth canal.

    It is the divergence of the bones that causes pain in the pubic and symphysis regions. If the female body is deficient in calcium, then it develops.

    The expansion of the pelvic bones also affects the coccyx. A small bone with a sacrum has an inactive articulation. As a rule, it is deflected into the pelvis. The tailbone during delivery could interfere, for example, dislocation, if not for the relaxation of the sacrococcygeal joint. In expectant mothers, this small bone deviates backward. Therefore, she does not interfere with the progress of the baby through the birth canal. Pain caused by mobility of the tailbone just before childbirth is worse while sitting, especially on a soft surface.

    Divergence of the pelvis also applies to the lumbosacral articulation. Mobility increases in this area of ​​the musculoskeletal system. This happens already at the beginning of the third trimester. In the process of delivery, the pelvis with the spine forms a single plane, and the above-mentioned articulation acquires greater mobility.

    If a woman gives birth herself, without the help of obstetricians, then she intuitively takes those positions in which the child's progress is not hampered, that is, she squats, leaning forward, leaning on something. In the maternity hospital, in order to straighten the axis of the birth canal, special pillows (polters) are placed under the buttocks. However, even before a woman enters the hospital, the mobility of the lumbosacral joint becomes the cause of pain. They are more felt by those women whose back muscles are weak. No wonder they say that it is easier for athletes to give birth. Also, pain in the pelvis before childbirth can be strongly felt by those women who had problems with the spine before pregnancy: their pelvic bones diverge more difficult and slower.

    After childbirth, pelvic pain disappears in a period of two to six months.