Pores on the nose clogged with skin fat. How to clean contaminated pores on the nose: Verified methods of care of the face of the house. The main rules for the care of the derma

Crashing pores not only look not aesthetically and make the color of the face dim, but are the main factor provoking the development of inflammatory phenomena. Available tools for pore cleansing, regularly used in home care Behind the face will allow efficiently eliminate black dots, prevent the appearance of acne and return the skin clean, freshness and radiance.


Effective cleaning of pores at home

Main condition proper work Cells, their regeneration and absence of peeling and irritation are saturacy of their oxygen, fully these processes ensures regular cleansing of the skin. Expanded pores most often bother with oily skin, and the main reason for their appearance is incorrectly selected or not regularly used cosmetics.

In order to effectively clean the pores on the face at home it is important to competently draw up a skin care program, because the use of only soap solution and alcohol content is not enough. The main face care should include four stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, power and protection. Deep cleaning and narrowing of pores can be achieved using special maskswhich is preceded by sprinkling procedures.

The composition of the cleaning agent of daily use should include components that provide additionally dry and astringent action. Such components can perform aloe, chamomile extract or lemon. Wash with such a means you need twice a day. The final stage of facial cleaning is tonic. As part of tonic for fatty and problem skin, such a component must be present as zinc oxide. Then, after all manipulations, a moisturizing cream corresponding to the type of leather is applied.

For deep cleaning, it is good to choose good homework And make it twice a week. "Right" mask will free the pores from dirt (black dots), toxins and accumulations of a hasty secret, to narrow them, improving appearance. Additional ingredients Masks will saturate the skin with the necessary microelements and improve blood flow.

Once in 10 days, the skin of the face needs to be released from damaged particles, for which exfoliating procedures should be carried out. It can be both professional and home peelings.

The main stages of pore cleaning

To achieve positive effect Cleaning pores should be produced in a specific sequence:

1. Spreading face.

After removing makeup, it is necessary to soften the skin of the face and reveal the pores, hot herbal compresses will help steam baths. In the hot branch of herbs moisten terry Towel., slightly squeeze and impose on the face. As a cooling, a towel is cooled again. Keep a total of 5 minutes, for dry skin is enough 3 minutes. Either breathe over hot steam herbal ins or bravery (chamomile, calendula, sage, hypertension). In Nasty, you can add 2 drops of your favorite essential oil. Such a procedure is contraindicated in vascular stars (cooperosis), any skin diseases and high skin sensitivity.

2. Removing contaminants.

For this, masks or scrubs of their own preparation are suitable. Make them need twice a week with fatty and combined skin And once a week with dry and normal. Wash after the procedure is recommended to cool water, face with a towel with neat movements.

You can use ready-made factory formulations as scrubies, just do not forget to select them according to the skin type. For dry type, the means on a soft basis, not injured and non-over-erase even more. For fatty skin, it is possible to take formulations with more rigid abrasive particles.

3. The narrowing of the pores.

Weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, aloe juice or lemon juice, green tea It is good to use instead of the tonic tonic. Good effect Also give narrow pores masks.

4. Moisturizing.

The final stage is intense moisturizing Persons. Oily oil Or with a high nutritional cream to use it is not recommended to avoid blockage of extended pores.

Before applying any composition, it is necessary to test the skin for the presence of intolerance and allergic reactions.

Video: Independently clean the pores and get rid of black points.

Home Recipes Cleansing Deep Remedies

Salt scrub for deep cleaning pores.

Salt (can sugar, ground coffee) - 1 tsp.
Milk for demacia and against contamination (or fat cream) - 1 tsp.

Add salt to milk and stir thoroughly. Take the resulting agent and light massaging movements on a pre-sparkled and moisturized face, avoiding the zones around the eyes and lips. During application special attention T-zone should be given (nose, forehead, chin). Such a scrub to leave on the face another one minute and wash off with water room temperature. In order to avoid traumatization of the skin and the spread of infection, the means cannot be used in the presence of acne and other inflammatory phenomena on the face.

Milk mask with gelatin for deep purification of pores.

Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Components mix in a ceramic bowl and put into the microwave to the maximum mode for 10 seconds. Finished mixes Give a little cool to a warm state, and then apply a mass with an unnecessary makeup brush on a pre-purified contamination and sparkling face, paying particular attention to the praises in the T-zone. Hold on her face it follows 15 minutes. During this time it will freeze and turn into a dense film. It is necessary to remove it, starting with the wings of the nose. All existing pollution, even deep plugs and black dots will remain on it. A mask with gelatin can be done differently by adding protein. The milky-gelatin mixture to heat the water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. In a warm mixture, turn on the protein and stir thoroughly. The application process is the same.

Oat mask for deep purification of pores.

Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk with dry or warm water bold leather - 2 tbsp. l.

Flakes fill the face suitable to the skin with liquid and wait until they scatter. Apply a lot of light massaging movements on pure face, leave for five minutes and wash off warm water. Besides effective purification Pores mask feeds and softens the skin, improves the complexion.

Cucumber and oil mask for cleaning pores.

Fresh cucumber - ½ vegetable.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Sour milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Cucumber is crushed on a shallow grater, squeeze juice. In the resulting cucumber mass add oil and milk. Mask put on a clean face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off the facility is better than cool water.

Protekovo-lemon mask for cleaning pores.

Protein chicken egg Fresh - 1 pc.
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Butter tea tree - 2-3 drops.

Protein thoroughly beat the foam formation, and then enter lemon juice and ether component. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and impose on a clean face, paying attention to the scored pores in the zone of the nose, forehead and chin. After 15 minutes, wash the mask with cool water, wipe with anti-inflammatory lotion.

A yeast mask for the narrowing of the pores on the face.

Raw yeast - 1 tsp.
Hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 1 tsp.
Milk -1 h. L.

Components mix to completely dissolve yeast. The composition is applied immediately after cleaning the mask and withstand 15 minutes, after which it was washed with water room temperature.

How to save the result

  1. Exclude cosmetics from the application, which contains mineral oil, as it clogs the pores and provokes them to pollution.
  2. Restrict the use of creams on a fatty, severe basis, it is better to give preference to intense moisturizers.
  3. Instead of the usual tone, take fluid on a light basis.

Observing all the recommendations, your face will acquire a healthy appearance, and the pores will become perfectly clean. If during the month regular care And the use of deep-action cleansing masks your pores are still clogged, contact the cosmetologist. Perhaps need help and other specialists, since cosmetic imperfections on the face can be one of the consequences of the irregular work of the glands internal secretion and many other violations in the body.

Pure fresh skin It looks attractive even without cosmetics. On the contrary, if the pores on the face are expanded, clogged, inflamed, then it looks repulsive. But black dots - the problem is not only aesthetic. If you do not take measures to remove them on time, they turn into comedones, acne, and this is already a dermatological disease. To prevent and overcome it, it should not only visit the cosmetologist, but also to clean the pores on the face at home. It is necessary to carry out the procedure with any type of epithelium, especially important - with fatty.

Causes of pore blockage

There are some pores on the face. Through them, the dermis "breathes", through them the skin is allocated, which is necessary to protect against negative external influences. People who have a protective fat layer are almost absent, they have noticed signs of aging on the face, but also the owners of a fatty type of dermis have to fall out. They, as a rule, it is dense, with wide pores, excess of sebum, covering the face with a bold layer, create an unattractive shine.

Most often, those who have been expanded from nature are expanded. Usually, this happens with a fatty type of person, in which an intense saloon is also observed, which aggravates the problem. In the pores fall dust, dirt, overlapping the outlet of the skin, which accumulates in the pores. Inflammation in such a situation is almost inevitable. As a result, acne appear on the face, which create a lot of problems, up to the understated self-esteem, disgust. The larger the skin is standing out, the higher the risk of acne.

The causes of the reinforced fat formation are most often genetic predisposition, violation of metabolic processes due to hormonal splashes, incorrect nutrition. So, the love of a flour, sweet, fatty and all sorts of smoked meals is reflected on the face of black dots and acne.

Pore \u200b\u200bblocks may occur and normal level skin production if the output of it is difficult due to the use of incorrect decorative cosmetics.

How to clean the face of the house

Pore \u200b\u200bcleansing must be carried out regularly, regardless of the type of dermis. You can focus on the following recommendations: With bold skin scrubs, it is recommended to use every other day or two, in addition to this once a week or a little less often to spend more deep purification. For normal skin The procedures are carried out twice as much as dry - 3-4 times less often, that is, it is necessary to use the scrub in this case twice a month, but to spend deep cleaning if necessary.

Pore \u200b\u200bcleaning methods that can be successfully used at home, several. The easiest and safest is the use of cleansing masks. They can be several types. The gelatin mask film allows you to "pull out" dirt from the pore, it is especially good when it is necessary to clean the pores on the nose. Egg helps at the same time "close" pores, pull the skin. Kaolin mask excellently removes all pollution, smoothes the epithelium and gives the face fresh tone, matures. Cleansing pores with its help can be used at any age, even when careing mature skin. A soda mask, which acts as a scrub is considered rather effective. When you need to clean the nose from the fat points, this tool is suitable perfectly. Oat mask It has a comprehensive effect: cleanses, nourishes, balancing. Detailed recipes for each mask read below in the article.

Second method - deep cleaning pores. It produces in several stages:

  1. Washing with a special means: gel, foam, camphor soap cream.
  2. Sparking face. During this procedure, the pores are even more expanding, the skin softens, due to which it is possible to better clear the nose from the ease, remove the black dots on the forehead, the chin with a mechanical or other way. You can harvest a person by leaning over a container with a hot liquid, in which the soda or decoction is pre-dissolved medicinal herbal. The fire should be minimal, the outlet is needed to block, covered with a towel. Sparking lasts 10-15 minutes. If the skin is very sensitive, then unparing it in the conditions of the house better compresses: Ocoon tissue napkin In the hot (in moderation) infusion or decoction of herbs, applying it for a couple of minutes to face.
  3. Now it's time to move to the removal of acne. Mechanical methodWhen they are simply squeezed out with their fingers, efficient, but risky. With it, it is important to comply with sterility so as not to disseminate the infection throughout the face. At home it is better to choose more safe method: Apply scrub or using a cleansing mask.
  4. After the mask is removed upon the expiration of the desired time (usually 10-20 minutes), the pores must be narrowed. For this purpose, special masks, tonic are used at home. You can just wipe my face with a piece of ice, a slice of lemon, juice from raw potatoes. After using a cleansing mask with egg protein, lemon in adoption additional Mer There is no need for a narrowing of the need.
  5. Complete the procedure for applying a moisturizing and soothing cream. It can be replaced with a gel of aloe or juice of this plant.

Third method - honey massage. He will appeal to those who are looking for a way to clean the pores on the nose, not acquiring a special plaster. Honey melts, applied to the nose and on the other problem zones. Five minutes later, you need to touch the pads to the skin and tear them sharply. There is something like a vacuum, and pollution is pulled out of the pores. It remains only to wash and narrow the pores. The procedure is contraindicated in those who have allergies to beekeeping products.

Clear nose from black points with a special plastering. The adhesive applied to it begins to act when contact with water and dissolves the skin fat. The nose you need to wet, stick the plaster on it, after some time to remove it - all pollution will remain on it. Cleaning pores on the nose in this way is safe and painless.

How to keep the effect for a long time

In order for the effect to be preserved for a long time, it is necessary to exclude fried, oily, flour, sweet, smoked products from the diet, smoked, and start correctly care for the face:

  1. Twice a day, clean the face with the help of washing, tonic, lotions.
  2. Do not abuse decorative cosmetics.
  3. To regularly use scrubs cleansing masks that are easy to do at home.

Masks for cleaning pores on the nose and on the face

To prepare cleansing masks, you can use proven recipes:

  • Gelatinic. Package gelatin Fill in three tablespoons of water or milk, warm in a water bath until completely dissolved when it cools, take into a lot of protein. The composition is applied to the face with warm, waiting for frozen, remove from the bottom up. For a larger effect, it is possible to add when dissolved gelatin tablet of chopped activated carbon. This mask, cooked with your own hands, is no less effective than similar purchased tools.
  • Egg. The protein needs to be connected to juice from a single lemon, beat, add a few drops of tea tree ether.
  • Oatmeal. Oatmeal need to brew hot water Or milk, wait for when you swollen, put a thick on face, to ware a quarter of an hour, wash off.
  • Egg-oatmeal. A large spoonful of oatmeal is mixed with whipped protein, used as oatmeal.
  • Kaolinovaya. White clay Dilmed with warm water or milk to the consistency of sour cream. For problem skin, you can replace the blue clay half a white clay. At home this mask makes most often.
  • Soda. Three teaspoons of soda need to mix with one teaspoon of melted honey. Apply, slightly massaging. Before removal, you can conduct a honey massage according to the method described above.
  • Berry. Five berries of strawberries or grapes need to be demolished, mix with a teaspoon lemon juice, egg protein. In addition, it is necessary to regularly wipe the face with tonic tones. Replace tonic can cucumber Lotion or cucumber juice, citrus juice (you can simply cut off the slicker and wipe your face), potato juice. Good result Gives wiping face with a piece of ice. Freeze better not just water, but birch juice, decoction of chamomile, calendula.

Deep cleaning: cosmetologist

Black dots on the face can cause acne appearance. Closed pores must be cleaned. Cleaning pores can be done at home. Preventive measures will not allow them to be clogged, and the effect after the procedure will continue for a long time.

You are worried fat shine skin on the nose, the appearance of black dots and pore contamination? Have you been dangerous to learn how to clean the skin effectively so that there is no unpleasant glitter, accumulation of fat and barely noticeable contaminants? Remember important recommendations, use various masks and special funds. This will certainly help you: you will notice how quickly your skin becomes an attractive appearance, its surface becomes matte and shines purity. Please note that the use of the most expensive, famous masks and gels from world manufacturers does not guarantee a good condition of your skin. The nose will continue to glisten, and the pores will not be able to clean long, if you do not fully review your menu, attitude to hygiene and cosmetics. It is important to properly apply makeup, always monitor its condition, competently make a diet and fence the face from harmful effects Ultraviolet rays. If you are interested in how to clean the pores on the nose, check out all the nuances in important moments This process.

Let's make the right menu
First, review your diet. It must be borne in mind that many products, alcohol, sharp seasonings very badly affect the skin condition. Pores on the nose will be contaminated instantly if you do not stop using dishes that stimulate the selection of a hasty secret that violate the normal metabolism. You can constantly clean the pores, use scrubs and masks, but it is ineffective when after a few hours we see the appearance of shine on the nose.

Here is a list of products that contribute to the nose contamination:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • dishes with sharp seasonings, sauces;
  • fat meat;
  • oil, cheese, sour cream with increased content fat;
  • salty;
  • smoke and marinades;
  • dishes with lots of spices;
  • sweet: Cakes, cakes, buns with jam.
Refuse harmful dishes, food, drinks! It will not only allow you to forget about problems with polluted pores on the nose, but also help strengthen health in general. Silent secret will be allocated noticeably less, within the normal range. You will be able to restore normal exchange processes in the body.
  • fresh fruits, fruit salads with low-fat yogurts;
  • milk, dairy products with low fat content;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables;
  • light vegetable salads;
  • non-fat meat;
  • vegetable and fruit juices.
Vesti healthy image Life, to pay time for sports. It is advisable to refuse from smoking, as it also contributes to the deterioration of the skin. When you start to eat correctly, the problem with dirty pores on the nose will be quickly solved.

Competently use cosmetics, better wash
Early properly use cosmetic tools so that they do not harm you. For example, many girls are accustomed to just get compact powder and apply it on the nose thin layerWhen the skin on it begins to glisten. Just swimming enough to look great! Do not do it. When the pores are already contaminated, the skin glitters on the skin, it is impossible to apply another weighting layer of powder on the nose. This will provoke a new selection of a hasty secret, in addition, the pores will be completely clogged. External effect B. this case Deceptive. How to be? Remember several secrets.

  1. You need to regularly apply matting napkins. Refuse simple paper napkinsAs they are not so effective. If you notice that the nose began to glisten, the pores were contaminated, you need to carefully attach a matting napkin to problematic place. It will save your makeup, but eliminate fat well.
  2. So that the pores are less contaminated, did not violate normal process Allocating the secret, it is necessary to apply cosmetics correctly. Refuse severe powder, especially based on cream. Use light agents that allow the skin to breathe.
  3. Get used to applied sunscreen. He will protect your nose from negative influence Ultraviolet. The skin on the nose will stop glistening, even on a bright sun fat will be highlighted significantly less.
  4. Try to never apply cosmetics with several layers. You break up the pores on the nose, do not give the skin to breathe if you forth the second time.
  5. Wash it right. Less often apply soap, use special means: gels, milk, scrubs. So you can spend regularly surface cleansing pores on the nose. Do not make hot water. It should be warm.
Always take preventive measures. It is important to provide optimal conditions For skin, make it healthier, beautiful and fresh. Then the pores on the nose will be less polluted, they will become noticeably easier to clean.

Clean the pores on the nose: quickly and efficiently
There are some effective meansthat will help you perfectly clean the pores on the nose. Catch miscellaneous methods, act comprehensively and regularly. Gradually, you will notice that the skin on the nose looks noticeably better, the pores have become less polluted. You can conduct similar procedures and for the whole person.

  1. Couple. Hot couple will be yours best assistant In the fight against pore contamination on the nose. Just boil the water. Prepare a bowl or a small saucepan, where water will have a fairly large surface area. You will need a blanket, or a sheet. Boiling water must be carefully brought on the bed, and then cover the blanket so that the pair falls on the face. Remember that he should not burn. Be careful, follow the safe distance. Leave a small slit between the blanket and the bed to come air. After processing the steam, it will be noticeably easier for you to clear the nose with a special gel or scrub, because the pores will expand, and the contamination softening.
  2. Hot compress. Take small towel. It must be moistened in hot water. A towel must warm up well, but not to be burning. You will put it on your face as a compress. Pores on the nose will expand, the dirt will be easier to remove. Keep the compress you need about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Contrast wash will allow you to maintain the skin in good condition, faster eliminate fat from the nose. Wash the warm and cool water in turn. It should be done several times a day. Do not forget about moisturizing milk, as hard water dries too much skin.
  4. Sea water. You can clean the pores daily on the so-called nose " sea water" On a glass warm water You will need a spoonful salt, as much soda. Good all stir. Carefully wipe the nose with this liquid, then be sure to handle the skin with simple water.
  5. Banana mask. Take the banana, preferably ripe. It must be squeezed into delicate cleaner, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mass on the nose, leave for 10 minutes. Wash the mask with water.
  6. Peeling with oatmeal. You will need honey, oat flakes, low-fat kefir. Mix flakes with kefir, add a little honey. You should get a damaging mass. Apply it on the nose by massaging movements. Protheses nose such a casket, remove it with a napkin. Then treat the skin on your nose to your "sea water". At the end of the procedure you need to wash the nose with simple water, lubricate with light cream. Can be used children's cream. Apply it to the finest layer.
Of course, it should be applied and professional means: masks, gels, scrubs are implemented in pharmacies, specialized stores. Constantly monitor the condition of the skin, clean the nasal pores. Then he will always look perfectly, and an unpleasant shine will not appear.

Full face care is impossible without regular pore cleansing. Especially strongly clogged on the nose, which leads to a noticeable cosmetic problems and can provoke pronounced inflammatory process. Fortunately, to clean the contaminated pores on the nose, it is not necessary to attend dear cosmetic salons. This problem is easily solved with simple home techniques.

Basic care

One of the main causes of pore blockage is insufficient skin care. In many cases, the usual routine needs to make a few adjustments and the skin will acquire well-groomed species. The basic principles of basic care are as follows:

  • Each evening, carefully remove the makeup. According to surveys, most (70%) of women will ignore this rule. And the case is not at all fatigue, another problem lies here, purely psychological. Just women are not ready to stay without their protective mask from the powder, tonal means, lipstick and carcass. Always want to look perfect, and not to expose cosmetic flaws. Naturally, in such conditions, the skin is very quickly contaminated, and the nose is covered noticeable. As a result, it takes even more cosmeticsTo hide the disadvantage. Do not bring your skin to such a state. Each evening, carefully remove the makeup special means, wash away slightly warm water using a soft gel.
  • Perform regular exfoliation (twice per week). The tool for this caring procedure can be purchased in the store or make yourself, following home recipes. As an example, we give the most inexpensive option. Pour a couple of tablespoons of cooled green tea into the container, add a spoonful of sugar and honey, mix thoroughly. Find the result wet skin circular movements. The duration of one procedure is about 2 minutes. Such a scrub is more useful than finished means from apricot bonesSince sugar does not damage the skin.
  • Use for cleaning the nose with a soft bristle. Remember that the brushes for the body will not fit - the bristles they have too tough.
  • Process your face and nose with absorbent and matting napkins. They are impregnated with a special substance that, without damaging the cosmetics layer, absorbs excess fat. But try to choose quality productsnot containing alcohol, otherwise there is a risk of overpowering the skin. Also, do not forget that such napkins cannot be replaced with such napkins.
  • For problem skin Cosmetics with mineral oils should be used with extreme caution, and it is better to abandon it at all. The fact is that such cosmetics contributes to the rapid pore clog. Before the acquisition of cosmetics, carefully study the labels and prefer the means that the "non-comedogenic" mark.
  • Popular silicone gels today are strongly clogged, so use the primer in the form of a cream or lotion when disinfecting defects.

If you comply with these non-case rulesIt is quite possible that over time the problem will disappear. Waiting will have to at least a couple of months, but the improvement will be resistant.


To easily squeeze black dots from the nose skin, and at the same time avoid unpleasant consequences, the face must be carefully displeps. After such a pore procedure expand, and the plugs are removed without problems by unscrew. Perform sprinkling yourself quite not difficult, do it in this way:

  1. Carefully prepare the skin to the procedure - remove cosmetics and wash. The face must be perfectly clean, without sweat particles, dust and cosmetics residues.
  2. Wipe the face with a soft towel.
  3. We boil the liter of water and pour it into the glass container (can not be used from plastic).
  4. Add dry herbs or ethers (many recipes, choose any suitable for you).
  5. Tighten the hair into a bundle.
  6. Lean over the container, the head of the head is a thick large towel. (Hot steam should be felt on the face. But too close to the water should not be touched in order not to expose to the skin of stress).
  7. Hold the face over the water about 10 minutes, and when sensitive skin Enough and 5 minutes. (Longer than the specified time to carry out the procedure is not necessary, it may lead to the emergence of new acne).
  8. Carefully free the closed pores.

Sparking is considered safe Proceed and usually does not cause adverse Reactions. However, some contraindications exist. The procedure is not recommended in such cases:

  • Asthma.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Inflammatory process on the skin.
  • Expansion of vessels.
  • Stressed hair growth on face.

Several popular bath recipes

The easiest option is to break the skin clean water without additives. But to enhance the effect, cosmetologists advise add to the bath vegetable components. We offer to familiarize yourself with the most useful recipes.

  • For oily skin

Aloe, mint, nettles have a drying effect. You can also add birch and oak bark to water.

  • For dry skin

Hot steam dries the skin, so it is desirable to add a chamber or calendula to water (they have moisturizing properties).

  • Prevention of wrinkles

Facial cleaning can be combined with a rejuvenating procedure. To do this, brew rosemary, sage and chamomile in boiling water.

  • To enhance efficiency

In order for the pores on the nose to be cleared easily, a rowan decoction is used for sprinkling. You can also add several tablespoons of salts to boiling water (only if the skin is not dry). Also, the effect of breaking is enhanced by adding nettle in boiling water.

  • Aromatherapy

If you want to increase the body's tone, calm down nervous system And raise the mood, you can add your favorite essential oil to the bath.

How to clean pores

The procedure for self-purification does not represent special difficulties. Perform it in this way:

  • Well wash your hands, processed by their disinfectant.
  • Take a sterile bandage and wind their fingers.
  • Press on black dots on both sides, squeezing the plugs of them. It is necessary to ensure that pollution is completely removed. (If some pores did not work out, you should not put it too much. It is better to leave them until the next cleansing).
  • After completing the procedure, processed the inflamed places by salicylic alcohol.
  • In order to narrow the pores, wash it with cold water.
  • Processing the skin with a disinfectant tonic or a solution of lemon juice (a teaspoon of 200 ml of water).
  • Apply a moisturizing cream.

Note! Sparking and cleaning is a serious stress for the skin of the face. Therefore, within two days after the procedure, try not to use cosmetics.

Pore \u200b\u200bCleansing With Pinzeta

Black dots are well reduced by tweezers. For this, the tool is disinfected, and the hands are thoroughly wash with soap. Also prepare a jar of hydrogen peroxide to disinfect skin during the procedure. Pores can be cleaned in two ways, depending on the type of tweezers.

If the tweezers ends with a spatula:

  • Gently pressed the blade at the time.
  • The outward black point is captured by tweezers and remove.
  • The tool is disinfected and transferred to the cleansing of the next pore.

If the tweezers ends with a needle:

  • Put sterile gloves.
  • Squeeze the pore tube with your fingers.
  • The bumps appeared to appear with a needle and pull a greasy education.

Disinfect tweezers with gloves and repeat the procedure in the next right.

Strips for cleaning pores

This caring remedy appeared on the market recently, but has already managed to conquer an excellent reputation. Strips are made of paper or tissue, they are made on a special coating. If it is moistened, it softens and sticks to the skin. It is much more convenient to use such strips than scrubs or masks.

Use them for such instructions:

  • Clean the face (for example, with a foam for washing).
  • Space the skin for 10 minutes.
  • Moisturize the strip and separate it from the loaf.
  • We are put on the nose and roll up so that it takes the shape of the nose.
  • Waiting for 10-20 minutes. (The exact time is shown on the package).
  • Take a plaster for the edge and break with one movement.
  • Proceed with tonic skin.

Cleansing strips are available for the price, the procedure with their use does not take much time, and they give the result just wonderful. Skin condition is improving, and the risk of acne and inflammation is minimized.

A few more home recipes

  • Hot compress

This procedure helps to quickly get rid of pollution in the pores. And fulfill it very simple. Need to take a small terry towel and lower it in hot water for a few minutes. Preheated towel need to get out, put on the face and lie down until the compress cools. After that, wash the warm water to cleanse the pores, and then cold for their narrowing.

  • Blackpoint Lighter

Take the usual children's soap without flavors, make soap mortar And add soda and salt into it (0.5 hours of spoons). The composition is well mixed and treat them to the skin. After 3 minutes, remove the mixture cotton disc And beware of cold water.

The effective cleansing composition based on salt is very simple. In the serum to remove makeup spare the usual dining salt. Each component is taken on a teaspoon. The resulting scrub processes the problem areas and the mock washed with warm water. With inflammation on the skin, such a scrub is contraindicated!

Oatmeal is well suited for all skin types. If the skin is dry, it is mixed with water, and if fat - with milk. On 2 spoons of fluid take 1 spoon of flakes. When the flakes are swelling, weft are applied to the skin, keep 5 minutes, and then wash the room temperature water.

To cosmetic procedures gave the expected result required a complex approach. Therefore, do not forget about the daily proper skin care. Choose high-quality cosmetics and refuse tools with mineral oil in the composition. Remember that this oil contributes to the rapid formation of comedones and can provoke irritation.

Problem: how to clean the pores on the face, the most women are worried. Closed pores distort even the most beautiful make-up. Deep I. high-quality cleaning Skin is able to help eliminate this drawback.

Cleansing is an essential task when leaving the face. Many home and special tools are able to remove black dots, as well as prevent acne and give the skin healthy view And freshness.

In addition to the problems of S. internal organs, blocking may be caused by the contamination of the skin of the face.

The remains of decorative cosmetics, dirt and dead cells prevent the exit to the surface of the skin, which provokes the pore extension and the occurrence of acne.

To pick up right ways Cleansing the surface of the face and methods for the narrowing of pores, it is necessary to know the exact causes of this ailment.

Highlight the following reasonsWhy contaminants are contaminated:

  1. The effect of hereditary factors.
  2. Change hormonal background.
  3. Bold or combined type Skin.
  4. Problems with digestive system.
  5. Violation of the functioning of immune and nervous systems.
  6. Food with a large animal fat content, seasoning and carbohydrates.
  7. Violation of exchange processes.
  8. Influence harmful habits: Smoking and use of harmful drinks.
  9. Excessive use of cosmetics.
  10. Abuse of frequent stay in the sun, which worsens the work song hardware and leads to dehydration of the face of the face.

Also for common causes of pollution include constant stressful situations and long-term reception of medicines.

Effective cleaning homemade methods

Special quality cleansing Requires extended pores that often arise from people with fatty type Skin. Skin pollution helps to block output outputs, as a result of which the face surface loses its attractiveness.

  • To avoid unpleasant consequences, the skin is recommended to clean regularly.
  • Pores are cleared at home with special means.
  • Cleansing mixtures should consist of dried and binding components.

For this suitable lemon, aloe or drug daisy. Tonic, which contains zinc oxide, used for basic care. After cleansing mixtures, a moisturizing cream should be applied.

Used important tool When leaving skin - cosmetic wand. It allows you to carefully handle the surface around the eyes.

Simple tips will help to decide - how to clean the pores on the nose:

  1. Every day you need to use a milk or a special gel. Similar funds Contain extracts of iris, chamomile or carnations.
  2. For proper care It is worth identifying its own variety of skin. It affects the choice of a suitable means.
  3. It is impossible to rub my face and rub it hard with a hard towel.
  4. Liquid in output ducts prevents their rapid pollution. For any type of skin, high-quality moisturizing is recommended.
  5. Matte cream under makeup allows you to retain the smoothness of the face surface.

Once every two weeks should be cleaned of oroging particles. For this, exfoliating procedures are performed :.

Effectively clean the pores on the nose will help the self-cooked mask. To do this, the teaspoon gelatin is stirred with a tablespoon of milk and left to swelling gelatin. Then the solution is heated until completely dissolved. It is necessary to apply the hot mixture on the skin. The mixture is frozen in the form of a solid mask. After 30 minutes, it can be removed by one sharp movement.

Helps quickly remove all black points cleansing activated coal. The cream and masks based on this substance have moisturizing and smoothing effects.

You can cook a mask with black clay and activated carbon. For this, clay is mixed with activated carbon, warm milk and teaspoon gelatin and left for 15 minutes. Activated carbon mask will help to calm the irritated skin, pink water and several drops of essential oil.

Effective activated carnal masks will help hide many shortcomings and quickly clean the strongly contaminated output ducts.

Other Soft Cleansing Options:

  1. Face Soda Scrub
  2. Recipes for scrubs of oat flakes
  3. Mask Recipes with Blue Clay

The stronger effect of purification can be achieved with the help of peels:

Carefully read the contraindications and techniques independent holding Piling!

The main stages of purification

Solving how to clean the pores on the nose, it is necessary to observe a certain sequence of cleansing procedure.

Scored pores are cleaned in several stages:

  1. To soften the skin of the face and reveal the output ducts performed. At the same time, the grass compresses are used. Pores on the nose will help pairs of herbal infusion from calendula or sage. A few drops of essential oil are recommended to the decoction.
  2. Use scrubs to eliminate contaminants, and other products of your own preparation. If the skin is fat, then cleaning is necessary twice a week. With a dry facial type, clean the skin can be possible once a week. For the oily surface of the skin, more strong means with abrasive properties.
  3. The narrowing of the pore is performed using certain masks. Pores of the skin are treated with a weak solution of lemon juice or.
  4. At the end of the procedure, skin moisturizing is made. To do this, the cream is selected with nutritional properties Or fatty oil.

Crashing pores can be deeply cleaned in the following way:

  1. After breaking the face indexing fingers wrapped with a bandage and wetted in the solution of peroxide. Without severe push, the largest output flows are cleaned. Then the nose is wiped with peroxide.
  2. A mixture is prepared food Soda, salts I. small number water. With the help of a solution you can make a nasal skin massage. Then the tool is washed off with water.

For regular The use of procedures will gradually decrease the pores in the nose area. The key principle is here - regularity!

Climbing pores on the face as a result of the use of poor-quality cosmetics. Deeply contaminate the skin based on mineral oil. With problem skin cosmetologists recommend less use cream fatty. BUT concealer Replace to a lighter means.

If, after regular procedures with special care products, the output ducts are still contaminated, it is necessary to refer to those skilled in the art.

Modern means

When home recipes do not help, it is worth contacting professional ways cleansing. It is worth trying special strips to clean the pore of the nose and chin. They are three types: with activated carbon, with green tea and classic.

Efficient cleaning can be done in the salons where the following methods Cleansing:

  1. Popular vacuum cleaning Persons. This uses such a tool as a drainage tube that is embedded to the skin and helps to open and clear output ducts. The procedure is recommended for oily skin and redness.
  2. Well clean the pores helps ultrasonic cleaning of a face that allows you to reveal the pores. This method It has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. You can make high-quality cleaning with skin Pokrov. This method Allows you to deeply clean the pores and eliminate the causes of inflammation.
  4. - this is hardware methodwhich produces careful exfoliation and skin stimulation. Such a tool activates the growth of new cells.