Congratulations to a friend in prose to tears. The best friend in your own words to tears

Dear my girlfriend! I congratulate you on your birthday! I really appreciate you are my girlfriend! You have a native little man with my soul related to me! I want to wish you the happiness of the infinite, more in the life of solar and bright days, so that the smile always flourished on your face, the eyes glowed with happiness, and love lived in the heart! Because you are all worthy!

Girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday. My dear, I want to wish you wonders and happiness, joy and delight, love and inspiration. Let all you like, will be yours. Let everything you want, be sure to come true.

My dear, I congratulate this beautiful day! I want to wish you to never stop striving for more, I didn't need anything and easily coped with any obstacle. Let the envious and troubles bypass bypass, and you proudly went ahead. Happy Birthday!

My dear friend! I sincerely want to congratulate you with the most wonderful holiday for you - your birthday. I want to wish you mutual love, family happiness, home comfort, good health and financial stability. Be always the same kind, responsive, charming and attractive, what are you!

My favorite friend congratulations on your birthday! Happiness to you, my dear, joy in this bright day and in all many subsequent years. Let your life be beautiful as you herself, let her give you only the most wonderful surprises, and the troubles will be fleeing away. Let luck and success accompany you always and in everything, in each of your deeds, and all the desires will be implemented.

Dear, I congratulate you on your birthday! Let every your day be filled with love, tenderness, smiles, good mood. Let you always have a bottomless bag of money, health remains strong, like a diamond, there will be many friends, traveling and joy from the performance of a dream.

My dear friend, native and beloved! I congratulate you on your birthday - a bright holiday, a little sad, but wonderful and only yours! I wish you to always be loved, adored so that you admire and admire! Beauty to you and health, joy and fun, great success and many successes! May every your day be kind, warm and pleasant! Let there be fun meetings with friends, holiday chic and family holidays - everything that is rich in life, what she is the road! Be happy, my dear, beloved girlfriend!

Good, cute, bright man, dear friend, happy birthday! Friendship Our priceless, memories warmed the soul, laughter prolongs life, and meetings are unforgettable. I want to wish you to stay as native and close to me. Forces and patience, love and a strong shoulder near, so that the head is not sick, and the memory did not let down. Whether be happy, beloved, successful, healthy. You can always count on my tips, support. Remember, even if you are far from the hearts, we are always there!

My favorite girlfriend, with great joy I congratulate you on your birthday, I want you to be infinitely happy, unusually beautiful, always joyful and cheerful. Let your life be filled with warmth and light!

You are the unusual person that made me believe in the existence of a strong maiden friendship. Probably, our acquaintance was non-random, because together we experienced a lot: we worked out incredible nonsense, and after they were responsible for the consequences. These are the most beautiful memories with us forever. And in this magical day - the birthday of the most cool girl from everyone that I knew - I want to wish you about what, probably, everyone dreams: health, good luck and loyal comrades.

If our friendship was a legal contract, he would have consisted of only four words - I will always be there. You are an indispensable person in my life. You have always been to me like my sister, even closer. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. You know me better than others and take me with flaws, help them fight them and become the best person. Today I celebrate the birthday of man, without which I just can not imagine this life. You always go confidently to what you want in this life and do not allow me to stay behind. You always extend to me a help hand, if something does not work for me. And without you, I could not cope with many situations in life. For that, of course, I am grateful to you infinitely. With a holiday, my adorable and reliable friend, thank you for always next to me!

You are a man whom I want to keep in my life before her very end. Our friendship is similar to the sun. Even when you do not see me, I always shine for you. I want to make your life more beautiful, as you do every day of my fate brighter. The last time I blinked the candles on my birthday cake, I wanted me to have a friend who would look at the world as well as me. And who could be next to me in any situations. My desire came true at the moment when we met. I used to think I could not think that there are such good and sincere people in life as you. Best friends, such as you, replace teachers and mentors. You always help me correct your mistakes and point to my shortcomings, motivating being the best person. What I would do without you, my sweet girlfriend. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your destiny.

Without you, dear girlfriend, this world would be empty for me. You show me other faces of life, learn to look at many things on another positive side. You taught me to see hope even in the most difficult and motley days. These touching moments help me understand that without the best friends everything would be different. Thanks for the support, because in your own words, you saved me more than once and made me climb and go further towards your dreams and goals. I promise to be part of your life while you want it. I would like to help you with all the plans for the lives that you have. You are a nice and kind man. Your smile always encourages and helps find good in everything. No one loves life as you. You are an example for everyone. Happy holiday! I hope that this day will be remembered for you only by magical moments. I'm here to help you create them.

With you, I feel happy and free. If I were asked to write a wish for you for your birthday, I would simply paint the heart, because that's how I imagine our friendship. Every minute I spent with you is more valuable than gold. Because it is an invaluable memory that I will cherish when aged. I hope that your birthday cake is the sweetest, but he will never be so sweet as our friendship. Your presence in my life is like rain, which brings a pleasant coolness, creates a beautiful rainbow and always leaves a bright sadness. Happy Girlfriend, who forever took a place in my heart. I want our connection with you with the years with only tighter. So at the end, when we are trying, we remembered all those beautiful moments that we created. I hope that by that time there will be a whole collection.

The difference between you and other friends is that they know me as a person. And you understand me as a person. I should thank you for being constantly near. Near when I need it in you. I wish that every day makes forty-eight hours instead of twenty four. Then I will spend more time with friends as you, whom I just adore. All your friends promise to attend your parties, but will go soon after that. I promise to stay even after the end of the party. I am ready to stay in your destiny forever. After all, it is just happiness - spend days with such an incredible person. Thank you for you to lose my shortcomings and help me fight them. If there were more such people in the world, he would be just an ideal place. You care about me as your sister. It's just invaluable - to be your girlfriend.

Regardless of where life leads us, no matter how far we are from each other - touching memories of our friendship will remain in my heart forever. Let your fate lead you to the place you have always dreamed of. Happy Birthday to the girl who loved me in his own words about what I stand. You encouraged me and gave me confidence in myself, I found the strength to fight difficulties when everything seemed so confusing and difficult. You inspiration for me. You are not the only girlfriend that I have. But the only one I really need. I want your life to become similar to the most beautiful fairy tale in which you will play a major role. You deserve magic gifts. You deserve everything that your heart is eager. And I hope that this year the Lord will send you a lot of blessings.

Your birthday did not just make you older, he did older than our friendship, which handed over the test time. And these days have such a faithful and sincere friend - simply invaluable. Everything changes when you are not near. Therefore, I want God to give us another million magical moments, from which we take all the best to the maximum. Many can only dream of such a connection. And I am proud that I am part of your fate. I can not imagine it without you. Let your life trail be found exclusively good people who would like to surround you with their concern and love. We apply every blessing over and do not miss moments to make your life better. You are an example of a strong girl who knows what she needs. I hope that I can become the same one day. Thank you for inspiring me to become the best person.

For you, my girlfriend will always place in the depths of my soul. You are a man for whom I am always grateful to heaven. I want this postcard forced you to smile and glowing from happiness. Because happiness is what I always wanted for you. You are an amazing friend, with a kind heart. Let God give you good luck in all the things you do. So that in every sphere of your life you have found pleasure and joy. I am glad that you let me look at how you grow as a person, how to achieve your own. I always put you all as an example. You are an amazing person about whom everyone dreams. But I seemed to be blessed, since you entered the soy of life and do it better. You yourself do not notice that with you, I change. I get good and open. And I definitely like it. Happy holiday, sweet girlfriend! Thank you for taught me to appreciate life.

Congratulations to your friend on the phone

My sweet girlfriend! Today is such a wonderful holiday - your birthday!
You admire me!
Stay always so touching, pleasant and young!
The main thing, not to grow old soul!
Let you not threaten either fading or weakness!
Be always blooming and gentle!
But also show the power in the difficult moments!
Let the latter go on decline and never disturb you!
Let it be in your life more joyful hours!
Although the happy hours do not observe!
And you are not tormented by life and do not behave for years!
Let them not be your wealth, but a real gorgeous welfare!
Resting on the best resorts and laugh always knelling like a girl!

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I look at us again with you: we, as before, are good! Although we have older than steel, still, the soul of forever young!
I love you, my girlfriend for the fact that next you always, what you know, comfort, and everyone "break" is ready for me!
With you, I can be myself, you will not condemn, and you will not turn away! You are like my sister, a sweet girlfriend, and we will never break up with you!
Happy birthday to you, honey! Happiness to you big predict !!!

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Happy Birthday, my sweet girlfriend!
I want to send you, my favorite little man and tell you, words of gratitude.
You are unusual, the best, fun, drive with you, do not disappear in the taiga.
I do not have a sister, but you fully replaced it to me, you are always near in happiness or in a difficult situation.
Support or rejoice with me, sincerely and from the soul, as you can, only you.
Thank you, my good!
I wish you, to be loved, good health and stay always, so beautiful and gentle.
I love you, my favorite!

To tears in prose
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Happy birthday congratulations! I wish the best:
So that you completely understood and deservedly respected!
Native people so that they sincerely loved and never offended!
Let our friendship fix it over the years and pleases us!
Have fun, girlfriend, never be sad! Hurry up!
Let the desires come true - become rich and more often rest!
I love you and no one will give you offense!
Be healthy, happy, live long, I need you, girlfriend!

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My girlfriend, shower-lapothechka, beauty girl! Congratulations on all your pure hearts Happy Birthday! I wish the most bright feelings and pleasures! So that you are lucky in life, and treasure chests nailed to your mysterious island and ships arrived with the most devoted friends! Let everything be returned, so I and I will never bother! We are hinding any storm, not so worried and won! Above nose, girlfriend! You are waiting for the uncharted lands of happiness and fun!

Bought and belongs to the site.

I recently remembered the adventure all our! - laughed, and roared, just: "Laughter and sin!" - I will say.
How long has it been, and how expensive is all this heart, a sweet girlfriend, mine!

And today I remember how we dnyuhi celebrated, as we had fun, everyone was "to walk": how much did you dance with you, how many songs quail, at least a hundred we share, somehow, now go!

Happy birthday my friend! Let it be with you not together this holiday celebrate, and the other is all around! But believe me, there is a place in the heart for all memories, and you will be, as before, it's always native for me!

With love, your girlfriend.

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My good and kind girlfriend!
I adore you the most charming and attractive!
Always be so and never sad!
I'm with you!
Let the black strip drove in the fly, and never returns!
Let it be waiting for only a snow-white time - very charming!
Love you big and eternal!
Be happy under the moon and in the afternoon on your field!
Happy Birthday, native and expensive girlfriend!

To tears in prose
Bought and belongs to the site.

My closest, most beloved and the most faithful girlfriend! On your birthday I want to wish you first of all health and longevity. This, of course, is trite, but I really want to see you alive and healthy many-many years. And I wish you to keep your beauty and freshness, youth of the soul and vigor so that every day your day is filled with joy and fun!

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My sweet girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday! I wish you to keep your beauty, youth, kindness and power for life! Sometimes the trouble happens, but let them don't cut you. So fate checks on exposure, and life - to the fortress! Be always a weathered and strong, and in 100 years, like a multi-star brandy or OS category! So that you have always had a healthy degree and tone, and you gave your surrounding the black joy! Be dizzyfully happy, stunningly chic and madly loved! And in the rowing waterfall of successful days and do not forget about me! I adore you and I can not imagine my life! I hug firmly and kiss and kiss, girlfriend!

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How many years have passed, my girlfriend, since then, how to meet you!
Everything changes, but love only each other, as before, my dear Angel!
All sorrows were divided, all the adversities were survived together; And laughing, rejoiced together, and now become old too together!
But do not cry, dear, because Love girlfriends warms so much! Know that you will never bother you - you hurt you a good little!
Happy birthday my friend!

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Collection of texts with words of gratitude to a friend for friendship written in prose (not in verses). As they say - in their own words. These warm, mental, beautiful words will be useful both on a festive day (for example - on the birthday of a friend, on the anniversary of friendship, etc.), and to support in a difficult moment and to decorate the most ordinary ordinary day. And they can be signed by a postcard, a gift (perfume box, for example), a card to a bouquet.

Add to the text of the word love will help you.

All names in the texts are mentioned only for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to their girlfriend.

Tan, I am happy that you are my girlfriend. I envy myself and proud of our friendship. You are a real, bright, fresh as a breath of air and lively. I adore you and thank the fate of what we met. Thank you that you always support in a difficult moment and share joyful moments with me.

Katya, I hope that life will give me ever the case to truly thank you for your friendship, the support and joy that you generously share with me. With such a friend live in the world is not scary, joyfully and interesting. I am proud of you, a bright man. I hope that we will carry our friendship throughout life. I wish nothing to destroy her (friendship), no one attacked in our relationship ... so that she lives forever. Thank you, dear, for everything.

Svetlana, until I got acquainted with you, I thought that there was no female friendship. And I am glad that I was mistaken. Now, I know for sure that she (friendship) not only exists, but also one of the most beautiful things in the world. Thank you that you are - my girlfriend. I will not cease to thank the life that I met you and that our friendship is still alive.

I already told you "Thank you" to my girlfriend. And probably, there will also say for much more. But today I want to thank you just for the fact that you are always there and for the fact that you are. I am very happy and dreaming only for you to remain my girlfriend forever. I never met such solar people and I wonder every time - how was it so lucky? I wish you always with the same pure heart and a bright soul. And let life save you from any evil.

Cute girlfriend! I have long been preparing words for today's event. I want so much for me to say and I am so grateful to you for much that I would have to read my speech several hours. Therefore, I'll just say you: I am grateful to you for what you are with me. Every minute I spent together with you I remember and they were all happy, joyful, interesting and unique. I did not think that such friendship is possible between girls (women, girls) and not getting tired of surprising her.

Thank you for such a gift (friendship), I appreciate him, enjoy them, the shore as the biggest jewel and I hope for your reciprocity.

Olenka, I want to tell you that our friendship with you is the best that I have. And I want to thank you precisely for her. It brings to my life only joy, warmth, pride and support under the legs. I wish you always to stay as beautiful, joyful, bright, interesting and "not like everyone else." I love everything connected with our friendship and I do not want to lose you.

Girlfriend, thank you for your friendship. For a clean heart that never lies (lying). For a clear look. For the lack of selfishness. For what you do not envy. For what - forgive. For you to support in a difficult moment. For the joy that you share with me and for the difficult moments, in which you never turned away from me. I love you for it and even if our friendship ever stops exist, I will never be able to say that the time spent with you was a mistake that it was unhappy or that I spent in a gift. Because it is impossible to call such a bright time - empty. It will forever remain for me - valuable, warm and sincere. Thank you that you are with me.

Ksyusha! I want to tell you the giant "Thank you" for your friendship! If all people had such girlfriends like you, then lucky in this world would be many times more. Because you are unearthly, unreal, reliable, smartest, talented, kind and light girl and just a fabulous person. I never happen to you boring, sad, empty and bad. Why, there, I would not part with you at all around the clock. I drink the light, warm and kindness of you, as from the holy source and I can not get drunk. Thank you for sharing our friendship and generously share with me the brightest that you have. I will never stop admire you and the life that gave me you.

I want to thank today my girlfriend (insert a name) for friendship and for her stunning human and female qualities that this friendship strengthened, help her and develop:

  • For sensitivity and tact - natural talent, which is not trained anywhere;
  • For the ability to listen and hear - a rare ability in our days;
  • For the absence of egoism - thanks to this quality, friendship (and not only ours) is real;
  • For hellish patience, with which she is able to listen to my crying in difficult times and cries of joy in minutes of happiness;
  • For wisdom that helps her give me the most excellent advice on any life case and take amazing decisions;
  • For the kindness that does not dry out and which she is so generously divided from those who surrounds it (and most importantly - with me);
  • For the fact that it is capable of forgiveness and not be fined, when something went wrong between us;
  • For the agility and ingenuity with which she can dare from trouble and pull out of them from them;

But most importantly, I want to thank her for the rarest talent for a woman in our time - the ability to be friends with another woman.

Be happy dear, do not leave me. I promise that I will always be the same friend, what you have become for me.

I want to thank you for friendship, my precious, and tell you that I dream of seeing always happy and joyful. So you always smiled only. In order for all troubles by the side of you (and otherwise they will have to deal with me). So that the sun has never left your life. So that all your dreams come true, and plans have been realized. So that you always had reliable assistants - it is easier to live in them. In general, I want nothing and never overshadowed our friendship and promise you that I will always be near, to drive any adversity, support and please.

Lena, I bless one every day who invented friendship. And now I want and thank you for it. You are doing a miracle daily, herself is not suspected, probably. And I want to wish you to live for a long time, so that the miracle does not end. And so that the sunlight does not disappear from my life. You are very expensive to me, I appreciate every minute spent with you - be happy and let them be happy with those who are dear to you.

Today, man, I prepared you a special gift. I give you this medal (diploma, souvenir, memorable gift, etc.) for friendship. Accept her with my sincere words of gratitude.

I thank you for being stunning. For the fact that I can be silent with you without end and chat without silent. For the fact that I am sure you are not able to betray the secret. For the fact that with you is always nice to be, even when you are worried about not the most pleasant moments. For the fact that you are not afraid to go not only in intelligence, but in general, go on the edge of light without a reverse ticket. For the fact that next to you there is always anything to be proud of. I think such people almost do not meet, they write about them only in books and cinema take off. I am happy that such a person meets and even more happy from what managed to make friends with him.

Masha, I'm sure whatever time did not worry friendship, she will forever remain in our hearts as the lightest time of life. I will always remember you and about the time spent together. And even if someday we will be far from each other, know - I remember you, I keep in my heart and help than I can call. Thank you for friendship and I hope that I also do not disappoint you.

Thanks the best girlfriend that your smile and laughter decorate my life. What stretch your hand when I need it. Thank you and for congratulations on all holidays and even for the fact that I give me a kick when I stop, not knowing how and where to go on. For what you call me to visit, and for what you always expect. For the fact that I can see you always when it wants to me. Thank you precious, you are a battery in my Mirka, you do not let him stand still and warming me.

My dear friend, thank you for the fact that I can chat with you on trifles and be absolutely happy at such moments. For your concern about me and for care. Thank you for feeling my soul, like your own. For your endless, the same question in messages: "Where are my friend?"

For everything, thank you for everything, and most importantly: Thank you that you are my friend, a friend, a close man and native soul.

My favorite my girlfriend, I want to tell you, for which I appreciate you, the shore and not getting tired of thank you ... I appreciate you for keeping my secrets and do not regret open your own. I adore you for your sharp language and the excellent sense of humor. I warm when you worry about me. I am not angry that you fall out your troubles on my head suddenly and without warning (it is so tones). I am brown when you do not leave me alone with your thoughts. I am glad that you share my progress with me, because alone to drag them very hard on themselves. I am happy when you enjoy our luck and swear at bad luck. In general, girlfriend, with you I live! Full-fledged life. And for this you sincerely "Thank you."

Looking into your rainy eyes in the photo, girlfriend, I warm up from your heat and charge the joy that they emit. And attending to your hand, again around the vitality. Remembering our night gatherings, filled with joy, from what you have in the world. I thank you for friendship, my good ... Even after years and the distance she helps me, supports, does not give to get lost. Thank you and be happy, girlfriend.

I can't imagine my life without you girlfriend, and thank you for you. And for the fact that you are my friend. You are the closest man, my world is simply impossible without you and is not able to exist. Well, unnecessary person will be able to laugh so loudly when I stumble and yell: "Look a clumsy cow, look at my feet!"

But can someone, besides a real friend, stretch your hand when I fall into the puddle, having fun: "Come on, come on, raise, fat creature, which ruled ... I'm not at the resort."

And who else besides the girlfriend, can devour all the food in the refrigerator and not thanking, without apologizing, to rescue in an unknown direction for an indefinite period? And after that, it also happened as if nothing had happened again, and how could not happen, demand additives?

Doesn't anyone else and a cold person enter my home, opening the door from his feet and in extracurricular time?

In general, dear, I am grateful to you for the fact that you always tone me, you do not give to relax and stimulate my nervous system.