Wishes at the alumni meeting. Great wishes for the teacher during the meeting. Lovely poem for Meeting Evening

Years run, we are older every year.
But how long will I not live,
As soon as I find myself under the bright school vault,
I remember everything at once: childhood, youth and spring.
So many different people communicate
How many more will be on the network
Someone is already dating someone
Someone wants to find me
This school call from the past
Moved my soul to tears
We had a good time
And I can’t believe that it’s serious

I was waiting for the kids at their desks
And now we are friends and comrades
Classmates dot ru ...
All expectations are met
Surprise has no boundaries
My friend lives in Germany
Recognizable from hundreds of faces
And the girl from the next street
With a golden braid to the toes
In the stands now flaunts -
State deputy
I remember a school bell from the past
Like i watched a movie
All the good things come to mind
What was not so long ago
This school bell is still yesterday
I was waiting for the kids at their desks
And now we are friends and comrades
Classmates dot ru

School is like a bouquet of flowers,
Waiting for the meeting hour.
So let it be for many years
We will remember this evening.
In a few minutes
The stage will illuminate with light.
This evening everyone is waiting for us
The school hall is invariable.

We cherish traditions.
Graduation Day today,
And we are talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations, compliments-
Evening of meetings!

Let's look at each other, brothers!
How many years have passed since then
How could we all get together
For the last school camp?
You are probably surprised:
We are all over forty
But they haven't changed a bit
Only slightly recovered:
So why be sad about the past?
I propose to drink today
To everyone for what is impossible
Forget the school years!

How inexorable is time, fleeting
Suddenly they understood when they came to the evening of the meeting.
Teachers, once, in our childhood, young,
They met us again at the entrance, but already gray-haired.
All the same gleam in the eyes, all the same tone, -
We seem to be in a lesson again, gaining knowledge.
Teachers! Bow to the earth from all students!
Let with a delay, we express our recognition to you!

Always a little exciting
Come to a meeting with the past.
What if you can't recognize the Earring
And talk to him.
And suddenly, we have changed a lot,
Can't find the words?
And from such excitement
Suddenly dizzy
Will treacherously protect the heart
And it will become hard to breathe ...
And the sign hangs on the door
That release is already 25!
Although why are they agitated!
We have something for everyone to chat about,
We stayed young in soul
Although not 25 anymore.
We all have children, even grandchildren,
And there are many different achievements!
And every path will now tell
How many wonderful deeds there were!
Let's on this wonderful evening
We will raise a glass for a meeting,
And the whole company is big
Let's rest our souls!

Amid the bustle of endless everyday life,
Amidst important matters and petty troubles
Return to the world of reckless youth
Grants a chance for our school meeting evening.
Come to school - school is waiting!

Let us open our feast with a reminder:
if we get lost at the table, meet under it!

Classmates today
We joyfully meet
You have to drink for this!
We don't mind!
The years go by quickly
But we don't count them
You have to drink for this,
We don't mind!
We have not seen for a long time
But we all remember, we know
You have to drink for this,
We don't mind!
They reached many heights,
But let's not forget the class.
You have to drink for this,
We don't mind!
Beloved teachers
We remember often.
You have to drink for this,
We don't mind!
For our strong friendship
We get up and pour
You have to drink for this,
We don't mind!

Today the reason is just class!
Good meeting with you.
…. years have passed by you,
How you left school!
Throwing you all the roads:
Some are seamstresses, some are teachers.
Someone in business
Who where!
Well, let's raise it, gentlemen!
For this warm evening
For this miracle-meeting!

Please put aside the spoons!
I want to ask you:
Answer me, yes, faster,
How many guys were there in the class?
You have not forgotten, friends,
What was the name of the teacher of the Russian language?
Which of you sitting here
All the same graduated from the institute?
Let's remember about love affairs,
Which of you had your first wedding?
And you probably haven't forgotten
How did you study and were friends?
And now I ask you to give a detailed answer,
How did you live ... .. (10,20,30) ... .. years?


In the life of each of us
It was the first step and the first class,
Lessons in a motley sequence,
And the first waltz, and graduation ...
How carefree we all lived
How funny we were! -
Fooling around at recess
They wrote graffiti on the walls.
Now, of course, we are different
Solid and businesslike,
But everything that we know and can do
Of course we have from you!
We were not always obedient
It even happened that they were stubborn
But you for your kindness
They were often compared to my mother.
After all, you have always understood us,
Sometimes forgetting about the family
They gave a piece of heart
Forgiving us for all the pranks.
Thank you for everything, dear ones,
For teaching us.
And let the children be different
Of course they also love you!

February is coming (. Or the month of your meeting) - the time of joyful meetings,
Helping to preserve the memory of our youth.
After all, together they once did not only study,
But we often walked and had fun.
Remembering the curiosities, we will laugh out loud.
We don't need to be afraid of the director anymore!
We grow up, we grow wiser, of course, not in vain
Beloved teachers did their best.
Let's go for school, for us and our class
We will certainly raise a toast now!

Today is an evening of meeting at our school.
The hubbub in the corridor will not subside for a long time.
From different corners will rush here
See teachers and friends
Those who have long been no longer children
Who left these walls many years ago.

Only once a year can we meet
Chat again under the school roof.
We will enter our former class. Everything is native here,
Familiar and yet ... so distant.
All the same board, desks by the window. But my ...
We will sit for a while.

We will remember our golden childhood ...
As they went to and from school in a crowd ...
Riding down the mountain on an old briefcase
And the films "under 16" that we watched in the club ...

We will remember how worried we passed the exams,
And how they helped each other out with one cheat sheet ...
We will remember how stealthily, until they saw us,
We wrote the names under the table top.

(What names have not gathered here.
Here are ours, look! They are not lost!)

School is like a bouquet of flowers,
Waiting for the meeting hour.
So let it be for many years
We will remember this evening.
In a few minutes
The stage will illuminate with light.
This evening everyone is waiting for us
The school hall is invariable.

Hello, hello, evening of meetings!
We cherish traditions.
Graduation Day today,
And we are talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations, compliments-
Evening of meetings!

Why do alumni meet?
Nostalgia or melancholy?
Whom do they want to see and why?
What do they want to talk about and with whom?
Someone in this life was lucky:
Even though it was late, he was recognized.
And someone hides an unlucky gaze:
All talk is useless nonsense for him.
Someone managed not to lose their appearance -
It's nice to shine among classmates.
Someone has nothing to say, not life is a shame.
Why lead an empty conversation about it.
We were all young thirty years ago.
In our eyes then the excitement of fate shone.
It seemed that everyone could conquer mountains
And the fast rivers calmly swim ...
But everyone is rewarded with their own destiny.
Perhaps there is nothing to brag about him to you.
Not everyone came to the school meeting,
Perhaps they did not find the strength in themselves for this

Look back for a moment ...
And what is behind us?
There swallows twine
Over the old school wall.

There are childish quarrels
A succession of happiest days
There are clear eyes -
Nobody will let you in there.
We are all beautiful there
As seen from the present years,
But we are all out of control

We went through life a lot
And overcame a hundred obstacles
We, brothers, graduated from school
Already 25 years ago.

And everyone in life took place,
I found my calling,
And experience, a friend of the mistakes of the youth,
I have come to everyone for a long time.

May this meeting give us
Warmth and youth charge,
Today we are not uncles-aunts,
We're the school's naughty squad.

It seems like yesterday
We sat at our desks.
After all, long, twenty-five years,
As a moment flew by.

But schools are the best summers
We will never forget.
And so once a year
The path leads us here.

We are glad to see each other!
Someone has become a little pot-bellied.
Well, someone is hairy,
Or, on the contrary, bald.

And returning to the bright class
We will remember more than once
How we quarreled, made up,
Together, we studied merrily.

Having passed thousands of obstacles
Received a certificate.
Further institute, work,
Home, family, everyone has worries.

And see your friends
Time doesn't always happen.
The more valuable it is to be here
Immerse yourself in the years of childhood.

Classmates, friends,
You are always in my heart.

Congratulations to all of us on the 25th anniversary of the alumni meeting. We are no longer children and have managed to get acquainted with all aspects of adult life. Each of us has achieved something meaningful in our lives and each has defined his dreams and goals. And I want to wish that everyone's dreams come true, that everyone in life is very lucky and given the opportunity to always find their happiness. Guys, my beloved classmates, on this anniversary meeting, let us wish each other health and prosperity, and also promise to try not to miss such meetings and preserve the memory of our friendly, mischievous, funny, wonderful class. And, of course, let's once again remember all our wonderful and beloved teachers who opened the way for us to education and important knowledge, let's say “thank you” to them and wish them all the best.

It's been a quarter of a century since we parted with the school,
Gone are the peaks in our life to conquer,
But that period of school life and fun
We will always remember with warmth.

We remember these bright windows and desks,
Beloved teachers and our dear class,
Even if the country with the name "School" is not on the maps,
She is in the soul, she is always in our hearts!

Today our release is playing off
Silver your anniversary
We spent a lot together
Wonderful, bright, bright days.

Today I congratulate you all,
Let the meeting be pleasant
And let him give an excursion into youth
We all have a wonderful evening.

Nothing is dearer to memory
It's been 25 years!
We took place, became stricter
But today we are schoolchildren again.

Today we enter class
Solidly, thoroughly.
Teacher will meet us again
Welcoming is grateful.

And even my heart stops
From so familiar, sweet words.
And it's a pity, they don't call to the board,
To tell a bit of poetry.

We are grateful for the care
When we were running as children.
For a very necessary job,
For the fact that we have become human beings!

They pass so imperceptibly
Days, minutes and years.
25 has already flown -
It's time to meet!

We remember the school and love
That's why they got together.
We will not forget the time of childhood
Remember everything and smile!

And these 25 raced
As a short lesson.
We have been waiting for our meeting for a long time,
As in the lesson waiting for a call.

Madly we are all glad to see
We cannot convey emotions!
Well, how are you? - Tell us
We miss you. - we want to say ...

Let these meetings be more often
Happy everyone to see you!
It's not uncommon for a miracle
We are the best, friendly class!

My beautiful, friendly class,
A quarter of a century has flown by
The school took us
Everyone stepped into life timidly.

In an instant the roads parted,
Home, work, a lot of plans,
It's good that we got together
We are for this meeting with the class!

So let's remember
How the school made us friends
Even though it's been 25
The heart has preserved the memory!

A quarter of a century behind
We graduated as graduates.
We said goodbye to the school
Everyone has changed so much!

And today, this is the date,
We will be glad to see faces
We will remember together
Sing, laugh, dance!

This holiday is the best day
Everyone has passed this step,
I wish you the best to remember
I sincerely congratulate everyone!

Today is the day for our meeting
Already 25 years have passed since that day,
How memorable speeches were heard
And we left the schoolyard.

But we remember how we studied at our school -
Lessons, changes and calls.
Our friendly class, and joys and sorrows,
Teachers taught in spite of.

Congratulations to the school and all the teachers
With a school date, anniversary, holiday.
And we wish you many years, health,
Able, smart students for you.

Winter graduation parties have long become a pleasant tradition, a meeting of memories for a large number of school friends. Such events are especially pleasant, as they are a specific excursion trip during school time - the brightest side of childhood. Deep down, every adult dreams of seeing his classroom again, which became the first rung of the ladder to life, to meet classmates - an important group of people with whom they share common school years, memories and dreams. Having an alumni meeting 40 years later is definitely a good idea, but the event requires preparation.

Alumni meeting tradition

This solemn tradition is practiced in many world powers. In order for the celebration to really give rise to many spiritual memories, and the offensive inevitability of the past did not come to the fore, of course, the meeting of graduates must be planned in advance. Further, recommendations for holding such an evening will be presented and examples of scenarios for a meeting of alumni 40 years later will be given.

Prom planning

This stage will be considered preparatory for the evening of graduates. It is worthwhile in advance (2-3 months in advance) to start calling old acquaintances, encouraging them to be interested in such a significant evening of a meeting of classmates-graduates, highlighting the most initiative old comrades who in the future will help with the organization of the planned event.

At the first stage, you need to immediately think about possible options scenario of a meeting of alumni 40 years later, offering their classmates, for example, the following options:

  • The meeting will take place within the classroom of the home school in the circle of classmates and teachers.
  • The alumni party can be carried out within the entire parallel that was issued 40 years ago.
  • Perhaps, a cozy cafe or a rented hall in a restaurant will become a place of memories of school.
  • Will there be an unofficial holiday ceremony, and where it is worth holding.

If the organizers of the holiday managed to agree on the option of holding the event, then it is necessary to move on to the next stage of preparing the script for the meeting of graduates 40 years later - inviting classmates.

Evening invitation

It should be noted that this stage is the most important organizationally and at the same time the most difficult. What happened to old friends after school? Finding many of them is now not so easy. Someone left to enter a university in another city and settled safely there, with someone the connection has long been lost and it will not even be possible to find out where this person is now, someone is all at work and will not find time to meet classmates for 40 years later because of his business trips.

Forty years of graduation is not such a short period, so the audience will already be under sixty. Among them, unfortunately, there are those who will not be able to attend the event for health reasons. However, as life practice shows, many willingly agree to invitations and try to attend such a solemn evening.

It would be nice to organize a group of initiative people who will look for their classmates, contact them and invite school friends to the event. The scenario of a meeting of graduates 40 years later should be disclosed only in vague characteristics, it is not worth describing this event in detail. In communication with school friends, it is essential to initiate the next step of communication. Perhaps a former classmate knows some information about others and can help establish a connection with them.

It should be understood that with the search for school friends, the number of the active group of the evening event increases. It is better to meet this initiative group about a month before the day of the event, that is, immediately after the Christmas holidays. At this meeting, you will need to discuss the scenario, plan the venue for the event, select the menu, and so on. The majority of those who agreed and approved this evening once again choose the option for its implementation. As a rule, the participants insist on the simplest organization - to spend an evening of classmates in a cafe.

The first steps in developing a script for a meeting of alumni

Drawing up a plan for the prom at first includes the following questions:

  • making an appointment with your teaching staff;
  • inviting your favorite school staff to the official holiday ceremony;
  • greeting and seating classmates 20-25 minutes before the beginning of the evening.

How will the invitees communicate at the event?

It is very important to plan the accommodation of the participants in the evening in advance. It is advisable to group your classmates by occupation, interests, think over how communication will move from one table to another. For example, if a meeting of alumni is held 40 years later, at the starting stages you can start talking about your future life after school, about a new job, or your own children and grandchildren. The invitees, as a rule, willingly share information about themselves.

The unofficial part of the alumni meeting scenario 40 years later can be implemented in the trends of the favorite music of the graduation period, that is, disco, for example, of the seventies. Many will support this idea. Only dances for the meeting of graduates 40 years after graduation are better to choose not fast ones.

Appointment of the host of the event

The very form of organizing an event implies the presence of a presenter. Only friends of school years can know who exactly to appoint for this role. If old comrades are present, then it is wise to choose one of them. Specifically, the presenter will implement the scenario of a meeting of alumni 40 years later. In the event that a classmate is chosen as the host of the event, then the response of the audience and support from the invited guests will be provided to him, and the evening will definitely go well.

Conversations to Avoid

It is worth realizing that the script for planning such a festive event casts doubt on many topics for discussion with classmates. In this case, a taboo should be imposed on conversations about the death of loved ones, serious illnesses, the sorrows of life, hard-borne job loss and other difficulties. Such instruction should be carried out even during the invitation of classmates to the gala evening. Why should such questions be taboo? The topic of the meeting implies only bright and joyful memories and feelings, so it is worth discarding any opportunity to upset a person in any way that evening.

Event budget planning

One of the main points, of course, will be financial costs. It is necessary in principle to correctly calculate the estimate of the event. For any variant of the celebration scenario, the indicated group of costs will be present. The script for the evening of graduates certainly implies the purchase of balloons and bouquets of flowers as a sign of respect for the teaching staff. The cost will include the rent of the selected premises, unless, of course, the school office was chosen as such.

Additional costs will be more significant if the chosen prom option goes beyond the usual and includes contests, live music, a joint photo session, and so on. Of course, the resulting amount of expenses should be immediately discussed with the participants in the evening and the group of people who volunteered to help with the organization of the event. As a rule, such an evening implies optimization of funds at the expense of volunteer classmates.

As a result, the scenario of a meeting of alumni in a cafe will imply the appointment of those responsible for:

  • search for a photographer;
  • planning and organizing entertainment events;
  • collection of photos of school years for joint viewing;
  • collection of funds for the lease of the establishment;
  • preparation and decoration of the premises.

The organization of a real solemn event will require considerable costs, both materially and physically. It is worth noting that the organization of a holiday in a cafe will differ significantly from the school version. In our time of technical progress, it is possible to see those people who, due to life circumstances, could not make a visit to the alumni meeting. It is enough to get a password from Wi-Fi in the institution and use Skype to bring the interlocutor to an interactive whiteboard. This is just an illusion of being present at the evening, but how pleasant even it will be both for those present at the evening and for the person on the other side of the screen. Of course, the issues of a person's access to the Network and the implementation of the connection should be discussed in advance.

How to choose a café suitable for the evening?

One of the main criteria when choosing an institution of this type will be: an affordable and varied menu, reasonable prices, a cozy and festive atmosphere, good reviews from people who have previously visited it. For the scenario of a meeting of graduates in a cafe, you should look at the hall corresponding to the festive occasion. There must be excellent sound insulation so that the music from the main hall does not interfere with either the scenario of the event or the memories of school friends. But the opportunity to dance in the chosen room must be present.

Examples of the beginning of the script. Introduction

How to start such a gala evening? In its most general form, this can be represented as follows. The presenter thanks those present for the preserved team spirit of the graduating class. Briefly provides information about the absent (those who could not be notified, and who have good reasons to be absent). He greets the audience and starts the alumni meeting 40 years later (poetry or just an introduction would do).

An example of an opening speech for organizing a meeting evening 40 years later:

Hello, my dear 11 (letter) grade! Why did you take so long? Do not crowd at the door of the office, let's go ahead, sit down at your desks! I really hope that you still remember where and with whom you sat in school lessons. So, everyone settled into their seats? Are these your places exactly?

At this time, prepared school diaries should be on the tables, in which surnames will be written and school photos will be pasted in.

Please check your diaries. During our evening you will be able to write to each other a few words in these diaries, so to speak, small wishes and hopes for new meetings. It will be a very pleasant memory of this day.

You can start the evening of the alumni meeting 40 years later with a congratulation poem. For example:

We said goodbye forty years ago

Celebrated graduation

And today we are all together

Today is not an easy day

Our meeting is a miracle

We have changed outwardly.

We only remained in soul

Like children, they are mischievous.

I wish you to forget now all the grievances of past years,

I want this evening

He took us to school again.

First toast

This event, of course, implies a feast and toasts at the alumni meeting, slow dances (school waltz). But in fact, such an evening suggests the first toast to the meeting. This is confirmed by virtually any scenario of meeting classmates: 20, 30, 40 years old. In this regard, age does not play a special role. It is very important to present a toast at a meeting of alumni majestically, solemnly, to find the words that everyone needs now, warm, friendly, touching all corners of the soul.

The second toast at the winter graduation party, as a rule, is addressed to the memory of their teaching staff. In this role, of course, everyone faces the class teacher or favorite teacher. In this case, a speech at a meeting of graduates 40 years later will be addressed to teachers, fond memories of them. As part of this evening, you can also conduct the following interactive: display a poster on the projector with an image of a school teacher and medals addressed to them for:

  • sense of humor;
  • help in the classroom;
  • life example of virtue;
  • ability to empathize;
  • ability to organize a lesson;
  • motivation to study.

By unanimous decision of the people gathered today, we decide to present the diploma to the high-class teaching staff. We undertake to invite you to all further graduation events and allow you to educate the younger generation! Let's raise a toast to our school teachers!

In parallel, during the entire event, it is very good to run a slideshow of photos of school years, so that these pictures accompany the meeting and are in the attention of the entire festive evening. The music for the 40 Years Later School Time alumni meeting will go well with the slideshow. Other accompaniment will do. Homecoming songs can be selected related to school or graduation time (popular music of the sixties, seventies, nineties, and so on).

Entertaining part of the event

After the official part, a number of exciting games can be included in the script that will help those present to remember the school time and feel like a real school class again. Example: "Don't Spill a Drop" game. Guests sitting at the same table pass a glass around. Everyone should pour a small amount of some drink into it. The last one, whose glass is overfilled so that the liquid overflows, is forced to read out a toast and drink the resulting "cocktail".

You can also give an example of the game "Get to know a friend". It is necessary to blindfold the called "disciple". He must find out who is standing in front of him by touch and by voice. Whoever is recognized becomes the next player to be blindfolded.

There is a suitable game "Chocolate". This game requires a plate of chocolate, a hat, mittens and a scarf, a knife, a fork, a dice-bone. All the participants stand one after the other and throw the game dice on the table. The first person who gets the number six needs to sit down on a chair, put on a hat, quickly tie a scarf, put on mittens and start removing the wrapper from the chocolate bar. Then he takes a fork and knife and carefully cuts off a piece of chocolate and eats it in small pieces. If at this time the other player rolls six, then he undresses the previous participant and bites off a small piece himself. The person who eats the last piece of chocolate wins.

At this time, it is already possible to play songs at the alumni meeting. As already mentioned, it is better to choose calm music, and leave more danceable melodies to accompany slideshows or congratulations. Perhaps those present will want to dance the school waltz again. For this, for example, a sensual melody from the cartoon "Anastasia" is suitable.

Impromptu interview

In order not to lose the festive atmosphere of the evening, it is advisable that the organizer, imitating the journalists, took a comic interview with a group of classmates on the topic of what pranks were remembered during school. In this case, the main question can be veiled by a number of hidden ones, for example:

  • Do you think it is possible to return childhood?
  • How many times have you skipped class?
  • Have you corrected the grades in your diary?
  • Which of the school subjects was the most difficult given?
  • Who was cheated from in class?
  • Did you have any ideas to infiltrate the staff room?
  • Did you plan to hide the class magazine from the teacher?

Such questions will set those present in a more cheerful mood, liberate, stimulate further communication between classmates. You can remember together the most significant moments, tricks and pranks.

Features of the event

It is worth noting separately that the script for the meeting of graduates after 40 years collects classmates of pre-retirement age in the institution. In accordance with the age category of the invitees, the ideal task for the host of the festive event will be to revitalize the audience and present this evening in the style of school everyday life.

In the company of older people, on the unofficial part of the prom, one should concentrate on contests and events of a logical, intellectual orientation, memories of school time. There should be not so many dance parts, a couple of slow dances will be enough. At the end of the evening, a competition of brief characteristics of those present can be held. Characteristics should be humorous. It should be immediately indicated to the participants that it is necessary to draw up a characteristic for a certain classmate, taking into account his school merits.

Of course, alumni evening events 40 years later will be different from the rest. The emphasis in such evenings should be on communication and memories of school life. Therefore, organizing an evening of reminiscences, during which classmates present, have calm conversations about their school past, sometimes exchanging toasts and remembering classmates who were unable to come today, would be a good example. As a result of such an event - a huge canvas of school destinies.

At this age, of course, it happens that the reason for not showing up for such a gala evening is an unimportant state of health. That is why it is worth connecting all the available possibilities of interactive communication in order to please a person with at least an indirect presence at the alumni meeting. The evening, therefore, will have to in its organizational basis assume the presence of a laptop, a mobile Wi-Fi router (or you need to find out the password from the Internet in the cafe where the meeting is held), a preliminary test activation with the addressee. We also need clear time synchronization (especially if a classmate lives in a different time zone) and an additional communication channel. Taking into account all the recommendations, the evening of graduates 40 years later will be held at the highest level.

Each of us is no longer a child. We have matured, everyone has their own way, but we will never forget a wonderful time - this is school time. You always want to return to that happy and carefree time, where you are still young, and there are still many interesting and unexplored paths ahead. We went through a lot together - we got to know the world, studied, cheating from each other, fooling around, making friends, growing up and falling in love. This is invariable in our memory. I wish you in the present the same childish and carefree joy, lightness, purposeful decisions and great happiness. Let that which has not yet been achieved be sure to move closer to you.

Dear friends! How joyful in my soul from our meeting. Let us have matured and become more important, but at this table every year we will always remain the same perky boys and girls who once shared seats at their desks, learned something new together, worried, rejoiced, fell in love. Everyone has their own path in life, and I want to wish that all of us have it easy, happy, full of only good events and people, and that every year, getting together, we always have something to tell each other and something to be happy about together!

On this February evening, inspired by the memories of the wonderful years of school life, I wish you to once again plunge into those carefree days when you were children, forget for a while about your age, regalia, status, social status, remember the wonderful moments of first love and carefree youth!

Guys, I congratulate everyone on the Graduate Day. Once upon a time, we all ran along the corridors of this school, teased each other, read novels. Now each of us is following his own path, moving towards his goals, striving for his dreams. I am very glad that we have met, that today we can share with each other all the news and pleasant events that have happened in the life of each of us. I want to wish everyone good health and the same fervor of the soul as in my school years.

Congratulations on this wonderful event! I wish you at least for these couple of hours to forget about your age and relive all those feelings that have already been forgotten. May everyone who has been connected for a long time really gather on this day. I wish you just enjoy the communication and warm memories!

Someone with a mustache, someone with small bellies, for the place of funny braids with hairstyles on their heads, with smart faces and almost all with gray hair - these are my dear classmates. It’s so good that we are gathered here, discarding all our affairs for later, temporarily relinquishing the responsibilities of responsible parents. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, getting stuck in the quagmire of life, we forget about everything and only such meetings give us the opportunity to all together remember the carefree school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. My dear classmates, God grant you all endless happiness and good health for many years. Live positively, always smile and let the news from you reaching us be always kind and wonderful.

A beautiful bright day has arrived, the day of the alumni meetings. Today you can plunge headlong into happy school years and warm memories, return youth for a moment and become the same mischievous boys and girls who sat at the same desk and ran along the same corridors. Do not pay attention to wrinkles and gray hair, do not measure yourself with respectable bellies and statuses, just return to your childhood on this day and become as happy as in your wonderful school years.

Today old friends got together again! To chat about life and tell who is capable of what, what he has achieved, to tell about his life, to find out what has happened with friends and to remember the days of the past! I would like to wish everyone a successful life path, so that only loyal friends and sympathetic people meet on it, everything that is conceived has become reality, and what dreams come true. And let in all your hearts a spark of those pleasant joint memories of old events always burns. I wish you all peace, kindness, warmth, happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful children.

The alumni meeting day is a bright event. These are memories of school pranks and strong friendships, the first teacher and the first bell, important exams and an exciting graduation. This is a chance to see your classmates and tell the news about yourself. Congratulations on this great opportunity!

Dear classmates, we have been together for so many years! All these years we have had fun and wonderful! Our meeting through the years speaks of our friendship and solidarity! All health, success in business and great human happiness!

The alumni meeting day is a bright event. These are the memories of
school pranks and strong friendship, the first teacher and the first
a call, important exams and an exciting graduation. This is a chance to meet
with classmates and tell the news about yourself. Congratulations on this
a great opportunity!

Congratulations on a bright occasion for heart-to-heart meetings, memories,
laughter, conclusions, summing up, Happy Alumni Meeting! Let be
no matter how fate has developed, everyone lives in their hearts
joy, peace reigns in the soul, happiness shines in the eyes, faith leads
yourself. Health, well-being, a serene future, a peaceful sky above

Someone with a mustache, someone with small bellies, for the place of funny
braids with hairstyles on the head, with smart faces and almost everything with
gray hair - these are my dear classmates. It's so good that
we gathered here, discarding all our affairs for later, temporarily adding up with
the responsibilities of responsible parents. Spinning like a squirrel in
wheel, getting stuck in the quagmire of life, we forget about everything and only
such meetings give us the opportunity to all together remember the carefree
school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. Relatives
my classmates, God grant you all endless happiness and strong
health for many years. Live positive, always smile and
may the news from you reaching us always be kind and

Congratulations on this wonderful event! I wish at least these couple
hours to forget about your age and relive all those feelings
which have already been forgotten. May everyone really gather on this day
who has been associated for a long time. I wish you just enjoy the communication and
warm memories!

On this day, I want to remember the brightest moments from our
school life! How funny, naive and somewhere stupid we were.
I wish you to spend this evening cheerfully plunging into the past. Together we
learned everything: to love, to be friends, to act according to conscience. I wish everyone
fulfillment of desires, health and good luck!

It seems that recently we were the only ones sitting at our desks, waiting for a call on
change, they answered at the blackboard ... And now we ourselves take the children to the kindergarten and
school, we teach lessons with them remembering our school years. Let's give
promises to each other - never to grow old in soul, to remain the same
girls and boys who believed in miracles and sincerely loved

Today is the day of our meeting - the day of the meeting of graduates, guys,
who left the walls of their native school and went on the path of an adult
life. I think that each of us very often recalls the sonorous
change and funny school stories that instantly raise
mood and return us to our youth. I want to wish everyone
try not to miss our meetings, always remember about our gold
time and happy carefree time.

Today old friends got together again! To about life
chat and tell who is capable of what, what they have achieved, about their
tell life, find out what's new with friends and remember the days
old! I would like to wish everyone a successful life, so that on it
only loyal friends and sympathetic people met, everything that was conceived
but reality has come true, and what dreams come true. And let it be
all your hearts, the spark of those pleasant joint
memories of old events. I wish you all peace, kindness, warmth,
happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful

On this February evening, inspired by the memories of the wonderful
years of school life, I wish you to plunge back into those carefree days,
when you were children, forget for a while about your age, regalia,
status, social position, remember the wonderful moments of the first
love and carefree youth!

There is a great opportunity to plunge into the world of childhood again. Let it go
you will be able to feel the same carefree, cheerful
and mischievous as many years ago. Have fun, rejoice, communicate.
Remember the most unique years of your life.

Congratulations and poems for the reunion 20 years later

As if our bell rang yesterday
Our sonorous farewell to school
Then we did not go with you to the lesson,
We wrote messages in albums.
As if yesterday was our prom
Dances, outfits, laughter and fun
In the morning we returned home,
Everyone was happy, everyone was in a good mood.
And now, who would have thought that we would meet,
Twenty years later, at my own school,
Then we were all children,
We now have new roles.
Some of you have become a great father,
Someone already, maybe, pampers grandchildren,
Someone remained the same youth,
Someone is following the figure.
We have changed, we are adults
Many of us have mortgages,
But we were able to preserve our friendship,
True, now we are no longer children.
We have families, work, business,
But still gathered today
We can't forget school, friends,
Let's remember the past today.
Let's remember the exams, our glorious class,
All changes, lessons and plans
At school each of us dreamed
What he grows up to become.
Let's remember the neighbor on the desk, calls,
Let's remember the very first teacher,
Let's remember the answers at the blackboard,
Let us remember our faithful elder.
Let's remember everything, we have an evening,
Although, we can meet more often,
Let's try with you friends,
For no reason, we get together!

Such a date is twenty years,
Oh, honestly, I can't believe it!
In honor of this date, our banquet,
We couldn't help but meet!
Today we will discuss
Than our life is full
And remember with nostalgia
The old days!
There will be many phrases today:
"Do you remember this?"
After all, we have so much in common
Moments full of light!
I'm at the end of my speech
I want to raise my glasses
Thank you all for the meeting,
I missed you so much!

And remember, 20 years ago we were young and beautiful graduates,
we thought what would happen next and which way to choose. Today we
gathered again, and now each of us clearly knows that he
wants from life, everyone has already achieved a lot and built their own happiness, and
someone else is building. My friends, I want everyone
wish this was not our last alumni meeting, so that
every year we got together and remembered our fun school years,
our prom night, beautiful dance, ringing laughter and loud changes.
Be all happy and successful guys!

20 years have passed
Since leaving school,
Here to meet childhood
We are back again.
Native corridors
They meet with silence
And it seems to us as if
We returned home.
Graduates at a meeting
They recognize each other
Sometimes not right away
In 5 minutes.
These meetings in memory
Will stay with us
Our friends, girlfriends,
Our matured class.

In our hearts we are all students
Happy meeting you! Graduates,
Let's remember together
How we all learned at 5,
And some, however, and 2
Or barely 3 ...
Come on, what to list,
Let's celebrate the meeting!
And how many years have passed since then,
How much water has flowed under the bridge?
Exactly 20 years passed,
But there is no sadness in us at all!

School, school, so recently
We stepped over the threshold.
20 years have already passed,
Experience, wisdom is our result.
May the meeting be beautiful
May we be carried away to youth
Let it give this evening
Rest for us from all worries.

We met in a friendly class
As many as 20 years later.
We remember our youth
We are smiling, but sad.
Let the connection between us only grow stronger
May everyone be lucky in life
We are the same as before,
Two decades doesn't count.

Twenty years have passed so quickly
We didn't have time to notice
But during this period we are with you
Matured, matured,
And today will take place
Meeting of all graduates,
We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time
Everyone was ready for it!

The guys met with you
After 20 years
Have already lived a lot
Joys, losses and troubles.
Let it be friendly as before
Our lovely, noisy class.
Going to school glorious
Let us have an excuse.

We have been with the school for a long time
Sweetly said goodbye
There was a lot of everyone
Various things happened.
Twenty years later came together
We are after parting,
Again with wonderful youth
Let's hold our hands together.

20 years have passed since then
As we graduated from school,
But today the conversation
It will flow, know, in a different way,
And not like the old people,
Let's remember jokes and ideas ...
To you - love, beautiful words,
Everything to have what you wanted!

Gratitude to the teacher at the alumni meeting in prose in your own words

Beautiful and kind, sincere and original words are great
thanks to the teacher, class teacher at the evening of the meeting
school graduates after 5, 10, 15, 20 years, wishes in prose from
former students in their own words.

Every year, on the first Saturday of February, former
classmates and teachers. In 2017, express gratitude in prose
dear teachers of the school and meet with classmates 4
February. (date, date)

Our dear, dear teachers!

We came to the homecoming evening today, bringing with us
feelings of regret and feelings of gratitude. Today, after
many (5, 10, 15, 20) years from the day of graduation, the realization comes
the wonderful years spent within the walls of this educational
establishments, keep the most pleasant memories of a bygone childhood. How
it is a pity that we cannot come here every day as before ...

And of course, we, now no longer your mischievous students, but serious
adults, we want to thank you, beloved teachers, for your knowledge,
thanks to which we now have prestigious professions, for your
wisdom, thanks to which good relations in the team have been preserved
our class, for your care and participation in all our affairs!

Low bow to you!

Lovely teachers!

Thank you for your pedagogical talent, for your spiritual generosity, for your joy.
discoveries that you donated to your students. For a colossal
efficiency and creative attitude to their duties!

Prose gratitude in your own words

Dear (teacher's name)!

We got together again that day. Probably we are your boys and girls, we have grown a little more ...

And you, as before, look at us with care and love. For you
we will forever remain children. Thank you for the warmth of the soul that you are without
tired of giving us! For your wise parting words, which, like beacons,
lead us along the road of life.

We always remember you and say: "Thank you!"

Our dear, the best class teacher (name, patronymic)!

No alumni evening is complete without major
people thanks to whom we all took place in this life - our

The teacher is an innovator and a keeper of traditions at the same time. Only
thanks to you, each new generation receives modern knowledge and
moves forward, and at the same time, thanks to you, everything is saved
most importantly, all the basics of parenting.

The work of teachers is a great work! Thank you (teacher's name)!

Our dear teacher, we thank you again!

You put so much effort into us, and how much you worried. We are not
could then understand and appreciate your work, sometimes they were stupidly offended, and
may have offended you. We now know that you were one of those people
who built our destinies, loved all of us sincerely, cared
gave invaluable advice. Thank you for your kindness!

How happy we all get together again, with the whole class, as if in
bygone days. How glad to see you again - our dear cool
leader (teacher's name)! And the pictures of school days are drawn again,
when we were carefree, and you opened the way for us - the road of knowledge,
road to life.

We thank you for all your work - so hard and priceless,
for your wisdom and support. It is very important to us today.
Thank you, dear (teacher's name)!

Cool congratulations on the evening of the meeting of graduates 10 years later

Today we are in a hurry to school
Like 10 years ago
And their classmates
Everyone is glad to see.
Our girls have blossomed
Over these 10 years,
And next to them are the men,
There is no trace of the boys.
Meet the classes with silence
Everyone sits at their desks,
What a pity that school years
Will not be repeated.

Not only school is behind,
Even the university!
But here we come again
After 10 long years!
We will talk a lot
The kindest, warmest words,
To make life happier
On this Graduate Day!

Dear graduates, 10 years have passed since we were
beautiful graduates and stood on the threshold of this school on the eve of
something new and joyful. Now each of us is independent,
self-confident and happy in its own way. I wish you all great success
undoubted good luck, great mood, and, of course, funny
memories of school years.

10 years have already passed,
Here we are together again.
Graduates met
Again in the old place.
How long have we lived with you,
They believed and loved.
I want these years
We have not forgotten a century.
I wish to stay
Daring and young
Inspired by a dream
Bright and noisy.

How quickly they matured
We guys are with you.
10 years have already rushed -
They are rich in experience.
It seems like yesterday
Graduation walk
And about a difficult, adult life
We dreamed with might and main.
May the meeting be pleasant
Let the connection not be lost
May all that is envisioned
Come true quickly.

We said goodbye to school
Exactly ten years ago
And everyone gathered today
Everyone is glad to meet this
Let's remember today together
School, our graduation ball,
Let's talk with each other,
Everyone will be himself!

Ten years ago, guys
We left school.
But love for native land
We have not pushed back.
I wish everyone well
Get together more often
To be young at heart
In our present.

May the years of school be distant
Happy meeting you, graduates!
It's been a long ten years
And again the class saw the light
Bright, mischievous smiles,
I heard the sounds of simple words.
I wish you all well
So that the time for joy lasts!

Today every graduate
Of course, I'm glad to come to my class!
Girls are a colorful flower garden
And the boys have their own parade!
Yes, we have matured ... 10 years
Passed in the last call.
But there is no sadness and sorrow,
May all life be easy in the future!

Happy Homecoming Poems

Happy alumni day
I want to congratulate you.
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Such bright phrases:
More optimism in life
And a bunch of happiness ahead.
There is a lot of health in the body
And pure, sincere love!

Graduates, graduates,
The years of study are far away.
We have changed, matured
They flew away from the alma mater.
I wish each of you
In a family of great happiness,
We were at work so that success
And there are a lot of achievements.
Don't forget those friends
With whom all youth has rushed.
To be close people
So that connections are not lost.

Graduates, friends, my family,
How glad to see you at this hour.
You've become all serious
But once upon a time ... first class.
How good it is for us to meet today
On this occasion, I congratulate you, friends.
I wish you well, hundreds of smiles
And just a bunch of stuff.

How long have we seen each other
How many winters and how many years
They didn't even really communicate,
Only: "Hello!" and hi!"!
Finally we are all together
As in the old days
We will discuss all the news
Who, than life is full!
Because on a wonderful evening
We are in the circle of school friends
Let's raise for this meeting
All glasses quickly!

After many years we met
To say to each other again "Hello!"
Our school remained in the memory
We always remember the teachings of the light!
Dear friends, congratulations
With the fact that we had to meet,
I wish you happiness and health,
Do not regret what has gone away!
And look ahead, striving for the heights,
To put your hands on success,
Drive around in expensive cars
To love everyone and it is very cool to live!

After so many years we met again
So I want to know a lot about all of you,
What study, work, family,
And even secrets that we cannot know!
Friends, classmates, I love you,
I sincerely give congratulations poems,
I wish you to be very successful,
Happy to give birth to sons and daughters!
Health, fun, good luck friends,
I wish you love and recognition!
So that youth warms everyone around,
Your home was warm, cozy and kind!

Here is a joyful moment
Here is our meeting.
Just like many years ago
Our graduation party.
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Peace and quiet,
May bad weather and sadness
Never touched.
May life be joyful
Friendship will be true
Happiness is happily living
At the root of our destinies.

Somewhere our previous years?
Is there something ahead?
So let's share our hopes
Let's look at each other.
Joy, pride, impressions ...
We are one like no one
Our friendship continues
Enough for another hundred years.
Let's meet with a noisy bunch
Many, many more times
Our release - I'll tell you what I think -
The best, no embellishment!

Let's raise our glasses, dear friends!
For the long years that we lived together;
For ups, downs and memories -
Let our desires come true!
Let life unfold its horizons
And carpeted the path!
To loud applause from Fortune
We will go with each other's support!

Today is a joyful and very bright day,
After all, we all gathered together again,
How many different themes we have in common
Again we all merged together.
Let's remember all the old days
All our school and childhood moments
And life was so carefree and bright
Filled with happiness and fun!

Congratulations at the meeting of graduates classmates poems

How many years have passed, it's scary to remember!

Fate shook us around the world,

But to a meeting with your beloved school

We always gathered together.

Here are familiar faces

Beamed with smiles again.

And the soul calls us to have fun,

Her love for school did not run out.

Congratulations to each other on the meeting

Classmates of a friendly family,

We remember those who for the evening

For some reason they didn't come now.

An exciting meeting of classmates -

The opportunity to meet with childhood again.

One of the kind and sincere holidays,

That keeps our friends from forgetting.

Proud of graduates of different years

And the school that let us fly

And the team that works

We wish for many, many years.

I congratulate everyone who chose the time

I went to school and dropped everything.

Let's throw off the burden of years gone by

Let's be glad that fate brought us together.

My friends, graduates of the past!

We grow up, but only from year to year

It becomes necessary from youth hello,

That he gathered us without looking at the weather.

The February cold won't blow out the fire

That in every heart kindled brightly.

After all, meeting childhood for you and for me

More expensive than the most priceless gift.

Today we sincerely congratulate everyone:

Teachers, old comrades.

Let our sonorous laughter sound again at school,

And our childhood will look through the gray hair.

Fast, time, classmates,

How many years have flown since then

As we sat at school at school,

Looking at the teacher at close range ...

How many paths have already been passed since then

And the roads have not yet been traveled.

So after all, today we will remember everything,

How then he was not alone.

How much joy, fun,

How much selflessness, dreams.

May these beautiful moments

Never fade Bridges,

What now we have thrown into childhood

Never let them burn.

Remember what you were like in the fall

Many years and many winters ago?

The past is leaving - it's true

And we don't need to be sad about him.

In childhood, the sun was radiant -

We will never forget this:

The school where we studied at the desks,

Strict as always teachers.

How much selfless joy there was

How many stupid, windy undertakings.

Let's sit, as before, classmates,

Let's be sad at that school table.

The past is gone, but not in vain,

Above, everything that has been has been given to us.

An exciting occasion today

After all, a meeting of graduates again,

And sad and a little difficult

After all, so much time has passed.

We have changed, matured

Everyone already has a family

But we remember how our eyes burned,

And they were the main friends.

How nice to touch now

Pieces of the past again.

And return to childhood for a little bit,

And suddenly turn back time.