Rules of etiquette for girls: what you need to know to present yourself in a favorable light. Rules of etiquette for a modern girl. Etiquette of girls with boys

Etiquette is a set of rules of good manners. There are a lot of them. But those who make a career, want to succeed, and who have to deal with elites, need to study them especially carefully.

Etiquette helps people behave correctly in any situation and society, without causing other people any inconvenience. Refined manners, correct speech, stylish image - all this plays an important role.

There are several types of etiquette:

  • the ability to present oneself: a properly selected wardrobe, well-groomed appearance, elegant gestures, posture, posture;
  • speech form: manners and culture of speech and communication;
  • table etiquette: table manners, knowledge of serving rules, the ability to eat;
  • behavior in any public place;
  • business etiquette: negotiations and relationships with superiors and colleagues.

Good manners for women

First of all, a girl or woman should look good. She should have a neat and well-groomed appearance, clean clothes and shoes, a properly selected bag and accessories.

Of the basic rules, you need to highlight the following:

  • Spirits must be used wisely. A strong smell of deodorant or even elite perfume is considered bad manners.
  • In choosing jewelry and accessories, it is better to show moderation. A large amount of jewelry or jewelry looks too catchy.
  • You can preen only at home or in a specially designated room for this, but in no case in public places. In society, you can only quickly look at your reflection in a small mirror and tint your lips.
  • A lap bag is not the best choice. So they sit at the station. It is better to put a purse or a small handbag on the table.

A woman should always behave like a real lady, avoiding offensive remarks, inappropriate flirting and other liberties.

List of etiquette rules for men

A man should also look elegant, be neatly combed and adhere to the following rules:

  • Skip the companion forward when entering the room.
  • Don't put your elbows on the table.
  • Sitting down at a table, first move the chair to the lady, and then to yourself.
  • Do not leave your companion alone.
  • Do not smoke in front of a girl without her permission.
  • In the room, in the presence of a girl, take off your hat.
  • When exiting the bus or car, give the lady a hand.

A gentleman must not carry a women's bag, and he can only bring women's outerwear to the dressing room. On the street, a man should walk to the left of his companion.

Without the consent of the girl, the gentleman has no right to take her hand or arm.

Etiquette for children

The upbringing of children should be based on etiquette, because they will have to live in society. It is difficult for children to learn all the rules, but although the most important of them they should know:

Behavior at the table:

  • sit at the table only by invitation;
  • eat with your mouth closed without speaking;
  • get up from the table only with the permission of an adult.

Speech etiquette:

  • always say hello and goodbye;
  • express gratitude and respect;
  • do not interfere in the conversation of older people, do not interrupt them.

Guest etiquette:

  • invite guests in advance;
  • do not go to people without an invitation;
  • visit only in a good mood;
  • stay away for no more than 2 - 3 hours, so as not to annoy people.

Having learned these simple rules from childhood, the child will adhere to them in the future.

conversational etiquette

The culture of communication among many young people is considered an outdated concept, and completely in vain. After all, it is speech etiquette that helps to achieve authority and gain the trust of others. The list of these rules is quite long:

  • When entering a room, you should always say hello first. This rule applies to everyone, regardless of age and status - schoolchildren, pensioners, directors or ordinary employees.
  • At the meeting, the first person to greet is a man - a woman, a junior - a senior, a latecomer - a waiting one, an employee of a junior rank - the boss.
  • When greeting older people by position or age, be sure to stand up or rise. Giving a hand while sitting is a sign of bad taste.
  • A man should always introduce himself to a woman first. You can not leave people to themselves and oblige them to give their names themselves.
  • After meeting, it is desirable to shake hands. It is impolite to give only the tips of your fingers.
  • Interrupting an interlocutor is very bad. But you can and should express your interest in the subject of conversation.
  • The rules of small talk allow you to talk about anything you want, but without going into details and avoiding controversy.
  • It is necessary to monitor the pace and timbre of your voice: it should be natural, but not tense.

Polite verbal forms and a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor help to create a favorable impression of yourself.

Telephone rules

You also need to know how to talk on the phone. Without seeing the interlocutor, you can say a lot of offensive and unnecessary things to him. But private telephone conversations are one thing, and occupational calls are quite another.

Main rules:

  • Do not pick up the phone after the first call, only after the second or third. For the saved seconds, you need to mentally prepare for a telephone conversation, postponing your business. In addition, if a company representative picks up the phone immediately after the first call, the client gets the impression that the employees have nothing to do and they just get bored at the place of work. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. If you pick up the phone later, the client may become nervous and lose patience.
  • First, be sure to introduce yourself, name your company, ask about the name of the interlocutor and whether he has time for a short conversation. After that, it is desirable to immediately proceed to the main question.
  • It is necessary to monitor the intonation and speed of speech. The voice should be clear, low, even and confident. It would be nice to match the pace of the person on the other end of the line.
  • Do not forget about polite phrases: “thank you”, “be kind”, “if you don’t mind”.
  • It is prohibited to use the speakerphone unnecessarily. The person on the other end of the line immediately catches the difference in sound and begins to worry that someone is eavesdropping on him. It may also be evidence that a company representative is engaged in extraneous (more significant cases) and part-time answers calls.
  • When talking on the phone, you can not smoke, drink and eat (chew gum). Although this is not visible, but all this is reflected in the speech and looks terrifying.
  • After using the hold function, be sure to thank the person for waiting. It is not worth keeping the interlocutor on hold for longer than a minute, it is better to say that after clarifying the necessary information, they will call him back.
  • At the end, be sure to say goodbye and thank the interlocutor for taking the time to talk. There is no need to apologize for wasting time.

Aggressive and demanding customers should be dealt with calmly, but decisively and confidently.

Good manners and business etiquette

If all employees adhere to business etiquette, a favorable atmosphere is created in the enterprise or firm, in which there is no place for conflicts.

  • You should never be late for meetings and business negotiations.
  • Company secrets and data confidentiality must be kept at all times.
  • During a business conversation, you should not stare at the face of the interlocutor or lean over him. Also, when communicating, tilting the head to the side is not allowed.
  • A business card should be served only with the right hand (even for left-handed people). The recipient of the business card should not hide it in the back pocket of his trousers or wrinkle it with his fingers.
  • Do not violate the boundaries of personal space and get too close to a person. The latter feels at the same time considerable discomfort. The minimum distance between interlocutors corresponds to the size of an outstretched hand. A person can only let relatives closer to him.
  • A guest arriving on business should be seated on the right hand side of the host.
  • You need to watch your speech. A particularly unfavorable impression is produced by slang words, errors in stress and the use of words in the wrong meaning.
  • For a compliment, you should always thank briefly and simply, without showing false modesty.
  • You always need to follow the position of the body and gestures. It is unacceptable to talk with legs wide apart, with hands thrust into pockets, stooping and gesticulating strongly.

Business etiquette is the rules without which it will not be possible to achieve success in business. They always try to adhere to them, even if instability reigns around both in politics and in the economy.

How to behave at the table

At the table, you also need to behave culturally. This applies to both family holidays and dinner parties in a restaurant, cafe or at a party.

Good manners at the table:

  • Never, ever, chew food with your mouth open. It looks terrible. Also, do not talk and laugh with the remnants of food in your mouth. This is not only ugly - you can choke on it.
  • Before you put a side dish, salad or appetizer from a common dish on your own plate, you must first offer them to those sitting next to you. They put food on themselves last.
  • In no case should you put your phone or smartphone on the table near you. This shows a person in a negative light: he is not interested in what is happening, he is constantly distracted by incoming messages and calls.

The table must be properly set, and all appliances laid out in their places.

Many people believe that at home you can behave freely and cheekily. But this is wrong, because parents and children, grandparents, sisters and brothers should show special courtesy and goodwill towards each other. In order for family relationships to be strong and sincere, you need to rejoice at the successes of loved ones, give thanks, support in all endeavors, speak kind words more often and find compromises.

The older generation must be treated with respect.

Parents also should not insult their children, use offensive language and read their personal correspondence.

Appearance according to etiquette

The ability to dress beautifully is an art that not everyone has mastered. It is the appearance that most influences the first impression.

  • Bright and colorful things are very striking. In a business style, they are not appropriate, they can only be worn in an informal setting.
  • Clothing should never be vulgar, especially for women. A short miniskirt combined with a deep neckline is the top of disgrace. Only one of the indicated elements can be present in the image.
  • All attire must be elegant. This means that all materials, styles and colors must be chosen with taste.
  • You need to dress in such a way as to emphasize the dignity of your figure and hide the flaws.

There are a lot of subtleties and nuances. If possible, you need to consult with an experienced stylist or tailor who will tell you which things fit well, which ones do not, what clothes are appropriate in a given situation.

A truly educated person behaves impeccably everywhere: both in society and at home. Since we live in a society, everyone should learn this.

Knowing and observing the basic rules of etiquette will help every woman or young girl feel confident in any society under any circumstances. The lady is always visible - she is refined, refined and well-mannered, it is pleasant to have a conversation with her, she is desirable at any party.

Everyone can instill good manners, the main thing is to know the fundamental points and try to observe them every day and in any situation.


Very often, we associate the word "etiquette" with how, for example, to properly set the table, which glass to use for wine and which one for water, how to dress for a particular social event. But the concept is broader, it covers all spectrums of a woman's life.

Etiquette is also how to behave in public transport and how to organize communication in a work team. A young girl should demonstrate her manners and good manners in relations with a young man, him and her parents. This includes even friendly chatter with a girlfriend, who, it turns out, must also obey special rules.

To embark on the path of "turning into a lady", you first need to learn how to monitor your emotions. Nowadays, many girls are accustomed to violently express their overwhelming feelings. Restraint and modesty are the main distinguishing features that distinguish a true lady., and it doesn’t matter whether it’s the joy of meeting a friend or the indignation of an unfair incident.

Learning to hide your emotions is a very important step in the process of learning good manners. There is no need to come up with excuses for yourself that at that moment it was impossible to remain silent or outwardly remain indifferent to the situation - for sure the problem will soon be solved by itself, but restoring a damaged reputation is much more difficult.

Try to be more tolerant of the shortcomings of others, do not criticize anyone in public, do not interfere in other people's affairs, behave modestly and with dignity - these principles will pay for ignorance of the common rules of etiquette.

Behavior rules

There is a certain set of rules that will help to avoid embarrassing moments in life situations that every girl finds herself in every day.

  • When you meet someone you know on the street, be sure to greet them. Consider the degree of closeness of your relationship. You should not show excessive emotions too loudly and violently or try to call out to a friend across the street, it is enough to meet eyes and nod to each other.
  • Avoid snacking on the go outside. Firstly, there is a high probability of choking, and secondly, you can inadvertently stain a random passerby. This also applies to eating in shops or other public places that are not intended for this.
  • During a telephone conversation, make sure that your voice is not too loud. If this is not possible, move away from the main crowd - your negotiations should not be in the public domain.
  • Do not sort things out in public if you do not want to receive the condemnation of others.

  • Don't get into fights with strangers. If you have made a remark, even unfair, it is better to apologize or remain silent. Remember that you are a real lady.
  • Try not to be late for meetings, come on time if you are invited to visit. Punctuality is an elementary rule of decency that any woman must comply with. If, despite everything, you understand that you are not on time, be sure to call in advance and warn how long you will be late.
  • Be mindful of your posture and gestures while talking. Your movements should be restrained, smooth, feminine, should not attract attention and shock.
  • Makeup girl must match the situation. During the day and at work, it is better to choose neutral decorative cosmetics in natural tones, but an evening social event allows you to apply bright lipstick and glitter eyeshadow.

Our life is not limited to ordinary everyday life, when you just need to behave within the generally accepted norms of behavior. A young girl in the modern world tries to comprehend all spheres of life, attend all social events, make new acquaintances.

Increasingly, meetings of any format are held in a restaurant. To show their best side, to show their awareness and good upbringing, follow the basic rules that are easy to remember:

  • A trip to a restaurant begins with studying the menu and making an order. Do not be afraid to ask the waiter, for example, about the ingredients, the method of serving, the cooking time of the dish.
  • Familiarize yourself with the specifics of the institution. If you come to a Chinese restaurant, do not order European cuisine.
  • At the table, behave with restraint, always remember the posture (do not fall apart in a chair) and gestures (do not wave your fork in any case!), Do not speak loudly. Remember - you are not alone in the restaurant.
  • If the waiter brought your order earlier than the others, you should not immediately grab the fork and knife. In this case, you must wait until everyone has plates on the table.

  • Place a napkin on your lap just before eating. This way it will always be at hand and you will keep your clothes clean.
  • If something fell from the table (a device, a napkin), do not focus on it. Just call the waiter, he will bring you everything you need.
  • Hold the fork with the knife correctly, in the left and right hand, respectively. Try not to swap cutlery. If the garnish is crumbly, use a knife to fill the fork.
  • Work the spoon away from you if your meal includes an entree. This way you keep your clothes clean.
  • If you can’t chew a piece, then gently bring the napkin to your lips and discreetly remove it.

These general rules will definitely help "not lose face." Of course, depending on the company at the table, there are assumptions, but only by observing the main points, you can develop for yourself a habitual stereotype of behavior that will become natural.

One of the most important aspects of any woman's life is relationships with men. The beautiful half of the population always blames the fact that there are no real gentlemen left in nature, but the girls themselves are not distinguished by the presence of good manners.

Remember: by adhering to the principles of a real lady, you encourage the opposite sex to treat you appropriately.

There are several basic rules of etiquette in dealing with men:

  • Defiant behavior always repels others, especially men, at any stage in the development of relationships. Remember that a woman should always remain a mystery and understatement, so do not violently express your emotions - do not forget about restraint.
  • Do not sort things out and do not argue with your gentleman in public. Passionate kissing is also not worth it.
  • Don't be too intrusive. Even if the relationship is going through a “candy-bouquet” period, you should not often call or write messages to your partner. Only one call from a woman should fall on three or four calls from a man.
  • Too indifferent and arrogant girl should not be either. This will be perceived as disrespectful and will alienate a potential partner.
  • With pleasure, let a man take care of you, but do not wait and do not demand when, for example, they open the door for you or give you flowers.

In the traditional sense, etiquette between a man and a woman is supported by patriarchal principles, where all strength and power, as well as a demonstration of the superiority of the mind and wealth, belong to the strong half. Time is changing, and the scales are gradually equalizing. For example, in modern society it is considered acceptable if a lady pays her half of the bill herself or goes first to get acquainted with a man who is interested in her.

Speech etiquette

To speak competently and politely is one of the most important qualities of the modern world. In the digital age, men and women are losing this important skill, conversation is impoverished, and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a conversation.

Knowing the basics of speech etiquette will help any girl present herself correctly in society, teach her to parry, even if the topic of conversation is unfamiliar.

They say: "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind." In fact, for a woman it would be more correct like this: “They meet by clothes, and see off by how she behaves and speaks in society”. An educated person with a correct understanding of the culture of behavior always evokes approval.

Any communication always begins with a greeting:

  • There is a certain sequence that must be followed during the greeting: the younger ones are always the first to greet the elders in a respectful manner, the men greet the women, the one who is late - the one who is waiting for him, who entered the room - those who have already gathered in it, the walking one who is worth.
  • When a couple, a man and a woman, meet a lady standing alone, the woman who has an escort is the first to greet.
  • If during a walk a man greeted a man unfamiliar to a woman, the woman should also greet him.
  • If a girl is invited to a feasting event, then, having entered the room, she must first greet everyone at once, and after sitting down at the table, with neighbors on both sides.
  • A girl can greet a man with a nod of her head, and during a handshake she does not take off her glove, only if this is not a meeting with an elderly person. The handshake is a purely feminine initiative.

Words of greeting are familiar to everyone since childhood: “hello”, “good afternoon”, “good morning” or “good evening”. Among your close friends and comrades, more free options are acceptable, for example, “hello”. Pronounce the words clearly and distinctly, do not crumple the endings.

The intonation should be friendly, on the face - a slight smile. Greet and address the person by name, those who are older - by name and patronymic.

The beginning of any relationship begins with the stage of acquaintance. Often such situations require that the girl be introduced to a stranger, or she herself needs to introduce her friends. The rules of etiquette in this case are simple:

  • A man must take the initiative himself and pass away to a girl.
  • Those who are younger in age or position are introduced to the elders first.
  • First they introduce a less familiar person, only then their friend (given that they are of the same age and position).
  • If at a given time a woman is alone, then she is the first to introduce herself to a couple or a group of people.
  • In the case when it is necessary to introduce two people of different sexes, you should first turn to the woman and tell her the name of the man.
  • At a social event, it is desirable for a woman to be introduced to one or another guest by the hosts or mutual acquaintances.
  • If a seated man is introduced to someone, he must stand up. It is permissible for a woman not to get up unless she is introduced to a lady who is much older than she is.
  • After the introduction, you should greet a new acquaintance and, preferably, shake hands. A woman can start a short, distant conversation.

It's never too late to educate yourself. If you decide to radically change your behavior and become stylish and modern, then you need to learn the basic rules of etiquette and learn good manners.

  • Harmony of soul, body and mind. Such a harmonious combination allows you to be happy, which is what most representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream of.
  • Each of them wants to love and be loved, do interesting things, feel respect for themselves and have a good reputation in society. But all this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Behind this is a lot of work and hard work on yourself.
  • Becoming a real lady is not an easy task. To do this, it is not enough to dress well, have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance and do what you love. It is necessary to have an inner charm that will allow you to attract interest in your personality.
  • It often happens when an outwardly beautiful girl becomes uninteresting literally after 5 minutes of dialogue with her. While not very attractive in appearance, at the same time a rather self-confident girl, she is able to attract the attention of others. She is polite, modest, knows how to properly maintain a conversation, has good manners in behavior
  • Good manners cannot go unnoticed. However, in modern life it is extremely rare to meet a morally and spiritually strong personality, especially among young people. Therefore, it is never too late to engage in self-education. And about how to learn good manners for a girl, we will consider in the article

Bad manners girl

First of all, let's look at what behaviors will never make a girl a real lady. So bad manners.

  • Increased curiosity in communication
  • Gossip with girlfriends
  • Humiliation of the personality of the interlocutor
  • Sneaking in a team
  • meanness
  • Vulgarity and rudeness
  • Complacency

This is just a short list of those manners that need to be literally “erased” from your character. And you need to start this process immediately.

Adult girl etiquette

A cultured person is, first of all, courtesy and tact. To cultivate such qualities in yourself, you need to learn to clearly monitor your emotions and thoughts, that is, control yourself. For example, you are walking in the park, and suddenly someone nearby rushed at full speed, and inadvertently pushed you to the side. Naturally, the first thought that comes to your mind on a subconscious level is a strong indignation. And right at this moment, you must control that your emotions do not go into action, and rude words do not “fly out” of your mouth in pursuit of the person who pushed you.

Important: You must learn to calmly and leisurely perceive everything that happens around you. This will prevent you from committing rash acts.

Now think about what kind of behavior can annoy people. This list, most likely, you will get quite impressive, so you can list them on a piece of paper. Arrogance, loud laughter, swearing, the smell of alcohol, etc. Work on not having these kinds of moments in your behavior.

Watch how cultured people behave in society, on the street, in public transport. Try to inculcate such character traits in yourself. Be humble, do not argue in situations where this issue does not concern you. Do not show that you are smarter, more beautiful and more modern than your interlocutor. Remember that politeness and modesty have always adorned a person.

Etiquette for a girl of the 21st century. The etiquette of the modern girl

Now let's talk in more detail about how a modern girl should behave in society, at work, at a party, in communication with her man, with friends, consider the etiquette of a girl's clothes and decent behavior.

Speech etiquette for a girl

Let's start with the fact that speech etiquette for a girl is not a simple game of memorized phrases. You need to learn how to properly communicate with people in order to win over the interlocutor. This does not require special knowledge. It is enough that your speech was filled with politeness to the interlocutor. When choosing a form of greeting, fill it with feelings, do not forget to show with your whole appearance that meeting a person is really pleasant for you. You can say hello in many ways: kisses, handshakes, or just a kind word. The main thing is that it should be heard by those to whom it is addressed, and not by everyone around. Don't pause when meeting.

Never be afraid to say hello first, even if there is a stranger in front of you. Remember that the first to say hello is the one who is better brought up.

Video: Features of speech etiquette

  • Suppose you are invited to visit. You don't have to follow the rules that say "guests are always late." It's not cultural. Moreover, such behavior is nothing but disrespect for the owners of the house.
  • By the way, a cultured girl will not allow herself to be late for a business meeting, theater, cinema, and even a meeting with her friend or work colleague.
  • Upon entering the house, be sure to greet all the guests first. You should not check the rooms for cleanliness and run your eyes from one piece of furniture to another. Girls with good manners can't afford this kind of behavior.
  • While visiting, try not to talk on the phone. If someone called you at this time, politely apologize to the guests and step aside. Explain to the interlocutor that you are visiting now and as soon as you are free, then by all means call him back

  • Do not look at the clock often - this can show the owners that you are not interested in them, and you are in a hurry to leave.

Rules of etiquette for a girl on a date

  • If a properly educated girl with good manners does not allow herself to be late for a visit, work or business meeting, then the situation is a little different with a date. But this is kind of an exception to the rule.
  • However, why do the rules of etiquette recommend that a girl be a little late for a meeting with a guy. It is believed that this is a kind of prevention for men.
  • While he is waiting for a meeting with the girl he likes, he has the opportunity to weigh everything again, to be alone with his thoughts and intentions.
  • But, you can only be late for a date. If a guy waits too long for you, then it can be interpreted as a disdain for him
  • If this is your first date, and naturally the guy will shower you with a lot of compliments, then you should not tell him what efforts you make to look like that, where and for how much you bought this outfit or a mobile phone, etc. Remember speech etiquette for a girl and its basic rules.

Never call a guy yourself after the first date - he must show interest in you himself.

Clothes etiquette for a girl

As the saying goes: "Meet by clothes - see off by the mind." This stereotype has firmly entered our lives and has not lost its relevance at all times. A well-chosen wardrobe of a girl indicates the level of her upbringing.

Important: Clothing should always match the atmosphere of the event and its setting. A well-bred girl will never allow herself to appear at a social event with bright makeup and a short leather skirt.

  • Clothes must be beautiful. This rule applies not only to the wardrobe, which is intended for going out into society, but also for home
  • A properly educated girl will not allow herself to be in the house in an untidy dressing gown or nightgown, even if it is expensive.
  • Home clothes should be comfortable, simple, neat and beautiful. You should always look beautiful and well-groomed in order to receive a sudden guest at any time or go outside

  • Another rule is to cultivate a sense of tact and taste. Those girls who put on a lot of jewelry look defiant. There is one unwritten rule - wear no more than 13 pieces of jewelry. These include bracelets, earrings, chains, bright inserts, buttons, belts, etc.

An elegant woman is a good posture, which implies a straight back, gently lowered shoulders, a retracted stomach, straight legs at the knees, a raised chin and slightly bent elbows.

Rules of etiquette in a restaurant for a girl

Sooner or later, a moment comes in a girl's life when she is invited to dinner at a restaurant. The rules of restaurant etiquette begin right at the door of the establishment. The first person to enter the restaurant is always a man who comes up to the waiter and asks about availability. He must also pull out a chair for the girl and help her sit down.

  • At the restaurant table you need to sit with a flat wall, do not lean on and do not throw your legs over your legs. Never put on make-up during dinner or talk on the phone unless you have an important call. The order is the destiny of a man. A lady can only express her wish and consult a man
  • In addition to the fact that a properly educated girl knows what style of clothing to prefer and how to apply makeup correctly, in a restaurant you will also need to know how to properly attach your handbag and umbrella
  • What do the rules of etiquette say in this case? If you have a clutch, then you can put it on the table or on a nearby empty chair. The same applies to small handbags. But with more voluminous accessories, you need to behave correctly - put them on public display, at least not tactfully. If possible, hang the bag on the back of a chair. Otherwise, you can put it under the table so that it does not bother you.
  • Close your umbrella immediately upon entering the room, even if it is wet. You can not leave an open umbrella at the entrance with the aim that in this way it will dry out better. In each restaurant, in this case, special accessories are provided that allow you to leave umbrellas in them - use this

How to accept gifts for a girl? How should a girl behave in a relationship?

  • If you have a boyfriend, treat him the way you would like him to treat you. Remember that first of all, a guy wants to see femininity, understanding and beauty in his chosen one.
  • Ease and ease in behavior always attract a man, no matter what status and age he is. Let him feel stronger around you. But in giving him the palm, do not lose your own dignity.
  • Learn how to say "thank you" correctly! It is so established in society that a man should please his woman with gifts. And how you accept his gift depends on how often you will receive them.
  • To be honest, modern women have forgotten how to accept gifts in such a way as to inspire a man to do it as often as possible. Many of the women limit themselves to a dry “thank you”, well, or at most - a kiss on the cheek.
  • But you must make sure that your man can also feel the joy of this event. He has little dry gratitude. He dreams of seeing delight in your eyes, joyful and sincere emotions.

  • Express your gratitude with many nice and warm words and do not forget to note its exquisite taste even if in fact you are not particularly enthusiastic

Business etiquette at work

A code of laws called etiquette exists not only in social life, but also in the business environment. This is a kind of pass to the world of business people and the standard of communication. It is customary to judge a person by his deeds, behavior and ability to build the right relationships in the business sphere.

Therefore, compliance with the rules of business etiquette at work plays a significant role. We can talk endlessly about this, but we will try to briefly describe the most important rules of etiquette for you:

1. Time is money. This refers to punctuality, respect for the interlocutor and his time. No person will start a relationship with those who do not know how to plan their working day, sort out urgent and important things, and not control the course of all events.

3. Dress code. Neat hairstyle, business attire and well-chosen jewelry

4. Order on the desktop - order in the head

5. Workplace to work. It is not permissible to waste working time on gossip, empty talk and chatter on the phone

6. Be able to listen and hear. Business etiquette is to hear your opponent, not just listen to him

7. A healthy atmosphere within the team, which is based on respectful and equal relations between colleagues, goodwill and timely assistance if necessary

8. Compliance with telephone etiquette. Telephone conversations in modern society are able to establish relations between competitors, to conduct negotiations correctly and in a timely manner. Phone calls during business hours are only permitted for business purposes. Phone calls of a personal nature are allowed only in case of emergency

Calling etiquette rules

Phone calls have their time, just like business. A well-mannered person will not allow himself to disturb his friend with a phone call before 8 am and after 10 pm, unless this call is agreed with him in advance.

  • The rules of etiquette dictate that if the mobile connection is interrupted during a conversation, then you need to call back to the one who called for the first time
  • If you are talking on the phone with a stranger, be sure to address him on "you"
  • When you call, be sure to say hello and introduce yourself. In the process of communication, use only impersonal forms. It is not ethical to address the subscriber with such words as “girl”, “young man”, “woman”
  • Be sure to answer office calls within the first three rings. If you call, it is not customary to wait for a call for more than six rings. Business conversation cannot last more than 5 minutes
  • In the event that you expect a longer conversation, then be sure to ask the subscriber if he has the opportunity to devote 20-30 minutes to you, for example
  • If you are in a restaurant, put your mobile phone in your bag or pocket. Never put it on the table
  • It is not cultural to write messages or “sit” on a social network while communicating with a real interlocutor
  • Never answer someone else's phone

Rules of etiquette for a girl in society

The rules of behavior in society must be observed not only by the girl, but also by all those around her. It is known that society affects the character of a person. Therefore, if you decide to learn good manners, then you cannot part with them in any society, regardless of its level.

A decent girl will not allow herself to “fall on her face in an honest company”, but, on the contrary, will conquer those around her with her manners, appearance and upbringing.

  • Never respond to the greeting "good afternoon" with a short word - "good
    Be discreet, polite and kind
  • When leaving the premises, try to hold the door to the one who follows you.
  • If the rules of etiquette in society allow a girl to be indoors in a hat and gloves, then you must take off winter mittens and a hat
  • The rules of etiquette forbid everyone, without exception, to swear, speak loudly, discuss, laugh and gossip.

Etiquette rules for a girl in a company

Video: How beautiful to communicate? Rules of etiquette

Rules of etiquette for girls with parents

Sooner or later in the life of every girl there comes a moment when a guy introduces her to his parents. This is always exciting for a girl and she tries her best to make the best impression of herself. But don't overdo it!

  • The rules of etiquette recommend that you remain yourself, behave calmly and culturally.
  • Do not show your parents your excitement, but you do not need to hide it by randomly twisting the ring on your finger, straightening your hair
  • At the first meeting, you should not take the initiative of the conversation - behave modestly and correctly, sincerely answer the questions of your parents. Try not to talk about yourself unless you are asked to.
  • Stretch a glass of alcohol at the table for the whole evening and do not fall for the tricks of the future father-in-law to pour alcohol
  • Don't skip treats. Moreover, admire their taste
  • Do not bring any animals as a gift. It is also not customary to give perfume, underwear and cosmetics until you really get acquainted with the taste of your parents.
  • Don't stay up late. When leaving, be sure to invite the groom's parents to visit in return
  • Simplicity and naturalness is the main rule of a modern and properly educated girl. First of all, you need to respect yourself and be yourself. Then you will not have to hide your complexes, laugh out loud in the theater or cinema, avoid communication with your loved ones.
  • Simply, if something surprises you - be surprised, if it pleases you - smile! But for yourself, not for others. Then others will be able to immediately notice this sweet creature, with a bright and clean face, open, kind and well-mannered.

How to learn good manners for a girl?
The rules of social life for a girl

In conclusion, let's list 20 rules of women's etiquette.

  1. Always be neat and tidy
    2. Do not wear more than 13 jewelry, including bright buttons
    3. Avoid talking about money, health, politics and religion at the table
    4. Do not go to visit without a call
    5. Do not dry the umbrella open in the office, at a party or in a restaurant
    6. Do not use plastic bags from the supermarket as a bag
    7. Don't put your bag on your lap or on your chair
    8. Handbag for ladies, not for men
    9. Do not be indoors in a hat and mittens
    10. The man always enters the elevator first, and the one who is closest to the door exits.
    11. Do not discuss people who are not present in the company
    12. Referring to "you" to people over 12 years old
    13. Before you open the door of the room, be sure to knock
    14. Don't put your mobile phone on a table in a public place
    15. Do not write SMS message while talking with a real interlocutor
    16. In a concert hall or cinema, face the seated
    17. You can’t laugh out loud and announce publicly that you are on a diet.
    18. Observe speech etiquette
    19. In a restaurant, the one who says the phrase "I invite you" pays off
    20. Be punctual and open to conversation

Rules of etiquette - how to make an unforgettable impression

In the modern world, not knowing the rules of etiquette means spitting against the wind, putting yourself in an uncomfortable position. Unfortunately, many perceive the observance of certain norms and rules of communication as something shameful, considering this a sign of high-browed aesthetes who are very far from real life. However, these people forget that rude and tactless behavior can cause the same reaction in response.

In fact, the basics of etiquette are quite simple. This is a culture of speech, elementary politeness, a neat appearance and the ability to manage one's emotions. Both apply to both men and women.

  1. If you say the phrase: "I invite you" means you pay. Another wording: "Let's go to a restaurant" - in this case, everyone pays for himself, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, she can agree.
  2. Never do not come to visit without a call. If you are visited unannounced, you can afford to be in a dressing gown and curlers. One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!”. If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."
  3. Don't ask a girl out on a date and, even more so, to communicate like that with her.
  4. Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. In doing so, you show how important the communication device is in your life and how much you are not interested in annoying chatter going on nearby. At any moment, you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again check the feed on Instagram, answer an important call or get distracted to find out what fifteen new levels have come to Angry Birds.
  5. The male never does not carry a women's bag. And he takes a woman's coat only to carry it to the locker room.
  6. Shoes should always be clean.
  7. If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to you person, should say hello and you.
  8. Many people think that you can only eat with chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Unlike women, men can eat sushi with their hands.
  9. Do not talk on the phone. If you're in need of a heart-to-heart conversation, it's best to meet with a friend face to face.
  10. If you have been insulted, you should not respond with similar rudeness, and, moreover, raise your voice to the person who insulted you. Don't get down up to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.
  11. On the street the man should go to the left of the lady. On the right, only military personnel can go, who must be ready to perform a military salute.
  12. Drivers should remember that in cold blood splashing passers-by with mud is blatant incivility.
  13. A woman may keep her hat and gloves on indoors, but no hat and mittens.
  14. Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of the medicine, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor.
  15. Arriving at the cinema, theater, to a concert, you should go to your seats only facing those seated. The man goes first.
  16. The man enters the restaurant always first, the main reason - on this basis, the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the institution, and who will pay. In the case of the arrival of a large company - enters first and pays the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came. But if a porter meets visitors at the entrance, then the man must let the first woman through. Then he finds empty seats.
  17. Never you should not touch a woman without her desire, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her hand above the elbow, except when you help her get into or out of a vehicle, or cross the street.
  18. If someone calls you impolitely (for example: "Hey, you!"), do not respond to this call. However, there is no need to lecture, educate others during a short meeting. It is better to teach an etiquette lesson by your own example.
  19. Golden Rule when using perfume - moderation. If by the evening you smell your perfume, know that everyone else has already suffocated.
  20. A well-mannered man will never allow himself to fail to show his due respect for a woman.
  21. In the presence of a woman, a man smokes only with her permission.
  22. Whoever you are - a director, an academician, an elderly woman or a schoolboy - entering the room, say hello first.
  23. Keep correspondence confidential. Parents should not read letters intended for their children. Spouses should do the same with each other. Anyone who rummages through the pockets of loved ones in search of notes or letters is doing extremely ugly.
  24. Don't try to keep up with fashion. It is better to look not fashionable, but good, than bad.
  25. If after an apology you are forgiven, you should not return to the offensive question again and ask for forgiveness again, just do not repeat such mistakes.
  26. Laughing too loudly, talking too loudly, intently looking at people is offensive.
  27. Don't forget to thank your loved ones people, relatives and friends. Their good deeds and willingness to offer their help is not an obligation, but an expression of feelings worthy of gratitude.

I am very sensitive to the rules of good taste. How to pass a plate. Do not shout from one room to another. Do not open a closed door without knocking. Let the lady go ahead. The purpose of all these countless simple rules is to make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with our parents - this is stupid. I am careful about my manners. It's not some kind of abstraction. It is a language of mutual respect that everyone understands.

American actor Jack Nicholson

In today's world, there are certain things that girls should do not because they want to, but because it is included in the rules of etiquette for normal decent girls.

Probably, men also have to adhere to some patterns in behavior. However, they have more to do with their profession and status. Especially since we are not talking about men at all.

So, let's consider the most important norms and standards, one might even say the dogmas of modern etiquette rules for girls .

Almost always, any decent girl is late for a date with a man. For what? Rather, for prevention, so that the same man does not relax. Indeed, in moments of waiting, a man can be alone with himself, think, reconsider his attitude towards a girl. But long reflections can lead a man to the conclusion that by being late, the girl demonstrates her obvious neglect and disrespect. So you have to be a little late.

On the first date, a decent girl stubbornly refuses to kiss. More precisely, he wants, but in no case does he kiss. After all, everyone knows men's thoughts and words about a decent girl. This is where you have to wait. But everyone is happy: girls flirt, men win.

none decent girl , it is never recognized by what efforts they get beauty. Admitting that she wears contact lenses and dyes her hair is like death.

The rules of etiquette forbid a decent girl to have intimate relationships with a man even on a second date, not to mention the first.

After a date, decent girls will never be the first to call, earlier than 72 hours later. And this is logical, because according to all existing rules, the man calls first, and already an hour after the breakup, but for some reason he did not call.

In this case, there is a variant of further development of events: he got hit by a car, he didn’t like the girl (in this case, it would be better if he got hit by a car), he is overly shy.

It is precisely the third option that provides a decent girl with an excuse and the opportunity to make a call, however, after 72 hours. Moreover, having decided to call, the girl should conduct such a casual conversation, as if she had the wrong number, but since a friend turned up, then you can chat ...

Not one sane modern girl , under no pretext is recognized in the real reason for refusing to go home after work to a man to watch an incredibly exciting film. After all, most often the reason is that she simply did not expect that such an intimate situation could develop tonight. And of course, not prepared properly. It happens like this. But a man can hear a wonderful story on the topic “I won’t go because I want to better understand my feelings.”

And if a man is smart, he will definitely understand everything by the expression of the girl’s eyes, who is not really against watching the movie and even closer communication. Therefore, henceforth, he will try to warn slightly in advance about his plans.
In turn, the girl should show respect for the man. After all, in your relationship you are equal partners.

No need to humiliate and “poke” a man with his nose, like a guilty kitten. This will only lower his self-esteem or provoke a breakup. Unflattering statements about his relatives or friends are also not allowed.

Men like to be admired. Try to make sure that he is sure that he is the best and the only one in your life. He just needs to feel that you love him. However, don't let him relax.