Pulse currents in medicine. Use of pulse current. Action mechanism and effect

IN lately For diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, an intermittent direct current is used in the form of individual jigs (pulses) with pauses between them, the so-called pulse current.

Each impulse is characterized by a certain duration t and the subsequent pause of T 0, constituting together the period T.

Pulse currents are distinguished by:

Low frequency pulse currents in dentistry

Part 1 of 3 - unifying the law of pain. Omoigui suggested that all the pain is caused by inflammation. This is a reasonable hypothesis, given the abundance of studies that bind inflammation with almost every chronic disease. Electrotherapy is a medical practice of using devices for the use of low-frequency bioelectric currents or pulses for stimulating muscles and nerves through conductive electrode pads that help block pain from entering the brain, as well as to increase blood circulation, prevent muscle atrophy and corrected damaged fabric.

  • a) the form of impulses;
  • b) the frequency of the recurrence of pulses per second (expressed in Hertz - Hz);
  • c) the duration of each impulse (expressed in milliseconds - MSEK).

When electroplating, a slow increase in current, causing a gradual change in the concentration of ions in cells, in the conditions of adaptation of the tissue of leader, the non-timber irritation of the nerve endings. There is no contraction of the muscles; If the current includes and turn off quickly, the muscles cuts. This can be explained by some displacement of ions and the lag of diffusion processes in short-term current pulses. The degree of change in the concentration of ions is due to the power of the current and the duration of its impact.

Medical devices for electrotherapy include interference therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, neuromuscular electrical stimulation and percutaneous stimulation of electric nerve. Intensity regulator, pulse frequency and pulse width are all configured, and the set comes with a battery, lead wires and electrodes so that you start.

Intensity regulation, pulse frequency and pulse width All are configured, and 5 wave supply modes are available. Comes with a portable bag, lead wires, electrodes and batteries. Reading can be done using contact pads on the module, or two electrodes can be placed on any part of the body.

Some forms of current pulses applied before different names. For example, intermittent galvanic currentwhich was obtained by incorporating a DC circuit of various kinds of interrupters (manual electro-breaker, a breaker metronometer, etc.). An ice-drying current was known with a number of breaks of 100 per second (with the ratio of the duration of the closure and the duration of the opening 1: 9), which caused the phenomenon of the electric circuit.

The unique design allows you to use it on the table, a cart for therapy installed on the wall or in mobile use. Data for document processing Additional basket allows you to store space allows you to add additional channels. Horizontal design provides improved ergonomic landing on the user's belt, the conductor connector is not designed to disconnect from the device, and the folding control panel and the lid of the battery compartment reduce the loss or damage to the lids.

Comes with wire, electrodes and batteries. Comes complete with carrying bag, lead wires, electrodes and batteries. With separate intensity regulators for each channel and fully adjustable parameters, patients can easily adjust their electrotherapy. Patients can simultaneously treat large areas or several sections of treatment.

The pharadic current obtained from the induction coil, with the pulse frequency of 60-80 per second and the duration of the irrigation pulse of 1-2 ms are widely used. (Application of the pharadic current with therapeutic goal Wears title faradization.) Since the pharadical current is able to cause a long-term ("Tetanic" skeletal muscle ("Tetanic") reduction to the muscle fatigue and ultimately to its atrophy, for the electrostimulation of the muscles, they were offered to use periodic currents of current, the so-called rhythmic pharaduation, which causes alternately reduction and Muscle relaxation.

Choose from eight pre-programmed therapies based on clinical studies, as well as three types of stimulation. Choose from lightly portable device or package inductive coil for deeper penetration.

  • Uses pulsating and continuous shortwave diathermy.
  • Produces soothing heat for large muscle areas.
  • Penetrates deeper than ultrasound.
  • No need to isolate.
It should be used by the clinician.

This portable design allows you to transfer it to a patient or keep it in the clinic. It is easy to use and works within a few minutes. Moreover, its advanced operating system provides a full range of Therapy no matter where you use it! You can choose between several amplitude modulation options. Interference and pre-modulated modes provide frequency modulation, as well as a static frequency option.

Currently, mainly apply next species Current pulses different in shape, duration and frequency.

1. Current with pulses rectangular shape. Duration of each pulse 0.1-1 MSEK at a frequency of 10-100 Hz. This type of current enhances the brake processes in the central nervous system and is used to obtain a condition similar to physiological sleep (Electroson).

Diseases that prevent current treatment

Provides a large coverage area perfect for people with sensitive skin Provides coverage of hard-to-reach places for therapy. A unique double peak signal helps increase the flow of oxygen and blood circulation. Causes elevated bloodstream in patients with neuropathy to reduce the symptoms. Provides electrical pulses through a comfortable nylon, silver conductive clothing.

  • Breathable, lungs and stretching with the body.
  • Made of highly conductive silver, woven into the fiber of clothes.
  • Available in the form of sock, gloves or sleeves.
  • Reduces symptoms of pain, burning or numbness.
These electrotherapy pads must withstand up to 30 uses each until they are used properly.

The power supply apparatus is a pulse generator using an electron-parameter diagram. Electrodes are superimposed on the orphanage and maternity processes. This type of treatment with protective braking is used for some mental diseases, as well as in diseases associated with violation of the function of the corticisceral system ( ulcerative disease Stomach, hypertensive disease).

Equipment and general instructions on the implementation of procedures

These electropades are gel pillows that help prevent mess with conductive gel. Electrodes are sealed in a bag with an opening protection. The use of this product can reduce pain and promote return to conventional routine.

The interface managed by the menu, intuitively grows and displays the clinical protocols. It offers a wide range of treatment options in one user-friendly ergonomic design. 4 electrode channels can be used in combination with ultrasound or completely independent.

  • Parameters can be easily selected and configured.
  • Favorite functions store custom protocols for future use.
This allows patients to be treated with proper quantity. need careusing a premium electrode.

2. The tetanizing current is characterized by a triangular form of pulses. Duration of each pulse 1-1 1/2 ms, frequency of 100 Hz.

The source of this current form is the devices with electron-via schemes.

The Tetanizing Current causes a long reduction in transverse muscles, and it is used for electrogyamnascular - muscle exercise with the impaired function.

It is equipped with highly conductive gaskets that provide patients. a large number of Dispersion. These pads are pre-combined so that users do not get confused when setting up for treatment. Four sets of electrodes are sealed in protective bag With autopsy protection. It provides electrical stimulation and soft compression for the treatment of pain pain. These pain and pain are usually caused by sports, exercise and normal work and home affairs. This device is easy to use and has a total of eight pre-installed programs that allow patients to customize their therapy.

3. The exponential current (lark current) has a hollow rising curve), resembling the form of nerve action currents during its irritation. Pulse duration from 1.6 to 60 ms. The pulse frequency can be changed. Depending on the degree of damage, the muscles choose and the corresponding exponential current. To obtain a reduction rhythm - muscle relaxation uses the so-called modulator. The advantage of the exponential form of current is that it can cause motor reaction And more deeply affected muscles, when the Tetanizing current does not. This current form is used to stimulate muscles.

The system includes a device, wires, four self-adhesive reusable electrodes, a 9-volt battery, caides for carrying and manual. This is a fully portable digital muscle stimulator, which is equipped with a patient matching meter, three modes and protective amplitude lid.

Electrotherapy is provided through units sold separately. It is easy to achieve the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe body, just putting on the piece of clothing, even with sweaty. Includes a device, caides for carrying, battery, wires, instructions and electrodes. The features of the two-channel isolated channels with a two-phase yield adjustable pulse and pulse frequency 8 is a discharge microcontroller controls the frequency, intensity, duration and modulation of pulses.

  • Uses splash, continuity and modulation modes.
  • Adjustable timer and slide lid protect against random changes.
Excellent electrotherapy conductive braces provide compression and support for heat from soft neoprene wrappers for various treatment areas, such as wrists, knees, top part Spins and elbows.

The source of pulse currents is the AFM device. It consists of a short-term pulse generator, pulse modulator and a modulating cascade transformer. In addition to the tetanizing and exponential forms of current, the apparatus can be used to treat continuous direct current (galvanization) and rhythmic galvanization.

Built-in silver mesh electrodes provide excellent contact and conductivity from any device for stimulation used in electrical therapy. Many users consider them more comfortable and are worn to treat under clothing. Electrodes support contact even with sweating or movement, allowing the carrier to easily apply without assistance and wear throughout the day.

Diadens PKM - Universal Apparatus for the whole family

Made to work with your device and increasing independence from help. In size Measure the waist circle. Electric stimulator aims muscles improves blood circulation to reduce swelling. Helps reduce lower back pain due to muscular tension from exercise or rehabilitation. Square, double-sided electrodes are superior to conduction and durability. Includes an adjustable neoprene belt with one size, with the storage of lead wire.

  • Adjustable settings for individual treatment.
  • Comes with a rigid plastic housing to protect the equipment.
  • Helps to treat muscle spasms, muscle atrophy and traffic violation.
  • Latex-free belt accommodates up to 40 inches.
Additional advantages of compression and support are combined with ease and ease of use.

The ACM apparatus is used for electrical stimulation (electrogymannascular) of muscles in violation of their contractile ability. Rhythmic electrostimulation improves blood supply and trophic of the neuromuscular apparatus, contributes to an increase in the volume and improvement of muscle performance, restoring the conductivity of nerve elements, favorably affects the regeneration of nerve fibers, thereby speeding up the restoration of the function of the affected muscle.

Believe to those sites of the bottom of the back, which is difficult to get with the help of conventional electrodes. Especially effective when storing electrodes during loss. The manual electric unit of muscle stimulation ensures the final recovery of pain in the muscles. wavelength forms to the best way Clear dairy waste without causing fatigue.

  • Two sets provide the frequency needed to restore.
  • The unit can be used in the office, on the road or in the patient at home.
  • Complete packaging includes electrodes, lead wires and a portable bag.
Products are not available for international sales, and international applications are not accepted.

Electrostimulation is used in the lesions of the peripheral motor neuron (residual phenomena after transferred polio, neurutity of the facial nerve, traumatic neurites, secondary atrophies and paresis developed in connection with long-term inaction of muscles, functional paralymps). In order to enhance the function of smooth muscles, electrostimulation is shown, for example, in atony of the stomach, intestines, bladder.

Physical bases of low-frequency electrotherapy

Only 3 and 5 channel devices are available.

  • Simplified, easy to use systems.
  • Convenient software and interface.
  • Enlighten patients with onboard library.
  • Create on the basis of systems required for medicines.
  • Configure functions and treatment plans.
  • Provides comfortable warmth in the larger area of \u200b\u200bmuscle tissues.
  • Offers a wide range of treatment options.
  • The kit includes applicators, drum handle and trolley.
  • Continuous and impulse shortwave diathermy.
  • Wide range of applications.
  • Highly efficient multipurpose levers.
  • Timer processing with automatic shutdown.
  • Easy to manage and read.
Applying soft electrical impulses to the body in the assortment of methods and means, electrotherapy is an innovative health carewhich many practices and recommend medical workers around the world.

Physical bases of low-frequency electrotherapy

Laboratory work №№ 14, 15


1. Remizov A.N. Medical and biological physics, "Higher School". M., 1987, ch. 15, 18, and 19.

2. Livent residents N.M. Course of physics, "Higher School". M., 1978, ch. 6, 27, 28.

3. Gubanov N.I., Uptbergenov A.A. Medical biophysics, "medicine". M., 1978, ch. nine.

Action mechanism and effect

Although the widespread definition of electrotherapy may include more active treatment, such as laser therapy or brain stimulation for neurological diseases, this term is most often applied to special electrotherapy devices that are used for outpatient or rehabilitation care or for devices that the patient can be used at home.

The most commonly used electrotherapy devices include configurations for carrying out therapeutic ultrasound, diathermy, interference therapy, neuromuscular electrical stimulation and percutaneous stimulation of electric nerve. Each unique electrotherapy device stimulates healing in a certain way, with general qualities that include expanded healing and repair, improved circulation, faster and efficient impact of pain, the best range of motion and an increase in muscle strength and tone.

4. Medizinische Physik (Physik Fur Mediziner, Pharmazeten und Biologen). SPRINGER - VERLAG WIEN NEW YORK. 1992.

Control questions

1. What is electric current? The conditions for its existence.

2. Ohmos law for the chain section. Ohm law for full chain.

3. What is the current density? How is it located?

4. What is the impulse, pulse current?

5. Name the main characteristics of the pulse, pulse current.

6. Give the definition alternating current. Write down the sinusoidal current equation.

7. Electrolite as an electric current conductor.

8. What does the conductivity of the electrolyte depend on?

9. What is electric container? What does it depend on?

10. What are the capacitive properties of biological tissues?

11. How do the capacitive properties of tissues on the passage of pulse current?

12. What is the impedance in the AC circuit?

13. What does the electrical conductivity of biological tissues depend on?

14. Equivalent electrical diagram of biological tissues (with explanations).

15. How does the capacitive resistance depend on the AC frequency?

16. Law of Joule-Lenza.

17. Can devices for low-frequency electrotherapy be used to warm the biological tissues (the answer to substantiate using the relevant laws).

Brief theory

An irritation of a certain character and force in the majority of organs and tissues causes the same reaction as natural excitement. In addition, this impact can be strictly dosed both by strength and time. It is widely used in physiology and medicine. In physiology when studying excitability various organs and fabrics, mostly nervous and muscle, in medicine - with insufficiency or violation of the natural function of certain organs and systems.

Using an irritant electric current to change functional state Cells, organs and tissues are called electrical stimulation.

The result of the AC action on a living biological tissue depends not only on its amplitude values, but also on the frequency, shape and duration of pulses. So at high frequencies (500 kHz and more), the electric current has mainly thermal effect, and at low and sound - annoying.

To discuss this issue, we must remember that biological tissue has a property of both the conductor and a dielectric. The irritant effect of the electric current is the movement of charged particles of tissue electrolytes (shifting and conductivity currents arise). At the same time, the movement of free ions located outside the cell is not limited. Free ions inside the cell medium can move only in the volume of limited plasma membrane. Displacement of related charges, under action electric fieldlimited by the size of an atom or molecule.

Experience shows that the constant current in the permissible limits of an irritant action on the body fabric does not have. Irritation occurs only when the current is changed, and the force of irritation depends on speed This change and its instantaneous values \u200b\u200b(the law of Dubois-Rimon).

And if the current is the charge passing through the cross section of the conductor per unit time,

this changing current can be represented by the expression:

Consequently, the irritating effect of electric current on biological tissue can be associated with an accelerated movement of infected particles under the action of an electric field.

In practice, electrical impulses are used for these purposes (short-term effect of current or voltage). (*) In this case, the impact is carried out both single and repeated pulses - pulsed current. It is experimentally established that at the time of the closure of the electrical circuit (permanent or impulse currents), the largest irritant effect occurs at a negative electrode (cathode), and the smallest - at a positive (anode). This is due to a decrease in cell excitability threshold. Therefore, with electrical stimulation by pulsed currents, the cathode is considered an active electrode.

(*) Electrical pulses are short-term changes in current or voltage cylinders.General form electric impulse Presented in Fig. 1a, rectangular pulse - in fig. 1b. The characteristics of the pulse are: 1-2 - front front, 2-3 - vertex, 3-4 - slice (rear front). In fig. 1a marked: TF - the duration of the front front of the pulse; TI - pulse duration; TSR - the rear edge duration. The ratio of changes in voltage or current to the time for which this change occurred

tF \u003d 0.8 Umax / TF or (3)

dU / DT \u003d (0.9UMAX - 0.1UMAX) /tSR \u003d 0.8 Umax /tSR,

called the steep edge of the pulse. As it is easy to see, the rate of increases (steepness) of the front front of the rectangular pulse (Fig. 1b) is maximal (in the ideal case, it is infinitely important).

Irritant Pulse is closely related to their characteristic. According to the law of Dubois Rimon, an irritating action of a single pulse depends on the rate of increasing its instantaneous values, i.e. from the steepness of its front edge. This dependence is associated with accommodation - The ability of excitation tissues to increase their excitation threshold (adapt) to the increasing force of an irritant factor. It is expressed in reduction The threshold of tangible current (I P) with an increase in the steepness of the front front of a single sufficiently long pulse. Thus, a current pulse should have the greatest irritant ability, the front front of which has maximum speed increment, i.e. The pulse of the rectangular shape, the smallest - linearly increasing current. In other words, the threshold current for the rectangular pulse is lower than for pulses of any other shape (Fig. 1b and Fig. 2).


0.9Umax U, I.


1 TF 2 3 TSR 4 T TI T


The minimum inclination angle () of a linear increase current current, which is still able to cause the excitation process, received the name of the critical angle of inclination or a minimum gradient. It reflects the speed of current change and is determined in units reobe / C. or ma / S..

The fact of the lack of irritation, with slowly increasing in the time of the action of the irritant, is due to the fact that in the membranes of cells of excitable tissues, the phospholipid formations are restructuring, leading to the appearance of sodium inactivation, i.e. closing sodium channels.



Fig. 2. Current threshold force at different rates of increasing the front edge of the linear increases. The smallest threshold for the front edge of the rectangular pulse is a digit 1.

The process of sodium inactivation without preliminary sodium activation, aimed against the emergence of the excitation process, with slowly increasing the strength of the stimulus, was called "Accommodation".

The faster the accommodation occurs, the greater the angle () of the critical inclination (Fig. 2) and, on the contrary, at a slow reaction of cells - the angle () is small. Normally, the nervous fabric has the property of a quick accommodation, a relatively slow accommodation has a smooth muscles. It should be noted that the ability to accommodate in excitable tissues depends on their functional state. So in pathologically modified muscle tissue, the speed of sodium inactivation is reduced. For them, current pulses with the corresponding nature of the cell reaction are gradually increasing the front edge (the growth of the front edge may have a dependence that is different from linear, for example, exponential), will be more physiological during electrical stroitations.

Action on the tissue of rhythmically repeated impulses is called frequency irritation. It allows you to identify the ability of the tissue to produce an optimal reaction to the action of an irritant factor under certain limits of the frequency of its repetition. This ability is called N.E. Introduced lability or functional mobility. The determination of lability is carried out by observing the nature of the reaction at different frequency of irritating pulses.

When electrical stimulation, as therapeutic methodMore often used frequency irritation with pulses in the form of parcels various durability With pauses for recreation. However, so that the procedure does not harm and had good effectThe characteristics of the pulses are such as: amplitude, duration, frequency and shape must correspond to the state of the tissues. For example, for the affected muscles of the musculoskeletal system "Physiological" will be longer pulses with a gradually increasing front front and a much lower frequency than for healthy. The identification of this important conformity is carried out using electrodiagnostics. In electrodiagnosis, the nature of the tissue reaction on electrical irritation with various parameters (single pulses of different duration and shape, rhythmic irritation of various frequencies, etc.) is investigated. It is possible to simultaneously establish the cause and degree of their defeat. The parameters of pulses or pulse current giving an optimal reaction to irritation are then used to conduct therapeutic procedures.

To avoid chemical burn Electrostimulation is carried out with the help of electrodes superimposed on the body with a gasket moistened with isotonic solution (0.9% NaCl). In this case, the active electrode has a small area (point electrode), which allows you to focus the irritant effect of the current in small areas of the body, the irritation of which is most effectively in this case (Points in which nerve fibers are located close to the surface of the body, the point of occurrence of the nerve fiber in the muscle, etc.).

Pulsed current used during electrical stimulation

Electrostimulation (pacemaker, stimulation of the musculoskeletal system, etc.) in its direct purpose is one of the direction of use of pulsed currents. However, in modern electrotherapy, impulse currents are widely used in the treatment nerve diseases, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, during peripheral circulation disorders, pain syndromes etc. For these purposes other than those considered simple forms The pulses (Fig. 3) are used with a sinusoidal-pulse current of low frequency (sometimes called diadinamic) (Fig. 4), sinusoidally modulated audio frequency current and modulated ultrasonic frequency current.

In fig. 3 shows some pulse current graphs used in electrical stimulation of the central nervous system and muscles.


The sinusoidal-modulated current is a carrier - alternating or straightened audio current (4000 - 5000 Hz) or ultrasonic frequency modulated by amplitude frequency from 30 to 150Hz (Fig. 5).

To obtain a sinusoidal modulated sound frequency current, special devices like "amplipuls" are used.

The use of modulated high-frequency currents in the amplipuls apparatus is due to high resistance of live fabric (especially skin) low frequency currents. Due to the use of high-frequency current, it, with a minor resistance from the skin, deeply penetrates the tissue (capacitive properties). An irritating effect at the same time has its low-frequency modulating component. In amplipulse therapy devices there are four frequencies of amplitude modulation of carrier: 30, 50, 100 and 150Hz.

To reduce the adaptation phenomenon and thereby increasing the efficiency of the impact resort to automatic alternation of modulated oscillations with pauses, modulated and non-modulated oscillations, alternating 2 different modulating frequencies. When using a straightened current (see Fig. 5), the electrostimulating effect can be simultaneously accompanying therapeutic electrophoresis. In addition, the stepwise change in the device for modulation depth of carrier from 0 to\u003e 100% allows you to change the effect of exposure to biological tissue and thereby manage the treatment process.

In the "Spark" devices, the carrier has an ultrasound frequency (~ 110kHz and more), and the modulation is carried out by a low frequency current not sinusoidal shape (Fig. 10).

Despite the fact that the "Spark" apparatus uses a high-frequency carrier that this method can also be attributed to low-frequency electrotherapy, since the high frequency current flowing into the patient's circuit (~ 20 mk), cannot be called a noticeable thermal effect (see the Joule-Lenza law ).

Laboratory work number 14.