The child is 3 months old there is no chair 4 days. Other pathological causes. Incorrect nutrition of a nursing mother

Each mother, carefully follows the state of health of his child, can instantly notice changes in its body. Noticing the absence of regular emptying of the intestine or a change in the qualitative or quantitative composition of the feces, the parents are alened and hurry to give the baby. But you should not immediately resort to medication, if there is no sharp need. To begin with, it is important to understand the situation and find out the reasons that led to the disorder of defecation in small children.

Does it constor?

Not every episode of the absence of a chair in a baby can be viewed as constipation. It is believed that the newborn first months of life normally can empty about as many times as feedings. Normal is also considered if the number of acts of defecation is 1-2 times a day. In children who are on natural feeding, Mother's milk can be so good to absorb that they just do not just.

In one year old kids, the chair should be at least once a day.

At the same time, it is necessary to navigate not so much on the number of emptying, as for the general condition of the child. If there is no chair for a newborn during the day, but it feels good, it eats normally and sleeps, adds in weight, there are no reasons for concern.

It should also be paid to the appearance and smell of feces. Children eating exclusively maternal milk have a stool of yellow with a characteristic dairy smell. In children who are on artificial feeding, a stool is more dense, the color is closer to brown, has a sharper smell. If the baby has already begun to receive lures, it is inevitably reflected on the quality of the chair. In this case, the color and consistency of the feces become close to adult.

The constipation is accompanied by a deterioration in the overall state of the baby and is manifested by the following features:

  1. The chair is missing during the day and more.
  2. The child is worried, often crying.
  3. Kid eats badly, after eating begins to cry
  4. In the absence of a chair in children, a dream is disturbed due to pain and bloating.
  5. When taking a tummy, the tummy is detected, the stomach is hard, the baby behaves restlessly when ticking the belly.
  6. To shock, the baby has to be very busy, his face becomes red, he fell into the tummy, while grinding and crying.
  7. If the child succeeded to shock, the feces have the kind of peas or pebbles, dark color, unpleasant odor. Sometimes it is possible to see the streams of blood on feces, due to the damage to the solid paths of the mucous membrane.
  8. There is no complete emptying of the intestine, the infants cooks small portions and with great difficulty.

The condition cannot be left without attention, since the late emptying of the intestinal tract harms the health of the newborn. With the stitching masses, the suction of harmful substances and toxins into the blood occurs. This causes intoxication of the whole organism.

Often, children suffering from constipation are afraid to empty and specially delayed the calm in the body. This happens as a result of painful attempts to show. After having experienced a strong pain in the back pass, the kids are afraid to empty in the future, and the so-called "closed circle" is formed. This condition is very dangerous, and the infant is required to overcome the psychological barrier. Sometimes without the help of a specialist can not do.

Why no stool?

Before proceeding with active actions to eliminate the problem, let's deal with why the newborn has no stool. Many reasons can lead to constipation, which are divided into several groups by origin.

Incorrect nutrition of a nursing mother.

What feeds the nursing mother inevitably affects the composition of milk. The constipation in the newborn can be caused by the wrong and unbalanced mother's nutrition. It may occur when excessive eating meat, white bread, baking, sweets, tea and coffee. Nursing mom should have more vegetables and fruits, vegetable soups should be present in the daily diet or on broth from low-fat varieties of meat. Mom must drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. Coffee and tea in the first months of life baby is better to exclude at all. Of the sweets, give preference to dried fruits (smoking, prunes, raisins). Instead of solid milk, eat fermented dairy products.

Insufficient amount of fluid in the child's body.

The absence of a chair in children can be caused by the insufficient flow of fluid into the body. If the newborn is on breastfeeding and gets the chest on demand, then this reason is excluded. With Mother's Mother's Mother, the infants receives a sufficient amount of liquid and nutrients. Before the introduction of the feeding is dope with water of infants.

With "artificials" the situation is a bit different. Daily such babies need to be pouring room temperature with a spoon or through a bottle. No need to boil! When boiling water loses minerals involved in the regulation of the water balance in the body. It is best to buy special children's water in a pharmacy or store. Today it is available absolutely to everyone.

After the child began to get the lure, it is necessary to gradually enter and drinks in its menu. Water should be given daily, and useful to introduce juices and compotes. For the normalization of digestion and for prevention of constipation, carrot and pumpkin juice are perfectly suitable. Perfectly cope with the problem of compote, cooked from the raisin and the Kuragi, without adding sugar.

Congenital diseases in children.

If the constituals appeared in the first months of life, and the reason is not possible, probably the problem is in the body of the infant. This happens with some congenital intestinal diseases.

Girshprung disease is a diseased intestine disease, which is based on a violation of the innervation of individual sections of the intestine. As a result, children violates the natural intestinal motions, which contribute to the promotion of the carte masses and the conclusion of them from the body. There are frequent constipation and intoxication of the body.

Dolichosigma - the intestinal disease, in which the sigmoid gut has longer dimensions than normal. The intestine forms numerous loops, which are superimposed on each other, making it difficult to promote feces. The newborn has constant constipation.

Diseases are dangerous to the health and life of the infant and require timely diagnosis and treatment in a medical institution. If you do not have qualified assistance in time with sick children, complications may result in death.

Incorrect administration of dust.

Often the cause of constipation can be untimely or incorrect administration of lure. Previously, it was recommended to begin to introduce juices and yolks from monthly age. Now they moved away from it. Pediatricians are not recommended to introduce lures up to 6 months if the newborn receives maternal milk and adds well in weight.

You need to enter the feed according to the rules. Start with one teaspoon and gradually increase. Only porridge should not be applied as feeding. It should be vegetable and fruit purees, juices, baby cookies, porridge on the croups and vegetable soups. With eight months you need to introduce meat products.

Change the mixture.

It happens that it is necessary to translate a newborn to another mixture. If the mixture does not fit the child, constipation may occur. The choice of the mixture must be coordinated with the doctor. It is better to make a choice in favor of fermented milk mixtures. Prepare the mixture is necessary strictly with the instructions, without reducing and without increasing the amount of fluid.

A single dose of the mixture is prepared in an amount corresponding to the child's age.

Reception of drugs.

Popps can be a reaction of a children's body into drugs. Often this phenomenon is observed when taking antibiotics. In this case, it is necessary to make probiotics normalizing microflora together with antibacterial drugs.

Stressful states of the kid.

Young children also have the ability to experience stress, which can lead to the appearance of constipation. The most common reason is the fear of the defecation, which was mentioned above.

What to do parents?

What to do if the baby can not shock? First of all, to exclude intestinal diseases. If, in the study, innate diseases are not detected, then parents need to eliminate the external causes leading to frequent constipation.

  1. Mom must adjust its own diet, including plant fibers and the required amount of fluid in the daily diet. Eliminate fatty foods, tea, coffee, alcohol.
  2. Daily make a newborn massage of the abdomen and laid out on the tummy to stimulate the peristalsis. Also useful from an early age to make gymnastics and not limit the motor activity of children. If the baby wants to crawl, then let it do it. No need to plant it in a playpen or walkers.
  3. Strictly observe the rules of feeding, drink a sufficient amount of liquid and mom and infant.
  4. If the above recommendations turned out to be ineffective, you should consult a doctor for prescribing medicines (candles, laxatives).

Do not use "Babushkina" methods aimed at irritating the colon of foreign objects (a piece of soap, cotton wands, enemas, etc.). The use of these methods is dangerous damage to the gum mucosa and threatens with severe complications.

The enema is the last way to deal with constipation. Assign the procedure should be a doctor, but to make the enema better to entrust the medical sister.

Those parents who had to face constipation in a newborn will agree that this condition is very inhibited not only the baby, but also themselves. Normally, the toddle must be regular and not to cause any concerns, but it does not always happen. We will give you some tips to help cope with this problem and may even prevent its appearance in the future.

To begin with, we will understand whether the baby really worries constipation. Next, we will consider the causes of problems with the chair and the dangers that they are taiting. And finally, we'll figure it out what to do if a newborn or baby constipation.

What features to determine the constipation of the child?

  • The kid cracks and stuck with legs, while his face blushes from obvious waiting effort.
  • Check all baby feces. If you have noticed that the toddler's chair resembles solid moisture balls, merging together, then this is a clear constipation.
  • Under normal conditions, the newborn should go to the toilet "in large" no less than once a day. Each toddler is individual, so this indicator can vary slightly. Some children have a chair 6 times a day, from others - once every 2 days ... But remember, as a rule, if more than three days have passed and there is no result, it indicates constipation.
  • Pay attention to the slightest blood traces on the diaper or in a chair. The walls of the rectum in the newborn are very sensitive, so solid mass can lead to a small break. It is also a direct sign of intestinal emptying problems.

What is dangerous chairs for a newborn?

  1. Constant bouts of constipation can lead to complications. For example, anal cracks or hemorrhoids may appear due to the sphincter permanent load. To remove the anal breaks may need a surgical procedure.
  2. If the baby will be very much, it can lead to the deposit of the rectum. This is when a small part of the intestinal mucous membrane becomes visible from the anus of the child.
  3. Chronic constipation can lead to incontinence of feces, rectal hernia and bleeding.

Why do newborns worry constant chairs?

  • Transition from breast milk to the mixture. Changing the method of feeding the baby can lead to a violation of the operation of the digestive system.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • A child may not fit an artificial mixture for feeding. Some mixtures are better absorbed than others. All this is individually, so discuss this problem with a pediatrician and ask the Council, which mixture is worth going in your case.
  • Some mixtures may contain vitamin additives, in particular, iron that can contribute to the appearance of constipation. The transition to the mixture with a lower iron content will help solve the problem. But it is better to consult your doctor before that.
  • Nursing mom does not control its diet. Excessive use of whole milk, rice, cheese, bananas, nuts, meat, flour products, cocoa and coffee can lead to problems with a chair at the kid.
  • The baby on breastfeeding may suffer from constipation due to the reception of the mother of medicines, such as but-shap, papaverine, iron preparations, drootserin, diuretic products, sorbents and others.
  • Violation in the intestinal microflora balance. This condition may arise due to the reception of the mother of antibacterial drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The kids who did not put to the chest immediately after birth, quite often suffer from constipation.
  • The kid who is on artificial feeding must necessarily drink water.

How to help baby?

  1. Determine the reason for the rest of the newborn and eliminate it.
  2. To facilitate the status with the baby, you can do the exercise "bike". Put the crumb on the back, shake hands behind his feet and move your baby's legs, as if it rides a bike.
  3. Warm bath will help the child to relax and clean the intestine.
  4. Make a newborn easy massage tummy clockwise.
  5. Use glycerol candles and enema with warm water, but only after consulting a pediatrician.
  6. If the constipation is tormented by the baby, but the chair is not solid, then you can undergo a course of treatment with Duhalak. Dose and rate duration Discuss with your doctor. Usually it is drinking for about 10 days.

Important! This article contains information of only a general nature and is not intended to replace consultation from a qualified specialist.

The character of the chair in the infants vary from the child to the child just like adults. What is normal for your child, may differ from what is normal for the other. Most children poop 1 or 2 times a day. Other kids can pass from 2 to 3 days or more before the normal chair appears.

The functioning of the intestine will be strongly changed during the life of the child. At times, these changes may indicate that the baby is constipated.

Constipation is the condition of the body when the chair is not so regular as usual. Cal abundant, and walk to the toilet - hurt. Sometimes a chair can be loose, but it can also mean constipation in infants.

A child who consumes extremely breast milk, can not be determined every day. Often, almost all nutrients are absorbed. It is very common. Children who are fed with milk mixtures can have up to three - four feces per day.

Nevertheless, the normal intestinal movement (peristalistic) in healthy children varies greatly. It depends on the type of milk, from the introduction of coarse fibers and from what specific products are consumed.

Understanding possible signs of constipation can help parents detect a potential threat to its occurrence before the difficulties with emptying become a big problem.

Baby constipation can be determined by several symptoms:

You can pay attention that the child crosses the legs, grimaches, pulls out, squeezing the buttocks, or spinning on the chair. It may look like a baby trying to empty the intestines, but instead he really tries to keep cals.

If the constipation is not treated, it can worsen and cause various complications. The longer the chair remains inside the sigmoid and rectum, the hardest and land becomes, the harder and most of the intestinal empty. Your child can restrain your chair because of pain. This creates a vicious circle.

Packs in children are usually not a serious state. Nevertheless, chronic constipation can bring to complications or signal the main disease.

Show the child to the doctor if the constipation lasts more than two weeks or there are the following symptoms:

  • loss of body weight;
  • blood in a chair;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting;
  • heat;
  • painful cracks on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass (anal cracks);
  • the intestinal loss from the rear pass (rectal prolapse).

It is impossible to give a baby laxative or suppository, without consulting first with the doctor.

The attending physician to determine constipation, should do the following:

  1. Collect full information about the history of the disease. Specialist asks about past diseases, nutrition and physical condition of the child.
  2. To conduct an inspection, which will most likely include the finger study of the rectum of the child to check whether there is an anomalies of development, cracks or a dense stool. The chair found in the rectum can be checked for blood.

An extensive study is carried out in more severe cases of constipation. Diagnostics consists of several procedures:

Treatment of stakes in infants

Depending on the various factors, the doctor may recommend what to do if the child has constipation. These are procedures or certain drugs.

  1. Preparations with food fibers. If the child does not receive a lot of fiber from its nutrition, adding food additives containing fiber can help. However, the child should drink a large amount of water daily to make these drugs well. Consult your doctor to find out what dose is suitable for the age and body weight of the baby.
  2. Glycerin suppositories Can be used to soften chairs in children. Suppository stimulates the rectum of the child and helps to empty it. Do not apply the candles regularly, because the child will produce a reflex to the act of defecation only after suppositories.

  3. Laxative or enema. If a monthly child has a constipation due to the accumulation of a feces creating a plug, a doctor can offer a laxative or enema to help eliminate a wheelchair. These drugs include polyethylene glycol and mineral oil. Never let the child laxative and do not do the enema without specifying the doctor and instructions for the correct dosage and application.
  4. Hospital enema. Sometimes the infants may have such strong constipation that it should be hospitalized for a short time to get a more solid (siphon) enema that will cleanse the intestine.

How to treat constipation in an infant child at home?

In addition to changes in the diet and mode, various approaches can help eliminate constipation in children at home.

Here are some tips about what can be done when a baby constipped:

In no case do not use soap when constipation. It aggressively acts on the turner's mucous membrane, leading to erosions and local inflammation, which will only aggravate the situation. In addition, soap is mercilessly bakes, causing a strong pain.

If the rear with the child lasts more than two weeks, parents are most likely resorted to medical care. If necessary, crumb will be directed to a digestive disorder (gastroenterologist). He will tell more in more detail how to treat stamp constipation.

Here is a certain information that will help get ready and know what to expect from the doctor.

You can prepare, after performing several important steps:

Write down the questions to ask them to the doctor. There are certain key questions that you should ask your doctor:

  1. What is the most possible reason for the symptoms of my child?
  2. Are there any other reasons?
  3. What studies do you need my child?
  4. How long can it last?
  5. What procedures do you recommend?
  6. How to help newborn during constipation?
  7. Do I need to make changes to the child's diet?
  8. Should we visit another specialist?
  9. What to give baby from constipation?
  10. Are there an alternative to the medicine that you assign?
  11. Is it possible to treat this problem without drugs?

Your doctor can ask a few questions. You must be ready to answer them. Your doctor can clarify the following information:

  1. When did the child first appeared signs of constipation?
  2. Were these symptoms permanent or random?
  3. How serious is the symptoms?
  4. What, in your opinion, improves the condition of the child?
  5. What worsens the state of the kid?
  6. Do you see blood in a chair or on a diaper?
  7. Is the child strains at the act of defecation?
  8. Does the baby have a hereditary predisposition to problems with digestion?
  9. Does the child begun to take any new medicine or changed the dosage of current drugs?
  10. Can you describe the experience of teaching your child to the pot?

Since each child has an intestine job individually, check out the terms of normal facing for the baby. Pay attention to the usual size and sequence of the chair. This will help you and your pediatrician to determine when constipation arises and how serious is the problem.

One of the urgent health issues of the children of the first year of life remains such a problem as constipation in infants. The baby cannot say that it bothers him. And if the course of its physiological processes is not suitable for the concept of "norm", formed on the basis of not always qualitative information, panic begins at the parents. Becoming the victims of advertising and anti-advertising of drugs, moms and dads begin to overweight to treat their child. Do I need to do this in each case? In this article we will talk about how to determine whether there is constipation in the baby or not. For what reasons it can arise, as manifests itself and, most importantly, how to help his miracle.


Greetings all readers of my blog. First of all to talk about constipation in infants, let's find out, kids of what age are related to this category. Breast is considered a child from 29 days of life (from 2 months) up to the year. It is not difficult to understand that such gradation is based on the optimal duration of breastfeeding. It was 12 months that pediatricians advise breastfeeding.

The first year is an incredibly important period in the life of crumbs. He masters so many skills and skills! Gradually finish the formation of all organs and systems of its body, acquiring some stability in work.

Before starting a conversation, I would like to note that the constipation of the infants does not differ fundamentally from the stool delays in the newborn. In general, these problems have the same causes, manifestations and consequences, differing only in small. Treatment is also approximately similar. Therefore, if you have any questions about constipation from the youngest children (first month of life), or you want to clarify something, I advise you to get acquainted yet.

So, your child came out of the age of newborn, he already knows a lot and slowly begins to reflect the world and communicate with him. What is the norm at this age?

By the end of the first month of life, the baby forms a "mature" chair. It is yellowish brown, the consistency of the liquid sour cream (cascidular), with the smell of acidic milk.

The frequency of the chair at heart age is 2-4 times a day at the age of 2 months, 2-3 times a day at the age of 6 months, and by the end of the first year it is cut to 2 times a day. However, these figures are conditional. In the first half a year, before the introduction of dust, the indicator depends on the physiological features of the body of the baby and on the type of feeding (to a greater extent).

If a child eats exclusively milk milk, then for it is the norm of the chair 1 time in 3, 4, even 5 days. Typically, such a system is formed by the third month of life and ends to exist with the first pricing. It is necessary to make a reservation that this situation can be considered only provided that the baby feels good. Under this concept implies the absence:

  • refusal of food;
  • bloating a tummy;
  • anxiety and screaming during the intestinal emptying;
  • long-term outlores that bring discomfort or pain;
  • "Brakes" in the mass set or reducing the latter;
  • symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting, temperature increase, etc.).

Artificial feeding slightly changes the picture of a normal chair. Feling can be more dense, have a more intense smell and color. "Healthy" Frequency of Defecation is at the same time at least 1 time per day. And what is still considering the latency of the chair, how to understand that the constipation is present at the infants?

We know the enemy in the face

How to determine what kind of baby constipation? Excluding various conditions, signs of constipation in infants: Stool delay for longer than 1 day with artificial feeding and 2-3 days with breasts. Calate consistency is either a ball-shaped, solid, or, on the contrary, is very liquid. Often both options are combined: the solid "plug" should be fluid. However, the main criterion for the diagnosis of constipation in an infant is not the frequency of the chair, but the well-being of the baby. If at least one of the signs that were listed above are a reason to worry.

In addition to these, on violations of defecation may indicate signs of inflammation in the field of anal opening, blood in feces and changes in the color of feces. All this is in combination with the gear of the chair.

It must be said that constipation in the infant can be in some kind of physiological and pathological.

Anatomical (mechanical) causes

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the most severe causes of the pathological condition. These include:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dolichocolon and Dolichosigma;
  • girshprung disease.

Each of these diseases carries several subparagraphs:
So, obstruction can be, first, anatomically determined. For example, the presence of a tumor in the intestines (the kids of this problem concerns extremely rarely) or the defect of the development of this body. It should be noted that it is not only about malignant neoplasms, but also about enough "harmless" polyps, diverticulums, the growing of lymphoid tissue.

Secondly, the problem of intestinal invagination is relevant for crumbs. Most often, this disease occurs between the ages of 4 and 9 months. It is characterized by an invasion of one part of the intestine in the lumen of another. Thus, the effect of "disposable cups" inserted one to another is created. In addition, there is such a problem as "breaking of the guts". It is more relevant for children 3-4 years of life, but can meet from 6 months. The kids of the first year of life most often formed due to the presence of hernia of the esophageal hole.

All diseases described lead to a mechanical overlap of the intestine. Thus, Cal is simply not going through the intestinal lumen. All of them are accompanied by the symptoms of the "acute abdomen" - a sharp pain, anxiety, crying, blood in feces, bloody. Require urgent surgical correction.

The second paragraph implies the extension of the colon and the sigmoid intestine, respectively. This means that under its own weight, the intestine works with difficulty. In addition, there is pressure on the rectum. As a result, the cavalous masses also do not pass with due reference.

Other pathological reasons

The third disease in which constipation can occur in infants is a violation of the nervous regulation of the intestine. With this pathology, there are certain sections that are simply not provided by nerve endings. This means that they cannot shrink and relax on time.

The inflammatory process of the intestinal mucosion can be caused with the chair. It develops due to infectious diseases of the intestine, as well as as a result of mechanical injury. For example, when moms, trying to provoke defecation from Chad, "annoying" the intestine of a thermometer, soap and other objects.

The listed factors are not connected with feeding, are not treated with "ordinary" means of disorders of defecation. In these cases, the doctor's consultation and specific treatment under the supervision of specialists are needed.

The following group of reasons is "biochemical". It includes a lack of enzymes, such as lactase or galactase. These substances are responsible for the processing of the most important carbohydrates of milk and dairy products. If they are not, then the milk is simply not digested. As a result, constipation is formed.

It is necessary for proper digestion is a bacterial filling of the intestine. BifiDo and lactobacillia are not only "advertising faces" yogurts and kefirs, but the most important defenders and assistants of the body. Microflora intestines are responsible for a huge number of processes, including proper digestion. Its absence or imbalance - dysbacteriosis - develops for various reasons. Because of the wrong nutrition of the mother or baby, after taking antibiotics with mom (with breastfeeding) or child. These drugs (being necessary in the fight against severe infections!) Can disrupt the balance of microflora. As a result of the low number of necessary microorganisms, constipation can develop in infants.

"Physiological" reasons

By and large, it is impossible to say that the constipation in the infant is the right, healthy. However, there are situations in which this problem is rather an adaptation to the current circumstances. So, the physiological can be called a delay of defecation within 1 day after the introduction of a new dish of the feeding. The body adapts to a new product, configured to work with it.

Some moms note the emergence of problems with the chair after taking the crumb of enterosorbents, including the mixture drug. This is a logical and fast passing side effect. First, they prescribe a medicine is not easy, but to cope with any intestinal problem. The active ingredient collected all toxins from the intestines, and before that the organ was emptied due to diarrhea. Plus a diet adjustment. The gastrointestinal tract is needed "Time-Out", time to relax from shocks. Every day, everything will come to normal.

Stressful situations can also affect the frequency of the chair. These include, for example, fear, lack of sleep, the long road, the appearance in the house of someone else's person (guests). One of the most serious shocks for baby is the beginning of teething. He may be hurt, the temperature rises, the gums are scattered - what is the work of the intestine!

In addition, the kids from 3-4 months of life slowly learn to manipulate their parents. For example, if the crumb sees that straining and groove causes a panic attack at Mom. Mom begins to run around his Chad, in every way to do - pay an increased amount of attention - it will do it specifically.
Nevertheless, with a much greater accuracy of the cause of the stool delay, you can call, knowing the type of chips.

Packs at the kid with breastfeeding

Breast milk is an ideal diet for your crumbs. It contains all the most necessary nutrients for its proper development. Dr. Komarovsky even believes that constipation in infant breastfeeding is mostly invented by mammy-panicers.

The launch of the chair occurs in a child if he simply has nothing to withdraw: Mamino Milk is perfect for its body. If baby:

  • feels great;
  • dials in weight;
  • smiles and rejoices of life;
  • not crying during the act of defecation;
  • but it pokes at this time every 4 days - you should not worry.

However, in some cases, this situation becomes a real problem. The reasons for constipation in infant breastfeeding may be as follows (except those listed in the previous section):

premature childbirth, child's presence (relevant for 2, 3 and 4 months of life. It is believed that it is during this period that they must "catch up" their peers);
enzymatic failure;
Violation of a diet with a nursing mother.

The last reason is the most likely and occurs more often. If the mother eats a lot of cheese, cottage cheese, fresh baking, drinks a lot of coffee and strong tea, then the baby has the risk of constipation above.

In addition, the problem of defecation can develop as a result of the introduction of certain foods. But let's talk about it a little later.

What is considered to be a problem in the baby, who is on the "mother's" diet? The absence of a chair during the week under normal well-being and within 2-3 days in the presence of "Alarm symptoms".

Publika constipation in artificial feeding

Publiking in infant feeding, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is a more serious question.

It may be formed for the following reasons:

  • transition from breastfeeding to artificial;
  • insufficient water;
  • the imbalance of microorganisms in the intestine (this question is very relevant for "artificials", especially those who have not even tried breast milk).

The main thing is probably the cause of stool violations in the crumb on artificial feeding is the wrong selection of the mixture. Despite a very wide range, choose the one that is suitable for your miracle, difficult. There are ordinary, hypoallergenic, therapeutic and preventive. And we do not talk about the abundance of firms producing baby food. Advise what kind of mixture to give preference, the doctor will be able to.

Publik's constipation occurs in the event that the mixture is very well chosen. Then we are talking about the fact that the organism of the crumbs "there is nothing to remove." This is also important only before the introduction of the supplies.

In addition, the intestines are crumb treads on artificial feeding more "lazy". The digestion process is slower (due to this, including such kids are more chubby). And therefore, the latency of the chair can be formed.

It must be said that such kids problems with defecation are formed more often. Their body is a little "lost", it is forced to switch from intensive mode of operation to relaxed. This question is relevant for children of the first 6 months, because After that, the deadline must already be entered. The need for maternal milk is minimized and, most likely, it will disappear at all (or very little will remain). In this connection, there will be a transition to artificial feeding.

Dr. Komarovsky refers constipation in infants with mixed feeding in the same category as in artificial. And it is logical, because such a type of feeding implies the addition of mixtures to breast milk. Thus, if we take the rule that the maternal milk does not provoke the violation of the chair, all problems arise due to the feeding of the mixture.

Constipation when administering

The introduction of new products into the krochi diet is a very responsible moment. So that there are no complications, there are strict rules: how, when, in which sequence to enter the lore. It is important to note that too early introduction of a stranger for the digestive system of food inevitably leads to problems with its digestion. That is why it is not recommended to roam the kids under 5 months. For premature babies and crumbs with a critical body mass deficiency, another option, but only with a pediatrician appointment. This is written in the article about.

We will not delve into the details of this ceremony, and let's talk about those products that can cause constipation in infants.
The most "dangerous" in this respect are meat dishes. Therefore, enter them is especially careful and gradually. Vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, usually do not provoke problems with defecation. Also safe in this regard and porridge. On the contrary, they stimulate digestion, helping such problems to cope.

It should be noted that the confidence of the chair changes with the introduction of krochi. It becomes more "adults" - dense and viscous, darkest. Many parents scares it, and they take such metamorphoses for the stool delay. But it is not worth worrying, it is quite a physiological process.

Children on artificial feeding have a higher risk of constipation during the introduction of dust. This is due to the maximum simplified mixture composition. Especially if we are also a hypoallergenic or healing nutrition. Proteins in such "dishes" are already hydrolyzed in advance. There are no foreign substances that appear in breast milk as a result of the use of various products. This means that the intestines of the cub begins to be lazy, accustomed to working in the plenty. With the introduction of dust, the load increases, but the intestines do not immediately adapt to intensive work. This means that the food will be stated in the intestines, a chair delay can be formed.

Another point is to allocate, disorders of defecation, as a manifestation of an allergic reaction to the feeding product. In this case, the latency of the chair will refer to gastrointestinal (gastrointestinal) symptoms of allergies. In most cases, such manifestations are accompanied by reactions from the skin (for example, rash, redness, itching). In addition, they do not disappear when using laxatives, but they immediately disappear when changing the product.

Often constipation in infants looks like a "cork", followed by a liquid chair. Either, the second option when, after a long delay, unformed feces immediately.

The first usually indicates a violation of defecation due to the intolerance to certain products. The child can shout and cry during a defecation, afraid of this process. For example, with lactase insufficiency, such a variant of the development of events is most likely. Another reason for such behavior of the intestines can be allergic. In this case, you can talk about allergic jackolite. Blood appears in the chair, it is connected with the difficulty of the "traffic jam" by the intestine.

And the second speaks of the inflammatory process in the intestine. In most cases, it is accompanied by a meteorism, bloating, a crop, abdominal pain. Baby becomes restless, crying. However, the act of defecation of discomfort does not deliver. With a greater probability, an infectious disease can be suspected, especially if there are symptoms of intoxication. Often there is a mucus or foam in fence, which also indicates the presence of foreign microorganisms in the intestine.

Liquid constipation is a sufficiently dangerous symptom. On the one hand, this is the indicator of "not physiologicalness" problems - with the body is clearly something wrong. On the other hand, it can cause dehydration of the baby, which entails heavy consequences. Therefore, if you notice the described symptoms, it is important to refer to the pediatrician as soon as possible.

Hungry constipation in infants

The constipation is also possible if the baby simply lacks food. This option is more likely with breastfeeding during the absence of dust. Moma begins to disappear milk, the child is undernourished. Insufficient food of the mother definitely also plays a role in this situation. I simply have nothing to withdraw.

Another reason for the starvation of the child can be the features of the development of nipples at the mother (for example, flat), when the baby cannot "get" from them. Either violation of breastfeeding rules, applying equipment to the chest.

Attention attention to the shortness of the baby weight. In addition, the symptoms of constipation in the infants caused by starvation are as follows:

  • exhaustion (in advanced cases), excessive thinness, absence of folding folds;
  • reduction of physical activity, lethargy;
  • the child does not fall asleep after breastfeeding;
  • the baby does not withstand between feeding more than one and a half hours even at the age when it is time to eat less often;
  • crocha is rare urination.

In this situation, you should go to mixed or artificial feeding.

Green chair in a child

Packs and green stool in infants - an unpleasant situation. It is worth noting that the original feces of Mekonia - green, but he disappears by the first week of the life of the child. And we are talking about breasties - those who are already over the month and older. Therefore, such a situation is definitely not the norm.

Perhaps we are talking about the underdevelopment of the bowel in the child. This problem will manifest as quickly as possible: the baby will not adequately gain weight, other problems will appear.

The cause of such staining can be the fact of use by the mother of the product with a bright green dye. Oddly enough, it can go into breast milk and then even to paint the toddler chair. It should be understood that this dye should be truly diverse, and it does not carry any useful properties, and can only harm. Therefore, nursing women should eliminate such products from the diet.

In the green color of the chair is painted in the presence of an intestinal infection. The accompanying symptoms will increase temperature, vomiting, weakness, hydrinated. The most likely reasons for such a "color" are dysbacteriosis and inflammatory intestinal process. In this case, the correction of the mother's nutrition is help, if it feeds the breast. Perhaps the baby is not suitable for the mixture, or too early entered.

It is impossible to "guess" the reason: the doctor's appeal is necessary!

Treatment of stakes in infants

And yet, if the baby constipped - what to do? To begin with, we describe general recommendations, and then imagine specific methods of therapy suitable with each of the types of feeding. In addition, we will try to find out if the use of those methods that are considered traditional are possible.

General treatments

The most first action that needs to be taken to parents, if there is a bail batch - to consult the pediatrician. Remember, the intervention in the body of the kid "inexperienced hands" can lead to serious consequences! However, some measures can be taken independently if there is no possibility to make an appointment immediately.

Publik's constipation: what to do, how to help a little? A good not medication is a tummy massage. The rules for its conduct do not differ from those in newborns, but movements can be slightly more intense. Mandatory and gymnastics - flexion and extension of the toddler legs in the hip joints. Do this need not less than an hour after eating.

If these methods do not help, it is worth resorting to medication treatment. The pharmacological market is replete with drugs, but remember: not all means are good. Those methods and drugs that are suitable for adults, kids can be strictly setting contraindicated.

You can not use a single systemic laxative from constipation for infants: no drops nor dissolved in a mixture of tablets, no syrups - without instructions of the doctor! First, the drug can harm the child: the development of any complications, from innocuous dysbiosis to hepatic insufficiency. Secondly, the improper selection of the laxative can lead to aggravation of defecation delay. Often develops athi (relaxation) of the intestine, which is then very difficult to treat.

Dr. Komarovsky, speaking about how to save crumb from constipation, mentions only two medicines. The first is glycerin candles. Candles from constipation (for example, Glycelax) contribute to slip mass in the intestine, which greatly facilitates the defecation process. As a second, universal agent, the pediatrician calls lactulose syrup. Representative of the line is Duhalak. It contributes to the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. In prophylactic purposes it is necessary to give it when moving from breastfeeding to artificial, when changing the mixture, the introduction of the feeding. Also after receiving any medicines, especially antibiotics.

What to give a crumb when delayed defecation yet? A good medicine from constipation is microclisms of microlax, which have a soft enveloping and moisturizing effect. There are no means of treating stool disorders as such, however, they contribute to the growth of the normal intestinal microflora of Bifidumbacterin and Linex.

Treatment of breastfeeding constipation

Despite the fact that rare stakes in breastfeeding breastfeeding, treatment is necessary in special cases. Among the measures:

  • the adjustment of the diet of a nursing mother (it is also similar to what is recommended for newborn children, but the caloric content of food should be higher, because the older baby, the greater the nutrients they need it);
  • transition to artificial or mixed feeding (for the prevention of hungry constipation, with the use of the mother of antibiotics and other medicines).

Treatment of constipation in artificial feeding

First you need to try to change the brand of the mixture. If this did not bring results, you can translate the baby, after consulting the pediatrician, for fermented milk powder. A good embodiment is the use of a hypoallergenic mixture.

Mandatory, strict condition is a sufficient amount of liquid! You can safely walk the baby with water, starting from the age of 2 months, from the bottle - as much as he wants. This is especially important if there is a liquid constipation for the prevention of dehydration.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are inflicted with breast babies! And no matter how convincing the arguments that "grandmothers were treated", "but however earlier", "and harmful medicines" - they do not work. Previously, life expectancy was smaller, and child mortality is several times higher.

You can not use soap, cotton wands, thermometers for stimulating the anal hole of the baby. One careless movement - and you can hardly damage the intestine mechanically. In addition, high risk of inflammation.

Rules for the introduction of feeding in constipation

How to cope with constipation from crumbs with the help of the feeding? Or, in any case, how to harm?

  1. Do not enter new products sharply, quickly, so as not to provoke constipation.
  2. Try to use food without thickeners, additives and preservatives.
  3. If you cook your lore yourself, add oil in puree and porridge (from age for 6 months).
  4. Be careful with the introduction of potatoes and meat! When you offer your child these products, a lot of it.
  5. You can dope not only with water. From the age of 6 months, you can give compote from the prunes, the decoction of chamomile with constipation. You can walk the baby with beet juice. From 7-8 months, it is permissible to use fruit juices (in the absence of allergies), such as apple.
  6. Strictly observe feeding mode so that the baby gets food every day at the same time.

Publiking constipation is not an absolute contraindication to the introduction of the dust, but it is necessary to do it with extreme caution.

Preventive actions

Prevention of constipation in infants is:

  • as long as possible breastfeeding;
  • compliance with mom diet;
  • a neat transition to artificial feeding (if such a need appears);
  • careful compliance with the rules for feeding and administering the feeding;
  • compliance with the feeding regime (including not to overflow a child);
  • carrying out preventive massages and gymnastics;
  • preventive use of prebiotics (according to the recommendation of a specialist).

Remember that propagate constipation in infants is much easier than to treat it.

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The chair of the baby is one of the problem points for many mothers. In the middle of the 20th century, when feeding with artificial mixtures has become more common than breastfeeding, a new stereotype of the "normal" intestinal emptying has arisen. Children who feed the mixture, they paint otherwise than infants: a chair of "artificials" is relatively infrequent, it turns out formed and badly smelling, reminding the chair of adults. While the chair from breast milk in the first 6 weeks of life is usually liquid and frequent, and in the future, on the contrary, there may be a normal consistency, but with delays. At the same time, often people who do not know that it is quite normal for infants, they begin to treat crumbs either from diarrhea, or from constipation ...

For a child under the age of 6 weeks, it is normal to empty the intestines several times a day, gradually, weighing yellow or mustard color, without an unpleasant smell. The chair at the same time may well have inhomogeneous consistency, or cotton inclusions, or - after a while, if the mother does not remove the diaper or diaper for a long time - it can be noted that the yellow chair is green, it is a completely natural oxidation process. All these are signs that are characteristic of a healthy breast child! If you see in the chair of your child whites "Katovka" - do not be afraid. Most likely it is just the immaturity of the intestine. Therefore, if the child is well gaining in weight and nothing bothers him, then there is no reason for your concern.

Symptoms that may force mom to alert:

  • too frequent watery chair - from 12 to 16 intestinal empties per day, with a strong smell indicates that the child is truly diarrhea (diarrhea). It is necessary to advise with the doctor, while it is very desirable to continue breastfeeding, because maternal milk is best replenishing the deficit of the necessary baby substances.
  • fresh chair (8-12 times a day), which is green and watery, is often caused by sensitivity to products or the treatment of a child or mother; Often, such a reaction causes protein of cow's milk.

Green, watery stools with foam - as a rule, a sign of the so-called imbalance of the front-rear milk, which doctors love to call "lactase deficiency". True lactase insufficiency is relatively rare, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, this condition of the baby can be adjusted, giving emptying every chest to the end before shifting to the next one. In this case, the kid will receive a large portion of the fat "rear" milk, which contains little lactose (unlike the "front" portion rich "the front") and therefore it is easier to digest. Clarification so as not to be confused in terms: lactose is milk sugar contained in breast milk, and lactase is an enzyme that is required to split lactose. The lactase reserves in the body of the kid relatively small, and if he receives a lot of "front" milk, then the lactase is missing for its normal assimilation, so the baby is tormented by the soda, and the chair acquires a characteristic view. Another problem that often occurs after 5-6 weeks of the child's life is a relatively rare intestinal emptying, which is often mistakenly considered constipation and begin to the kid actively treat. At this age, milk finally becomes mature and a weakening brosal component goes out of it, in connection with which most children start to chatter. By itself, a rare chair is not a reason for anxiety, just the body of the child finds out how much he can accumulate before shocking. If the process does not interfere - the child may not be caught even 7 days one or twice, after which the usual frequency will be restored. If you constantly intervene, forcing the intestine to empty when he is not ready - the constipation will become familiar. BUT: Indeed, the child may not be caught until the week, and mom may not worry under a substantial condition: child ALSO Do not worry! If the child is obviously annoying, his mother, of course, should not be hoped that everything "is formed by itself."

Packs in a child on breastfeeding

Packs in a baby on breastfeeding is a solid dry shaped chair, the so-called "goat balls", which are very painful for the child.
The consistency of the normal feces, even with its relatively rare appearance, it is impossible to consider it. This is only the physiological features of this particular body, like the color of the eyes, the nose cunning angle or the shape of the nail. We will not be the body to treat for the fact that his eyes have blue, not a brown, like most?

Why does such a physiologically rare chair appear ("not constipation") in infants?

For urges to defecation, a small little man needs to experience a chain of certain sensations. The most important thing of which is the pressure of feces to the intestines, it is the degree of pressure that shakes the skill to relax sphincters in response to the voltage, and not cut them. The young to the end did not formed the intestine just learned to respond to any external changes, gently and not stressfully at this stage of its formation helps him breast milk - the only native and adapted product. Like any student, the intestine passes a number of tests or even the self-prees. Therefore, the feast of the first half of the year is non-uniform - then thick, then liquid, then often, then rarely. And our adult measurements to such a young student are unacceptable, the adult intestine is very different from the intestines of infants.

The main indicator with such a rare chair is the well-being of the child and the extinguishing of gases, the most dangerous sign in constipation is the absence of gases, then you can fear for the intestinal passability, if the baby "sweats like a machine gun" means the permeability is excellent. If the consistency of the feces after the defecation is normal, without the "balls" - there is no problem from the child.
The intestine is simply in the state of the degree of pressure of the feces inside on the intestinal walls for optimal defecation, after the completion of such a test, an organism will be selected by a certain period for defecation. This time will be installed before ... the next test, after which everything will change dramatically again.
That is, the main thing objectively assess the state of the child, look at the exhaust of gases, and not on the calendar.
And yet it is so strange and scary when the chair is not regular and young parents so want to get acquainted something. What can be done to make the body faster "tested", and the parents would see the covered poop, and at the same time not harm the child and not resort to medicines.

1. Give additionally fluids.

But the problem is not in the consistency of Kala !!! Cal inside is soft, an additional liquid makes it at all liquid and ... moves the period of natural defecation. As a result, additional mechanical stimulation is required (with a cotton wand in oil, a thermometer), but it turns out that due to the additional fluid and the extended "front" part of the feces formed into a dense firm "cork", and the "higher" is a very liquid watery stool. Shoot the "cork" is very painful and unpleasant to the baby.
That is, in the case of a physiological rare chair, disappointing any liquid may worsen the situation.

Here you need to consider that the juice is a very large stimulus with a high acidity factor. Complete lack of fiber, but a murderending carbohydrate environment, due to sugars. The intestines of the child simply cannot digest this, for digesting the juice, additional enzymes are needed that do not produce the pancreas of the child in the infants. And it turns out in the intestine lies an irritating product - sugar from juice. Until a certain age, the mucosa infants is very perceptive and sensitive, through its walls of Malkules penetrate the blood, and sugars begin to irritate the mucous membrane, the body receives a signal, as quickly as possible from the aggressors, the pancreas tries to form enzymes for the murder of juice carbohydrates. The intestine collects an additional liquid for partial neutralization of aggressive sugars and begins to shrink, deriving an irritant. Externally - Quickly quickly after the injection of juice in a child can be a chair. But the price of a huge stress of the pancreas, mucous membranes and the body as a whole. At the same time, the necessary minerals and vitamins from the body are washed, the child loses a lot of fluids. The carbohydrate firmware is supplied in the intestine the ideal medium for breeding pathogenic and the specificopathogenic flora (candidate, Staffilococcus), so after fueling, the thrush in the mouth of the child is so frequent.
Juice is one of the most cruel methods of influencing the body of the infant.

3. Make a belly.

The liquid will create an additional pressure, the most that the intestine was waiting for the physiological readiness of the body will be chair. The "samotest" organism is shot down. The defecation was caused by a mechanical stimulant, reducing the intestines, but after all, the child himself needs to learn to relax. I think everyone heard stories from two or three years of chairs. Often (not always) these are kids who were either on artificial feeding, or the period of "training" on a safe chairs from breast milk passed against the background of stimulation of defecation.

So what to do? Nothing. Wait. If the child behaves, as usual and sweats well, then this is another "test."
But if the child will be full, blush, the gases do not depart, the stomach is hard, when the child cries the child - this is a matter of quite another. It is necessary to help here.

If the child does not go for a long time and it bothers him

  • The first step is the massage of the tummy. Massage clockwise full of palm. Or exercises like "bike".
  • Warm bath - whom only she does not help to relax. Mom and the baby are immersed in warm degrees 37 water, feed right in the water of the breast, then quickly get out, mom or dad roller handles, legs and tummy with baby oil, then you can molds to lie down on my mother's tummy, it is worth remembering that it's easier to ride On the tummy or side than on the back, or the mother can feed in the planning position (so that the ass was provisted and the child would be almost vertically) and in 80% you can wait for the "lined poop".
  • To hold a child very well, spinning on the tummy, over the sink under the knees, smearing the anus area by children's olive ... Pose like during planning.

Only when these methods did not help - you can use the first step of mechanical stimulation. Take a hygienic wand, the tip is abundantly lubricated with vaseline or baby butter and a little bit in the ass. No more centimeter! It is to introduce and twist a little. Remove. Take on the diaper and put mom on the belly, tummy to the tummy ... or press in the pose on the back of the knees to the stomach ...

And only if it did not help, the next step is the glycerin candle.
But as a rule, everything is already in the first step.

The appointment of any treatment wants to allocate, parents should analyze - what are they treating a child or analysis? Does your bifidobacteria appoint you? Is there a correlation with the start of reception and the beginning of the stool delay? You were warned that bacterial preparations containing bifidoculories affect the chair and could be the cause of chronic constipation that will already be constipated, and not physiological reactions? ... Always be carefully followed by a child's chair at the time of applying any medicines.

Breastfeeding errors

As practice shows, not bacteria are more likely to blame in problems with a chair, but an incorrectly organized breastfeeding. Here are the most common bugs in breastfeeding, preventing the development of the normal intestine microflora:

  • Later applying a newborn to the chest.
  • Rare feeding "by the clock", restriction of the duration of sucking the chest by a child.
  • Doping kid with water, teasia.
  • Early introduction of a doctorate with a mixture or a gradual transition to complete artificial feeding.
  • Introduction Dust before 6 months.

Delusions associated with a problem chair in infants

1. There everything rotes inside if it does not go anymore !!

We hear from many moms. Hurry to dispel this myth!

We remember the school course of chemistry. Oxidation, reaction of interaction with oxygen. Now we take the chatted and inspect the rush on the subject of holes. No? only navel? So the oxidation does not threaten you. If someone says "rot" - just alive him to the school rate of chemistry, which says that rotting is the reaction of slow burning, in which oxygen access is an indispensable condition. To do this, at least need a hole in the stomach. And her, as already found out from more top experience - no.

2. These are dysbacteriosis !!!
Dysbacteriosis becomes more popular, however, as the preparations aimed at treatment. In the minds of many parents, there was an incorrect view that every infant had dysbacteriosis, and the biological preparations ceased to be the means that the doctor should appoint - they can simply buy and give their baby: maybe help? Let's look at some facts about this condition and strware about them. After all, as you know, "who is warned, he is armed."

True on dysbacteriosis:

    1. Dysbacteriosis - This is not a diagnosis according to the "international statistical classification of diseases and health problems" of the tenth revision (ICD-10) - a generally accepted international diagnostic classification of the World Health Organization. This is the state of an imbalance of the intestine microflora, accompanying various diseases (for example, an acute intestinal infection). Also, dysbacteriosis is evolving after surgical operations on the gastrointestinal tract, antibiotic treatment, cytostatics, withdrawing immunity. Therefore, if the child was born healthy, it is well gaining weight, grows and develops age, if he should not look for dysbacteriosis.
    2. In kids who have just appeared on the light, the period of intestinal settlement of microbes is called transient dysbacteriosis and it refers to the border states of newborns. Home Protection and Current for crumbs during this period - Mother's breast milk. The colostrum contains a huge amount of antibodies, anti-infectious proteins and secretory immunoglobulin A, which provide the infant primary immunological protection. In addition, the bifidus factor in female breast milk is involved in the formation of a normal intestinal microflora, and Laktorrin is binding iron and prevents the reproduction of those bacteria that iron. That is why it is extremely important that the crumbs do not get anything from birth, except for Mother's milk! Healthy baby dysbacteriosis is not terrible.
  1. Analysis on dysbacteriosis does not reflect the true state of the intestinal microflora. Let's remember that the microflora - the medium is dynamic, the number of microbial units is calculated by millions, and these units themselves are quite quickly multiplied (and dying). By the time the parents receive the result of the microflora analysis (and this is at least 7 days from the moment of its passing), the microbial "picture" in the intestine will change radically. In addition, the intestines are inequomed in uneven: more of them at the intestinal walls, and not in it, but when taking the analysis of Kala in the "field of view" only "transverse" colonies fall. That is why experienced and competent specialists do not trust this test and do not hurry to treat children if it is changed, but there is no clinical symptoms.