Rituals for an attractive appearance. conspiracy to sexuality

A conspiracy to beauty and attractiveness has always been held in high esteem by the beautiful half of humanity. And for everyone - from small to large.

At all times, girls and women of all ages try to be beautiful and attractive. Smaller girls have always wanted to grow up faster, rounder, become attractive and feminine.

Teenage girls yearned to get rid of juvenile acne. They wanted to acquire a beautiful skin color, to become cute and desirable for all the guys.

And when getting married, giving birth to children and raising them, women sought to preserve their youth and beauty. And also get rid of postpartum effects (for example, from excessive fullness), and later from unnecessary wrinkles, irregular skin pigmentation, gray hair and the like.

How to talk your body to beauty, youth and health

The arsenal of beauty used by a modern woman is very large. There are cosmetics, perfumes, nail care products, as well as various creams, ointments, shampoos and powders. But it's all on a physical level.

But if you dig deeper and take care of yourself qualitatively and seriously (in particular at the mental level), then here you need special magical rituals, effective and strong slander. As well as generalizing all this complex programs that set the tone for the development of the whole organism as a whole.

Conspiracy for beauty on water and salt

In order to program your body for health, beauty and youth, various conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness are used. An example is a simple but very effective slander. It requires a glass of very clean, clear water and a pinch of coarse salt. The ritual should be performed strictly at midnight, on the full moon.

When the right hour strikes, you need to stand right in the middle of the room (without turning on the light), turn around to the window (do not forget to close the curtains first). Take a glass of water in your left hand, salt in your right hand. The slander is read in a whisper:

After that, the salt should be poured into the water and put a glass of water on the windowsill. In the morning, just getting out of bed, drink some water from that glass, saying:

“Water is in me, beauty is in me! Amen amenu pereaminoe!”.

Since there will be a lot of water in the glass after the ceremony, you need to drink it a little bit all week until you drink it all. To enhance the effect, we recommend using conspiracies for weight loss.

Conspiracy for beauty in front of a mirror

It is quite simple to make a conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness, which is most often used not only to become the most beautiful of all. It is done in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It is carried out in front of a mirror (it is desirable that it be in full growth). It is necessary to wash your hair, loosen it, stand in front of a mirror and comb your hair, say:

This is a slander that draws attention to the appearance of the one who read it. It is convenient because you don’t have to worry about the appearance itself, because all the attention will be directed to you anyway.

Varieties of conspiracies for beauty

Conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness can be very different depending on what effect you want to get. At the same time, conspiracies differ somewhat among themselves depending on the person (that is, the person who makes this conspiracy or whisper), on the subject (what exactly they say) and on the purpose of the slander.

If we talk about such classifications, then slander within the first of them can be:

Carried out by young unmarried girls (for example, to preserve beauty or get rid of acne)
Carried out by young married girls (to preserve beauty in marriage or to always be sexually attractive to a beloved husband)
Carried out by both married and unmarried women of age (slander to restore skin elasticity, to get rid of wrinkles, etc.).

Conspiracies for beauty are different and they are classified depending on the subject of the slander. For example, there are such conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness:

  • A conspiracy for a beautiful face
  • A conspiracy for a beautiful figure
  • Conspiracy for beautiful hair
  • Conspiracy for beautiful teeth
  • A conspiracy for beautiful hands, fingers and nails, etc.

If we make a classification of varieties of whispers and conspiracies, depending on their main goal, then it may look like this:

  1. Conspiracy to restore beauty
  2. Conspiracy to preserve beauty
  3. Conspiracy to get rid of shortcomings(for example, from fullness, from laxity of the skin, from the effects of pregnancy and post-natal effects), etc.

Popular conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness

The most popular varieties of conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness include conspiracies for the beauty of the face, figure, hair, preservation of youth, as well as beauty and health. Consider each of these types of conspiracies separately.

A conspiracy for the beauty of the face is a magical verbal formula that is designed to influence the structure of facial skin cells and its color. The conspiracy will also help eliminate flaws that are undesirable for its owner and put the person in order.

The simplest conspiracies of this kind are performed without unnecessary entourage and objects. All that is needed is a substance or thing that will be spoken (the text of the slander will be pronounced over it), and then applied to the face.

Most often, such slander is done over water or with special face masks. But the option with masks is a modern interpretation, while a typical old conspiracy for the beauty of the face is done approximately as follows.

You need to collect cold water in a large bowl, put it on a stool in front of you, and then read the following text:

The conspiracy must be pronounced in a whisper, three times, clearly imagining how the water receives the information spoken to it. Imagine how water rearranges its structure in accordance with the wishes of the speaker. In addition, you can use a plot to love a guy.

After that, you need to rinse your face seven times and go to bed without wiping the water. Since all the water has become slandered as a result of such a procedure, it can be used several more times.
Special conspiracies for a beautiful face are made when it is necessary to eliminate any shortcomings. The simplest of these conspiracies is also carried out on the water and sounds like this:

“Water-vodichka, take all the wrinkles / scars / pimples / blemishes / spots (choose what you need) from my face. Amen!".

This procedure should be repeated daily, washing with water after pronouncing the slander until the imperfections begin to disappear from the face.

A separate line in the list of conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness are slander or whispers carried out on cosmetics. In fact, this is the same interpretation of slander on water, only carried out on cosmetics. Most often they are made on creams and ointments. Here is one such conspiracy for beauty. It is read initially on a sealed jar of cream:

“There were 12 sisters, 12 young women, 12 beauties, 12 queens. From each beauty - in a barrel!

After reading these words, you need to clean your face, or better, wash yourself completely. Then open the jar and start applying the cream on the face, while reading the following:

Then the cream is closed and already above the closed jar it is read:

“12 sisters, all in the tent! I open - I gain beauty!

Since this cream was originally spellbound, now every time you use it, you will need to read both texts. You need to read when spreading and when closing, otherwise the cream will not work.

Conspiracies for the beauty of hair are especially popular among girls and women with long braids and lush mop of hair. It often happens that the hair begins to fall out, grow dull, look bad, lose its natural shine. In this case, hair products do not help.

Therefore, it is necessary to independently try different conspiracies. Due to the specifics of their action, they can make the hair carry out a separate program, for example, for good growth or strengthening. A conspiracy for the beauty of hair may look, for example, like this:

“Field to grain, light to sun, crown to comb, and hair to hair. Amen!".

This conspiracy is read on the first day of the week on the growing moon. To do this, sit in the middle of the room with a comb in your hands and look at the moon. Another version of the conspiracy for hair is read to strengthen them:

Conspiracies for youth

Separately, it should be said about conspiracies for beauty and youth, which can be carried out at home. They are more in demand by middle-aged and older women.

After all, they want to either preserve the youth of their face and body longer, or regain their lost youth. You may also be interested in the ritual for marriage. Of course, magic is not omnipotent and it cannot jump over physical laws.

But to visually make the face and body more beautiful, more attractive and seductive - completely!

We present here a somewhat complex, but very effective conspiracy for youth and beauty. It is necessary to buy a lime bath broom. Then, at dawn on a full moon, collect a can of water from a spring and bring it home.

After reading this text, you should go to the bath. Pour the charmed water into a bath container with hot water for a guy. And then bathe with a linden broom, while saying the following words:

"Sickness from the yard, beauty and youth at the gate"

After that, you need to douse yourself with water from the basin, leave the bathhouse, and take the broom to the cemetery and leave it there.

Healing conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness - video

To begin with - a procedure for the beauty of the skin of the face
Repeat it for seven weeks, and without any other cosmetics, the face will become smooth and velvety. The ceremony is performed on Fridays after seven in the evening. Take one teaspoon of aloe juice and half a teaspoon of linden honey. Mix the ingredients in a glass bowl until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Wash your face and apply the mixture on it. After that, read the plot seven times:
You, prickly juice-flower,
And you, linden honey,
Take old age from your face
And you enhance the beauty.
To make the girls jealous
And the guys were licking.
After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, wash your face seven times with warm water with your right hand, saying: "Water - on the face, beauty - on the face, water from the face - old age from the face!"

This conspiracy not only increases the sexual attractiveness of a girl or woman, but also improves her aura, gives her originality, charm and charm.
First, determine for yourself what thing you will cast a spell on. It could be a handkerchief, a comb, or something similar. Going on a date, disco, work or study, take the charmed little thing with you. I remind you that no one can talk about it, show it, and even more so - give it.
You are my treasure, treasure, love pledge.
I put you not in the ground-dungeon,
I'm talking about a girl.
In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel.
Pull suitors to me. God's servant (name).
I would be like the dawn, blush,
Like a spicy herb, dukhmyana.
Any man's heart is desirable.
Would be sad for me, yearn,
Not seeing me, they grieved:
In the world, in a feast, not on earth and in water - Everywhere!
Be me, like the sun, like a clear moon,
Like a light warm wave.
Among all her friends, pav is the only one.
My words do not score, do not whisper,
Do not reprimand with a strong word.
How people bow to the mother church,
So that people can love and respect me,
Meet with a smile, see off with your eyes.
My first word, my strong deed.
What I didn't say, what I didn't say
What I didn't think of in my mind.
All my conspiracy will bring. Amen.

Conspiracy of a similar action
It is pronounced at midnight, after a bath or shower, when the hair is already dry. Place a mirror on the table, place lighted church candles on both sides of it. Sit in front of a mirror and, combing your hair, slowly pronounce the plot.
On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan
There is a strong tower, black stone,
Cold stone, indestructible.
In that tower the dungeon is cold,
A beautiful maiden sits in that dungeon,
Beauty unseen, unwritten.
Guarding the dungeon are three dogs, fierce beasts,
Grey, with glowing eyes.
They don’t let the maiden come out, show her beauty.
You, the first dog, calm down, cool down!
You, the second dog, sleep like a dead sleep!
You, the third dog, get out!
Come out, maiden-beauty, from the dungeon into the light of God,
Through the night-midnight, across the sea-ocean,
Through the dope fire
spoken through a mirror.
Get down on the hair of the servant of God (your name),
Give her youth-beauty,
Give her the power to speak
To be loved and good to everyone
This minute, now, forever, and forever and ever.
When you have finished reading, turn the mirror upside down, blow out the left candle, then the right. Going to bed, put the comb under the pillow and sleep with it for a week. Do not look into the charmed mirror for three days, and burn the candles to the end on any church holiday.

Remove scales from any fresh fish, put the scales in one bag and the fish in another. Then bury both bags in different places. When burying fish, say:
Like scales not on a fish, but a fish without scales,
so is my face without flaw.
As this fish rots, so from my face
all evil will be gone.

From rashes, pimples on the face and body
Read on Thursday, at midnight, on the water three times and douse yourself with this water the same amount. Wipe yourself with a completely new, smooth (without a pattern) towel, and then take it away from home and tie it to an aspen branch:
Mother cheese water.
You washed Jesus Christ.
He washed his wounds, removed his pains.
Drain, remove white from my body,
From all bones, from all relics,
From all lived, veined,
From the top and from the inside, rinse, rinse.
From the skin of the opposite and transverse,
From every piece of mine, from every hair,
From the elbows, from the eyebrows, mustache, belly, chest,
Lord save, Lord save.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Taking a shower or bath, in the evening, to the growing moon, say:
"God made me a woman,
God gave me a body.
So I will be a woman
And do not stump, a recumbent deck,
Not stagnant swamp water.
I will be a girl. Pretty young woman!"

Buy a jar of face cream that suits your skin type, no matter the price. Before you print the cream, say the words over it:
"There were twelve sisters, twelve young women,
Twelve queens.
From each - beauty in a barrel!
Take a shower or bath, open it and apply on the face with light movements, saying:
"As from the first sister to me - love!
From the second - beauty!
As from the third - thick hair!
From the fourth - a sonorous voice,
From the fifth to me - my hands are tender,
From the sixth - the teeth are snow-white,
From the seventh - eyelashes are black,
From the eighth my eyebrows are thin,
From the ninth - frying eyes,
From the tenth - the nose is voster,
From the eleventh - ala's mouth,
And as the twelfth, let me be all!
Closing the cream, say the fixing words:
"Twelve sisters - all in the tent!
I open - I gain beauty!
Every time you use this cream, say a conspiracy.

Magic ritual to increase attractiveness
In order to attract male attention in any company, before entering the room, read the conspiracy to yourself:
“All women are fools. They have bad manners
All the dresses are short, I came in, the peacock,
The red maiden, Led her gaze -
Gathered all the men.
Wherever I go, they follow me.
And my beloved (name) is the most beautiful!
Entering, linger for a while at the door, look around the room in a circle - from left to right, the one who meets your eyes will be bewitched.

Conspiracy to Attractiveness
The plot is read on a full moon in a glass of water. Throw a pinch of salt into the glass with your left hand, place it under the light of the moon and read three times:
"Moon water, like a girl's tear,
Let me be young, white-faced, carefree,
Let the one I love love me
For my beauty, for complaisance!
Leave the glass until morning, and when you wake up, take one sip on an empty stomach, mentally repeating:
"Water - in me, beauty - on me!".
Do this every morning until the water runs out.

A strong conspiracy for beauty and love
Going to a meeting with people whom a girl wants to please or lovers, you should, wiping yourself with a towel, read:

“I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go crossing myself,
In a clean field, under the east side. There is a river flowing there.
I will wash myself with that water, wipe myself off with a white dawn, poked myself with an asterisk,
I will gird myself with the red month, I will adorn myself with the sun.
I, the servant of God (name), will go to the open field, to the feast and festivities,
To everyone I would seem good, beautiful and kind,
And dearer to all my dear, whom I love.
I would be more beautiful and better than everyone, and he would love me more than anyone.
My words are strong and sculpting. Be my way.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

Witchcraft ritual for beauty
In the old days, for girls whom nature did not endow with beauty or charm, healers made a love potion. It was done like this: at midnight, you need to cut the grass near the church with a new knife. Without talking to anyone, take her home to the healer, and at dawn, looking to the east, he read the plot three times:
"Mother Church, I stand before you,
On the body is a golden cross.
Your domes sparkle in the sun,
At night, the stars reflect their faces in them.
The whole world bows to you, everyone respects you.
Angels of light visit you.
There are no rivals to church beauty.
So it is for me, God's servant,
my girlish beauty
There will be no rivals forever and ever,
Who looks at me
He won't forget me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".
Then he turned around himself three times on his left heel and brewed a potion from the charmed grass, and the girl washed her face with it in the morning. Soon people began to talk about her - Wow, how she blossomed and prettier.

Ritual to increase attractiveness
At night, during the full moon, place a glass vessel with pure spring or mineral water on the window, and in the morning put it in a place inaccessible to the sun and daylight.
Wash your face and moisten your face and problem areas with this water, while reading the plot:
"Moonlight fills my body with beauty,
My skin with radiance and my mind with ecstasy and pleasure.”
At the same time, try to imagine as realistically as possible how fat folds are eliminated, defects disappear and wrinkles are smoothed out, how the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Second way
Take a large mirror and put it on the table. On top of the mirror, put your photo at a young or young age, read:
"I call on the past and the future,
To change the present and define the future,
For beauty, for youth, for happiness.
Take turns looking at the photo and in the mirror, while imagining how your image in the photo and the current one are approaching, merging and becoming one. Also, this ritual can be used to return happiness, love, emotions, thrills. Repeat it for 10 days.

Conspiracy for the beauty of the face
I got up, blessed, went, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate and into the open field. There is a throne in an open field, an angel of the Lord sits on this throne and a seket cuts his throne. I approach this throne and repent and pray. Lord Angel, go to the servant of God, to Ivan's raft, to Seraphim's Rada and cut the servant of God (name) white white, zealous heart, ruddy face, that the servant of God (name) cannot live without bread-father, without salt-mother , without a burning fire, without a dove's water, without an evening dawn, without a young month, without a red sun, and it would seem that I, the servant of God, turned white to everyone, whiter than white snow, brighter than a red sun. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon, Aviv (helps in marriage and love), therefore, to consolidate beauty, pray to them:
Now let us glorify you, glorious wonderworkers and holy martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv!
Having endured fierce suffering, having received inhuman wounds and blows from tormentors, you died from the sword: Guriy, Samon, you, the holy martyr - Aviv, were burned cruelly tormented by fire for the confession of Christ. You, holy martyrs, showed a great and miraculous miracle in Odessa, where your relics were laid. A certain widow, ready to leave her daughter, given in marriage, entrusted her to your care. But he, having sworn on your tombs, did not fulfill his oath and, after many injustices he had committed, he imprisoned the widow's daughter Euphemia in a coffin with his dead wife, whom he had in his patronymic before he took Euphemia as his wife.
But you, holy martyrs, having appeared to Euphemia, by the power of God, miraculously transferred her from the country of Gotovskaya, in the twinkling of an eye, placed her in your church. Remembering this incomprehensible miracle, we pray you, holy martyrs of Christ - Guriy, Samon and Aviv, hear those who come running to you with warm prayer, wives, innocently hated by their husbands. Hasten to help them, deliver them from insults and sorrows and, bowing to their tears, do not reject the sighs of the heart, listen to them and change the hearts of their husbands, and send joy to these pious wives so that they, newly formed by the love of husbands, thank you from the bottom of their hearts and Almighty God was glorified for you. Amen.

For everyone to love you
You need to take a glass of water, the purest, and a little salt, the largest. At midnight on a full moon, you need to stand in the middle of the room facing the window, the curtains should not be drawn. In your left hand you need to hold a glass of water, in your right hand - squeeze a little salt in your fist. And read the words like this:
Moonlight water, clear water, I swallow you, I beg you. Make me, God's servant (name), every day be good and fresh, every day people look at me, like they look at our mother Moon, so that every day they give a word, they say about me: “How good the moon is , so is the servant of God (name) good and young, chubby and white, young and cheerful.
Then immediately throw salt into a glass, and put the glass on the window. And in the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to drink a sip of that water.
With words:
Water - in me, beauty - on me! Amen amenu transamine.
Do this for a week, and if there is still water left, then pour it over the threshold, only very carefully - you can’t pour it on the threshold.

For beautiful hair
3 tablespoons of dry nettle (sold in pharmacies), pour 1 liter of boiling water. Speak this infusion when you pour boiling water and every 17 minutes - only 7 times - with these words: "Like God's dew, like mother grass gave me its strength. So that my hair is long, silky, thick. So that everyone who has them sees, admired. And me, the servant of God (your name). Surprised!" Wash your head as you usually do, and then pour over the strained infusion. After that, do not rinse, let it drain and dry on its own. Repeat these steps at the end of each week on Friday or Saturday for three lunar months.

Bring on the charm
It is especially necessary for those who are embarrassed in front of the people and become heavy on the tongue. It is difficult for such people to build relationships, and in our time it is necessary. There are many slanders to fall into favor with people, so that they like them. Speak into the water with three pinches of salt and, before going into society, wash yourself with the slandered water. Wipe the hem of your robe.
How happy we are for the red sun.
How they admire the color of poppies,
how sweet May honey is to them
and you need salt in food, so would I,
servant of God (name),
girls and young people would like
old men and old women
widows and widows,
rich and stingy,
merchants and priests and the whole human race.
I would be pleasing to the eye, reasonable in speeches.
I would enchant them with these charms.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Witchcraft ritual for weight loss
Get turquoise blue, small size, with a smooth surface. Every evening, apply a drop of jasmine oil to the surface of the stone and touch it to your problem areas.
Wear the stone at all times and look at it every time you are tempted to eat more than your diet recommends.

Magical-physical ritual to remove the stomach
You can try like this. Lie on your back and imagine that there are energy knives on the ribs of both palms. When your consciousness simulates such a situation, you need to contact, starting from the solar plexus and down to the lower abdomen, intensively draw these “knives” from top to bottom, saying: “Cut off, decrease, achieve what you have planned. Amen". At the same time, imagine how the stomach is getting smaller and smaller ...
The duration of the procedure is at least 10 minutes, performed daily, but only on the waning moon. Once the moon begins to rise, take a break before the full moon.
Carry out procedures constantly.

Prayer for rejuvenation
This prayer should be read on your birthday at sunrise. And repeat the ritual for ten days. Then, wait a week and continue. On the days when you read the prayer, do not eat meat products.
“Lord, I wash myself with spring water, wipe myself with the heavenly sun,
I hide behind a bright sky, I smile at heaven and earth with you,
God bless you for a long and healthy life. Well, body, hold on! Amen".

And this conspiracy is unlikely to be of interest to young women and girls, most likely, it is intended for older persons, because its purpose is rejuvenation, and not only of appearance, but of the whole organism.
Before starting it, you must fast for three days - do not eat meat and everything that has blood. On a dry, clear day, in autumn, when the leaves fall, go to the forest. Stand under the tree you like and say:
I stand, slave (name),
For today and soon,
And my witch's order
To the clear sun, to God's window,
Approach me, priests and patriarchs,
And the elders, and the elders, and the deacons,
Both monks and bell ringers.
I take off my old skin.
How a tree removes an old dry leaf,
Like this leaf under my foot.
Ring you, ringers, mass,
Light you, priests, candles,
Read the memorial service
In my old skin
And health about the young, and not about the one
What is under my foot - old and sick.
I will mold the witchcraft
For my young body
And I'll give the old deacons and priests,
old people and elders.
I will close my amulet,
I'll take the keys to God's threshold,
Jesus Christ Himself:
Keys for storage, the body for rejuvenation.
So that those keys lie on that threshold,
And don't take those keys to anyone.
I conjure forty old relics
against my keys.
Not a minute, not an hour, not half an hour.
Not a month, not a year
And let old age come from me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Restore youth and freshness to your face
Recommendation 1: To moisturize the skin of the face, instead of morning washing, soak and lightly massage the face with pieces of ice.
You can cook it from a decoction of medicinal plants: calendula, lime blossom, chamomile (2 tablespoons per glass of water) boil, insist 15 minutes on low heat.
2 recommendation: if the face is flaky, use the following cleansing procedure. Prepare linden decoction: pour 1 teaspoon of crushed linden blossom into 100 g of cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 15 minutes over low heat. Strain, add 1 teaspoon of flower honey. Moisten the cleansed skin of the face and neck with this composition abundantly for a week. It is better to do the procedure lying down, extremely relaxing the body.
3 recommendation: make a nourishing mask: 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Mix the whole mass thoroughly and apply on the face. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm and then cold water.

Rejuvenation - recovery
The first secret of rejuvenation:
up to 40 years, 1.5 g of ascorbic acid daily
after 40 years, 1.0 g
children - according to the reference book.
The immune system is restored, cells are rejuvenated.

Second secret:
plants and minerals are used:
1) calamus + pepper + snow water;
2) garlic + mummy + feldspar + honey + snow water. Recipe for eliminating senile ailments: Take earth juice - mummy, tree juice, cane sugar, stone juice - feldspar, mix, make powder and drink once a day.

Onions - promotes the awakening of sexual desire. Promotes hormonal balance and rejuvenation of the body. To get a powerful incentive for success in intimate relationships, it is useful to eat on an empty stomach (you can with bread) one raw onion - 3 days in a row and 1 fresh boiled protein (protein kills the smell of onions).
Note: do not cut the onion with a knife, eat the onion without salt.

Sweet strengthens the strength of the body, the immune system is restored. Useful for old and young (everything is good except sugar).
Sour - gives rise to heat, stimulates appetite.
Bitter - treats loss of appetite, infectious diseases, quenches thirst, returns the voice (it is good to eat bitter pepper), bitter is good for swelling of the throat, throat ulcers.

I think every woman wants to become beautiful and attractive, and this conspiracy for magical beauty can be used without fear of consequences - this is harmless white magic without any consequences other than magical beauty and attractiveness. A conspiracy for beauty must be read in the forest, and before the ceremony, you need not to eat lethal food for three days (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, caviar -

  • A conspiracy for large breasts should be read if you want to enlarge your breasts with the help of magic, after a conspiracy for breast growth, the volume will not exceed 2 sizes, and the chest will tighten and become beautiful and elastic. If you have small breasts and there is a need to increase the size of your breasts without surgery by a couple of sizes, conspiracies will not tell the old magic

  • A special and very old conspiracy designed for hair growth will help accelerate hair growth. In Russia, girls have always used the magic of beauty and performed various rites, rituals and spells with the reading of conspiracies suggesting magical beauty and attractiveness. A conspiracy for hair growth was especially popular, because a strong and long braid has always been in

  • Women and girls continue to read conspiracies to enhance their attractiveness to men and bring beauty and youth to themselves. And what kind of conspiracy will help bring beauty and youth to oneself, the conspiracies will now tell. Buy an inexpensive ring and wear it on the ring finger of your left hand for three days without taking it off, and on the 4th day, when you go outside to a deserted place, remove the ring and

  • From spots and pimples, it is customary for people to read a conspiracy on a clean face, which in a week will cleanse the face of blackheads, blackheads and red pimples, making the skin on the face clean, soft and beautiful without any traces of the former problematic skin. The strongest conspiracy on the beauty of the face should be read on a specially prepared decoction that needs 7 days, 2 times a day, to wipe the skin on the face,

  • The strongest conspiracy on the beauty of the face and attractiveness that any woman can read on her own is read at home in a glass of water. The consequences of a conspiracy on beauty come instantly! As soon as you have performed a ritual for beauty and, having read a conspiracy on a clean face, wash yourself with charmed water, irreversible processes will begin to occur in the skin of the face that affect the condition

  • A conspiracy on a cream against age spots is the best magical remedy that can quickly get rid of age spots on the skin of the face and body with the help of magic. This magical method of removing pigment spots from the skin has existed for many centuries and is truly a magical remedy for women whose skin has pigment spots. Previously, to get a conspiracy cream you need

  • This conspiracy helps in the treatment of blackheads and acne on the skin of the face, it is called a conspiracy for clean skin. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, the next morning, the skin on the face and body becomes clean and healthy. You need to read the plot on clean skin strictly at midnight on Thursday 3 times in a row, pouring yourself from the bucket from head to toe with clean water. Straightaway

  • Rituals and conspiracies for the beauty of the face and body that can enhance the effect of beauty and youth is a very effective tool. Preservation of beauty, youth and attractiveness with the help of lunar magic was known to witches and sorceresses, now beauty rituals are independently used by women all over the world. After reading a special conspiracy, you can instantly become inimitable and cute in

  • White magic can make a person beautiful and attractive to others; for this, you just need to independently conduct a ceremony and read a conspiracy suggestive of beauty and attractiveness. Those who have ever done a magical ritual on themselves and brought beauty constantly return to this rite again and again, reading the words of the conspiracy by heart. It helps to bring beauty to the girl quickly

  • Every woman wants to look attractive. And, in order to achieve this, he uses a variety of methods, including magical conspiracies.

    Strong rites

    A conspiracy to attract can be aimed at achieving different goals. With it, you can reveal femininity and enhance sexual attractiveness, wanting to attract the attention of men. On the other hand, magical conspiracies of this type are aimed at physical improvement, which allows a woman to feel confident in modern society, and, therefore, become more successful. All strong rites that use a conspiracy to attract are held during the growing moon. An important condition for the effectiveness of the ritual is the right clothing. It should emphasize femininity. The best outfit is a long elegant white dress.

    Ritual with honey and aloe

    The rite described below is performed every night during the week on the growing moon. It is desirable that the time be right so that the sky is not covered with clouds and the night luminary is visible in the sky. For the ritual you will need:
      A teaspoon of aloe juice; Half a teaspoon of liquid honey; Spring water.
    Honey and aloe must be thoroughly mixed in a crystal vase until a homogeneous gray mass is obtained. Then you need to rinse your face with warm spring water and apply a mask from the prepared mixture on it. This must be done slowly in order to have time to read the plot seven times. His words sound like this:

    “You, healing and prickly flower, you, natural and sweet honey, remove the features of old age from my face and return the beauty of a woman. Make it so that for me, the Servant of God (my own name, seeing my beauty, all the young girls envied, good fellows, looking at me, licked their lips. Words are strong and what has been said will come true. Amen. ”

    After pronouncing the magic words, you should again rinse your face with clean warm spring water and say:

    “Like spring water on my face, so is beauty on my face, like spring water drops from my face, and old age forever from my face.”

    ancient conspiracy

    Since ancient times, another strong rite has come down to us, aimed at enhancing physical and spiritual attractiveness. Its peculiarity lies in its versatility. Using this conspiracy for attractiveness, you can not only improve your appearance, but also acquire a spiritual charm that makes a woman desirable for men. Magic words are recited on some own thing. Preference should be given to an item that is designed to care for the appearance. For example, it can be a comb or a pocket mirror. It is important that subsequently no one except you holds the spoken thing in your hands. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

    “My treasure is a love pledge. I will hide you in a secret dungeon, I will talk you into a red maiden. In the names of the Angel and the Archangel, attract fans to me, the Servant of God (proper name). I will be beautiful and desirable for men. Let good fellows look at me, grieve and yearn for me. In peace and feast they will remember me. They will not forget me anywhere on earth. For them, I, the Servant of God (proper name), will always be bright as a sunbeam, clear as moonlight, warm as a summer sea wave.

    And among all the women of the earth, I will be the only one. My desire is true, but my words are strong. My conspiracy is not to knock down anyone and not to talk. All believing people bow to their church, so everyone will respect, love and desire me. Everyone will meet me everywhere with sincere joy, and they will see me off with admiring glances. My word is strong and true. What has been said will come true. Amen".

    Now we have a huge selection of creams, tonics, foams to maintain the beauty of our skin. How did the girls get along without all these things before? This will forever remain a secret to us. Perhaps they used folk remedies, and maybe even used magic. Modern women rarely believe in the power of conspiracies and witchcraft. Or maybe in vain? Try it yourself. In this article we will tell you about, and you will see for yourself how effective they are.

    The first conspiracy. hair beauty

    If your hair is weak and no means help, then try reading a conspiracy that will stop hair loss and accelerate hair growth. You need to read it for a young month, sitting by the window. Looking at the moon, start combing your hair with a large-toothed comb and say:
    Sunlight to the sun
    Wheat field to the grain
    To the comb crown,
    And hair to hair.
    After this conspiracy, the hair begins to grow rapidly, and are healthy.

    Second conspiracy. Conspiracy for facial rejuvenation

    A very simple ritual will help you quickly lose a few extra years and look attractive. To conduct it, you need to draw water into a bowl and say it:
    Water - water, take away all wrinkles, pimples and spots from my face.
    Now you need to rinse your face with this water seven times. The face does not need to be wiped. It is best to perform this ritual before going to bed.

    Third conspiracy. To look attractive

    If you have everything with you - and your face is beautiful and your hair is thick, and men do not pay attention to you, then try reading the plot for attractiveness. Before you enter the room where the men you are interested in are, read the plot:
    All women are fools, their manners are bad,
    Dresses on all kutsi. I entered young
    A beautiful girl. She moved her eyes -
    She took all the men with her.
    Stop a little at the door and carefully inspect the room. The man with whom you meet eyes at this moment will be bewitched.

    Fourth conspiracy. Ask the birch for beauty

    Now we will tell you one very strong conspiracy for beauty. To complete it, you will have to leave the house at night. Find a beautiful birch tree and place your palms on its trunk. Without taking your hands off the tree, read the following words:

    “How you birch tree is so slender and beautiful, so let me be the same. Give me beauty and youth, I ask you with a low bow "

    Fifth conspiracy. Conspiracy for water

    The following conspiracy will help you not only become more beautiful and younger, but also make all people admire you. To perform this magical rite, you need to take a glass of water and a little coarse salt. Now wait for the full moon and start telling fortunes. You need to stand facing the window, in the middle of the room and look at the moon. Squeeze salt in your right hand, hold a glass of water in your left. Now say conspiracy of water for beauty. It sounds like this: “The water is clean, the water is moonlit, I drink you, I ask you. Make sure that I (name) is always fresh and good, so that all people look at me and give me a word every day, they used to say about me like this - that (name) is like the Moon good, white, young and cheerful "
    Salt, which you squeeze in your hand, throw into a glass. Place the glass on the windowsill. And go to bed yourself. In the morning, first of all, take a sip from a glass and say: “Vodice is in me, beauty is in me”
    Continue to drink sips of water throughout the week, and throw the rest of the water out the door.

    Conspiracy six. Lose weight with magic

    Dieting is a very exhausting process. Not all women can withstand a full long-term diet. If you are one of them and cannot deny yourself coffee and cake in the morning, then this conspiracy is for you. With it, you will quickly and without painful hunger strikes get rid of excess weight. And here's what you need to do.
    On the first day of the waning moon, at sunset, take the largest pot in the house and fill it with water. Put all the spoons into it and pour a pack of coarse salt. Put the pot on the fire and wait for it to boil. When the water begins to boil, at a safe distance, place your hands above it with your palms to the water and begin to quickly read the plot: “Fire warms - fat boils away, salt corrodes - fat disappears, water renews - helps me”
    Now turn over your left shoulder and walk away from the stove. Do not approach the stove until the water has boiled away. Then remove the pan from the heat and wash all the spoons well with the words: “Evil - down. May it be so"
    This ritual must be performed three days in a row.

    Conspiracy seven. Conspiracy to return beauty

    There is one very strong conspiracy for beauty on the full moon. For its execution, you need to buy fish with large scales. On the full moon, clean the fish - put the scales in one bag, and the fish in the other. Get away from home and bury these bags in the ground in different places with these words:
    Like a fish without scales, and the scales are not on the fish,
    So my face is flawless.
    When this fish rots
    Then all the evil spirits will come off my face.
    After that, leave and wait for the result.

    Conspiracy Eight. Ritual with a mirror for beauty

    It happens that the face deteriorates from envious glances or intrigues of ill-wishers. You can recognize this if acne and spots begin to appear on beautiful skin for no apparent reason. In this case, perform the next rite. To complete it, you will need three red candles and a small mirror.
    In the church, in front of the Seven-shot icon, you need to light these three candles. At home, wash your face with baptismal water and say: “The curse has been lifted, I am beautiful again, calm again, but I was arrogant. The spell has been washed away from me, the ugliness has been removed, like a dirty dress.
    Dispose of this water as soon as possible at the crossroads. Now it's time for the mirror. It must be sprinkled with holy water and cast a conspiracy over a burning candle and a mirror. “As clearly the sun is reflected in the water, so (name) is reflected in me”

    Ninth conspiracy. Bathing in the full moon

    If you are lucky enough to be on the river during the full moon in the summer, do not miss the opportunity to become even more beautiful. Just be careful - the sky should be clear and the moon should be clearly reflected in the water. If you swim with a closed moon, then the opposite effect may appear.
    So, go into the water and plunge into it, say: “Beautiful Moon, look at me, smile at me beautiful Moon and give me beauty for many years”
    When you get out of the water, do not dry yourself, but let the water dry.

    Conspiracy ten. Conspiracy against gray hair

    Some start graying very early. At the first sign of the appearance of gray hair, perform one simple ceremony. Draw water into a basin, put it in a corner and read a plot over it: “Two gray-haired old men are coming. Is your gray hair not enough for you? Take my gray hair on your head"
    Wash your hair with this water.

    Well, here we have told you the strongest spells for youth and beauty. There is nothing difficult in their performance. The only condition is that you must believe in the power of magic and words. Use these conspiracies to become more beautiful and slimmer. See, there is magic!