From what month children begin to adagge. Do I need to teach the crumb to adhesive. Fascinating games for the smallest

The time has come, and the long-awaited new family member of the family has declared himself. Happy parents with heads plunged into the care of newborn karapuse. The first months of the life of the kid - the period when others come to change one exciting expectations. Let's talk about the time when the child begins to agreed and go.

When a child begins to steer and adagge, everything is filled with a sense of pride and excitement. These are the initial attempts of full-fledged communication. Pronounce the first sounds, the crumb is active in motion with handles and legs - the means of contacting their attention of parents.

The child is gulit and smiles, it means that we understand that in the development of his psyche everything is in order, the process goes in due course. That is why inexperienced parents are so careful to passing these processes from his beloved Chad: When for the first time, the sounds are different from grinding and crying, began to keep the head on their own, sit, walk.

The age in which children begin to adversely, quite individual, but mostly this process is launched after the first month of life. The child makes a variety of vowel sounds: "A", "and", "U", "O", their combinations. The baby utters them and long and abruptly, and sharply. We perceive these attempts, as said AGU.

At first, the karapuz is honing a new skill alone with him. As far as many months, the child neither began to adversely, a little earlier or a little later, this action causes the lunizing and feeling of pride, as well as confidence in the normal development of their beloved Chad.

For babies, it is important to satisfy physiological and emotional needs. If children start to grow, therefore, they are very satisfied and configured to communicate. What happens then? Parents begin to respond to the sounds published by the child, setting it with their voice, toys. Gradually, the crumb in the process of observing the outside world seeks to repeat the heard sounds, talking to parents and toys with their tongue.

Thus, the development of the voice apparatus occurs, which over time, by the fourth-fifth month, will allow the baby to pronounce the first consonant sounds: "M", "P", "B". Closer to the first year of life, the bastard will acquire the appearance of some words folded from simple syllables: "Give", "Mom".

How can parents encourage children attempts to grieve and adagge? To create conditions for further development, a child of such communication must first be satisfied with all its needs:

  • timely nutrition and hygiene;
  • shift clothes;
  • fresh air;
  • massage;
  • exercises;
  • baths, including air;
  • maximum attention and communication.

It is necessary to talk to the baby constantly: the entire period of its wakefulness should be covered. In this case, the tenderness and smile are the necessary and mandatory attributes, and the extra emotional bursts are not needed. The repetition of sounds, pronounced by a child, songs and poems will stimulate the karapuz to play hearing heard. Massage of small palms and fingers is obligatory - it contributes to the development of shallow motility, which stimulates the formation of speech.

Baby does not gulit: What is the reason?

Experts allocate three stages of speech development in the first year of life:

  • creek;
  • bustle;
  • based.

But comes to the end of the first month, and the baby is not rulit. Panic aside. The development of children passes individually. In some cases, Agu sounds a month and further - silence a few weeks, in others - a long silence and a sharp beginning of the walking and tinet.

See also:

In this case, the analysis of the previous situation is needed - too much communication, violation of the usual regime, the overwork of the kid. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of problems with hearing, that is, to check whether the child hears appeal to him, whether the mother's voice is applied to him.

It is also necessary to ensure the most comfortable conditions for the baby - a calm and benevolent environment in the family, first of all, to suppress their own anxiety, which can be transmitted and crumb. Quite often, the child begins to steer when it remains alone. Parents must try to catch these moments.

You need to communicate with the baby, a clear but not harsh voice. The intonation must be soft and calm, and the speech is as simple as possible. Parents should show how to pronounce the chains of syllables. In the event of anxiety related to the development of speech in a child, a consultation is needed by a neurologist. When identifying problems or suspiciousness associated with hearing, you need to contact Laura.

Game how to make meat

The game for a baby when the child has already begun to adagge and smile, will be a stimulant to its successful development and growth. As often as possible you need to apply role-based games. It will develop articulation, auditory attention, contribute to emotional communication.

You need to talk to the baby, accompanied by active and clearly pronouncing repeating syllables. Conversations should be emotional, accompanied by visual contact and responding in response. It is necessary to give a crouch to understand what they listen to and understand. The favorite sound of the Karapus should be actively used in such conversations.

Knowledge of what how many children begin to adversely, smile, lept, are needed by parents, especially if this is the first child. They will help judge the development of the baby. In the event of any deviations from the norm, first of all, it is necessary to consult with its pediatrician and eliminate the presence of pathologies.

After the first smile, nothing else is perceived by adults with such a delight, like the bustle of the baby. It is his first language, it is unique in its own way and is necessary for the formation of speech. We will tell about the timing and features of the consideration in this material.

What it is?

Traditional medical sources interpret melling as a stage of land development. That is, while this is not speech, but not a cry, which the newborn communicated with mom and other relatives for any reason, whether it is a desire to communicate or wet a diaper. In 2-3 months, on average, children begin to grieve, and this means that their need for scream is not so great.You will now be screaming for quite specific reasons when the presence and participation of an adult is an acute vital necessity (hunger, cold, pain). In other cases, the kid is Gulit, and this can not but cause dignity.

The roaking continues to about six months. Then the child smoothly moves to the stage of the shelter and becomes still on the step closer to human speech.

The child begins to adagge not because he wants it. Just so arranged by nature, and the skill itself is considered spontaneous. Usually, the kid "comes" at rest when he is good, comfortable when he is fed,often - exclusively in the presence of adults, but sometimes the kids do it with themselves.

At the very beginning of the walking, the child utters short sounds, usually starting with vowels ("y", "a", "s") and gradually moving to their unification with some consonants ("Gu", "ha", "Ma"). At 4 months, the kids reach such vocal skills that not only individual sounds and syllables, but also the entire cascades of sounds begin to pronounce. The stage of the Torcheek development, as follows, is called tinket.

It is noteworthy that different children are walking almost equally. In this perfect gentle age, there are no nationalities, language barriers. But already by half the crumbs begin to pronounce sounds that are increasingly reminding the sounds of their native language, in which they hear it and perceive from their parents and other adults. Experiments have shown that an adult Frenchman, Japanese or American is completely able to identify the child with him with him, simply listening to the audio recording of such a kid's goal at 6-7 months.

If even a child is deprived of the ability to hear, he is still rulite. Some karapuses with hearing impairments even pass the initial stages of the shepherd. But then they need medical care and auxiliary means in recognizing speech, otherwise they will not learn.

Possible problems

Upon reaching a certain age, parents begin to wait from the crumbs of response sounds, but they may not be. There are children who are limited to only a short period of exercise of the future speech. They seem to try the sounds of "taste", they say vowels and they themselves are scared. Such kids can be silent as partisans, and at 5, and 6 months.

With a fright or negative experience, as well as a sudden disease, and suddenly lost abilities for the pronunciation of sounds can be connected. The child goule, for example, from 2 months old, and stopped for 4 months and silent. Under the action of fear, stress or even the most ordinary cold, which the kid suffered, he could temporarily forget the new skill.

The reason for the delay in the development of the merchant or its disappearance can be the weak emotional development of the kid: they communicate with him little, almost do not speak, they are not enough attention. To establish speech contact with infants - not easy, but nothing impossible in it. The delay in mental and emotional development indicates not only the absence of consideration in principle, but also a monotonous "singing", a pitch aged from 4-5 months and older. Normally, at this age, the bustling becomes emotionally painted: the child can pronounce its "AGU", both with pleasure and with annoyance, both demanding and affectionately, gently. In kids with a delay in the development of the psyche and the formation of emotions, the emotional color of the sounds is practically absent.

The bustling may be absent or being very scarce, almost undeveloped in children with autism. Babies are likely to behave with Down syndrome, with congenital dementia, children who have had severe head injuries, hemorrhage in the brain at birth. Under the defeat of the speech center, neither the goose, nor the cake may not be at all as subsequent speech skills.

Later, the premature babies are beginning to go, as well as kids, often sick and in connection with this weakened. Lazy due to the nature of the kids can also begin to go round a few later than their active and inquisitive peers. It is quite rarely the reason for the lack of escape, Agukania and the lepture are the abnormalities of the structure of voice ligaments and the speech apparatus, since these anomalies themselves are relatively rare.

To suspect the baby with a hearing problem only at the stage of the stupid. Children who cannot listen to themselves and hear do not go to a specific shelling of certain syllables, stopping at the stage of vocal (sowing vowel).

How to teach?

The development of the walking parents may contribute to the most direct way. No need to develop some speech therapy techniques for this - you just need to communicate with the baby. Often and a lot. For any reason and without that. Whatever the mother is busy (cooking, cleaning, ironing linen), it can comment on their actions out loud. The kid will carefully listen to her intonation, sounds and sooner or later want to repeat them.

Specialists. Defectologists and speech therapists argue that for a better understanding of a child's speech of an adult, need to say not quiet, but not loud, Since the best in memory is fixed and the average frequencies of human speech are perceived.

If the kid often becomes eyewitness of the family quarrel, Mom often speaks irritated tone, raising his voice, that is, the probability that he will start to master not gentle, cautious, spent sounds, and from screams and squeal. Therefore, it is recommended to always speak a benevolent and even tone with a child. From two and three months old, you need to start installing with a tender contact during speaking.

Having stretching to him with the traditional in such cases "on", the mother should try to look into the baby in the eyes and meet a response view. If the child is might, and not Gulit, Mom should not imitate his sounds. In all other cases, it will be good if the mother starts to imitate the sounds of the baby. Such contact will be the beginning of the full-fledged speech development of the child.

Try to choose to communicate a minute when the house is quiet. It is difficult to do in a noisy setting: the baby will be distracted by a working TV, loud music or gomon votes and just silent. That is why often the latency of speech development suffer the youngest kids in large families.

In situations, when a child only listens to an adult and does not attempt at all attempts to imitate, apply the techniques of so-called passive imitation. Mom pronounces typical for the "Gu-GU-Ga-Ga", and at the same time, a thumb open a child with a lower sponge, repeating its own articulation. Gradually, the baby develops an understanding of the relationship of the facial expansion and outgoing sound. There is also a special speech therapy massage for infants. It lies in the vibrational effect with his hands on the baby's chest, lightly touch the tips of his larynx and the submandibular space.

Even if the kid stubbornly refuses to steer, do not leave classes and attempts. It happens that, by passing the stage of the walking, the kid after 5-6 months begins to be broken and progresses quite quickly. For the acquisition of Dorcher and speech skills, the ability to recognize the speech of adults is important. Therefore, the mother must more often ask the child questions and herself to respond to them itself, all the actions of the interaction should be commented: "Give", "on", "so", "not so", "that's it." Short index combinations of sounds will help the child to master the passive (internal) speech.

Unfortunately, often parents are waiting for the first "mother" or "dad" and do not attach much to other sounds and their combinations that the baby says. And Kroch is very waiting for approval and reaction, when once again pronounces his "Gu", "bu", etc., the emotionally and attentive parents will react to the rustle, the faster the baby will move in the right direction of the development of human speech.

The most difficult stages of the rustling and tinets are bilingual children who hear two languages \u200b\u200bimmediately. By half, they usually "define" themselves: the sounds of the language that affects them is beginning to prevail in their bowel, which affects them stronger. But there may be a mixture of the sounds of two languages. With such guys you need to do in one language, only gradually (after a year) adding sounds and syllables of another language. Important for the development of precompliane skills is the development of shallow motility hands. The movements of the hands and the speech center are interconnected. Therefore, children from two and three months old should be quite different to the touch of objects (toys, rags), which will develop the tactive feelings of the fingers. For half a year, there will be pyramids and children's cubes, safe sorters without small parts.

The appearance of the first sounds spoken by the baby always causes lunizing, and many parents are waiting for such moment. At the same time, adults are often hampered to say when a child begins to adagge and try to go. There are ways to accelerate the appearance of the first sounds from the crumbs and it is worth knowing that it can become a reason to appeal to the speech therapist.

The first toddler's pronounced sounds for adults are heard as ASU. For many, the concepts of Agukania and the goings are equivalent, which is not entirely correct. Little children at the stage of the appearance of the first sounds are characterized by a gentle pronunciation, in which the letters "A" and "U" are present. The repetition of such vowels is Agukanem, and it is the most simple form of a baby speech. The humiliation refers to the category of more complex pronunciation of sounds at which consonants are added, and the child learns to speak with himself.

When does a child begins to agreed?

What time for the first time they will acquire the ability to adhere to many factors. The main states of the health of the crumbs, the presence of related pathologies and the degree of communication of the child with adults.

The number of months that will be held until the emergence of conscious sounds depends on the individual characteristics of the kid.


The first unconsciously uttered sounds can be heard at 1.5 months.

Consciously and intentionally

The baby shows progress in the pronunciation of sounds from 12 weeks. At the same time, he can do it independently even without an interlocutor in the form of an adult.

When it starts to pure a premature baby

At what age, the baby begins to be broken, born previously due time depends on many factors, including prematurity. To speak "AGU", children with the 1st degree start on the 2nd or 3rd month, at the 2nd and 3rd time shifts to 5 months.

What to do if the baby stopped adagging

At 4 months, the kids are walking with the involvement in the speech of the sky sounds. Many parents begin to worry in the situation when an actively talking baby suddenly stopped doing it. In 3 and 4 months it can speak both about the norm and the presence of a problem. Many crumbs cease to grow in preparation for the pronunciation of new letters. To the situation of refusal to speak can lead the stress or illness to the baby.

What to do if the baby stubbornly silent

In a situation of persistent silence, it is important to obtain a consultation of a specialist and eliminate the risk of health problems. It is necessary to ensure the baby due to the level of comfort. A happy and fed child, not experiencing health problems and care, will soon begin to go.

It is required to pay a lot of time to communicate with the child, accompanying all the actions made with him, sweeters, and songs. The kid perfectly understands that adults communicate at such a moment it is with him and will strive to give a response.

How to determine that the kid hears you and understands, but silent

Often babies do not show the desire to communicate with poor well-being. The lack of attention to adult actions may be due to the fact that the baby is tired. To understand about the presence of problems with hearing and concentration of attention is possible by carrying out a simple test.

During normal development, the following reactions should be observed:

  • with sharp sounds, the baby shudders;
  • the monthly kid turns the head toward the sound source, which is behind him;
  • a four-month-old child reacts to the movement of the head in the direction of the toy sounding near him.

The kid when communicating with adults after the start of the rusty actively helps himself, moving with legs and handles. When communicating with adults, he expresses a complex of revival, emotions can cause screeching and laughter.

How to talk baby?

The secret of the early origin of speech at the infant is to communicate it with his parents.

More communicate with crumb

With a three-month baby during the wake period, you need to organize games with simple toys - bells, bubrels. During this period, the baby is able to hold attention for 1-3 minutes. Speech should sound not only at the moment of the game, when equipping a diaper, torture and other procedures, it is not worth excluding the sound of speech. When talking, the tone should be affectionate and cheerful. From 3 months it is worth using emotional communication capabilities:

  • making mutual;
  • trying to repeat the syllables uttered by the baby;
  • experiment with facial expressions and facial expressions;
  • change intonation, rhythm, sound pronunciation.

In conversation, it is important to show the kid with the possibilities of articulation, allow it to observe the mouth at the time of the pronunciation of sound.

Add vowels

From 4 months with the child playing the so-called imitation game. When pronouncing the kid, the syllable should continue and pronounce the word. As a result, instead of "BA", it is "Baba" and other simple words. First you should stimulate the baby, repeating the most frequently pronounced and successful syllables behind it, so the child will understand what they communicate with him. In the future, he will begin to imitate an adult, seeking to repeat the spoken sound.

Massage palms of the newborn

On the palms there are a large number of points, through the impact on which the small motorcy and the child is developing. To do this, it is required to regularly use:

  • massage strokes;
  • massation of the surface of the palms;
  • flexion of fingers;
  • use toys with various textures, game rug.

With kids useful to play finger games. All well-known "ladys", "forty", "falling asleep fingers" are greatly developed by the baby, who over time learns to imitate an adult.

Speech Games for Baby

Regular communication with the child in combination with the development of shallow motility will allow the baby faster to speak. It is recommended to use the following speech games:

  • singing, accompanied by expressions of emotions;
  • sound resistance, use of toys with musical effects;
  • supplement of the words spoken by crumb sounds.

Children's poems and counters come to the rescue, which train speech activity and ability to memorize words held with their pronunciation to the parents.

When it is worth contacting the speech therapist

Long absence of a walking should alert parents. Sudden termination of the pronunciation of sounds and the absence of them in the kid for several days requires access to the speech therapist. Consultation of a specialist in the following cases should be obtained:

  • the child was 4 months old, but Agukania did not happen;
  • the kid utters rippled sounds that have no similarity with vigorous;
  • when pronouncing sounds, screeching;
  • the crocha does not show in the process of keeping the desire to communicate with adults.

Problems of lack of hearing may not be associated with the area of \u200b\u200bthe speech therapy, therefore, early detection of health problems increase the effectiveness of correctional action.

Having received "in the hands" of his long-awaited happiness - the baby, you immediately encounter many questions. The most difficult is the first year of life of the crumbs, since during this period it is particularly rapidly developing and knowing himself and the world. Most experiences arise during comparison with other children. That is why you should not forget that up to the year the concept of "norm" is extremely stretching and individually in everything. Therefore, many parents are concerned about when the child begins to root, as well as the moments associated with this.

What is a bustker

The consultation is the second of three stages of preparation for speech. The very first is a cry, and the third - sheep. These are various variations of individual and emergence of sounds and growls: AGU, A-A-A, Ge, Ge, Be, Oh, He, Aga, E, Ah, Khe, U-U-y, avu, etc. What is very curious, this set in kids of different nationalities is almost the same. Over time, the repertoire of the crumbs is updated with new intonations and sounds. Looking for a question: "When does a child begins to grow?" - It must be remembered that this is a kind of communication that needs to be maintained. Probably, every mom remembers how the baby looks into her eyes and "purr" in response. This skill in the future will be the basis of a variety of social contacts. Therefore, talk with your crumb, and you will see with what pleasure he will answer you. At this stage, your intonation is mainly important for him, rhythm, and only then the meaning.

When the child begins to go

On average, the child begins with a walk from a month or two. However, as mentioned above, each infant has its own norm. And someone can do it from the 3rd, and from 4 months. This stage of preparation for speech continues in a child to about half a year, and then replaced with a stupid.

The child is not Gulit

Causes of lack of rhosts are different. One of the most serious is the delay in development. However, or not or not, it is very easy to determine independently, without hiking to the doctor. Any deviation can not be in itself, but only in the complex. Therefore, if the baby has everything in order with hearing, attention, reaction to adults and all steel, it means that the baby is simply such a norm. The second, the most common cause is our desire to hurry the events. Therefore, before hitting the alarm, you should give a baby time, as well as more with him to communicate, and soon he will start answering you. Also, some kids simply do not want to do it, but prefer to listen more and watch you.

The child stopped grilling

The cessation of consideration is a normal common phenomenon before starting the next stage - lepture. So, some kids smoothly go to this stage, while others shut down for a while. It usually occurs in 4-5 or 6 months. Again, everyone is individually. Therefore, the recommendations remain the same: more talk to your child, please understand, smile, and very soon he will answer you with new sounds and enemas.

When a child begins to go: Summing up

The main call about a serious problem is not late, in your opinion, is a bustling, but the lack of reaction to sounds, communicating with the baby. And if the child turns the head to you, when you call him, smiles to you, shouts when he is bad, uncomfortable or boring, it means that he will begin to do it when the time comes or just desire.

Birth is a serious test for mother and child, requiring several weeks to restore forces and energy. During the first month, the Baby's body adapts to new environmental conditions and "comes to itself." Parents do not even imagine how many unexpected and amazing impressions are waiting for them!

Already on the second month of life, the baby lays the need for communication when the child begins to adversely, smile and "speak" ways accessible to it.

In pediatrics there are standards for the development of breast-age children, substantial deviations from which can talk about violations. It is important to observe the behavior and skills of their crumbs - timely detection of problems helps them in time to adjust them, preventing serious consequences in the future.

In this article, we will talk about the emotional and psychological development of a monthly baby - the period when the child begins to root and interested in other people.

From this article you will learn

First communication skills

Initially, the newborn needs only physiological satisfaction of needs. After some time there is a need for communication. The first person becomes a mother who sings songs, drawn with delicate phrases filled with love.

Of course, Kroch is not able to perceive words and realize what the parent says about. It will happen only after a few months. However, the content is worth an intonational basis, which is already understandable and important to the baby.

From the first week of life, Karapuz learns to pronounce sounds and their combinations. The "vocabulary" of a monthly child consists mainly of several consonants. He begins to pronounce something similar to the "GHY", "Khy", which are gradually replaced by "U-UE", "AU-U". After some time, the crumb starts to peel the vowels - to go.

The first word in the lexicon of infants is AGU. Why do everyone tell him? It is this combination of sounds that the child is given the easiest way. Having mastered his pronunciation, the baby is constantly improving, singing his "AhU-U" and enjoying his own voice. Closer to two months, children use sounds already to communicate with their parents, attracting attention or responding to their appeal.

How to stimulate kid to conversation

Before each parent there is a serious task - to teach your baby to communicate with the help of human speech. The consultation is an important stage in the development and formation of spoken skills. Of course, it will not be able to force a child to adhere to the attitude, but why not encourage him to communicate?

How to teach a child to adhesive?

  • Permanent conversations. From the very birth, talking to the baby - comment on actions, talk about your feelings, share experiences. What exactly will be a question - no matter. As a result of such conversations, kids get acquainted with various emotional paintings, and what they will be more, the better.
  • Imitation. All children are famous "repeats", which at any age are watching their parents and repeat their actions. When talking with infants, this should be used. When a child begins to steer, you can repeat the sounds for him, inviting to the dialogue, then gradually turn on new ones.
  • Massage palms. Finger games and massation of palms contribute to the development of the motility of the hands, which is closely related to the speech abilities of children.

A great solution for the development of the speech of the baby is a folk creativity with characteristic observance. How many booms, risks and songs are familiar to us since childhood? All of them are perfectly played by Agukane and encourage the crumb to be pushed along with mom.

Folklore is simple for the perception of kids, which is why children at any age gladly pick up such games like: "Ladushka, ladies, where were there? By Grandma!" Or "Geese, Geese! Ga-ga-ha! Do you want? Yes Yes Yes!". It will take all the pair of months, and the crocha will begin to recognize the favorite booms, sign on the joy of mom and dad.

If Kroch is silent

The answer to the question, how much time should pass after childbirth so that the child began to adversely cannot be unequivocal. All kids are developing individually. Some children begin to "speak" on the third week of life, others are silent to three months.

Sometimes the crumb begins to grow and after some time dramatically ceases to make sounds. Why is this happening? The "culprits" of phenomena may be the following reasons:

  • transferred stress;
  • change of the situation, adaptation of the child to new conditions;
  • bad well-being, illness;
  • molding other speech skills (laughter, screeching, squeak).

Children not interested in communicating with their parents in 5-6 months deserve special attention. As a rule, such a deviation from generally accepted norms indicates a hearing impairment or neurological problems. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

It is difficult to predict in advance, how many months the child will begin to master the skills of emotional and speech communication. Mamino's behavior is of great importance - only caring, loving and affectionate parents may encourage the desire of their crumbs to know the world. Some experts recommend talking to the baby before his birth - already during this period, in their opinion, a person is able to perceive speech.