The most beautiful drawings for teacher's day. Pictures Happy Teacher's Day: beautiful congratulations with poems (free download) from children and colleagues

Every year on October 5, Russian teachers celebrate their professional holiday. In the morning they prepare vases at home in advance - the students will definitely give them flowers. In addition to lush bouquets with dahlias, asters and chrysanthemums, children often give their favorite teachers beautiful pictures of Happy Teacher's Day, signed with wonderful words of congratulations and cool poems. On the walls of school corridors, posters with drawings dedicated to subject teachers, class teachers, physical education teacher and head teachers are hung out, and the school principal begins this day with warm wishes to colleagues.

Beautiful pictures Happy Teacher's Day 2017 for your favorite teachers (free download)

There are more than forty thousand different professions in the world, and no one has heard of most of them. However, there is hardly a person who does not know anything about teachers. Teachers are constantly present in the life of each of us. While still six years old, we get acquainted with the first teacher, later - with the class teacher, subject teachers. After graduating from school, we continue to communicate with the teaching staff of colleges and universities. Later, everything repeats itself - only with our children and grandchildren. Teachers are always remembered - on Teacher's Day they are given postcards with beautiful pictures and congratulations, wishes of well-being in their families and health.

Examples of beautiful pictures for Teacher's Day

If you find it difficult to decide on a gift for your favorite teacher on Teacher's Day, give him beautiful pictures of flowers and nature on October 5th. Download them for free from our website, sign the finished images with the best wishes coming from the heart, arrange them in a beautiful frame and present them to your dear teacher.

The most beautiful pictures with poems for Teacher's Day (free download)

A teacher is a profession no less important than a doctor. If doctors treat the body, taking full responsibility for human health, then teachers without fail take care of the education of a comprehensively developed, socially active person. In shaping the character of the child, the teacher plays a leading role - from 6-7 to 16-17 years old, boys and girls are in close contact with teachers, they learn from them not only the rules of the Russian language and formulas, but also the rules of life. Wishing to express their gratitude to the subject teachers and the class teacher, schoolchildren give them wonderful pictures with soulful poems on Teacher's Day.

Examples of pictures with poems for Teacher's Day

To please your favorite teachers, it is not necessary to give them expensive gifts. It is much more important for any teacher to feel the attention of students, their sincerity and warmth. Simple pictures with kind, sincere verses will be the best congratulations on October 5th.

Cool pictures of Happy Teacher's Day (free download)

Despite the low prestige of the teaching profession, the competition for Russian pedagogical universities is always very high. What is the reason for such a paradox? It would seem that teachers are paid a little - an associate professor sometimes receives less than a builder - but tens of thousands sincerely go to become teachers. In our country, indeed, there are many people who sincerely want to work and communicate with children every day, share knowledge and experience with them, not counting the money received for this. The best teachers are loved for their kindness and sincerity, cheerful disposition and optimism. Congratulating them on Teacher's Day, on October 5, students give them cool pictures and humorous poems about school and lessons, wish subject and "class" students health, patience and high salaries.

Examples of cool pictures for Teacher's Day

If the holiday of October 5 has already arrived, and you still haven’t managed to buy a postcard for the Teacher’s Day, download the coolest school pictures from our website. Print them out on thick paper, sign them with funny poems about school life, your class, extra-curricular life, and present them to the teacher on his professional holiday.

Pictures and posters Happy Teacher's Day 2017 (download congratulations here for free)

The tradition of choosing the “editor-in-chief” of the class, the person responsible for issuing wall newspapers, has existed since Soviet times. On Teacher's Day, these guys create entertaining photo collages, decorate the classroom with drawings, posters with congratulations and thematic pictures depicting teachers surrounded by smiling students.

Posters and pictures with congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 for download

Schoolchildren begin to prepare for Teacher's Day at least two weeks before the holiday itself. Some of the guys write poetry, others decorate the class with posters with pictures and congratulations. On such self-made posters, small articles are placed on the history of the teaching profession, stories about school teachers, interesting stories of their lives.

Pictures-congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 for colleagues

The teacher's day at the school begins with the congratulations of the teachers to all colleagues and the exchange of postcards with pictures on the autumn theme. The teachers are discussing how they will celebrate the holiday after school. After that, everyone disperses into classes - there they are waiting for the most pleasant surprises from their beloved students and their parents.

Examples of pictures with congratulations to colleagues on Teacher's Day

Without having time to buy postcards for Teacher's Day for your colleagues, select the pictures you like with congratulations on our website and download them for free. Send them to your workmates by email, wishing them every school year to avoid difficulties in communicating with students and enjoy the next salary increase.

After downloading the cool pictures you like on Teacher's Day from our website, send them by e-mail to your favorite teachers or print the drawings, beautifully arranging them on thick paper. Teachers who have gathered after a working day to celebrate a holiday can give such mini-presents to colleagues and wish them great personal happiness and great patience at work.

A wonderful holiday for teachers, they began to celebrate back in the 80s of the twentieth century, since the times of the USSR. It was celebrated on the first Sunday of October, but after the collapse of the Union, Russia joined the international organization UNESCO and began to celebrate October 5 along with the World Teacher's Day, and most other post-Soviet countries, including Ukraine, left the date unchanged.

What to give the teacher for the holiday?

To congratulate their class teachers or their most beloved teachers, children come up with many different drawing ideas for Teacher's Day. In these drawings, one can read the fullness of the child's efforts, his skills and the mood that he is trying to convey. After all, even the simplest and most uncommon picture of a baby can speak of great respect and a desire to make a pleasant surprise. Why a children's drawing for Teacher's Day was the highest priority gift is because there is nothing better, both for parents and teachers, than a handmade gift.

Older schoolchildren sometimes come up with and create with the whole class not just drawings, but entire posters for Teacher's Day, where you can paste photos, make applications, and, of course, draw.

Every year, on this holiday, there is an occasion to say a few warm words to people who teach at school not only subjects, but also the basics of life. Children's drawings for Teacher's Day are the most important thanks from the little wards. Teachers protect, invest knowledge, try to diversify the school years of children with interesting and fun events so that they leave a pleasant and unforgettable mark on the life of each student, maximum knowledge, as well as good and wise parting words for a long, already adult life.

In this article, we present some drawings for congratulations on Teacher's Day, which children at any age can draw, with varying degrees of artistic skill, with the help of their parents or on their own.

For starters, an easy drawing for Teacher's Day can be presented in the form of a scarlet rose. This flower means respect, love and the desire to convey the warmest and kindest feelings to a dear person.

The second option can be offered more complex and thematic - the globe pattern is well suited to the theme of Teacher's Day. It combines the knowledge of the whole world and such concepts as peace and friendship, which teachers teach their students all school years.

Step 1

First, you need to draw a large and even circle in the middle of the album sheet. To do this, you can use a school compass or prepare a round object of a suitable diameter and circle it. For accuracy, you can draw a line of the diameter of the circle.

Step 2

Further, using the same compass, it is necessary to draw half-rings of a larger diameter, as a support for the globe, and connect it with lines to the “ball” itself. And then arbitrarily, with a simple pencil, draw the very leg on which he stands.

Step 3

Now, you need to open an atlas or take a “living globe”, as well as use your geographical knowledge (if a primary school student draws, then parents will have to get the knowledge). First of all, we apply the Eurasian continent,

and then Africa, North and South America, let's not forget about Australia, the Arctic and Antarctic, etc.

Step 4

Since it is still quite difficult for children to make a colored globe, you can shade the land with a simple pencil,

or make the earth just green and paint the water blue. If the child has artistic talent or one of the parents has it, then you can decorate the globe, almost like a real one.

It remains to add a congratulatory inscription and the gift is ready!

Teacher's Day is a bright and cheerful holiday. On this day, the kids are in a hurry to congratulate their mentors, thank them for their patience, gifted knowledge and invaluable experience. Not only kind words and wishes are heard in honor of teachers, but also children try to please teachers with original gifts, creative skits and performances, learn poems and songs, make wall newspapers.
In other words, congratulations on a professional holiday are a great opportunity for schoolchildren to show their creative abilities, to reveal the talent of an artist or actor.

Children's drawing for Teacher's Day

Traditionally, for Teacher's Day, kids prepare a series of themed postcards. These are unique works of art that reflect the inner world and perception of small personalities, their attitude towards their teachers and good wishes.
Postcards with children's drawings are a great congratulation on Teacher's Day for every teacher. After all, what could be more valuable and original than a gift made by small children's hands with such diligence and enthusiasm.

Pencil Drawing Ideas for Teacher's Day

The imagination of the younger generation is limitless, but sometimes they lack the skills and abilities to bring all their ideas to life. In particular, to draw a beautiful drawing for Teacher's Day with a pencil, children will probably need the help of adults. And since far from all parents are endowed with artistic abilities, a master class on how to draw a picture for Teacher's Day in stages will be a salvation in this situation.
We will not change traditions and “give” our respected teachers a vase of flowers, for example, roses.

So, let's start, for work we need: simple and colored pencils, a sheet of paper (preferably not one).

A few words about the overall composition, if you are more accustomed to holding a computer mouse in your hands than a pencil or pen, it is better to first practice drawing a vase and flowers separately. And after you have mastered the execution technique, feel free to arrange the elements into a single composition.

Now, consider how to draw such a drawing for Teacher's Day in stages:
In the middle of the leaf we draw a vertical line, which in the future will turn out to be the stem of our flower.

Now the leaves. Draw a horizontal line perpendicular to the stem with two arcs.

Connect the leaf to the stem and add a couple more petals in the same way, only at different angles.

Let's get to the button. At the top of the stem we draw oblong leaves.

Then two large petals in the form of drops, as in the photo
Let's add a couple more "drops" behind the existing ones.
Then we draw the central bud with a slightly ajar crown.

Adding shadows and coloring our masterpiece.

Things are a little easier with a vase:
Draw a circle at the bottom of the sheet. Above we draw a cylinder, so that the lower line of the circle in the center intersects the lower base of the cylinder.
Now we draw the exact contour of the vase and draw flowers (as in the picture, or roses, as in the previous description).
We shade the intersection lines and decorate our vase.

A more original way to make a congratulation on Teacher's Day is a garland with children's drawings or wishes. For example, each student in the class can write or draw on a strip of colored paper his congratulations to the teacher.
So, to make a garland we need: strips of colored paper, colored pencils, ribbon, sewing machine or glue, scissors.
Distribute one strip to each student (it can be more intricate, for example, in the form of a flag or a heart, in general, you can not limit your imagination), let everyone write their wish or compliment with a pencil.

Next, we glue each strip on the back to the tape, if there is a sewing machine, we attach it.
Here, in fact, our garland is ready, for sure such a creation will be a pleasant surprise for the holiday.

Although I hate to admit it, without these people, I could not be myself. Yes, if someone asks, we have achieved everything ourselves, however, we will give them their due. If they didn’t kick us from an early age, didn’t force us to solve stupid (as it seemed at that moment in life) tasks, didn’t accustom us to work, didn’t scold us for every mistake, something sensible would have grown from us.

Below we will see instructions on how to draw a teacher in stages, as well as a couple of life considerations in this regard. We will draw from this picture: To begin with. A teacher is a person who is capable of doing something like himself.

You, dear readers, will truly begin to appreciate teachers only when you yourself are made responsible for someone. This is the eternal problem of fathers and children, invented by no one knows who and why, but has been working for millions of years. So far, no one has managed to break the system, so just take it as it is. Better try to make a portrait of your favorite (or not so) teacher and give him as a keepsake.

How to draw a teacher with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch out the marking lines.
Step two. Let's draw a sketch of the face, hair, shoulders, arms.
Step three. Let's draw the folds on the clothes.
Step four. Add shadows, remove auxiliary lines.
This is not the end, see the continuation of this topic, let's try to portray.

Dedicated to this wonderful holiday, is gaining momentum. Who has not yet taken part, but is eager to sincerely and heartily congratulate their teachers - school or life - you are welcome!

Today you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the first competitive works, by the way, they came from the same city!

Job one - sincere, open, emotional. This is a congratulatory story from a student of grade 3-A of school No. 98 (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) Ostap Belyaev. There is so much warmth and respect in this work that I want all my readers and guests to read it.

"Good day!

On the eve of the warmest, most sincere and timeless holiday, I would like to tell you about my favorite teacher - Golovenko Tamara Yurievna.

Once my mother studied with her, and three years ago September 1, I came to the first "A" class and also became a student. Therefore, together with my mother, we would like to tell about her and take part in the competition and if possible, surprise her with a gift.

Tamara Yurievna - extraordinary teacher— devoted to his work, sincere, kind and empathetic! Every lesson, whether it's math, reading, Russian or the world around us, is a fascinating experience. journey into the unknown world of knowledge!

Thanks to Tamara Yuryevna, we learned to appreciate friendship and loyalty, to distinguish the main from the secondary. Every year, on the eve of May 9, as a whole class, we prepare congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War: we write postcards, collect treats, and send congratulations to the homes of veterans. We visit the graves of unknown soldiers, and last year we even accompanied the honorary burial of the found remains of unknown heroes of the Second World War.

Our teacher has been engaged in this noble cause for many years - prolonging the memory of the Feat of our people during the Second World War. Veterans come to us for lessons and holidays not only on the May holidays, but throughout the year. These lessons of courage, fortitude and sincere love for the Motherland will remain with us for life!

All of us, students of the 3rd "A" class, love our joint activities and trips, but the colorful Russian holidays are especially dear to us, which we celebrate together and cheerfully! Seeing off autumn, Old New Year, Maslenitsa - each of these holidays is like a small theatrical performance! We prepare treats, costumes, songs and poems and, together with our beloved teacher, sincerely have fun and celebrate.

Of course, studying at school is not only holidays and trips to the cinema and the theater, it is, first of all, the acquisition of interesting and important knowledge. But Tamara Yuryevna always manages to find the right words for each student, and there are 29 of them in our class! Sometimes she is soft and warm, sometimes strict, but always fair, sincere and sympathetic.

They say that first teacher like a second mother - once enters your life and stays there forever. I am sure that our teacher will remain forever in the heart and life of each of us!

On Teacher's Day On behalf of all the guys in our class, I would like to congratulate Tamara Yuryevna and all the teachers on this noble holiday! I wish them health, patience, joy and love of students!”

Work two . From the little inventor and inventor Danka (3 years 2 months) and his mother Irina.

Read what mom writes.

Danya is a very addictive kid! And we, as we can, try to develop it.

About a year ago, I started drawing with him. I bought finger paints, spread paper on the floor - and go!

The time for this entertaining activity flew by instantly, Danya and I got dirty from head to toe and were completely delighted with the hours spent and the masterpieces created! Once I noticed that the moment of imprinting his own palm aroused the greatest interest in him. He painted his palm with pleasure, applied it to the sheet and looked with interest at the resulting five on the drawing paper.

I supported the kid's interest and added a few details to his print, turned the drawing over, and we got a cute octopus! The little boy was absolutely delighted! I dipped my pen in paint again and made new prints, waiting to see what kind of animals I could turn them into! That time we got a fish, and a peacock, and a swan!
Now Danya is already creating by himself, but he has not lost interest in miracle hands! Only now he himself shows his imagination and finishes various details on the prints! Who has him already only nor goes! Dani's fantasy has gone further, and now he draws people, vehicles, Christmas trees, trees, flowers, etc. A couple of times a week, he consistently comes to my husband and me with a pack of paper and a felt-tip pen to make new blanks for his drawings! And due to the fact that the size of our hands is different for everyone, sometimes he has a whole family of fish or bunnies!

In the photo that I sent to the competition, there is only a small part of Danka's manual zoo. But it was these animals that he chose for the application as a gift.)

Work the third.

The next work, “Papier-mâché Pencil,” was prepared by the charming Nastya with her craftswoman, mother Natalia. They think that a pencil holder in the form of a birch stump with hedgehogs will look great on the teacher's desk.

Natalya is raising another daughter, little Varvara, or, as she is warmly and affectionately called in the family, Mittens. In honor of the baby and named Natalia's blog "Mittens of Joy", where you can see many wonderful crafts in the style of dough plastic, papier-mâché or paper plastic.

Work fourth.

I was just sure that these two girls, mother Maria and her daughter Dashunya, simply would not be able to pass the competition. After all, Machin's blog "Learning while playing" is filled with many master classes, examples of developing activities and hobbies of this wonderful family. In addition, Teacher's Day is a special, personal holiday for them.

What will surprise them this time?

2. "Flowers", quilling technique

3. Wonderful drawings-congratulations on Teacher's Day.

Work sixth.

The original competition entry for Teacher's Day came from little Misha (almost 1.5 years old) and his mother Marina ( Morskaia), leading a wonderful blog "There are children in our house" .

Here is how it describes the process of creating the first masterpiece from plasticine and buttons mother Marina - “This morning I decided to make a Flower application with my son to give to our grandmother for Teacher's Day. The circles were prepared ahead of time. I drew a flower on paper with a pencil. When all the circles were already stuck, I thought that we had already done this. We need something new. And then buttons were added to our appliqué. Black stripes - this is the creative approach of the baby :) "

Work seventh, complex.

The following work has been completed by a team of pupils of the orphanage in Armyansk(Crimea).

This shelter is an institution for temporary stay (up to three months) and social protection for children left without parental care and for orphans. Tatyana Vladimirovna Semyonova, teacher at the orphanage, says: “The orphanage is already 13 years old, and over the years there have been many talented children. There were children who sang well, danced, drew, embroidered, sculpted. Since children stay in the shelter for no more than 90 days, they are constantly changing with us. Those children who were this summer, we have already sent them to orphanages and boarding schools, giving them a piece of our warmth and kindness.”

With such wonderful creative works, the children of the orphanage congratulate all teachers on their professional holiday!

Eighth work.

Work from Novitskaya Darina from Dnepropetrovsk using quilling technique. With this work, she congratulates all teachers, and separately - dad - a university teacher, grandmother - a teacher of elementary grades, aunt - a biology teacher, on their professional holiday!