Wedding script without toastmaster (for a small company). Scenarios for modern weddings without a toastmaster. Home script for a small fun wedding without a toastmaster in a narrow family circle with contests and no contests

The abandonment of traditional attributes is motivated not only by considerations of economy. It's all about a change in preferences: modern young people often prefer chamber ceremonies, which are attended by relatives and closest friends.

How not to get lost in the intricacies of the organizational process and spend the day so that it will be remembered and touched the hearts of the young and invited? A wedding script without a toastmaster will help create the right atmosphere.

Wedding script without toastmaster

Most often, a company not only of modest and cheerful students or sophisticated and refined aristocrats gathers at a wedding event - a diverse audience of second cousins ​​and work colleagues, best friends and parents, grandparents may not even know each other at all. To find something in common and unite the audience will help not only toasts to the newlyweds, but also the competition program. The wedding script, as well as the gifts, wedding dress, tailcoat, are prepared deliberately.

A wedding without a toastmaster requires a script (in this sense, a celebration is similar to filming a film). In a detailed plan, each scene is drawn in the smallest detail. Of course, there are points common to all commemorative celebrations. For example, the ransom of the bride, departure to the most iconic places of the city, region, registration of marriage (wedding), gatherings in a restaurant. But there is no universal scenario. As unique as people entering a new life are, so are weddings different from each other.

How to conduct a wedding without a toastmaster? The following recommendations will come in handy for the mass entertainer:

  1. If you were recommended to rent a script, it is tempting to agree (still, such a saving of time and effort!). However, we advise you to abandon this venture, since the program should be compiled for a specific pair.
  2. Competitions for a wedding without a toastmaster are not always possible to think over in advance. Some newlyweds first choose a regular dinner in a restaurant with their parents, but after (a week before the "X" day, for example) they change their mind, and now there are more than 20 guests on the list of invitees. There are not so many creative scriptwriters who can create an original script in 1 day. At this point, if you want or don't want someone else's text, pleasant to you, it is a real lifesaver. There is only one condition - be sure to adapt it to your guests, based on their tastes, interests, culture and views.
  3. Making a good program is still a challenge, so feel free to involve friends, parents and loved ones in your work.
  4. A witness and a witness look the most organic in the role of the presenters. They, in tandem with the bride and groom, will be able to draw up a good event plan and beat it. With one caveat: the script should be a surprise for the bride and groom, do not tell them too many details, it is enough to discuss the main points (for example, “problem” guests who become aggressive about certain topics under the influence of alcohol).
  5. Asking the question of how to make a wedding fun without a toastmaster, it is important to collect data about the young people and those invited: birthdays, place of work / study, size of clothes and shoes, hobbies, etc. This is the minimum, based on which you can come up with interesting contests that can introduce and involve everyone, without exception, in the event.

What else do you need to consider?

  • number of guests;
  • age of the invitees;
  • status;
  • views, traditions;
  • wishes of the young.

Competitions for a wedding without a toastmaster

The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster in a circle of friends can be "seasoned" with both modest, funny and bold, original competitions, which are met with special enthusiasm by the guests heated up with champagne and wine.

"Gift from the bottom of my heart"

Couples take part in the competition. The male half writes on pre-prepared sheets of paper the thing that they want to present to their half. Women, unaware of what has taken over the heads of the faithful, describe how they would use the gift. It sounds simple, but in fact it turns out that the girls are planning to put on a flower vase, or hang a necklace on the wall in the living room.

"My beloved"

A wedding program without a toastmaster is not complete without kissing contests. One of the variations is that people who volunteered to participate in the game become a row. The challenge is to name the most attractive part of the person on the right. When everyone voices their version, the presenter announces that now the named place needs to be kissed.

"Find a son-in-law"

Well, what wedding scenario for 20 people without a toastmaster can do without contests for parents ?! Involve in the process those who raised the bride and groom. The presenter invites the newly-made mother-in-law into the hall and blindfolds her. All the men attending the wedding line up in front of her, who will take turns calling her (for example, "Mommy, I'm here!"). The mother-in-law must find her son-in-law by the voice.

Wedding scenarios without toastmaster

Organizing a celebration, bypassing the services of a professional host, will have to invest energy and spend some time. What issues and difficulties need to be resolved:

And some tips on how to allocate time and sequence the stages of the event.

  • Think about how many obligatory toasts will sound at the table. Consider that there are laconic guests, and those who like to talk in colors and for a long time;
  • It is logical to distribute games for a wedding at home without a toastmaster based on the rule: after the change of dishes, intellectual contests are better. A little later, you can do something more active;
  • do not forget about such obligatory attributes of the celebration as throwing the bride's bouquet, drawing the first piece of cake, etc.
  • Having counted, work with the script: just in case, have a few contests in reserve - you never predict whether everything will go according to the planned plan (moreover, such an event is always an improvisation, and it is thankless to expect perfection from it). If some competition (toast, game, rally) drags on, be prepared to throw something out of the main plan.

    Wedding without toastmaster in nature

    A wedding without a toastmaster in nature is a bright event that will definitely be remembered for its uniqueness. This option is good because it allows you to turn around and organize a truly fabulous celebration (with a carriage, coachman, horses). A holiday with a gazebo decorated with fresh flowers, surrounded by a forest, a banquet in the park, live music in a blooming spring garden - these are the options in the European style that are in demand among modern newlyweds. In this case, organizational issues take on a slightly different nature: you need to rent an arbor, chair covers and the furniture itself, decor, conclude an agreement on holding a buffet table with a catering company, invite a musical group.

    The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster in nature includes the following important details:

    • visiting ceremony;
    • wedding photoset;
    • banquet;
    • musical accompaniment;
    • inviting magicians, bands, singers, acrobats, who will add brightness and non-triviality to the holiday;
    • fun, games, funny competitions.

    One small nuance: space is, of course, great, but the territory should be somehow guarded and limited. Therefore, a safer way to hold a wedding would be to order a holiday in a country hotel, a cottage next to groves, forests, reservoirs. In this case, the young are immediately sent to the registry office to register the marriage. Here the first congratulations await them, a toast to health, love and happiness - and the absence of the toastmaster is not felt. After changing clothes or staying in festive outfits, everyone leaves for the bosom of nature. After satisfying your hunger and listening to some of the toasts, you can proceed to the active part (games, competitions and dances to fiery music will not let the guests become discouraged).


    Before coming up with a script, toastmaster you need to talk to the bride and groom or their parents if they are organizing the holiday. It is important to understand what the heroes of the occasion expect from the feast. Perhaps they want in the traditional old Russian style, observing all the rituals. Or, on the contrary, they are waiting for modern contests such as male striptease. Also toastmaster it does not hurt to find out how many guests and how old are expected at the celebration. This will help to adjust the program to the needs of the main part of the invitees.

    It is better to write the main points of a traditional wedding in the script right away. There are several of them. Firstly, before entering the hall or apartment where the feast will take place, young people should taste bread and salt on the doorstep. Mother holds a loaf with a salt shaker on a tray with a towel, and the toastmaster offers to break off pieces of bread. Whoever has the largest piece will be the main one in the family. Then the pieces need to be salted and fed to each other. So for the last time the newlyweds spite each other, now there will be only peace in their life.

    When the guests sit down at the table, the toastmaster should give the first word to congratulate the bride and groom. In advance, you need to prepare two new long candles and one small candle-tablet, preferably in a mold in the shape of a heart. The newly-made mother-in-law must light their long candles (the toastmaster helps to light them) and at the same time bring the fire to a small candle held by the young. This is a symbol of the union of two families into one, a very touching moment. After him, the toastmaster is the first toast: to a new family, and when everyone is drinking, he shouts "Bitter". In this case, it is better to search in advance or compose small funny quatrains in which the word "Bitter" will be. For example: Finally, all guests are assembled,
    There is little space at the tables,
    But the piece does not go down the throat,
    Because it became BITTER!

    When the guests go to dance, the toastmaster, with the help of witnesses, can organize the kidnapping of the bride. She will be taken away from the dance floor by a bridesmaid. When the song ends and the disappearance becomes obvious, the toastmaster shouts: "Help, the bride was stolen!" Further, a "mafia" appears in the hall (guests wearing dark glasses play the role of mafiamen) and put forward their own conditions. The groom must either pay off or go through trials to get his beloved back. The tests are conducted by the toastmaster: he asks questions about the bride's habits, for example, her favorite books, films, and so on. The parents of the bride check the correctness of the answers.

    During the wedding, the toastmaster can alternate congratulations from the guests (first there are relatives, then friends, then colleagues) with games and contests. The most popular wedding entertainment is dressing up. You need to find bright, cheerful costumes in advance and come up with a common theme. For example, pop stars came to congratulate the young. Some of the guests can be dressed up as Alla Pugacheva (red wig, glasses, hat), someone by Verka Serduchka, someone by Boris Moiseev. In turn, they will appear in the center of the hall to the soundtrack and "sing". And the toastmaster represents each guest.

    It is better to start contests with a table. They help guests to relax and get to know each other. Toastmaster offers this option: the right and left halves of the table, accompanied by music, begin to transmit kisses on the cheek from neighbor to neighbor. Whose side passed it faster - that one drinks, the rest pass the toast. Of the contests that are held on the dance floor, the "Stash" contest is very popular. Two married couples are called, wives turn away, and husbands hide five hundred-ruble bills in their clothes and on their bodies. Then, to the music, they must find all the stash, who is faster. The toastmaster, of course, comments on all the actions with jokes and applause, turns on guests and does not forget about a new toast after each game.

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    The wedding celebration should be remembered for a lifetime not only by the bride and groom, but also by all guests. Therefore, it is important to draw up a wedding script in advance so that the invitees not only eat and drink, but also have fun.

    A wedding is a costly event, especially if the bride and groom have big requests. More and more often they began to invite the host-master, as well as a DJ, to such celebrations. The cost of the services provided is quite high. But on the other hand, there is one less problem for the spouses, there is no need to puzzle over how the guests would not get bored during the buffet table.

    Save your family budget

    To save the family budget, you can do without. You should take the reins into your own hands and organize your wedding "party". For this, it is important to remember the experience of previous weddings, for sure either the bride or the groom have previously attended such an event. The toastmaster plays the role of a "traffic controller", it is he who decides when the guests should speak with words of congratulations, when to start eating delicious salads, when to dance and participate in competitions.

    Among the relatives, you can probably find a sociable person who does not hesitate to speak in public and will agree to slightly control the course of the celebration. He should give the floor to the guests so that they congratulate the young people and give them wedding gifts. Between this, you can insert jokes and jokes about family life, anecdotes about mother-in-law and mother-in-law. You can start drinking contests: collect money for an unborn child in sliders, organize a ransom, arrange an auction and put up a wedding cake as a lot.

    It is necessary to organize the evening so that during this time the relatives from the side of the bride and groom have time to get to know each other. After all, many of them see each other for the first time.

    Creative gift from friends and relatives

    In advance, the friends of the bride and groom can be asked to prepare a creative number. It can be a video about the newlyweds, a reworked song, according to a given theme, a scene or about the newlyweds. Such a gift from friends will be appreciated by all guests. By the way, they can also be involved in funny scenes.

    If one of the relatives sings or plays a musical instrument perfectly, then this could be one of the numbers of the evening program. The dance of the young to the sounds of live music is very touching and romantic.

    Amusing dress-up contests are well received by the guests. Both the bride and groom and guests can participate in them.

    Dancing until you drop

    It must be remembered that guests should not sit too much at the table. Because laziness awakens in a person when he overeats. From time to time, all guests should be invited to the dance floor so that they have fun to the rhythms of incendiary music. You can replace fast dances with slow compositions so that guests do not get tired immediately.

    Modern ones are very interesting, you can choose a variety of scenarios, supplement with exciting numbers and contests. But if the toastmaster did not come, then you should not be upset, the place of the host can always be taken by friends or relatives of a couple in love.

    It's not just food and dancing that makes a wedding enjoyable, but also exciting shows. You can invite creative teams that will make the holiday unforgettable. Someone chooses gypsy ensembles, someone likes live music, oriental dances or vocal performers look great. But if such groups are not planned, you can create them from invited guests. This requires costumes and an accurate description of the actions for each character. Come up with some heroes who will come to congratulate the participants of the event. Create costumes for them, and in the midst of the holiday dress up one of the invitees in them.

    Come up with different contests for guests in advance. You need to have at least 20 different events in stock. Some of them should be calm, some mobile, and some indicative. At the beginning of the event, the guests still do not want to get up from the table; therefore, verbal charades will come in handy. Then it is worth inviting the first participants so that others will be interested in watching, this part is often started by witnesses, and when the guests have already drunk a little, mass and dance competitions can be arranged.

    Welcoming the guests, the host thanks them for accepting the invitation, introduces himself and informs everyone about the wedding procedure. Then he asks the guests to form a living corridor, holding bouquets of flowers over their heads; at regular intervals, he presents the guests with multi-colored ribbons of one and a half meter length. Guests must pull on these ribbons.
    Immediately behind the entrance doors of the hall, the presenter spreads three decorative paper paths on the floor. One says "Matriarchy", the other - "Patriarchy", the third - "Advice and Love." The tracks are placed with the inscriptions down.

    Young people are arriving. The host meets them.

    Good afternoon, dear bride and groom, dear parents and witnesses! On behalf of all the guests, I congratulate the young people on the happiest and most joyful holiday in their life - the holiday of love! May it last forever!
    Expensive …. (calls the young by name)! Now you will walk along the honorary corridor, and guests will gird you with colorful ribbons. May your family life sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, may there always be warmth, comfort and happiness in it! Welcome! Young people pass through the living corridor, enter the hall and stop in front of the paper paths.

    Dear young people, at the beginning of your married life there are three paths before you. You will go one at a time - the husband will be under the thumb of the wife, if you go the other way - the husband will become the head of the family, choose the third - peace and harmony will rule in the family. Choose your own path, your path of life.

    To the music, the young walk along one of the paths, the presenter picks it up and shows all the guests an inscription. Young sit on chairs covered with towels. Nearby are witnesses.

    And now, dear guests of the holiday of love, I ask you to prepare for the ceremony of congratulating the bride and groom.
    Dear young people, if they will bring it to you - know how to write it down.
    Dear guests, young people are asking you for a glass of wine and a glass of beer. Accept the invitation, and give the young ones: on a awl, on soap, on a crooked spindle, on a spoon, on a bowl, on a stick, on a crush, on potty tires ...

    To the music, the guests take turns congratulating the young.
    The host introduces each couple or group of guests. Witnesses help place gifts and flowers. After everyone has congratulated the young, the musicians play a lyrical melody.

    Leading (against the background of music):
    I ask our young people to come to the bowl of water and perform the "Ablution" wedding ritual. This custom came to us from the hoary antiquity. It means that the husband and wife should now divide everything in half. We ask the young, standing on the same rug, to wash their hands in one bowl and dry with one towel.

    The ritual "Ablution" is performed.

    From now on, you have everything in common. You have to walk the same road all your life, supporting each other ... And now I invite the heroes of our celebration, dear witnesses and parents to take their places at the central wedding table.

    (after the young, their parents and witnesses took their places:
    Dear guests! Our young people are asking you for a festive table: to bite off bread - salt, chop a loaf, on bread - salt and on a kind word, because the hut is red with corners, and the wedding - with pies! Guests are seated at tables.


    I ask the guests to get ready for the first wedding toast!
    Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding salvo in honor of the young couple.
    I give the count: five, four, three, two, one…. hall! …. (The men open the champagne, pour it into wine glasses.)
    I ask everyone to stand up and support me at the end of the toast.
    Flare rockets salute
    Crystal ringing
    Helmet congratulations and greetings
    To relatives of newlyweds.
    May it always shine brightly for you
    Happy dawn life
    May it always be sweet to you
    Well, today ... BITTER!

    There is a wedding feast. (At each meal, the host makes three obligatory toasts).

    (against the background of music):
    The kind light of the parental home ... Wherever we are, wherever fate throws us, in days of joy and in days of adversity we are always warmed by the warmth of parental hearts ... Dear parents, please stand up and look at your children! This is the happiest and most solemn day in their life, and this is your day, because the joy of your children is your joy, the happiness of your children is your happiness, their health is your health.
    For you, dear parents!

    There is a wedding feast.

    Friends, please refill your glasses. I propose a toast to the most honored, most respected guests of our wedding.
    Dear grandparents of the young couple, please rise so that the whole wedding feast can see you.
    Thy hands have labored for ten lives,
    Your grandchildren were born under this sky.
    You are getting old, your years are passing,
    But your grandchildren grow up over the years.
    And now the day has come when your grandchildren are creating a new family, as you once did. And in this family, as in a mirror, your youth and your happiness will be reflected. Years will pass, the grandchildren of your grandchildren will wish their children peace,
    health, well-being, as you wish today ...
    For you, grandmothers and grandfathers! Many summers!

    There is a feast.


    And now I invite the bride and groom to their first wedding dance. Let the melody, to which they will dance, always sound in their hearts, recalling this wonderful holiday of love and happiness. The dance of the young opens a dance program, to which all guests are then invited. In this program, you can envisage a dance of matchmakers, a dance of a son-in-law with a mother-in-law ...
    Towards the end of the dance program, the presenter gathers the young parents near him, hands them bread and salt on a tray with a towel, and dads - each towel.

    (at the end of the dance program):
    Dear guests, the hosts invite you to the table. Eat, eat, do not get bored. We have clean bread, sour kvass, sharp knife, cut it off smoothly, eat it sweetly. Guests are seated at tables.

    Dear bride and groom! On your wedding day, you are congratulated by loved ones - your parents, they congratulate you with bread and salt.

    Mothers slowly approach the young and hand them bread and salt.


    Bread - salt - a symbol of fertility, love it, value and respect the work of people, and may there always be bread on your table, and may it be in your heart, and your heart in bread. Accept your parents' gift and tell them a sincere "Thank you!" for the fact that they spared no effort and raised you, brought up to create a new family.

    Fathers slowly approach the young and tie them (or simply throw them over their shoulders) embroidered towels.

    Well, dear guests, bread and salt have been handed over. Now you need to find out which of the young people should be the head of the family.

    The young bite or break bread. Witnesses look and determine: whoever has a larger share will be the head of the family.

    Let me read the wedding instructions to our young ...

    Musicians play a march, guests sit at tables. The presenter brings out a bunch of balloons in which there are "tickets".

    Now our young people, together with witnesses, will play a comic lottery: who has what to do in family life.

    The bride and groom will take turns piercing the balloons, and the witnesses will unfold the tickets and read what is written in them.

    A drawing of the "lottery of the young" is being held. To speed up the drawing, you can lay two "tickets" in one ball.
    Inscriptions on tickets:

    1 To fix, plan, cut wood - I will do all this.
    2 And if my friends call, then I will go to the restaurant.
    3 I will be the owner of the house.
    4 I will run around the shops.
    5 I will read the newspapers.
    6 Sewing and knitting is my destiny.
    7 I will drive the car, but we will have to wash it.
    8 I will wash the dishes.
    9 Renovation of the apartment will be done by you.
    10 I will iron the trousers.
    11 I will sit by the TV.
    12 I'll chat with my neighbor.
    13 I will wash the diapers.
    14 I'll cook dinner.

    Leading (at the end of the "lottery" drawing):
    God grant our young people good luck and luck! May they only draw lucky tickets in their lives!
    And again I propose a toast in honor of the bride and groom!
    Dear young people!
    How many bumps are in the field,
    So many daughters and you!
    How many stumps in the forest,
    So many sons for you!
    There is a feast.


    And now I want to propose a toast that none of those present will refuse. This toast is in your honor, dear guests!
    Our earth is rich not only with soulful songs and fiery dances, but also with the sun and warmth. And it became even warmer and sunnier at today's wedding from your smiles. The bride and groom, their parents thank you, dear guests, for accepting the invitation and offer a toast in your honor - a toast to the friendship with which our people are strong, for wealth is not wealth, strength is not wealth, brotherhood is wealth!

    The presenter invites everyone to a dance program, at the end of which a sweet table should already be ready.
    The wedding party is coming to an end. A variant of its completion is offered. After the dance program, guests sit at the tables. The presenter invites the young people and their parents to his place, hands them a tray on which six candles are fixed: four for the parents' and two for the bride and groom. Musicians play a lyrical melody.

    Leading (against the background of music):
    Dear ……… (calls the young by their first names)! now your parents will light their candles, and you will light yours from their candles. We would like the sparks of the family fire that burns in the hearth of your parents, who have lived in peace and harmony for many years, to burn with the fire of great love in the hearth of your young family!

    The light goes out. Candles are lit. Young people and their parents, going around the guests, put candles on the central table, invite everyone to the sweet table, then say goodbye.

    An interesting article for future newlyweds. Several scenarios for a wedding.

    A wedding is one of the most memorable experiences for a couple. Therefore, I want to hold a celebration in a fun atmosphere with friends and family. Nowadays, European-style weddings, which are held without the participation of a toastmaster, are in vogue. But do not think that the celebration will consist only of a modest feast. You can take on the role of the presenter.

    Comic original script for a wedding anniversary

    Of course, a wedding anniversary, and especially an anniversary, should be spent in the company of those closest to you. To make the holiday fun, you can arrange various contests and games.

    Approximate scenario for a wedding anniversary

    It is not necessary to tie the script to a specific date, but you can mention it. For the celebration, it is advisable to choose two hosts. It is best if it is a man and a woman.

    Leading words:

    Greetings dear guests

    Throw away all your sorrows

    And get ready to have fun

    To fully enjoy the wedding.

    Do not forget to fill your glasses

    And to drink for the newlyweds together.

    Questions and Answers Competition

    Address to the couple (heroes of the occasion):

    Now you have a task

    A very responsible test

    You go out to the center of the hall together

    Choose the answers to the questions well.

    For this competition, you need to prepare two bags with questions and answers for the groom in advance. Questions can be of the following plan:

    • Darling, do you want a lot of kids?
    • Are you going to call my parents "mom" and "dad"?
    • Are we getting a dog?
    • Will you buy me a fur coat?

    The bride pulls out the papers from the first bag, and the groom answers from the second. The answers should be like this:

    • Only after the silver wedding
    • Dream baby
    • If the salary allows

    Thus, the groom randomly selects the answers to the questions. It turns out very original and fun.

    Fun lottery

    After this competition, the couple sit down and take a short break in order to have a snack and a drink. Guests are sure to shout "Bitter"! When the invitees and the husband and wife have a little rest at the table, the second presenter asks the guests to buy a comic lottery. You don't have to name the price, let each of the invitees give as much money as he sees fit.

    Presenter's words:

    "Dear guests rested, drank a little,

    Now we ask you to come and purchase the lottery. "

    A basket with pieces of paper is prepared in advance. Each of the guests should take out a package and read aloud what is written inside. For example:

    • Do not be sad, crunch. We hand you a crouton (a pack of rusks is handed over)
    • This thing may be useful to you. You will have to get drunk on the sutra (a bottle of beer or low-alcohol drink is given)
    • Our modest gift is called a pencil (I give pencils to the guest)
    • You will soon say thank you, and the gift is the best book (the guest is handed a magazine with crosswords)
    • Now there is a lot of fun. And our present will save you from a hangover tomorrow (handing over Aspirin)

    IMPORTANT! It is necessary to give guests a little break from the contests. The guests and heroes of the occasion drink and eat.

    After a short break, the heroes of the occasion are presented with gifts. It is necessary to do it jokingly. It is worth making an appointment with one of the guests in advance. The facilitators should prepare a large box of broken bottles. The box is beautifully packaged. One of the guests vilifies the gift for the newlyweds and says that this service is insanely expensive, and he chose it for a long time. Upon presentation, the guest drops the box with the “gift” on the floor. Everyone hears the sound of broken glass. After that, the guest announces that this is a draw and gives the couple their real gift.

    Bride Kidnapping Competition

    It is necessary to quietly take the bride out of the hall during the dance. After that, the presenter says that the bride is gone, and in order to redeem her, the groom needs to dance a striptease. After the groom's dance, one of the invited men comes out, dressed in the bride's dress, and sits on the groom's lap. The guest says that he will return the bride if the groom gives him a bottle of Hennessy. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy this elite drink. On a bottle of cognac, you can stick a Hennessy label drawn on a quick hand. After the redemption, the couple dances a final dance by candlelight. The guests eat the cake and leave.

    Scenario of a wedding banquet

    Increasingly, newlyweds are trying to save money on wedding behavior. Most young people prefer to travel abroad to relax than spend a lot of money on luxurious banquets. But this does not mean that the holiday will be boring. You can prepare interesting contests and a scenario for the celebration in advance.

    Be sure to have during the wedding:

    • Thank parents
    • Congratulate the newlyweds
    • Arrange a bride kidnapping
    • Thank the guests
    • Cheer up the invitees using contests and lotteries

    Fun pageants for a wedding

    They can be announced by one of the guests. It is best if it is a close friend of the bride or boyfriend.

    • Competition "Attraction". For the competition, you need to pack the items in large boxes in advance. At the same time, it is not necessary to say what is packed. It is necessary to describe the subject in a comic form. For example: milk storage container (bra), egg tray (family panties), washing machine (grout), sewing machine (needle and thread). Guests should bargain after the lot is announced. The starting price can be 5-10 rubles. The money is put into a bag for the newlyweds. After purchasing lots, guests are asked to unpack the prizes
    • Competition "Casanova". It is necessary to choose several cheerful men among the guests. Music turns on and for a certain period of time the man must collect more kisses. The count is based on the number of lipstick prints on a man's face. Women should take a long time to give up, the participant wins the kiss
    • Competition of questions for guests. This is a traditional and fun competition. It is necessary to prepare leaflets with questions and answers in advance. They are put in different boxes. Questions should be like this: do you like alcohol? Have you ever danced striptease? Do you hide your additional income from your partner? Do you have connections on the side? The answers can be as follows: knowing me, you can not ask, I get pleasure from this, only at night in bed, I am ashamed to confess in front of everyone. Usually this competition is accompanied by laughter.

    Modern wedding script for a wedding with unusual and fun contests

    This scenario is ideal for younger guests. All contests are fun and lively:

    • Portrait. Several participants are selected for this competition. Sheets and pencils are given to each contestant. Everyone should draw someone from the invitees. On the back, in small letters, you need to write who is depicted in the portrait. Then these drawings are handed out to the guests and they have to guess who is painted in the portrait. Whose drawing will collect the most correct answers, then the winner. Portraits are given to the one who is depicted on it
    • Who was born? Several couples are selected for this fun competition. Women stand in front of their men. The presenter distributes information to women about the baby. On the sheets you can write: a Chinese with sly eyes was born, a Negro baby who yells all the time. In this case, a woman must show her partner with gestures what is written on the piece of paper. The one of the men who most correctly unravels the encrypted information wins
    • Competition "Drunkard"... This competition is built on the principle of a child's game "The Superfluous Eliminated". For this, 5-6 participants are selected. One glass less than the competitors is placed on the table. Music turns on and participants walk around the table. As soon as the presenter claps his hands or the music stops, you need to grab the glass and empty it. Whoever didn't get a drink is eliminated
    • Contest "Kid". For this, several men who love beer are invited to the stage. A nipple is put on each bottle. Which of the participants will empty the container faster is the winner

    Scenario for a small wedding party with friends

    It is desirable that matchmakers take on the role of leading. If they are of advanced age, then it is possible for the celebration to be held by the girlfriends and friends of the newlyweds. Before the arrival of the newlyweds, the hosts offer guests snacks and champagne in the lobby of the restaurant.

    After the arrival of the spouses, romantic music turns on, and the children sprinkle a couple with rose petals. One of the hosts offers to say goodbye to the bride's maiden name. For this, the girl is given an armful of balloons filled with helium and a marker. The bride must write her maiden name on each of the balloons and release them into the sky.

    • Competitions for the bride and groom. This is a kind of test for newlyweds. Several men must be seated in the center of the hall. The bride is blindfolded. She must use her hands to feel the ears of each candidate and determine where her husband is. The groom will not be bored either. He is blindfolded. Several girls sit on chairs and bare their legs. The groom must feel his feet to determine where his beloved
    • Competition for guests. It is necessary for the presenters to choose several active couples in the hall. The men sit on chairs, and a paper napkin is placed on their knees. Women sit on their partners' laps. The music turns on and the participants must rub the napkins with their buttocks and feet
    • Competition for invitees "Clothespins". A traditional and very fun competition. Several pairs are selected. Men are given empty tin cans on ropes and clothespins in their hands. Participants are blindfolded. They have to pin jewelry on their chosen ones. Then you can ask them to take off the jewelry hands-free with open eyes. This competition brings people closer together if they are not married.
    • Dance competition. Couples are given balloons, incendiary music is turned on. Partners should burst the ball in the dance, squeezing it with their buttocks or chest

    The wedding ends with the ceremony of removing the veil. For this, romantic music is turned on, the groom takes off the veil from the bride and dances with her the first family dance. Further, the newlyweds thank the guests for congratulating them. The spouses cut the wedding cake and give it to the guests. At the end of the evening, everyone enjoys the wedding fireworks.

    Scenario of a wedding evening with competitions for toastmaster. Wedding celebration script for toastmaster

    Typically, the scenario of a wedding with a toastmaster is divided into two parts: an introductory and a drinking one. At the very beginning, after the arrival of the newlyweds, they are sprinkled with wheat grains and rose petals.

    • Affectionate like
    • Beautiful as
    • Caring how
    • Smart as

    After each proposal, she pulls out a piece of paper with an animal that the groom wrote. The competition with the bride's answers is held in the same way. Laughter echoes through the hall.

    It is considered traditional to vote for the gender of the baby who will be born in a pair. For a fun game, the toastmaster brings out two little men to the guests, one blue and the other pink. Each of the guests must put some money in the chosen person.

    Accordingly, if one of the invitees wants to vote for a girl, he must spend money in pink clothes. The floor with the most money wins.

    The toastmaster can prepare a bottle of champagne in advance with a photograph of the bride and groom couple.

    IMPORTANT! The lovers will have to open the bottle exactly one year later.

    • Competition "What's in the Glass". A fun competition for all guests. To carry it out, 100 g of vodka is poured into a glass. It is necessary to lower a straw into each container. The toastmaster announces that there is water in all the glasses except one. Guests need to determine by the grimaces of the participants in which glass the vodka. At the end of the competition, the presenter admits that in all glasses vodka
    • Nodules. A fun competition that will allow you to have fun with the participants. The toastmaster invites several people of different sex and age to participate. Each participant is given a rope 1 m long. It is necessary for each of the participants to tie as many knots as possible. After everyone is done, the toastmaster announces that the winner will be the one who is the first to untie all the knots.
    • A fun competition for men. Toastmaster invites to the stage several men who have completed military service in the army. They are given neatly folded T-shirts and are asked to put them on quickly. The participants are then blindfolded and given family briefs. Men will try to put on their underpants, thinking they are T-shirts.

    Original wedding scripts with home contests

    If the wedding is celebrated at home, then most often among those invited are the closest people and friends. Everyone is tired of the usual noisy feasts for a long time. It is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to the organization of the celebration and think over every little thing.

    An obligatory part of any wedding:

    • Meeting of the newlyweds
    • The first dance of the newly made spouses
    • Congratulations and toasts
    • Contests, games and competitions
    • Giving gifts
    • Dance and disco
    • Farewell to girlish and bachelor life
    • Eating birthday cake

    So that the wedding does not seem boring, it is necessary to dilute the traditional part with fun games and contests. At the same time, you need to try so that the guests do not get bored and do not have time to get pretty drunk. For this, after 1-2 glasses they have drunk, they arrange some kind of competition.

    Home Wedding Contests

    • Cabbage rolls... A comic competition for which a man is invited. He is blindfolded and announced that a woman is lying on the couch with a sweet candy in her mouth. He must find the candy and eat it hands-free. But a man lies on the sofa without candy, while the music "Blue Moon" is playing
    • Appetite. Couples are invited for the competition, they are blindfolded and swapped. Participants need to eat a banana, a different participant bites from each edge. Thus, the contestants will meet with their lips. Fun if the participants are of the same gender
    • Pregnant wife. A fun competition for men. It is necessary for the witness and the groom to glue the balloon with tape at the level of the abdomen. A box of matches is poured onto the floor, and the participants must collect everything and not burst the ball

    Scenario of a wedding evening in a narrow circle

    The scenario depends on where the celebration is held, at home or in a cafe. In the restaurant, you can arrange mobile contests that require a lot of space. At home, games and competitions are generally chosen at or near the table. You can even arrange a quiz at the beginning of the celebration while all the guests are sober.

    • Striptease. A circle is made with the help of chairs. 10 participants are selected, the same number of chairs are taken. The music is turned on and the participants, after turning it off, must put any thing on the chair at which they stopped. The number of items removed depends on how close the contestants are. Further, the music turns on again and the participants are already putting on a thing from the chair at which they stopped.
    • Fashion boutique. For the competition, you need to take a large bag and put funny clothes in it. It can be a size 58 panties or a size 10 bra. Each contestant takes an item out of the bag and puts it on. It takes 30 minutes not to take off your outfit
    • Kamikaze. A fun contest to boost your mood. A glass is placed on the table, each seated person must pour a little strong drink into the container and pass it on. Whoever has a glass full should drink it

    Scenario of the Russian wedding ceremony. Costumes for Russian weddings

    A few centuries ago, our ancestors observed all the subtleties of Russian rituals. Nowadays, many are striving to organize a European, maritime wedding. Still, some newlyweds want to keep the traditions.

    The main stages of the Russian wedding ceremony:

    • Matchmaking
    • Collusion
    • hen-party
    • Wedding
    • Wedding night
    • Wedding feast

    It is on the wedding day that the celebration begins with putting the bride in order. A friend helps her to dress. In this case, the groom is at home and should not see his beloved. Further, the man comes for his lady. The bride's relatives ask for a ransom. After that, the newlyweds go to the church (in the registry office) to get married.

    Meeting the newlyweds with sprinkling wheat on them was considered traditional in Russia, but now many couples are abandoning this tradition. Newlyweds choose rose petals or soap bubbles. Be sure to meet young people with a loaf and salt. There is a belief that whoever bites off more will be the head of the family.

    Earlier, after the arrival of the young, their parents kindled a fireplace, this was considered a sign of a family hearth. This tradition has now been replaced by lighting candles at the end of the evening.

    Costumes for Russian weddings

    The clothes for the bride's wedding are quite complex and varied. In Russia, a shirt with an embroidered ornament was originally worn. A sundress with wide straps was worn on top of it. A similar outfit was adorned with a festive apron and a beautiful belt.

    The bride always had a kokoshnik on her head - a hat with an open back of the head. It was believed that the girl herself should embroider the ornament on the shirt, but now you can buy clothes with machine embroidery.

    The groom wore a long-sleeved shirt and trousers. Moreover, all the ornaments had to be made of the same threads as the bride's outfit.

    A wedding is a day that will be remembered for a lifetime. So that you remember this celebration with warmth and awe, make every effort to organize it.

    VIDEO: Wedding Script

    This wedding scenario is designed for a small company. Its peculiarity is that everyone knows each other, which means that the very atmosphere of the wedding will be fun and informal. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that all guests are maximally involved in contests and games.

    Lead 1:

    They say in the hall today
    All the people will shout
    After all, they were going to the wedding
    We've been almost a year!

    Lead 2:

    After all, today they suddenly decided
    Our best friends are
    They want to live in the same apartment
    And call yourself "FAMILY"!

    Lead 1: Dear friends, today we have gathered in this hall on a very interesting occasion. Our beloved and dear ones ________________ and ______________ decided to tie the knot. As the people say, "it's not scary to get married - it's scary to get down to business"!

    Lead 2: And so, in order not to get down to business for a particularly long time, right now I propose to raise glasses to our newlyweds, who have probably already overcome all doubts and are ready to have fun at their own wedding!

    Lead 1: First toast: For the young! To make life fun, bright and the happiest!

    Lead 1: Since our company is small today, we will slightly deviate from the generally accepted standards of wedding management.

    Lead 2: But we will, of course, observe one tradition, namely, the first congratulations from our parents!

    Lead 1: So, let's start with congratulations to the bride's parents. It is their child who will now be forced to cook, wash, wash and clean up in another family, and of course, in a new family your child will be loved no less than under the roof of his house!

    Lead 2: Parents of the bride, you have the floor!

    Congratulations from the bride's parents.

    Lead 1: For excellent words, no doubt, we will raise our glasses with zeal!

    Everyone raises their glasses, drinks, and has a snack.

    Lead 2: An answer, or rather, the receiving party prepared its congratulations! Parents of the groom, are you ready to congratulate your children on such a wonderful event? Then you have the floor!

    Congratulations from the groom's parents.

    Lead 1:
    Outside the window, the weather is excellent, which means that our holiday should be in a great mood too! (If the weather is bad, it means that our holiday should be a lot of fun to overshadow the troubles of nature).

    Lead 2: It's time to raise the degree of our event! I need three men who believe in themselves. Are there such among us?

    Girls are also possible, but the competition is very difficult.

    Lead 1: Before you are 20 glasses with a healing drink. Each of them has different drinks. You may come across vodka, and maybe lemonade. As lucky as they say!

    Lead 2: Your task is to free the maximum number of glasses! You are ready? Go!

    Lead 1: Our participants are real fellows. Let's give them a thunderous applause! The contestants are warmed up, and it's time for us to follow their example.

    Lead 2: One parable says that the wife asked her husband: "Dear, which women do you love more - smart or beautiful?" Her husband answered her: "Neither beautiful, nor smart, because I married you, dear!" Our groom's situation is the opposite - our bride is both smart and beautiful. Let's drink to her and to the groom who was able to make such a wonderful choice! For you, friends!

    Everyone is drinking and eating.

    Lead 1: At the very beginning of the holiday, we promised you to deviate from the accepted canons. It's time to make our promise come true! We will now start a game called Congratulations Series. Each of you will have to get up and introduce yourself, and then say your wishes to the newlyweds. Throughout the wedding, we will be interrupted for competitions and dances, but the series of congratulations will continue!

    Lead 2: So, let's start a series of congratulations!

    Congratulate 2 people, one after the other.

    Lead 1: You just need to raise your glasses for such wonderful words! Friends, let's drink to love!

    Everyone is drinking and eating.

    Lead 2: A series of congratulations takes a short pause, because it's time for the bride and groom to merge in a dance of love and tenderness! And all guests can also support our couple /

    Tanets of the young.

    Lead 1: But, dear friends, are we too late? Let's dance a little to our favorite songs.

    4-5 dance songs, everyone is dancing.

    Lead 2: A wedding is not just a celebration of the newlyweds. It is also an acquaintance of two clans, two families, clans - call it whatever you like! Therefore, men, your task is to invite someone from the family of new relatives to dance right now. We hope your wives understand that this is just a competition. Anyone who does not have enough pair, do not be upset - just dance together to a slow song or relax.

    Slow dance of family unity.

    Lead 1: I ask everyone to sit down! Our line of congratulations continues. We stopped at ______________________________, and will continue congratulations towards the newlyweds _________________________ (3 people congratulate in a row).

    Lead 1: No wonder they wished you so much good. We need to consolidate our success and raise our glasses! For you, newlyweds, for a new family!

    Lead 2: Friends, the series of congratulations is not over yet, so the word ______________________________ (congratulations from 2-3 people).

    Lead 2: Today we drink to the bottom for excellent words!

    Lead 1: And now - it's time to play! We ask three men to come out to us.

    Men come out.

    Lead 1: Your task is to find yourself a couple of the opposite sex, and also bring her to us.

    Lead 2: The essence of the competition is that you are musicians, and your companions are musical instruments that you need to play. All of you are an orchestra, so as soon as the music starts playing, feel free to grab your instruments and start playing! Go!