Mafia style wedding ransom script. Mafia-style ransom: adrenaline rush and adventure at the wedding party. Test of gambling

Getting married and wondering how to organize your ransom in a special way? Duck, the mafia style would be an excellent option.

The style of the mafia does not speak of banditry and robbery, on the contrary, it is a style of elegance and seriousness.

The mafia-style ransom scenario is rather unusual. He will give all guests a special mood tone. All those present will, as it were, plunge into the times of the 20s-30s of the twentieth century. Just imagine ... Mafia, courage, danger, chases, cards, gangsters, guns and whiskey. it will be very interesting!

But to create the expected effect, it is necessary to create the required atmosphere and setting. To begin with, it is worth deciding on a buyout scenario. Having chosen the main plot line, distribute the roles, buy the necessary attributes, write remarks.

In the suitcase, you can put the bride's shoe, which the groom must remove, choosing the correct code for the lock. Also, the suitcase can serve as a storage for banknotes and mafia jewelry.

Room decoration

In order to fully reflect the style of the mafia, it is necessary to give the place of the ransom an appropriate look. Decorate the pre-driveway, and the rooms of the bride's apartment.


  1. Comic wanted posters - "wanted" with photos of the groom and his mafia (friends). And also posters with a photograph of the bride and her clan of bridesmaids with a list of the crimes committed.
  2. Wooden crates or boxes with bottles of scotch tape and wine.
  3. Vinyl record players.
  4. Yellowed newspapers.
  5. Balloons or helium balloons in the form of revolvers or playing cards.
  6. A silhouette of a murdered man on the floor, drawn in chalk.

Participants of the ransom according to the scenario "Mafia"

Two families take part, that is, two clans
- the sides of the bride and groom, who, at the conclusion of the ransom, should become one big mafia family.

To make your event truly resemble a mafia showdown, use the appropriate terminology.

And so, family members, girlfriends and friends will be called:

  1. Don is the head of the clan. From the side of the bride, this role is played by her father, and from the side of the groom, the beloved himself.
  2. Consigliere is the right hand of the head of the clan (advisor). This role belongs to the witnesses.
  3. Caporejime (Capo), Captain - The head of the group who carries out the orders of Don and Kaporojime. These roles are taken apart by the girlfriends and friends of the groom.

To give even more credibility to the Mafia ransom, modify the names of the participants. For example, Anton - Antonio, Alexander - Alessandro.

Don't forget about the costumes of the characters in the script.
Clothing should be truly gangster, but comfortable.

For girls, a straight shiny dress or skirt with a blouse, feathers, a fan, gloves are suitable. Clothing for men can be a suit, vest, tie, hat, suspenders.

Ransom script in the style of "MAFIA"

The groom with his mafia of friends drives up to the bride's house.
At the same time, at the entrance to the entrance, no one is waiting for them or waiting for them.

Delighted, the groom and his gang of gangsters run into the entrance, hoping for the ease of the upcoming tests. Having risen to the desired floor, at the door of the apartment they meet the bride's clan led by Don (the head of the clan is the bride's father).

The lover sees in front of him a table with a green tablecloth, at which the bride's friends are sitting. They play cards, drink wine. There are chips, pistols, bills on the table.

The groom's gang is also prepared: dollars, small things, revolvers.
Their appearance is heard everywhere: whistles, firecrackers, loud conversations.

The groom proceeds to explain: "I have come for my beautiful bride!"

And only then the clan of charming girlfriends starts distributing tasks for the groom.

Contests and tests in the scenario of the mafia

There are many tests for the groom and his gang to buy the bride. The main ones are:

  • "Courage and Courage"

They want to test the groom for courage.
The girls provide the groom with a tray with three toy pistols. And they offer to make a choice yourself, because only one of the pistols is filled with plastic bullets and shoots accurately.

If an experienced gangster groom is afraid of being left without bullets, then his mafiosi friends can help - buy the right gun for a decent price. After trading for weapons, the groom is given a couple of attempts to shoot the gangster hostage from balloons.

  • "Wits"

It would be nice to check the future husband for quick wits. After all, a quick and tenacious mind is one of the important qualities for the head of the mafia.

Since the style of the ransom is "MAFIA", then the questions will be asked correspondingly.

  • Any five Mafia movies? (Answer: "Scarface", "Once Upon a Time in America", "Protector", "Johnny D", "Legend").
  • Until the groom gets the required number of times, they do not let him go further. If necessary, he buys additional cartridges.

    The presented scenario and in the style of the mafia are aimed at creating a cheerful mood, courage.

    Such a ransom will be remembered for its interesting outfits and great atmosphere, which must be captured in photographs and video filming.

Mafia-style bride ransom is a bright and memorable start to the family life of the newlyweds.

Fun and adrenaline are guaranteed not only for the bride and groom, but for all guests of the celebration.

The future husband will have to go through a series of tests and pay a lot of money to get the hand of his beloved. Prepare the necessary props in advance and think over the details of the contests so that everything goes exciting and unusual.

What is needed for the ransom?

To organize the ransom, you will need the following details:

  1. Balloons;
  2. suitcase with code;
  3. toy gun and bullets;
  4. darts;
  5. key;
  6. a deck of cards or game tokens;
  7. green tablecloth;
  8. newspapers and paper;
  9. large banknotes;
  10. box for banknotes.

All these items are necessary for contests and tests that the groom has to go through.

Who is involved in the action?

On one side is the bride's clan, headed by her father, and on the other, the groom's clan. For the ransom to have a mafia flavor, you need to use the following terms:

  • don is the main person in the clan, its head, to whom everyone obeys;
  • consigliere - a person close to the don, his advisor;
  • kaporejime - the captain of a criminal gang;
  • the soldier is the lowest link in the criminal chain that obeys the caporegime.

The main role in the bride's clan is assigned to her father. In the groom's clan, the main role is assigned to the future spouse. The consigliers in both clans are witnesses. The guests are assigned the role of soldiers. To make what is happening resemble a gangster movie, choose Italian names for all the main and secondary characters.

The outfits should also match the setting. Women can wear long, shiny dresses, fur capes, and elbow-length gloves. Large and bright decorations will be appropriate. Suits with white shirts, ties and suspenders are suitable for men. Mandatory attributes are a hat and a pistol holster on the belt.

What awaits the groom?

The future husband will have to go through many "serious" tests to prove that he is brave, smart and daring enough to reunite with the bride of a large clan in the city. At the entrance to the house or at the entrance, the presenters meet the groom and offer him to pass tests in order to convince the bride's father that he is worthy of being a candidate for his daughter's husband.

The groom needs to pass the following tests:

  • "Kill the villain." They make a figure out of balloons, and the newlywed will have to kill her with their toy revolver. For weapons and "cartridges" will have to pay generously.
  • "Get to 10". The groom should hit the bull's-eye to prove his accuracy. For the competition, you will need a darst and a pistol with bullets, which the main character will have to buy from the hosts.
  • ·Answer the questions". During the intellectual competition, the future husband takes out playing cards or tokens one at a time and answers the questions of the hosts. Usually the questions are related to the topic of the mafia.
  • "Open the lock." The groom has to open a suitcase with a combination lock. It may contain the bride's shoe or other similar item. The peculiarity of the test is that the code is necessarily associated with the future spouse (date of birth, waist size, and so on).
  • Find the key. On the last test, the groom is asked to find a note, the key, which is hidden in a balloon. The rest of the balls contain notes with the amounts of money that must be paid to the future husband if he burst.

Only after the successful completion of all the "tests" the groom is allowed to go to the head of the bride's clan (her father) to ask for the hand of his beloved and blessings.

Features of room decoration

For a ransom in the style of the mafia, you need to prepare in advance and properly arrange the entrance, where the "criminal" events will unfold. You can decorate the walls with old newspapers, posters "Wanted" with photos of the newlyweds, banners about the mafia, and so on.

The following items will help you get into the atmosphere of crime and the rule of the Italian mafia:

  1. vinyl records;
  2. garlands of cards;
  3. tokens and green tablecloth;
  4. toy pistols and revolvers;
  5. banknotes and so on.

Boxes with bottles of alcohol can be placed on the floor so that the participants of the celebration can “recharge” between contests.

When decorating a room, you can give full free rein to your imagination. The main thing is that the decor elements used are in the style of a mafia.

Enjoy your preparation and an interesting wedding!

The Mafia-style ransom scenario is exactly what anyone looking to have a 20s-30s-style wedding needs. Mafia, gangsters, guns, cards and whiskey ..... we think it will be very interesting!

Mafia style ransom scenario # 1.

Meeting the groom and his friends at the entrance door.

Competition number 1

Witness: Buenos Diaz, dear seniors. We have heard rumors that you want to intermarry with our clan, marrying ___________ (name of the bride). Is it so?

Groom and Co: Yes

Witness: Well, let's see if you are worthy of this honor. So, groom (points at him with a weapon), take a step forward. Well, turn around, turn around (makes appropriate gestures with a weapon). Okay, good, isn't it girls? (addresses the bride's friends).

Bridesmaids: yes, yes, very much even.

Witness: But appearance is not the main thing in our business. Let's check how devoted you are to the mafia, how well you know its history. Name at least five films about the mafia, or pay for special courses to train top-class mafiosi.

If the groom names five films, you can ask him a couple more questions about the history of the mafia. For example, what place in Italy is considered the birthplace of the mafia (Sicily); as the Italian mafia is sometimes called (Cosa Nostra); what does the expression Cosa Nostra (our business) mean, etc. If he doesn't answer, take money from him. You can transfer a disc with films about the mafia in exchange for money - let him learn, because you promised him special courses

Competition number 2

Witness: well, you are familiar with the history and laws of the mafia (everyone enters the entrance), but what about the history of our clan. We offer you a game of chance: drag the card and answer if you are a true mafioso and truly love your bride, which is what the numbers on the drawn cards mean. You will pay dearly for every wrong answer. (The witness offers the groom a set of cards with numbers meaning any things related to his beloved, her family, their memorable dates).

Competition No. 3

Witness: now let's check if you can protect your chosen one from the insidious bullet and punish the offenders. Here is a pistol for you with three bullets in a clip (hands three darts to the groom) - show us how accurate you are.

There is a dart board on one of the walls of the entrance. The task of the groom with three attempts to hit the bull's-eye. If he copes, all the bridesmaids unanimously praise his accuracy, the “godmother” shakes his hand. If he doesn't get it, the witness takes money from him for the “damaged walls”, and offers the witness to try. Says to the groom, pointing to the witness: "You have lost, but your best friend can commit a vendetta." The witness also tries.

Competition No. 4

Witness: Do you know that we can not only work, but also have a good rest. We especially love Italian music. Come on, perform something for us (then the music “Uno-uno-uno-un momento” is played).

Witness: Well, not bad, not bad.

Competition No. 5

Witness: You have almost reached your goal, dear seniors, but you still have more than one stubborn door to overcome. (All come to the door to the apartment). Will you, as a true master of your craft, be able to open this door, well, for example, with this (the witness pulls out a hairpin from her hair. Naturally, the groom cannot do this).

Witness: Doesn't come out. Well, in view of our exceptional sympathy for you, you can try to find the key here, of course, paying for your attempts (Near the door there is a bunch of balloons with pieces of paper inside, one of which has the inscription “key.” The goal is to find this piece of paper by bursting balls For each "empty" ball the groom pays a ransom in the amount previously agreed on the balls themselves).

Competition number 6

Witness: Now, prove that you are a real Italian mafioso. Tell your darling about your love in pure Italian, but louder! And if you can't, we can offer you a Russian-Italian phrasebook for a fee ..

Competition No. 7

Witness: You have passed all the tests with honor, dear seniors, and in our common opinion you deserve to join our mafia clan. But, unfortunately, it was not without enemy intrigues: your bride's shoe was stolen and the kidnappers demand a ransom for it in the amount of _____ rubles.

After that, the groom redeems the shoe, solemnly puts it on the bride's leg, hands her a bouquet, and all those present celebrate the ransom successfully passed by the groom. Italian music, cigars and drinks are welcome. For example, Bellini cocktail (Ingredients: Prosecco Italian white sparkling wine + peach puree).

Mafia style ransom scenario # 2.

The groom and his friends arrive at the bride's house.
No one meets them at the entrance door.
They, hoping to pass freely, enter the entrance, rise to the __ floor.
At the door of the bride's apartment, young, pretty, damn charming bridesmaids dressed as gangsters are sitting at a table, playing cards, "drinking wine" ...
On the table: pistols, cards, "whiskey", bills, change, a suitcase with wads of money ...

The appearance of the groom is accompanied by whistles, crackers, pipes ...:
L-Who came to us !? DON himself …… CHE with his friends !!!
T-What do you owe this honor?

The groom will explain that he has come for the bride.
L-Mafia in the translation from Italian means FAMILY.
The T-Laws of the Mafia are strong and reliable, and the clan cannot be destroyed.
L-It is for this reason that a marriage created according to all gangster (D) laws can make a union strong.


Y-You DON .... WHY, though from a noble and respected family, and the honor of the clan, for us above all, our sister, the beauty MARY ... .., we just won't give it up, prove that you are worthy of her!
L- Tell me, what is the password for G, to find out that you are not from the enemy clan ... Forgot ???? !!!
T-Beauty MERI ……. apparently loves you very much, because she left you a hint. In this clandestine video, she's trying to spell a word for you.
L-you will not name the password, then we will solve this issue differently, by paying for our silence at $ 100.

(On the video: on hundreds of bodies, the bride spells out the password with gestures without a sound, the groom must read the password on his lips: I'm waiting for you)
(The bride very vaguely and strongly gesturing utters a completely different phrase: the groom cannot guess the phrase, he gives a lot of money for wrong options)
L-Well, well, apparently Beauty MERIE VERONICA apparently loves you very, very much, because she left you one more hint, only she is very small, try to find her on this poster! (a large poster on the wall with a single phrase in large print: "PASSWORD I'M WAITING FOR YOU", somewhere under the balloons)

T-Do you love the bride you came for?
L-And we'll check it out now. A real G should be good at shooting, so show your accuracy.
Y-And prove that the reason you're only here is love!
L-You are given 3 attempts, every shot you shoot out of 10 makes us doubt the sincerity of your love. Payment for silence - $ 150 for each mistake.

(The groom is playing darts, in the sectors of which the reasons for the marriage are indicated: "woolen socks are torn", "on the instructions of the clan", "tired of being a bachelor" "I'm afraid to sleep alone", in the center "for love")
T- And you are a cold-blooded fellow!

L-Now we have to make sure you know your bride well, prove it to us
T-This is a mission for your entire clan. Here's to you, DON…. SCANVORDOTTTCHE, and your friends have a task to collect the PATREOTTTCHE (puzzles with a photo of Veronica).
L-For this we give you 2 minutes of time, hurry up, pay for each overdue minute - $ 200

(For the groom - a scanword, the head word is the name of the bride; questions from life; For Friends - Collect puzzles with a photo of the Bride (1 or 2 pieces), For the rest, offer to put the name of the bride out of the bills)

T-Bride, MERI ...., we have a pretty girl, an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty!
LA beauty, as you know, requires investment! Pay for the entire list!

The groom pays according to the price list that hangs on the wall:
Beauty salon - 500
Fitness club -500
Fashion boutique -500
Cosmetics - 500
Decorations - 500
Gifts for bridesmaids - champagne, sweets)

5. KEY
T-Well, DON Arkache, we made sure that you are from our clan, you passed all the tests with dignity (bridesmaids are counting money)
L-There was a problem the key was lost in one of these balls
(vertically, along the front door - inflate 10 balloons with pieces of paper and do not put a piece of paper with a key in any of them, the groom must, having burst the balloon, complete the task written on it).

The groom does not find the key, the bridesmaid pulls out the key from behind
Oh-oh! And the key is where it was! Such an adult and wise, but he believed that the key was in the ball! He can't fit in there !!! (gives the key)
everyone congratulates him and allows him to enter the apartment
T- now we will accompany you to your fiancee.

The girlfriends take the groom to the hall, where he sits
The bride stands on the chair, the groom takes her off the chair and hands the bouquet to the bride.

A small feast (champagne, sweets) and at the registry office.

Recently, wedding ceremonies are no longer as monotonous as they were decades ago. Young people who have decided to link their lives strive to capture this event with the help of photos and videos. Considering that, unlike oriental weddings, our young people are not so attached to traditions, many are not limited to the standard approach. Themed weddings have become very popular.

One of the very popular wedding options is a gangster style wedding. Even the ransom of the bride in the style of the mafia will be remembered for a long time by the guests. Such a wedding is quite interesting and bright, but it requires very careful preparation not only from the organizers of the wedding, but also from the guests.

We select costumes for guests

All guests must wear costumes in the style of the 1930s. For men, it can be striped suits, hats, ties, and women can complement their image with hats, headbands and short dresses. You also need a lot of thematic props: a dummy weapon (children's toys are suitable), cigars, a lot of alcohol, cards, dollars (souvenir or printed on a printer) and other gizmos that symbolize that time.

Preparing for a gangster style wedding

It's good if you manage to rent a car in the style of that time. It could be a Lincoln or a Cadillac. It will be great if you can rent a casino or a restaurant decorated in the appropriate style for a wedding celebration. To feel the atmosphere, you can watch films with stories about the Italian mafia. You can write down all sorts of expressions and phrases that were appealed in those days by representatives of the mafia clans.

The culmination of a gangster style wedding is the mafia style bride ransom. Whatever the scenario, the basic idea remains the same. At the center of the wedding is a competition between two powerful mafia clans. According to the scenario, the groom's clan is trying to prove to the bride's clan that their groom is worthy of "Chebella".

Distributing the roles of bridesmaids

Bridesmaids play a special role in such a wedding. They should look appropriate and try to play the roles assigned to them. A slightly defiant appearance and cheeky demeanor will make the situation more believable. Traditionally, a witness is the manager of duties and roles for girlfriends. It is good if she will control the progress of the wedding script.

Features of Mafia Style Bridesmaid Ransom

In the ransom process, bridesmaids offer the groom's friends to complete many tasks that will prove that Don (as you can call the groom for believability) can take possession of their beautiful girlfriend. You can suggest performing the following tests.

  1. Test one
    Convincing the bridesmaids that the groom is very good and great for the bride. To do this, while the match is burning, they must name ten of its most important advantages.
  2. Test second
    After making sure that the groom deserves their interest, they check how well he knows the laws of the mafia and offer to name a certain number of films about the mafia. For failure to complete the task - a fine. Also, it can be not just the names of films, but some questions about the plot of a certain picture.
  3. Test three
    Considering that any self-respecting mafioso must skillfully shoot, you can offer the groom a darts test. To convince the girlfriends that the groom is able to save his beloved from the enemy's bullet, he must hit the top ten. If the groom does not succeed, you can bring in a witness. If the men did not cope - a fine.

The ransom scenario can be supplemented by checking how the groom possesses gangster skills. The girlfriends offer the groom a bunch of keys, including the key to the door of the bride's apartment. If the groom did not pick up the correct master key the first time, he pays a fine.

The dialogue between the groom and his girlfriends turns out to be very funny, during which he must name the reasons why he decided to marry. These may be the following reasons: there is no one to cook borscht, wash socks, and so on.

You can complicate the scenario and invite the groom to pronounce the bride's name or declaration of love in Italian. But this task requires preliminary preparation from the groom.

Redemption of the bride can take place according to different scenarios. In addition to the friends of the bride and groom, you can also involve the relatives of the newlyweds in this process. It can be a family confrontation that lasts the entire evening. In fact, in those days, the hatred of the opposing clans for each other was very great, there were chases, shootings, secret dates. All this can be shifted to a festive scenario. The main thing is that all guests are imbued with this atmosphere.

Gangster-style weddings are deservedly popular because it is a very bright and fun show that will be remembered for a lifetime by both newlyweds and guests!

Mafia style ransom scenario # 1.

Meeting the groom and his friends at the entrance door.
Competition number 1
Witness: Buenos Díaz, distinguished seniors. We have heard rumors that you want to intermarry with
our clan, having married ___________ (name of the bride). Is it so?
Groom and Co: Yes
Witness: Well, let's see if you are worthy of this honor. So, the groom (points to him
weapon), take a step forward. Come on, turn around, turn around (makes appropriate gestures
weapon). Okay, good, isn't it girls? (addresses the bride's friends).

Bridesmaids: yes, yes, very much even.
Witness: But appearance is not the main thing in our business. Let's check how devoted you are to the mafia, how
well you know her story. Name at least five mafia movies or pay
special courses for training top class mafiosi.
If the groom names five films, you can ask him a couple more questions about the history of the mafia.
For example, what place in Italy is considered the birthplace of the mafia (Sicily); how sometimes
called the Italian mafia (Cosa Nostra); what does the expression Cosa Nostra (our business) mean, etc.
If he doesn't answer, take money from him. You can transfer a disc with films about the mafia in exchange for money
- let him learn, because you promised him special courses
Competition number 2
Witness: well, you are familiar with the history and laws of the mafia (everyone enters the entrance), but what about
the history of our clan. We offer you a game of chance: drag the card and answer if you are true
mafiosi and really love your bride, which means the numbers on the cards pulled out. Per
every wrong answer will cost you dearly. (The witness offers the groom a set
cards with numbers meaning any things related to his beloved, her family, their
memorable dates).
Competition No. 3
Witness: now let's check if you can protect your chosen one from an insidious bullet and
punish offenders. Here's a pistol with three bullets in a clip (hands the groom three darts of darts)
- show us how accurate you are.
There is a dart board on one of the walls of the entrance. The task of the groom with three attempts to hit the bull's-eye.
If he copes, all the bridesmaids unanimously praise his accuracy, the "godmother" presses on him
hand. If he doesn't get it, the witness takes money from him for the “damaged walls”, and offers
try to witness. Says to the groom, pointing to the witness: “You have lost, but your best friend
can commit vendetta. " The witness also tries.
Competition No. 4

Witness: Do you know that we can not only work, but also have a good rest. Especially we
we love Italian music. Come on, perform something for us (then the music “Uno-uno-uno un
moment ”).
Witness: Well, not bad, not bad.
Competition No. 5
Witness: You have almost reached your goal, dear seniors, but you still have to overcome not
one stubborn door. (All come to the door to the apartment). Can you, as a true master of your
case, to open this door, well, for example, with this (the witness pulls out a hairpin from her hair. Naturally,
the groom will not be able to do this).
Witness: Doesn't come out. Well, in view of our exceptional sympathy for you, you can
try to find the key here, of course, paying for your attempts (There is a bunch of
balloons with pieces of paper inside, one of which has the inscription "key". Goal to find this
a piece of paper, popping balls. For each “empty” ball, the groom pays a ransom in a pre-agreed upon
balls size).
Competition number 6
Witness: Now, prove that you are a real Italian mafioso. Tell about your
love to the chosen one in pure Italian, but louder! And if you can't, we can
a separate fee to offer you a Russian-Italian phrasebook ..
Competition No. 7
Witness: You passed all the tests with honor, dear seniors, and in our common
deserve to join our mafia clan. But, unfortunately, it was not without
enemy intrigues: your bride's shoe has been stolen and the kidnappers demand a ransom for it in
the amount of _____ rub.
After that, the groom buys out the shoe, solemnly puts it on the bride's leg, hands it
the bouquet and all those present celebrate the ransom successfully passed by the groom. Welcomed
Italian music, cigars and drinks. For example, Bellini cocktail (Ingredients: Italian white
sparkling Prosecco wine + peach puree).

Mafia style ransom scenario # 2.
The groom and his friends arrive at the bride's house.
No one meets them at the entrance door.
They, hoping to pass freely, enter the entrance, rise to the __ floor.
At the door of the bride's apartment, young, pretty, damn charming are sitting at the table.
bridesmaids dressed as gangsters and playing cards, "drinking wine" ...
On the table: pistols, cards, "whiskey", bills, change, a suitcase with wads of money ...
The appearance of the groom is accompanied by whistles, crackers, pipes ...:
L-Who came to us !? DON himself …… CHE with his friends !!!
T-What do you owe this honor?

The groom will explain that he has come for the bride.
L-Mafia in the translation from Italian means FAMILY.
The T-Laws of the Mafia are strong and reliable, and the clan cannot be destroyed.
L-It is for this reason that a marriage created according to all gangster (G) laws is able to make a union
Y-You DON .... CHE, albeit from a noble and respected family, and the honor of the clan, for us above all, and a sister
our beauty MARY ... .., we just won't give it up, prove that you are worthy of her!
L- Tell me, what is the password for G, to find out that you are not from the enemy clan ... Forgot ???? !!!
T-Beauty MERI ……. apparently loves you very much, because she left you a hint. On this underground
video she tries to spell a word to you.
L-you will not name the password, then we will solve this issue differently, by paying for our silence by 100
(In the video: on hundreds of bodies, the bride spells out the password with gestures without sound, the groom must
read lips Password: I'm waiting for you)
(The bride very vaguely and strongly gesturing utters a completely different phrase: the groom cannot
guess the phrase, gives a lot of money for incorrect options)
L-Well, well, apparently Beauty MERIE VERONICA apparently loves you very, very much, because she left
you have one more hint, only it is very small, try to find it on this poster! (big
a poster on the wall with a single phrase in large print: "PASSWORD I'M WAITING FOR YOU", somewhere under
T-Do you love the bride you came for?
L-And we'll check it out now. A real G should be good at shooting, so show your
Y-And prove that the reason you're only here is love!
L-You are given 3 attempts, every shot you shoot out of 10 makes us doubt sincerity
your love. Payment for silence - $ 150 for each mistake.
(The groom is playing darts, in the sectors of which the reasons for the marriage are indicated: “the woolen
socks "," on the instructions of the clan "," tired of being a bachelor "" I'm afraid to sleep alone ", in the center" for love ")
T- And you are a cold-blooded fellow!
L-Now we have to make sure you know your bride well, prove it to us
T-This is a mission for your entire clan. Here's to you, DON…. SCANVORDOTTTTCHE, and to your friends
the task to collect the PATREOTTCHE (puzzles with a photo of Veronica).
L-For this we give you 2 minutes of time, hurry up, pay for each overdue minute - $ 200
(To the groom - a crossword puzzle, the head word is the name of the bride questions from life; Friends - to Collect puzzles with
a photo of the Bride (1 or 2 pieces)
T-Bride, MERI ...., we have a pretty girl, an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty!
LA beauty, as you know, requires investment! Pay for the entire list!
The groom pays according to the price list that hangs on the wall:
Beauty salon - 500
Fitness club -500
Fashion boutique -500

Cosmetics - 500
Decorations - 500
Gifts for bridesmaids - champagne, sweets)
5. KEY
T-Well, DON Arkache, we made sure that you are from our clan, you passed all the tests with dignity
(bridesmaids count the money)
L-There was a problem the key was lost in one of these balls
(vertically, along the front door - inflate 10 balloons with pieces of paper and do not put in any of them
a piece of paper with the inscription key, the groom must burst the balloon to complete the task written on it).
The groom does not find the key, the bridesmaid pulls out the key from behind
Oh-oh! And the key is where it was! Such an adult and wise, but he believed that the key was in the ball! He's not there
fit !!! (gives the key)
everyone congratulates him and allows him to enter the apartment
T- now we will accompany you to your fiancee.
The girlfriends take the groom to the hall, where he sits
The bride stands on the chair, the groom takes her off the chair and hands the bouquet to the bride.
A small feast (champagne, sweets) and at the registry office.
Test one
Convincing the bridesmaids that the groom is very good and great for the bride. For this,
while the match is burning, they must name ten of its most important virtues.
Test second
After making sure that the groom deserves their interest, they check how well he
familiar with the laws of the mafia and propose to name a certain number of films about
mafioso. For failure to complete the task - a fine. Also, it may not be just names.
films, and some questions about the plot of a certain picture.
Test three
Considering that any self-respecting mafioso must skillfully shoot, you can
offer the groom a dart test. To convince her friends that the groom is able to
save his beloved from the enemy bullet, he must hit the top ten. If not
obtained from the groom, you can attract a witness. If the men did not cope - a fine.
The ransom scenario can be supplemented by checking how the groom owns the gangster
skills. Girlfriends offer the groom a bunch of keys, including the key for the door
bride's apartment. If the groom did not pick up the correct master key the first time, he pays
- Wow!!! Who came to us! Oh! It's Don (groom's name) !!! And even with my comrades! By
Why do we owe you this honor?
The groom begins to explain that he has come for his beloved bride, with whom he intends to spend all his
The bridesmaids say indignantly:
- Mafia means family in Italian. The laws of all mafiosi are strong, and our clan no one can
destroy. And just for this reason, this marriage, concluded in accordance with all the laws of gangsters, should do
the union is extremely strong and long. You are Don (groom's name) from a very respectable and noble family, but honor
of our clan for us above everything else in the world and our adored sister, beauty (name of the bride), we are not
give it away just like that. You must prove that you deserve it!

Tell us about your business, what do you have to make our (bride's name) happy? But you have time
for a story about yourself - just until the match burns out! And believe me - it's in your best interest to tell us how
as honestly as possible, otherwise we will suspect you of a lie!
The groom needs to be warned that he must play the role of a gangster and use words in his speech in
mafia style.
After the groom's words, the bridesmaids disguised as gangsters:
- This is good, you can quite make our Anna happy, but we still accept in this
the question of neutrality! Tell us the gangster password so we can be sure that you are not our enemy!
The groom tries to guess the options.
- The beauty (name of the bride) probably loves you very much, as she has prepared one hint for you. In this
When filming a video, she tells you to tell you the code word, but the video is underground and there is no sound. So
try hard to guess it.
On the phone, you need to show the groom a recording without sound, in which the bride is trying to spell with gestures
pronounce the word code, the groom must try to guess his lips. The bride in the video is trying
say: I'm waiting for you.
- If you cannot give the password, then we will have to solve this issue differently.
For every mistake the groom is asked to pay for silence.
- Do you love your bride, for whom you came here?
The groom, of course, replies that he loves.
- So, now we will check it. A real mafioso must be able to shoot perfectly. And therefore
you have to try hard and knock out a ten. And also prove that (name of the bride), for which you
all this you do is your one and only love! We only give you three tries.
The groom will play darts. In the sectors, instead of numbers, you must indicate the reasons for which he decides
marry. For example: “I don’t want to be a bachelor anymore”, “I need clean socks”, “on the instructions of the enemy
clan "," mom makes "," uncomfortable to sleep alone "," I don't know myself. " And in the center - “along a huge
love. ”Friends can help him too.
- If your shot is not "in the top ten", then we may doubt the sincerity and honesty of your
love. And we will offer you to play cards with us and mind you!
Gangsters shuffle a deck of cards that only have part of the image of the bride's photo, then
if you add up all the cards, you get a whole photo of the bride.
- Draw the cards! And for each one tell us how your bride attracted you! If you collect all
puzzle, then we will believe in your love and celebrate the wedding today.
The groom, in the process of playing cards, talks about the merits of his bride.
“And you, as we shall see, are a cold-blooded fellow. And in our opinion, very worthy. That's why we
we accept you into our clan. Now you can take your bride, she is waiting for you just outside this door.
The groom is given a weighty bunch of keys. Having picked up the key, he will open the door.
Test 1. Prohibition
According to the scenario, the groom is a young gangster who has come to woo the daughter of his boss, Don Pope. This
the role solemnly goes to the father-in-law or another elderly man. The groom and his entourage approach
entrance: a gatekeeper in a suit with a bow tie and in leggings comes out to meet him, nearby in
Don Papa sits imposingly in an armchair, surrounded by bodyguards.
Doorkeeper: - Hello, (the name of the groom) is from the clan (says the surname). Don is already waiting for you.
Come on, I'm taking you to the boss. (brings the groom to Don Papa).
Don Papa: - So you want to marry my beautiful daughter? Yes, only I have one, myself
you know, I can't give it to anyone. First, the guys and I will check how good you are and
Is it worthy to join our clan? If you don’t pass the check, don’t blame us, we will roll it into concrete and plant it
daisies. Agree?

(The groom agrees.)
Don Papa: - Well, let's see if you have a cowardly little soul. Bring us a drink, yeah
so that the cops don't grab you. Go to the Cadillac and find where my booze boys are
hid. Here, keep the drawer so that every compartment is filled!
This test highlights the theme of the notorious Prohibition when alcohol was affordable
except perhaps to members of mafia groups and very rich people. Before dressing up the car,
Don Pope's assistants hid a box of alcohol in the car - in the upholstery, trunk, behind the wheels, with
using scotch tape glued to the bottom, now the groom and the witnesses must collect the "harvest" and carry
to his boss.
Don Papa: - Look, I really found everything, you have what you need. Probably you yourself drink often?
(Turns to a witness). Tell me how in spirit, otherwise my guys will quickly deal with you!
Don Papa begins to ask the witness about the groom: the tasks are not difficult, but the main thing is not
get confused. In which case, the groom comes to the rescue.
Test 2. Gambling
The next competition is a card game. Don Papa makes a sign to the groom to follow him and fails
him to the table with a green cloth. Several people from the chief's company are already sitting there. Don greets
with everyone by the hand, slowly sits down and shows the groom to an empty chair. Witness goes
behind the groom and carries a box of obtained alcohol.
The "croupier" immediately comes out, he must be properly dressed and at least a little able to
handle cards.
Don Papa: - A real gangster must be lucky and keep the bird of happiness by the tail. Let's
Let's play poker: I'll bet the dowry, and you will have what you recently got.
The game begins, depending on luck, the groom keeps or gives the received "goods" and
receives or does not receive a dowry. Poker can be replaced by any other game - even if it's a fool,
the main thing is to be fun and atmospheric.
Test 3. The bride's dowry.
Sly Don Papa, even if he lost at cards, did not give the groom all the dowry. And on the stage
where the action unfolds, three identical suitcases are brought out. The groom has to guess in
which one is his reward. A dense target is attached to each of the suitcases:
the groom is given a pistol with suction cups or bullets and only after he knocks out the agreed
the number of points on the target, the suitcase can be opened. In two fake suitcases for a laugh
you can put in giant underwear or old newspaper clippings.
The bride's dowry can be party clothes, jewelry, or money.
Don Papa: - Every young gangster should be a great shooter so that he can always give
rebuff to a hostile clan. Today we will not only check how you shoot, but also put on the line
Something Interesting: One of the suitcases contains something of value - your bride's dowry. You
didn’t think I could play him at cards? So, if you shoot accurately, you will get a pleasant
bonus, no - you will be left with nothing.
Challenge 4. Grant the women

Mafia style bride ransom. Bride Ransom Scenario
Mafia - it was, is and will be. Are you afraid of the mafia yourself? A mafia-style bride ransom script has been written for you, which
will appeal to risky people. Mafia-style bride ransom will be an undoubted hit, and it will appeal to all guests without
Instead of bridesmaids, the groom is greeted by three bully in black jackets with huge chains around the neck, with seals, in black
keep the machines in hand.
with hats and cigars.
toy pistols,

Check it out!


looks around

the whole






the groom



tell me.

is talking:

the bride.



Consiglieri, did you hear that? This objectionable one wants to marry our beautiful (name of the bride), the very daughter of Don Pedro!

(reaching out

Put away?


do you say?



(to the groom) If you pass the test, you can count on Don's blessing. No - say goodbye to life.
And your first check. You must protect your chosen one of everything and everyone! For this you must be able to shoot!
Leads the groom to the table, on which there are three weapons with price tags: a water pistol (1 euro), a bow without arrows (5 euros) and
a toy gun with bullets (10 euros). Further on the wall are attached balloons according to the number of bullets in the pistol (3
bullets - 3 balls) at a certain distance from each other. The groom must shoot and burst all the balls. For a miss (10
You should also understand about money. Think money doesn't smell? And now we will check it!
Three cans are taken out, covered so that only the throat is free, and what is inside what is not visible. Banks also have price tags: (25
euro) - on each.
tell me. Who is this and what has come to us?
The groom is blindfolded and brought to the banks. By smell, he should determine which bank the money is in. Will not guess -
gives the mafiosi 25 euros and tries again until he finds the right jar.
And a real gangster must keep his luck tightly by the tail. And where is the best place to check this? Right! Only in
Come on, groom, let's play. Let's not just play, but money for ... a bride! If you lose, you will not see the bride!
The game is not ordinary. On the cards are images of body parts of the bride. And you need to "beat off" the card with a pair. Those. if you hit a card with a hand
bride, the groom must cover this card with his other hand. If he does not have this card, then he "accepts". And then from
"Covered" make up a photograph of the bride.
Now prove to us that you are faithful to your profession.
Three boxes are taken out.
Open the boxes, data in a minimum of time. But remember, there is only one thing of value.
There are locks on the boxes. A tray with six keys is also brought out. Papers with codes are attached to the keys. And on the boxes there are tips
for the code.
For example:
the first box contains the following hints:
The fifth letter in the full name of the bride; the day on which the bride was born; the number of the month you met.
If the bride's name is Nastya, then it will be the letter - T (Anastasia), for example, the day on which the bride was born on 5 (July) and
the young people met in September, and the total is a code: T59 such a code should be on one of the keys.
Etc. Note: only three of the six keys will have correct codes, and the rest will have incorrect codes.
One box contains the bride's shoe, and the other two contain bills of paper with price tags (10 euros and 20 euros)
Well, I see that you are worthy! Now go to your bride!
The groom goes into the room where the bride is sitting, but his bridesmaids block his way.
One of the girlfriends:
We won't give up our sister so easily!
Prove to her that you love!
Don't just prove it
Tell it in Italian!
Another girlfriend:
If you don't know the language
That is what the translator can offer!
The cost of a translator (10 euros).
The groom says the phrase "I love you" in Italian.
But the girlfriends are not allowed.

Give them sweets and expensive wine. Maybe they will lag behind!
For girlfriends
In Italian, mafia means family. Therefore, we wish your family to be strong for many years and replenish and
grew. Seal your union with a kiss. We wish you a happy marriage! Bitterly!
The groom kisses the bride and everyone goes to the registry office. wine and sweets are presented. The groom approaches the bride and puts on her shoe.