Groom's toast at the wedding - how to correctly express your thoughts and feelings under the influence of emotions. Toasts to the parents of the bride and groom

On most holidays in our country it is customary to say toasts. A wedding is no exception. Personally, I do not consider toasting to be mandatory, but you should prepare in advance. Of course, it’s good if you can say a wedding toast that you personally invented, but not everyone is capable of this. On our site you will find different wedding toasts - toasts for the bride and groom, toasts for the parents of the bride and groom and many others, including those dedicated to various wedding anniversaries.

* * *
We want the music to sound
To not be bored together.
Let there be twins for a start -
We will bring you a stroller.
We can wish you a lot
But we repeat again and again:
And here's what we want -
Advice to you, happiness and love.

* * *
Let everything come true that dreamed
Everything that pleases the eye.
For happiness to settle
In your house easily,
So that you don't drop
This is happiness on the fly
Would keep forever
Tenderness, affection, warmth.

* * *
For you young ones the palaces are blue
In all cities they create
So that in memory there were those golden days,
When you are called family.
Live together, love each other.
May life be full of happiness!
Keep fidelity, raise children,
For all this, drink to the bottom!
To live a young life not in vain,
To have something to remember.
I wish you a golden wedding
Celebrate at this table.

* * *
Let it never go out
Happy life dawn!
May you always be happy!
And today it's sad!

* * *
All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth.
A family warmed by love
Always reliable and strong.
So that your union is only a joy,
So that the children are near you,
To you, young people, we will simply say:
Live together, have a good time!

* * *
Expensive …!
You have a special day today.
So be happy always.
May the path be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The thrill of the first meeting.
And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.
Let in your life never.
Days like these won't come back
Love is always meant to be
And only one time to get married!

* * *
Happy birthday to your family!
Let her minutes of bad weather!
Let the trouble go!
Peace, love, harmony, friendship, happiness
Let it live forever!
Many loyal friends
And welcome guests.
Jokes, dances, singing, laughter
Let everyone in the house please!
So that in a friendly family
There was the brightest light.
We wish you only happiness
Love to you and advice!

* * *
We wish to live for many years
It is true to love and be loved.
In life, anxiety and grief do not know -
That's what we want to wish you.

* * *
Wish you happiness,
Good luck,
I wish you fun and laughter in addition,
I wish you health, I wish you enthusiasm,
In the family, so that there is no drop of discord.

* * *
As in the old parable:
A boy is born - a poplar is planted,
A girl is born - a birch is planted.
So let under the windows of your house
A birch grove and a poplar alley are growing.

* * *
Folk wisdom says that the first wealth in life is health, and the second is a wife.
A good wife is half the happiness. There is no better friend than a true friend. With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly joy. A good wife has no price for her husband.
Let's wish our newlywed to justify these proverbs and drink to her!

* * *
There are three words in Russian that sound somehow especially charming and tender.
Femininity, love, self-sacrifice - all this is expressed and combined in three words: "bride", "wife" and "mother".
How beautiful is our young today! A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white, pure, like love itself, wedding dress - recently a bride, and now a spouse.
Look how happy she is today, how happy her gaze is, turned to her beloved!
And if we were able to look into her heart, we would notice that it is filled to the brim with love and happiness, and there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings.
And I propose to raise our glasses so that happiness is endless!

* * *
The south wind brings with it warmth, softness, calmness. The north wind brings courage, purposefulness. The west wind brings industriousness, efficiency. The east wind brings wisdom.
And then one day in the place where the lovely child was born, the winds converged and gave him all their beautiful qualities. Over time, the child grew up and turned into a beautiful girl who is getting married today.
So let's drink, friends, for the bride!

* * *
One of the culprits of today's celebration - the bride - is a dangerous person. She is an arsonist, and the groom agrees with me, since she planted a flame in his heart. But I am sure that she is now bound by such a chain that cannot be broken.
We drink to the health of the dear "bound"!

* * *
The boy asks his father:
Is it true that married life is like a lottery?
— No, son! In the lottery you have at least some chance ...
So let's drink for the chance that the groom did not miss - for the bride!

* * *
Let's drink to the newlywed being a wonderful wife, a wonderful mother and a wonderful lover!

* * *
You have probably noticed that spouses who have lived together for many years have the same interests and tastes. In our family, for example, both I and my wife love ... me!
And we have known the groom not so long ago, but we also have the same tastes with him - and he and all of us like his bride! I propose to drink for a beautiful bride!

Toasts in honor of parents
Dear guests! On this festive and joyful day, it is necessary to raise glasses with love and respect for those who, if I may say so, are guilty of the guilt of the perpetrators of today's celebration - I mean the respected parents of our dear bride.
Look, different feelings are fighting in their hearts. Their faces are either sad at the thought of the impending separation, or joyful at the sight of the happiness of their precious child.
Dear parents of the bride, drive away sad thoughts, rejoice in the happiness of the newlyweds, because today you are also getting a son.
So let's raise our glasses to the health and longevity of the newlywed's parents!

On this significant day, I want to proclaim a toast to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a smart, beautiful, cheerful daughter - it's a pleasure to see. No wonder our fiancé so hunted for her. And although some say that the mother-in-law is thorns in the bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture, but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law.
We wish her to bring help, kindness, advice, affection, and not discord to her daughter's family. To your health, dear father-in-law!

Now let's raise our glasses to the health of the groom's parents - the newly-made father-in-law and mother-in-law - and thank them for raising such a fine fellow, a clear falcon, a beautiful guy. Although the image of the evil mother-in-law lives, but the kind look and heart of dear ... (name), no doubt, will overturn these ideas.
Let's proclaim them a noisy toast! Long live the groom's parents!

Dear guests! Marriage is the most important event in life. I'm happy that I found exactly what I was looking for. The rapprochement of two families is a huge gain in life, since family and friendship ties in general are an invaluable capital. Now my wife and I will be taken care of not by one family, but by two.
In turn, we will also take care of them.
It is for this unity, mutual support and love that I want to raise a glass. For you, our dear parents!

Dear friends! I will not hide: I was very afraid of meeting my husband's parents, but ... it turned out that my fears were in vain. I was lucky, I found second parents.
With all my heart I raise a glass to the health of my mother-in-law and my father-in-law and our mutual love!

Dear newlyweds, dear guests! Parental blessing on the day of marriage is the key to future harmony and happiness in family life. But an even rarer and happier blessing is the blessing of grandparents. In the East they say: “The crown of an old man is the children of his children,” but we will go even further and say the following: “The old man himself is the crown for the children of his children.”
So let this crown adorn, preserve and protect our newlyweds for many years. I propose to raise glasses for the health and longevity of the grandparents of the newlyweds!

Toasts for mother-in-law
Who was the happiest person on earth? The wise man replied: “Adam. Because he didn't have a mother-in-law."
And I think if Adam had a mother-in-law like mine, he would be even happier.
So let's drink to my mother-in-law!

One man was a widow for several years. Then he married the sister of his late wife, although he did not like her. He explained his action as follows:
“At my age, it’s dangerous… to change your mother-in-law!”
Therefore, let's not change the mother-in-law and wish them good health!

Mother - daughters:
- This admirer of yours disgusts me so much that I will gladly become his mother-in-law!
I propose a toast to those wise women who, even from a nasty admirer of their daughter, can raise a loving son-in-law!

- Honey, I have to tell you the news: soon there will be three of us!
“How glad I am, dear! I'm just happy.
— My mother wrote that she was coming to live with us.
I propose to drink so that the arrival of the mother-in-law always evokes a joyful reaction from the son-in-law!

For us to drink and dance
Well, mother-in-law did not interfere!

Two leopards were circling in the forest and came upon a hut. It had a leopard skin on the floor.
— Do you know what it is? one leopard asked another.
He looked at the skin and trembled, whispering in horror:
- We're running. This is my aunt.
Let's move our glasses in honor of good mothers-in-law, whom we would not be afraid of.

Better to have good enemies than a bad mother-in-law. In general, if there is a mother-in-law, other enemies are no longer needed. We raise our glasses to good mother-in-law.

A man tells his friend:
- When a fire broke out in our house, I ran into the apartment and carried my mother-in-law in my arms.
The friend reacted to this message with full understanding.
- No wonder, - he says, - in such a situation it is not wise to lose your head.
I suggest everyone lose their heads for a few minutes and ... drink for their mother-in-law.

Remember the dream of one gangster? If not, I'll remind you. He dreamed of robbing a bank and leaving fingerprints in a conspicuous place ... of his mother-in-law. Only a bad son-in-law can have bad thoughts about his mother-in-law.
Let's drink to a good son-in-law and his good mother-in-law.


I want to raise a glass for the groom,
I want to wish him happiness
Now the head of the family from now on,
He is the most important in this world!

I drink for happiness, and prosperity in the house,
I drink for feelings, for love,
Be the most exemplary husband,
Ready for all the whims of the wife!

Be for her always a support,
You protect her from all adversity,
I drink to your courage and strength
Always protect your beauty!

I want to invite everyone to drink to our wonderful fiancé. Let him always remember that the most pleasant thing in a man's life is to make his woman happy. It was then that a man can rightfully be considered real! For a real man!

I raise my glass to the one who today turned from a simple guy into a husband! Now you are the head of the family, the future father and the man who met his happiness. I wish that in your future family life you do not have difficulties, that everything is smooth and smooth. With all my heart I want to wish you not to know disappointments, patience and success, without which it is impossible to live in our time. May your love be eternal, and future children be healthy! For your important step, for a new beginning!

For the young, for the strong, for the brave! Who do you think we will drink for? Of course, for the groom. From today, you, bridegroom, can forget about freedom. However, now, you will always be fed, dressed and shod.

Let's drink to a family man, to a good owner, to a breadwinner, to our faithful fiance! May you be the best that your bride has seen on this planet! For you!

Dear groom, you have received a blessing, and now we all ask you to protect, love and take care of your bride. And then the evil mother-in-law will come and you will not be greeted!

Who is the best figured out in life and grabbed the most wonderful woman in the world? Of course, our fiance. For his mind, luck and ability to get settled, let's drink! Bitterly.

For the groom to the bottom I will drink,
I hasten to wish him well,
To be a support and support,
The breadwinner for the family always!

To please your wife
He gave her love and affection,
To protect from evil and grief,
Got paid on time!

So that the forces do not let you down,
For this today I will drink to the bottom,
So that the wife does not saw, does not scold,
To understand, appreciate you!

To let go to friends sometimes,
And to drive you crazy with a kiss,
To be respected at work
In general, friends, for the groom!

Who is the head of each family? That's right, husband. He is usually the breadwinner, the owner. Of course, he works hard, and gets tired accordingly. Therefore, he simply needs moral support from a loving wife. Everything is clear with this, but there are times when you don’t want anything at all, because fatigue is pressing on you. I raise this glass to you, head of the family, and may these difficult periods not affect your family well-being!

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a young couple. They begin to prepare for it long before the date of the celebration, and all preparations take place with great excitement. Behind all this fuss, few people think about such a thing as a beautiful toast of the groom at the wedding.

But it is the young husband who should touch his newly-made wife with beautiful words of love and admiration, assurances of loyalty and devotion to his chosen one.

Who does the groom toast to at the wedding?

  1. for the mother of the bride. Here it would be appropriate to say that it was thanks to her mother that the young girl turned into a beautiful young girl, who will now make him, the groom, happiness.
  2. for family unity. It can be said about. that the day is very important also because today there was a reunion of families.
  3. for your spouse. As shown, the groom utters words of gratitude to the bride's parents, thanks them for their beautiful daughter, makes a promise to love and protect her.

The speech of the groom should not only be beautiful, but come from the depths of the soul. If you speak very thoughtfully and flowery, your guests will get bored listening to it and all attention will disappear. And don't talk too long, the thread of the toast will be lost.

Compose the text in advance, dilute it with humor and irony, or even self-irony. Then the speech will be enchanting and all attention will be paid only to you. You can rehearse in advance at the mirror, check the diction and non-verbal component. Time your speech: if you have more than five minutes, cut it mercilessly.

The Basics for Preparing the Groom's Speech

  • start with words of welcome, tell a couple of funny stories and move on to the toast itself, which will be the end,
  • as an alternative: fantasize about your family future. Confess your feelings to your young wife; to avoid losing interest on the part of the guests, you need to think over the speech so that they can easily imagine what you are talking about,
  • an appropriate joke will help defuse your embarrassment,
  • Divide your story into three parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion. The two extreme parts should be bright, because it is she who will be remembered the most,
  • before the performance, allow yourself a little drink to relieve tension. However, you should not lean on alcohol at all, otherwise the speech will turn out to be porridge and confusion,
  • do not run your eyes over everyone present. Choose one object for yourself and focus on it,
  • confirm your words with a look: for the wife he will be affectionate and loving, for the parents - full of deep respect. The main thing is that the flow of emotions does not overtake you before the speech ends. Otherwise, your performance will be crumpled,
  • do not forget those people who helped you during the preparation for the celebration,
  • Before speaking, write yourself a framework that will guide you through what you would like to say.

An example of a groom's speech

“Dear wife! Dear guests!

Today is a very important day for us - the birthday of our family. I want to thank my fate for bringing me together with such a beautiful girl. For the fact that this girl made me the happiest man in the world, agreeing to become my wife. I know for sure that a happy future awaits us, filled with kindness and love. She will give me beautiful children, whose sonorous laughter will fill our house. I also want to thank our parents, who supported us in our choice and in our decision to formalize the union, and also helped with the organization of this holiday, which you are present at. Thank you all for coming to our holiday and rejoicing for us. You are close and dear people for us. Thank you for all the good and kind words, for parting advice from those who have long been happily married. Our family will try to remember all the wishes so that our family also lives a very long time and is always happy. We will see you and our silver wedding! Let's fill our glasses and drink to it!"

Toast options

By the way, now it is very fashionable when the groom raps not at the wedding for the bride. This trend has been gaining momentum for more than a year now. You can remake your favorite composition yourself, or you can order a service at the studio. You can even mount a clip to the song using home videos or shared photos of memorable moments in your relationship. Guests will be surprised, besides, if you have video filming at a holiday, this action can be reviewed hundreds of times.

But, probably, no matter how you say your wishes, they will be remembered for a long time by everyone present and by you, because this is your wedding, your holiday. Both your wife and your parents will be moved in any case, because these words will be spoken by their beloved son and dearly beloved husband. And since you have already decided on such a responsible step, it is unlikely that something can overshadow it!

When the official part of the wedding is over, all those present gather at the table and begin to say toasts and wishes to the newlyweds. In the midst of the congratulatory part, the newlyweds make a speech to their parents and invited guests. Most often, a young wife speaks for two, but the groom should not relax either. In the event that you have to make a speech, the groom should prepare in advance.

Speech should not just be beautiful, but come from the heart and soul. If you borrow a florid and thoughtful speech, learn it and read it aloud, you will not impress. Write it yourself, add a drop of humor and irony, say words of gratitude and sincere respect to your loved ones. Then you will make a splash, even if you forget a couple of phrases or mix up the words.

Don't talk too long, the guests will get bored. Meaning can be put into several phrases, the main thing is that you put meaning and feelings into them.
In order not to get lost at a crucial moment, hold a rehearsal in front of a mirror. Watch for gestures and diction, note how long the speech lasts. If it drags on for more than 4-5 minutes, shorten it without regrets.

  • Start with a welcome, remember a few funny stories, and make a toast to end your speech. Thus, you will definitely meet the rules.
  • Another option: tell us about your family future. To create a trusting atmosphere, confess strong and deep feelings for your wife, confirm your words with life stories. So that guests do not lose interest, structure the speech in such a way that it is easy for people to imagine what you are talking about.
  • If you're embarrassed, tell a pertinent joke before your presentation to lighten the mood.
  • Divide your speech into three parts: introduction, body and ending. The first and last parts should be strong, because they will be remembered by people.
  • Do not lean on alcohol before the performance, allow yourself a little drink to relax. Otherwise, the speech will be slurred and crumpled.
  • Do not wander around with your eyes for all the guests, choose one point for yourself and look at it during the performance.
  • In support of your words, use a look: piercing and open. If you are talking about your spouse, look into her eyes with love; if you are talking to your parents, look at them with respect. In this case, the speech will have a stunning effect. The main thing is not to get emotional ahead of time, so that the speech does not turn out to be crumpled.
  • Do not forget to mention the parents and relatives who helped you, it will be appropriate and touching to note this in the speech.
  • Before the speech, write a cheat sheet - a short summary, according to which you can easily recall everything you want to say in your memory.

Examples of the speech of the groom at the wedding

Dear wife, dear parents and invited guests!
Today is an unusually important day - the birthday of a new happy family, my family. And I want to say a few words at this solemn moment. First of all, I would like to say words of gratitude to fate, which gave me a magical meeting with my beloved (name).

I am sure that only happiness and love awaits us ahead. I want to express my gratitude to my beloved, who agreed to become my wife and gave me many wonderful moments. I am eternally grateful to my parents, who supported our decision and provided invaluable assistance. Now they are here and share our happiness. I want to thank my wife's parents for the excellent upbringing of their daughter, you have handed her over to reliable hands. I will do everything to make her the happiest newlywed on earth.

Thanks to all the close people gathered in this hall who said so many warm and pleasant words and parting words addressed to us. We are glad to see you today at our holiday. You are truly dear to us people. We will be happy to see you all on our silver wedding anniversary. Let's raise our glasses and drink to that!

Groom's words of gratitude to witnesses

Thank you, our close friends, for helping and supporting us in our desire to create a strong family, helping us organize a wedding, and lending a shoulder in the most difficult moments! Thank you for your willingness to help at any time. For the best stag and hen parties, for the funniest ransom and the most beautiful ceremony! We hope that you will be frequent guests in our house and forever remain the best friends of our happy family! Thanks for all! I raise this glass in your honor!!!

The groom's words of gratitude to the guests

From the bottom of my heart I want to express my gratitude to all the people who came to our celebration! You witnessed the amazing birth of a new family, shared our joy and happiness, and provided support in exciting moments. Today we have united two large families into one - this moment is incomparable to anything else. Thank you for your congratulations and parting words, for the gifts and wishes! Happiness to you and long life! We want to drink for you!

Groom's words of gratitude to parents

Dear guests, parents and my beloved wife!
I could not imagine that the wedding is such an exciting and joyful event. Now that I have realized the importance and responsibility of the moment, I am very happy that the circumstances turned out this way and I became the happy husband of the most beautiful girl in the world. It is very important not to lose your happiness, because a young family is very fragile and it is very easy to destroy it. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make your daughter happy.

With dignity I will pass all the upcoming tests and make every effort for the prosperity of our home. I will justify the trust placed in me and become an excellent husband and father. I will not shame my parents or let them down. Today I want to say words of sincere gratitude to our esteemed parents, who accepted us into their family and treated us with warmth and care. Our parents created us and gave us everything we have. You are priceless to us, we love and respect you very much! Dear guests, let's raise our glasses to the parents! May they delight us with their cordiality and hospitality for many years!

You can combine all the proposed options in one speech, or you can stop your attention at one moment. Say everything. Whatever you want, but do not forget that the wedding speech should be positive and positive.

He is the main character of today's holiday!
Undoubtedly, everyone is in a hurry to drink for the groom in order to wish him all the best, besides, I also want to make an original toast!
We offer original toasts for the groom from relatives, friends, colleagues…

He is one of the main characters of this holiday. Everyone is in a hurry to drink for the groom, wish him all the best and, of course, make an original toast. In this section of the site you can find toasts that will suit the groom, the young husband and the future father. They can be both in verse and in prose, Caucasian or quite ordinary - choose any toast to your taste.

Original toasts for the groom not only from relatives and friends, but also from colleagues (in case they decide to celebrate the wedding at a corporate party), and, of course, from the bride's beloved beauty. After all, the main toast about the groom today should remain with her!

Couples come out of the registry office. What is not a couple, then the man is small, and the girlfriend is healthy. A passer-by asks the brides:
- Why do you choose such low husbands? The first one says:
- I would be glad to have more, but there were no others.

What does astrology tell us? The signs of the zodiac, rising on the horizon, leave an imprint of their influence on the born.
Those born under the constellation Leo are imposing in appearance, spiritual, determined, ambitious, very impulsive, possess strength, intelligence and broad horizons. They are kind and faithful in friendship, not selfish and noble. All these wonderful qualities are in our hero of the day.
And I say with a grateful heart: thank you for being and will be with us for another century!

For our lovely men, brave and smart men who waited, appreciated, dearly loved, for our lovely men!

Dear newlywed!
May you have as much health as your mother wishes you!
May you have as much strength as your wife desires! And when you stay up late in the evening, let it be what your wife thought, but not what your mother thought!

Schwarzenegger and Bruce Lee are walking drunk on Hollywood. Bruce says:
— Arnold! Do you see the iron dollar lying around? Take a memory of our booze!
Schwarzenegger took. In the morning his wife asks:
“Did you buzz with Bruce again?” - Yes! And how did you guess?
- And when you get drunk with this narrow-eyed one, you constantly drag caps from sewer wells home! .. Let's drink to the men who all carry into the house!

I want to drink to the beauty of life. The beauty of life is proved by the following reasoning. For example, a man lies on a green lawn and sees the blue sky and the blue sea. He turned on the other side - and sees a small blade of grass right next to his eyes, and on it - a dewdrop. And he enjoys everything. Now let's transfer a person to a party where charming women, interesting interlocutors gathered, where there is good wine on the table. He rejoices in this too. Consequently, the sea, the sky, a blade of grass, a dewdrop, charming women, interesting interlocutors and good wine are all part of the beauty of our life, its immense wealth, its fullness!
So let's drink to the beauty of life!

Dear men, what do we need from you? Love us, take care of us, take care of yourself for us and do not exchange for a glass!

Husband! Learn to play cards to win back your pay.

Let's raise a glass to the newlywed to be a wonderful wife, a wonderful lover and a wonderful mother!
18 year old girl says:
-Ah, if you get married, then only for passionate love.
“You can go out not loving, but respecting,” says the 20-year-old
“It is necessary to get married,” exclaims a woman at the age of 25,
- Marriage or death! says the 30-year-old.
From this it is clear that there is no more interesting word for the female ear than "bachelor". What exciting horizons arise at the same time for many women, what bright prospects open up ... Bachelors are hope and consolation for the heart and joy for the eye.
So let's drink to bachelors, and especially to those who intend to part with their clan!

Keep your feet warm and your wife tight.

We will also pay a lot of attention to the groom and add toasts for him with such a set. Of course, the groom at the wedding attracts less attention than the bride, but he deserves a good toast! So even if you decide that the previous hero of the occasion - your relative or friend - is not suitable, there is no big trouble, choose another toast!

The girl addresses the zookeeper:
- Tell me, please, is this monkey a man or a woman?
Near standing Georgian:
Girl, it's a male. The man is the one who has the money.
Let's drink to money! And for men!

Oh dear! When, tell me, will you notice my existence?
Fate gave you to me as a punishment. After all, you, the villain, are looking at your display more and more. Yesterday I forgot when I was born. And God forbid love got drunk with annoyance at you. Love, love me! To my dear and crazy husband!

They taste gold with fire, a woman with gold, a man with a woman, wine with a man ... If gold is not subject to fire, then it is of a high standard. If you cannot buy a woman with gold, then she is not corruptible. If a man does not succumb to the seduction of women, then he is a blockhead. If wine can't drown a man, then he's a great swimmer.
I propose a toast to unsinkable men! Churban, however, also swims well ...

Our company has the military. Who do you think before. did Venus count among her worshipers on Olympus? Mars is the god of war. And although the military is speed, onslaught and ... retreat, women love the military.
We propose to drink for our armed forces, for their courage and heroism, and for the representatives of our glorious army present here!

A girl becomes a woman overnight. A young man becomes a man in 2 years. So let's drink to the fact that these years fly by like one night!

Here we are all waiting for toasts-compliments from men, and they are also waiting. I propose to drink for our dear, smart, beautiful men, for their precious health for us!

It is said that when King Christian of Brunswick went to battle, he had the queen's gloves on his hat with the inscription: "All for God and the Queen."
Bravo loving husbands! For them and for the King of Brunswick!

It was once said by a wise man: beware of the goat in front, the horse behind, and the women on top. For if you gape, she will sit on your neck. Men, if you have osteochondrosis of the neck, do not start it, treat it ... and most importantly, take care of your eyesight. Your vigilance is guarding the boundaries of personal sovereignty!

Once a husband brought his wife to a neurologist. He looked at her and said:
- Your wife's neurosis is not dangerous - and with him she will live up to 100 years.
- And I? the husband asks.
So let's drink to the fact that our young woman always lives with her husband, and never with a neurosis.