Tremulous feelings of teenage love. Oh those thrilling feelings

The word "quivering" can literally be interpreted as "exciting". This is a certain shyness in relation to another person, his feelings and experiences. Moreover, timidity is not like fear, but rather respect for personal space, fear of upsetting. More broadly, reverent relationships can be understood as care, some exaltation of the object of love over others. Often, this perception of a partner prevails in the first weeks or months of a relationship, when the so-called “candy-bouquet” period lasts.

As a rule, it is a reverent attitude, and not just tenderness and a desire to take care, that girls call to themselves. Historically, they have been regarded as high ideal, muse, lady of the heart. This was especially pronounced during the time of chivalry, when men dedicated beautiful lady poems and deeds, not even daring to touch it. However, about the real attitude of the knights to this issue no one will tell, but diverse historical novels support this topic in exactly that vein.

With the advent of equality and the flourishing of feminist movements, the high ideal lost its former position, but the principle of treating a woman as a weak and fragile being, brought up over many years, is still strong. And not only in male minds. That is why women remember for so long the flowers that were not presented and the door that was not opened in time in front of them: at times, if not always, almost everyone wants a reverent attitude.

It is quite logical that the longer the partners communicate, the more they get to know each other, the less in their joint life there is a place for mystery and mystery, which is almost a key element of "quivering". But at this stage, sincere care, support and the lack of attempts to compare a partner with others have a similar effect. A reverent relationship is the perception of a partner as an ideal. And this applies not only to the behavior of a man in relation to a woman. Stronger sex care and admiration are needed no less.

The element of trepidation in a relationship is almost the same as romance. Diluting them with everyday life, unexpectedly making pleasant trifles and compliments from pure heart, you can make relationships brighter, more harmonious, more interesting. A reverent attitude gives a woman the opportunity to feel like a princess, and a man - a knight. Of course, even in this one should know the measure so as not to “spoil” the partner, making him an egoist and despot.

Quite a bit of time passed, and the first ardor of passion, when you looked only at each other, faded away. You still feel good together, but the routine is already addictive. If you don't want to living together began to resemble a swamp covered with mud, some effort will have to be made.


Find common hobby.

You will be interested in working together common cause. It could be stamp collecting joint classes fitness, playing music or skydiving. In any case, a common hobby is a never-ending topic of conversation, it will give your coexistence additional interest, make you active and give you many positive ones. A positive emotions unite.

Give each other some freedom.

If you spend all the time together and do not disengage your hands, in time you will have everything fewer topics for conversations. Everyone should have their own separate social circle, it is from there that you will bring something new and interesting to the common hearth. And do not try without fail to make your friends common, sometimes you need to have something only your own, intimate. After all, no matter how much you love each other, you are independent accomplished individuals. That is what makes you interesting to each other.

Do romantic stupid things.

Order bouquets of flowers at home not about a joint, but just like that. Enclose love notes in your pocket to your loved one completely. Read under starry sky, but order "your" song and invite your partner to the slowest dance. A little romantic "firewood" will only benefit your family hearth.

Come out into the light.

Even if your nest is the most comfortable, it is worth going out somewhere so that others can see you together. Attend theaters, exhibitions, at least once a month dine not at home, but in a cafe or restaurant. Do not refer to the shortage! Look at the posters, yours probably hosts free cultural events. And some exhibition "Urban life of the N-th province in the 19th century" will become a real event and a topic for discussion.

Have adventures together.

Buy tickets for the train and leave for the whole day in a neighboring city. Wander unfamiliar streets, see local sights and read memorial plaques. Or maybe better, capturing a tent and sleeping bag, go on bicycles, where do you look? And ride until the night catches you...

Surprise each other.

You know your partner as flaky, you do not expect anything unexpected from him. Yes, and you are no longer a mystery to him. As the hero of the famous operetta said: "My wife is read." True, later he had to admit that he missed in this book “... the most interesting pages...". So save your partner from this boredom. Surprise him either with an unexpected skill, or an act, or an outfit. Even if you have to make great efforts to learn how to tap dance, believe me, and the delight in the eyes of your loved one will pay for these efforts a hundredfold.

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What associations immediately arise with the words "knight", "chivalry"? Someone will immediately remember a good, though not entirely accurate from a historical point of view, S. Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky" with his dog-knights. Someone will have associations with the noble, cultured person, who behaves impeccably in society and is especially gallant with ladies.

How did the word "knight" come about?

Chivalry as an estate played a big role in the life of many countries and for a long time was the main military force that decides the outcome of battles.

The term "knight" itself has Germanic roots. The word "ritter" in German means "". Thus, the main meaning of this term is a mounted warrior. Played since ancient times huge role in military affairs. Cavalry detachments conducted reconnaissance, made long-range raids behind enemy lines, and attacked his foragers. But the main thing is that they could decide the outcome of the battle, since the cavalry has a huge penetrating power. Therefore, the presence of combat-ready cavalry in each state was given a very large role.

Not every man fit for military affairs could go on a campaign on horseback. After all, a war horse was worth big money, and learning to ride and attack in close formation required a lot of time and effort. It was just enough wealthy people. So gradually in many states, including Ancient Rome, a special estate arose - "". It was obliged to war time send to service a certain amount of cavalrymen, arming them and supplying them with everything necessary.

It was the estate of riders with the beginning of the Middle Ages that became the prototype. Gradually, with the development of technology, weapons and armor became more powerful, light chain mail with patch plates replaced shells that covered almost the entire body. A complete set of armor could weigh about 40-45 kilograms. Horses were also often protected by armor covering the front of the hull. An attack in close formation by such heavily armed horsemen could break through any infantry defense, even the brave and well-trained. And only with the appearance firearms knightly cavalry gradually began to lose its significance.

Who could become a knight

Only a person of noble birth could belong to the knightly class. He was consecrated either for committing or for conscientious and diligent service. During the ceremony, the future knight knelt, and the initiator (as a rule, his overlord) dealt him a symbolic blow naked on the shoulder. After that, the knight received the right to wear a richly decorated belt and golden spurs. He had to steadfastly follow the code of knightly honor, although in reality this did not always happen.

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The parenting novel is literary genre, which describes the psychological and moral formation of the personality of the hero, his growing up. Initially, the novel of education became widespread in the literature of the German Enlightenment.

History of the genre

For the first time the term "novel of education" (German: Bildungsroman) was used in 1819 by the philologist Karl Morgenstern in his university lectures. The German philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey referred to the term in 1870, and in 1905 the term became generally accepted.

The first novel of education is considered to be Goethe's Years of Teaching Wilhelm Meister, which was written in 1795-1796. Although the parenting novel originated in Germany, it became widespread, first in Europe and then throughout the world. After the publication of the translation of Goethe's novel on English language, many English writers were inspired by him when creating their works. The classic parenting novels are Fielding's The Story of Tom Jones, Dickens' David Copperfield and Great Expectations, Flaubert's An Education, and Dostoyevsky's The Adolescent.

In the 20th century, the novel of education continues to be popular with writers. Jack London's Martin Eden, Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, and many other parenting novels appear.

Artistic features of the genre

The novel of education describes growing up and becoming a person young man. Most often, the hero is a sensitive person who wants to know life, find answers to his questions and acquire his own. own experience. It is generally accepted that the genre came out of folklore tales about younger son who leaves home in search of happiness.

Usually, at the beginning of the story, some kind of misfortune occurs that causes the hero to begin growing up. In the novel of upbringing, growing up, finding oneself is the ultimate goal, and the hero achieves it gradually and with difficulty. Often the main conflict of the novel is the conflict between the hero and society. Most often, the hero at the end of the work accepts the laws of society and becomes an ordinary member of it.

There are several varieties of the parenting novel. The novel of development describes the general formation of a person's personality. The novel of education focuses on school and other formal education. The "artistic" novel shows the formation of the personality of the artist, artist, the formation of his talent. The career novel tells about the hero's attainment of social success and his gradual rise up the social ladder. There is also an adventure novel of education, in which the formation of the hero's personality is accompanied by a description of his adventures and often fades into the background.

For all varieties of the parenting novel, there is one distinguishing characteristic: it describes the essential becoming of man. In most novels, the hero is a person whose character and moral attitudes already formed and unchanged. The hero of the upbringing novel develops and gradually changes throughout the novel.


  • Bakhtin M.M. The novel of education and its significance in the history of realism

The informational article elaborates on the issue of first love in adolescence. The signs by which it is possible to determine the presence of feelings for someone in a young representative of society are considered, as well as helpful tips and advice for parents whose child has fallen in love. All this will help to avoid the emergence of interpersonal conflicts with a teenager and find out what help can be provided to him in difficult times.

All people know how much awe the first loves and relationships cause. This tender feeling many remember with a smile on their face, even being married for a long time. It is relationships at this age that are most sincere, fragile and unpredictable. After all, if teenagers really fall in love, they all free time devote to relationships, forgetting about the rest of the world.

Parents in such a situation can only become listeners and accurate advisers.

How to know if your child is in love

If your child is in no hurry to share his experiences with you, then often many of them are visible and so. And who, if not native mother, will be able to notice such important changes in the life of a child?

3. Say yes to moonlight walks. V transitional age you should not forbid relationships, because in such a period it will not matter. Dates will take place secretly, without your knowledge. Is this what you desire? Moreover, the time of romantic walks must be in the life of every person. loving mother should be not only a strict boss, but also an understanding friend. Buy 2 movie tickets for a couple in love. So you will know where they will spend the evenings, and for them you will acquire the status of a better and more understanding parent.

4. Have a conversation about sexual development. It should be noted that the framework for the onset of sexual activity has changed significantly. Teenagers begin to know the delights and sorrows earlier adult life. It will be much better if the parent informs the child in advance about possible consequences similar experience, talk about the means of protection and possible diseases. Whether to do this in a personal conversation, or show a scientific film, give informational literature - it's your choice. It is important that such a conversation be held with both lovers.

Summary similar rules will allow parents to be present in the life of the child and at least somehow regulate the events taking place. But what to do if the relationship is in trouble or your child is suffering from unrequited love?

When rapid "resuscitation" is needed due to failed relationships:

2. Psychological replacement. It should be noted that one of the best medicines from love disappointments is the concentration of attention on something else. It is desirable, positive, so as not to aggravate an already sad state. Great option there will be family picnics, going to the cinema or visiting a water park, a skating rink. Parents will always be able to support the child if there is trust in the relationship. Don't be embarrassed when answering personal questions because it can help your beloved child.
When a teenager is very withdrawn into himself, there is a loss of appetite, leaving home or suicidal tendencies, it is worth contacting a psychotherapist.

3. New page of life. A good solution may be to replace the sadly ended relationship with a new one. Knowing the preferences of your child, you can try to casually introduce him to the opposite sex. It is especially good if one of the acquaintances has a suitable candidate. This does not mean that you decide the fate of your child, as was customary in the Middle Ages. Not at all, you simply create the conditions for choice, and everything else is up to your child: to accept or not such opportunities.


We can say that teenagers in love quite often become spouses. The first relationship is considered more sincere and altruistic than all subsequent ones. Young people don't care social status partner, his earnings, because the main thing is the feelings experienced. Who else knows this, if not adults? After all, they, too, completely immersed themselves in feelings and ignored the insistent wishes of their parents.

It is difficult to be around and minimally influence the behavior of the child. However, in the future, when hormones return to normal, he will definitely appreciate such efforts and see the meaning in all the actions of his mom and dad. Realizing that love in adolescence plays a paramount role for young people will help a lot in this situation.

Trembling (trembling) as a quality of personality - to be filled, imbued with inner excitement under the influence of some strong feeling, experiences; experience physical or internal trembling from some experience .

The wind met beautiful flower and fell in love with him. While he gently caressed the Flower, he answered him more more love expressed in color and aroma. But this was not enough for the Wind, and he decided: "If I give the Flower all my power and strength, then he will give me something even more." And he breathed on the Flower with a powerful breath of his love. But the Flower could not bear the stormy passion and broke down ...
The one who loves must remember that love is not measured by force and passion, but by tenderness and reverent attitude. It is better to hold back ten times than to break once.

Trembling is a weightless manifestation of the heart. This is when, having lost your head, you get off the ground, when every nerve in you trembles, when you really feel like a soul dreaming of ever-increasing happiness.

Trembling is when you think about your loved one and feel butterflies in your stomach:

Even if not now
I will flash in your eyes
Each cell of its
I know how to love you

Butterflies in my stomach is love for you
Don't hide, don't hide
Butterflies in my head - this is after love
If that happens

There is tremulous love highest degree harmony. Lovers feel like they're not from this planet at all. Both are touchingly careful about their feelings, they are afraid to even touch their love. Trembling is friends with platonic love. A man, meeting a girl, idealizes her so much that he can’t believe that she eats, takes care of her natural needs, in a word, he, trembling with love, deifies his woman to some extent. Sometimes he is disgusted by the thought of having a sexual relationship with her.

Trembling is at the level of the heart. This does not mean that a man does not experience, as in the case of A. Blok, sexual desire. It's just that the energy of his experiences is not below the waist, but in the region of the heart. The higher the energy, the higher the experience, the stronger the thrill of love. Experiences, trembling are so high that the lover is even afraid of the thought that his energy can immediately drop below.

When one is in love with trembling, the lower centers are silent, for trembling and lust are different phenomena. The flutter is easily tested. For example, why, when a man declares his love, does a woman lower her eyes? Checks if this is true. With tremulous love, she will not see anything. But, faced with lust, with a simple physical desire possess, she will see everything in full.

Let's look at trembling through the eyes of poetry:

Nude, in drops of music,
Reflected in mirrors
Only a bracelet on a narrow wrist
Yes, scarlet varnish on the fingers.

I catch your blue eyes
Heart, body, eyes - everything,
Marveling at the magic lines
All frozen and sweet mute.

I know it will stay forever
This dance of your love
He stretches for me with a long train
Along the paths of my destiny.

These lines and movements
Bodies hot like a fire -
Your birthday present
It still shines brightly.

And often you turn around again
By the candles you light,
Nude, in drops of music,
reflected in mirrors.

Evil and envy, having met trepidation, immediately want to soil it, smear it with mud. Trembling love is afraid of words. Words can scare away the thrill. He disappears unexpectedly and may never return. When a blade of grass is plucked, the whole universe shudders. Trembling love is tender as a blade of grass.

Many envied the quivering love of the great actress Lyubov Orlova and director Aleksandrov. Afraid of inadvertently hurting their feelings, they never spoke to each other. Having lived together for decades, they never said a single word to each other! Communication was carried out through correspondence. Lyubov Petrovna insisted on this method of communication. Of course, in public, at a party, they communicated, but in private - only in writing. Klavdia Shulzhenko, knowing this, dedicated her romance “Don't Talk About Love” to them. Why is that? Because Orlova did not want her husband to confess to her about his previous relationship. And she agreed with him that they play such a game - they don’t talk jokingly. From "Jolly Fellows" he proved to her that he loves, but he did it in any way, but not with words. sexual relations, of course, there were also between them. One of the photographs found was taken by Alexandrov in the Crimea - naked Lyubov Petrovna. She is not shy about anything, and he loves her, although he does not talk. And the legend of a fictitious relationship arose due to the fact that Orlova and Alexandrov never slept together. And it is true. The director's diary contains the following entry: “Her first husband, Andrey Berzin, was almost taken out of the matrimonial bed with bayonets by the Chekists. This trauma remained with her forever - she did not physically fall asleep with another person. She had to sleep alone."

Now about family matters. When a mother is kind to the boy’s father, that is, she admires his personality traits, is his friend and inspirer, trusts her husband, respects him endlessly, the son feels a great motivation to be like his father. The son's eyes are in the mother's heart. If the mother's heart is reverently open to the father, the son will imitate him in his personality traits, behavior, will willingly cooperate with his father. The boy, perhaps unconsciously, feels, in the quivering love of his mother, the promise of happiness. He thinks: - If I will be like my father, maybe my wife will love me so reverently and tenderly. Maybe I will also be valued and respected, as I feel my mother appreciates and respects my father.

If a girl sees the reverent love of her father for her mother, you can’t think of a better motivation for her to imitate her mother, to fulfill all her requests and instructions. The girl thinks: - If I am like my mother, then I will have a great chance to experience the happiness of being reverently loved.

Petr Kovalev 2014

At a young age, it is difficult to distinguish between infatuation and love. Do you think that what you feel for your soul mate is hot love, but several months, six months, a year pass, and you suddenly realize that there was no love, and you were driven only by love, which has already cooled down ... How to know if you love or not?

Emotion analysis

Analyze those emotions that you feel for the person. Being in love is blind, if you are in love, you notice only the good in a person, and even his unreasonable behavior cannot make you disappointed in him.

Analyze the emotions that you experience for your soul mate. If you idealize her, are constantly in such awe of her and never say a word against it, most likely it's just passion, wild affection, even obsession, but not love. You can’t agree on everything even with your loved one, you can’t have absolutely the same interests and have the same points of view on all problems.

How do you behave when your partner has problems?

Do you have a soul mate, you want to understand for yourself what you feel for her, but it just doesn’t work out? A how do you act when someone you may love is having problems, black streak in life? If you love, you cannot remain indifferent to the problems of a loved one.. If you are just so used to him that you cannot imagine your life without him, but not because you love him, then the problems of this person may remain his problems for you. Are you acting selfish? So there is no love.

When you are emotional

A what do you feel when you are overwhelmed with emotions. For example, you did not agree with your loved one in some way, quarreled, fled different angles. What are you thinking about at this moment? If you just feel anxious, feel that it’s hard for you, you feel bad, because your loved one also feels bad because he couldn’t come to an agreement with you, then you can talk about love between you. If you mentally swear, curse your partner, and frown when you look at him, most likely you don’t love him. How can you love a person and wish him bad at the same time? Even mentally.

Love must be maintained

It should be remembered that love is a feeling that needs to be worked on, that needs to be maintained and multiplied.. If you are not working on your relationship, you are unlikely to love each other.