Sedatives for breastfeeding mom. What sedatives can you drink while breastfeeding a nursing mother

During the period of breastfeeding, it is extremely important to maintain a healthy mental and emotional state of the woman. As a result of stress, the body increases the amount of adrenaline, a hormone produced in the adrenal glands. Adrenaline drowns out the action of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the production of sufficient amounts of breast milk. A decrease in oxytocin levels affects a decrease in milk in the mammary glands, and this again causes stress, the problem is further aggravated.

Such a vicious circle requires medication. At the same time, each woman asks how harmless sedatives are for nursing mothers. Your attention will be offered a list of the most popular and safe sedatives that are not contraindicated for use during breastfeeding. We will also show you how to help yourself and get rid of stress without resorting to medication.

Stress in a nursing mother is far from harmless. Milk production can be significantly reduced due to increased blood levels of adrenaline and a number of other hormones

Which sedative to choose?

  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • phytocomplex "Persen";
  • plant-based drug "Novo-Passit";
  • glycine;
  • various homeopathic remedies.


The popularly known "Motherwort" is made from the extract of the motherwort plant. The drug perfectly copes with the task of relaxing the cardiovascular system, although its action is not lightning fast. A noticeable effect will be visible after at least 2 weeks of use. Motherwort has no side effects, except for possible allergic manifestations.

Studying the international classifier of medicinal products, you will not find "Motherwort" in it, therefore no significant studies have been carried out on the penetration of the drug into breast milk or the sedative effect on the baby. When deciding to use "Motherwort" while breastfeeding, keep in mind that you need to do this with caution. Start with minimal doses and skip regular use. When choosing a release form, preference should be given to tablets, since the infusions contain alcohol, and it tends to reduce lactation.

A nursing mother should avoid the use of alcohol-containing drugs, and these include all sedative drops. The tablet form is more convenient and safer during this period.

In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe the "Motherwort Forte" method, the calming effect of which is more significant, although according to the instructions it cannot be used during the hepatitis B period.


The plant-based drug contains seven medicinal herbs: lemon balm, valerian, hops, passionflower, hawthorn, elderberry and St. John's wort. Having studied the instructions for the product, we see that it is forbidden to take it while breastfeeding. There is no data on the penetration of the sedative "Novo-Passit" into the mother's milk.

Natalya Razakhatskaya, a HS consultant, recommends using Novopassit very carefully, so in general during lactation one should not get carried away with “dubious herbs”. When choosing this drug, it should be taken in small doses and not drunk on a regular basis.


The soothing phytocomplex "Persen" includes the following components: extracts of valerian, peppermint and lemon balm.

"Persen", as stated on the package, is soothing, but it is not suitable for a nursing mother due to the content of mint, which can inhibit lactation (for more details, see the article :)

In the instructions of the popular "Persen" we see that the drug is not suitable for use during breastfeeding. There is anecdotal evidence that peppermint has a negative effect on milk production.


Valerian has been used as a sedative for a very long time. The main component is the stems and roots of Valerian officinalis (another name is "cat grass"). For the lactating woman herself, the remedy is absolutely harmless, however, no studies have been carried out about its effect on the baby.

A glance at the E-Lactancia web directory reveals that valerian extract is a remedy that has no proven beneficial effect on the human body. Thomas Hale in his reference book "Medicines and Mother's Milk" indicates that valerian can be used during the lactation period, but with caution. A dose of 9 ml in the form of a tincture and 2 g in dry form or 2 tablets will be harmless. If these restrictions are not observed, the opposite effect can be obtained in the form of insomnia, anxiety and nervousness. A mother who started taking the drug should carefully monitor the child's condition at first.

Valeriyanu can be called the most popular and affordable way to reduce anxiety. Unfortunately, there is no data in medical reference books on the effect of the drug on an infant, although it is not prohibited during lactation.


  • helps to improve sleep;
  • relieves fatigue and overwork;
  • relieves nervousness;
  • helps the brain;
  • improves metabolism.

Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, and HS specialists point to the possibility of using glycine during the lactation period. A small percentage of the substance enters the baby's body, but it will be absolutely harmless. However, it is still recommended to consult your doctor before taking this remedy.

Homeopathic remedies

Adherents of homeopathic treatment can use the drugs "Valerianachel" and "Nervohel" as a sedative. In pharmacies they can be found in the form of drops and tablets. The latter form of release is more preferable, since alcohol is present in the drops. Substances in the composition of the funds are labeled D4-D12, and this excludes the possibility of entering even a small fraction of medicinal herbs into the drug.

“It is quite possible to use this sedative while breastfeeding,” the hepatitis B specialist say. There were no side effects when using the drugs. The main strength of treatment is the belief of young mothers that this drug will certainly help them. Improvement does occur, but only through a strong belief in homeopathy.

Homeopathy continues to be a controversial science, but its remedies help many. The drug Nervohel can be used for nursing mothers without any fear


Tenoten lozenges have a positive effect on neuroses, stress, irritability, nervous tension, psychosomatic diseases and memory impairment. Even taking into account the safe and effective action of the drug, it is still better to refuse its use during breastfeeding, since no studies have been carried out on the effect of Tenoten on the baby with HB and the fetus during pregnancy.

When deciding for herself the question of which sedatives can be used during hepatitis B, a woman must carefully weigh everything. Be sure to look at the instructions for the medicine for information on compatibility with lactation. Herbal natural medicines are not listed in international drug reference books, so there is no data on their effect on the child. The following concepts will work safely and effectively: a woman's attentive attitude towards herself, help and support from people close to her.

The body of nursing mothers suffers from hormonal changes, so women can cry, be irritable, insomnia often occurs. At the same time, everyone understands that the mother should be calm so as not to harm the baby's health. The question arises - is it possible to have a sedative for breastfeeding and which one? Doctors recommend avoiding taking medicines, but if the need for drugs still arises, the main thing is to choose the right remedy.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Sedatives for breastfeeding

A doctor should select a sedative for breastfeeding! The thing is that the most harmless remedy can be dangerous.

Only a doctor is able to choose a drug that will not harm health, choose the dose and duration of the course.

Composition of funds

Basically, the composition includes lemon balm, medicinal, peppermint.

Avoid using soothing herbal tinctures that contain alcohol. Frequent use of the drugs presented can adversely affect the health of the mother and child.
If the situation has worsened and medication is indispensable, medication is necessary. But do not forget that with the consumption of sedatives, the child's nervous system can slow down, and in some cases, its destruction.

The negative effects of drugs

You should not rush to take any sedatives... It is better to try to rest, perhaps you will not need medicines.

When breastfeeding, the use of sedatives is only allowed in severe cases. It is best to learn to control your condition and, if problems have piled up at once, seek help from loved ones.

List of Approved Medicines

  • tincture;
  • valerian tablets;

Composition of the drug and indications for use




  • insomnia;
  • nervous tension;
  • high excitability;
  • anxiety.



  • dry extract of medicinal plants;
  • guaifenesin.


  • distraction, irritability, anxiety, fear;
  • itchy dermatoses;
  • constant mental stress;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • insomnia and headache;
  • migraine.


On a note!
It is prohibited to take Forte; instead, you can use the herb of the plant in filter bags!
In general, in all cases when herbs can be used instead of drugs, it is better to prefer the latter.

Contraindications and side effects

  • : side effects not identified.
  • : may cause fatigue, cramping. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, myasthenia gravis and epilepsy.
  • Soothing tea: absolutely safe, moreover, it can promote milk production.
  • : there are no contraindications and side effects.
  • Valerian: there are no contraindications to admission, the main thing is compliance with the dose.
  • : perfectly regulates metabolism. Among other things, the drug activates mental activity, relieves psycho-emotional stress, relieves aggressiveness, improves mood, and facilitates falling asleep.

How does it affect the health of the newborn?

  • safe for baby's health.
  • it is allowed to use while breastfeeding, but only after consulting a doctor. The child may become drowsy.
  • safe for the baby.
  • Valerian may cause allergies. Also, babies, with prolonged use of the drug, may experience constipation. However, babies may experience the following reactions: lethargy or overexcitement.
  • can not be used only if there is an individual intolerance to the drug. Side effects - allergic reactions.

Analogue in folk medicine or homeopathy

Special baths, massages, aromatherapy and homeopathic remedies can act as a sedative.

Tea is the best and safest sedative.

A homeopathic medicine can be formulated by a physician using safe and natural ingredients. Aromatherapy can calm the nervous system by inhaling essential oils.

List of remedies that can replace drugs

If you are afraid of taking medication, there is an alternative!

Special herbal baths help well.

In this case, the composition that is added to the bath can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

This can be sea salt, pine needles or collection number 3. Homeopathic remedies are well accepted by nursing mothers.

Granules "Calm", "Avena comp." and "Nevrosed". Fennel seeds are used as a decoction. The usual proportion is a tablespoon of seeds per 200 ml of water.

The best way out is healing tea. It may include: nettle, chamomile and lemon balm (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Indications for use

Soothing herbal baths during breastfeeding are excellent for relieving stress and anxiety. It is best to take them before bed. Homeopathic remedies relieve stress without causing addiction.

Fennel or pharmaceutical dill will relieve tension gently.

Soothing tea is used for sleep disorders, nervous excitability, early stage of arterial hypertension.

An important topic for expectant mothers is. Make motherhood a happy period in your life!

For those plagued by intestinal congestion, check out laxative products for nursing moms. The correct chair is the key to a woman's health!

How do they affect the body of the mother and baby?

Soothing baths have a wonderful effect on the body of both mother and child.

As a rule, homeopathic remedies do not cause side effects. The only thing that can be feared is the appearance of allergies.

Beware of allergies when using herbs!

Fennel is a mild sedative. Contraindication to use - individual intolerance.

The tea will not harm the baby, but care must be taken when picking it up as, for example, peppermint can reduce milk supply.

So, during breastfeeding, it is important to monitor your emotional state. Stress negatively affects the quality and quantity of milk. This means that you can use sedatives!

However, it is necessary to select them correctly. In order not to choose a drug, the components of which can harm you, consult your doctor.

The content of the article:

The first period after the birth of a child is quite difficult for parents. The mother experiences stress due to hormonal changes, lack of time and lack of sleep. Therefore, many parents think about the use of sedatives. Sedatives while breastfeeding is a rather complicated issue, it should be analyzed in more detail.

Natural sedatives

The state of depression of a woman after childbirth occurs due to hormonal changes. During labor, the hormone of happiness is released in a woman's body. This hormone helps the mother cope with pain during childbirth. However, some time after childbirth, hormonal levels normalize and endorphins drop sharply. This causes a deterioration in mood, stress.

So what kind of sedative can you breastfeed? There are several natural sedatives that doctors consider to be safe for a baby to breastfeed. These include plants:


Valerian solves a fairly wide range of problems faced by young mothers. These include not only nervousness, but also a number of other problems: headaches, high blood pressure, various stomach dysfunctions. Valerian is contraindicated for those who already have high blood pressure.

You can use valerian during breastfeeding in two forms: in the form of an infusion (on water) or in the form of tablets. The use of valerian infusion with alcohol is strictly prohibited. Most often, doctors recommend using pills, since it is most difficult to make a mistake with their dosage. Then how to make the infusion stronger than it should be is quite simple. Valerian tablets should be taken no more than 2 times a day. In case of overdose, there is a feeling of drowsiness, lethargy, headache and dizziness.
The same system of consumption is typical for motherwort. It should be noted that motherwort-based preparations are widely distributed, produced in tablets with an admixture of other substances. However, you should consult your doctor before using them (tablets may contain additional harmful impurities). Motherwort helps a young mother to cope with such problems:

high blood pressure;

Motherwort also perfectly enhances the immunity of mom and baby. Soothing herbs are also a good remedy for the parents of the baby. So, warm chamomile and fennel tea will calm the mother and not harm the baby.

The soothing herbs mint and lemon balm, which are popular natural remedies, are not recommended for mothers to breastfeed before their baby is 3 months old. In addition, they can negatively affect lactation by decreasing it. After 3 months, lactation can be considered stabilized and these herbs no longer pose such a danger.

If mom does not want to use herbs in the form of decoctions or tea, she can add herbal decoctions (including lemon balm and mint) when taking a bath. It can't hurt the baby, but it can help mom.

In the pharmacy, you can buy special soothing herbal baths. The most popular is collection number 3. It is also recommended to add sea salt and pine needles to the bathroom. They have a mild supportive effect. Special bath granules are widespread. The most popular of them are "Calm" and "Nevrosed". They do not harm the baby and can be used by a nursing mother.

A good remedy is a decoction of fennel seeds, added to the bathroom (the proportion is a tablespoon of seeds per 200 ml of water). You can also add mixed teas of chamomile and nettle.
You also need to be aware of several side effects for your baby from using herbs:

Valerian - causes drowsiness in the child, lethargy of the baby, or, conversely, overexcitement;
motherwort - has no side effects for the baby.


Herbal sedatives are not the only possible way out for a nursing mother. However, the market also cannot boast of a wide range of sedatives. The only drug that is safe for a nursing mother is glycine.

Glycine can be bought over the counter without a prescription because it is fairly safe. This drug solves several problems at once:

Eliminates stress;
improves brain activity;
normalizes sleep;
improves memory.

The safety of the drug is also evidenced by the fact that it is often recommended to be given to babies in case of troubled sleep. These sedative tablets are cumulative. Their full effect is manifested after 2-4 weeks of use.
The glycine base is aminoacetic acid. It is easily processed by the mother's body and does not harm the body of the baby. However, even after using this drug, you should carefully monitor the behavior of the baby. His behavior should not change dramatically - a calm baby should not become anxious (or vice versa).

Less safe, but also possible for consumption, are:


These preparations basically contain all the same plant extracts (both in one and in the other preparation there is also peppermint extract).

The drugs have the following side effects that should be considered when taking:
persen - has no side effects;
Novopassit - vomiting, constipation, cramps, feeling tired;
glycine - activates mental activity, improves mood.

Thus, the permitted sedatives for breastfeeding are persen, novopassit, glycine.

Terms of use

Breastfeeding is a delicate process. Almost any substances unusual for a child's body can lead to colic and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, even in the case of using a seemingly safe drug, it is worth adhering to certain recommendations.

Do not use sedatives without a doctor's recommendation. Even such seemingly harmless remedies as herbal remedies and soothing tea can lead to excessive lethargy in your baby. The baby may refuse to breastfeed and sleep a lot. Sometimes the opposite effect is also observed - the baby is overexcited, does not sleep.

Doctors do not recommend rushing and immediately using sedatives for nervousness. First, you need to rest and try to get enough sleep. Relaxing in the bath or a pleasant massage can also help. Only after all the usual means have been tried should one proceed to the use of herbs and preparations.

After using any kind of sedatives, you should carefully monitor whether the child's behavior has changed. If the child has become restless (or, conversely, sleeps too much, has become lethargic and refuses to breastfeed), the drug should be stopped.

Alternative methods

Despite the safety of many sedatives, it is best for mom to focus on alternatives sometimes. These include baths with herbal decoctions and sea salt, which were mentioned above. Also, doctors advise to follow the diet. You need to eat often and in small portions, avoiding hunger. A strict breastfeeding diet has a negative effect on a woman's body.

Stress and bad mood can occur against the background of vitamin deficiency. The fact is that, due to strict restrictions on food, many vitamins and trace elements do not enter the mother's body. It is possible to compensate for the lack of these substances with the help of special vitamin and mineral complexes allowed during lactation.

Stress can also occur when lactation decreases. A woman may experience a decrease in the amount of milk and even feel like an inferior mother. Against the background of stress, the amount of milk decreases even more. So a kind of vicious circle is formed. Mom needs to remember that changing the diet and applying methods to increase lactation will help solve the problem.

Also, a young mother is advised to spend more time outdoors. This is useful for the mother herself and for the child. It has been proven that daily walks promote good sleep and normalize the metabolism of an adult and a child. Relaxing music is also a good remedy for the first signs of depression.

Regular meals are important. After eating, the mood rises for a short time. In addition, a stable metabolism helps to avoid mood swings. If a woman thinks that there is not enough time for food or sleep, then taking care of the baby should be delegated to relatives or husband.

All of these remedies help to avoid stress without the use of sedatives. Even with all their harmlessness, herbs and simple sedatives have an incompletely studied effect on the baby's body. Therefore, before using sedatives, the mother should think about what effect they have on the child. If drugs and additional funds do not help to cope with the mental state of a woman, you should definitely consult a specialist in order to prevent the development of postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.

Sedatives for breastfeeding

The birth of a baby is life-changing. For nine months, a woman is preparing herself mentally for the birth of a long-awaited child. However, very often this time is not enough to fully realize how much attention the newborn will require.

At the same time, hormonal changes continue in the female body, which, of course, affects the emotional state. Fatigue after nine months of gestation, waiting, the process of childbirth and further caring for the baby wear down even the most persistent representatives of the fair sex. It is not surprising that sometimes irritability, nervousness and bad mood become their main friends.

Before choosing a sedative for nursing mothers, let's try to understand the reasons for this condition and consider alternative solutions to the problem.

Postpartum depression

Many young mothers remember the first months of a child's life with a smile, others miss their tummy and the happy period of pregnancy - all people are different, and the reactions, accordingly, may be different.

After giving birth, about 10-15% of women try to cope with their depression, but only 3% of women have a diagnosis of “postpartum depression” confirmed by a doctor, after which appropriate treatment is prescribed. In this case, only sedatives for nursing mothers will no longer help, and sometimes hospitalization is completely inevitable.

Symptoms and influence of external factors

It is very important not to hesitate to seek qualified help if you notice the following symptoms:

Lack of strength

Feelings of sadness and sorrow

Anxiety with panic attacks, headaches and increased heart rate,


Loss of appetite


Feeling lonely

Depressed mood.

In this state, girls and women very often feel ashamed and consider themselves to be bad mothers, because they cannot fully feel the joy of having a baby.

Strengthening the negative

An important role is played by factors (psychological, social, interpersonal) that can aggravate the condition:

Weak support from husband and family

Severe pregnancy

Complications during childbirth

Low socio-economic status,

Age over 40,


Lack of a permanent place of work or its complete termination at the beginning of pregnancy,

The tendency to be depressed.

Rest assured that postpartum depression is not only harmful to you, but also to your baby. An urgent need to consult a doctor and find out what sedatives can be drunk by nursing mothers.

In our country, unfortunately, this disease is rarely detected. The depressed woman has no interest in interacting with the baby she needs so much. Such children literally “absorb with milk” a tendency to states of increased anxiety, suffer from low self-esteem and have difficulty expressing feelings.

How to help?

The first months with a newborn is a period of lack of adequate sleep. Some children are anxious. Tummy pains, constipation, changes in the weather - all this greatly affects their mood.

Caring for a child, washing, cooking and other female responsibilities take up a lot of time, and we completely forget about ourselves. Passing by the mirror, we note a far from slender figure, bags under the eyes and “something incomprehensible on the head”. Where do you get a positive attitude?

The first thing to do is to pull yourself together. Do not rush to the pharmacy and sweep all the sedatives for nursing mothers from the shelves. Try to go without medication first.

On our own

Here are some simple ways that will help improve your mood without medication and remember your beloved:

  1. We are asking for help. Yes, you have become a mother, but this does not mean that caring for a child rests entirely on your fragile shoulders. Dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives - involve everyone who is ready to help you. After all, walking in the fresh air does not require much skill in handling an infant.
  2. We rest more. Washing, cleaning and cooking are important things, of course. But, choosing between two hours of sleep and a vacuum cleaner, it is better to stop at the first. If you have a severe lack of sleep, go to bed with your baby.
  3. We remember ourselves before pregnancy. What did you love to do until you found out that you would soon be a mom? Hobbies, playing sports, meeting friends or shopping - do not suffer from remorse and take some time for yourself at least a couple of times a month.
  4. Visit to the doctor. There is a lot of information in various sources about sedatives for nursing mothers, but we urge you to contact professionals, especially when it comes to more serious antidepressant drugs. Do not hesitate to bother the doctor, because the baby's mother is alone, and she should be healthy.


Almost all sedatives for nursing mothers are commercially available. The most popular are herbal preparations, which not only tidy up the nervous system, but have a positive effect on lactation. A fragrant drink with dill seeds, caraway seeds, fennel, chamomile or anise will have a beneficial effect on the digestion of the little one.

You can get the collection at the pharmacy or look for a soothing tea for nursing mothers from one of the baby food manufacturers. Two types of drinks are presented by the Russian brand "Babushkino Lukoshko". For example, “Anise Tea”, which contains anise, cumin, clover, nettle, lemon balm and fennel.

A similar set of components in drinks from the German brand HIPP. The only drawback is that granulated tea contains sugar. This improves the flavor of the herbal, but is not always beneficial.

So, now we know exactly what kind of sedative can breastfeeding mothers.

A proven method

Unfortunately, regular tea drinking is not always enough to find harmony and tranquility. Many girls and women, on the advice of doctors, prefer a proven remedy - valerian. It successfully copes with mild mental disorders, has a minimum number of side effects and does not affect the quality of breast milk.

Traditionally, the drug comes in two forms:

Soothing pills.

For nursing mothers, it is strictly forbidden to take drops. Of course, they work much faster, but the alcohol content is still alarming. Another option is to brew valerian root yourself.

How does it affect?

Taking the drug should be monitored by two specialists at once: a pediatrician and a young mother's attending physician. Against the background of the use of valerian, the baby's condition may change - sleep time increases or relaxation and lethargy are observed when sucking.

Valerian should not be taken for hypotonic patients: the pressure decreases even more, which can lead to lethargy, weakness and loss of consciousness. With individual intolerance, a woman develops an allergic reaction, in rare cases, the opposite effect is observed - sleep disturbance or nervous overexcitation.

It is believed that valerian is not the most effective sedative for nursing mothers. Very often, doctors prescribe it along with other drugs, which we will talk about next.


Many sedatives for nursing mothers are made from natural ingredients. For example, motherwort, which comes in three forms:


Filter bags for brewing

Alcohol tincture (contraindicated during lactation)

When motherwort helps you:

  1. For insomnia. Overwork, inner experiences and hormonal changes sometimes interfere with a normal rest. The new mom doesn't have much precious time. With regular use, motherwort is sure to improve your sleep.
  2. With high blood pressure. During lactation, nervous excitement and headaches “surrender without a fight” thanks to motherwort.
  3. With shortness of breath and tachycardia. Frequent carrying or lifting of the stroller sometimes interferes with the heart rate.


The well-known drug "Glycine" is another answer to the question of what sedatives can nursing. It is a protein amino acid that is easily absorbed by our body.

The range of applications is quite large:

Regulation of metabolism,

Removal of overwork and psycho-emotional stress,

Decrease in excitability and nervousness,

Improving mental performance,

Normalization of sleep rhythms.

The drug has a cumulative effect (the course of treatment is 2-4 weeks), so it must be taken under the supervision of the attending physician. Sometimes “Glycine” is prescribed to newborns with restless sleep, so a small amount of the substance that gets through milk will not bring harm.


Many people think that Persen is a good sedative for nursing mothers. One of the main advantages is the natural composition, which contains extracts of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint.

Despite mint, which can affect the breastfeeding process, experts recommend the drug as a sedative for nursing mothers.

Persen is shown under the following conditions:


Increased nervous irritability


The drug is not cumulative, soothes within half an hour after administration. Does not affect the ability to drive.

Accept or not?

Sometimes loneliness becomes an outlet. Half an hour of silence, a relaxing bath with the addition of essential oils, or a walk in the fresh air can all help relieve tension, distract yourself and put your thoughts in order. Ask your husband for a light massage or just spend time together.

Young mothers are struggling to keep breastfeeding. During this period, taking any drugs, even on a plant basis, is undesirable. But if you feel that you are living at the limit, then it is advisable to consult a specialist. A competent doctor will assess your emotional state and select the appropriate sedative.

Remember that many girls and women face problems in the early months of motherhood. Usually we are ashamed of our weakness and embarrassed to ask for help even from our relatives, but it is very difficult to cope with problems alone. Only a calm and happy mother can fully give affection and love to her baby.

A young mom-to-be, having seen enough photos of her friends on social networks, can imagine motherhood as a cloudless time, enjoying a baby's smile, feeding on a schedule and a lot of free time on maternity leave. However, reality does not always correspond to expectations: a baby while breastfeeding may be disturbed by gaziks, teeth, changes in the weather, and no one has canceled household chores.

There is no time to drink tea or do what you love, and while breastfeeding you have to deny yourself some of your favorite products. Reflection in the mirror is not always pleasing, there is not enough time for sports or going to beauty salons, hormones are "raging" ...

All these factors have a bad effect on the mood and well-being of a young mother. Tension builds up, and this leads to breakdowns on those closest to you and an increase in feelings of guilt later, which aggravates irritability. As a result, even more nerves, breakdowns, increased emotional excitability, and even despite a lack of sleep, problems with falling asleep. You can try to relieve your bad moods and anger yourself with some tricks.

Many women experience stress after giving birth.

Emergency measures to calm down when your mood is low

The following tips can help you calm down:

  • If a breakdown has already occurred and close people have fallen under the "distribution", it is important not to torment yourself with a sense of guilt, aggravating the situation. You need to apologize to your family and let it go.
  • Some women, while breastfeeding, note that their well-being can drop sharply during the flow of milk. In this case, it is enough to drink a little water or tea, it should help.
  • When passions overwhelm, it is better to say calmly about what you don't like. This can especially help with older children: “I am now very angry, perhaps I will start screaming. Better step back a minute, please. ”

What if you cannot cope with emotions on your own?

It also happens that a positive attitude and a promise to myself “I won't do this anymore” is completely lacking. Anti-stress coloring and meditation did not have time to exert their influence, and explosions of emotions spoil the life of oneself and those around. What to do right now to bring back calmness and relaxation?

It is not possible to go to a psychotherapist for a breastfeeding mother because of lack of time, and sometimes extra money. Spa treatments and massages may be contraindicated when breastfeeding.

In this case, you can resort to the help of sedatives.

Sedative drug Persen

When breastfeeding, sedatives (sedatives) can be used, but it is important that they are harmless to the baby and natural.

Natural plants and extracts such as mint, valerian, fennel are capable of gently soothing the nervous system. But you need to understand that alcoholic tinctures of even the most useful herbs and plants are completely unsuitable for breastfeeding, since there is a danger of harming the child.

In addition, there are extracts of medicinal plants in the form of tablets, such as "valerian" and motherwort. You can also find preparations containing not one, but several active substances at once for the purpose of an integrated approach.

Persen contains extracts of valerian, mint and lemon balm, which makes it a triple effective sedative. It is indicated for increased nervous excitability, irritability and insomnia. This medicine is a remedy for those who are prone to stress and mood swings. A natural remedy that can make life easier for nursing mothers during the period of adaptation to changes in life, and also helps to maintain good relationships in the family.

Is Persen safe during lactation?

According to the instructions, Persen can be taken by nursing mothers with caution and only if necessary. But it should be remembered that mint in large quantities suppresses lactation. In addition, contraindications to this remedy indicate intolerance to the main and auxiliary components of the drug, such as lactose, sucrose, fructose, etc. In addition, it is not recommended to drink it for people with certain diseases of the digestive system. Obviously, for the possibility of taking this drug with breastfeeding, there should be no contraindications for either the mother or the child.

It is better to consult a doctor before using medicines.

Overdose symptoms - feeling tired, weak, as well as trembling hands and dizziness. It should be remembered that the drug should be handled with caution, because if used incorrectly, it is likely to damage not only yourself, but also the baby: its excess is excreted in milk. The instructions indicate that it should not be used for more than one and a half to two months, but better - only when, indeed, there is a need.

In addition to taking sedatives, it is worth taking a comprehensive approach to maintaining a healthy nervous system so that there is no need to use it in the future.

What to do to maintain health and strengthen the nervous system?

  • It will not hurt to drink a course of good multivitamins and fish oil for nursing mothers. This will not quickly solve the problem of irritability and insomnia, but it will have a beneficial effect on health and energy levels in general.
  • Introduce bright vegetables, fruits, berries into your diet. Juicy colors cheer up, and they also contain vitamins necessary for health and antioxidants for youth and good mood. The main thing to remember is that raw vegetables can cause gas in a breastfed baby, and bright colors can cause allergies. Therefore, new products should be introduced little by little, no more than once every 3-4 days, observing the child's reaction.
  • Engage in your favorite hobby. Ask your husband to go for an hour with the children on a weekend, and at this time do not try to do a general cleaning, but calmly sit down and do embroidery, anti-stress coloring pages for adults, or just read a book while sitting on an armchair.

Perhaps the most important rule that helps in many cases is not to be shy about asking for help. Taking sedatives is not a shame! If you are feeling unwell, prone to irritability, or constantly worrying, share your feelings with your loved ones. Everyone will be better off if Mom drinks sedatives, but does not scream and swear.

As someone wise said: "If a woman is happy, then everyone else is happy: husband, children, neighbors, dog and even cockroaches."